The Sentinel, 1884-04-04, Page 45 Y_ h" -the 0. Inee of b - a -it 39 w je IV-ae" ZA"t C%n had,k'ept re rvf *toementr. 6f s Ore. Pas, Ing Ut, 0' one, bef sif h6uld an s.e. to the "' 'he, th over 't �k h in* t 11ZLY Of en Da f Vkv Uii4iT- -to V "0ASO 11O.IL h' e 6nd a EROTA -law .,et6 TT 10`VF a e d 17 1_*T1C 0. bh an errer -would. not hiive ex -chi6qiei is mvaA 0 e re 14 ,.preseA tiAg pai.. d mnder -611 � Id be"i on ii1it THE, NEWEST STYUSJUS T F1 V loss N y neyj o n '0, RAN D _AmOiati of- in d ot- state. what ^An 00 thi b� t reas rer w th therefore. it is. only 16ft- io quess work .6ttawi�_ap'e'cia dt he It' here to apply a- 66 item thi iii urvis says he put a Ic W aoIh b6en-~.,k y�iq firom- the, -1nion Ap ave 6in- d, d -a fril6iiffly &&t tA tho Council,' XoNr grantl'. a a arc M '�reci e the. me, lGov6ihim& -hizit'! -by his -ail, ay C re gain n diffi- matt -who -gaveanother, sue h bout it It -i's like: bmPany print i ult- b- Lii thio ry hifig: into - Y. the: 61AMpp8d, ing"him.,,t 8, door. --kickipg The:, k shew- h Sobject f the. v4ft'of M f essm, tep a. 411i U,- +hk h the. w­hu�d6w. Al i Oug F now.) arch- CIIEAP'CA-SH TOR- jimd'Ibriz kw:ate� to 00i"W!& al 'how moi4y -Luok 1884' days- Edito I do, noC -know 26thl a, WOU h I'd cqites. of the audit6rs" re.por. you D I -tho4ght that the ihave red*', ns- of f6 -tit the Oem6mcj :At the su P. --oppositioIL'. wh the. 4 e __th4,, dij�jite exceeds . - h&t� p -lofaking re ort er some. -an r -di -,.undf fil ask -for' an ex a, I d till and HY -'O� thin I.. M -O�T d �LOV _p soon, 66 fled I . g. in.. e ,further aidi thing'else. The other- daIIV- one man -WIjaiti 6'till Tit -it h, we t cOtnes-that we.- hgye ve,1'retatne'd b �'tIA6 e t e Oro nd eat adbourtits two Coll oW ihi ear, Ti iesent sessiow- � It -90 11�fir.red. hiW - to. Mr Tunis, -0 he, e s nr �.reat has b en t, ie nii iiaafiakevp , or ne 6atter r. Edito o. thifig' is he-afflairsof-i Qjinadu. Facm at rt al 0 zh..M. ce ain u urvis- =4� 'say papy at :'the, 'Ve May. qM vex and d, n th 'rel' hat - e gone tone D_ alf milli OUS g t.e- bV te hr h;d mpresgon..--on the Cr 0. 'A ha hei _ting4F-,,,t 8, !ry .. ing connected ic.�fthld thdt,-eve th, -th -fi iveli hat rti01 relief; -That Ila-aceA: -ewn 4 ..the... T ship. ronj _U0V E LF w all.w look tmn-fy�na III g6lie.- IU Vge %u� eVil day and tae T, ere he i�.ople.; on heir- money is f t companj is �d- �a 4 .: P h --a statt�inertt that t he 'railw& y- bbin*& used "And.. intereAs" u �-v�r. AS: us'.atilthe iho IQ._ CHARGE, Or'- -onm' Bit a0 h IT ati- i em in: t e' -Wits. CRED h arloco Aiid br . I* -a state(I Vrord or a w- rong, nap�e, they, im'iodiat iO. aik'for di- e: ink or .. -t it: as a bolish procep. Ing look upbi _4 '59000,000. � I j, - f, a maw to's ew,'eff­ his:: bilft** An, ied to Vila r ies. -reson. G60ernin t -M the puhfil press on: th6, 3�1'a" rn 1ey, owing&, to rn eir Editor. i 'cl 'rt this:c6r- canno id t.9- 6 .,n 'GoVernm 116ga L h ing -my pa o urvii TIN P ishes to. T. 't at raise upia stodk - V. 'br4ig o a com- mission examin maim - to e he ery it tire #rawn o ar they,,. are titled *nd ey 'A' d'' _.. : T s r1i hodks if. th 0 or WQ11 f peri6 ed' ea d - .110 at ., Ahe 0'rl"ra xonotKin.lbigs cent.loato 0 uither engxne��s- tstimate&`ca had xp I wiu,pay, the eases ot.the 'Com, ld� some� time. mi�sion- iu- rs -is no- loss and...if the, mi ion cau-n6t', -be 7's aITtbei n given t Mr '­Ptirvis. should -pay 'the i. WAG 4 1 KI Coln0nY- ask Gov me Spler, eir' `hive Th - in yo bok." �,`Mr.Editror tho.vace shill Waive th rat .-9 M0 lien, u ithe -m -your p 6 - . given me you rpa:&,and al-low:,the $,22 to XTOX .:re n a', [01 10b PA ru y is am rurs. t 1- ec .-An t al--:. J -he" erv' ti en tlik�, 'Uns tired. T int ie*�"be Ta.�i . Ac Syndicau :t IN ETE 'SirJoha- over ti& i"tter Is t STOCK IS OW -VOKILl LMERY DEPART. �r *th tbe.ljat min velties. for the Spring,Tmde. 'Fre.* 'criip mid DAN THOMPSON-begi, leave t' eiiCWo liave been: a The Ki ois* otiveb m %d Inhabi 'k- -Tiemier aoi- very -angry, and dd ho. thaifi the taki 4 LUC - attern. Notice 1 in oth Color and F some ur _e ..g eL S. -are e g r -a full range- in them ouldo nthi' d8sj_ now di -country forlhe i�oi 71, X, inl and-. fsj rrouliql4p -and �v Dry-6�oodsiawv sh whi e be�il* 'a lbeift-- almo' hit. Ow st raM ronage' bes6 ed "on Min yvere,-ekamiued'on -Fiidayt --)tb 28th diiriOg -the *fforts to coml 'Witli a last two and wishbo -tithio!oti6,.kri%ititn'artgp-,c)kraph*-.--' CK AND .4 '10110 IAS I aUg A RED:C HME" ion,, -his e s 'folloiring- -re- nua i e�of*_ j1d stow r 'and t Ile r- and: dicUt' with the. a tonti' e cu -PLALN AND FANCY IRESS GOOLIN, 'ber-tf mark 'itain- aare -h* �'of the ne-ty, a he -is. in* a I -,]I* th ibe�rs -of G 7 a e 4thfaroem. ov- suits. ho-unum r �n as ve able iii �:the 3 d 4thlorms -%v 400 --1 G Supp lernment- are N611i th" t'- 0- 'bptter'bes-ftion than ever t IY�t6 MANTLE AND DRE 49 d KS _50.- __0 -public. ways. on au WH TE.4" millk,0111stshall be­givev� imd' -i ho end. andi thO in t e* 1 sit an�d 2nd ants U_ Ile al- h b� he syna* I d-- &-k- of -REAM ]BLACK Lk(,E I pit6bablyi ret 339;' -A$S —Win. MDoual&_ TH L th ":k ey� Donal IVf itall ENTS GIMP'T I3MINGS, ORNAU do style& ly 994 nd thein ofth farfained.. -Uix Jus. on, He*i1lals mi, n Hurh-3TcXay 273 G eo.- A A096n, FIU tOTC DIAMB14D NARB LCAT Andorsoni... 2b.8,; J Im" 273; Magee D�ways hag., on hand and. -are 9915� Print hn-rea very. assoqr we moot of C tt -Miithies�ii -209 - G411 a'936- A . e very, bbst aiateria Farw Vilea f Depix& aiJ Shiftiltl ql nn M this. we jmma.�Ro. 201' li I 'Im - - Avtor* the pa Jit -e and G t t& Files of Ducksnd Coawiade& ties W any in line, �will Piies f rey Cot. ons r Is o well to In ml DEAR reply to Vi -Jux. $,thi —Matthew- ma pi1ces J -si -McAlligier 233- e re,,pur a4ak. olsowhere. lart .,.of es b Particu- *ahizij D 0 TU41 _ftt�r . . r . . 93F"Our Gents' T MI. s rt, "Ucti _q pr d. Phillips' 229- lar atten W di.. Caps, White lid epartment e with Neiv� -Stewart, 230 J ane 'd to Piet Orste Fantings, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds' Hats 1,�hi& is, unal for� SbAii% ,a. -NORSE ANGUNCl Colored u n an §hilUt 0611a* C fis- lAwn L! en d' ilk Handk wrohiefs Boots i A oiii abodt. n-ded Oide, 4,:treak iAnder-son, 194-- Albert flati e6t c6 n o Rh -668, a t.-varie Groc�ori eap Ora A the m 2w tin ti 6 -ns in 6s.frpsh andh "Col inteffering- grer ast he fo, 3- An -a- c' Ph -a;0 iorr buiiiiess good. -316xay 17 e .167;' - By strict ont", 9u es Hendbir- workm WN is, to to 39a 140, but good _1V;iimeA bs Jes ba IV Xexrzio�. lather It T -Rowe, 1 65 X anship and -1 *ng _'-.,jothixig tat he eterm, nkl i pull, yerson. arX ini -do Billing retiIin TRY 80 E.0F R HYSON TEA 41 190; -thej 't -ten -fish- y a rQ4p kiidl e ded -to me. to: e maIiate -from FART1 -:911M;L"Kitt Q911an,-. fit igp �x y 19 an D.EFY COMPETITION.1C3 if It Kennkh. Gollah 175 - Adam MoQueb mptidb I a. 10tat late'i at efing Sinithsofi- 174'; has 1775 Earnest C WAT _rw all, M _;-, - ADAM THONPSQWv� c ay; -.173:- Allen'RoComiell 170 - ­ : - - . . tredt opposite the an at. Is h� If-- I had not:` ampeB k oWm-Gollo, 146.;. Id &­,Row'e�'1,26' -WOU ay 15th thb L Its, intere i eference to, the- -pe o-pleos __h MI�At Leebutn- o March 21it a n. e. -the;: of R Mxhj of a -00. of the r 6on.; ry - , . , , I . . & ry 4 th wife OOK.. Is they saids.': est elale Pftrvia,_� id M licitors ror Patenta ttle "t as . q h gotod, ii aati�i -he ever- W c ean -�L.o' Son ay2 arch-, _%-Cavdatis Trade jim For the united statex,- da. wo w DOe. Getul4DY, IBM- HAnd ook aboot jearal.expen . e. in is ru Colo 10I, Of i-. daughter.' obtained -through N & Co. are noticad Acine.; and he ji6, sho hi 30th the ife -of Mae-Crimmon,1. Ato the sent free. 'Thirty people Up"ip Aa - : MATC!" tile lArgest, bestj And letwulate itsthink� �,Iqhdid enaraving an Interesting in' Editor if d wieniWe gler.., $L201L year xw'the RIF, Pecimen.copy- of e padipaitificAii, ala"rmed at isl orw.- 'the 11UNN Co... se dl A.'L'. Addre LTON.— -i L&ziBA—A offick non= takezL O� A. re newto Marb.h -by th6 R�ev;.0 Ramilthii - of N 2 ��_dway, New York. urris says n Geo 6: -Glazier;.4- rg aa -mirk'-Wh' t E -Ashf I tti �Miq .10 ill 1� W�'hich mei". h f aughtbewof.'Mr. �DaUiel. 10 iree county M bletidid, STOVE M part. of. - D OF 0( at TIRE DqJ*vN10x. LICE" T TO 0-11 oulit. - -it does A66 MF64d IRAC VES f wilhi4t..on fiiA sy"25th ate -had hequ��* l9in'. - AD or f4i t hb' irt�)e c A I U 'ding. of B24t6e- �West RJ must be.men, -W to&e do xi the Tie"uret *hie appear 9, inspeotor, Lucktiow. :'ou r h- receiptil. rhe or e re- UOCQRV be Mth A fori undia the M. Aul Itors, eVO, should e (noo bet' hav read J. 'leasure mi- informing the ciftizens of Luck.., d zu d' zmnt2 pet p P;Rce (if the WILL CURE OR RELIEVE H Aihder FPENDZ- rrotn ing urvis f0i'merly occupied by Ji6mo; TART Ann& -.---JL _66'.underrgneid fdr.thi*, DIZZIRESS, D BY that he has opbned,out +,heshqp R8 WLL. !BE AEO.Eivir, buildinj of a EA91A �D$QPSY shed-,. st 'the � gtiiiith� rtw, at Man weU' -Kinlow-. Presbyt OYSP opposite aware; wh :, t6 'UThitely House., and Ch4ivh -up till - Fnd in prepared to IselL 9 xtiunlo lie see jA UNDIOU .3 a W1 OF- JrHE- HE Afir. so -A- XICFW�WOX- 2!kd -Con. FRY81064 Ambiry oF AND Wo 0 Xi ing'; e ts 'Coat 0if and JAmp Goo ME 8rOMACH Also Farnil An Unprotee URAfj YIN, Is �ne that itch 0, Yi not - hat,,4yQuable reine& HEADamE,'. h il 0, the cheqUft Air, aft-YNE849 to T_ X. iihhi 'Trrrve�"i%z-ujr6vr- - OF j6jd,� y4,11ow Oil' -in rom -arl -fl, a f1k ST^ me, at bottoM p1joe& F fVetro ghjni:,an& nts ip, t 6 u epairiz� KIDNE1 laccou I rt x And liverY sgiftliisef di And everything.-. in hi erp NI'Mawaemd OVIE 0' t more throut dishums r -411 itiken fitm 4 - 7% 186,57- M, 11L "Le OR Prompt Atended to. An iL aw_'34 ,jai prop,14etcyiiiott Ulm jas- 08 - I . ouf Al AINI) AIRY dehout.* r4tit-W Und, t I BU L RN 'T PA11\ _D SPEC AL t�rOTI -0 ro ca d I �EE 0