The Sentinel, 1884-03-21, Page 577— k" ...... ...... ...... P 4 a full. W is 40 'j. I . k . 11 . I . k :PI AVING- 'D'd`,-W rice&! 0 A ` ' ; 0- t compe 0 0 T WESTWER11 IR CIR I-s- GREA SALIE OF ��vl ITS a I gi 'Et C TIT t e i 'int 931Y. all d pal 'd T C�� t muc. h 05�1 Y Ube cbea In so 7 4 A it W011 saks ncill, M You ­-VoW IwTlEiTIME TO TUUN-1811 R 1roUBF-7 a, S ar than �iustan Aia- The -'subieriber.-here. y aou& iqi We T 6 lh6 ar 16 -VII gj,4 p Ai he, is I od he w"oro My. !lot h ub ic in gen that e P-ro6d se 0 M_ y 0'execute fill wor -in. i& linb su-- :A Arai J -k 'h'i perior -0. l(Its, 9" lease rill be given to iqk- ...-4 PS n EtD, x t c q &.re uOt 3wi - par ies in boqir3,.� d bought- qmt a full iuestAd -0 all t ware reota. ani BVILDIMI Or ALL. debte4 by note or 4 .,'Polint are re st -nd ,*Y� or, arlm��. ont. Ife srs., 4imi,- of. f uru4ure, tr Lce wi-4 thi 'Co Apri I - it' finiShed tb!e', atest on 6r b4pre. -M dr OEYL contractedt6r -a 'here,, at' '1&%;,tbp6n save cos era rj Y, Qa' -nianner s'fid-w, iiia ta whO14688le reat A i1th g sat C. la: of: S 7* Jft . . . . . . yearq aM bx�ng. no hi& freight Vi POTo. 'a keep onfiand rge stock eagon- �ny v1io jeaVislip u-preasonable duct Of Tog Xcou utg W%paid A-11 ''Con Pe S "ne to -preinkred W sell thk-s'Ame at Th& lumbeh kibds of ,W ed op, v dj I 6force'sh'" after. every of. "GO114 At 0 - A!' and then run r j -All �U DOORS S A 811 -BLINDS adopt this.poursee. -D- flys 1)U T. er Initled U_ lider-r-1 on ade to oide!r �hoft �4bd. f6- hd6bted t6ith.0, x-P.NVINE partibs PBE Lk ot, to t)e .11 b&nd or t ar L This, k no c requc -FF y -anvone gu` A -Nor c". as antee g zst" b -noticee- - oo. i - - d- ett -in& Q,&Qj* 'all -S I'A. eir iWco 6-a tee.ex R % -ally. ate eve'by, J at onc_ IZIL t - and w (ijaf _aQ yiices 9 - :)rkmerx �best of' ,,y'_'kee� none. --b he. ID msde arrAngeriewta wk S.t 'STEINA-11711w PTO in Any qu-. Paiti wh arm rdso f Alma ch 22nd, 1880 have* f- - t -be cek.btatod Lucknow, e Ir ilts trin llseftl -h -to Win( -rilis took the 6.6d 'Will, .0 a.Be to'coulltyp -.81) W fair:over V C n it theY. =-e 1'--O;�ht -here I a M of the 'coullu011 'ER -aff er t6m eihenv -w- any %,180 Wire mat- :;ifk be �er ce a A ekealer thait they LEX.�-*-ROSI- 11 iu� MY -e 'faek, ev ivthiug Ill rs 6i til�suriptin ss fa t&yl QI)I)Oslte qeui eumat tbe ures Rh Gout, Ge I Deb,1114, -Catikrrh, Aud all. ners from'--tb uriching. -1 the blood-poisOul :-disordrs caused by.*a-tliin.,P6]id"mP�v'iDr!sUed, Wig K .JNSo - eorrupted, caditioil and'" ifts v 1. A blood, rest and re�iewing -ing power. �jz alve �iiallelkd usefulw uring a lbng peri d of 111 r euvs L 'its mven 11OW Th6 sal ve in the world 0 iiess diseases'. )u 16,thP,.cyre, of,' Hilf to tter enapped hanifi per&et a4p�ati nf OIn the CitizenS Uc If -anda weake i ad vita tY. all sli-in erlap�,joijs. &r1glilating in po )r blood e ng Couiitr� h4v bat It I& a hi -auFrinil�q i ilesj , A*11"nogufrated extrUct of cures Or' 110 FIAY y a -o, her blood-purAyt and tUlr(. iodide oUPd).as$1UB�" �nd_bloo ood tUo For'sa-le- 4peolloili, Kte e ow PAce 2' teal .16 0.411 b _'H0 -a I it -is _U9,r !b 4 NO Park1la �0 E 01 1�tiii)n; or money refund-- 1[ro an I sAfes UACHER _L-A ,intei�d- to P U T 5 e1its �0-box- P , , - i rug -c . : . I - V, . . . . _. - - -G,. W. Berry,- Luckno Ure tock.4 Ha d C 11 keep- d -d his alre't jth,6UMfttj8M Will.so dStand. -wi to a. ed.. larg: herejen a�ing b 'BiAlders,.- aurtliie of AYkit's SAR APARIIjLX� Y ased r. ch'i have 0 fUr31j ever S . Tnflin, gj6iy 11, eumatisin, pr�p.. yf 'on hall es a at� all tim en E. tj si-:!Ccehts1 r M irs W, Durlia I sutrered fol la4l arch 2, 1882. 00 FRIESK M EAT9 d all 41so in or dresseNTI IOUP e Pl- 1-trie -seveiid-refiledieS rt d s ---Of the a by the* -use r� icet en- -con k6 -on Short -was et b� SAJtSAPARILLA, Titte broa'd %Nitliout inuck-if: any relief, until I tbok At M eat Delivere Pa mc I help:irou V KIN 1ad an attack 6f Rheumn EjjjltL YL'ears ago. �omthebedi- Of. t,%Vd, bottles of I have: D 1W Li)letely cured I a in spce.,2 ave sold T Y At G' trOubled,*itjj tj e 11beumatis �_of $our SAT -call. re qual a Its-,% :8APA-jzjj1A, nd -it. -ALL. I ititieE HARDWAIR10, ularit,3, 9HISHES, 4 0 KIN retain tWe N Dlidirful pop 'on- vanizbd 77� jas eMdted Ili tlii9*C1ehlIty C ghi mps Eav&rQu USO�_g4t C�r�jjg z or S-� Ll Tin inc, t n 'for 'he"beit blood niedicilie ever Pul ce, me that it is t F -11A JAM rns, an In fed to the�pjiblic­ i�, .9 ­. - -in- Ti -or- GaIvanued ran- Water Me Itiver St.. 13:w aIn gelaern de - are -require Last sowas, t 6 d Line Vol id IiOt walk without 461 bility t 'use 101A t el a v ofriend, I -it tO 300 'fA. and befbrj& I had 'I WWAUP. 6nding t&Uild this eason will �t three bottles I'felt 4s Well- as I -ever did. Stock bef4 �j t*o -,�, m6niUs and d for any c. h their I have been 4�.,work now 14 r -the 4 love. rewar 7e.will pal 'see my e pure asing �epsiai Sick -H $ArAR PY81 11A: ILIA- the. gieatest MoOd eAd think your' Tile' blood- is the fo h 'ARD." medicine i woF-Cot4ivenem �acann re, in world. 11, Cofistipatio o. * . i. e. 1ndigestiQi t rk, July 19,18 ablip Liver T 'tculateg _glo Wei t Cl 1 ;92 reit's, Veget N: 2 T t 42d t. NeW TO O� ell itt' N. NWT e stlid -obihplkd. ity ly Vegetabk t h: eve 't of the bo'd cures S rofuls Us when t&directionsax ac Pal y s Chea 6.;ip and- -at-- 8� th' aja4 nevek h y are pure �rge aiid well ftilouji Coiap Bolls,: o gi e Uppaii t! 16n ith, neatness' 'd 101 Scro t v, snelsfaction g e w re and rk-h,. ha; usual. ah iLngwwrniv. zeMAP 14 ap 0' 3 e C e est,' S�eci4 if -)Xes. eautq6iai�g �1 pills,23 �Ut For* salt E' ofthe Ifi. It -clears th .4 *nd:i ragi jiljors, an irjt�tfonpl ld* entered - the on @iiare of oaf stj , Stimw M -fill 3- blood of 614 Joe, despatChl restores onl sur�� nd nd 83, ates the Rotion of st d; 'hay.6 a -�a �'ge AS900ment of.. TOHN W_ jjyj%tenjL - * dr-bg, ron u. G. W.* Berry,. -Stove E aist Q _y vit QRS - I out, is to a ity ind mg -0 t VU C kun D- 13T W Thes CL y ich -the , od. blo, or _D -woo- 00 an, Bo' 5 Is.. are Well toill "Masi -rj 0 k r p 61 t bottles, all D3 U ed. bighest r MId by eril-ence in this -1-hie ow P ice HQ'V'jj* -'-bd.a loi4g ex ------------------ op_� :h sold %t:L LXCES. 1,10rities. agred. th�L. Thich will p -be I.. think supply the wa,4 p e a$ rL RV of usine s) 4 iron est t ftott on&- ALL -and Wtur�l C " i . -.quf�k to 1'54 mprofi�s' 6 eral Tat.' ag�, ron r �n While iTetumipg' positioT d trio Bi , thWes to the -IV! r C ncere ftiture ope" or. . �h b f contbi hes hit erto in d ORIL S. E ENC. C'wlse .80 tkSH09 ST_ L TF it kAt M E 14Tj�-: 447�. j.n urioul k Xn ex our.gtod ..Q aniin it:gUaTa T I-XTENDITU. RE$. A.$D 13uAIN TitHAT RECEIPTS. D. ntek sileci c voliff enr! N'llite prev. auffit. izziness, -Nervous - cau ed igia,* fteadache', Fits quickly. - :- foT, BS Sergi h the: bl00(-1 S late w1u o H EL'_ ien. OTS 1 ()bAeC(j'L yincr ��ad str.. on 0-( h' Irt, is,� outs awl eas(_b, 'eutal Depresib S�OeAing of -the 1077-0� ive, L T 1882. es' ting ill . . 6 Vj m or balane. from .3 Is re- e U war, in -eitli.6, 'Receiv A in col, 33 5 '33 .'54, cif Pa .. I - . I disp Barren- fro 95,430" 41 Iny te&' _', u ' ' . r, o�tinable. ecay - - �hi& we. i0i Dse of tit As � 316 fl, L: _th�- black Q11. consistijut'w: th fair dealili�� - P, and �6a 4' d li �r. as -lot cents on thO 01 us to PAY." cause '0 d by over- w'll -110-t toss -of Po r sex, Ifivoluntary .19 mil iniprovemeiit f nd.,. 6-r conSt* 116 500-00 sses,and §pern�&torrhce e er try e'xrrtj6u of -th e''BrAint tielf.ibuft r over- in- Bills re�eivqbl to try O'U 6 store .,We iiivlte ioli ancl. .3� 1) 6x will ure - eeent 6mmissionerv. qmge 0 prices nd- Ou -will be. Con.- dii1ge bei Qn0 45 our goods a Y. t'**'L -pous I q a. one rrionth!& trespoeut.. ach box: con aiii -Und'". . ere. 0111g. o eserVe -dol CiergY 71 345' 04 re t itL wisdom in� 8. rinced that fiv�p a ljjje+ apportionment. 5�#�u- -Oct.: PC'M One dollar a bot: 4 0 o t�.We U.t by in ail PiOPt OU eipt (if price. B. und o please' been og With 412 ;73 412 73 is very, rell't, 0ye U s, takes. e PoakttLall' p�rdofjn" usirantee C T at, ive 4se th o.. reas. non re . 19 00.. 9. 00, order eiv us, for d,' jiterest 4�cr d a ue lid the z� ndefinstip'llIDn"n on depoii l.tatel ti -.at I coulij �t et�i4 jui) thin -r torapanie Oil W mich. in. f�q4ife had. slzno.sr� stc MY pure, er our Tot�Ll r�cel N tjL WF 'r -31 st Dee.,. Cad duced. to giva 706dey,- if the tre s -to Vt OA]Lrr by J I B Mhoos PENLD' 'tors'. -04 14 285 9 ecolli(va burden, r-nd %,hen hope)=t ML VTTY Kin 6. top nas ars t .176 44. erryidrunis ince S jilosest T roja By- chaviti 4 in six yc Hast, 0 -W c�artain' J4 e ren' the.-4losest gy Cnn:v 68 �IL08 30 �.- 1 ; 61-0'00 98 30 S. L, 110ORZ -buy at �e"�'are� ffering W* 5 33, 6711 69 Sold. �Iofft iul era, _tlj 'galarV4._. 757 36� 954 :67 20 94 10 .189 00 S6 2� 3400 D43 T-10 200- 49 00 y GOOD jj ffeotually Cures d WEIS Gn.,ftntl weak- N A- 0 H. s unty rate P t. d 65 1)eP ia .95 -78 -20 25 4.1 58 TS MAI t1lop"re-q" . -, . ! . - n ing an 1; _w�id - * - T( 61 51 ness, R 20 enses b�nefit -tl of t ie.� _.Electioxi- eq '70 Wiiho call the sttentiort . -test: to. 45 95- jno� frj3M �SUC.j, T S. refunded 7.00 jiepb .,uffer. 7 00 216 1 Ie Cy ublicAo. his P Law idu -orrig ages a 916,15 se, L 4 -Pe t 4i �ax ten' ces. dlysnepsli - -:7 complaint .3. 513 91 29 E jjj .7 oang ULET -00 AND--: CO 91 159.M ITOC reitibn etc , -9 NO Mo ey o. 6beintures an coupon d 24; es 3' t aw 0 0-T S- "AND SHOE -B. in trft$ory� 310 DOC E t ange nab], Are., Vreaso 3t 31=trc- 0 Rea !atO' '1883,1 ry �kg nee ala in treasu ayjoei�%; rates. dn tems _31st Dee, T-61tAll expenffituie 0 Ui A. -e Epbtadigg. a nuinb r xes on non - ea. -2 61" 4 9j ro1L S.' which kri 6-e*-* t, -'Xasetsi6­T8 ,.."Orrower. -39' $ RA FORIUL-t BY L L I OT in treaspry 103' stomer would fe Amou axt - tc 0 Ring countrYt U C.IoTow vol P st ot ut due fr6m R;ZtOr ook for.. cluesti. 31U.Ters Mg T RT $1366- 8.* t1i16 finer� aood' C %0_T iailitks!none give :ine. "a tAll do G L US 11 juty on brifig oil AT. aa�L -;of Kidney or DILA t -A TT - , Fw S erv. 'E_BY -C :uver ComPlailit., that ELlect;riC _B'tterg W! i urchasiner -D EATIFY. it ay the ands 6A ALL y danufAt, as thQux imq ore P els6wh rut cure? R THE -or c 0 1p u c re t 'Cori will IVA AN Ana Cured abd wh eases, already, per TC. 18 Astract. 16 0 cce nts ve if, w ifor th KS A abo e recq1ruen ing re -'are daily di gleetric Bi 'W,akL 00 'Year L liabi as ewe, Dia;li jo WOOK Brightla - Dis test r Pri Vt 'cqM. W I Ly; R1 A tPECIAVY statemeut,,Q sets luro Icit AVDITOR& any Unna) -�pa� ry, COMP a rint -d he -bowels, A. .1 ify the blood, regulat6 t on JAJI�i _OW very orhey pur ALEX. ARL Ana t directly on the- dise ed pirti, -E Ct a for GoQd A -For sle-st 59 Be P. parautee rry, Dru .9918 G t L:uckuow r r &ED P not;fi,,r8& ei 1. p i , n nd co� PAY AM 01