The Sentinel, 1884-03-14, Page 5fi; 4 'k a A- f7N r 2 --VMTK:RN GRFAT %A1 MAN I SA16, 1 T _tl� R*' -00 M *V t'V, Ss?rkrz Tvvve wo ink UN4, J:.- vaer wi: _7,!, r r.eb-y notifibs.- theL T . !;� ar-pet.: pm ic in ge V - neral thi4 he taly lit hwa Suck C_ - BR nke -c I"It, subgcrite� he et d , 407"�. Wo UL .................... �"; U - execub�- all rk his: a- SU_ r i". .1T 1 QNTFA fi- e. e� perior s Ali -1B E HIS, LY R9. D U CIED P R1 C. FOU0111E. GRE" U �-COST ARIL WE P-O'n"t -vitd,bovm4t -�eix ir. ft, 11 OUV.112AT --twi W11,10 snow T ui A s es ec., :st- ._Zio. j 4'eOntracted f6i and J#est -all e4 LER. J ek If f t -I- lifth mn '15coir Me -ALL Z VMS tVILDUM. OF k 'N +4 0.- leim ktn "W*41teal t Lr UU. Y rea at sati fa av n or, -a c, my. . ang_.. . 0'�i Ir1CV kt. anne andwithgr6i C 1-�ep 9n hand --z I 19�"Stoa of *Asona- Y t h n S DUI 001. to ca er, aiid 'All kin4is of Se Ae n ed I -umb z 4 'SH AND- B, NDS.� i "T -riiuk�� Tra A P. th th b A. d all short J- 7 1 parauttei good.wo er J ette�UPW-el o6t tki be,- qer-. d* px te -tc- This i�--it-;tatclp fl hi -d t a aes d 0; PBE,�"."" L Uju Qn"b d or ��do to or er d �Ign q��est n tice. V t?MeeIrlid quality -of trt;Oe. -4- and iiiateriaL at oW e -kr alitr- ma a=,%,hgements whereb:,%# ]r; a a a ork a P1,11 ind set'. e t. _,1r.,1*.t.cc Wty -guo-alitee eve keep none .-but the, best. of me 0 ry JOHN. ---------- ,Mu iiier,. _y rut-ol T STEWAR."r Thds-e -0artlirte0S ho, �l Isis ofa+ t", a. lot of the celub, 31arcli -22nd- '1882: 4-cCoU A j have -he sole tt t, Xvi, e- la-jm ig- edr,4 Aud A -tc 1.6 tb r low Ap". ` Re g �' 0. g. took tli.eI Ug - o. d ill ease,. r 4=M Th Vnir� . . . T+T%1D - 1 b I '64an- --at the, pruvi ciiLfair'�,o W1 v 0 NV 4. n �er all* 7 7 7 it -111 t Mow aa­!�Y 4 -the enz_mon tie trat e.: Al�o. -mrore 11 wire, 1.1 it. cheaper tlh&v� tlh-eygati -be LE 'ROSS P tion rl L e�zeryt ,I'll MV n-_ smako atkroi0tig the f wotiry pispsite, arnes ores Rhentnatisrai,"weunilkla, Rlievulatile Debirity, Catitrrh, and.. all eral, pt, Gen STO N. t4lsorders caused j)y .k �hip.-And imp)verisli6d- t dition of the blood- expeiling. Corrupted, coh- ol-pdisons from -the system einkiehip.9 Y 0*- 13 h, 1831. #ndlienewi its ng &e �Iood, dud restorii t -Salve. ig pbwer. rane, 4 useful.; j�raAj 164 Pe _of up ,,I P A -SAPAP has iroven sapt �j for s of TAIC DOW, an 4- ss�-- atlon to"- the I wrz�h. AVEWS 8 U 1LLA th citi�' eyfect ad 1, diseases� we t ake olvital alld ll oruptio 9, --rM or blo6d aild a' iiating, in po th at. neent3Cated extract highly co of Sarsa-' gurr 0.11 -v cures no pay f I Ig TO ts, ed, -;oUrills, and other bloo d rX Y11 -0 t -glyarant t 0 give. OT)eneu -10dide, -of Potssium and - TOM Ine W1 Or Ift"A-ey 1ke ii,and is the saf 0 P 6X a el ood ier and blad-food'that -per b For s -purif 6an be sed 0s, Berr), st, ueknlo Tuflamrn:ito rheumatisio. ured* ry J�Wll keep kPAnirr.,.t has.vured.me- O In, JR; Q Gre s L.AWFI"E. -ha I-Xifshad bythe'Cars" iiuffer"kl. for at Itune. of Sohn- Tor0jr1to. ha(I I- J_)urhain, Ia. AUT& 1�92.. .�Stookof"H are is noNy e ol aTq,, H.: MEAT._ ij�'& of Rhenina- T. R.. Exr� tAU. KINDS e rg F, RES train ght e -no se� 1 cov-14 not move, f j Din the bed ytjilntY5� req e(j_- to jurni§h -ever d by BuildeA, hini uire, prppaz A AI r�niedles ress-,,without help. I.triedseive.r, to L11 P� -9 .0 h f At %vitlibut niucluif kily rylie-f until I took AVE1013 eat _-DeliVer. w M, of WAIARILLA, by the use of bottles -curt. npletely dur not. een, 6 h -te.�f.Nbzi ice, a Ve qX LA, wid, imitlilep of your SARSAPARI L. A ay. veriwhere. r The wany Ve InE Ca L, it IN ret s wonderful ularl Gi d Yellow h notable -curet it. has eMeted. it this.,% s th e- )Wse vine -.-me t4at it is-the�bjest lo o dicinle eVer reli�ble h," ge, n Sh tire. which I was bol 1 h'+'. .13 i;difltieS j,,int H. 0. sold Villa' troubled with- the Rheum,, ichilty coal -- _e nse JAME LINDSAY offered t6tl 8t., Bue -,Nlay 13, �-2. ipcknow. Sept; -XINDS OF U- lableness and soreness of jjivf_�r _k�aiid,.' las WHIMS, - ND ALL HAROWAR. -A� L. fi dru—grist -was. 0 N� eak fL om g eneral e--' 1, Ta -qt s f yetr�u %t ator, bility that, I could not Valk without: help. le or Galvan�zed Iron,. Cistern Pil rood It comme need Al' ad -vice of a friend I so lowfilgtl�e _gU -G "Water- Liin6' f6 -,-Qi&ve s -before I -had used. fUld it and in f a im v er-Y -well AS I ever in Tin bi alvanize& Irdp, didjun �e bottles I felt s A i1ire i-11 liky-the -h re*srd ft�r'an Double Senef for. -two, Th -03 0 �i y case od d, in t4e a, my st I,- lia-ve- been at kork Dow We h� ore A'136ttOni require BuildingUne, 1-1 Af stre Coniplaini-i ick ---Head' t' ient 6f the gre test NO 'prounuen . reg t1fink �our' SARSAIPARILLX JAMES +;on.. ons atioll or. Osti 7, me di -tilt, W S tMre dicine in thi� ot1d. che, g�_stion,_, -.4ons ri e thathe d Inself Of 2, s ege b e. Li seasbn- �Vill -find it- to qtage to Cal, t thi West 42d.St. New 1 .1y 14,188 �O; Jii we..dali t V er. ikdi 9�to at y r 4 ar 0 c1lFr _e;i ation by ne bottle ir Parties inte ARIJA-V Cure qetibleand. alid see ray 00k befdr chEL nd liotiles'" s -Se Pi Is, 3Le ec 0 ock Blooit' tittera _SAUSAP of!i1ar and Al ti i4�vvifewhahadbeea. L g. eir supp ies.. 4Th e-pur sin th oilcilouo Colda uts, IErystpe asig ey ji, all, Ser eh6s, Sores Piai iitWactioil A� f rom e 0 t ngworm, Blot 9.5 ce3i 'F, r4t:ae r,-ictkmmv.nds it' -to all. s ftf f eriu�­ trom -us of the'Skin. -it 61GIUS BOX-es."G, 6ining 3-.)v AR E. 'and ]Eriip INW e erfeita nd e e of count V B es, al ge faii,--�tilli ettioddof allljn�uritl -at The zelill AXTV, I will sle. Chear ag - d`hd t us ,restori�s on -of the bowels t6d.' ock �which lates the acti v.T0,'HN 0 WEST (i 83 K ssor _--st 0 - . SU ru Y: clwell: b __U e T(ironto_. 'G - vitality -and strenattefis the- w1w1e -TWFARIM p4la'It -ne -th - neatu -NOTICE Reva ing do ihing y. the Ch est. Ea)retr6u PREPA-DED- BY. Lu bk4 ow. 64P I -mass.. pa 'E 0N., -811 ORT XOTI _D CHI' �yer. & LM6 and des to by all Drugg!Sts;. priet-41, si a, ent"6f, 4ne As ortin -In StO%70S -a indg ot grain critshin- f,)r cattli 4 X juoves BRAI Parl is. now prepa 43riL-XiA44,r'th�ir giists' to bi or nd RY d 111Z11 CAU it houg� ivith �h�M the jsame ay , in --in this ne 4 had a long experillur! P Which will bf TjoW Price at0)� 0-0 I think -1 call suPP a-Ats b WIT t fear of 11id public ly thew W Of W D110 tto.. 0 quick ri OEST -RE t* ma; T rng is POSI I U... .1 1 - , 8 11 0-tu -A,SH _y T onag� iincerb thanks ic o public r their M -al: Patr PT -ret r�=ine oiirttock While' -TGTO LET _And ,ex an o the swi n future. e i T th 9-t h f9,r A:Con- 11111 QQP� e ce ific. for. H ru MpW.Tj� a guaranteed, ec yszorlas VU114, - ip ill 01c., 11ha ra )1)04t er es �bellftreet, ffardy. -s ar Mir; 3 DizzG TH. -E 9 L rost J. -Fijs Nor O� OSI to let at7i% inoderitte rbntal,_ aDd.ui -acco WAlc.&i1nP*8 -t e. use oil 1k be fitted, ap fa ,ruit. oceupants. F6r- farth4r' ..by h k� -. P te ntal'Depie td se", sdle-v LU XN OW as NERS. A". whieb Nve will--'&�Osv F tui6 old iw k ­and deshi, re oto:pay.190 C b, 00niiijit n ivj�h fair -dE rV-. _E P -PT e t Ulpss� Of Piowerin t6r �,rx, ln�­Iuh�ift entsi- oll thv'Lb use. -or. over . In n in twy our fie, Brad RARNESS' D ther"try e iiorti& of t epee.. 0 boic _atiiri� tit 6j - cure reuent Oases..: duig trt i�e j, Each Lbox contains -atment.. h' go 9. of Onej bo five dollara;' W 64E�it by I] �receip�d price -4 C�_ Sol T. T-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . I -but 0 iedl prepaid w -With is @VY rs uaj�ntee Pe onl tile (Kk-t a 'x boies Ac P e ceived-b S; or - NIL stlive to. plesse' ir e -WI WILL 11 send t e illstiOD Of niea *sth fo tt r4ondtthe ki� Akh �rder r h' QBM m�out to re; 6ur w-gitte f th ttex ck ni o d 4y It e 11 14p.r"o; -e snitl as' ed. bj 'WEST -7 u rran i JOB at., pre ie tiet King. -St. - - -C siaj.,e, d US GU$k r Unt.- F# oroiit6s Ou tO 0 _4erpari4; beg, to 6 $ole liroptiet -ter d uggi t T ALLI I *k& 7N �d u jaiial L el xvi-11 cerV�jnty ennN me now t -.IV 16- X. win' �e�, aud 1fi0ate* jrefulbny rs, that e dikARY 1 - �tanab R a thelir& of, EAVY. L '"T AND -,::N '..HA 0 -AT RiCES '80D'P DS LOW RNESS. Sh IA AO 7 Wzter,.Zu Igo-wodd ed MR Tlie o4houses. a.1 inauice pver shown in �_LuAnow. Bral IL will -0 DEIC of 0 i ntormt-4� te Ifine yoiung� - -AJDF all S JU TO T attintioli Th� s to -call ape vinei; all as B02 NG overlookillik 06 "Viliall SUPTAZI-O 1 00 s131u: to d j,"Ithiept the ouf,the. an 14r A d d-3 &Corr-".. an, Will be ROM ----------- U ii.t. S OCK Tiunks, H&ud SeA lInplete; �snid-. i6iLM 0 MY itock of. r 10a )Wot H, 0 PLETE. -ST -Th r 1a 011ey 84 e C6 dss all"th t Q. my OE 00TS 0 ]b ; �q .. Ale Ve 50,11 chamed from Fstate), & s, all'Ole above irtldle* were pur 011'Re . Fact strang up .0 loviei;t cash* th bel tolino en, an*ztl -OiT% Raw -:-it is fact tjj).t::Alo, n!44, n -rep -b - � Ld a, fever s4i -any the. �ted, -Ulu, or t iA-Y-- r f h, ateg, on teirM I t awn p artid' tas r t orvoWers­ - at P o d 866 MY 13%irdc bottlel 114h Doiet fail to jtb� C; WiLs but; elsew tOT F "J A-14cers care wo Aid't0:0rderi!--- b pWdy restoriug Pur tt,,r- 11sturo LL kvr d E and part IT C St Oi� 18: CE -I -N ax Dim. OFFI - m � �t . ......... Q�k OR... -TO Vez at; IL Ca R six ce)ats. or - OBET age recel-ve 'ei L - -W r - L- _.. 1. . 0, _Ieei at hom t anda -will b e pai �L -A any patty _N d *U r ]Bittej* -V joods which *ill ht X. F ree.: ay sure. D risk I U4BYzlg ra() Capilt4l not is w f absolute y -All of AL_ aell emap L Brigg hem AlOug- it �vill .orld, bi 4E4the.r oat Ykd. lin. eithersex-. 9 h to W �di�iue if It ATCRY ch bf Lbing, for t!2,e-- 301 yoii.�Y�nt blaineik'At whi pvy- ati- th"ie - iu6ce6d froi W1 be, v k at - ab, 4 old -esh M`21 d for Your re,.,vArd 0 �i. CL _SPECIALTY�' 0 9" orkers you- vr CQSTOM -sex, yo 74 riiij,'to fortune apene Ises, J31 clus- j F --tim4hev wor ,Aih 06bsOlut, 817rf� j$. :OUCe .jWELX tY u #-.' iU ioluiely -At Writb for p aide IAN to, v* TTV X94q� A &TE1 ContitiptLtiq#j A Wd- ar- re for G000lk. action 9U LE k am pbo at C .31;iLe6d 6y *onpy rai UOW ua K 4 1 'R� P epiare IAT