The Sentinel, 1884-02-29, Page 4• tR[i)s..rss?!s-'mos lu7o Aio £O3oantgi VO r'ltaDw7,Alaniooxi� PBT2n-A ROVE gS4Wrilasiz$ain WOE wit Lncknot ,. 'To b : 2 South 'Bruce Reformer I a The annualeetin . Meeting of tl t South Bruce Reform ; Association. ` ` - �a"held at Riversdale on Friday l ' when over one hundred and. fifty ; fty. al -legates ��a'tee were present from 'the. various i- rts.:of the constituent ° ' The following officers -roto_ 'fleeted for; -the ensuing .: year :• ; 'dent, r Peter C orrigan,•! Kinloss a fist vice- president; D. S uIIivan, Brant; f{ econd vice-president; •:. Campbell, c p l�ncar- -dune,• Secretary, R. Paxton,Ki' ugh; Assistant- Secre - ry, A. S Ca%bell Lucknow,• Tr urer, Wm. _Ingle„ Teeswater Mr: H. P. O' i minor, M. P. i who -was present: deliivered- a stirri .i ad t,r dress of over : hour's durat{b�-e �n .in which he 'reviewed in an able `i nner" the political ..sit- ation andalso his 3s._ o-wn career in P rliament.' The following resolutions w -animously adopted i Moved by D: : Sullivan, of ant - seconded b Jacob- b -Nicholls,- - • Y eQ : or � in-: loss, .ands- resolved , that we, tiR,e. formers of the South -Riding of l ruse • . 5z� in Convention' sembled, des a Ito . .place` on record an expression i .our continued confidence in `• the p ' ent (.4:o. vernment-of.-: he Province. , Ori_ tario led by the on.. Oliver '0 at, as well. as our cordial approbat ii .of the-policypursued in reference . the leading political issues of. the .: da, 1 :n W further desire-: to expres our admiration of the- manly,.cou a . us and � , triotic sta d taken by ° th f aid Government on tine important '. a scion ".of the B ., Bounder l A and w h� ch Y . � u 4,iion I ;it ' has been I found nece r -owingto the influence: of the IQ . c � Blues.: and the p rfidy . of Sir. j bin, :Macdonald and th . OIItArIO Tort to` • ;refer for .sett e dent ' to the 1 n � ivy : ounc l on :terms s ..fav_orabl'e't, l his iErovince• as 'could ' reasonably}+ ` .'�k' ed 'for; when t le. 'complieatioits'i tat .Itave • arisen -i ,� through •� the al t� ce above referred to `ar."considered.4 s , e: -We would also • ordiail.. endors€.1,h :able and satisfaeto manor- in-* t Y P. O .Connor . sq � dito}iaLL the duties - of ' . ostti •n . r. :dientative. : ' - - Moved by .Jase Ph_.Par� xi :.,af n care, se'Qnded-b -Dr.- Hutchmo ,o� -L- uck now; •and..resglFed ahaty:we e Aeforeaers 'Of 'e "'South. , - Ridtn �I.vf Bruce°in Convention assembled;; Ser sire to convey - to . -:the : Hon. Ed..' d - B'lake-an expression'' of oair'adniira j'n`. =of .his. great abilitie ':andhi high c �':� ;i . g harp �t.-_ 3 er,,':our:unqualified' confidence in mz as leader: of the at:-' �Reformp ' ':r ,_.aur:heart endoiai- 'of the .co _. e pursued by himl in. fi fighting.: � g g. ort : �a- an ce in'e x . si it g c- �r.. P;o ,,g , ruption-: and �s- honest( in high . , jades and in resin. ` .. the creation by the _ p resent gov :went. of .hugeand hideous ' -mon .. �� - f mallow! .: ,opo"� es which:are rapidly", fastening thenise . s-. with ever : tightenin grip'- upon Our young' and.promiain country: ,F 1'-;: n. We desire furthe to - .express' unqualified condom tion :of - the pr ent -government of S JohnMacdort which -we, believe be wholly hoaestxand corrupt .• d _ unworth: the confidence of ` the people of t 'country.ii�e . belie ►e •the .: said G ernnient to •be:inkcorrupt 'league.w• .and in fact c o ntroll b QQ y6theCanadi •Pacific Rail -way ny andottl�;� - -,� ;monopolists, and,,,ewould call app alt Loyal , and,'. patriotic to citizens irk' - epective of•'. P'� � -in their nii and hurl the Government of the h of the Pacific Scandal :from' the h` and exalted position -o trust ' so 'worthily fills it air - We would enter o r solemn pry; test against thero l ,posed loan to t� said <Oompany and.demand that befot -the country is . committed to such- 4 .enOrmons addition to i already lar : brdens, the 'moat marching e, inion and enquiry be . made into straits of. the -said com"pany with t1,t, ;view aacerta• t' ��$ what dlapoaal'ht.t. been -i> a:of the vast'. sums aimed a granted in money and valuable tan and that the people 'shall have an ::portunityof directly pronouncing upo the subject:before. this money:is th`k' forciblylavished and rsklessly's squall -erect upon a cot 9 s ��Y a which � has :shamefully failed in carrpiqg ou,t th3' . contract-- - entered into by i . E it' W1t • .'S the- Parliament of "Canada for the con- struction of _ they Canadian Pacific Railway. The Contention • broke up with cheers : for Mr. O'Connor and. the Queen. The cause -of. Reform is safe ak far as_Soutk Bruce is concerned. —Hon. G. W, Ross, Minister ofEd-.. ucation,, has - notified the Legislative Committee of the, Teachers' Associa- tion of Ontario,' that it is his intention to take immediate action to introduce Bible reading in schools. • = It is pro- posed to select passages from .the Scriptures, one' I for each day in the year,;and a circular containing these will be sent to , each teacher in. the :province 0101114 _ Lucknow, .on ,S_unday, _14 th inst.,,the` wife of Jnr: Angus cQuaig, timber merchanI, of a son.' DIED. D$�toox - L 'cknow - on .Monday; 25th - inst., Hugh Denoon, son of Mr. Donald Denoon, wagon makety, aged • 14 years; I3: mouths and 4 days.- The Markets. ball wbeat,new '70c. +t'o °95per lus .Fall wheat-.-$ .:06 to $1:05,per bu Spring wheat--97c.to100c.per bus` Barley. 40 to 46c. per . bushel.: Oats -30c to3fc. per. bushel'. Peas -63c r to •0 per bu"ahel. •Potatoes -37e. to 40c..perbushhel.- "Apples -1UOc. Per bag. . , Hay -47 to$8 ' er ton. _ ,Flour$2.50 Wool --1:7c. -to 18c. per lb.: Sheepskins .75cto' 100c.: Hides -61•c. per ib. . Tallow --7e, tope.: per lb. Pork --7.80; to . $8..00 per cwt. Wood$2.04. to •.$2.25.per cord. Eggs --21st. per dozen. Butter -.17c. • to l7c.perlb:' ' r Nt id Leer tninge - •Ia the only instantaneous- relief for Neuralgia Headache, iTocithache ate, •Rnhhing a 4ew J. ,777 o d goo Lucknbw, January 16th 1883. i OODS, CEIBA' EIOIDEEy ofEverythng fashionabje. S. r. drops! brisklyis all that's needed: .. No talo ... — _ - ing nauseous medicines for weeks,but one 'minutes application removes all'pain.and will _ RroeEthe �c�.volueof Fluid Lightning q . T:twenty-hvebents per sottleat Berry's Drug, , Store ' A fteniarxable •Drape. _=' • Mrs.Mary r1; Dailey, o€74 kh_ annock,Pa.' was .afflicted for six.yeais `with'. Asthma and BronchitiA during whish lime the -. best. pb3=.'� sicians ctouldgive no relief.: Her. lire was de=- ',paired of, :until in -last October' she procured- I a Bottle or Dr. Kin,r's•New: ;Disvoverv, •when iinme, ixte relieve.wes felt; and by continuing its use• fora short tiros ,she .'wags completel :=cured, gainiag in flesh: 501bs. in. flesh ia :few months. Free Trial Bottles .of. - this certain cure of ill ', ;Throat and , Lungs Diseases at Berry's DrugStore.. Large Battles_.$1.00. 1J @A.LI TY MORE RE DE B �4LE TITAN QUANTITY Fact strangerthan. Fiction; •I•t is a fact•that -Alonzo' Howe; :of Tweed, `hada !ever sore that 'af6icted him for thirt -five year . Six bottle'- of fi Y B..... R• ..- : • � .ur�oclt Blopd. users eured. him; which he-onnsiders arnaost k mi aclfbut` the . natural :result: of hirreYnedy resorting' purl -bluoct 404 n oset suer etioni t a .t • HEFAMILY C OM This iso . sof the ANDlaArgmerieHUMst lacand bidet story }rapers published in .: It isr full of eR�Y�TCE; : OR, ANECDOTE h ADVENTURE, `l=ri f ct; there will not"be ' a .•e . , . angle nine_.# : dull ad• ng i� rt. Bublislied�tle=lst;alid +5th of evergmonih. T.ermg; $1 Per an ' . in i +: P �. n ad vane. .Agents wanted. everywh_ere,, Samples free. o Address -•`.The ;Family Welcome "- L ondon;: Ont. ' 4FUSLIC`NOTIGE• • A iL PARTIES ARE HEREBY. CAU; tion.di against giving cr4t1it•to my wife without my• writtenorder, as 1 will -not be .responsible for the same. i• The public.are also - notified against taking a' deed- and' will made. by me as they were stolen from my premises by some unknowns party. .MVAD ;CH McQUEEllg,. 3in 526 - - Lucknow-P.0... >a.lEET1NG 4 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE Members- of the -1 Weds Wawanoah - Mutual Fire Insurance' Company will -:be held. in the Cuw t Room, Dtingartlio on TUES.. .DAY,; the 4th day of 'MARCH', 1884,' at O'clock, to conaider the adyisability.of moving the- head office' of theC,otnpany, from the Township of West Wawanosh, and: to deter-, mine where it shall be -moved to. A full at- tendance is requested.; :By. order of the; ROBERT MURRAY, 3in=526. I Secretary, NOTICE TO FABMERB. GRISTINO DORS ON SHORT• NOTICZ. `. R. R. MCCARR )LL, HAVING placed in hiastea>riaaw-mlTin Luck - now a large crushing machine, is now prepar- ed to do kinds: of grain crnehing. for cattle feed. A -Parties bringing their ''Sts' to his mill can have it house with them the sauce day. - R. McCARROL, Le cknow, Feb. 15th 1884 • • - STOKE 4ND DWELLINGTO;;LET /I1 AN»1 OWELLIN44. 1 'House, now' occupied b . Mr.= Ch Ie Them,. on CawpbellStreet,up. p sit,McH ay'a Block, .to let at a . moderate; rental,: and will -pabe rtioaarfitted up sappto suitly.to oecuPe,>)ts, For- further a -MRS. A. 1,I17$RAy, I "':10104440! a- a el ust to: h - - d ��� ets assortment of ROOTS S3f S & OB �. In Iu di n �. all the e I areas- 'est b.. tt >� Qile�l and.: i aced . goods= faction'. -in every• •articul -,r • P 'Articular• r S G•,IT ASI $UUI11iE1E. SPE' in women's fnen s and .ehr d re n ch we guarantee to give :satin- •of'e : - ered� at - . . No 4 trouble to show Goo and� ,o� hear, our { prices before e - . .- a ROM 10 TO 15 I W .NTEB IN :EXC ANG • • Call and ins ect • - . • 1'' o>�tr St�ia hs,'i 3 Il g IRDS 'OF GREEN . WOOD. F FOODS;. ._ • ..4 NOTICE TO..., gfI'f0R, kIn tho h -Ouurt Qf Just%0 '• �/ha ncery= Div -skin; • . RE • FEROY: •., -STEWAR. � VS. egReir. pUR.SUT TO- AN,ORDER OF THEChantcery °Division of the; Righ Court (if ;justice made -in; the iliatter of the state •sof Thoigae Piiiet in a cause Stewart, vs. i; - Percy the creditor& of TTic gnas Percy `lite c,f ` the Village of Lu -of cknow in the {,ounty • 1 Bruce; who• died • in or :about the inortj of • February, 1882,- re o leo •,1?ifore the 17131.1)0 OF IVB -A tH i- ;:. -te•=aen•dh post prepaid Trifor' of the village of • Lncltnow, the Solicitor o : f fr the : ;pintiff, their Christian AOsurname#, .W1 -*dresses P and descri tune the full particulars of. their'claims, a statement of their accountsand the nature of.the securities of aiiy`. held by them, or }in default thereof they *tiil be "pier- einptority excluded from • the bene t - of the said a dtorder. 8Every •'creditor 1iooding any y ., p duce:the same before a sot nay -chambers at .'Walkerton on':the ifi aeteenth day' of March,1881, at twelve o'clock 'ire 'the fore- uoon,'be ag, .the time appointed for adjudica- tion , k , tett i t n _ imlaims3. "Dat � ' at � � cd alkertbn this 18th :da o Felon- atty., Y f WILLIAM A, MS:LEA14 y'- - Master at Walkerton. • B At. Ir. 11). Hinforming Has pleasure in informthe citizens Pe c that he has -opened o ... ut � the shop. opposite the •:Whntel - $o *.. IMS FA - FOR O Coop Oil and La' And •verythhing- in his..,line, at booto i �.Y prompEbly. Atte_ tided to. - - ILII PAD'S - ANDD IR • mn:A�.'? tt,„: cknow. and=urronn�■�„� • `�`�: �COuu�s erly occupied by .Josh Psi nd to prepared to sell. 121 loads. Also - 4 ICIZTPS lea Eavetroughingand Aeiiiying ly tau' sorted.: ILS A 8PECtaTt • 1 • - SHOWN DAM TitOMP8ON begs leave to thank- the inhabitants of now and surrounding country for -t.,het *liberal patronage betovred on, kivn- during the last two yeah, ana .continuance of his old customers and better position than "ever to supply tie wants of. the public. lie always has. on haul a !stock- of Nitkrosts 1; limbs of liewillalsoremindthemof Aimed Scotts binds') Hugon', which le always has on* band'and are - made of the very best mattqial ties wanting any &lug in this line before purchasing Patties - Jar att'ention.Pitid-to. ALL KINDS OFZ *Ms.; smou -kat feet contractions-4nd. interferiali. Byi_itrict attention tOr4iness, spat viorktnanihip and empkyipg, *nothing but good workmen, I 440.4 retain: . 'the patronage- kindly exteekiett twine. ' ii..-.41).ativirlrtiom Pooh, y f. Its • • • • •