The Sentinel, 1884-02-01, Page 8• ;:. ' • TIME TA B.14. spiTTa 5:19 iyi55 11,1:501 20 • ti:o0 . . lama ....-,•••••-•-- .0ING TH. • ilLta -Ott CVOitatt.Nto a,p.tt n k - on-ih4 sidewalks . may be speed, ily-romov,ed hy priiik-ling..?coarse salt horoPIL Meichatkts should note thus :And -keep the A.V41k,s deal: front;if --nrctrn . .- • House and Lot tor -Sale.. Brennan. offers :for ..sale, her house and lot On Clyde stree‘t near the: eartlino• mill at a ba4.0-ain.. For frther :patrticulars apply- on the -1premises to .MRs BRE*NAN-- .1.._ Agricuttutai Societys At a ine ting of the 1 rectors of the . _ Kinloss , 13 anch A.gri tural 86ciety irr-this.,-iiillase on Satili ay.- last; Mr. *T. II:-naiith was eIefited Secretary And Mr. T iis. Lawren0 treasurer. Handsel:4 The ' It . - pastor of t wasjwe gregatien- containing also -kingly .tlg.1 • BurnelAn T ann now Caled 01:6125* J: ces's:in eve its Pre-cleee .yery beinn• fully . T.. e Methodis ed last Wee WaShingto M .remembere • -- niersary. al .13urns'b than: Societ nuary,', aft , •y.partietilai- sors. - The the surto a re,presenteclil passed to the chairthan. Klilearclin4. - delegates, and the Lucknow Literary Society,. after Which_ the meeting_ (dosed by -singing the National Anthem. .8iori to Let. Ali, formerly hureh• by.. the •.cOn- 7 with a purse Sinith was. y the friends •f -the Luck-i- ook pla,ca,on -Was fa enclance was ding- country - rat the unity -of feeling a,niong .the pinemhers, the .:,3katin_g Carnival, . -enthusiasm epressed, owed Plaillbr • :Pa - oTeningae.1;t the that the suCcess of the 'eknow. • fancy'dresg: carifiVal-of the _ will take pce :At the Lorne 47hrk here-, when 1), number :of priz'es- wi4.1. 1 given. igsi OH 15- Cents . - 1:-.1irpto,,q, 25 cents. - -skaters in • -time admiaed'fiee. -That .Cptn Winter -? • - • -• As the 'Wan who predicto.dober, . . 11t' eudeuors to reduce the size 10s draw -out the 'hue of -:frozn. -nOse,he is mournfully Upon .the t•r•-tv-,-1 tlo.ceit. of the: anuSkrat. and the. mendacity of the.goosd-hoixe.• _ • Oiv'e: It tJp.- . I. -k. a4Ode4•3--1-uing: lady asks,-: ‘.‘ What tl host method of ,pc-fpinno• the We cannot roi}ly,-. having . 1.,,r1f-td only Onee,.-and not tik4f4.4 wr certain. that :lour 3.-6-thod was-. -7Popping the '17:inestion. is a I deal like po/-17-,-1f t does iiot pop thereis ,omet1iin.'z wloi4g tOi.tt . „ rned korn-e- :=Ie's-Srs. and Reaten Foster. .?ils of Mr. Joseph Foster - West- • a tuiesh, returned .11ome--.611 Satur- .• last front Some, - t ago. ReVbeit. :!!,,T=8 Ft`Visr, 'frpm`theLell`c?ets of -which' he has -'hz-ver recorvered, ne:w lies ...at this r r''residenee in, a :very eritieta !1 lio-5-c-s. being entertain- .. kof recove0T,• - ..t,e.the Pool% - • . ,. . We .e.--ncler stand that an . entertain- ' .•=.1!-71t w.;11 be gifou in the Temperance • L _1! alitt n . earlv - d4R, by the -Odd:- ...,,I.,loi,,,rs Lodge i;.1-tli.,--Vi.liago, -the pt(.5, ---.,,.''S to be distributed aniondst the -donian Society has--.not,-1.41t reac.hed. its . climax. - tIHLt could ity of the of 13UrnS h $500 Gran At .the -ing in Wal Oampbell,. getting a g street:, of. CaInphell nounced a iei])al rIO1flKiatIo1IS pi .-41 fatt we w of nothing aye added tp the sociabil- ening sa rthe _presence nself: - • :Store between Lawrence's tut shop and Wallace's jewelry .itore to let„ ap- ply- to, Da. TENNAXT; . •Ti-ip Markets.- " - Wheat,n6W-85c:to.90c.per-bus. Vail -wheat, per bushel Spriqg wheat -85c to 95c per bus. -Barley-43 to .47c.- per buShel. Oats. -2'8c- per. buAel;---. . Peas -70c. to 72 -per -bushel.. Potatoes ---45c. to 37C. per busllel. - .Apples7-100e. per bag.. Hay-$7-to$8 per . FlOur-$2. 75 .per' ewt- Woo1=-18-0,- to. 20C. per lb. Sheepskins -50c. -to 75c. Hirdes-Bc....per Ib. Tallow -7c to4c.._ per lb._ Pork -$7;00 to $7.25 per' cit Wood -.---:$2,.. op to $2.25 per cped. Eggs --21c. per clozen."- . -Butter-17c. to 17c.per lb. . - • . • • " . umisgokra4*""*". Buckieses Arttlea - - -vA .P's• AJ )11 0 Mill The best salVe in' the w4,,;(1, for cuts ji hands bruises, sdits, tette it; cha . - • . chilblains corns an d sk-4 S 9 - • t,,., - .and:poSitively cures Piles, -1.1 no pay required: it,„ is guarant to gi5ve, perfect satisfaction; or MO refund -- ed. Price 25 cents Per' 'For sale 11-v W. -Berry, ..clrustgisti • • - SHEEP ESTR .. • .. . , - ruce CoUnt ouncil tiled- --erton - 1asthseek, • - Mr: D. our . Reeve, succeeded in. ant of .' $.50 ' towards _the , f : the bridg on . - the :main*. is.-- 'eillage..i1 When si r. he last .inun- 1 ..village that , helii,,,d a fin'e, prospect' of getting il,. . . .- . . grant .frOm he county , -1. our •lzidge, 1- - many treat d it only *n_ . " eleOtion - Cry,.' but n -W- •that Mrli ' ainlibell. lia,s..i .' a reality, we:, ' ihe Starlet." . . : LuCZNOW DEFEATS .KINCARDINE • suceeeded i inakino- m .trust tile. ratepayers wil full credit e is justly . . Mateireon-ia . .- On Wecii _ . teemed Ivo . . . :.c.C.!f. j° i i/a,t1.'r(\Vi11101 .. . esdity.28.r 8 uriitd in y. with. N odro Ae youngesk 1ate J • Woodroo ,Ontai --oereino 'place: in•ist .p.,rfortilF41 •- -t14 St.. ThOi.i;) aisistd -1Tir :bride ).v.h. traVelling. Snit was 1ad4 -front P rkhill, Wi :Cameron of ,,hiS -place 1111111 011 the. 000USiO11. :emiplieltiave. already: thorlitel,vW _ • kt 7' . those o friendfor al long and, .. r.i.t,i. o± the place. This is a coMmend- • . .. aetiOn OP fi-V-- Fri4 of the LOd..0'-e ' 'Shall England Deche6 we can only -say, Jet it take place The. Four. ii debate beOfeen the lifer. - ----of-as -. possible, _ -The :poor need' arY. societies 'of KincarC:iige . and Lyck:= e to tide.' then; .I.A.:-er • -t1.- now _took pi. ce in the Te't!peranceHali .,.,:nt..--r.. - r - . . • - . liere on Tue. day evenin .i.' -.last, and al .. . .!!. • - . EY. FIVE SITO.TS: AME TO TIII.1-PIIEN“ Su.bscriber, Lot 2. (Ion. 5 ship Ion or about the first of to INhite Sheep, a ewe and isreggested .prove. Property, and take7thein away. • ANGU 3in.-5p2 :Two rinlcs from d,Lu-cknow. Curl- ing Club played a -similar' i).thill?Qr of K-incardinites on, Vednesda,y last in Kincardine and succeeded defeating theth by five shots. The folroiring is the. score:- iiiiNcAiMINE. - LUCKIYONV".-- -S. M4,.- ' D.. Campbell.' . . J: N,Yatt: . . . 1)r...Hutchinson, ti... V Iiaplet - Geo.. Kerr. ... l: IL Scougall,. ..T. B. Hunter:, ,.. • . e hint the' - • `.skip_i_6. te. cor ,1-ohn gliter-Of the- 'Icof wliicli took.. LOndOir,ya - L. Stiiih, of RPV. Caiiun as attired'in2.- tended...by. • _ . -Jno. ,Hurdon, Somerville. Wm Dymant.• (..3ep. Berry. .H.- Geo. -Ds:MO:as. 'Alex. :Campbell, Dr: Tennant, • Ship -17. SkipL--=-23. 1 Majority: for LaCknow, 5.. - •-•••••T r 7101."="0.1111,- READAB-L: IN-111AUR AN -1$. -Don't fail . abtatid the Coiiee-rt- ,thiS glints419y):,.0.-ening. -MryW. Sainibv,.olLondon, spent Sunday in the village:. • D. 'Hornell -returned from ted as best tise -Northwest' last week.. - t1Tecilleda17,1113:i. -. • join. our aood. th.eir ntany ppy married - Garner.is out with an inter- eStina letter in this isSue.. Mary -Somerville is visiting friends Dundas and Niagara ' John. - MeV.herson left- on • Tufesi.lay. for 4, -visit, to ChicagO. - • , 1./c1tbsli. of Chieage is I Uwe rfu 1 Tea, - -though. the all 117.50 -corrApenetent' of the 111C 11 Ufl(' "leper/et *says ; "AVe n.ltivr, the.1.7.-erditn... correspoUdelice that. 4' the tea- 19- the t-a-ineeting must have mite Mae-Intyre's,., it was - good' Nr.rou 111 tilt? corresspondentidelise inform, res xraere MaChltyre S F4,Q& 1.50 -Why. Bless your 'innocent heart,- Viac rixt•.--r,;'s store -is. situated Tight in -1-11'-know, theughf, everybedy knew . . - • 7 was: frzi y wellifilled• < we are sat.* there was 1444-- -.a_largek. attendaaice present. t . was .aa--.. ranged -het.,ANA en the soe, - ies- that: kir.- ' _H. W. O. e.yet% the .M.,or of Win tr, .ham, should preside as e irinaik of the he. 'Sleeting gecido t' that eentlentan *Stated inade inquir es 0-entlemen -who 6 • - ions, and th , the audie.ne- to decide ori th ments Ail in a Istafne; speak -Os:; W A.tiOng the nanies *in tlia. list of In taking li VeFer8 a.tifiy re-elected the.';flipwing meeting;Mt--. etetir. Colliogwood's.-Mayor is a 1,f)g-,,- _ (10.5field's .ree‘ie is a, Ij'ox ; Vim up in those Mou Behind. the snow hinged e will,corne vheriever they Call ofil She sees, I doubthot a lover fianlatetit-. -elected On his Am...sr-steed go cantering - . . a Mason." (ision woUld as.he knew visitincr at the residence of Mr. 1)... honer they./ serectina . 6 lin was surefto faces of the. of seve had tille were o er,6 the e *merits p need. by ji ich was fin' seat as ch 111:eyer than -4 ad: confer'. as -their ei the • brio. audience an, be arrived nee the receive,d •-debate.:lnit; tat - he had . prominent iinilar pesit, . . - epution that !oper .parties t the • . Clinton. Ont. - ie different . • v aoi-eed to.. --To keep -ice from windows. take t sponge or.orclinary. . paint- -brush; nib' _over the glass once or twie&w.ith - little .cold alcohol. - visiting at Mr. AY. Walter Cauipbell, Hdanil- ton, is visiting :at, his fathers clence' -Mi;an& Mrs: Harnilton; of Ham- tlie - guests of : Mr.. D. E.- Carlieron, . . Anclersdn,: of 1)uaigannon, is . . -siting -at. Mr: 4anies Lindsay's mn . • - • . this- village.: M5. -I.)ouglas',. of fOher of Mr. „rhos; DoUglas; is visiting akhiS son'i resi.denCe th- ,L:-There:died at .Thirnside, on the 9th January, •,- _Rupert: Munro -aged. 72. --yea,rs,. -formerly Of ;•, „ _ ANCE -TRE rlo'n ober lAst. '11.0„py.oter. expenses 01. • :the High Court- .4-ustice i Chaaacery Divis, - RE -11fleDONAL • 1‘.10110,NALD Vs-. • MC ALD. tritStANT TO JUDGE; T AND • ord.er Made this 6ause SO Id )1y•AuotiOn with thelflirti+Tohation of \Mtn. A. McLean. Esiplite,. taster of . this Honorable Court at -Walk:el'. ;rout retimaq At 4e horn of two o'ol.;ok kith WHITELY' r - _ , . eruoon. a • iii -the' Village Of .-1.iiic15ti ; by,• ganJiha"sguire,..Auctioneer, the pert Y nal.01Y Loi.nunibtty Thrde, .(,o4njession of the TOwin.ibipOf &moo • containing:- 'acret7in6r.or TVirf said property is situate a, fijomi the Village of Lncknow anC fromIthe Vil ags antipley',hoth- ab,u't seyenty-five• acres are olea,1 cultivation. 'El. -Jilt acres are 141 aVial rein.* er is ti hered- principall .oaa.ple and rick elm. The' soil 1, The. bUildings consist -of a bricW_ twelitY,feet bY• thirty feet; 0114' :storehrs high, a fra,*ine •barn fide by fifty-six feet 'with 'atone " franib stable eighteen feet by W. all in zood repair. • TE:p.MS.' OF- SALE, 4 - will be a reserve- bld said Ma,s6er. • rrr-b-s purchaser islt .freale'.to pay .down a deposit "of tt..f- the Veneor's Solicitor paid the r Con#. One month thePefroin est iNhex:the purcharer will be le ion. t 'The land will be r.:fdd gage to the Canada rerinanenf /lean and . -Sa,vings Compal4 for $2500 1.n4;ipu1ars Of '- which will be /lade known (in f sale, • C rri- wig pro- ' ihe Tenth 11 ill- the hfindre0 t ten piile.4 hree.miles •'markets, Ad utder and the h beteh, y se about 'd a half Tht feet. a. r,fiCe feet; . • . sabittNpr,- . Geur lacksthithirg. A DAM THOMPSON, begs leave to thank the' inha,hitants Of -Luck- • _now and surrounding country :for tiro Lhoi al patronage -'1,estowd on him during the latt two years, and wiAes' a continuanco ,of his old customers a.nd a -fair share of the new, as he is in a better positionthanever to, supply the wants of the -public. •ffi „.-always haF. on hand -a ,stock .of Tigons Scluggioa [ He will also rem.in4t em of the.far fain ed SCOTCH FIA NARROWS, which he always has‘on• hand and art' made of the,very. best. material. Par- ' ties wanting any thing in:this' line will' do -well to give him a call see prices before purchasing elsewhere. Paitit- lam attention paid to ; ALL KHIOS OF HORSE-. SHOEING; . • _ _ • Affat feet • .contractions ..and Interferhig. By strict attention to busim:ss,"goled . iyor.kmanShiP and employing- *nothing , but good workmen,. I trust to retain, the patronage kindly 'EX -tended tope. i ALSO. DEF'Y' ADAM t HOW PSON! Campbell Street: • opposite the Bank., „.,Luckno M 156, 1883. • • • set - by the e time.of ceht. to -ee into inter - o posses"-, faort- `. • The Vendor t'. not to be bOund;-!f. •-or furriish- airfy title deeds, abstraYts elii.16irce of :titlt! other than thes -essioii. • - .• other ieipe-ts. the condit ire the:staluliog-conditions .otthc Divi•lion of the High 4-_,Ourt of .1 Vor further in ap Mesa &.-t-riPoOnor, Walkerton - or to t S°Dliltt:rth:is 8th- i!a; of ;rann'arYi -EL.1.10T TRAVER, •. • . PIainti Wi‘LIAM. MCL.E' Master at , produce nf title or :1e or f Ilse/ ry to 'Joint it,(_?I'aCinontinff;ir Drowsy, &Aland out Of scirts? Are yoirbilious, nauseated and: made sick. by the thought of food? Is there a -dull drao-- ging pain iri your right side? - Do your bowels suddenly get sore without a_nyanparent cause? Are the whites, of - your eyes tinged with yellow? is your skin wan:, clammy and.. - -colored? \DoFs- your taste imply in the ng? Are you costive ?' ou have itching piles ? our bowels irregular.? dizzy and dim -sight - Imes ?` Are you gloomy espondeni your hiahly colored? Are - rvous and -full of bad ra all parts of your 1884. - Solicitor. t: • . i3.4.kertOrt:' fe be advised before se gets more -serious -- oil are seized by sonle f low fever or beCoine se- h9pelessly sick. STATHUR AND IRON; •..The trouble with r hat your liver is. out of and :heed* regulating -ately. Suwult Ax ITTEI3p"vull help you ia .sbape keine can. ulatek stilplgod :to do its pr6pei itork ia )ermitinfer...1-rer SuLMUR RON BITTERS, t1cliver sumg its Jiatural and all Oe above svrip- will and be ten. But do upt-neglect the .1:101e0 -71r SoU everyw. hug, .prica ts. - aT BOOT & SHOE S • And examine our stoci4 10 irman Of the 1.thenfor the Wpon.hiin. in. fr man and .116 intelliaent rapaittal Miss*K. C. Strimg, - in the village - Marie -Strong, late ofBoston, but now of Hamilton, . and sister to, For the bright eyes flash and the kb...4 riter Been). aMiliar; troth- experi. - - - And she sits there gazing a long, iong-N.- r y trea,tie.eitt. Cameron. m the citi, And dreams and dreams. !?-)01.. 000k -and - \‘‘ ater- t - Oh I the steedis fleti; the lover is true 4.. qa.- put 1!)-14 Ze11.8 Oi- T,Ucl now. The!. :ograinnte of prom theirs on his hoots to hie cap,of 1)1490,. ked th9-,.,-.Foote the evethng was op.* enti....,51i -by Mr. Ana the ho eyes flash and the cheeks burn lire • F K : As- he Spurs his horse through the mud and the ir 1.!:,1Wt _ s - a _81 err, who wit-111=t-pifia-• etre'et or.-acquired,lt IS - there- and A.yer's - At iiisutizsidee.:g`isamss, sword, now useless andcold. millitte- to the which.„- s.a,tgapai-ina," • Lague _-'W eff. eau. ally -We do'not- sound a. -needless Marna when we tell yen that the of ser -au -la is in your blood. Inhetited With rare jew.els set in its -hilt of gold: . - 8- 81X t we I ve. (Ara_ erry rendet .in charm- I eradicate it. Thud she dreams -and dream.. " 11 LSS . *jug:Style the beautiful lr.11.ad 't Scotch He -has traversed the World on his steed so fleet - trY le get a 136-. - • 1.3 For a Maid like this in theivindow seat. when I *mad Mit7 . Lassie-4ean) • for which he received Scanned maidens of hign and of low dewee, entice anyinan 11 merited encore. 1.11 ie Chairnian • And of each one said, softly, a Not--thek pot And hex scorn wee Be - thee r. . rodueed the -ar.ea.1 event -of the wonder Oh, yes! he will come to day, lie almost humbled himself in deb4te' tile 1$1414 --Pt; 11111118.. rie• d away by ib entirely for the, never a hand.point him out the way, • •b0 she'dieams aid -dreamy. - -before- her to in.treat h ' d iik 4- th% 4- I *re growing alwayeemore and more to:mdeir. 0;1t. ler, and' more. enthrailed 'lay her,. --Keith ri .oame aid *sit doring-• -these. sp. g --aid- siunmer-Inontbs-aot a yery, happ AIM, tOf - neither :Prudence noi - bis conscience. gavelim an easy: time of it, yet loving well..eveno_ wish to break them, -_ . - : the chains he- had. bound hiinself lob too It was not :nntil August -.bad Come. that,: .in.:plain words, he diiolosed the state -of his feelings to .11iss Hart: Ian • before 'that time she .had,.., of - course -Wen- peilectly aware Of lib* Mathes stOod With Wm, for: both her natural. gifts and her large experi.. imoes inadeany wantofcomprehension on .-• But hark tOtlutt sound; -vial; it out of the street? . end -was it the sound of hurrying feet ? - er par . e Les' are eclilie,", the Oh, rayheart, stand still stud. listen, with me% eloffuelitIV --:---Lon-don. Free Pi138..r---4$ Mr John. Aidkey, of McGillivray, last wee1. bought of Mr Giihn, ofWestWilliam's, his- ,cel.ein:ated.. Young Samp- son,' sired by Old, Sampsop., one of the • best Shire horses _in, CO -Ltda.' -Hall's Irectetable • Oieilign, Hair • • While I press face. to the pane and -see, - BuohaileAr: .Rertey‘Tr it.aparts :4, fine • Is it horses' hot) 8 tfrO the pavement below? • Have Ton, come, myknight, is it yes or no? • draine,. liut 'freshness ta 'the' hair/ Arid is:highlY- .. • She dreams and -dreams. lpletelY 4T.cornmended, • by Ph,t3joaiaptse,iecrlaetrigoyn- - - finis ohee and p or Miy0 attei6li.aboulif ended his speeoh, thonOlully to.'611 appearance,*volvbig the pideal-he had made. %%BAB 000l as .81 • krgon, 'toe,' when, -after that Pause, moved that feeling an -eut, she 6 eflied her lips. • - • • express his gratitadi .worde, he *hut would Your Poo& of to -w t damn on his knees bdoreber an , . Prom that sword the jcillrels methinks I see• r) or n Adorning the • hand of a maid like me I and lotri- plen at -de li .And now I can feel his breath (many cheek, their aThr &dozen steps 'ultillnot to thlt His handover mine. Will he !Mel' speak? A voice through the -darkness comes loud and good old -Keith." • whicbwe will dispose of at as lo ices as is consiSf ent with fair dealing so •o enable Ug tolPay 106 cents on the dollar,1 - ' We invite you totry our store aha Sher try aur g- Q(18 and :prices anti you e con- k --•Ith:gu.t we • personal vine*that there it wisdom in s • • . It is very well to Please tho at. to please the pocket also. examination of . 1 - OurflegantSict ofiliao OBS will dee...Only convince all, e' closet closest andniost carefu/ buyers, that. we a Hering COOD COIOD3 LO -10 L = a „ - MarMIT.8 MADE TO 0 • . . ^ " al $5400 ILOWiltii..` ,. . ,.. . 9 Wefwill pay the abolie:reward foV-.41111 case id Liver COmplaitit,' Dyspepsia. 'Sjfp ead--- 4ie, Indigestion, COnstipaticur'orA.7*-fivtlneas we Oaiinof. cure with West's Vegettgi;.04 Liver Pills, when the directions itrtriegeOnplied with. i They..iire purely Yetittahr# titi .4' never Ardl.toigi-ve.satisfaction. Sugai0g§tOics Large )ices1,-Oantaiuing 34041104 cfolpi a lidruggistp.- liew.41-e of -oofiktit's and itatiOlis," -Ile genli'it.e. ;Dan 0 1,-.. A oraY iisoaikr U. wEsT A :0644.. a ' iUng. clear; - And on this -for ibe "What, dishes not washed yet ? Bow's this, my • tender speeches -the fop dear?" - • Farewell, 0 ye dreams?. - _ • -San rranoiseo Can. Eaat, Or Mit°• i.a:M • Burry,kunw,tt„Ilgety; a 1 • - wan lel'4v a 'MOO OY1P P El ,'stA p 84 .OR REIEV DIZZI1081, DROPSY, 111.1iTTERINer: ,OF THEO.,1-1 .AficyrY OF - .THE-49rpop *rase _ OF TWE mot dk�arI 8. ":•1. 17074