The Sentinel, 1884-02-01, Page 4it J: -11VG E-1 EN1 n PASc f 7V -r6 -GR NA'CIFIE X WE$TLERN" J th I 9414 3 IT-, 0 son of 2 I Ue -L-r L. Gib MERV R & UTY T -A roxe X =-G szm t file, elected: lvatden at 'f th to call 'the attention'o w VV'bal Aq ounty Co� I . G rich �:: :_ In, 0 10 hst--week by -a ti* n co. U14 Public of -his Jt M 'u S i -b AIt UE I bscrib' 'ro UTTMA PMELY Aolm s;��of Brussel a als ebted -i The- th6 11 w -i'TO Aft er pre y notifi s -0- VG TOT IMMUTATEA OP 06�� -Sol KNCZ WE eA Tif Liiaiutt.y e 8 -%v 8 o el* ounty Tri surerby ac,�. auia�tion- -public in gene prepared a Wo 'hi E AM COMPUTE STOCK we 't 'he tha. N to meoUte, all rk I HEAT - An s Ine M a su "Ao the Aatisticii�.': v S _NFRN1H AND bRAIN e. ty NT,,' a gruaranteed specifle p 'S _N D SHOEIS prior s 1, Alt 1'. X to tates j Pu bli hed,- We fij'd t1i Vizzine8.4", clonvul.,doll.R, Fits, IN-ervous eur- -da-che N,-r%�ous rostrAtiq) : Ian . iav settifed i n -that tva, Lima -s DIN OF �-ALZ, I at '3010,00 hinad I' G th alitfull, vK b��the iise of alcfi)ht�l or tobacco, W, th'i it es��ilfih_softeniiiw of. the i rail�. Z11Y U, ry roin 1 -79 -to 1§83 1 t* cted. for* New. Li Jii J7 BL -up i nt f .8 )ot1A years .-con ra a7f i the Ia'tc El k� tt?­ remilitiiig in. sauity M) d leadhig to nll-�en DR -RIA, PO _d ftished ii in *nlber of on-vaild ,deat (I]([ age Nir I- n- Uciuded,'.Nil In 7T ces to' i d e, Anner ind'wfth groafsa i 'cti hile duriii the ti t 9fa oil. ibh 1�0' --sold at Pri ve ears -Custio 'ers. I would re- _--,es and Spermatorrhm.-1 ru -on- i- ars- `l3q'-936 lef-tican- �t. M o' er sex, Ini-ilij .9 Y 'on, han"d-'a large st6'ek of seAso wi it V . h -lie IN k _e ess, Lifiss of P Wer III elt T Atiolial li.(), ey in Libervil e iidg -.Of be All ki Ilas failed: to do' th-e i1filia-w. promised ZI 1pu 43 ill -extrti6n of B a 1que y the 3ra-in,f-elf-alin 46i the.,Zi, �A -Stat g it bu "rs 16'okifia-folr or -recent 01:1 expor s, AN. D...'� BI, the. Iii crood cillitailii,; 011enlolfl� dulv�zice_ Oleboxwill vire or f it. Jt'was. to..increago DOORS SASH- tilt TN K let s to f TH-_'-Mli. dest: c) ne dollur i bax [)r_ six boxt or five doll r im org, _qrt9 -1 i-11- there ClArl; f p 7all --On bandi.* or mad sent -by In A i I pre pai1 on rectih)t of. 4)rice. lv� e tQ%--order 'at short wo- Ald. be nor b&I-anic member i6 Well %v ra e� agail�st r inaton -as.. 0.11 gtirdlitcle six boxes to eiire au V C*.vie. Witb -ore p -rc4asi x -w notice..-. gu aranted-iood ork ai s I elsewher -U 'V --% - tut -the i p'ojr t� lia e flednesti ay, st re Ill .1 der received by i t; for ii bt es, I . - . . . .1. P keep: none W .7 nei a�ged -elected 9 eaker of bu.t'the best of tujinp�llled WAth Ive dollak, tb* r lan c le -_is ore sfill. xe. ad- tua and ad-mrs.e'brii _Oiatario our NV itten -uraxitee to refund tllv ature...Thef�apPoint;: ly if the tteat4ieq (It mod lit Allie. in ss 6 ep.reqsion 'it- was not- �ap* rb r, -was to Prevent bug - 7 auded. y t.he Col.i� M WAR A SPCMLTY-� all -in tees i.,simd olil� yJ0BNJV.AVJ STEWART -81, ah -d 83 Kirg ulid -busin6ss.-fai.1dre_Sf -b-ut tKe -d�.Pres- V-ative8j: w ich 9hows that, M "N q1fuck 13-1 erry ggitif Orono, unt., G. IV. I mg no*, X a'r i 3 h ii d 1�82. Ffkt, T' b I ii ei. the,� f4etth c -t-n,,-e'f or Goods -I in ex' h 'a d' fulf'- fre aniz takei coo es at gal S.Cou&s tullible. -Tak6., a� gl e at th' e. i� sid6 of the'Muse is:1 considir iably The true po icy- AIIIIIINNItai mum "rft tj -j-ail tay, die. )ec ulators I tjla� the bi.4 �%. ... " , " P I - - 0 TAF,'cable, I o er 1 e Minorl Y. 'Id -be one df se enient. Instead. i0 LIf --policy. d Nt. f west H EA1 il e th ught -coloftization anc ratich era were pidt ill -Posessi� In i)f the yr collt. te is MacRif CS a VULT11cr I I). C- poor wo had made' %Vh ife t -e set- signi LT] d -b �y was t r c uction iii - driven far- --b k U hisi� the. relifs -of s . . . . . . . ome -lie, could. .-All bhei. lead:- till t - is"Kerry Bu now ne So (M e t by 0 liav, r I[e__ 110 -was b16!� Marquis Lz;� 0 Yo le e Q ___ 1 2 - Ito'. �tlt to$u 17 'If -1k jf;V -C d ourt" a. In U It decided -as- many, paying- go- -M 7 NV Hen' thee vaiue,. ed d the Tents. re lowere d accord tit �1 t ed- -it g eel I :J.; e fla .1 ; ! ) -: . P ATthd. me' etinty.. of tlibHuronCo itty- t :j, VL CLLi. hat it wla-8 aur-libne. f I t 'T IT].. fbargaill. vion toj-a r d 0 er at G, d t ois 110 reason, -ui,,i ourtep i1sly- a xejiuirit,. ..was so titat. tho 1 er b (lit the s corrupt Troin: t e- reMiLfror�ihi,by. at wa It 7 lifi as it D t=1 you will aLairi.rei the orutsef-fias been 'tdd- in. -lie ent. froni to ie oria officO -o's the;n 4R 61v-&-Yz 6-n Y ;t. e First a,� re_ Of .111toil-te . . . . . c. b6-16re th his resfiTnatioii- Chan( ell- Will grhd and th -follo theii steep .1 was acq6 ted P P_ a "sh tt lutio, AGE, -IlL" Itt r V -C.8 i a 8sed`- - 11 That� t%V n il to t 11 ro'u -11 U e,Roeke) A --was; 4c- iihis tetichred to-' -Hoil e the. h -,ad L to ou.'at d'hotiesit Rom fat. th able .41)(11 roje irl ky Th'ain, n. w I -ilv.,ere d 01wel., Dim 2 AV Od ds-,addftuiohi�ll p -:to the u'er durintry, 1 !�;a I ld still -ier i hTch:he. the�dutieg of treas r lis offi'c 1k A and idso - - ill jgt we tile of. tI le Coalpaiiy:ims goarAil- etid: our co Ilgratulatiol.1s; to' 61-- 'is -7- new -ail d , �n- w Ina *as ill rpreteil - .1 "i c.ulled. to MI as ProvincW Tre world to In m 11 tha t t "Child's D- it-tbon-ed Shoes-' 85 Worth �,�L(A4 Shop Aies Butto'lled . as ha )US- -I Or.* wor I p rpnii� in -re ;Ar e, la- Ella Iled Ba ora a Atid, Ve lin 1. 4' 1bxedBiAtoned 80 ho 1116 p Bronzer Seed Qpef pa' MeWs'Oxford -c-lfency'aib the llilwo _W o - el - - - . awan sh, oli 1SAur-- -P d. k ;:.. . .., : -Balm L.. -e�'ge- . . Fanby lizi' ell t A tacit ''confess'ifoa that ill e Ora i a M. A-1 Vert M IIJ- M i.sse.. ar f it Boys Heavy Cra ipp rpet 81 fi_ 6il ad "Buttoned Sh lie, seeii that -soil- o--tirthur afid s rad0 iine TcLi -and-j 4 @i tit I i alin" �v i�a6d 7' ptib ic. ave 11 0 en aiud hiflure-1 e -e"* cl* c d i1i i'ailway bi u dej� d o, d6l stri tly Ca" Bu n A we -int .-b NV OFFE..' At Christ .1-trus-11Tjon every ineasure li6is 0ORR'O' it tdedd d-. ba'rgaln& tar a, wi ed' you ge 1, _e i W 117 'Act'- 9.3 day"'.2 rd Januarj,;!��*;- by.bie ollit LARD Amu TALLOW lt. L`-Smitli of St... Thoin 9, 1.11is license. r -BUTTER act k' --;i a. UlAt ter 0, 11 ce sitv?' ru PA -1 P a HICHEST sist6d by'Re Smith, John W7 bol 'r whibil.-I'A' tile hous.0 f1i u s"t - oUtc, no k toi 7y- aA. Woodiooffe wj a- 1 Gth. -19 '11.1toxii atin -litfiiors- 8vas ti j j)e pre (?phie -ary ybt�nige! hed sale -la-difliter of _T uii'e t r s ra L nu6ry Lup�no sp, lie sami5, g fpat co ntuti ia oil' qw.tjiority''ilpel�ied tha an -­oau'iq_0trAwa of a ny. Weis a nd _M Carlo.. &0u. r '101! al -IIS en; iie'dy, 6a er 11 Sell lit a W Coln bo.qTd.- prevent I i�; doin a ard a-, :re-ommondsn gy 'der- Pi t. oral. Balaua *to his, er it r T* -,111 e3t.-o .4 Ad' -custoli ce, uro, is wife a d.,coug] 'lid the h b� I)o, tI J:'af6st'4i �giio o9t emedy- or t aild ..erii en cou'r, 'COS 6iiiinion' a ir ; a. biohchitis� --whoo 11 Pic . ture - le le 9 id r suou nowice- Is n -s 13ag ic h t lie liter S tion ireqdily io Ptibb t a rf�pu a W -!Ig �tu t pro a o t. andt"'I iroub a* avina io-reetirput of-. tj e t t�l 'h bdu t ora.- co -m, ai-litg. t gh as-eame.,, a lowiist. pecE I pi �sufficiiellcy'. of"p 7lavilicial 0 R �1_� E ID 1: cio,aidustrated and' $16 -04 -FORFEITS. dttenipt to -put. John 11 -lake k . i 11 . . -his t ei R g --h utan(flst 0011�4.i)66.iiIi its suberi is 1i r over all and -9 t'r'thoi-i*8ands 4 0 e fe + fid fitofferi C -we conld. find we fe6l i u6ti 1, -of thet. mOs t, rest- dis't 't B bCL Mplicaf stu he- tifton to Act.' I d6ed za,ho rse* 0 e e' ptioll ill itq eaily, stage f ed that the -Act not'go ited: t ei t ii�rfeit Ofil4!Phi" n I T� 64 iff-Ify base ms not appoh rout t1l - I.. : RA` STO. GO-: 1lag o[A)w doUgh and ll dis-,Ases of thfl- throut c lin re -le M f --thay.-A-e cat"t cur m- u ice- 11. tu'rns- uta:w` -a ble -xith Weftt - iioug is - au mn -an w � P- 'liffact-his 'ter -p into. fayee tili t ate e 0 h e rice ch L IL Yru, to dirve- -ti rl�i the 6c� (if IY r. Call, I b t e a iter -eff takou aocif)rdin Goods much 'e A 0 OD us mrappers..6nly, tonif e the public ol �Ioad to. -I leg one d(illairi. oelluxim P %onireeeip -c C WEST t .,f ri e. JUCUX Q e It -(:I-. ig- -4R or sent, .7U] -possi ue. 8fildbya, rt g e kv the,- ibilit f ft ex-- Y. 0 7,966(1"Jesults 'and"there iiov routo- b�'& t IT d' low- s la a .1 1 tforn'l 0 rugAbt,* L 6k .8 ec, p I & IM n!4.,;. "C. 0h8eque aro a bursted-. - 00 tly q sold - eqp� as 11.8 Ome StO ks -0st years 0 1 five -1b heco Id 1.10 sold at C Lam N ioithw� it, collapsed -raiNvai --sibli-eme ncr iq th iq er-prou4i0i aild iq or el ,.a.-liq­ ass or e' 10-e�ats ftirpogtage ruid -v- n it ""th rs -darie -not at:-" oh to e pi6gqods t4latL r er ly e- et 1 iforce. such if isastr _s -'v� iable.box.-,6f wl put OU s in r sa Hlyonfree,aroya - we will &-i IA. -to el lici cu_� ou gJi -.0 tha aS piLjd.nl,41ionS. f eW h re.,41[11ts - t`1110 eouittry. way.6 Wei "103 U 0 igs fil, biheit, Ways; Vi[i y, ei;s.- Wi s taxi , T I "H- NS-. --and T i -ever t oul i e -of difillii-s-iii -i h i,,bi ljogicible; St .31,k -es �s* aid suffir' n edl ;ii thali y4) ". i 00 ed atir work all tbi! time or Z L L C .0 si, YOU ti -You Can easily ADYM 4 r4ul'.. 1every ever e qced� -the btt ti" s` k Veni)or - Ila,.3*. 1-fildl-1 r"d Thaf all .0 -AND:.. S want Work may test t e we ing &that ui tol -not" M 4 'fied N Was ave � i ", 6 will dr W jurr III rtiealari.aireol nalle or the T RS, a J., E A free th 10iday .,at7 D'. hsY wrk- e, 0 men "The I 01nnf, "b thiAt '(j e time ta -the -iwirk. Grt!n'r -in Depirt ro hea -be 11 f Ifill W giv. are, )!Ila- 7, ) . P f� mity W A qi'fine tr de at eeollil�l ido' hd #4 pot tir t