The Sentinel, 1883-08-31, Page 6-q. WU C)W-Pas LV � E S' E 1154-9117RAY.l jN1. 1. UITRAYRD PROM'TRK. -PILF.MitgrA V. 1.4 J20AFbiber E"t' lialf 1;.& -7-1D thei k- 16-1 j 77: Amy -pqview T. ­ Sikk saj paii Tilwnsbip -4 Ashfirld. ofn 4mr abOut the. *Mdle -af"I'lluel, �= . B., three 01 Kr !a WiP34101111 fil Of f-MATtit 0 i jVXCjr�VcX.Wr 64 ­ J*1�, — .. ., I oinky cry n MAGUE -0 D' ck of .113 siving aw -wil ch if, I lftd to their ftrzx1r. ly rewsmMi K od a VM*,Ai,1i02W* , , JAMXS'P C r -Y. t Ce ad t 'k-'r1.eat1-y-­1re-d-U ed., -he a M 7-­��- WBIRPI CE I U -cos :.t.ID UnIZOW9, Aanstsl Ulm, e r Xy - - - - - - VE RY a ZAJRAr4ML" b=. ASk i dress *mw�- ATj=1 MY Im W Ral close, out, -E 6-9 8 AND FLGN�z,-V FIELD., MAKE ]WXXX - THEARS -------------------- -TIV-1 0 rpo FOP. XY 'FALL. stft- k T i�e RA Si, X. I!n# S�j tri]lojnings� Ic r pnfi* parasol&:.6tc., at lees,. w * tii V-C�n B ­&T C hi�'h :0: % 7 7 extrAwt of S&VM- Wd '01.00 't ft -- . : -_ w I ­ -. - - - '11T Q A p. - - A. rFT, -4" miws�fyuv smu, &It - - I , . .1 -1-1 - 1 6 Norms kko'-w, tliat -Nfi. -OTS U1 I. I notd-a f�w -1.&Wom 8, TS. u R wt- are Pi 0 HOMK VOW19-R P .1 V 717 Shacklo�pir *-ho' has be' ..&odtj -for ED U441 -y 0 ixfwt ell 121T.4W 4&lai!� conva eqct .-TWE : *wt reilable, and 111"t. iMIA for R TON. Lww . zbwzo bach- fdaiba Q4 S'VE P thw 0 IN� PEk Upt. UAO&PUM =4'b100&fCod F Ralb 1-4 1- 2'r from, ten: to clev bI 400 en )ns Special.drives-in colorof I�Wlle for.- tht - eres. c-6 et of Ae above rs-� -t- and best makes. in car, A `AV Aasizu*dmeoftba Inca- a Xbewaatiiim, wtth wk" .-Ppylto neweb er ar� 4 fo quart Ai 1011MIGAN, 26 VgR CE.X ft. nro. W- 11--' L T .0 PT %ton, ice FF "ke I , I %--9&PhM CENT OFFF: J0 D V:1 NL fir want Py i a994 - 90 d - 20 P OFF Pre%;, P.. 0,. ER' -NT Okk e0d's. e, J. T": olyr(?o GREY .0 WI-- YER CENT eujn&-- ro, Ja&, Browii.; -Trewj�i Jiro 10gft -yearsstga. Ir -udan stviek.of I` '.fsr -dresa, without lielp, ji tt*d xeynAl zgiedI;;. kk -AXT Mtf, uDtf,� I So"AY.En"s Of 'ITS, URNIR E, b7 the, Tic 611 'two; bettles 'NeraM f1r(j AS JARBAZ jLLA, 16 i * -maelrif -an lih:e �,of V. �W.v I g!q� ra 8t,Iig1kt p*es. W6 a �jl r shoTmga cottoij w Jearpe60arpi "-bl erit; ts., Vro. Jun, ai�ps, S. Pa e biens lqaa!�'d K�n"' Vesu. LI & a, 4 "Jim CourL" Bm bf� 5a -59 43-6�- T �ll 8,11-3 -rt; VOTER% b Y YL b he Phillips-; 03inw, I -;r6: 4no. Phiilils FM - J - Whical Vm,"moletelr eared, aa,"vot beer's mtrnicipalityQfthe ToWnshipr'of*W-e9t T atigy �,I�ps, VjW%lser1McuW�Ltj2jn J4 Rave X01d ne YOUr SAPSAPAICZLI.A and it ron, Aw *14elrtzrr - Mar-, -13ro..Riellard D. Tfl 10PIX419 Wan . 1319 1,11all.; R lirri., -wawa, "-T nosh Gounty of Ku ail e4l� co le FIT, st, Vince tb&+ 'm 6 ever Dep.. r., �ii& Gat it ; titift Slst4rd, 11ro, 01 heriflo" OTI(,V, 1%.HER !a E.BY 61"VEN, THAT have- tVaPSInitted Or delivertxI to the" Offervil toffie b y Pn lift E. Y RA rim 10 Per9r, 11thined in- the tbird and fourth. &nrxx44,. lln(x. IV rx jj'i! f ITast-Hare'li-f A li'ay-'s. s'u m in 6r -coati t�r 2-15 �ents',': Genth h:9 i en cogift. tv� 50 obint This -the, V'.1ters"jijit Act" the wniies Ut I'This. .-NA - 1, wht 0 Z, n In, vair so *eak from Xenero IS. de- issi i,,nz t 0. C4 bilitY -that I f�puld not wayk V-11bout help .4- wu 4i bew> tr-diisaiited P, A- k f�r delivor�d of i e Ij d lQuingthe advice of a h %nt to the s4i is yodr oppdrtuni�y. to gecur a7 gain. D ift, Tie& 4UST MOWED-- exced . taki aunders., 4 it, aitl at, PUNU. to zriend�Lcotm 1-'.. and Wow llmdmftf� dir,741ife 1 I'M been at vork aovy for two b iour-interest town three bomewl felt L Act, gd-'all Y*Tilms 6pj)ea�jn�f.. by thG eln er I IS toi'sn � ) . I -YjEnl aswen "I tvex di re- 'r 7 Prt youi- .0*U A s SXXS-4VAM1 a np or- Nltiniciphl- the lodge- ha:�- a�t vlaed Apitewiment Roll if the said Ut 7 hoo ,,%e great, a fi: -d tf; vote -it" the 8ai C;LMZGAPL11Y )30.X"KET8,: 1h Merworld mDntylu, an(& ;PrlizAti.),11- sinvif ivlk%t simila`r y- to lie entitlo fl'Munici� ME] A A at Elect �jj f4 Mewb -r.- of the Legis; In- th one-of.mi nel'al'd �Qiatautjna alld, Se entifi I r., -New Tark july, -Lit( 6-tribli­ lull at 34tinici-pall. ZIA PONNET14, 520 West 4W St, �A dicle,- wil, I inake it -4 -!bomplete iu6oss. ave secu. w tfy he, - knowl) Pj tile auti-t-hat hemaid-li. - d -njy, ­ . I ­ , . 1� , 11h Ifed 'the � ;e 4wasfirsfrifiste ulbt av . . . I : I of . -MARQUIS I3&-XxE-.T§ .5ARS.&rARTLT-qk, Cures Sc34fula, kh�- to- ali .'a - I 0fioe 'n-Lucknt)won.tbc.-j3thdav-,,fAii -st.'whoiswelIJ df orably, -wn rnostf4vefi you as &.5 E�idoxvne Torripera:11ce 1 -3 -o -tan ail(,] 911 an afift reinaina u eigi amp, V, ef-Facez G�J!gal:Tj Wyliet$ Mix Verofulous complaints,, EXY151pel" �kereVirin4ppetik)n cutter and I, t6 that drd�rea- examme t e 11 -d tr h for -boys Ind children. K, o 1,obating Gin.;le We' exiW(It- great" iI�64hic;. 'th YCU Sor. thin4c;4rom it. AA it prl' ra. . , )kresw-4 far. aTjY ofnissums or -any (,thrjr- --*,,gtud19rEij;itjjeft -0,rtheXkjz6 It, 11he Wood of air leakE er tit- ntaref"llf,11--th6rein, zy� ta"k-Ainin i-Pu7itlesi aids dkesdoi, Mat,: 7WILL ZZ XAMC ted. lates the Wtionr Of the U413. amd thas rfttore& or NE iaGre eft Niury by, W- VELVET arm, %i "r4ifi.xit'i. Ne a n Id s6rTic ble th6 -of W. li!h'c' Elft. the.said errora ce) x tn b%vf. prices 0 -fail to -mmnkutd, --Cud utzenctliens itlici Whole ngte� lue, Bh�ek, (;re 0M ;knf j-jIly '31 2 ja en a6d-:otl�er CM Date, attiQ -jvrthig 8tLdkynfAu_&.,1883. j C4 D190.00UN L 740 ROBETIT' ?v14-7RAAY- I Vnjo. �.Ayer & CO., -Lewofl, WL jentof &1d 'I P* _W_ T; 17 and. s , Van D�� Ir 4 of th; Ica ee our aSgortn -A rap-etilig of Gle towns. Clerk� e Said Nrunicipoity-, T-- Aitf 'S na P. a. �Va!� held- 49 t AD.IESCOLLA-P.131 th; 15th hle- we vf� jil tile &ia;r "illij r,! I the SJ'j1tl"­ —LACES A-,D— WEISTEIM ��Pffge­ilt- Mirintes of aif, laq, THER, FANC �GOOD" nfeeting j 0 y 0 It wero it -ad! it(!- C�) .ffl- j 12 _Mr_ . . � & - 'I . L ; - Stewart, lijaced t 'AnTr r 110 my Ar. et ft r tilt. To �REDITOM Or— Ark G Noirfh.-rp Dite clifly -:,jet, '-djtr.p)r -4e: I � I . 1 0 J. -0 - 016 COU-nciL The tfmflsllijt� te�-as!tivr ROD- ER1(0KMCD0NALD. in �t half. jirl�� titt.-Tfiont.- 'rile g4vc hi llaA tj The- Su4s;cn3wr Xpreur U-N-TIHER A. F -­�'TYVT follow, L W, TfiE 'f0jV-j811Ty OF RLL LARGR QUAN 149 accouatK were rderedto-,I�ej -7 ap Tnumn-Y sE ITY AT PU* gf-Ilerul that Le X zp;� - - - A ;4t Cioily, drah -FQ74'11 L' of PW P ;..k tit, ��8,0 eXem 0. Ile" Charles 'Gc er tt shingh-5, S�k2f- 44 Sit -ans COUNTY OY RKVVrj_Dz0&iSED. -to, 7 h W. :t - k.' P P T011119,. gravel, -�fy.Ml Chris. 11at er.%, '0 VISIONS za Fi, h i1tapter 107- of the Re C 0 ILI- creditors Pae" &r and .11, yish e(I i ry A C. Yn tes t, IT Igazi, of-, Rj rid-., I.v 1) nalst own' JpL Of r ke(T k ,jja 1,at�;es "wAxi.s. "%fatjef,jlL if the T- sh* 'VAw-vu —F.; -A 4' 'Ml: LE THIR etzfv'ezt,� $2.13 Patriek 4 of OnLari., th& X., C HINm' BELTU 9-0 LA �, gravel, Ullr - late, iawrei and wi r, M the Caunt) of. Bruce, who, died'on" (jai 6839 ed III All kinds-oj, lit Tinin-, gr�-- 23110 PAY OF APRIL A G. A -11i V`W DO01-),S3 - s A a7' ed:t, -deli4r or send by p&t ev. E gi W -an- "�.I- J1, D3 q ham, repairitig. 1), -ire I -aid: t*- Flli-pt Traver,. otf. the Vilrage-,of Y. 4) '13 ' - . - - - - I '�irrje 1111V -- SAT C 11111k O;tjhn G I W f5te.r. fie Nuak 2 0 -ja 4; J, S -.1-01V Wif.J, atri -n p s, a�m .0 L nj*'Atr. Y: of the 81"d ROaCrick cm mfor mdf. el �fieafif 011) or ijefiwu the gu Mcived hv,8t(,w&rt, kST DAY OF 8FEPTCrM8FR NEx olle Itut tile bt-st of wqwk -h i. . tiall S -OIL �CH -S -T, -NEY J ezidersfin, 'tbi�t t1j(- Ite v7j- awl. urn nes, Address Is and. V -ticulars of. their ail tQri vir ace-lunts, and.the ,or 31ob-ft's, 6-valitilli. til roaj '6fin"a L'tenjent 14 th d Of 1,ti4 ilcil jr:4. the full pal Ina a]. - hllex� F.trill' I- opposito i'Ve0b."ali(I fature of 71, clarities (if an-37),held byAbtam-, P' . & ­�, V � �0 . I . ,T j.. _e Marell or U ckno-u',, of the Iiiiff K.State ambfigst, rite -4 -wingrezard- n y !P-jP,juirt-.rj. ts"­ 4r.ga-ro bbll -e TE WA F4 WA-accordit�g- to, 0 f '-I J thetSailjL fat day of Kej4en�jber A. JON he, -All: ashvini-.4tratrix will pj,)cjaed to'-dis, ar A d - I - Ca4a. Gairit-& A hy-j st riki ihe r. th p rr -eM Jars �-Bird, es tho the aAet I K thereto, It. P.a. 11. -MI eft"(11t ypar wast mixty I.-Uff- a' it which she shall. t U.81" A DY T t vii havt- r,; 7- f- F qjajjd'.3�_j0 fjf ft i4UWIL C. ;hip nekuovr� -XBD'� Rul I axild- 7-1 a of U 11111l'it-1 tile f r, The A. M. f8s:f. �44 1, 11t,f&- Stewart and S Me cit,pr feir th Adm'inistratrix of Roderick om $4t'' h� it ELLIOT TRAVE R z Render- it were appointf d to exanxin& A:, if not filligi McDonald. deceased. tile liMm lyrain. and .7, -4 it &t one(-, at tho, kryemse of diPfatiltifig contr' V0 4 4cteor,%. id -. ir� t hF trem- tj tbat illi- n T I;y RE T -El Kffilff N LTO. -r fie itotified tha -WITH 4�ROO"3181ND ; Patt rnaaevarsh. 6!LuQk r ltr+ th 'ch tta POS 0 r John:'P -a 1�jr tio Alppe% A -it - tho up-sta and 2 -acT;e.s iroturne . Ood -41 - 14th; day of December Garden 16A �v�.gocd stables a 0 V s e�stoir.givev hy 0ctobb- �Kas rva�poij, d -N G' =0) E E olln A -te, eif adjt' o 1N r furth6r� particul�rs a agaia on tho — — ----- xy -r LOij 0, Poil. 8 B.- D, Ashfield. �ttli d' Septlenibmi- a Q.. N, T 3. PxT F. I t R A. I r1k ED," FRU f it rpr -20-y�d at f-rry-".%,Vr4g Stt , ()(:y a - ; - ­ :.� _ . , I . - PIT, -,�i WIf )te alij- get F r up'. 411 R8. M st rge-, -of 81roes Crock c. "Ia Ir J�Ootz G 0061 - -T1 k4 DRY TO MR 'HE 'ATTE --N ONT OF TH -u vV1(-XftkCf- (if, Nlo(lrogot ft, Park-�ees-(Iar- rs P uiT51,, -o u. n sT -TO k1_1 OtK' OF _U00 as I& C01111m.st-d of -Vase; recei:ved 9tock (larficylic- -Acid and., Cerat'(-, and cx XNED F -Pi IS TO BUY 'T I Pp" 'ST -GOODS 1h; th e-, Marl' ail(]; I Cr 1, i a- ifailvtt to - R Obe Inega-r. rry, V a (;,U-rp.% whimf all (-)4 heis'-fill. SYRT r a r.tcfjfe offected, your,woney Will b� r A Brr d, Calce�s, 4ndi" Wunded. pge.: Etc IF at with n 01 P r i c es t caiipot fail to, All kind%.( 'M M, ."B. -EL" '0 U AIM' a Sold by and otbor C( constant.: 14edtfollery k6 !pt I bou� DIMUC. G Wel gh jr --is new, xv, -11 a' t i and cheilt and -be, e011y Tf-as only 250ts. ineee P-FAVEMS rj;�r J Z�Oor Kto'cl ss6r Call per lb. - NA G Sadsfac S.L 56=1 ALL zo rzz. i Oil. Grarateed or ..J.511 i ti ucknowy Aug*tjfth, t883.. elu nded* Parti(IS, re(juiril, Money r �e 1�< 1.41 k — -------- Z— I 7NT EQTj1.RFj) T�O ior�j -the- 7 ng anything in �-r A.1 LIOU R above Rile W( j k;, )uld. 110 V.'ell to glv(" I T H, CxE at" Ll:s -will purif0h Op --i+- 8 Hotfil. L e )lood, eradicatij) 'TO SIX 116TT nz Cak RIMY'�'3 BL)ci, s:rf-;Lt- MRS-- NOOKEYy i.L P -1-11-111d jf Po, AsFfillows I-n6know, and g11rr+.#tn,ji DOW Stov y 0 4 ho COMM13fi. pimple, blotch* or Loill, a', CC fo 7-7 t g a 'MOUITS fr �IX L -OW to t most inalignalit -0) its S�a -04 A; J1114 --r. fff Alt LOT6 r _SALE. QKN fie J 1 ti Scro fu'ous uk(Irs 5 itax, 40, g the, Bil 4. 20.21- 4 -.NL ID V from Sallowness r.r lb6d,- will pully. 0 0X1;..T0 Six ]BOTTLE cleanNA�jl V "S. DE -1 i� P�"AIE�.TOfftj -ST, HELENS -H A RN ES isa "PtAft BODIR1 ='and 2:i� in the �60tio n t the AMUR%, MIEN -esultilig from 115 o el les I DtM00RAT3,:,&0 vitlaw-4 At. ffel�il* A.Mitaini rink A; �erfect; Afire of I-M;L )Tjjeie� is'lin the it,- 111se,4 a wage" K lop, and 8table", 11onatruct'e(i q1the lit frauie dw,41i. �g h, OWi8liblent of the. body,.. s,%vepteU terial -and tit finit - class ;Tor1q, -h be, will dii� OT 11411, a Rei a go id orchard. ToQ brtatll' it. on(Vwhiq and ten %t.e the eutir& F-wfurtber Iihrtii.tilariq @At re AN 14etion to mak& i, -our fe,r wint IM - ,%t a 4144-Y W WbT. KINAH L 3i _499 liik- flon't fail to nL -St, Helena IQXE To TWO PG T.LES P43r stockgfoifi pnrcha.4ng elgewrje")�' T .4 - on or Costivellesg�there- ary, constipai re Ordin- a t tie Vrould algo thank thf� % *e 'Of the sainc,�4gsdring. thesif tof . . . . . . .......................... Temov Italic dr:.& eA ing I r,.ry libetal 1-ittrisnage, in, th past And milicitfi al acrdased matisfa :0: -lit 10, C i9uslless' and Ttulldlce, and 411 j "iWAII ind -f .,%vork�peet!ilyext Ms. -S di CU. VERAL FIRSU-CLA&K Far I . .. 1,01 wtited I iseasesTesulting.fr6m torpi Liver - k the -in the township'slof ow in stock argestand bei -t disilay,' 0 -81X -TLES by cleansing tile 00 E WE TO -BOT of 10011 toilite ,;flatfoet 'D RSE 81V '* ING A- SPECIALU 'fete TL -S* AN H URON.- derio IX OS Bloody lm�roving. lith e general h UGHT AND HE afid. 'fortif the gySte& a I st d Ving* 00 taking fresh colds will in ng,* ever -show.,, in "L. GV i trial. the cl,iltape8t for 0ale. _know. SPEC all casea Uee nle#fs in relieve, in most ca escure that RISES and terms, apjij to,- every -we ial idd �Rdum-03-vou--_NQ ffo eivi IN -11,111- I , W pjwn. - A - ne For partieulars Y Rec. Q�y - w e;,, and common k, geroys W. se, CATARRIff. 7, 1883. se, ing at. -'digea. '11" -,.them - lOathsome-and- dan TR"ERr c t wir.ihop 46ri-- �11!11:14 a d-, ti Solicit6r, Luckno and i ePUPPALO-oad GO,&ITZ ; tkeip ift ckch;� -tow. r ELLIOT T;Uckndw O'NE -Aug. To +TIME 'E' b'O'TTL *11.1 iegulat THOS. 77 A all dfrangeme 4 MY stock of Trunks;Val Kidne Ats of the and-Satolkels, cur lea, prolstra -e c eu ,Is nov C IE Ing urinaz� dA It' - R—: - - 0: V-) O -A �A K ROTT I P pomi0lete, And includsi all the --tioil, Gravel -e Diabetes', latest at esiii m*kes.- yl d L4 xig. add�4 largely ONE TO -YOUR 330 '1 E 'A a fill- Ae ab�rii artidles werep.-d r6haseid from thd eAtire -system, 'Purilag -nerrous TWI 03 will reinvig 0`0 to his 11* e�eryth Piz or, Ardil re is now i alrdadv E e s of: H pre p�r�d tow iuLrn- 4 t*h0be8"n&k1ers,, and attbe loweit Cash and general �debilityy p JLT:W W - - I I - - ", . . . . .. .1 emilo re . w - , weak - am prVpared tte*d 10'sill-as'Aeup Any Othti houRp dnt r at h the tr0e. �,ness and.411 its a Doxjt fail to call'and see Ifif Au 11111K 8to.ekb �ore?u ba CICE ONE I)OLLA R P V rc ail' P ej w j By tiention'.-PRI(I to, 9r.d -GV fed 11axiieSS', AIL D -RU MSTS ])PAL 5peclal 4t re. T& 10 to PX Im S1 SOL W -BIT i ­4�, w0l'k-911aftnteed firAt-class VAROFSHE89-A KININ BE 111 -ROBERT J!ROCTOIL A]-gogutterihe, ill. T.1d, Zf�e- or A.Wze, roh or U a a V n W, 'xim Eavetrot hi -r M 109 *t e 31 t act" evt&r -FA R Ivanized Iron `igtern� i -an aftiele T h�t S. Till 0 ist or Wat J would -a �toiiish he' cl o+seSLt d ili� the B, I , ­ : . .. . ; '.' I - I ray. Ad require uilding-Une 1 fli OW M FOR A R T.0 it a ��yerss- ue:' -ad - t i StOVE ST. Patti" b buil es intendink t ov .8 dtW seaTon wil find: lit: o' e'r "Call. Elmo, andv ee my Stock bef6r pur e ng-Itheir s cha* agejo upp to r t NOP-TIt QTTAJRTY,'R on. LOT,1f 12, Vovjjshi� C!)n- 011 Orr I . . I . 4.1 t I - r 3 1, A fly, Wes 1nore. or less, aboxjt�v 1N �,,ITJNWARE, VV b., . fiftV saw 'a 1, MA; eaz4 ad -audfit fo-r-omitivAthu, 6 a ance 11imbered. There is &bQut th Cheape Cheap Me Afock whidli- i, 411 sell­��a# ze�­ acres A -1-have rge: and Well! AL -a- YAR Wusud- a IA d N EAP -h Pr a wheaf also bou as V d f it r se, good barn, a nd a Ekwbtroughlng ty.1 Re0aii one -with, vQ- jas. h cial -a ness. spa ne ore A]* 613 the -prentises., The d 4' -and de t I ss; C I o:ve propert3 -A_ 1.-'q be.-eitber rented or sold. r slirr I j r urthel p p p Pleuur&'fr'nform'ngttlleeitii(-'ilr-of-Litein�w- and oi vdirk" 11 i larwaliij r Address g couktryo i s a Ia W ly -to o .ODD,--- ��,pxch 21zt, 1-883,: -,Dpp ousey and- is prepaied to Rell., t b'd WILL CURE OR AEL19VE OP forrherly OCLCI Pied` hyjofl r0 assor f 'ITS FOR $ T 0 osi the whitwy n I K.PkART firi ient t S. T t4it 116 hn�% Opened out in. the qfl 111% Stove .1 hav At DOLL T` SV -5 1 OtR (eelook P n 12 reirla "'al": ju i PArior "n? 81410USN988, DIZZINE,98,, 0 YOPERSIA, -.01ROPlay", to� Iff INDNESTIft- think I V, w%k. �ade-L- - -Ofb a Ong- perience in higLline aYing M W usifi 11 su 01 he- ants -of' the,`�P��tj ined abd.., V. t MrTERIAW H _pDal Oil, -and';Lanip Q604-- -Alio-- NVIiich will I)a gold a t L�w Pri. h d- I t can suppi and iA v oan A UNDIOE v#hout! fear �of. o profits and j 'n' 'Ple Wbile rietur ERYBIPELAR, LA- LIT-. �position, small tri flney, atL f)Ojjom;prjceR. Eavetrol, -hi 4iftic rett patring NE 4' hop 5� SAU �WEVAr illAgnly sinpere th Its t�. t;6�u0c- foi r ljtei� Pm n: the pastt^ -al . r s i e fov 4' T,0MA0ffj promptly wended to- n early can SCdiCitAA HEAM naW. T 6 of the, same in, W9 reaso 5, -6` R al &tat�e a S AND bAfht P A I r. s C. es. o a. tfk A IV -1,C I Iry 11 -Y rMS 'of OF 'hVE, T Paylnei AAACH�, DAV a4,, - * ' NE V T F. F. P L A 14 a vo Ppecles *f1djutam LrIsine tftni 4-1 -t - : - - SK14 .01 - THOS.L�. ft0ever 41 40rderod UVER, Kj RE .0 AQ ID,r -M N, UOWEIA 9R. 13LOO 'k� -P"p OT TPA -V 1,11BURN ta, 4 :.tin the io C -- OT 2 Aq .0 G