The Sentinel, 1883-08-03, Page 6�a.OT. TO ORE S* OF --- 7 .-.94448w- satlatie ROPEFtICK WDONAL TOWNSIllp o1p., 31U - jlo.,% ARQU 10A CIANOE WE P &TER 01rcoms '""AROVrk" GTHICI -11itfiTirs. TA NT 'R i - VISTONS X -T-HE- PRO JL .1&1)t6r107,-9eti6. a 34i -of the Re di Ontario, the o.R A -the Townih, P1 N E_ E otuftY Of Bruce, who died" ow owl. Jo 1151d, Ute I 0 19AKE. 'Mu OF APRIL A I - - c t my. immofise:.8i ck will opriq-aidta parfts at Pri 'Bruce Rail_ 'r..� of the Villa -e fit, ce.% VrWy hasi says the if -Em Cfe (3tifin ty of Ernpos.. Sol t Ote a few.:, for the dia* Inistrati-iv. of -the sai& R,d,ji Afel)onald. dt7cc 01C. __ On Or beforr t en leasec' to the' 0-tari-;A: .1 . - 6 VAYOF SEPTEf Can thf,- that. *.� to lay, 4BEFf NEXt, all black axid- c6l rul. qr -999 the kall particulars of th I- - clatm:�,'a stateatent q th,,ij a eir. , ppedial d consideration.of cc' Buno, and the ne, Ihake annua; rental of p4tttre of -tho.SecTAties (if any).beld by-tbp wmvad be Th - resul d after the Said Ist 4 of a' -Pend iug the sAd idininistratrix will. ejpttimber.ltext FF e Gra 'Ark ce and th the ell only 1 ontributo� the . ta Rif the' said Estateairio IaWsuit, beiween the W di 20 PER CEN"" 0 -0rey tb 9 n4st- 20 -PE e P rtiesentitled thei-et(i Wx-vingree4td. tC ndTru -reditfirs ofiv f c, Phich: [Shp Prevent tlie cbnsumation 4 e ATeired 116ti,�. cotton."'I'a �f trpjet w4rps 'table I e Dato�,i at 1�aknow' t rM men toy the- G�fladiazl P114 his 31st, d Qf Tal -.1 but that ie-- A. D.. 18,4�43j, 3uck- 911 T1 ie ELLIOT TRAVER t r or.tzic rs 48 e. re Wd trix-of Roderick 1 of oxc­ upoil to . �,Vl JL) I "DAW. decegWed_ Value; h�-Direc' Actiou of t us E jority of Vol k. NT 'ROO the Direqtors oYVII *'ii -in' - - , h .. t ` 0 thesto, TG-� RE is Th., rojitG. �-V obt4ining the �yic; TL �Pa A-bopys sumulpr Mit-16r cents� entl Billce, the' Cit. ma WITH 4 ROOMS is -70 Op�.ortunit ur se6r� cific UPS AND y to secur�_ zl(li� - Vs -tht. r tairs and*- 2 �i to th . Ck of wq- acres of abod Un Station at - - Garden reniember it is to your infered rontaa - 1.'with� ro -Land, go6d Sta'4168 atta -ch nd eena liarf. The edd accea% to tfio r W Torontoo "T uitself rans fl:, -1 :th �Or` urtherpartfoulgrSapp'l n is:, -one f in Y Principal 4 rtm III a k on -Lot 10, Con,: 9,. ccess.. 1have s6cu dtion t - OMWVML er -forks int - - 0.1 - Aghfield. Ma 0, it a c6mplete.su b a, two WO - Il tio �s we And fa-,vorA ly k" wn 'to. 11-in,6 raue'hes, -one turininatilig at- - Tees- -clitter.and"Inecliani c - . therefore.. Vbunty t5. I - L 9 of Brg,�e a g4irnient. other at lie . A U5 SO -nd t*L e," 86und-in-the Couzlty'bf� MU IfIC'MA141TV- 'Op TIVE TO s);11 -p -eat. T. -ie fineL th -0 _:NTj aad,servicea'bl country. ig't ELD,.COUNT the pr�q w ed. P P ser�red liy t Liz6kno, bf-anches -Joili the Wellin _ey tj ... 188& LT_ nal 'ER 1waed byF th& Grand k. A- tran-,alitted ni delivered to,. t 7 lers, ifs� m,:, be till d '0 brahot utl,j lie iik- th, if the vot,;j� - -I )iercec the'c th(� N-orti, b y ford� br"ch) I& served.; the. sif the Wortheru remain b%; the Inst, Gailadian Pacific, th'.* lt,:V, t(I b THE SE4R�OW T ,e t 0 vefthe Said a-loUt theF Toro�lto, _ (* - L & - _' - I � -1wti­n of the `b ,_ I - to f6l Legi-- lie a �al�a to, ryo�e will and,fiblds,, td- chegi' d- d7eli�lit-us. h h, - -tion. t nd that cip d Elec all 61'st 11- isted tip' people 6f tt rrev and 9oz lozk;� I as 2� top, hd-sa. renovati ' 1")"rl 4)n the lif,h ay 4f.Tl)ly,. and I -em, n g e Moe lion I'llette *ith7the Elc-has catered to the ;wa - t Fr-Unk _Colltinife& to, W1 n s ano: . I . nec6$sI eg o n to examim, the thlajt.'q� if uiwter of a 6ent CWMdJJ4l1­_P8WW% the PPOIAe -of -artic - ui�y-j he - is as. lb -2 Will -have the a ons or any other e. 1tvike immerlia:t -The jjjfto�unt Vahtage, of I,'-, cerdih� the _e of Wdisposed -of On- the -�ojiiploetio.ii-of tj ' t corrSeted -i thp� IzInglis store is D froin- Utta & I U fig 24 ayot-J oronto the eana(l TA ian uly, EXCELLENT VALU AND.- ITA fronl� Alull IT *sh My trea. o SOU, ertisements.-wnd -bi b d oil We7saiol j�luu G at I y -st k L' 'th. l -where icipality, oc argrest,� or that ter '31117 Callp,be Inese are stereotirPe assertion& by 8111iou P. 0 awith-Prince �rthtx -bor's L-111dilk9 �'aitd t1i" va e or qua ity of -their n6iOi 'Sto k.' Y Sy% to", -of the Toronto . s -is �el y �co. f6f the 0a;iij-diall s TH NT 'roo�, -y b4ld, One, for the- Pro;V 0. . I t� .13eX 11143e 9r not Wd for. 0 C all rm of- th - alia,li-111 14 All Cinnamon' 'Um rants 9 W'W4 We North 'A U, r to �0 bto� With -t)i)t1i. t -Ma Ono t�rrx ant! tho! lt;ral� C the next more of th a -131 CAII 'dialli Pacific artdr, be'a, dantrer UZI le , SL t di Thn T, of the I.Biith6rick K 'L_ t i�d hard to zu� _-Bro0ms r t4, 3L't ()lot les Pins, L at Sk 11st next, &-deards t �t� a, send bi­ 11;r Im-paill to R.-bert Web IL`m& to the orjiill(� 0 s TJW so�:J _in'the C ste" Bisell it 4 .)it b6nm th& Canned Goods 0,02,000a, rifire for the, -Blue, Vitriol -Northern: O%V'4 heir -F Ption of the I Blackio� -the securities& Aladdi nature-ugpnicuiars4)f rn kll'ahy) hetd, by thenf�agaiuqt of t his estatt-, or in Che' t. tben�of iht-y itiji. rL(: M -P rus ies ek e h= flot, sa far i- defaill OWder e Well 610ded fri;m. the . ben boi p fimily ex ter do"' ftlt- . ent- of - the, N ufni. y parthe�� 'lies -Oils' with� require wtitchilig Bags! (Cutori), D f w-niaking the G ra . illL , PbtBarfeY venllutst amd Cill-I I!xg regard un13, to the 61aira, tNi Borax',--*Candleg and. neutral, hivo� the notice, And, thi-y shall WeStern - and Central. not be liable for the asseti or n, t_S Y.jnrt thereof, EP66m, 8ki 11P, to Alanitola, - alid: -th 10 (1181ributed to any person of whi).e cWm_ 1 *1 104p6ras F"loug] -LN Orth- notice has noteen. given -to- t Fig Nuts' '11 be operi io. -the (-;ra1_ le said Robert Wobster 4t the time Of such ther \orthern; the 73tidldlid and the- Canadi' WE R'O Ngils: An' PAcific, JQ�Wv Uie&,� EX.ECUTQRk -3) Inge The more, t116- moi&ier--�-for 'the. -peoplfx Luck T. all -43o, ave to send anct naw., July. 1�4.th* who h "-e frefillit 1983, orks Lut if ihe North - n bo6nus,' and the TA13LE AN CANNED 'I - . 0 I KET FRIHTS 9--t-s' the Northern,. tile Mna n d an All df Whi6h. will -be to y t erIts to 'W'eatern Ontario, W- BOOTS Want . to UsEi 0 -NLTE. . ;-- .. the Gaiiad,,ali pa�—eifjc;, but we- don't 41as just recei,�ed a. la the WO t rge ock - W 0 use IS VV GOL 1 That t iext; f ight�ng Poilit andA" -he i -ellooves- ihe t)usiness ill -07 Ott over y Your. e es: 7but -tntario to keep th St -wake up Aday that The-' PIONEER'STORE-� will - __P WO 19 an. ds -1<)w 0 so 9 049. cen All -kinds of Br,ead 'StePheu,& C6. th&-, -or tivee as a start, of thenir Cakes- paniRe . . .- . . _. I... ahol other c.0*f6ctio nerY kePt constant-�;� ly. First-class Teas only C cts pe ------------- Herry"s Dr ug SI�tor6 And -get a Zouzz I Partiec or bolic 0�. .-tequiril*, in -the 0:uove. Afc(4reff & ParkeFs Va - it is 6omposed.(yf Vase in '14rWie Acid '.anod' eel' E. lirie vuld do, well to give-ine a 'to, =d [3alL 10fehes remove _Pi1fiple$, leerated, 89r;,. o*h Cy ODIMife WhitA T 0 0 Q& Cr -villa Ayboday, jviy.3oth the , E3 FV ife. ,1ex MW-Intyreo, o(. A of1r. 0 H a daughter Ashfield 011 Tuesay, or- 0 :4 0- 24th JU1Y1 the Wife of Jhn o0 pap ':`am to 0- 0 go's P USLIG, F40TICE.- 9 P mn �RMG;. 0. �rrm_m Irv, RT1F 'OUND PICK- oi� 0 .. L" �L * .0 Alhig bA 48 1 -, M. -I 1 ern des * ep- I eS' troyfixg, fenc' to to L2 otherwise 68'L or ML tr -passin on the premise% 'QS =:W go 0 or -B t:g - 0 . E Jbwitt Will'be prosecuted, acoliord- o, eq. CD . JKwlTr. f eo. or 1P ON july- 21* V.0 A* M CD e. so L 'LOO H R-- VingL' da ed- larg4li :to his ��ady Egtenl, ive fimjjS paredL t h e luired ovad A !�:VARWSIIES -ALL KI 8 AIIII A. 'Al' s 0 9.11ttering , in Tin, - Zi rX61 or Gal vahized I Ti , or Qalya" � ed lron,� Nvitei.ume , Cis I terns, 3i R'z ron, re4uird for in'the Buildin STOV 9 Line !ny stwre s* intending jQ build §Wieason will.*fMd,-: it TOVES and see my stock -bef bie g.�hq r IN- TINWA "Iwo a66 h la"d well stock the CheaPest. 9 -assorted Ej- aj,_ Spe­ the citizehq o 'Lucknow- . - I . and de ch _T Spat Pai and SU O�t in the� Shop fo y cbuntrn in Stove s 1 h aOCOUPle -PEAlt by rge assort T the Whitely-Rguse, and i.% prepared- to-_ e- o.r Cyk* ,0 4mp Goods. Also - i coal and W hich. Will be sqldatL.Lb* P f. rice�j, had ong: C>:u of bqsiness, I th -A- LIT �7 ink 1. can Vetro ti walits, of' ith,6 in- his line,-, at. bottwil. pt. -c suPply the. Posi 01.1! Small h- publ ug IT'& �jid R- PrOlUs and qui n epairin ckff rns is my., PrOmPtatte ded to. An early cau: icite While, retlirningl' tto, My sincere thaikk t' M1 L X_ e: public A in e io� forA coniinuan6 DAIRY PA PAst, T11ope f e D VID -7 A. H 08 T d (4. 2 on 0 WISH - TO :bJ ti RIECT� TH Z&A ]'as for W. E ATUNT-10-W-9-17 - ' f 'L I overT* ME FA M, IMP -it " L - .. 11. -PU-BLI-"JLoi,--,T..o-.ou,.u--� OP -TA 00 8 -3VSM b0eu -,reeQpized- -by eran rd -STOCK 7 t DRY -GO -f eat .1fieffic"'Ar -G ceries� Shoes,- Cj-oc1CJry,­&oc. ol -er 111104 I)Owie#01 Wood purMer J� 1 7 - ODS thoritfesm the um!n .. iy-go lr=g% - .,. L . `T - 1t Vies the sybuma from an f()Ul hj� the. leasi' am t ;Ors, enrichesandstrengthelisMeblood of Mercurial treatment, and 'reffioVe VrovesW VS TO iV1--VT1V.' e �cOlifD�l9tern-&-r— wo war'. et -and. Alftecefaticureorscrofkdous�s ds RitUn's fb` r - $1.0 ot vn_. pti -IVI '190 -oreg.- e as tror pri bled with �Lucrof�,, t *ces.tbat calanot fAil to cers) �qji my legs. The limbs wez�' IOUs sores -(ul give satisfa( badly' f3w0lleil and Inflamed and the vores charged la cash e -quantities of o:ffe!M1VO, mat*,: very Teme Y11ried failed until I used Ay=,L.: "0 Pairs t6 UrOur mew, Stock is well rted �1. laln chi eftotakenth asso. well 1�u SAIM"ARMLA, of vKh1ch 11 fZ d eap. -aud be con bottles, Vith Vie rend and t that thesores M 20 PER- CEN OF y general health greatly; _T- very e6sro, ed. teful 90ithe -good Your me lChIcha0don6, -TONS 90 PE.R- CENT OFY 111e. Tlurs respectfull gs, a. at I' o;ht. prices. 412- All persons interested al* cl-to ellhi & -calln-Mrseollariall; Also upon Invitied-t eenimg P- W-Ildx Of ISMAst 54th Street. WeW 0 "City! whO Will take ple.ja D M! -60 4et's 316HARDTIS '1� L100 k the woudexf 9 P, In testl Japs,.Collhirg -Brac 1111eacT of Ayeris S Ties and a es, in, uOt OftlYin the care of 1lif -many Oth nt coniplete, "KOW his.o 8 la nothin-� *anti ge. . I qr- 9 knowled a ng BE ------------- t F N 'y Having suffered severe)y e 7, lar.: forlome years wJth UP41 Slizien: -coats 1or 56:' his- Ro�zenl!&,audllgvingfailedtofind elief 0ents. T TR TdIftedles, I -hay 'THE'. Ou e made use, luring 111ju pa,,th VE L1 -A L-1 iff hd - N .11 iou IT Cfrom other Do mOntlls. of Avr-lt','i not neglect if, and re 10 -'effecte I Ittiog support, your. owity., town n ' a covll?"'te nil'e. I c6lisider it -ce tre4l(.'dyfor.illblopodirepcs,- antaguiti- now A I -Am S -Ito est 6 er so. sarsa ny b a K. iti".4 �.�uv D y Pa ffirts.to, -.a the servicos of 11.1r. AXcKinnbij d. ided rp,M C 0. f G-Toods stimulates -and XV01tes the crion iu ' - gesti-ve nd. - of thei.. -Mi 1 .1 er VO olg4ns, rel prices,- .eve�j strengthens the VItgl Rhe Ore0s,: and vpeetti uniatism, -Neuralgia, rh�6"ji .,ly say, -t& hat' ea h ly oures ',ond o�."yotz as ds -a first- lai; Y a,,t anc you order6(1 le Stoc. �Gout Catarrh 1''Gon"Fal -Deb lity. and ll diseases or 74k TYL tion of the blood, and, OM A w vned _Tt eah ot faif to com- m -and L 41.1sing front an 11TIPCOYdrislied br CQITUlkAed a fidi- -A V8 �A_ 1111TITEP 6h L RSi VV IsilicOmMAblytheiall On-aceddift of its c e4pestbli on, bOdlZediciLe riAl 0 Oucentratedstrejijgth,..aiid.great p. wervvepdise-%e. -UP iL 1 8 ARO' DP4. 0.'AYOP Co., Sold -b A Pi yal WCEME NT I Drugosts; price ift bott, RES111ES.A1q-D beaJ ou wd" and aty back to o& Piolqper, _:and.iliholio, 0 ever to d S IN T Y R E Id OF. 'woo 20,W0 -POUND'S�' is lnan� 161ends And.. L TEb AT. . patrons for so Ve L mber of i�y acliStOli*rs (jail I D . root df th t an's Dresc Mens an E. _­00DS cy ajiltyre's.. geylerRI that they -re Vqepareoi toell rit will m6t. say- All dW Ar6 the-! efie, Blu� Polkad 6t at M aclli�Vrelp AM best. eY know -the a t'. iff,.A-LL K1, RUH -Collars, letei.�n�bf Xen's Ties nd 11ne W;,tij *al ilf, me- Midolirzlotiii Rum * r- _HOUS Dg,. tin haw -EHOLI Do f Men's hats in all the ety.16s ;P t W40ntyr( A s Ll Cus A ope.. 19�941741- Sulphur The Lang 6111and nr Iiide to orier a rtry 6orset.; Sago, Starch`." -W& Italatil ee gAstjtj w;)r t SbOrt RAI t P �nit T�e lti bvbt of W rkiu etre- Orit,6 Nrs'et� nuitill na1gs s ices* The newe Parasol 7[f t o7A: flips, Sp, 'h _Irarch 22* Soda; Bi-Carb Lucknow. 17.y neWest stymw asi Tubs' Te 11PIOca, Tobaccos -C "U -ac �LADIES'_ OOF J L WAT R -PIWOF in T-*, t V Iii tvre P1, Ve Tomatoes ry Ch e, C ANT B 9 -V iftililig pes, P LAM e Yeas E ,c4. -EN GK rM�D_ -RAT SHOULI) -TP E, It does Hot rUill oi� iT 1uperTy aut to CELEBRA o ?50rews, Spadost TrIl W -W Y, -FET0._--AET0., �LR -ON E �11 IT 'PRO G T OF. A I N, Vely', ABOH hial 'are found S. Wifig to - PP h us othf?r-1 tl e -of Oils 110 -a- -4 -01 TH'E I THI, 0L F -T TO A great man re 01 erin-aifinferior.' a To arti I r,.st Price .--v000l,'in c6lah �Or same wne. H a. G Aftu- f ­ U 1 CUM effected. YbVr:ffi0"ywia INE y4r OF R NG I :B b3 refunded� PRICE; an A-RTICL-.E d. -at a.rekso inable figu�b U 0,1 raiateed. .0. on GL r Ow, Llickii �83 Refulideds A _U T MqUIRF 0' D To �CUjtR AS Folliow;s IX OTTLEs will TO Puri W loGd, 0adicating allumours S e, otch'i r Jbiqlf bl 1 0 Most malignant fo FiLARN, the co"114035 rin Ulcer, ONE TO I X B OTT by cleansing the B lob(], will Purity the �COMPIeX16 Ir ni ne's. smooth out- the, kles r� sultilng from imperfect e n i1shment of the - body ou Myeeten foulbreath, and re'no-vate 0 10 entire, or inONE TO lire or. i�_ Two -Wi ary constipati�n ordstivelje�js H as nOWLin stock the 14rgcst by remoNilig f aud.-bept dis Headache Iousnes and Jaundice and ill s disea es resulting- from torid Liver. _ReP LIGHT AND 11EA W o s every eBARNES ewinz ne' Go d VY ever OWFI� TO 'SIX BOi= S shown by Luckno nsibg the, t ments in ood, -imPr&ving the general hopg1th stocclotInduce .131 z- selling -the and, i". Lm, ai and fortifying th6 system, Ag4i Mt colds Vd?Jr-4=AUd G wul iii all ielieve, and c in most. cases cure th t 00111monr.* loathsome ind dang,,,yus 7 tockbf Trunks V,,%li�es d Satchel 0 e, '.0 _M tR I..C.ELk_, pro OUR.. - diseas QOK B OT T -'s ]low complete a d -.WE TOT Let SQ'iTLES will regulate I styles and 4 derangemenks' 7 of the Kiiney 011ftrilIg U'rinary Air 'Wareog now,, he aboyd articlei, difficlties --prostral Of 'd As all t were Pfirliaie4 from ion, G -el'-Diabetes, to - Y. uilde -make I _ ti Orav rS, tso and at the li)w�st �igh am prepared to seli vigor - E To'_Foui BOTTLES �vill rein Wt -fail tO-call and see my. as -any other hour.,e if, the zr0e -ate the entire system ok before purchasing and il#Y3, ,0male We elsewhere.- liessrand all its,. Att SPecialatt.,, enalantiIiiserie, OTTO U011 Vald 90 -order.*' ed Marliciss An woikguara ONE DOUAILL nteedfirlit-clars. -ZOLD ;B/Ft I,-, WARE a40BERT _PROC ALL DRU%aTS and DEALERS- a�etrio� -OMah- -,th - uml 7 c.1 'o a in 1jetr ever y article ttolur.-Pijoe u- FARMPO Y.er. for:value. R SAL9 h ir advanta e OR TO ]MIENTO aBING-Kop,T R, QTyARTZ L can-, 1a, OT 11, taining, ofty !rOwnsip of Kinlow -FR more or 1eqs about to cleared a d fi TTON V- A -]ftNS- V_ scour 41- _-AC_ acres" Y_ elMAP t for cultIV ce OP.. a a -a"Out -three aeres Belli well timbered. There i ation, 4' underfattwhjt .. 'h 'a 011ift -barn and with. t zood eaj ness the p b �,e The 0.,0 i Tor furthef. wM b 01ther rented ticula - 'Dr. old par to or,add ess, WE R R' 11) L �-T :.,�E SUIT -F Wux, C VRE 10RAEMEVE RWO SNES$ perience . Y� D17 ZlAfEa. L 1mr: of 0-90JOBY, AUND10F. 7 diff -to in this ine; ivithou Mad.e.'. .t f -Op- ri M'M to 0, OF THE REARrs ERY-SIPFUs e Liberal rL . Aczaifk OF ate, _Potro�age, -at re 9. 011 ter� pay 1 11,4 ,_ra te e N - - - - - - OF T Orrowe�S. _BpWr OR .11 L;aD�T' "Cl #r , fr�b �/'RE IWIdOr4d LIM?' kionEyk �dl G, 0 R�. G MUOT TFIA R II&BOR -4