The Sentinel, 1883-06-08, Page 6:0 • • • -e=s 74t iguektitistr --,Pentiott Tat rourren TO ARG UN Par, LT 110Orksa2mrar/IISDICTATSs OrOinra&I axes wi rani Agora ALLGTHICIILIIIRSTIRS. LuuW,:Apo 8 /883; Tits °sass brings. us the intelligence that Lord ..D411"erin has received his promised decoration, as. a _mark of his success as a diplcanatist ..in the Ea8t.7 The noble Earl hail had_ cOnferred on : hint the Gratd -Cross of the Order of Bath. inc he entered - public life, :Vora Iiethrin's success has been mark- . el. .11e succeeded'. his fatherasfifth Beton 'Putierin. and. Olandeboy ni 1841, and was made • a Baron of the rffx IlEAITnited Kintlom - in.. 1850.1- In 1860 L.711. • he perfornie a successful Mission to - , • where', on the authority of Lord • A cable despat`.:11 from the Heralds .• -r 1 t e. inquired into the inass- - London BureauglIes the 'dateineut fare otehris ians. He was married in - a.corre4pondeqluderinade it his ha. • _ a well .riqu-n and infiuenti rnehrher-of the m iraide' in relati to the QUeen'S : kr,aftiL He-. was i fermed that sevr.re dropsical •syniptoi - had set tn, and-- that the Queen's coil rtition. ia considered •so unsafe that hr r -----.-ted:t, aod in i le Se-cretary of T-:;- War in 1866- i *eel I or of 'the wa.s , sated Viscount elands - s hope and Earl -of Du fibrin in 1871 and . _ r in 1872 was ap,pointssl Vrav.enor-Gen 'eral of 'Cana( a. . We all know • with doctors all protests(' against: the.pr,L what successthe carried Out his trust _ ,,,..ot ;journey to tieotiaus. • The _only i. here. Lord - utrerin's next post was r..ason to nittse hs'r doctors to- as -sent that of British . Ambassador to St. her rem oral' as ' the; fast of pie iU.. -Petersburg, ‘Lhere, as Well as sUbse-• atiility of lier AlaieSty tes get about qu:ntly.at C. nstantinople; he as ablei since ow hurt -t,i. ir r mg, whio4. h4 t ).:. do signal Iservlce for the British minimistS1 her out -d or exercige. Fis peppie., His latest,. achievement • waS. hss b_pe most mdly missed, but. it is in EgyptBe as empowered to re- - thought that the fresh air of Balinoi.41- port what- changes were necessary to will in a. great. df gree make up for it:. secere good tovertinient for that eel . The immediate rssult of this cessation fortunate cou itry, and the.volunrinons Of out door life has_ be( it fit ,after fit of . document wit Ch he reeently sent to the sarieus,depressieri. • This melancholia Vmeign Offie den101.1Strated, that he has, frightened the docforannd.144dPil bed -left. nothing: -undone to place before to- internal ioorbiclity -of the system, the(tovernmelit the true state of ailhirs . . . arid is aiming all . who kriovir it to fo,.: in the land of the. ' Vilt . rt ig highly at ,, probable that Lord Dutrerin- .:,,inay y.et , tempate, at . no - very' distant date, . least the fear ofthe Queen being coil- - be 'nude VJ°th.oy- of IiIclia'':- ',fined a conrlimed invalid te._ her bed. .. ., s 64-:6 he was Under- tate_ for India,- and_ for , - Was "made.Chan7 Duch).* of - .Lancaster -in sletessu nit; citor.q. Although theseason has been vet - . . backward, thr.re. is a prospeet tha . , with the cessation Of rain andthe set- - ting inT'ofivarms sreathr-r, the loss that seemed impend-ing - sill not,_'fall with the severity anticipated. - Indeed, it iS probable that anY shortage in the fitli - -wheat _will be•qe-ite, -Made up-tby tii. , 4spring, or -the ahmidance.and -advancer .ed prices of - -other; crops,- ,-..-• The ineadewte are- unsurlia.sSed hr iuxuril asides, which- is- 'favorablefor (lair i products; cattleare So- high in prii- that the fasnier . whe has a yaedful o high, grade young ste;.r.st ileed-net feel-, troubled; the fruit Prospect ise'aeod- in all: sections.. Ala it is possible -that the fall Wheat, on, which many farmers- still rely-rnore from the habit of following the beater& track thaa the Special profit atty.:11in to it. --will i ITCOVer itself in u a few pladt.s where ' 'estmera tell its tht it kinykiagieb.lti (I? it lately seemed hopeless _f_aitsre better than. they had lately expected, and doubtless some of . those who • ploughed up theircrops will see Teas .11` to wish they had:not-done so. It will be seen, then,that Ontario is by no means badly off so•far, when we compare ita condition with that of the portions of • - the Old World and the neighboring States. ' So bad is the outlook "abroad ., tNat it is said, that no European coun- try. excepting Russia,: will be able to live on its oivti. grain: =resourCe's, Spain. h. alreacky_starving, and Italy' has been: for. months past " iinportitig for her -,oleitta- all the yellow corn she can in America. If Great Britalit and France do not buy American vial now, it is because its priee is too high..aiid their- stock in store - large 'enough to last till the next harves-t. 411ut. in two month's time thingi, might -alistime sptiteri 0.. ',' different 'aspect. While we have hadan unusual amount of rain in -Ontario rit is a trifle in emi- r . - --parison with What has fallen On the other aide of the _borders. • During•a . five days .i3Ourney through the lake: rsgions and the States of Ohio, Indi ana, and Initials, a'writer Met nothing but cold„ pouring rain'. Thegr- ound is. _thoroughly soaked _ *here it is not turned tut° a swamp. - • ._ . _ . pi.omisng young son of Mr: t-terhain; near Ooderich, died from in- jariei received by,- failing through_ a Irani' floors - 4 - S. S No. 5, irdoss. , The foll1ow lig is the _report ,..-_ of the .. r. • • — . - standing of2 die • inipils.of the aboye .1 seltein for!" thfr month of May. It. is ba -rt ler thea -attendance, perfect rec• itath al, and.general deportment :•---: -- s.„-istsitaire McDonald Tierce •;" 3rd, Alexander I-. Flyrn CL.t... 2nd, Henry . Fraser. - -- Foneris---7 2nd, • Jes:de IcKinnon ; 3rd, Maggie Mell1llari;.4t 11;'Saigue1 Nicholson.,_ i Titian. - -.1st, • James -el MPierce.; 2nd, 1.c .i4ieLe d ; 3rd, aeorge Fraser, 4thUat}icorin McKinnon; 4I -R. 'Elting), A st, Susan Roach. ; 2nd, Robert Va!_e s ; :3rd 3484 Jane COX .„ I4t1i; Jo.re y lens -_ ''. - ,-, . SEcoxn;-1st Jane McGillitray, ;„ ' . 2nd; William...,AleLean ; .3rd; Anna 1 .1 McLeod : 4tl, Dennis Kenny. ; • - At the monthly spelling roatehi the : hest :spellers m each :clasi were :--S--- 15ft.h,• 1 -Et iir Pierce, Fourth, Sarah. Alebenald ;,' , r. Third; Catherine Mc: Kinnon, Jr. -Third, ' Susan Roach, Second, John Pitmen:in; 'Partil.,4,Johrt IL Hedley.-,.. ' :. • WOW' OW - STOVES, DA.T—I It -, Has plearnirefininfortning thecitzein Of LucknoW: 404 .Flortourioing epoptry, that• helms. Opened Out in -the Shi 0.-forrnerlY occupied hyijous'.:PSAwr -• I • ' -. . - .. .. . . - . - , - opposite the - % lately se, , and. is. prepared a sell.% . lir GT ES: - . r.,94--, .4j -tis .caAz '4- tbrit -•Tr.e-00, Opal • it and Iarnp. Goods. Als-.- 71.I.N -1797.--.4kRM A_ LI% -. miisTr)s. And .eferythines'in - his'. line ' at bettifin prices. -_- Eavetrotighing _and. RePairing' . . . 'premptly.ett Adea- toil An early ean--solieito.. ,i. - . - - . - ._ -. -- __. -1114K PAN$ 4N1) D..p Y ..' .-.-,PAII...S: :A. s.: SPECT41.4TY.,- ,DAVID:- svaTHEO.LAND AtEL-..1V*MTYRE 411, s ; Sarah McDonald; s- —4-2. _ (r4- .7 Li 144 different styles ot - Collars, Meintyre. .111=arze- I.adies' If you‘ovant a Tony Para$91' go to liteIntyre%. A fine assortment of Fancy laers Kid iind Silk Gloves, at M, bit yre'8, Ilas no' in dock the larosetnnel best frtdIrryi • • LIGHT AND -MENA MARIAM - ; - - ever shown in Luckno•-.7„. Specjel induc' inputs la 331774P1ALO ant 60.1t.T AOt Zone 331a;ottr, etc. My stock Of Trunks, Va,jact, Hand Salk Ws - etc.iis now c41rplete, 17,3d ineltidmialliie latest etyle3Eit.d nukes. • . As all the Aborenrife.lers',.te re purchased' arena the best makers, and the lowest p • nee, I am prepared oeB ascbea7 . as any otherboup tin the trude. , Don't f alit° calLand lee ' ktock before p,rehasing • " 4selidle Je. • Special atitotiontcwid to or cr. en Halmos, ivi•i*guaranteed iirsoo-class. ito EaT PROCT )R„ Mammoth „ Conic Sun attdOs fur cents, at T 't 111(autvres. GardeilSeeJs,- Butter Reens by the Pound, Tops, Dilitch-..-letts anti Potato' ".0nions -at. A. McINTYRE7-8, salltIOSINO41111111.1•011RiMammalbak • • :otsvaarivrliwePsvisomisseeamommomiNv -7- DOWN: SMITH - At t 14..Methodist Parsonage, Luckno‘v, on Tuesday, lith inner the wife of Eev J T Siiiith Of a _ 'daughter. • ' EAM- CRIST MILL • 1 iix, — - . To LiNsojig BROSbeg to -an- • I: noynce to their numerous cnstora, ers and the public generally that they have had their Mill thoroUghly-r6pair, ed and remodelled an the Most improir. ed system for the manufacturing of a nosy eLa55 GUIADE OF FANitLY .fisfaino„ Gristing premptly attended to, and --fanners may kely on getting . it home with thein 411, work guaranteed. SPRING . • ,We also ke p.on hand a choice lot of .our ' N WpRootss FLOUR. - -• Every houSekeeper should try it Eyery bag giiaranteed_ quantity and quality. • All kinds of - CHOP .F ED AND GRAIN - cons allay on hand ftirTernis strictly- - Cash and all goeds-delivere toall parts of the tptvn.- - * T07. LINSON BROS. Lucknow, e 7th, 1883. LANNI-61/N dEMEN- 40i - . ioPPQ.siTE,TTIIE -.w.nny,LY IIOUSE • 1,tanuf%Pturer o ± - !ranters, 1 Saddles, Trim 1:411 81Falises..1 - • - Having nur i.d the fol. I lk• of Ismer,/ yte., belopgibg PI Mr, Vim G am -if 1,1 rin prepared thun et"-Ct tovoriily the wtonti i 14y: o*tomets Ana the:public 40.0 . 31i ,trtir. bet the place, Grassick's ddf111114, :MO -IV Teirnant's drug store,' • ALE*f. .ROtS. 1.411Ckiria CW nrt! 1 .. .. y Am DAILY RECEIVING ADDITIONS TO MY ALREADY L1RGE STOOK, PURCHASED AT I • closest . Triiees for. CASH, and which I ani., offering at Oorrespondingly lo*- figures to ray. customers and •the. publie::generally. . . .. • ' • . a . • - . - Frit E 2 R F.J. such as ;---Spades, ShoVels, Foiks* Axes, Griudst C 11 es, Chains saws Rime, Edge Tools &c. • • ' BUILDERS' BARDWARE:7.:NallS,.ilings, Locks; Glass, Putty. PAINTERS' SuprpiEs t-ethite Lead (ill -Grades; Colors). Brushe „Paints and Varnish) ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF HARDWARE. ODS I have opened oett lintirely new Stock of , - CUTLERY 'A SPECIALTY. 131._.A.1.101\TD Hail Warranted equal to Jewitt's or any other malie. , - - .SOLE -.AGENT FOR THE DOMINION PAINTS' "- 'READY -FOR 'USE. , - I am dker. minelto do a live.1.-rusiness .and sell at ,close prices' fek Giye me a call. ,No trOnble' Co show goods t. and give quotations: . . 0 11 ILV a- croisui LUckitsow, April 1. 1 ties • Whic11-1 will sell at THE SAL L are smelt and I,„ Sell for Cali ta..Call. and look through My!, sto - LIVING- PROFIT. AS niy,,expenies - oduce Only, -.1. can make it worth your before:purchasing elsewhere.. . , . . • • •BUTT for which the gliesti-- • Taken 'as. Cash • . - • EGG arket 'price will be paid. piticK ijEL • '.RECEIVIN..-C+. • -- - WESTERN . • lanin 11 • Thesubecribers her ehY notlfv the public in • general that theyLre prepared to execute workin their line in a v uperfor style. • :GVARANcr-E :-After fair trial, with Pe : relief cr cure effected, yrre money wilt. b?. refunded. *,-.-ifacc, $r.oe: i Sold by 1 - --- 11181JOGISTS et Ill?.ALEW' EverYwhialt; I it .Satisfaction Gii,aNnteed Money„ Retuded. !. A310E:NT REQUIR1 D TO CI; It' As follov.4 : • , ONE TO SIX BOTTLES T. ill purify" 1hr blend, eradicating all lumouys, ft ..{dr 1 the- common pimiole, hloteli; or ti IR., to the most malig;_ ant Ids& ' of serofidons ulcer. • ','•• .. , - ONE 'TO SIX BOTTI.ES, bi,cleansitag o - Bloo' (1, Will purify 14 e Vomplex:Ini• from Sallowness, sr ooth Mkt ', har wrinkles resulting f4 .3in , imperf -ct- trourisinnent of .the ;_ody, swee'S4ii• -„,...foul breath, and reno‘ 4ie the exit rr "system. • ''',‘ ' * , ., , ONE TO TWO ' BOTTLES w:.11 cure ore, ary- constipation or coSliveness,thi, - by removing Headlche, Pi si„, Biliousness and Jaur,Iiice,• and, , ,-41= diseases resulting from torpid Liv ert- . - ONE TO SIX BoTTLEs, by:cleansing -,,t,e, 13loodi improving the genefalisliriill and fortifying thes[steire ngaix_ St taking fresh colds; w 11 111 alley 65.7 relieve, and in most ei'ses cure flag, i common, loathsome alai. dangert.,?* • :.13tTILDINCtof ArliL 00 CIPRING IS- THE' SEASON' THA RENOVATE, •REVRESIIES.-AND i • 0/ beautifies paturie, brings the birds Of sbug and eauty back to our Yowls s na aewato cheer and delight' us. 1 i.. - . Springtoo; has a renovating effect on the old Pvmeer, and although he hgri catered:to- the wants and necessitfes- of his many i friends and pati ens for /- he last quarter of -a century, he is as a'ble and willinglias -everti; do so yet -... --1 „The amount of goods disposed of and the nun-11)er oteustomers_daik patron- - ising his store is better_proof of het IXCELLENT' VALUE. AND- SDITABLENES OF -Dif GOODS than foolish advertisements and bombastic -statements, - that my stock is the largest, or that My goods are t Theke are stereotype assertions by- all, and yet they n value...pi quality of their -neighbor's stock. , . My stock in ail-departinents-is very complete, HE REQUIREMENTSOF A . IN C+ROOMIR.X' ..11spice Alum Arrow -root flffBIue Batton Blue liathbriek * Brooms Itedcords Biscuits f nue Vitriol _ 4 _ Viradkillg flaking Powder Brushes liagi (Cottony Pot Barrer 2 • }torsz, Candles Oandlevrick Copperas: , Cinnamon, Currants 'Cloves, Corks • Or. Tartar Candies' . Castor Oil , Clothes Pin!._ Owl -Fish . Ca,nned Goods Coffees - 'Corn Meal Cheese ; Donn _Leads , Dies Dried Apples Essences 1.1prioni-Salts Figs aad"-Nuta. Ginger Glue • Honey Ink, Indigo Logy/eat Lamp Glasses' Lazepwick -Molasses Mustard • Matches: Madder Mace; ' - I Nutnk.gg,s Oils ' Oatmeal , Pickles, 'Pepper ..... Pails, Pipes, peels. ',Plough Lines, , i there orel will not Say' e piieapefit, and best: ither know the amount, bracing almost all H USEHOLD Raisins, Rice Resin, Rope, ugars, 'Sulphur - • ago, -Starch it Petre .alt in Bags . §yrttps, Spices Soda Bi-Carb •Teat, Tubs Tapioca, .Tobaccos Velencias, vinegar 'Tomatoes WoodenwEire' Wash Boards Washing Crystal Whitning *Yeast Cakes :Lsr 3EC.A.RDINT-A. 2fAils, Data -Door gimes, T. Mars,actor/ Spades, Shovels • 1 . . I Yorks, Pikes, FOOfft, 807the ,. - TABLE AND POCKET OUTELRVJ ETC., ETO., _ . All of which will be ound at -right pribi& ' _ , . . r - BOOTS & sktoryi4-2. GENERAL 44,SSORTAIlaT AT' VARIObS PRICKS. ., . - contraeied fi r and finished in the latent mail 'Lei and w:th greitt satisfactio,,. sWe kelp on half(' a large stock 1.f8eaSOnt'd . !4,14unibeT. A1FMzes DOORS SA611 AND BLINDS on hand, or fliPtde' An oreer •4 short noties We guarantee good work as we keep none * but the be of workmen and.thaterial.". . - / j. VI; If7431 Lucknow. Nardi 22nd,1882. disease, CATARRH • NsTO TnnE BOTTI.ES will fegali 44' .all derangements of the'ltichte: curing urinal y difficulties, prtiset tion, Gravel, Diabetee, ete. • ONE TO FOUR BOTTLE ill i ate the entiresyston, curing iterYQ - and, general debility; Irkinahl *ea F-- ness and all its attendant misetit PRICE -ONE DOE.114A1C. Lainla all ma see for Yourselves_ Ravi a added rnis every preparedstO fu largely to his .ireiy xtensive- Stock, of Hardware; is now Ag required by Builders, - VARNISHES, AH 41158 OF HARDWARE. . .. . -- . Also guttering in Tin, Zine, or Galysn .‘, Iron, Cistern Pumps, Eavetronghing ' . in Tin or Galvanised Iron Water Vanel. or Cisterns, and in fact every &Aide required in the Building fine I -furnish' t my store at.Bottcnn Prices.- 'Parties intending to build this season4vil find it to their t . .. and see my Stock beforepurcha ng age to call . . IN Ti WARE„ I have as usual a large and well assorte tock which I will sell. as Cheap as the Cheapest. Eavetroughing a Spec t 1 - Repairing done with neatness and despatch ! H. .:: -Y: In Stoves I-haVe a-la,rge-aSsortm Prices. - Co. ok Padior I... .. .... nt •o -obbi.64 .for..:::.e.ot 0: Suits . oyes wow- _ WOOL I 1. 0 L 1! 1 which will be sold at Low of business, I think I can-impply, trivig had a long experience *in this Iine .. t, Nei- yi/iir 4us but aier Y°13 -r e *alit§ of the public without fear of op - oto' position. Smell profits and quick retut4As illy motto! . The' pioNEER STORE will pay the highest pri or wOol in cask or While returning,my sincere th-eirnki to ,e public for their Liberal Patronage ...vas. Aft wards arta tweeds as tow as fifty cents a yar . - - ,. 13 ' .....-..„ -in the past, I.hope for &continuance Of ',same in futuie. . - AMIE' 17 . = , R 'SALE_ -0* TO *ET. EINd-X(VIITH QTTARTER LOT 11, - Cow' 12 Tiiwnship of Kinlobstcon- -"a :runlet; :1:7triterd iacnrciefitni-f7:-Cutilltilvertfolinb,i)bnalliurtere well timbered. : There i:about ,three acres underfelt Wheat, also heuseigood barn, and a" firsteclask :orchard ;onthe premises. The above Propertyiwjll the either rented or sold. For further particulars apnly to or address, OS.: TODD, ' March 2Ist, 18E4; • St. Helen:4 P. 1.7AVVREN Money to .On Real Estate, -at reasonable - rates, on terms of payment to snit Aorroweis.- • ELLIOT TRAVAR OFFICE----NPit „to Post ()Lee uckhows Mareh are the direct result of an impure .state of the zoiebal:ddani. au s:Broifoui:co.huse;d:.itce.;:gfv".'es:::4 r Erysipelas,f.car bund.; Bolls,. and Eruprlima Or the Sktno . • To eurethese diseases the blood. must puri lied; and restored to a healthy and natural condi- tion, AirRie,s S4us.apAinlaa has for over forty years been recognized •by eminent medical at thorities as the most powerful blood purifier in existence. It frees the system from foul hu- mors, enriches and -strengthens the blood, removes' all traces of Mercurial treatment, and proves It- self a completp plaster of 'an scrofulous Aliseas, A Recent Cure Of Scrofulous Sores: "Some :moats itgO I was troubled wIthscrofa- lous sores (urgers) on my legs. The limbs were badly swollen and Milanted, and the sores . charged large quantities of offensive •matter. Every rentedy I_tried failed, until I used Arka'a -8.titsArannaa,of'which I have now taken.thres battles, Withthe result that the soros are heal and my general health improved. fee trermatefulforthe Yourmedielnehas done - Yours respectf ly, Itins. Ai N O'llaras,” " 148 Sullivan St., New York, June 24,4882. Jar AU persons Interested are 'netted to eal.1 on Mrs. O'Brian; -also upon the Rev. Z. P. Wilds of 78 Bait -54th Street, New 'York ; %the wonderful efffeacy of Ayers Saveraparil, Ia h.1,0:::#1011: Roctakeskteer:Alea:norreriltesn ,tenjutTe 701:81:02: 1141. Tbt)wewledgerill-kno. wnitriteroj the•BosfoaRetvild, B. not only intim-ewe of this lady, but in W. ins own CRSO .and, many others within his ' "Having suffered severely for sonte years with EeZenia, and baying failed to dud relief from other remedies, I have made use, during the past three months. of AvErt's SARSAPARILLA, which.. has effected a complete cum' I consider magnills cent reinedy for all _bleed diseases?' i BOLD BY • -AO ALL DRUGGISTS and'1318ALIttli* , " vrica• 14 ' _ s -s7 re n gcts- Ayer's sarsaparilla _ stimulates and regulates the action of the di-, gestiva and ass!: jifflative °Flips, renews and stresgthens tlits vital fora.* and speedily tures libeumatismi Nottralglar.Rlienmatic Gouty Catigiribr General DebilitY, and all diseases arisinefrore an itupoverlshed or corrupted lama. OM of the blood, and* weakened vitality. . • It is Incomparatisthe chespesthlood medicine aceonnt ofittieoneriltratedstrength,/adirea; power -over disease, PREP4tRI1R ‘1: Dr.1,9.,Aye# & Co., Loviall Mass • I - 39141.11114itusS1dat rrtito bil•bot#0111of W. RI. CURE &LWOW HM1208/4 INDIOPTION, JAUNDICE. ERYCIPELM, SALT PEW HEARTBURN, HEADACHE,' OR It-_,-liEVE- DIZZIti,Eieg ORM 7, - FLtriTCRO/81 • OF TM fitst/if 40/017 -670010t I oRrivece A OF Mt 8Kfit •-- nd every species -of dimes* arising' dlaordered LIVER, •faongye, arms • BOWELS OR jiwtintoNl„' Frt:_rietore;- Aigz.iwEL84 u. TOS01470 Kraut's:fluid Lightening. t Cures Toothache and ItTeurith .1. quick as a flash, relieves ray pain ile stantiyi the: cheapest wad quickest I applicath n 16 (rm. Why s. ',lifer vili 1 Toothache, .. Neuralgia, Headitehe : Rhentriatigin;Lumbego, Se-latica; Sir , 1 Toroat or ;Acute P. :us 43, e shrtizt' when yoU can go /to Be-:ey's Or. t Store and get a p rfect ta,11 insktue- ous cur., for. i:...,,ylivf-v-.• 14, .-,ts., si,‘„ for Kraufb 114 .iightCnilhil.,