The Sentinel, 1883-01-19, Page 747: ii4-1 vim JELAV41 I joyipy Betause] Arrest. 64 tfiViVeVV C-tr t r t L*T188T -FROM WolTLANDO Lo N- IL 0 0 n the oldest Xuugo Burton, A-,, R, G4uld -Mall em Turned logo Revival h says utouso %uns .. --;-_ ' uti (Qde.).'despato The Sdriptuies are A- court So -A L%ch associate of the Royal Soottiali AovAexn' W. -:poiiahoa in256 r; Nxtr"rdinakry ftefte -heri &"r wary sceuewo ad' 3 oil aiy o.
Axecan exAftemelit has Prevail 'Pages died reiqentiy in minbuigh.. '(New York K)rnin, wrna�14. ho. 061 'red or', iffil4ats-do tom roy., iint&, from persons A. London aespatoll. -says.: The -caie of- WOOM001 a ibir''IB -After d with didiurbing, nAberd on a are 't 1. I do- -08 The r d' ir Xeiiders6nj- X.. A.,' iiitay- BOU14y, chlige ailway accident. the mur �Tobe the-6chobf. mim if America 1119 theY.hsd ba, been. given., He took -haa just - r6tuirned 'home. fiont. tour in likely t67 produce beneficial results. An f h' tfis cangregSAIDU of the: Methodist Church 10 6f t6z toa,o London South, was tried befor Squiro. annual.10speotibu. and rewort 6f all the old next to beconiii g Preside al h yeitetd.ay. about f pales 211 an � di§ve1oped.'*one. of railway desired frpi3l. &I thecOm' States,probabli., th�mo,.;t dinitermone arm Oubs it6pped-in-am- othodisi, estirday. a . I - �. - I I . �abt'Al ore SUCILA -the - foro-two. X a merle& Haun4h y tjo]j that fills -tfie A C&L ever vdi- p anim., � � I I - I n- miles. east of ere - only sw6 of ..: . i.. end other �f%rlijl4ouseseva h.' Ba. timers, h4ve.- rebt -the most extraordinary sc6fies t 8 present" era 0 i stoo ri 9 jilptee- was ear Tho Tow 11- Coun6il of Alw t. The ev ol I de�ii,� �j sill- oiyn by, the 1AO01e
,�Sseci In a, cour, wa Tfie-`othirs ST 'fres-- took swindling $at in, thzs H 3 captured by 'Wing knl iv4n to- lou$1 shouting, - 6ut it: te64 to nine votes, Agred. to proceed with� 6 that efgr�itiOdoitd:hj M-,'. 0 WS1 'says a th a 0 ore universally conceded to 1, Dr. Yldei- of S115339148a, ur of- I Ut otiory as ta wfietber or no, the bill pioxnoiea bv Lord Provost- -]Pigs itli ;.he Now. Detective L00 is'Plae9v SbO -d2jd00'5ni2U0ZY to-
w-gs very com�tradi h F 41liet 114%. -improve he p . I � P i t, . I
a-thig waif an anno �da. several X ladles Mont for. the ment- Of th" city 4 a 66ti. when t it anderbil't uge operat yal a this art it, WAS tot 008- 6f ;e L a t Young,.m aposed ;pon company w anoter. 4. - f, York. Ceilt-jal, -in !dou�li 4, the film 0161061E Of t aken
-&ixtloiden .-B'd - � ft. as ith. ancestors., te fied that the' t;d'% -ilr the Rlustratq- as in A and dotblin g novifig to -them, - a6ud one, of t -8 af t6 in. 9, Vrelich iettle 6nksometewmilea east ons- h_ lejs The -fund orgabizedL for the rell f, d edblio, 6haijjid is , Udim the shipping -an trAv to 'Rode- Ues Weekly' the oy ou no Jy11h7 _ any, one ''Glasgow Bank aharebblder's now' 6 tecon r4 - if here. -"Bothover take rem;rk�d th,A i -of, lbat, Mia Astore took d ut. mu i# firiati lazic! City all tal L no, a IKU and gbe- w" nO concefted an- 6ople ho Lsollite. 'The murderer is eV*: who wag 8�vO amounts to.about �UQO,0069 which. ha's be f Tbe'Vand With jjV411 arbilts be6aihe" ric, eat pi the aullo of those WhO."WerS ThAt -was )?oaltIO4 oeht loO, tion will be tenddftd R 'about - yance. gathered 2 the exceptioil- 6f some which 4uf about.11. with A11�112120 A of the country. re like & reviVal is Owing Aft , so mucli so that no idea W; Wneldid .it, Toronto, on Mond whbr U u"ce, tin aved. Th"cene was =0 by,persons ds' his 0on,, iilg- COU U Urs f a pub 4ould be forme 8 -P&Yl3i8nt- d -of 'him As, being :Such. obi ei )rior' h1i depart 8 .1-1.800,; sucUthis the Commodore, -And f or New
�M eting th -a -roo wd . w "'. i t e are -be. trying to evad the presen ' & ea- d ero an - court m,.* thought eta t on spok th, i6ving hifi, cap. doilian R ilway- have oom- .enjoyed ejaculf6tjOng were -incessant, Rev� George 1i k ly wi6t;cb, until rep, 0;�hu a - ham" F�� Bu, little ily fe nIftamilton, is. pastor --o 'The Ogle f n,spe . of -b is -trap, and view. Us At"0110040t.0 murderer's head The. Chrtwlaa Unio cill Hug Oil- th& �rown, formerly !iag4 of the low who e a -, . -J I 1� Mqpced, to lkht UPLthe Car] seen; Will. ]lot soon . be- VIM arolzurob., Thq complainant 8111itli'mailb which, when -once A- mien from the pi to tur 0 gobbling-. up, i Pp., g G1&g6wapdGreen6c tr 'to.. I ok in series of sp6eifl lie ig"bin e�atbir e omplairaq agailks' �6th` the rap for tteir. dodffed ffie youth thia famillin than �Mvaily ana.. Bto Gould 90 gas, willio- s' red in. tanks b' railroads t I ith hilt, haid charkfad e p to h. e .beoatu�L Whig" WhOL'.4&S. cap Ural L a;nd':L Vtbil% 6ulby, wp r, 'ev. il ed in the P010it. 0 -virtues Are ex lome tabiAlls'- since the chazigecl -all it rr or &A Dr. Ayle, tte `E botiniZ iniquity in fiii� Z - M - - ioemod- qu unconabious' 1�js'copal Bishopof L ja ailw about that 0 -eve �Ything w0h bar g 118, Bleep
as Ow -h ",wa .1 a richest. Man szkn' h We Southwestern BY cOm!, pered 4ci114r V 14- - bie' -congraitilated by the-- Evan- -art,, stating thait the uia not air or indi aroat t lie �,Lard ween.St.%L of ibe couhtr' par aroun 'the bth0-w&S.*i4e swsks, the sto er ihake restitu. 10etced. runnhij ga$.1it trains bet wh�ene plaad, on his:. ob pool, his
ys, -koing- on- d, Unio' fot p- h. and. that he n exiiiiiido of' 050,900j000 gelioal- Pro 14aut n ibln about h18 Sk er Stati aYLi g he Enoo pare nda. Princ atthe Spot pri hd- afffotko" r -innocent looking.and surprised recently coup n ulpfit worth 1 Since a shouting: alou r-bitig took "in 0
d' and digtu of.Beciv -him. It is'su ad. this otbor �mg befdre. ppo$ a Preab"ierisfi. Church. thav keen r bitter jet .(a has OP; BAB169. 0811T -1valry Still SY D". Tilm4ge. I com- 6L 14103dy of, 1. Ur kti felt ill O,L�14, is connected wit -Racts Gained.. bY od -it G J I I - " Sion UP, r4 -t 6 o'c -story JE
the- watbh--night aerviibesoi and o0ca- bet eed the tw yoiAh -is dulyiidle tramp sifid, inino *By gooX i told of meeiitg by the up - w h the in o.W an hen -'V - 4 bili" ta ptay of the aard the While a;way fgom h6o' r ' entlY k for the coersion murderer was n on.'.- Good- Upe. Akes."hia. heia& -the phy*Ici" After not a very, rich in a, he boU and called a 16trange lite aa -all. iain for L'Orignil. Before preach6r., Prison& had bb remostrated. of: Granada 10r to. we rn nd 1013gL examination lie W y4viwed "'to h learve Prince in a Very doleful f 4��i though he the Sp a a 'drdb. ' ea to ll E�ralsteci iwab6aVi g. -.H T 6 IMPT iaY Th thodi4t minister endeavor irith, .but sa. %nig)i -throne, isoned by ant to F talk whim, . a his, @t-jr, !f'No'Uso ja%praying, '.told him abOlit 1�ut. receied only- sneers'and, 018 Dn'01 SSIC! ti) ;hS mini Le would aspire -to me -,-'sornibbil 701itgest IN a. . . 4mai-E- --- I - .. ' - . ., of - the crown for fear b MO at � -first, -"but, - afte Pi ober, for ybu--prayBare till doo6silay.God" er luence beD-r. 1111 - -rt thait Qowdq�i kilebei�, D. D., UU OR, kep ry no- h�ion% as the repo wd)!tb � $75 adigave big the 'Adv. E_..
Rt whather%he beu.-jwe somewbat inter Van-dqj . . , a Hamilt6tif-Dat-i has o600. -a' Asked -been a pointed. Will'ncjthehiyou�" ment in 'the old prison at tb-�, Plao an -Kedi- bav-,efi6ok br6thei's address to .IhW. minister, an it -him -t J�f OLWn- Stated tha6t�' Boulby d-phree years der S:toj� China and bip wr skulls, maria. Aftat thirty. thought it was - true his cal mission -to N�au 0 a edth L. 0&m at distur cat the church ViDgLtomb, d 6 td his inous..manner toll. posit CAUS ed gr in his in nAsked at IS dii t6 011.43 ocoasio time, 'Sud on. it the- is a . in h' h - tic! 9AIiiii Sjo',0001hai b6in. placed five- Wthe the -following :.remarkable and said Welit'. I taii i On, twenty. stabliih- an libspital. release,' aad of OR OW ibl 'I ','4&ken-. f o baoame-sd� peat-t-bava il4t 'the j3f-.mone;V-'- r in aXnA .1111 li d6llqg� is N-11ACwA 11LAL VARALP dpen.&Ir mis rosegnites S"6 Sion the chureb -61d n on I.; ancl witness! told the, congrega- the-'r6tigh d id tuel 1 '13 140' (in the. for of apli oat. -it -they prefaired to hear Boulby imarked n ndas-Le Liverpoo Oich the'DishoP on- fOrtnedl. -ho.tho'brain Sought sitting roci in his The *cbeme'., or, SL lv 1. I - Potblic Park V walls of big cell, told table - of jS`Pr sident. Vhe BishoO. we -to idll About wOdidsit down on denined - of. Li poot beautiful palace an We hef anilpfisoner threatened Y d emplbyineilt through bho wear q build a Ame says A. wel-mils toi have )ljm, removed fro& the &Ur6b'� He. In. the Bible the word L6rd is found 1,853 -his Qwn qpaiationi in a -6h says: A. Falls. a, Must 0 'One h or. .6,8ko Mae, an, Iug - ou yiiihe would. not. d- u�t mt.) despat church, _W Id, a -man am -ay - - - * I li,bouse, efused to g. 'pray, times; the. word hhovahi ti H does "i"by a A larde. andi- olithwissuo public miDeting in a garret, -.06 CODA to �SUYW Gould Win s r S'fen in the Street." oner the word reverend but once,r t b a very first night at the Tc Y an 4il Hall M. a more sugges Wes6i an, Cor' middle vers 6 d. is Ab f, g of Leo .%bou ht liek 01 William Turner�-- JoSelih A. Childs Jas verBeOf thelith Psalm." The8th ot!the second; And t ki, fa �qth Which ini6reet- the tm roborateid t arc r, of the Co. a . 11le, uucil eales, au4 -of'tl�e 1-18thiPeal is th-e. a of ih A b -L bV people *througbout �-the whole world, to illap .. ig-the lat on of, the Canadian Gov- h ' as- been mi ran ne. of* Napoli6n made d i,to, the Bible the 8th tirels liscuss; theuesti aft 'byl 0 regar the Istikrbince ii Tfie. 9thLverSa ilar,to the -- lotigest verge. The him gets hi W is )roposbil caused by the prisoner., in -. i1a tet of tether is 'h it Silting a charter to, &.I s& the dr-fenoCt einmelitigir Ir .Joileph mancigii, ftsHolip a V6 -1 Itli..,obapter of St.. Johiii a lite in iqle -and u of -the .
e vorse-i- or. oth Me eng er die't ed that prisoner .35th annoyance derbe awe ith '107th Psalm.fOur veTseB -000 191 -v haq -givew,
.Xaso;!P� -duo, P16"ea . n H6
Shortest. In -the ba;vin'g M�4e- an 'other .11 I L .. I . N* Falis. Improvement company.*ith to: Jb artist 'and. cri*ted him n h- 1n d' Us 8 louder W e:'did but dic ot is Mo cart gold r�edal -ar pebtedi. it is.-qu a. pTq s- bean viivy. p f v6rae of the 1260h Psalm end fiecalth bib OVgent 0 *a Gie%ti 6 &like, -he 861r, 15th, 21st an Vauderb� t No late. - His in- Power to -expropriate' th perty `h� of Si.,Gregory Knig
a to I d diet he ktb . Falls Popular 6ar a L o gen- 6s -to, be -h th, Wjis- Julia Lloyd h@ara Bohlby 814 or awith more t" ix lirther'the impr a iges ion is very -in a -Used in -Japaui over 40,000. being in- did i� Murb nSmes wor oWiptex" the -social _p The Mae Ing icheziio.' t* t ch Q i -he MO l�tch eetingi, but are found in the Bible. T g0 fugat ISO 04es arsix, IS itizens, a] Walk 9 giving ej of th largely attended by in:kiintfal I"Awo din aiid'st nine, he' -use 1W nploymant. 16sishand-thakh 0haPteidf n. Rings. 46 slon Of- illed -to order by His Worship -Mrs. Eliz%�etb,`Kisou. thought Boulby. -ib t and. -was a 'o g a. The word-. giA _dta" u OnW Already. d. ell.thla'*Irtuous rIA jingle -ill � didL keep 4 ke,84 M that 1� ar 000 h, -:Cc itan and b ubt'shout too lould for bler, but 6 0, s and rum t MaSror ,Ulson- The meeting was abl At number, 0 did in the Bible, iLud 'ilist in the $;dh ver a �6uii hup2d -life 0 Act Or: adft1iUq;l16vezibe-6f 0751 , Irb uted h*ke found'.in addrieg6a by, Solicitor Kinj not, ona#t' , 10' aw - - Ill' L- gnswiu.9 pangi.of . . j ustice.".2 'thin I - ille, - kfiy,� -J - vent 'k i;iver�boily 3cd ell %te� Joel.* Sr y from hi in ad by 'a missionary of the' AMar1cjUBAptiSt.UnjQn. ha heard Saito- -say the' a 0 his bien� was. She: bo t -..the Bible 31686,483 letters, Dim �V, t- . �V, I 06uld 0 The big'q�team Y 3 111 �Aa on b both Ferguwn,-1ff;P-,.. 0 ng Ai4,�rbecj- them but -others that it Nhild Dr. John shdud verges, chapters iim� reu,6100 -Eng sr r era In t1as hb;, Ilege, 773,693,words,- $1,37, buliainj f, 4 iary of puey Cc' "fiad-do henig0od— -Mayor. C 'to - 89 14 U d on 61impter of the twists an still h Y d ttle Bud 6 books The 26th Re. patli 'am Wail; !a proterVed: v- 11 Ar7, ent this.' )ug and interesting. addresolps- , - . * tedL. hi6h -An adjourpill w5w, talke4� of at -68' iA -chapter- Making 14 Acts, of the. Apbstl ill� fineSt' the kranflugof &ch%rtqitO*aprivat# w a , the, squire asked if B6tilby -against bee;utiful chapt a a Girl V- "L. man, "o th L 'loon he n BOOTS'ANI) 611(k!�S' to read. The most a' ']a the th� Cleri�, 6' ly promiped nto lo certain tb stay awayfr6m th67meating- L BI-Lble is thd� g fa Foal all rwould agreld d the four Most (I rirqnl�the r9al a tee to Ill their HAD13 OD XZKOED In a thlingit with -no - 9129V D -oulby. said herejoiced in theie Ntribula- ipiring.Firromises'ar Jofiti6 l4t1i oha;pter iiq�i 816. 4it -Wait promise. The tenor of the. meeting from ry W W -.04us and*-henQ,6dfille4'his heart*oUld oba0ter and- 37th- IF 2nd v6rse; John, -64t,. in --by-ove illo private -0fiapter -Saturftyi' f6th, 01 firat W diodedly' against lj�lo�gad tolthe poor pAd humble argpark sollem "'It -nic am. misslons.- :1 and 281h on lto the dbath bf as moved and e Athew; .1th Thal iign' ioutout atried hethe coroners. foi' verse; au&-`97tth"Psalm?� aiekes ly that any park at whobegan 4th ;vr ad wal . i. -Ann Wright nimimils Woman in M I who flitt -ro -1 ed--'4,eposo Niagara. Fillsi Will be -a to mi me, spend a mpr& peabeful. nialit than , the I ah is -the US just ou for
-Cw, in let,.0erse of tb� 60thj%apter sal -kadlze " . The- mothe f- the d that iii injud,tice uy itty,owners an- -to ona for the new convells I Al er 'bar . diugh� President 0 -f -the We4l -aimed, ,Or thaL ter wag otl year of age. On of the prop d &detriment 0 of tha. ladies 01 -themselvei? With -. vain - -boastings - of their - t L ne w. ecessid told: &re-. Of". etoW% except aildrou ill. th. uruace� !a -n th 'pter of Thursdii�L. mdrni the elf it -be jffebraw,- ell a fieryf Le- 6th,-.bha r
if P A -.Out io or Quld Sr fablish and owniaV by at roth lby, a erfection, sh_ 11 huniStity Should Ia tile her -that she'llait -Voi3� i Some blood ddt* a& aar Praiib the LordjB er'Bou i,ghj. The AmendMe 11 T f the parish (the. -nts an
ou in prilEron. i it lost. *dy, put Yc chapter of St"L.Luke from. t.he' 20tli-v011b to ing t4o E Dominion Qover-12111611 Rev is) vi'i herocosai6nialy er .offe
J. H' .,T-* i redbt W a dad mails 4 his, -mind iisyed. with.hoiri., came On Thum! ts ending -d iLs. ready and I soxy an rep 'iftile
le day morning a cei0e q*rrp&%T4 U- -n and
Q b 6. burnedt Dealffis- 6rid, d* ho,0. she to-, give !-is, �odj t The Val bStL they.did, not asi and' she roplie waa� a' little On"
r. 8 L ith e don: W fpgora thd Lon Echo.). Coniderable. attend 1iough she had a 'v'er* bad Wish 'to I better,'alt] Of B in reality
quiby,,shead.. He ' b
iarm achair of h6irbrff .11titty statisticians- to. t 0-' gr
A valley. surpassing t`
and.sDS Of Ood.
th. lln�6 and -.,costs -himselfll but both. 0 -t
would pay theof abled r9glon of the.. upies. trie has beat f: he popu a.
con ergoti be examined her. throughofit I
die cov throat-, which.1 gko [;�rmauy�.
a�ve or in the, church. - - - A 'in the: -This After some'
#tey mdat h der. ore Island 'Of Jav iron testifted se Was OuPr -asia i oreised::bet
slana- i6:'vo.lo&ni6,' and, - t I a;u& " my u
MaLnext patted aeetj�gs when, Mr. Boulby Int the - Oarth. frobi.10,856,000'tO 19,2
�'N ext . lib" emiustions fi6m the " 6fi6r of g Veller A .875
a made 4qJP!e. TU 'dly dear girl-, You
s*o: dea t.6at� the. place. is -caled the inclusive i h
ax.e. erS abb, gaie
-it,might have ap asked witg or 10 peir.
llois6 did not distub befs but Death. -- Aft -the L tr& In k'5001000 5' Valley .of . 11 - H -a -took. fro
in. 0 a g�- i . -
0- and :121 % wbil . li From- 1875 to 18801hi
diabirbid th6ra'thai were not fully saved. eked by--paq8e& bottle'L which proaches- it he is atta as one- of ithe�`*eakeat 'women that his ! Vocke er an A4 W giddineis. a also. �,votice6 w-awff6cating. if ad *hiakeS and .6 per an n born Agan oms..: looked -as I I, -pon I . . 9, - �
&ftei1dt-b-erej and when- kibe *". - I ids'ances ''these symp.. Witness 62 Um. hinell. 'As`he �1�skeckf r eas he, waa- born, Shouting, [still. Shout, then o I December, t 8 Ai4�ppear, go that', 'a g througli . -he I f the b6ttlo - L ? 'a t ed rom 18 t -was T illey - . -the g '45,250, carried out the va whe, y, that: is- - 84ter d r' JhV bell; of fati ai which guards a pla 24 illt-O the -00011 liosei 'but -was -to exam able ilia . time - She.. V -sat who has fe-intingfUR. ilia wli� .less risk i A , - - some ratell he visitor is a w at 't a - . I t t :�al. she : dould r -interjiptions ocerre ; increas?, as codaparo
Here aggain, great the Bpeotadlebeforeim. - .1 -recou �djy Stro') Q Vall as lnfg, in6ll:L� f a noticed hei markableo,�
a --I ird An -oval Less',:than va- find. cri6a of 16r describes. the Y. t1b4 - orail. "a -Otlieir expressions Ia_ screech, stid, I's ver
jEQeSAL the L 6bout,one bile' 'm'. circumference, and duri6g. 3. last i vo ed, and Mrs..Lloyd -of the likughter,' tV V; oiferai 0 t.wforiy Tebt belo-O the Ia warer.loudly, �Mbj 'A�d - $a Obt Mr.. !as ti I .o. her 0 valley 'and sat fietop t a sprang r 'hand down inged- hiir , I r-' of feet, bi, T Vtha-Ger�,man pop.
rounding land. he..1lod itnWs took h At - o0ol
-exclaimea to the �ur yatidji;.Sud, IT h6ld of. a and * -vegei Sofa, laying her� hea-d a -iod Wei 2, the poun sdiy, with t uld his Bbq beiJ
hatiiMe to Yes, BrOther-AanrItth.1can shout Sad11 over it$ tire the skelAons. oi- b�
be offered. 0 11608 SO13d6tl1i O.. ild b6ari ]birds and. stags, 3 ..Fr Go 'it is:
biillelujih. to man,,. tigers, w In' an adrink out 6f tfi 018i -but it, d
tp. a-
re '-Iakge bl 0 ipg among, e0m, saying ockei. Of stdn SIP, nthi isinea Vite d, and ha on's 9-greut diffe
'D 0 it all wiyjh.t)i6 Lord,.-. is. 44 aline ance -th.
P. *OiAd Ia Steam. or gm6h- Fr a - is to -be. seenv - lie d. V 1*61- afraid to. drill rbjnptl*y A'ixumberi of *the itadii4surrouadd crevice- appareilt : in the earth-, which entire y in tiveL hill fte . r` jhtor d avit''bes666he h ii a- Tea Am* theibe
pope and, praye d 2hira Sri m. rowo He L left Soon tutu from evil and fina sidv%tiou., beoom- fA 'I couttr as W
d b� t
in this. v4dley o ago ation Sre cri d for her, to to hem to bring tears to"'the 6YOULL a ase to: Hunlipit mitit bealliby. 6- ancl- and of M'gran
ing ad, earne aolothed from b ame black In -th mouth, -the ost - a t*aveller Whom we of jhe� 'ardian of the peace usfi Thl" af ter thii. w0t ess - t into' hysterics Anil 9U an Ga.. 'the
b-y,�aja Ike would not, MAk6 io6ilded th� sid� --of Mr. BoRl f "jhye "have vteady quoted do' he aid Of Ut 'djges'L . _Shab.elie
'Doi One hill.'w for 'jooiwaft4ri - but jusbut if the; Spirit,10 rgiadmbered- irerY ved 013
bamboo stick' Va"s -asiaiture '
promiSlia while. be wkiai DLor 0 n M' eat from: 9 arrlv.q.d- th - ted'.
d. &b�e- bi the bottom, andL 110 Com- that,. .. HallelL " h". about 18 Z -t6 when b r girl- )wij - j6L the p6 u In Pass Ill- illukohille would t1bout - pelled.-' & dogL' ad �o h& L go do -d th was summon wail com. the 811.1imil fell �OU SL fiide yedn dejpos6 . . 11 Ve even if t min8piteof aby'oues t ds hei already dead J�ve.. secou pO 6eiC emg
'itcolitin 1 ft
=iagtd, but fo
f Oi it: -, TheL, L-ord: would. take ithib -
'jnL Hia m6tionleiskilthough, ied to brat n 1 -ile
ta%king A post vwtem
hj� an : h Yef Inu as. Allot d 4- t-eer�t t h -died bing fof eighteen er e3isminati0iiii. the I'dY ancL"fmcling a dis- be, was, put 11 t, A minute UVI a- of-t.hd_ body 'i, 'the cell b.4 woulit .n ial y -re.siste& call 'And .1f d tindt. atm. d 60 In
alUjah,21� -jilt the da5k. oi- and at ha ajxc 'a
.shout 11�11 deadly Sir for %, winut �een bauded 0 a �10 an �auilk na:b ;;c;4 t at The, ihe Lord would, hea him to(), Q was d4ad before,he keached-the bottom,4` It bad t it ab -kel6tous.Are in4nify was it on. -a4 t rued until- January
-notba,-theralong- that thdi'. to Wuj�tL the loth. r,co
to 0
olOsar the xqigitratw announted in Re re, Who those. of, slef
butbe found the, defendant 9 refuge'lleria', in&atit of thelatal' once 1910' rye me neigh- the -the Sithey cibme to br6athb The canio, bilt'the wit to v61 y mbutl -h
.3would. suspend judgWeut- of tfiig he exclaimed, 4 I lltoise sai H ter ]go. nuis who
defende�ntheard boring tokins a 04to that d h 11di pay no n iling .6 ator. . - I
-He, declare a; wol emit Sulphurous od.oi% -nor- dq ther hates� to -be trial
therfLo neither 'i r lif ]I t tZ. -1 0, eruption. rinincis me Of I lilt pointer ft the Yes the L6ra told . m son any indication fme� shout pre t of recent rkably in- peril
Would go- to prison it need, "be an& He %S', a 'rems Oil as in
be: wia so full 4JI g�or"Y. UUr thii xnkilik Bebth-, i4nd. Ba* tell* gent iumillnil. ille.
-table, fox In
Putting a '"C it! would znake' a re laug see em.
The ijaceivA. signau 6 IhAi dog-gitti�g, U an
ng. of the. caje- of AW -dignified h Thq dov:e- in'setiibi0h is of The , eari a teworla of. art -was tesui�ned ye� ,dmj� befbi -a judge.' ad I purposely plaoed'-n6 in the as more- imp5r. eqber khle Pontoi joh mudb� b6 tanco *H rt of Exe ;h' was his
th Ilt auppojaed,� by- granting ;to- ud.dieston 'in the. Cc M.] a;V. tha� ikule b st. 4d - t6 so
9 estininstot, thiS beind the thirty -ill fth day jugli -* W _ e.-. w -W- Jn he .
-it his', vacant PISCO
He 100
ors,- of the Royal %t0r'*C010r qemb
11--t-ber distinction of, ot-th Would do. ty, in, :1 I � aa ini d by Mr. Baisell, amd
Thai. Mri, FrithIRA.tei.41A. and then. cime. to 6, And by -pawing. oit baud.! to.0 diplomE ,..signed by her, mose tried i , uqa. ita foundation S&ldLhe is a patter" ru. me foU all V
att 'Pion Moa Ski the -author �ot but I 4i Ot ske
hich: - all- ovefs of entrion . -4-01i , T he Der . I � 6 I . I . ill 1, he
verfrmed servic lst *Y, -The RailwiY Zta.� the Slightest. a U511 imp t Which Is; pecliarly Onglish i I bf hiic� .
V-1 :, don - of ar- nhidli the' a. tion," and the -pib. dre -bdenL to all ...J ii, walked out !10 lKar it, hits _adge. *h6 L presidde-V cannot but be, 1, tefu 't this tr �ndegpeciillyitoilaudso&Ve tjUgUjBhad-' L t -e -T 'Ruine" YOU_ eVerL SSW
watei bag is repreVnted. on he'Road- n 'tb&iiw a 't Painters, what -the 'IROYS! Academy . . i --
wwr 12 know 0 i�ar'sl A-boentopain�tersin, dil-eolor—to4be amem- highest His Urdship—That is not � so' The P10 Jeally bpe the' Ruin -.11 ber, of itbs� ]&Wl n - t- 66, T126 A.oad.,Ltoi a me I in f4w. me lVbie,]*SLWLL%Iiar"color,�paijiter,.affivabs Wrolk no -No hq� honor, ell--..,! should-. be*. v'eryL glad to" li� - -which--,
E[or Xi�jeaty. has recOg-i- r. Russ With a fidwei in! I MOdt VVT- t '(Re- in
iould " "Ire O' -Lordship. f to= that. path@ . t Al d t%4. Lf"t, a we divert your the inteften nd -. has., - �jlac e ga offitQ r"k. is 0011-� 320WO-d latgUter. ith & Signiflo&nt St.
W lt'is,s very g4 . I . ow
'd joke bixt lbpfttati�us, as -far wit6 ewh other. What. His Lordship to -his having bodr coined', bu: & le'vel -nd SO the a
-Oqrtak the picture- is I" The Biici jbrWeilthl" -a ppol egal.status, may bof it ,.a sort of'ov: OWQ)!,a(, OU ver their I ail, inth6fourthpi ii presiaiug, me,
t picked out t6. rer of my
in, thkoaoe of ibde2j� i - bas ion cif ousi. in. the fifth P him 21" *Ion S 00 d44�46 ect.atw st.the trial of tW1een. ufi is Sent- p kiotr hit sort Qf- -4i Drd 91 iter.) Wing tfi ,.4 Iba the. wisdom �rfiere ArO threer thin 1W XS of 8 lilt
learned. loan ftnuot doteMine the!',Tud9qr?- a Noj theL'.0rh*nbr"- for differ .01 41ilph WS -, aisinged cat williumpol6w. a at ez! y- '*diet i�:id*bht am && ur rell at will jaki -a &UP91012 Or W -add- Of a fn"-& a CIVI Tbip, lkmira of �j�"keel*rl - 0 to -1, -sip neh
6fof L
t v pluck a rom th6'
be th matt
n n