Clinton News Record, 2016-07-13, Page 17County council decides to eliminate Advanced Care Paramedic program Laura Broadley Postmedia Network A strong contingent of Huron County paramedics made its presence known during the July 6 council meeting. Dressed in their identifiable fluorescent uniforms, about 15 paramedics came to refute the idea that rid- ding the county of Advanced Care Paramedics (ACP) was in the best interest of residents. A vote of eight to seven was recorded in favour of ending the ACP program in the county immediately or as soon as pos- sible within the collective agreement The topic has been widely debated in county council chambers over the last few weeks, with many councillors arguing in favour of each side. The move was made so more Primary Care Paramedics (PCP) could be used on the road in the hopes of decreasing response times. The ACP scope of practice is bigger than a PCP. They are qualified to administer more medications, including mor- phine. ACPs are also trained in a number of procedures that PCPs are not, including intubation. Huron East Mayor Bernie MacLellan said his concern was that the outer region of the county wasn't being served as well as the rest. With the removal of ACPs, the county would be able to have more PCPs on the road in the hope that it would decrease response times. There is no guarantee that an ACP would be on a call where they are needed. North Huron Reeve Neil Vincent said it wasn't about saving money for him, but increasing the availability of paramedics. Council heard from Brad Watters, a Huron County ACP and CUPE 4513 representa- tive. He said there were 14 ACPs within the Huron County Paramedic Services, some of which were trained to become ACPs at a cost to the county. Two paramedics paid the program fees themselves, at a cost of about $15,000, only to find out a job wasn't available. An ACP is not on every call, and they don't use their extra skills everyday, but it is an asset to Huron County to have them. There are many examples where ACP skills have saved a life, but they aren't allowed to talk about it because of confi- dentiality, Watters said. Perth, Bruce and Grey coun- ties don't have ACPs, and Oxford County has one trained ACP in a supervisor role. A motion was made to phase out ACPs in Huron County through retirement, but it was defeated in a 10 to five vote. If the county were to phase out ACPs through attrition it would take 30 years and cost about $2.3 -million. MacLellan made a motion to stop the ACP programimmedi- ately. He said it would cost $600,000 to do it that way, whichwaswhyhewas in favour of it happening immediately. The motion passed in a Wednesday, July 13, 2016 • News Record 17 Laura Broadley Postmedia Network Huron County council voted to immediately remove the Advanced Care Paramedics from its roster and replace them with Primary Care Paramedics. recorded vote. Watters said he was disap- pointed with the decision. The Ministry of Health funds 50 per cent of the costs, about $90,000, and the countywas "handing it back," Watters said. Increasing the number of ACPs would be a solution to the paramedic coverage issue, Wat- ters said. A petition has been started on www.change.org by "Con- cerned Citizens of Huron" to stop the cuts to the Huron County Paramedic Service. It had over 1,150 supporters at the time of publication. AD CE N T R1 EXTEND YOUR REACH - ADVERTISE PROVINCIALLY OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! r more information contact your local community newspaper or visit www.networkclassified.org FINANCIAL SERVICES $$ CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT $$ HOME EQUITY LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE!! 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