Clinton News Record, 2016-04-06, Page 1818 News Record • Wednesday, April 6, 2016
The news from Londesborough
Brenda Radford
The neighbours who organ-
ized the benefit drop-in on Sat-
urday, March 19 for fire victims,
the Laxton family, report a very
favourable result, thanks to the
generosity of the community.
The approximately $6,200
raised will go a long way in pur-
chasing replacement house-
hold effects and clothing.
Folks were welcomed at the
Londesborough Community
Hall between 11 am. and 2 p.m.
to offer support, have lunch
and bid on the over 25 donated
items on the auction table. Chil-
dren could have their face
painted, colour and do crafts.
The food was donated and
the cost of the hall was waived
bythe Lions Club. Thanks to the
chefs from the Lions Club some
250 persons enjoyed a lunch of
hot dogs and hamburgers.
Haward and Anna and
daughters welcomed a baby
boy, Vincent, in late
February. There are plans in the
works for a new home on the
farm where the fire happened.
April 10 to 16 is National Vol-
unteer Week It is widely recog-
nized that volunteers are the
roots of small communities.
On March 15 The Ministry of
Citizenship, Immigration and
International Trade presented
Ontario Volunteer Service
Awards to folk in our area at The
Arden Park Hotel in Stratford.
Blyth area recipients were
Marris and Martina Bos, Donna
Govier, Donna Moore
and Sheron Stadelmann for
their work with the Blyth Festi-
val; Jill Beardsley, Dorothy
Dietrich, Tom Hennesey,
Yvonne Martin and Brenda
Radford for their years with the
Blyth Festival Singers; Shari
Cartwright for her time spent
with the 1st Scouts Canada in
Blyth; Gord Jenkins, Bill Logue,
Ernie Phillips, Sheron Stadel-
mann and Charlie Shaw for
their work in the Blyth Lions
Club; Bert and Joanne Lyon
and Gordon Shobrook who
drive for the Huron County
Children's Aid Society.
Clinton area recipients
included Cindy Bos and The-
resa Heykoop of the Huron
County Health Unit; Lisa Boyd
Kirven for Autism Ontario
Huron Perth Chapter; Steve
Miners and Willy Van Dorp for
their work with the Huron
County Children's Aid Society;
Cathy Semple for volunteer ser-
vice with Huron Hospice; and
Kinettes Jennifer Burns, Pat
Datema, Betty Kelly, Jill
McCullough and Dawn
Powell -Parket
The Alzheimer Society of
Huron County based in Clinton
acknowledges the awards pre-
sented to five of their volunteers
- Wendy Herbert, Bob Raper,
Merle Underwood, Maureen
O'Hara and Quinn Ross.
Last month there were
reports of tundra swans in the
area on their way north for the
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f i
summer. Last Friday I received
a report that a flock of pink fla-
mingos had landed on the lawn
at the Cullen home. They didn't
stay long, just long enough to
help someone celebrate a 40th
birthday, I understand.
Friday, May6, HullettCentral
School will be holding their
annual auction and carnival
night at the Blyth Community
Centre. This is the year's major
fund raiser for the SAC Com-
mittee. The funds raised pay for
student yearly planners, stu-
dent trip subsidies, extra learn-
ing resources for each class-
room, the music program,
Grade 8 graduation and year-
book and playground
upgrades. Volunteers are
needed to make the event a
success and donations for the
auctions and penny table
would be welcomed.
Other news from the school
is that this spring's musical
night will be an operetta with
pupils in Grades 4 to 8 involved
in all aspects of its production.
The operetta will be presented
on the stage of the Blyth Memo-
rial Hall on Wednesday, May
Londesborough United Church
Adults and children leamed
how the date for Easter each
year is set when the boys and
girls gathered at the front of the
sanctuary of Londesboroguh
United Church with Rev.
Fletcher on Easter Sunday,
March 27. Early each year the
King and Queen of Northum-
bria, England had an argument
Of European decent, the Queen
had been raised with the cele-
bration of Easter on a differ-
ent day each year. Of Irish
descent, the King had always
celebrated Easter on the same
day each year. It confused their
In 664 AD the King called
together the Bishops of all the
churches in England to finally
settle the date. After much dis-
cussion they agreed that hence-
forth Easter would be cele-
brated on the first Sunday
following the first
full moon after the first official
day of spring [the spring equi-
nox]. Consequently Easter is
referred to as'a moveable feast'
by the church. Terry noted that
the children need only remem-
ber that it is the time Jesus
showed death is not the end.
There is a life after death
through His resurrection.
The senior choir sang "Is This
Not the Day for Singing' and an
Easterversion of "Hallelujah"
Assisting Rev. Fletcher with
the Sacrament of Easter Com-
munion were Bev Riley, Traci
Radford, Grant Bergsma and
Darrell Bergsma.
If you have not yet been
included in the new photo
directory, you can still book a
time to have your picture taken
onApril 25. Contact Laura Scott
or Catherine Allen.
Two pictures of former
churches of the Londesbor-
ough charge are missing from
the narthex. If you have infor-
mation about their wherea-
bouts please contact Joan
Whyte or Laura Scott.
The Annual Spring Fling of
the Huron -Perth Presbyterial
UCW will be held at Londes-
borough United Church on
Monday, April beginning with
registration at 3:30 p.m. Bev
Hagendorn of Shelter Link in
Stratford is the evening's guest
speaker. The Snell Family Sing-
erswill entertain.
The title for Terry's message
to the adults that morning was
"Renewed': Supporting scrip-
tures were Luke 24: 1-12 and
36-52, accounts of the events of
Easter morn.
Christ's death on Good Fri-
day filled the disciples with
despair and sorrow. Something
true and good had vanished
from their lives.
Christ's resurrection is tangi-
ble proof for us that there is life
after death. Our joy makes us
witnesses of Christ to others.
Rev. Fletcher admonished con-
gregants to reflect this joy and
truth in our actions and lives.
Thinking about quitting? Give us a call.
Funding provided in parr by rile Ontario Tobacco Strategy. Ministry o! Health and Long -Term Care.