The Sentinel, 1881-08-12, Page 2'66
FARM \,.\ ii uAUD1N
elasOriabh, its from a Practical
Madly 1111 •••
Mildly a 111
AtO1 ItTitily 66
/bid i/r6,11:
With it
Many 1,
loor 11,11
firtuiv 11,
Moto/ o
thei 1.11,
Tio ow).
When ion.,
feint o
itt! get..114.r
Mho tr114 tv
And 1411
fie wool I t
• AIM tirlitt, 141. -
gating 1116,
110114.11“ It. ,
1%0114 hitt •
ittlt111111.1 Itt,:-
1114 bittioto
-ATot etritti,,-
fury 1.1
Ittetttor tool ri
Atilt floor In,
. .
IlrihIii 1,1
-Aretiiirlitig 1,7p
Wiettlirit 1(14. 4'
i I igliwity Cow,
11161 hor nook wito 411114,
mut Ilium of limb ,
-.114 nifliiirt,Rtiitilit
11, 11111114, 10114E4
hone ;
..1 Pit 1411 1,1114it44 known ;
-I4y hair
horn 11 Ittligt 1110 grr,wfI;
61 I 11114 114414,
• litly
r4 111044“
'4I IlIr i•••1111 1111144,
• 111111 14 11, riilf4 .1-44414
44 lot 1•11411111
• 1.• her noltailtur'rt 00111 ;
.10 ilfillt101-
. 'di lor 1111114 ; .
tin oil
- Pot Lino, %well (1411,
o ('Il Il 1114.11,
1,14 griiwittg gnarl.
• lois.' pi tility
,1f9111 tit 1' '4411
i 111111 WitOtt Ito vtottt by;
, I t htlit t& frowll
611 t,11,1,11 eye,
lop111 a Fumy way,
one horse Witty,"
411e loved te-eritl,
1,411111114141(1 bore ;
1o,4 omitting eons ;
, 161111 ity Mtn,
6, 11 her molt Wi14 tItttit.„
wort, twice to rifit,,
if. With 1110/110 ery,
logo both hie nytio,
a mourner tikv,
t. bow would grow
_ fiti_winilit go, -
Anti fipple trete 1 •
ita Into the griettol,
t titles; -
t;-tieeft mot w.rinig.
!rite lit144-tit; _ '
atinek114 iN to be attained. Good, well oured
• - 14r141pv ig gmonitial, tityl whor0
cider gathered in anon-84mm late ill the
fall thin tiondition min hardly be maimed,
Riliwelltsuemen Plow".
liprIn other work will permit, it le bent
to the land for fallowing Noon after
the haying and harventing ie over. Thin
avoid» the dreuth.dried moil that In fro.
intim t I y .foutul later In the ReiliNoll, benidee
turning under the weetln before they have
dim, in ripen their neetin. Thorough ono
It the piiitivator will prepare the early.
buid for 'laud when nowing time
Till, 14.V4-lYRAC) duration of vitality Iii amain
(air cultivated platitti 114 104 fttl•
five year§ ; broad bean,
live ; otthbage, ve ; carrot,
tidier, live; lettune, 11.V0 ;
011101i, W0partinip,
two-, four or live radial!, ; apiti•
11, o v.. tomato; five ; turnip, five ; endive.
I 1," ; 1.11,1.41(1, three ; titrawberry, three,
1:1,..riiiictititig on -the depth 1
t.A..1.1. A1111141(1 lin covered, t iti folio big
• ivrrti 111111111 ty 1/4
111,1••••••f 1'11 at Om depth of eight loolom may
tw., 'Low op, mod theta, formed Mt 14014(14444,4, .4.4,4144. IIioIlo44
oile.fourth came up, but
f4,141,1.,1 se, heade, Ten of the fifty came
Ititkvitott 00Veroil IlVe deep, but had
11441'1.1 At four Patient covering
were it few perfoot lI0ILdF4, but intuit
Woo, f4orvIIIIV11, thoiie etivered three
Melo...1111 (41,1I1P tip ; but tlie beat wtim
111,44i, only two Mellott. (loop, The
eolith' ion of the mill 01410 moleture- hi -not
stated, nor ef the Pitifititilt, but .We
_ oftor 11, %V1114 4144(1441,, tlione planted
three inclietiwittild littve beet; better tiot.ii
tlieno 113. With 'rite Maine OXIMil M1011101' 44I1', 44
ro !Iry for4 to t.tiver him wheatrime litchi and
novo,. more them tWth
Among thti liord 'tont iii.hotitittotithi with
-portitthitisty itt tt e(Jw wbloli
it4 it Prone hetWeett ii• htiffelu and it grade,
//T., l'refitt multi tio,t, 11.06 nal
othereovi, either it' aims, or orflor, tl!ti huge
• nhouldein of 'tile.' buffalo heing.loun itroint.
140414. vv li (lo the flanks aro More 4le4/eloped.-
44,11 141-dometit10 Oattle. A ridge Of long dieth
hair et,verts another
fringe iiroopit froiti -.her elan and extetidir
uwity.iitiwii owlet, lier beliy,-.Itivin'g her tliti
iippearatiee smite- ntlfitf.cattle Otte N004 -
'III the tiictitreirot 1iiv1ngstene'14. tettvels Jii
flOnetttt. 11,1111 an -though f1110'
118 Mang Equipment for Competing with
Meting Organizations.
A WONDEltleilb
The direetore of the newly.ineorporated
PoistnA Telegraph Company met in New
York the other day. It was annommed
after the meeting that nearly -nee-half of
tile 1121,000,000 ntock to lie homed had been
taken, and that title would etiable the com.
patty to begin operationn very noon. It in
intended to cover -every point whore there
are now Western 1 1 nion officen.
The l'oidal Telegraph Company wan
Ittuorporated in June Nat, with a capital of
1,21,000,000. It entioutten the cord of 1141014
/1.1111 a ardent thoroughly competitive with
Wenterti Union at i71ti,000,000, anti the time
of countruetion at eighteen menthe. The
aptiolal advantagen 1)4 (11441(4.114 are the exalt'.
;live p014140NNI011 11411t1 right to tine the ." coin.
pound wire," the Gray harmonic multiple
and Way duplex eyntein 01 t.elegraphy, and
the Loggo automatic and autographie tele.
graph. Theme three featuren are covered
by patente, reeently acqUired by- the corn -
pally, wide)), it in etated, do not in any way
infrititio open patentii liektby the Wentorn
11 elfin, The compound -wire ie ateel wire,
efeetro.plated with copper, and pontionning,
-it le claimed, a conduotivity many time§
rentor than that of _the beet wireit Itt 11148,
The priee paid for the compnund wire
fetteitte arid the - electro.platieg-- factory
where the wire in construetedi 141 aid
to have been $1,600,000. The loW-
romititanceof thin wire allowe -it to be
worked without interruption in ail weather.
.Tito Orel harmoule multiple and Wily
duplex. tiyeteiti .111 41 syntem by which NIX
itiontiu,geertreme t.•over. tho name wire at
.tlie name ti
'The Inotiattg
Latest News by Mails
Etwly tiorn alipeared on the 'Winnipeg
The 00th locomotive .for the Canadian
Piteifie ltailway hag reached Winnipeg.
eats were harvented on the lted River,
nix miles from Emernon, ou the 27th ult.
market ou July nth.
4(11(1 aidne Ss. aritillitte, hitt Ift tILN -101tttor
'Too kvat,t - Rh Moir it/wit-twit piny, . of beef would Ire • •
ittly4 tir HI t grow tltroott _:.• - Orttetical •farriter-;:. belitive in
Anti tItO hett-$ 1 itA t birtirerii vutiout amity, 1.`to - .
044 Ity e • I britvott ft ' P40(1 1 t 1011 W 11' et9i
hitt the iiteio,t *i%-iiiktilVtlit PlOtli Itpi tit 1,110 iitititigc 4E01 tile tettiriti
.. 4
f49 *Al 44MM - ititritetteit uy theirtitittittidefi Wrielt hi geed
t OnililLIOtt for labor, -Pulling -14ploiigli
-.`.1110 imui=ur,utit ' 'not -am-- th rough a_ltifigli snit is hart:Work bo t‘.1,0tidit
4-4 kill r(fir *VI° it,"1116t41"4. la- any tufa trio hard. N6610.01411 t_krb
. ttigt4hoff--tot:!yr,iiii. ettuittlettetel LOP ittattitit lithor itiost too. tlin. Spring,
but -tor And- IttIft tit itiffrim fft„.1116
4411404 Alia Wry. WIkre. thlik Eri /i01(1 Latylitisv; wwvidj.#4.-itito a 'pities mot t
Initft‘r elf :0011,0 tnittitilitetured 4 ..tti 1.6.04 4oviiiitiagotiitwout:ortigo (1,,,js;
- done -by. leuppliiiyjy,: Appoitited. tho, Kate .
att- gkierict:thing :the teat -MI' 'Melt
Board. of Tla'• 14-uPorlotottlfoto• t -j-; Oita whin tplOuttlied lathe fel I doll
„inn -J -6,14r 1111.!':!:"'-r-1111(1 (111(-1°*1 R(1116,111' bo ifot-nt better nondititni;,--11.1.4=-0/01,ter
filtrc outbrit-,e- eirettlge'of InArtitMotot-rvo fieeiittg, fitilVeriZeil the Areittid thet Mayne-
' etthtirilitrt 4.rt itiferittittlett !Welt csio tuithaidottl te,slur-6-botitritibti fitotooti.
11(443' )j41 ot toakata- #ott- titit .
--140-Arti•-1401',e0/411)---- 116 • •-'44,- -404 ilfrovityit tiitittiiro Iti
t.:,-WittotrutIttfir properrst !.11111.1°". better iti-
ttff-t0-t t Itt0 toTri,pti rittroft toitithittlit:11.1.411. Ago
Wbritiligi Mid la tatia01604
.0-1,teN9 itightife lit tiilliteei7ortiiti 4
:ha ttiodt •thAtitble state • that itta kJ:014,01ot 00414 go
"611. , --ft f"itik14.4, attftloit lima -whoa -soft kat, 144
4111 '/Tgittillt1 Itirtt tttftY - ur-itwir `-'1414 Ott that'Whoto
, .ennelderith'e-lii-ogth withoia•ltrettVogi Wyk 644.1$q Aft tottoih.
1111144)4. 111111 "it 41t1444 'fflaf"1":tttuitl*Illittlet$ -W-a-kkier: • AO: 0110Wilif. title 1
n different MIAOW tenon-,
.-be mint in the 0,1110 or
,Turtio Mountain Maria settlern oclin•
plain of the irregularity of the mail nervice,
A large mount of breaking han been
done by the fartnern around ltio.pidOltktille
muAnon. .
WI/MIN* MSNOtIti tOOlt au excurelou to
Portage lei Prairie a few daye .ttgo an11.
atisisted in laying the corner.etone of the
new Prenbyterian Church,
Tbe lliehop of Sankateliewan has pro.
mined a donation of 1,100 toward the
building fund of NM Augliettn Chureh �.t
Plant Brandon.
On the 27th ult. Mr. -11enderioni, of
Marine River, left at the °from of the (late.
W1131 Artotiot it head of- lettuee whieli
ineanured five feet ID eireumformice.
Alex. Carditoof Hettfortli, Ont., wan rob -1
bed of over 1,1100 while u1eeping at raulinsit
bakery, Winnipeg, on Tueedtty iiitfilt, Ile
domin't know who took the money. -
The daughter of ltev. M. Sargent, of
limpid Cilty, 19 etill I/limning: The riv6r limn
lieen dragged and -the. prairie Hearched far
and near, but 110 trace of the child has been
llINNOVOr0:11, , -
. .
Tlio Rapid City Sittrulantreporte that the
appbarantie of the (trope 114101.1g titO Oak
itivtir ltoad ettlinet be excelled. lthporte
from the Iluron sett/lenient strd I other
/mobbing igto also -very favorable. , 1
0 hold US eighth annual exhAbition
ipeg on Oetober 4t11, fiths l'ith,
f- on the lithi and filth DA
y annotintied. .- I
piendid unveil of the -N titian.
1,1 oppottite tl eel) 01114# 1111(1.11113? number of
stittionti on alitio may 00111 1_1111 11 101Lt0. wltli
each ogler -on a .single - wire on whieli
through, 14 :being done shrill'.
taite601y. The systein was.tested ,the
Oita( petitilitil tlegalittieliti eft tO
tti M r; ray hy-tlieiStegtert.i.11 111014,'
Vt., Keene's agentS secured all. -cf 11 rILy'44
for:112110,110(1, • - • ' •-•
• --T-Ire 1440 ./tuteinatic telegraphW(,r1144 111
thiu. way Tlielliessage 1ft Writt0ii 10 .1 ilk. tit'
1)110 '11,10fifti4tIfilittbOb' Iti spiriti 41504-
largtewOod The'. Witeel 4iittpoti...lii
Oio elhottila
(Ii(I 1441 it Al.fialf 'Whoa .tatfittifft - 8Vtir .010
Mor4e. lettetti the .611'6111i it1OrlitttOly
001i011- ttfid 010404 o': (4,41(1 11 4144 p1 l(tILt(!
-of - triettitage Oil _ 4410111114.
Wheel ..4 41,.. "iitatititt;
1 VI 44lIl'll 11'J 144 ttit'tt -146Y141 iI titig('`tt- Ig OttlY Iff -°114 Lite 11N:it-toil •Wtitt it !tett Wei for -k long -ttititi-
-. 44141114 tlilit I,lil filta6 pipit t.1 ty firtiad 6 'mill -suit; :Niod
colort v4;'.11-1; 11;.itskttfl 111,11.81!.."(.6grob,.. fifteen years, 1.41116k- 11. 144 t rigli "it:kJ
- tittflotouto it. gt-taly'l!tifc! 'fibrPt°4°P! The- better blab /Of 0116:06 nOntetiittlitt6N.
ito It ig 406- 410ifillti-t-u16` titithg- Rh: Othistad, iity tit, itii-lichesk
:KAT whoic Elit niti°1,11t- •fts1.1- Ftwii°6 66 iiittNetviiikitikii tibiO 1181.86 ii8fti8
4" 6. .httflt` • 110 - ott1641tfi- kiii4 111 14.14 0651104 yeti:Wish
Says that rtieenb experiments, battier-in-
Ytirit. tied flop, toti veg. ordinardy.W1re
16 4.411.6 -61:14t41101iiiiii4101ttrr 2.1/i/0 ‚114(14.41 44 Por
-tniti.tite 11 41(1 eiieti -told
-filikitbSitillikt011 'rid() bie0D *Or!Ifil?-
littici for: tiio IN fial4
1,1111 111111 IlIl44 • ttut1ityiug-lotil• if,---. rtth 'tilt. (1 111411(1 11(416:- lift6W66-if 66 'tilititt,- •Olietliet family .ot -66itsitiottilkl/
. -611•6: ft""ti •It-t.i. 4. t.i,t"1"1/ kik 1.-Ft6„°14(itlf, fk6,••,-6,ir°,:ii-,.lr' i(fid iiiii6oiritti. tiii lila litioot itit a 1-n411.4114_0,
:---fitlit--tinatif-tv. 1.- .t bit' 1-tqk - W41V4A ''--L'"VI-7 .V!I ',11 11 itittt.V. itititi .--titttitlffitV6Ift. ,liffititt.iiiqkolir
ittbiltk. -Itititi.tlpif. ,(t. 8iiii. kt- tittith 4. Atli!. tly:r it -t46(1, iiii6fifti_loe- y(itii , _16 4 0.. fitlitifyitiltirtiffl.
-btliitit itit18.6); fillm11,1111114--a.totti-fl•biliti.rttl !tit''' littOril to all .1(igti tiltliti 'ilk- 1101411:. th'f.itillititlif11.
-- -. fitite-Ntiti*K.1(0-, high iitat6.-61:616killt68.0.0i'_ It foi; ytitt-tilliiot :Rtitiit -iiittfitititilititiftifii. --. •
----iiiity-66 foie_ iiikett titlitfitiOgilt_ttgetlittb_6_t_Ifitt . •• • ..:, - , .-, .-oli, , . . ,.., . . ..
_itiiiet life_ .it rolithitifit,it ipif,41 . !rice -1.1611116.111001 _1114+1146 'Ilifliiiiimlii._ei 'trial
*I.O'testiti.g if ttiktOi.tittit, i tat ftilibitifti.,_:_,-,:- ---: - ,
... tieeiiik_ivii6 it elikftitteriptle- fitillog- or : : - ;I- ..- -(1-.11.16- j..8°11.- k:IS-It'=it,iff.7------.----- - -•
- tktittAi. , 61,:iitt-litf :, tit 1.'' ('114 - tH6 1401,titrittit-lkititil6; ,-. -1.11-111ittilititVilyt.10:-It-folills, -tifttitelielloftiff
viiiAv 6xiiiiii :' ri,Itt at, 411 tititht'itt iltfi t4Dttittor lisi..- tittr. 14t0 :Eve.- II/JR-frit • 6 kyr/. ot -Air..
tit' tihtT-f4'fiFilttt'y_-ftif- tit:0 tif60011. 60 61-411611-1,y :tti,(fitif .-.• - liti' -6 itiV ' iitelgii- iiiiiIiiiie 6 •
1.--Otilitty vtifli I- eviity tiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • :iotritt _ook 'ft , K111 till'aft f Of 0 0:- itifitt-titt •i :IV 1,),110g -i:
lave • Lien 11-1,000,11011: • • . • -
• Itt Ite.prostrinettis..tlie.bilitivahy(14410114 11-,
bo. 14111(1 titt-110-:ttitith. hiiiiitiools with 110;000
-of With IN now •-• tleite witli
V1.10,1iti(1,- and at a tiOst-fOr t1I(1111114111411411', (1(11!•
stfactloit 64161pitiettt 1600.itfy fotir 1)1)41141
tit)* Mitt -
A illstlitetive-yoiital Nyfit6111 fOr
16tttifiti itiossatitiso io 1*, hj1lvt(1
,..coilitetitiVolliiiiMuti postal teletitatill ntalat.o
14ti tifllI(It?ft 4.1(1,4114, [14, one
4)1. 1,110 tl(14/ttlfliOi4
treptised.hy-thticoiiitittn$0: • -
The P ovinelatAgribultural Spolet have
in Will
rtgaii4 Fortritilitttia Agit' 11F11
1I'. Thom !AAA.
To Canailittnu dieeourneti delivered by
Itev, 1)r, Thoinse, of Chicago, always
ponnenti deep interent, and duriug his tioni0.
whet frequent vitas to Canada the rev.
doetor nia.le many friends. The much.
tallted•of awl long•looked.for hereity trial
of Pr. 'Morrow at last, however, bids fair
to inaterialim and beeome a reality inetead
of a hype or oxpeotanoy. The committee
appoiffted DA the laid M. Conference, at
ltockford, 111 October, 1StiO, to prepare
°bargee againnt the "doubting Thomas,"
iittve, after ten menthe' delay, prepared
and -handed to the presiding eider of he
dintriet the ehargen on whieh the pro b-
tioil IN to be baited. 'The ehargen tre.
prepared by Rev, Dr, H. A. W. Jewet , of
Joliet,. and ltev, 1)r. M. llatfleid, of
Chicago, and ttre 110W in the hairdo of Itev,
Pr. W. C. Presiding lr.alder of that
+ma 011Alitilttl •
will be eubittantially what. wore made
agalunt Dr: -Thomati at the time of the lamb
couference. Ti10140 were that'he denied the
inspiration of tome portione the Scrip.
tures ; that he deeled tbe doctrine of the
stonernent RN taught by the Methodint
and that be taught the doetrine of
probation after death. The evidenceoffered
to eupport these ehargen will -be ex.tritotii of
tiermonn, and the dootorse letter read before
the lant ern:dere/lee,
11114 MICimilit,
written to 1)r. Thews,
who la rosining elsitit le the Lake -SupeR6r -
region, to notify him that tint cliargen have
b0011 1111010f 0111.1 a copy -will be forwarded
to hie tiff M0011 104 It IN -aseertained
definitely.where 110 IN. 1.)t, Willing has idiot,
appdinted Drs. Jewett and Ilittfield tti
conduct the proseoution . for the Church, •
and they are iireparing their WO, . •
The- defence will -be as etrong 1144 1)r.
131041(04 And a 'host ef able friendueati make
lt, Mid 011011 11,11 of talent nn
boilf olden- as be presented, it will be'
0I6 tnestintereSthigelitirelitrials ever .
hold `,11i-the-cotilitty. ltiit said the ilefenee •
will le-aggressiVe And
will Seek _to Tittce the Orritignerm
tatliertititiitlitfitspersedproatilicr ; that -their 4
itslitiinption8 its to' the- doetrine of - the .
.Nettieditifi Chureli attitelted. .
Poreltor ii breed arrived -at Wiiiiiit6g on
TiluitillaY frotn Illinois, for Ills lioni r tho.
1ieu1..430vettior, Ono team is gr Y --and
-tile other bity. ... . , , -
1100, fit, 4atlia, iitilled down • °mar - ectt
-it. Quitiii`W-Itotise,-. 1,0114.11,77 1)4 itWaY tt.i': Old
bottont -10gfil itliiti _t30111ttlotbly,tiOntrqying
.ttbout fo it notes Of -vortictutio tthd '-otairtfyilig
Middle f Ited-ItiVer. , . --- - '
the iiitil,,-vbeills Of. iiiiir :iwaggeti--Iliftal.tliti
- lir till -WirliiIi- tool( .1Yir.'. (ielft s i 4fia
fiat -.1 pin Wiithi ii . (.41 1,1(41 l'ortitg - ivent
out tier' lit the utipreeedelitedlyshorttline
of eneli tir ittid fifty- tiiiiittteS, i On ir_lei way
back it ltdretberuti frond, the .-rertage to
Stoitey 1 enntalti 10.-ttli 11040 ftiitll -forty
-1111tiiii0 . -1106%1601J 11104(10W-tlibit irolia .tho
moulita ; wittoti:iiture 10,-11:. goodt piece 0f-
tlgo ttlF611 ti6battib ttt 111 rifle ifl I I tit, ifitif41111tifittNtit.
•ok_ 11ee-1110 114)1: tiiafle Alr; : tfrefi: ftift1116ffb treat,: '('1,14 '(.1111:41 pa i janei a° - L'11I'4'1111 Is•
-.fol.- Aitjlitaltir vsyk., Ili -.tile 4ilitill - ot: .6 tri itigti 41W' _.) ilk!. I iff. 01-611itdiri ilr-iClifiii.
: to: ilticY F. ftlit that Is ftelef ti ay_ ytiiii 1(486— ge6-ylly6oflitif 1:0J1/4 6,.. . itiii0 it/ -11,4;00 • i
-fot fietitiiiiiii .ftigliteiieit.. 11.41 44)13' 0/4606. tit wi-dor pinto. tif iiifsttifk -lit . itNiiidifithr
. the toittleld !,--for-it ite sees_ iketutiiiii. it log, •(--tiiitti i - _in. " (Hijiiitlit limitt.i. fugli filaidi..
- -- -- 6E: ku li-oky-ti '_ tatt-ftkik--ift 'lie :(044t _ ititai 1(81'8 isslii TW:606fhat. ?of .liiiiiiiit ..-oiiiiititi
- *ditto -fib. of t,ft.-sii-16 eltififtil y. -ma -411-tia6: to I fotilDit4 fitiAllili_..F '6 11414144111 4'? 6604161/
yitHil,-ft; yeti kfttkeltiiit_ioiltt thp tg,ity; 111 44 it. •inifit i •.Ailietligkff - _ ftikektefigii: . iiiita- Of,
: -• 016. ltliti. Of 01111;11. (it.' alb- ,ikit-litkrit 1411441 1 litsltitiai Of (Ibiltli • ' litil' Uttlifttil#11'
? I
: 7--litittlitif efiet: lit :Mg kitkY ii -r- fettigii111114 -WI koliittusii.iiii6i6ty 6 ; ESA' fiOilla.(1111itelii
-6- hekt• Lillie lie.otlit t:8- Ittlifti -ifigitt000 . ftiiiiiill i Pfegg)i t keit Iiiii. Pflgie,ftkty
tio titof .6110 tti- filit.b/1- 'tit_ tif666- 61466t6i Atitiffity: j: lit lif101itteitli-: -1'0101 i - -wmitieti;
' :taf6fifit :Heti' iit 4VsEter , 8' .--1; 18 - .i6 -1tfi - ifffi 1 " Ikettir
6,11f, -61 Vat . ttft(tOft-tt jtfti ii • frfitilit Wit -10: 0 t• $ iiiiii. ii- ft9 Nititi . Ail 1.
- Art Witt i.feEttlilli hillid_ Tbitt )7j41 41414j41 fititi l • bil Mill 6618t 68i .. $41 pi fir
-- ( 6iii, kW .:1 i i6 8680 y 8 iff8(0 filo* i, fifiji484 t_ till 0 6.66fit 6 lift II jeo
kat tr60 d ita 611f1Y. -tlit16.. tliti !NEN- 116 !Wet -11010- :601100itii-- 01 144/417
4)11 I:
6: 100 fit 6 iiti, 4 6 i6.061 _it; 0 is VA ffill0Wil' :11 0048, 10
itiiv6i6 -lit 4 6 'Iftill -11.(1 -Or Sala flftifi te (I litif lee:" .• -
filitlet- Iii0i41,#no ,i,w0,04 . 06 _ otig 14 : , 0'
io 1 0 -ti 46 f0116Witig .06 6 sr uti661 r •Elyate:
R 6 8 Willif tigiitiegffis11110114611t18 li&V;Eta 6 fil668/-
'6 0 ok fief lifiithfillii itlid-,.k fi i 'of. - e imelt :-
It Fa i atofea
666 Wilitli -- ip
lett fitlieEN i i ti
ebl rE-Itv idle* etftit 1441!
The r mint Cyclone in ilutil4 tilt let
-1 hitiVil !Reiff tlitittitteit--little-.Ciatigliters'el
-the iffiiitits itia.1-: Viiiiee011: Of:Wales:at tile
.ttlitititi.*Ettos, tiis.:1404061i:00Essioi416116 ot
6116L-Pliita061kulik•1101-6i ititItitti-41E-tiateoifisi
olioti, bit 'tifltf Oblitif410iii 1,11611bilif. 666 1/66 ,
tiiiit-filssiiyfliof lilt/6116f ti.iiik itif iiii gift tier"
lity.ititit hit lief -0166y tliete64 lief RI 8N.itit
tiikeiieitliii(-t-fliiiheilieeii-iliefiLitt 6 ktitit:.
b1.8.-etifeffitifildii -40111611- if6i1f-'_14fgit 64. IfY;
ti,itteilliottitiktil.61fdttttiatttit66 t 1.1E646668ft
Moto. tialogi ilfliqiigi ikiilkilliiixlitstifil* itlie:
ifit -66.iiii. lir -61-tesu-oetiltititille-..1.:Veittilfe- to,
.sity-i;(1111 •tlie Wiiitiliig Nityttfelflif eiieli eiie 14
iiiie l 11416 Iii. tie_ eieveti ;Ili *wit It fIttli.111,.- ;A
iiiiiiklifyililte ittiiiilii:t-Iffiliki bitlifietifitt6a -by
411$0:_ttittilvtili_f_01_10ith_ff'.- y iiiiy iti it--0_11tilif id ,,,
•titiiiiiiiiblia !Off:Olinda. id otioft6-66061-66•1116:
vilittet -Iiii. ' litiittifig f6iindfi. Ott 1.11 lioni01-, i6
Sy/tinier . - kiiii61f .,fir. ifiiiifililii firliiiiti itild.
4.11 - itfb' liiita,0' lit 711 it: Siiiiti1846..:- -0t-kiiiiiii
"Iftentiiiiiiiir6 'tilde' Oil?, J-Iiiitikii,
4 0-06 iitq !Mil ti -to toviii,f#4.14-iindgdig klikti tilliirii: if .iik(i." bithf Of: ift:01 tank
Eld 106 ddY .tef ildike uffieaff-tft 181kf%. - .. iilltli RI /611/11416 ittfila. a olili flired i
_,„,„,„,„„ p, f„,,„ii,„,yiti,„„L.: ri, „„,„,(1.,1,,i,.. 166re -.IWO 66 t: & IS
6- lifoug(i - tIfklit I8 (lit i Uli f0 ifkklit tiiiikl 61164.0 ifIt16-§i ii 44 '-
i8itilitlitlit'.titir '4N Al . /tE. Eno lilii 11 ir 6106; 80 d f8 60 '0 E.
roadvthe trititt boWled:along itt..tint rate -of
live toil if Iii 441* itibitIttsi .. - -- ' i 1 .
. ._;., .,
Whit -1Water take, al Tuttle wieetitaiti,
lit.-twel,ie inlies-letig and 'live Widti, apti is
ilaVigable for Smell Steititioru, 'Willi :geese
and tin Its ate pletituful:-. A yeitt 44 77(1 Viote
Were. iit liouselt hetet itiitisnot_lt-,Wiii el, initil :
to bo Il Oil: -- irti.ilitY. ilitertt - 100_1i h ettliell
ittr libit Ote i if tli114 dlmtt.1611, dila eit-di pttler
will A' orago 114 ,:- least- iliree_hi-tho aililly,
-Wiilelf- 60111 OAR°. 142011 1611011)6.618 16 the
Thrtio hiltitititi dlifttiOt ht olio
1 ni fr I b eitt lit
i71 11(1,1444 OtTitl
L4..1 rift tire it ffii 1;1 166 ti Affitifi ki
fffi, WO Itt( .618160 4101,8falt ib *I 8 .6 id
ii Sktilit. 61166 14'0E6 iiitikfliig kiiiiii• it /ME
..t iii-eiiiiiitty .tife -falt4Iii 01 018i1.8 t 181F-
iiiaftiii- it Mete 106 io maliiti:6 ibiE
lit:. liklita if. t 108 1111018018itit 1.- tiiiii
,tiF8 ;Ott it.itilt - fitioodqii„fof von& . Offi;
feet t... -*(-161 -r tlikk 111888 Efl ay F111118.7
li6651)16 ilia itifot- litif i 66 (1-. 6 iFio to
Mit' dif&iii $it 8#8 iiiiiif 60 1116 -,f6f0.$
man 0111-118A4.81-frosia - elal#Qlle 1 NG- i
ittitil 6 -lit 66 fi IR Elie Ifilini18 F.660110:I
rilli 146 16116 6 iilfital y etten8
- A 10-f4(ibit boyi..-iiiboSii•iiiiiiiii flislicoperm
.tiiamiifiablo tti itstiottetitillivitig tI(Viii. t110'
tiVer it-it:tile oti ittO•froin tieersoik,- .iit With
k IiiitIOnd ittiiiitkiit tiii.tliti. _gill ttiti- ...: lti -fell
fr.tilti filid: to' 4'! ile liikttlittelt :di _ililifOttga
of it' f Irk, lketitittitit liiii fit68.10]:ki most
tlie•-•gt Milli/ 146.: tit.ougifttii616014-,iipto-of t
ftiglitf 1 iiiitiiiitift l'' lie fork *80 lireek.-T
oho, 01 411(1 tiEtiogicootoro iioad 6 ioxid 8414
ditiii6, tit 1,1 17114 1116 filtititi ; :Midi! 611, tailled,
tlifotig i aid bilf106itil tt11.66k,. butilifig iiili
iffiatif iiPi Litif fiddf-filid eiliii:14
'I'd -go •• Into. the dc.etrilial- points will .
Involve it great demi of.littiort,a6 thoilootritto
tif tlifi tiosiets kgrekt tor'
ritoty. -Tiler:610 forinulatod ettItiti
other bodies,rettebing far baok
iftto1110*P0.8if..biti-.tilthy have firoit the artieles
bt fel:igloo; turd it.etiond, • Vitt artieles-ef,
r.eligiotio. standard, theloriner exylleit
0-160 liOwti- for .-. 016 goidkileo
6116M -tors and 61661661,0 61 the 011411'0;1,411d
the leAt6r Ore teachings of .atieolited authors.
'there elialiee for -41111tnissioit
iipoil'r tile - iirstf _exiieyt .0110
lifititthlr 44 .1. rot ifialvation " says:
tietie-ligitty tialvatioft,u• •
818 113.
sE • 6E.. eke44111)
v 8818 elf I Well y
8 W8Ek n an
6166 eitt /
41, 8 611_ - 6 ME 8f a
0114 ititto inky a
in 1420'11.
616 _1 way #
nnfiaiong-.,;innawatlitaii; rj
61116 ir IFNI Hi tlie•4144144
OE 11118 Fee WI WO
titI 018 66 out? 616 so
4i4#441 Ihk8- to 10 tat
ail IR OF
108 .
-11 Or:
MA (HMG Off;
It: liefili8W:
frig= d
I/ (11441
006.016 01 1 F
t ti 110188Y-illtjf0 a fkil Fli illAi if
.8f08 : 0 te tile. IMF 1411 7441
lug • -
• -
eaffeaPtinlient. (400,414# 41104 411.41e0ii
000- ilf ti(opitafi wilikeE 1V0F Ittf
4141 t8 tlikk tile 816
6 6 . 88: -Reek, AftyfeyElk El 6
411.141 aff8 1 Neff 11171 7
10114 1 thkt the- ittie8
68: ti
00 81 4141181 1,914g1}11681111t18
y utr 807 O
-811E wffl
1111 88li fat Melt
WAIN@ fieliti8E I
OH: 11186411i / ill 1181,
ii8§fef II 41081 lIttiti8Y: l lel fif fifIfilifg
-tile iief.itilifiltItli 61. lifilreffittle - uy
otind lb 1118 lliFltat II 8
es le 0114 .116 JO ttilit if Of y 1414
r_fil so8 (6188: ,fadokoi Olt 111 OW
I - • t.61.1.initibefig6 .6114-6- ItiOinfatii
fin 61', aid ,,bitilitf - Or 016 . itlfitabbeif_
'ffitiin Oft -8418k IS f.tritfiliit Oitifilifif wita
uisoiti., ritio6. by Mt 61-6116 - iiiiiilltioli ilia,
116.16611% 14 itrit- altitid tlitit 864611316*6ifoti
6661ii ii ittifiddifit-t6 litt4,6- b Oi.i deii8iiiiiiiafff_.
'iiiiffieliitttidit 1 18:btl lila lib** '0141441
11018614tilifi: --.1 titt ti WI itic,r6b04;: '
o y 6 HI 6:—
fisN_Ii1116 Pniiiiielit
o 1
Ttieliloattafoli:goit 0fiolottEEst 011•0110: f611:i-tte
4441#71641441 7
fill 18 1i618 148V1
8 "
ie 1/116Fitl8N . aierth-
of tort tliat (Aiwa lia6106 iIfI
ititite ali -ii66.11', 6 Wilk • Nil 161 :VI t 16
iiyiiiii.•-tietto-iisyt. oitioliiiii- iits:Itoo iii44-,68,
iliditysiii 81,-&itritillit,urtigaM Of OM
p.iilt-f,.. dfittil ::•• _ii,ottlf y sym 16rd-11i.
litiltfill 1100414 101..-- -lila -01. tI16 ' 6 lattlif
#16116411 iii -.Irli idiot *Ht. ini _aii.,ft Ilia ef
kilikitill Ni - - t • - --
, - • , .. -,
6116 liliiii6f6Fliii4iikViiiiiittiliii
. - 1 , - •
-:. 1.f111 116# 411614/8ii:.1116' li:_gfitif88', t , lin
rei iitfilltiff tif8 fleleity fltiat 6;
"The Pi6r pturdo ifolotitin Nit thitigfl
. .
Wllili tylAltt, A li0INT.
-11110 yoliit wl
it atieg- Aity that u11: --158t ,t;tore fititieN...
sitty. 1,66 14erititur60 filer
etifititio titeekoilityle
gie lifts hot diNte•'.
&fill 11 774.0411. 4601 fiftieth', Mitt the tiefinie6 daft
gfvf.46 - ills ,tolootiou -of Nob :of 016
" •••
Atitlele 141 47711*: '4016 offetitgoitilitlelf. •
ettibli.itiritll Ail
aottial;" is 11/6 doo4t1ii6 —66111661i/
it 116-fititke afalfiNt Mid
0 lidtta66N, oviiiviiiomoi -iiiict .lifddii.
tg I, ,4f8.1diympifi-e_libiii I188Vittf6
Oliilefi i3kyt
. ----.1iti .gfitili 6# 14 ii4 iiiia ii6iglifisElioOd 16616
as is us/it 6 1 1.18-(181118G- 11-iigi JO till(
4, 414
reirif a -triple? itwaflaiiiifroing 41111.1441341
a in wit al na istt Hittite!
F8AIFT tre 8081;8 rrk
414)4114444 1111
1. filf 11418M-184 El#4188N
14 alt) 141. Nillt8 .urio6 as .6 III *Rem ;
A0 0v1 001- ho
6?/: Hi; ail0F8.ft Illitift011: A108 filth flt
4110140 ilit13116fttlefiii -
s OE Emitting a atoitiii
8 1841441 01 R/0106161 at F4440
444)41! /4/1144'-611.01 1/06488. f6.
so Foist' itiei- p14461
s 6 6 fla Welk
Eget - 8 11411 1
1 11
• r •
18 kb 8
88#186; 81 44144 111 1 t81 Of 1116181 IPA tW81-fiil van -
BA thaf 1661 PION 6f 68E01;111 61/88881888;
8ii Of/ kit oxiatiog N . .
if @i181.18ellii td
e el e6;8110E y0 sio ifietaeli#
144 wigFoklikl
es §F
al. WMAW11 MINN 8811 4381111PtiliN APAR144
; : 61 Ili .6
• .
• .
18 808 888i104 i fai
.41, 14744 )4lo it8Ititift
if8f .Itli
frfW *7411.41 6147471444
11 l8fy ord liffj.16 .6if ‘118
8116V-ri (t14j1 M44; 1/1144E491
fife 11 t 611111iIit ei kite/ I
•:- Ili Indio/if 0 diEttoiiti ivi j
. __
I 410
0§1 i to •0 0. filiVi9Elglii
Ott 0 6 Met 181%; 8;
f :Ii6 : Ai (11:
4114147 ?'
811 gli
I i 18
wtivittlaofilig 8 *0411(1141 1173;
tif ill ft kif..1184861.80f; . .
V 6 fildi 8f a iiiiiii 4 :
i 11(1#
fi 20,:fl.
t11)4111440 8
0 e - o littitto 7/4111,1
A1,11 . ii. hi-, 16
OW 800449 (11 pjfl11l1111 •444
mE ty siiii4 feEspule
i 81ill i pelf -Wefit.
op6iii io -iii,,--eariiiiif
A elf' IOW ti -i.
At -,ifiklt Entt 0 fiiii
88)111 1 IV ill' 16 8f
lil - f :
41t17$ ed
f 1181118
8. 8
of kf 6ti 041 is
.1(4441141 $Ntii 84 the jiigN6
ass& gust' isii4
• oi i 6 8.
114 tr 6406 6
111411 1141117yen 111441
Et! .88
11.71(1 tlai y iiktilit166 to 1'6 fitiftliti itt
riff iniettliliitt of it titoolitititralha
1011;' T
Aft1616. ifig 146 -.dui-v.6;01e ftikfliief .6f
tifelieedifig agailist *lio- bk."'
°Met 6A� .41'41./144411
116i ili1 r611j41011; iiielafteg°14 Iltill$111-14iiiitetiijl i:Itr_ituiii
10 OP'
f „
.1. e tliii _ g011Ofi1 - 1.J1r.116 ti ." t14 14614-1 :--
.-tiOlitftiff• - 11 Aid- -8146811 1 a
le 16 -
6_61 tirflii6, -,i1liitiFY iiiiiffi 6 ...ig :
i8 ifi) 0 00 soofpo el jiittia ' id
tliff.€,Ifferi0191166 efiltilite 66; - -
ftitiii0/ Witiiiiik'N:iffetlkittiN ; .0 tilii .
Ft iiiii6-iilia "ft..' Fekt fieffiVef . U - 6 -
•ii *kill fellgi fit illiN 68110166f litiiktit
of ti181f - dtitittifie 81 latiff6 -130 ilioliitoiti . .
oviimili isic_61 ,-61118Elifliiiii6iis It 6Eiltift011:81,047tg,iftliiiiikilod ' '- •
6.6 elioit uti uEoliatioi - 66i.tisatii.i bifS
it11(1._ tiffifd iii ._lili0 ' Hill' Id bald' *till b b --.
111 ent ifitlielit Iff filiikleii kiiel Witliiiiit
, _ . .
444111; : - _ . - _ .
if likiiiii--F4t fiiiiti:if0iiffiff .iiiitilikift,. . k.,,. _
. .
- Vilitti6 ill, Iiiii6y,s 48f1110 1611 614
is 6siti itiv 6E8 41144 44'(i444 iiiit laid ----
11alf6868PiEdifilgti,461. lir ' •• - ' 1*'1- 4 6'- -
06 if. sy lis Soto - to E
Vii It )8_ i F- te_ 8 Mitt t 6§884iiiiigliel '•
8 ifitill111; ;•
fie -take t, 18 --frigiqt etilifaili- lititi ';.. li
(filklIffii eff te 4)414444410144611 1111.16 iiiiiiilit Of
31 1241tAitIrlillf6--fgail-116i111806131111iii.Li114:1/144871411111fr./11111784fitntetftjiilifiti'21Y-tlitlint;#C111:i8 '
111/lY BeElli.litif68.1 MI Will if0 I8olio (11(11;
8ffE 618841118n 16 lif -1168014 WI I- tli '
I E-Aalii-1118iiiit'f - 818 ifil
Of te go lealitid; Infala
Wig fl(88Itigiti *JOHN 6111f 8
8 1 4+1118 ileeffIfiON 648 little Wttif
Iiif. efl 18,14/ afia tiltiNt Ifilillifd, tti ,ifiillt.
ff8 Sill4 ifigiotaiit 411$4l4' - -
, ivlii aims atom 110-4040,
47i8 p,o10 Ii tilliso 137 F: fillilW it I44:.
iliali001:.-*F11611: iitru11760 ,illt. 0-60111..t4- ISE1.6*.rtliff9.11-73•1;411
iiltifi El tr8 aEllisE kit oEs Elia • -oit
(1888i181i AS..t8.ifli 1 - II It - MA 811801a
118 16€118136861: -In 41/6: tiE • iiof aay oat
-011#n•an mitilef dtaagi aa iiii ills lits,fia:i
tlii 10 ia E616666efi -gm . 4116 011,ffill
8 . ClifliNitift 118 11O1,k . Z114- .-
11 .8E41111,4ft 4118 1088 010,41016i
04EV,611606s iii It sp6siu 0E4 _ - __'_ . r -
- • r ,,,, - -
: ; , 411ofild ; ; , _Ayigifis
6t ,§Affffillie 1A4P di448
811 -t118 ifik gift-. 8804N 4110,11
fif6lify:fiVif kskIN lie its 1388ff