The Sentinel, 1881-08-05, Page 7Old DreamIll.
iL xOTICS- rout tob"ar, ?
gCOTT151 the 100til 1 WaB v kbird's song
gr, ;�g, in paugog of tile bl"ll Ill inine Obr
0 the world 1111 1 P Jr
Ill A, oln not " too long
jL. iWOMArg *BOOT south of Scotland there lass been I hear 0' ads too lOu9t
1C 9 In the waspe it, same Places- With ib insistent sou
6W WAV a% a Toll.(JaWee I%gue Of Ifirg, Ing robes at sprinM
I Trngcd quite I? Free Ot. %at- The fO(Jtfall and the 01,10011 % lifo,s full doI
is fjoutitil Sal %"'or' 01 Mae 1,ow (�uce, I hailati thou, a blackbird An
ran, tile ilev. Dr. h Glasgow, died from moth IL -
LEFT TO STI III is (;ale Cy cyd mud tbw,s Churl, , New, lit3o aloved, I hear the ddou ligh
Ballread Bridge the Greeuwol on the 5th just. 4s bl J,ld Mau Wl"ke not at the on
'relvaraph O'B". The tOil'g&te on half mile t of At the age of 72 yeller I, [,oudon that the 11noved I 13ut yester-evO I stood
We" at NiMbIl 90 Ilienet'la'she . u 'ke is A 0, its n songstress, Ill the
I Lilloll ght, wnu,4 13"Neil Frankli It is openly asserted in
S:"l t";t?w tit' fl, t NVeduo%d%Y Ill 0 ofand about a quarter is pt 7g,n,),�th thee, tbronoa, queO i
Marquis Of Uuutly has 115i to leave Great Nay. lict III
oil so GrouLli-0 at a.
went down t It T130 toll-gst was tbat)grem
601 fweeb;
a Olmstead ly neigll* 0 is a order to escape his
Dollabuo ILI 5 years Of 590, WaS from 161 ly named Motile 11urt. 11 Britain hurriedly in out heaven I
was - And f c�r 0118 laoin oo dooP fOr
able girl, but I a du, IVY by A 1-54 it and io trYing to. OuP' creditor$- invited to open the Woodf out bye t
SUPPORT HER. deatil, -u u or tile salety of those who". the hardworking w0mal I children by uddingtO hall been as Ana the old dreams W
0 REFUSES TO watching f Dr the railroad In 4orself - mud four The Queoutlext mouth. The ground 13 spoebb.
HER HuSBAH bally, whose father portl pay which nd gasty breeze
a caso of dc%ti- called them out OVI Leltil ]DOcks'reclamed from the Firth, & sed; the
—it WE66 PILO V
"I'll(I ril tiou% lilade it, iu Loudon West fearful Ktorm KaeHome YoMrS 11goo- her Pay as toll�kceper the Small' . persons One In ll Owes from the
-ILL tile railroad colves from we'l done 10 been'13I when completed, will h91V9 ghter bud Tong
,ry on 6go Ura.
aLId utter Itiow l d on tile east side he re DrOlAght lau
tutitlil readoill, Was kil 0 other just tr by. About a year 9 y the the 01touslon' ad t116 darken"
r,,11,1 it' th'o 'mud of f rot jite where tile living Del in the night b ClatIled roll
JUT'Lli-ill Lie Va ghtoulliallt Of tile WO - lives with tier 1 101 itartiot.1 She cost V76,000- ortain that the NJhbJT Into a mist,
of tile river and ucarly 0 1 d liurt "as )f a burglar. fisys it is C.
III plunge an trecO, orld that mocks &I
-gh will wita, the w
VIClIt% Lily tile I)IIiIaLlthropic John I in liar houtic I
ustle tile fear u iged, Loudon Trutlt at Edigbur An(
live%. ptolic came gag 1. L was
hc!ll WILIIIJ I)e%t houses engine t ()IIntitcad lost thelir the was seized, bound With cot heir, and park revIev so far e It lice,
,,,,g Tho Doll"huo aill liar cither beard liar money. taken from as and about 30,000meu 3i&t -
Uowmrd nit, It succel The 1)uke go D, y is Eden, YOt t too far for I
noro cl-11tury el ist Miss Shelly had limpt)(3 the first traveller who be a gVes take part in it' guarded a 0. t oar blinded 81
at i-�*urojju I -Aa soolus to bo ti t the jolt to tile morcy of wev"leor I expected to 'a command.
,is CEL rcmliziug Wh tor No trace wall We 1'reatho, we tone t the right.
-Lturu LI to 40 village crash, Do'! - started night chance along,. minbridge if, t By
worr,t fc' �tl uteru mll� 11 �Ourts to
iI)l known they limte took Be I'll Out, but She P'l circuit C sti 11 Book it every W 11A
'Lima bull Ill Went inod of the robber. Since t is robbery a' C
10f soe alief 3ck. liar light Hoc oods and fallen obtm Three vAidition,
go in her TOOMP each yeart making "I
mutljoritit:;lli for r WTI kept two do
t,) tuke tile %tolig Way throuvii the W wators Mrs. liurt Im" Lud trusty wqtab-dog- be held in 0111el courts in It rarwevois
have failLd c(AllnloubunLanitY would sug- jolt tier la%blug One 01 them & Savage I %ba was the total number now, k our 'Dundee Sud Beefsteak 091C11 the edge of the 1 wuld [night in F8rth
which UCE, whO timbers, to ell mail. She C ridaY night. at mid will ot every Year I
Thu hutfurer Btreot. The tht i respeetl bein 3gy the.. sdai Thron
48 Stro. Uranual, ht covered tile drawn of ill() %torm the On F )arking Of these dogs double the Allote" t_§aTed by a
Lil shauty 01 abovo tile roar rho had awakened bY tile I L mud West, facing beylleou held heretofore- of the tion. ell
III it It �m, about ten feet hoar, ill, engineer, M 0 stauas OIL%, ruoou armor usm
LILL14 uIlly one roc. I ban to it, voice of Wood, lmt�thc The houR There is a, d number urts tile criminal business
% r back kite t - She know t, Was the road --on tile east. rom tile roade, �&Oocri tional cc -yesterday Sitel he 10th cOuces'
jLh 114) lied a ght in a, troo OP gorge ;1 living on t
at furuiture. Cal so with is oad of pmasen oil tile -cast f about four I
I t cc the - country will be greatly facilitate('* ilua s -half
dostitkit4b �0, on ran north f rom the well close to the V m isucherd, �ng at
still with dirt, and ver- expre young g1 Small parish 90110al - sasiot si.on of 13�
She, 0, On door N 1th
IS-1covered house ills if uvarly duo. Ig Who one' - this In 9, Shinnel, Upper ilel jtom Grmutol was quietly sittl
It the Only living beii That from
crawlt,19 aboi Yell." Wag tile a. Tito About two Mrs. Uurt baukS Of tile present in attendance three the dinuer-tale at tile' Ontario u6tol,
mill 11 they surve Wful catastro h judow, and after he . g Some beefsteak#
rovelit all agoingoutt, or boollo WELS there is it w there are at iss, estin 00mv
for -three or could 11 ... -t I a barking 01 the dogs 0 i—two boy twiust two girls' mud V
11MV0 been h parated at the te'logr it ottice a , Ila notify the was aroused by th the door, when pairs of twini Grautoul other persons in the r
The Y ,Iaco wbore mile cou miles over got up and started toward his �wiudow sud A boy filing A girl. In Imet when the i6tor of the hotel, Baw
four year , I I the propir
hat tile band slailt [leo of glaoR Of t cet. of te �uddealY tile
on a 'noco tile on 0 - Then she heard early 30 P twiuS,which jiloludlug, head UPsud ras'
31undtly oigbt To ISOODO was five re %be one Of the Pal roll if' called u 1� - heyr - and 111cero a wood%, and b L (P. consists Mau throw his
hout.; 1100 crashing, IIL What is whole &ttondaucl the mouth as it Ila distress
carput laid bu tile '�d through th ould have callie Make Y does not take Vlace in baud to his ouud that he
of rtug. �bread Mud Obeese' hills a - tbal�a tile express W Ily a mile, uoioe at tile door. asked, !' we are sate to B" ad. I
gt1l 61A wifu some t0l could got lruff voice ropliedf steake,
lictl,tiou for relief 11 A g any other school in scotla- out rughed to him mud e of beef
.-rtea thatapp 10 poor- pagi4e. - To Njoin4onm was all tile wailting?, mild I Will toll YOU ivop jual"M was choking with A Plec',it seleinea as
0jugous was
d f.tfteeu feet above Then he Said G t Ahas' 9
R is ill, � again for ti tiera and M tile dogg. stop barkin 9 1 a iebill gone, and,
ade time au has been- but betw0c. %lie H want,119. - Lord Curr oral Gordon to as get once Rout
bee" [deaf car lqoi, Itiver, ten or what i Id it out a claim of Gel Uis broathWes
a noK at and hal
WO11111,11 but that 9, eight, Rua to crooll till% 3ey you llmVO g in and respecting th PO4seSsion. of Lady Gordon! Ile was dead. Dr. Lang V scene, 4 levr
a 4ier re(LuOsto- Des - "if ty tile ol _,vill: come -,Went the estates In �Ou claimed tbe�
juvariilly turned t by Major it, natural 11 tile railroad bridge, 0 jouaral Gord for and hastened 'to the not
le liv�o is owued ver Site I this wip(low or we Shee the counties of
11 or watero. d1drou." Cathcart utes had eimpsea mud mor"wan,
Ilouse ill wbic I iLlIows liar to OccuPy must I)sq 0 tile swollen eat kill VOd still, your ob ad
jetvil aud lie uncillor feet abovo age too if Site hall smountIng Dxtensive Cluny estate% In Juverness slid min The do 411 aCo this brii o aoney to' him She luff, Nairn, breathed at ILI
inst. cros% 3 ties mud lidot all tile n to trachool cutting
ittile With liptiliug Not One to V.72, and handed tile window to borde0u, Lord curriehill smoiliiei th
it rent, 1rodie sent a l4ter to Squire PcIll m u,4t but tit( :iluclusiou Of th -the insu's Windpipe. This elieved hiMo
John I tiug thmt gen itlMll to i6ttend to tile long, iid G�_d d—u In the W11016 01 0 to brestbelbut the Piece ot
tio the wind blowing 11 gill ve Airti6k put liar hesd bl
got ,ght of him whati be W I Gordon lis, Ile got out. After
rat tueH ted that he "at' railo, her defenders froi and be began
ttile note c t;ttL asitild but would ha na oursed action, and finds Genorm at, is Appended the tbrost had to t
-in mail in it 3ut this brave girl a -in
Sick meat a few tV
case. . I, ikirts, mud -your ilesa bal in dtitall with- -ible -to,
ud found her ttok, you, "tick - ount 13110 liad all the oxpenSes. A long
t Grant- froill Such Iness of tile am he to dealing
I tile. Nvollim" the breathing bad clutiuue out VMS
ViBite .1 informed t la for the smal
Bit that lie W01 ored about her her iowinge noistell'that fo-
r the long _the juterlocu r!
bEA a 1) Isupportbis, Ife.1ii gmtI1 knees crawled ov The robber V the casell
wl him. red Oug points In I)r. Lang With an ece, of Ineat, WI
wits well [blp tl recoji)t of oullauggand ieWith tile blood given 0, wmIltcdAt, butshe Ass the Val Beentor Of a rur of
u some property �mlld Ws in dge from tic to . . I hall more Still It 'draw Out th �,!h Fong by trib
tod knoes adresis td. br ad all She had moon Ws;R pr,_, him that lie 11 that revolver , Goordle Ta am Seirliug about One iuc
rommin, thicki tviue�d of hid
au ii; ell'- front her laceta val t a idGive.1110 ulared miles fir .; -an at 6 inch in logs. The M is imovgwood Wages. share, and r' sat ied, kirk -not 0, Itu Mrs e -Co. Thpil Ile relil
,�Ougll. Granu b [irs. 11 minister's 11,114d ;loan Ad hopes
that ail I ear ilyde She reitchli(t tile tile telegrap offi in there." �'N 00 t gradually, an.
a' a's fvrm, u - to hagot Jighe procur -courted. the uister gmV
in" to %he told Y.Ou I it -ad the _01, entire reco Played 1L.t. Mr. W not furnish'the Ucces- i. Shall have to day the a d ff V11
ker, Macau liar hand, same time.
to its wages W th Fair[ at
119 WH rgous-, all ]3reathle 10 arniq of the .. yol la -as She held- it In Mud GGOr4io led
ated it, t, Iver, at halI it tile 6o e am able seen at
ober Story mild ft"' revo lot
for tile "tip of two pe n becuse r3ro act at work nLd that lie �hauld r 8 uguil, but W
sfie. let t hit t h11 C -its Jilictill
t t to he 'Stauderg. The wires W, Wgo averted. -She det6rrui Stituding by thOdOor the singing 01'erge big Wandering thoug the wolflati fita to It 8 by ible digaster mpty. (NOW York
rt bar. vi' j� to until it was 0, from where the fourth I 6ulugelneut bysirlg* he Greet& -
jt� more borr
same ,ibe fullies
oFjolne twel�c f ' I I services At'
lie cOuld uot at the room, evolvor in mAge him ca Be evemled m moRt distr-of ed -the r _,butob, over tbe
e r - on o, oOui P'Torte
obber Was, 9h _iug outl iembez omreles%ly� up the I d fired throu lefLrt �Itb jol Ville (Na a.
d. thromu -%,valfgaug tbuaI
-title volbd an Woman Sged lily W �O II Ile, I the dmik toward.. lie
3 int larluc. 0 be, lits, at -the
of- trcl tile 1 4 rulles wery hato 6 ng ; �th- Ordet-Of RD19 e ding- to
f - door. 11 -Wits Iiiy f6acylo tllg
Ovid. k ft chnih-by -WAY
�'y e'. . Y . tilt. a to pondent). tile a, By day, i ly il ight, to Ill wasceu,
Wha IIIIm bare unit (witclif; s (I u tile The a thir ith my J i1cliligg-
Son" f- sure n �ls OV& W . bolt strup
lie funeral
!ate —re am- -tile. Ad
whoso -or satifilactlon ret� to, a side -of
The ulent and viole -*t-*Ill -give go on A military -to ground at Abc
ce I Lou'80 -au 116r, little -8 at The 0 0
Iritic til N it wai aiscoe t
IR tird iirges. long the jig ing tod,
li�ff Jac iViien4l"01 Ila ing At a WAS art the- n0 e:nOtbing to wboto: tbo:J, mild last Shot t)ul 10� c6uietery, entire 6160
Dr w6rul u1mr there. *erci to tier a the
al has ujow, --huband-.aro go Vol) lighbogg bas� r Aiterrift aft A. ocel
Iv insRoy there v
he al'I ig 5 long
�bei tit aThere -
been g6jilpfied liar h ken to -its foun
ato-, do -ig V fIt, ig in tile revolver, sm,
.6ajailhony. Bet once li�ji%hed t 10, t shot P. ,fter roll! shm slid -0,
otlllo�, S t persuasion, U
&.K a
11�4glibori to%, ago Q at
I were ely' re6overe d: on sterns 10 Sang presel
Alto wag V the Alliju bo%t try.tiogle -about two but tw 1.0 -citil 3dred
by the -allthe�(-vere poor.peoille-' ium�rcd that a adjunct 9rrlve 1l; tot j1he (166
d . . 0,169tion.mild that of th at+i, to
oll:bla su
f e,� neous-r
liame to eol�lmoc b
_t" of theiVIuff, few ino* - I , file
-Tho lie -1 slie address -ea
busballd [V 11iiire- i the Bonn 0 mIld piralffored. his Be . ailding recounded with the
rii �91 61 ther propeiq The
but 11 tilis U.16fits to- lie.
WRR _O� Ajla.u� nbout arty ivill And c coollead
put.-VIllijell be-doill The. filuers Of
b (lee from 'b�r Rpproat, 1 11 nknoWu-: its un bet 0 iltovr
�f _LTt rumor, at. - movemon tj wlildow ail Ister num
or �afow
ut, -lie lie o0u, I. int ' area
a, aan opened It and told.-hlT .6. to go. . -return WiinbIcd6u
'r. it Could too
gecou'(1b6youtO -command
ern-prezel to, 6 of Ufa"
9 the MuaBirthem about' io ille"Wicer ill agig
eetiv aepat-flifo- lefsing-duti: b3
ece"t lie thimi, hol pial red - be's
f drt h-Arr. �Si boy. rOWinea wau, fierviceoll t the-ldoot I �uod had the, les 1
ttli� _tbci -,chsr90 0`191 the 0'entlethl to, the 'the joh miust have euE -Whilethili -01citie"
to Se court- 14 PrOl natiircl roll. I ooaround 'thqi �, � , hilit. Ot When w--ttl Inc �Wli Iftta.- kyt ti, - el -were t moment COAVO �_Oi Oladi 'Present iJiR69Tylaybo_4F11U bold. t le ecolosimst r1
'a a_b
qen res,
IOUM Ck cijug 0 U.
0 do Was Wrack
laypl. !!ter %do�RAR% I a
'INIaN ILI), - NV like 'it loor and �Aae it earl -al - orth i
-rB. Jiu a t a rQ. Val
b bber P
I u Willis' t fe f
�teripg it'- In -roiter Want -was. -upon theit uties a teeters ll� r� lef4 diity first, and ;:who eiefessu
Kaviser, sild M chilarbue evI r'bo n tlAB:!fl!fJb-a1ter. lTbere 0,Y the Ste% It
it sitleltor referred" to-- rointLill'aday-'o this ye 1e# pu loud gu
tea tibii,lilicir. IOT to big blood ;t1mobyli nt alde
ra bears te$ Saton
thet.' I . - i cc,, Ii,J 03121 sh��
sol ft,,wO- -61 otlticO - -ti -fll alker, ul its who'
I)rot) ogtiatea by,:'
U wol -leau I)a7aber clariLdt-10 the itiveo knigh -0
T w"Ot *nOlt her phYRI'll IV fir itil On I*shed in gtruokWeT
siek at 10 t. g-ifie-oldotticity,
althoug, ter bel( ibund.) in U Jiband, d rlaturu"tO oBut -at
tier it iA aluaij el 0 ffeeti in uu
liar retul!"� e ORB 4ttrac In retwn
py Amy'.Of 0
a haP 11� thel It 'their 3d -to be Thst tit - bd may 'be Wag Red Can ifirst 6sta of i ' t -s good e wits.010, ..
taistrate I�Otterliu, -vMt6 letter gives ll ems, minijer lehoAed the V86
to be' tv :-WIth _tbe l6ug delay lk in'th0,61 the lightil,"
leaded liar %aing Jurtbe Ifighness is now" elworks at ithootol-
-We -d,esqriptiou"Of the Ste 61 *y
%lid or -which
ain t, let, tofu
ofiliIi tact �'tbl tier 41f
1 -poll his sultry al Crefold,:GeADRUY u ;eMs,' puri
IT eper -beavy-f sitit at
shb�_ 1.iad to bled even si'64ting jobtit() Vol to the
ad'.- owevei, tnbotif,
but 'happily, entil hose .613to 0 tig
v -n6re Krupp,l A The btile .. 1. t beu"
attandau oamelisted halt*''
-Unocked heir eye OU 1 nthe 0110
-mm c P1
-ith to,dischorga�sornd� of V151 a mas d,
-Alit, -lortu -m-cl RAM ssen bw yea is the going -01
rnen amp 0 tb' -wet is of- one- - 0
'htlI as a slarittin a ith the
t__ ot same of th This
it �ra%whoqil, stated, st- bar 61 sks br tfi6n plillnVed- odt
eek" P5 uum than ghattel
for 40inEl W� _,apre,Reutitlg gititho-ol i
k. le Sal -tile licilillse. upon:bqr pbpuj'p4i6n higho-did Vefe-6taudin
-tha riu, on, -been the 051 The Abol still I ifti.eStag ali
the Wfe 0 bij p
-01 t controlled In
SIb -tile' perfect no thRt. tboy c V 0 Teqo%kb. WbOl itil t the tit d0i
gle, man, on oar OIL It ,
sen tild got,
- P, , a' ly: umtely )on tile itid6tTy h0I
wmimil W% Be persong Qeiident:ul r - ]Votter wal mid ftfl
ter', lug � III ml Ilighuess 11holu e- -_80 COO: 1. b At
- . I- b A and cue Y IT' tIld Ittt fk hat toachofj to, k f
by- I - time I -as ot'ller lt4 t Ode brat t Atbbe m6mbers Ile 0011
rta glicert t t,* -whiletbe WOmmu hor line. jiluers. with a- artli, ii -AirectiOnS,
thid quiet which Preval tbirown buti-
hoc 01
having life 1. 1 -
het Said the gight, three tw a VISI 9 totIJ4 -ties r -Ws to 91 teet
ocrIll - I play" systeta,� --dObs not.rqmember
not. arlst, -German
g uterrodoll A:be dant, to -the Alkitirf" file Jundti6i in
I An tile orks, It! IOU The W
eu a 0 lug,
r 'W6i BP
-at toug -01bost oer- o red gilleriegi -.Ok stteuticiu,�-- -jo.tbe, -to
e I dburebt- be' bo- -W&
bebestof tehird a filing V_al it the Kin 1, 1115 9%nds-of waikth-en a 16- iGi could J." 6,50 ocrp -T1
uty t1*Y1l I W
cilarge g lug to 1 43
6outit ooLON :�igust._press_6001, mu &fig r cop Y yeirs EL90 �Ommuulty aot�`imftied ti o so ir, tiling toi-tite 1AP"Vas of 20C tag
videseverY ihii h6W$00A
pro iintre-110609 for i Mild 8 ZZ
-of cither eptOrtalumen S squire r(I all P%Y-. 01"WIliclit he ig-111cl its tig $to R hat! go boot ttdddw�
d by IV,
4isse ditid luicyj64, preachetof But Ition of Aolng SO The 'hot
butchers 41 i or
baect )Bts-by tb6AO ut ritiveste! -1 -
t Ititer itl tecor tbeirli
t Mae 14 cc cli -
t Ooils tit a- Pap id 600 wotthbf- V
evfilebt povertSeil- station 4 'd -too mntier Iis oriole uswhosa haLt JOU to -66- 0 i
1111.11t of We Ina 01- Lie _5 bl' ibbW
Oil fteca 3, he jBL g, Clitablihinellts,
legal fees 4 juey.-bck, to 6110 0.11 itig fill er anOf
-1jightlegit drc)'" being� -Inc, ro R ilills
116S�it&lsll u trem, a
t6jteh (3:11e4f.61. lifmlgie�
tell adertal 1, of idZust
-till iu�eiafs, VaSV W_ -
k, al King ingtitutiousi --We
Cat 6ociPleil t1lePtsiform all- w orks smc 3trihig the illy lbrtinittiste Pub
Vnite-4- Islal took afe Rud diffidultl of tit V 11 L " I EL, erl
- �t of the
backed intg ilityi--al ( p
eof tha recall rdpollF Ojuplex at j tifid. tnew I Duke
Ili, via N L Wh id ext6tisIv. lbated to bei m
;11; -bers ohe:
oVM ai'the clubs 1 sbagilig J:i
'itte sent to - lift16 6biltity !I@ IS
I mern, tab1i -1 ba4elftbgigueg 1;�b is JIVIng tie -of it dIS I In
4 0 tile tit tba: a stil respbos ot in the ariltne to tttne W", by 64061bbt bear
odititt le
am oil. tetl tbai' While pleura- I n
gtmtian . . . ly ou MU - - - - I, una, id
iI d1unpi
CfLui.L I Ili 4th of gil
a Best bit
may be SLts 1 b tilgifili 10
rieurno stateg, Were a there --not ei in tb -
fig bieflY tipoij ti jJ60i at thb 'gel id 6
t.i oof e1h 'tit still Ir 11 botop ait;
t tile 1; her at
b 'o
t th-ey -
ited 6 and all incl tot ticisi. icita all- (agela 83) Ile very t6ti
erb� t els slfit)
i:td eas gi%&ter fAl eidellit tiAmpal
- factious bei 41st1cl p6BAiOt1g th hroIll Jduja� and g t -a to, You are mufia rAly
q 0, Belic - , , csoci emr, m6t t To - -a robtts its a tu, enV -6r ilieffleiel
-YOUT to lie
abial in ottlal 6.
are ill k-nglaba _ 't 'boy'lih jJJ L
leg C611tit"as
it schedu PdefiI Iml . 41
tit, - Durtatlea alAlto atoft I".,
aftwing. d st+a Be 14751 MOO I
at the a6ekg. W
Icily wit]
tlot F'� at ot ftOW_ aadt60:169 Sup ad tile
0 SIM rinay futilre theaee-,teiato vtd arrl
lul iglm Iva
:agsi -leg of Jilialiffilit -'Now- ettea ii, aif 14befoisty
aaj the uiii1det his ill ALLfRialf,11 #IJ& t#0
430- per h- ., tktq4 N totift6t4y .01,
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