The Sentinel, 1881-07-22, Page 61.0VIIIII&S VET. .;y tho author Of "Madonna's Lover.") woins.ii ; deceive me and I will never forgive you." Both 1 air faces had grown pale - Beatrice's from sudden and deadly fear; Lillian's from etrong emotion. " The men of our race," said Lord Earle, " have erred at times; the women never. You belong to a long-- line of noble, pure, anti high -bred women ; there must be nothing in your lives leas high and less noble than in theirs; but, if there hasbeen -if, from want of vigilance of training. and of caution,there should be anything in this short past, tell it to me now, and I will forget it." Neither spoke to him one word, and a strange pathos came into his voice as he continued. " I committed one act of -deceit in my life," continued Lord Earle; " it drove me from hoine,it made me an exile during the best yeare of my life. It matters little what it was -you will, never know; but it has made me merciless to all deceit. I will never -spare it; it has made me harsh and bitter. You will both find in me the truest, the hest of friends, if in everything you are straightforward and honorable; but, children, dearly. as I love you, I will ne.ver pardon a lie or an act of deceit." "1 never told a lie in my life," said Lillian proudly. "My mother. taught us to love truth." "Anci yen,. my Beatrice? "- he asked, gently, as he turned to the beautiful_ face, half averted from him. • " I can say with my sister," was the haughty reply. "1 have never told a lie," Even as she spoke her lips grew pale with fear, as she remembered the fatal -secret of her engagement t'o 1111gliTernely. • " I believe it," replied Lord Earle. "1 can read truth in each face. Now tell me •-have no fear -have you any secret in that past life? Remern.ber, no matter what you may have done, I shall freely pardon it. If you shoulil be in any trouble or difficulty, as- young people are at times, I will help you; I will do anything for, you, if You willtrust me." - - And -again Lillian raised her .sweet facie to his. . . "1 have no secret," sbe said. " de not think t_know asecret,'..or anything likeene. .My past life- is an open hook,. :papa; and yoireali read every page in it Thanklieaven ".said-LordEarle as he placed his band caressingly -Upon the:fair CHAPTER XXII. .10 evening of his return was one of the • piest of Lord Earle's life. Ile was , lied with his daughter. Lady I .1•11 thought, with a smile, that it was -tilt to realize the relationship between . • ii. Although her sou looked sad and . .. ,•wertl, he seemed iiiore like an elder 1.. .iiter ilian the father of the two young ,•iii,i. l'here was Houle little restraint between io, in at first. Lord Earle seenied at a , whItt to talk about ; then I.ady 1 I 't•iiteli graeious tact came into play. would not have dinner in the large c:i ig roolu.., she ordered it to be served Ili tile pretty morning - room, where the fire iiirrned cheerfully and the lanips gave a flood of mellow light. It, was a picture of *al III, COZY English comfort, and Lord Earle looked pleased when lie saw it. iben, whet' dinner was over, she asked Ise i.crice to sing ; and elle, only too pleased 'iii ',how Lord Earle tile extent of her ttecorn-plislituents, obeyed. Iler superb with its clear, ringing tones, amazed iiiiii. lieatriee sang song after song with it Letssiou and fire that told liow deep the music lay in her soul. . Ilion Lady Helena. bade Lillian bring out ' . her folio of drawings, and again ' Lord '. Earle was pleased and surprised by the skill and talent he had not looked for. Ile 1,rttised the drawings highly.- One especi- ally attracted' hit; _attention -it was the pretty scene 'Lillian had sketched 'on .the May day no* so long passed-Ithe EMU shining upon the distant white sails, and the broad, beautiful sweepof sea at Knuts- ford. ,. . . . "That is an excellent picture," he said- - t ought -to befrained. It is too good to hirliidden in a (olio. You have just caught the right coloiing, Lillian; one can almost see th&sun sparkling on the Water. - Where im the- sett vie* -taken froth?" • .. "Do_ you not know it?" she - asked, !pokingit him iiitli wobder in her eyes-. ft It is: frotti ..Inuts,ford-rriarnmit's- boine:" -'.... Bonita loOked-. up iti sudden.,- pained Surpriee.- r•Blarnirca'ahothe I " ._ .. _ The, ;words. , 76inoter hitit'like a blow. -• Ile = rerneMbered. _DOrres. offence --her Cold- letter, her hurried flight, his oWit• firm resdiverficteeriteirecei-ye-- her in lild• liethe• • .."-Itg.ictu-,--but lie had. . not ...remembered that, 'the children •iiiiiit_lloVerlfer-Hthat the • was- , :.Part -of theirliIffee. . Ife7-cio-uld-ribt----drive, - her_ ineitiott I Irani: theirl..iiiiinli4.- -Tliete _before:. hini.l.iay . the. -pretty -picture . of, nriontrifes borne?' .- ' -,- •"--; ';'..-_--. 7- . " Thiffc". _00.1 _:Lillitio,_ tt. ie . tlie- -..- Elina.-, _SeC_thosa gran a old treee.:Papa l' ' Tbie--..-Is. '-tlie---Windfisi of rriaiiiiiia'S-"rtiont-,- auct this-- - was: ottrstudy." - • . - - _- . Ila tooked!-Witli, wonder.- ,,' This, -then,was• Dorfed, horue-:---Alie. -pretty,' • 'quititit homestead siandingiit the-n.11(1E4 of ' gteen- rire,tilOws. AS. lie gazed, lie, halt wondered, -Whitt the' .1 )ora. wito.fdr fifteen years bad. ---. lived theta, edrild -be .like.. Did the curling rings of dark heir fall as graeefelly as ,,-_*ver.1, Iladi the blefehing, dimpled lam . . grOwn -Pale and _still ? ':'Arid- then; thasim,*, % away' ail ..Sciltened -,thanglit; , -Carrie ' . ilia . reincinbtarfce Of that hateful garden seena.Ali, no, Ile' C'Ohltli:nev_er' forgive -lie -could :not speak of her even to these, berchildtehl _. :Vie two pitturea- were laid-a:slide, and 'no 'filore was-saiit et framing- them._ j -,_ - _ - - Lord-,Eatle- said to -Intadelf, after. his - `daugbitta '.11111.d .tetited4-,- that both . were Chariniiig;thdt though ha hardly,oWned it toliimselfi it he had a preference, it wait- i;stor brillittiti,r eautiftit Deattiee. 71 110 , hiod. never etten.any-bne to Sititpade her. - After- - -11ttily lIeleiiel had left- lfitn„--.he - sat •by the -.fire dreaming ris hie father hingyeitts• ego' -had done before:hint It was tbilit no 'late yet,he thought,- -fry retrieve:the fatal: Mistake- of his- life,. • Itti. ' Would_ begin ' t babe, - he *Mild. first gi.Cre I :all his att.eirt oir to Itis estate ;, it should lin" 04 111.6461 fora I others.. Ile voila- interest - 1111104011 iii te6oial: duvet( i .' people ttdio --_fitthotitedltiolooliolhwaeted youth Bliti1114 ' fitieitit with Watth, athhiiatioii of tile:. lean- liorid ; abdtealt other if:tatters he .diettiffed. • of great tillage, for hi idattglitofei especially • Ileatfite. - ljtli -her heitilty 'and grate„ her Magnifieent oite; lief Itank fearletieSpirit; alid, PitiOafitil.thattifiligi.sti he a - . oueett of eokioty;..=. tiiintigh- hie: tlaughter Iiie- • early eiro,f.•' would -. he iodectited. catitnti.leitadfirliti,d ififOrt t:*elli•dhe*Oirld I,riiig freeli ititfieteto tittraft6htt old,fiine -lie -ilia tilialtied--.'-1;:-Vih66 06- auttilit - ot • the •- fattiiiy 'hitt. 1_,I, Sreafa. tO toittei the titarY--:Ol' - -hie iiiistalteit itiartiagel it wotild lie -amply ''' fetleeitied 10'it,ife- gittod- alliftitee befitifibe- *mild be- tititti tttOtlitiiiLd: ' : . • -- - • _, " !fie fidflea fedted -iftidif:tetiaftdide efff e 1 • III lief: As liar tat' iiii*6 Wit thif 0 tkifig- 3 -'..Oftibeta. theFe 6attie ttf hiiti - the. th 'tight iLti,• '.--- tliitt'wlialilleAtficeWita to Jilin iiiiiiitd_ohite ''-'- , beektollte-,:tathet he Wait :ite.iref -.tidal- id- ' 4/116ti" ' dee; ' .Ahi if I filit-rdiftlitet-elioulti-- her- like- . ' (116.„- 11 itiffifielf-if -ieliti - dlibtild ...funk -Ina .tlittped: i- " 6rLii4ii-iliftik.V. dawn 1 the fait ;daetle: lie. !tad- built ?- "Et - -".-tilit4iii-ift ittitit #WiititiiiiittijtffYiliSiiiiititi-h66: -6- -eltf•- (If 11lf.: itti :I dieftpfdifili hilifi hilt- fiti j it •-- ittiitt -litikE-- f. _ft Out -d---)ia,Wtitild- Wallah 'Biter -/fer-i. i'16-6i1g614814:-.:i 1:little dhdered at the tiftingliti . . . . i:6' h1tf9014-ifihg: hrealitadt Oil the ItleriiiiiiildilOW: i-13'144 iT -‘'Iltid-Felilifni lially .fielefift_ totted What -•- .k,t1,',_'"tt., 1112 ut.Attil4 toliktie 14 the elityklititlitif lift : 11htudelii11401.'ClUdiftgeltta4itill'elit-Eeil: till gliiiiitili 76i tbittiodiiet li; . . . t . • - '7'. titliC Ofilif.dfdatidli-: Viltlf. ' iffy . . -itilifOiliiii-: -_titte -Khali lie . eitgaged : diiiiiig *At theitieetifi;.iiiiiiittil -Afteiliiiiiiiietiii we -wilt;:go '• bfi hf6lidgy gilizite---" a' '- ".• , - - - '- enlifiiitt6d, .-iitiiiiilai.14:614- ii.ititi- ej-: iiiiii --Etlitfle' il# hie: -'.ntlflAtFOOt7iiifid -Ili tlit plitett ifiliefe _rititt:fittliiii- had, ..--. -fifiliriitot *#Atided. lifilif -And iiiiitik- the dittilipit' -11ydfitikti liti feitaihiiii oh filial:lie -Wtiiiiid-WitOiLilin: probable death of the man who hived her as few love. Even if he returned, he might have forgotten her or never flud her. Hite did not feel very unhappy or ill at ease -the chances, she thought, were in her favor. Hhe had but oue thing to do -to keep all knowledge of her secret from Lord Earle. It was strange, iiiitthe .reineifiliered the omisaionafterwardr-that lie did nOt .tepeat: -the 'itinefitiob- to Beatticti.j-Afe seturted to inoluded here, . He • did not : know. her. heart--' was beating high with fear. -•• _ tentiiitied; gently„-.• -"that. eorneyOufig girl's have their 'little loVe fieereta: ''0t1 tell Inc,yati have 110110. 1 believe liftVe but -one word more_ to • say-. "- You *ill- be out in ' the • great. - :world aoon,. an4.. yen will doubtlesa both.4. hate: plenty -set -admirers:- .Tifati" : the time ofjrial. and. temptation:. • temernbet -- CIIAPTER XXIII. • As time passed on all constraint between Lord Earle and his daughters wore away; Ronald even wondered himself at the force of his own love for them. He had made many improvements since his return. Ile did wonders upon the estate; model cottages seemed to rise like magic in place of the wretched tenements inhabited by poor tenants; schools, alms -houses, churches, all testified to hie zeal for improvement. People began to ePeak with warm admiration of the Earlescourt estates and of their rnaster. Nor did be. neglect social duties; old Mende were invited to. Earlescourt ; neighbors were hospitably entertained. Hie name was mentioned with respect and esteem; the tide of popularity turned in his favor. As. the spring drew near Lord Earle became anxious for his daughters to make their debut in the great world. They could have no better chap- eron than hie own mother. Lady Helena was speaking to him one morning of their proposed journey; when LOrd _Earle suddenly interrupted her. • "Mother," lie said, "where are all your jewels? I never see you wearing any." "1 put them all away," said Lady Earle, " when your father died. I shall riever *eat them again. The -Earle jewels are always worn by the wife of the reigning lord, not by the widow of his predecessor. These jewels are not Mine." . "Shall we look them over?" asked Ronald. "Some of them might be reset for Beatrice and Lillian." Lady Helena rang for- her maid, and the heavy oases of jewellery were brought down. Beatrice was in raptures with- them, and her sister eddied at -her admiration. The jewels might haVe. sufficed for King's /autumn; the duitnotids were ol the first water, the rubies flashed crinison ; delicate pearls gleamed palely ripen :their velvet beds; there :Were emeralds of priceless ,Valire.. One of the Meet beautiful and eOstly jeWels was an entire suite ci_f opals ilitetmited. with . -dittinende. These,"_, Raid Lorcidilarle, raising the words-,iliere is no out's() so great ,ati einiadantitini6vfl,, her error eo -great:. Or So 'degrading.. Que-Of out tate Wail 50 edified, utitl hiapunislinieut Was •great. No Matter whony(iii loveorwho •;lo.Ves yeti; let :all be fair,- honorable,. 'anti -lePen -- as ..the day_ Ttitst .±Tle ; do.. not deaeiire.: ..1,ek 1110 10 justino sayi -- 1 r tievet .oppose, any: reaSouttble..- Marriage; 'init.. will - never part1611 tilitiltiestin6 attatflittielit. - . . -tt'ileeiciVel- dearly might love Vie tate- wilt/ - Ho' 7ttatisgteeeed,". telitinti-et1 Lerd hatlei." evieff. it tt- broke ,tey -illeart pail: ftera her, I should gelid her -from Inc id .pi' itielfarsh Or -Unkind •-• 1 -have weighty fel-tisane. for every.word-- have Uttered,- 1 afe_hall atiliattied speak of fiutlititifiga itt•Ybt1 -Vat it iiititiff be d'iho. Ton are --Athilifig!Llitittii-•*figit-ig it ?" itt etioitid ittughi'papai" reblietli,tfit iyehi- oot look !'.refy- gitoe: We lOhiPt k6.6-fetifild Oteler tti 1646 71.tefitrit6; tow.--tottoy.dti ki1OW in-. tins world --/Parthei the . doctor ()code - name to the when: nifLlliiiIii was tWO fattif•.labOtere find the •Sliaplierd-L,fliftt Wag ,the 'eXtefit_Of +Jiff ii6- ,titlititilafieelifitil *15- bailie' td: ihay _how add.-$it-ftlitty-liolt'aiiiltii.hde llorgetti -iffy het:. You, ItofOetc patide.:*d- littee.beefi otit,of the fiotd 14ittle-feiiteinhered *14411 ti1ttuf that it wait - - 11 Yiiii *111 fitititi :116 1111116 iffiCiat t;f 0. and befetts etietety I thought iktiettef giiitt-..yoti. Out . plede ad. riefittd-1 .tiVer • -tont thiog - difeet. itii4 tieber-liarCidif; -Ittqt: finder/Jab& nt blitlideetifieltii.,d-iiibk•ittlitirt. 'line* of Lord Earle's daughters but it did not interest him. He had been hearing of, seeing, and feeling disappointed in .beeuti- ful women for some years: Many people made a point of meeting the "new beauties," but he gave hirebelf no particular trouble. They were like every OLIO Asa, be supposed. One morning,- having nothing else tc do, Lord Airlie went to a fete given in . the beautiful grounds of Lady Downham. 1 Ile went early, intending to remain only a short time. lie found but few guests had arrived; after paying the proper amount of homage to Lady Downham, the ypung Earl wandered off into the grounds. i -It was all very pretty and pleasant,! but he had seen the same thing before, and was rather tired of it. The day was more Italian than English, bright and sunny.. the sky blue, the air clear and filled ,,,,vitli fragrance, the birds singing as thei, do sine under bright warm okiee. . .Flage were flying from numerous tents, bands of music were stationed in diffilirent parts of the grounds, the fountains played merrily in the , sunlit air. Lord /Orli° walked -mechanically on, bowing in teply to the ealutatione he received. A pretty little bower, a perfect thicket of roses, caught his attention; from it one could .see all over the lake, with its gay pleasure boats. • Lord Airlie sat ,..down, believing himself to be quite alone 41 but, -before-he had removed a large bough that -interfered with the full perfectioi of the view, beheard voices on the other I side_ of the thiok- sheltering rose -bower - Ile listened involuntarily, for one of the voicee was clear and pare, the other more richly musical than any he had ever ieard 7 -at times sweet .as the Murmur o the oushat do-Ve, and again .ringing jejously and brightly.: . "1 ho e we -shall not.have to wait ': here long; •Lillian," tbe blithe vice was s 'ying. "Lady Helena promiked to take Us 1 ii the lake.' - ' • -- . ' --- - It is very pleasant„,' was the ieply ; "but you always, like to be in the. ;i very centte.of•gayety."- -• _ _. "Yes," - ;said - featriee;; "1 'hay bad enough -solitude and quiet to last e for life. All !Lillian,: this iii. all'. deli • tful. Yon think so, but 4 -duet admit it ho estly ita 1- do,"- '• -- • --• t - . v - There -was it -taint,. -inusiefil litug and then the-14*eet voice:resumed:: _ _ 1, .-• - .• 1. -- tinfl thatined, Lillian, wit . this London lite •-thie 16 -Wit:4th eallin0 life- -evety Mernentiaa:goldenipbe.-:.-If. th 't.e is a' drawback, it consieta in .nOt bning ' ble:to speak one's Mind."' • --: - ".:. .-; . , . •.' .. -"--What do you, meaurt ' ...asked llian • " 1)o; ' du'notyunderstand -?'",,.'-* Aire reply. - ;‘. Lady 11010110. ie. alw aye -Val ing te- ine-a_h_e_ti.'eillthiti.fiii..civbil.kgb..e:•.64Pg'11 .6.-gaut.. reppec;, . ,..,goor,. tear grahatitatiithai • , her - .1mtlent idea IA good trumnere seetris 'tolrne to 1)0 rt_silinPlerabSeneein :son:lots, ct 1 eitiit -_-of alteniotion and all ,feelifig. --I, ft 'r one, di ,net -e. irate the -hit -atbalfaH sySt n," - .i" tarn sure Lady. -lieichoi._ achnite you, .ilea;" f.itqd her sister: ', ': .,iti.i.iii, g-y481:,:114r.tiiiiititt.tili.,e, eittsetelsrsds8:57pwlyiieti '1,0andlyy. Calm tolilthia-SOrnasitoty rtheut it f verite _young ft end Di bets, therteata eatne 6 iny eyee: - 1 could -.:ttot help it;7-. Officer, h the drateinglobai Waif ha' -- Ladyfielei a told tim 1 eliduld repress all outward:6 fotiall, -Socer aftr,:wheil- Lord tioleneetet teld.- the a-ridioul lie 400 about tittly --kite- ton, I. litilgtetlihniittilki I tfittlif 6 -WARN • 70figii hot.lotidiy--ittutehe looked at -the. , I Allah, oast. acoothimisio 'elegant tepotte." " = 4-Y6i-1'061M ntit be lialf.fiel.pbAt itig. if .. _ -yoii. di -di? toplied fief :ilistei-i - ' .- - - • -- -v.iii"tttleitiiii frietalli;a..7tfitelititteittilugit°Ottilititiool' .-.tilefiteitit. it:-._ "Whiiii Ludy hi/erten • tette: in'.i with- thattifilitithe - situp/4 of. here, bit:t-- Abe really- iVniidefe at hefeelfi. / lotig to tell fief htheipeople do the eattie thihg: -1 lahould. efijoyi _few:di-ft-the liatity et rtelli kite: §L.-dolin that -people dattef- liefi..itt 'Abdo latigli-otibef affeetationi' it is AI 'ruff to epeak-the,:tfittli. at alt ',Mick is it lib JAY- 7 1 detoet ile*efytitiog false, ,.• .156ii- a. fit '6 Word i therefdra I leaf Arild'Y - .iteiotia-- Wilnet-er quite itirpfove. ofitty thitoilef!' --'-- , YOff' are. So'ffank and fearieeel At the. tithe: do 1,yoii fetheihbef 'how:. ei y - Joie etamiied to feel that *Oil would -goy j if the fight :- thoid- sk..t.iie fight. --tioittl. • iteked tilliaii:.1 i .• - . -• -- ... • . . ._ "lin hoi- .iiientinif 'ilfitt-' plifee„.! ieplied "ij laeatfioe- i• ..,, tit ie.',11'.(tt la tie 'di toteo t . I :like - it Ad. iitiiii% : iiiiittil,tlie 'ilfi .t ed, Awl- ayety:HI" feel wield:told obit, @Oft oow: _ woo alWityli feetljoit.aiid tonging f :4061 iojw 1 hit4ie all -14;0A' fotifi 1 Tliefti*.iiii.-tb- paned ilieffi'-16# Airlie loogeelloittee who the .apealtefo ve titliti Waif busIFIthat iitidkli Wit -frail ' ",•lifiglit wofd&-L-ittitt - loved triitili anti- ted. aii- tlittigir itlee.----What .kiiid 61 fit6O--:•iikediti, allied.- hitt' Voithl: ..,iiiidelenly.'th --youitg! &fief 'thetfilloffid- that lib 'wag I itiiii.lm thifttill :IIL' lififftlf ftoit •:: 'id Neat: Ito hue 'Oct aside the ohietittiog • Fdreiii Iiialholaaw -nothitigt iiiittlie goMeo noitiloot ki - dfdtitiitig.1- labtiffiiiiiii-- the it. littie. 'farther-lOnihe tow i its Willett(' lis ti.itti6of- .§eitittlitiottlit fitiwoili I i then • iii- 1106. -'-td Wiling' lidaTeffeetfillitt tieinetlii g like..*' p efy of ., Offifidd..'eaffie ..fttitli ''fitird Airile'd lip': -- - '' , ----_- - - :- fie -44.-§eg.ifiiikiy. ,beittitietiflutidthifig • liliti iiiitY titidefilji Yining- gilt -:i1tif datk- _Wight efeo mete:fall of ilfe aiittliglit i liie leiig. licaliga tifidf3t. het . elute% tho.,.13fhtidt. beitiitifn,i- lipik-. Flo., haughty- iii.- FlPedei-10 'Fratif lite •fidhie WOW.- a VidNifig ,.:tiffidd -of •aweet when- million:Awe .peffe,ht ti -filiapii: (kik bait fippleiriovet a -iViiiiin net* mid- einthelk-alithildefe: 'it Wite-ttla'ie LI° ,.thiiik *Off dteithi ofifidefiedd'initil ViViditlfliiiditti :6016filigjatifi-Ohaf iiingli ilididatil -hotline: tie lidlyilotieed the .fait halm . 41 gift: -. .'• . k!Whar-edrii ehe hti9 q tlithight-I4 tilAitile: of beileVed thitt Iliad- • lieek-eVe -y.: *matt. - r .fiiIiVti OA Ili Leudii.th"-- _ : _.. - • , tiati lied With hilifing dealt -ifliett.ltia 'tif it Imo iteeoinOttilied :the volotit tite..yoni4 :his:Aloft the „petty Hee., thieltot:. -- 'fie filen& *het.- have ilietiOr bit* .61i4htly it defithe4 - Ile -went about .ite ing even= oile alWlio is liefelo:ditv fi-!'-..•-- Mongol -Othafd lie- aithited letkr_Deleli. Atm with -that --tineatioii: -- • - - - - .-- -.-I . - Jt i 441 fieli,f661Y t@II...r){1;41.'iloplied., bi14. il faith ii• ill 'gill aothewliat.i •-it if yon _ :kit% to 'Wow. who is th '. tfli@4if of - :the fol,,I 'owl tell you:i ft litto d 16itiliee (laugh tif;,.1."Midif 'lleatfieerEtifi 'i . 3. i:ilie ie °vet 1 lige, pee: 'with Dilly Dewiiiiitni:', •. - - --, li iio lig.iii the•-clifeetion itidientie(b _Leffi Airiid daW tile lane that liaiiiiked him:- • - il fa that. MAN hafiii.g° lie fildhOd flifietlYr 111 gir''',Iiift. li6fd Dolelitffit@EI .Vitii•di, gity . ..0i1 *It Weil lie jie, tieeF4 of .0100000y jeiisiti °AS ..if I: 'vetil. yetilig -04-; Atli: . .. .. . . . . , _ . - • - . „ •pretio_us_-etorms.iti - bid liatuls;-• .44, ate'. of - lathier's° Value.- Smile ofthe ever Seen nrnin-thiftineeklitenz; .the./ •Twere- taken.ftein cliadtown Of an Indian 1111.1a8; -find beqiimitbed-to .,ene Of' Ourrancestors. So inuchia v.. said about .tlie inliiipky the pierrellit „Kalhiltr, .17-tent.t4 eall •titnibpat--thrit_l_did not:tate:se .-tritiChfot them." ,". .,-; • -.. --•-. • • (Ove 1110 the- .,opals;". ..papa„"•said lleittrice,--hingliiiig; _bay°. iio ,superfiti. 11011R le-sta.-about- - them;:-. *and beautiful jotvels alWaydsepiried to the pile_ bt fie nossatina: of ditinfoedei ithese : _opals are inagnifi- . • ; '• • . held -Out het liandei,.aiitl for the. firet- tinia _Lotel_hatla offitt ,±ifrg_ upon - 'her :::finger. :lie. caught tfio 'pretty whiite :hand in his That Is a beautiful • ,ettid, :give it. to youi Ilea -trice . - cifiestiOfi :bathe -iipen -etitlilenly iike:ar -deg* Alibolt-4 forgotten all abont the riag„- and .....*ore• it MAY Wren dtpif dfailt lit 116141011d itty fel& aid effi,to kiiti Wlidfd lie had - alit-ittofid it : .• -With -gent 116 hitie .- Altiftietliiti Vi . Hug you/ ti( -felatodi aline it litritilgerat. -1 ale felifit- iti •. ltife ito y811: • • I intend,- ittitt fond- Of 11141 -ifq. Miff Amy. Yatif fraffi--tififie Wfidl them would iv) ; Ili OHO ',tiling I filifill fttf if difiFfilit4fgd?. puifeek i,.8116A,Itill would. have to lailiVO iiiiiegiik t8ll, tiny §,hrifigett W*11E18114 -Oat if ditlIOF °Lou Ifftfe yotif dMiLiftted lioff litte gieflotte pfospeefs fidetati tdil 100 'fife If ditildF of you 441 I4(( tfl P:gf, tetufft -the Eiffisi lova Ally fila0 OV#311 tholiti4 ik 196 ling tifiz 'MONO it' Ah; tie; • waftilimt - flOW; 'I filifdOli iteefet keptl did hot feel 116g' •fetlYtitifilY Itififfiledifilitil thin ,Tfililt . 1/100 *li4 -11@ Aiwa@ - bendt3E thOlight wiiiielli. OF ,deFFOW Of. thd 61 - • eity EI yoti W heti id sift itaid hdre'.- ditfti 1 tiketiiME§ii illy fat OF bionglit mg' , 'ith f • *alto. ithd. iffib'ide Ind . 1 WitFli 11:: Akio Aftii, tiilltigif de tiltisely . . - Ile Fefireftibered liawittfatighlr piotid fade woe tuftied ItOTO 11111; - it 1ft digagreeithid od 1- ma pittiteed ttlifitVg- heed i4evilf feneWeffr. Now has tale tbitig iiekof &tam' uf forte youf but iii tidaft.tlitire Id dile gfdlit-Vitili:q - - iterfl it:fevt: tiff:wag 'Haiti-olio:ft kii.e. Jane' .of _ Lady Aliee ti ave-tid eon; he. dolitiouedi 4t yoiii thy. datighttito: tkilt:oot iiiiietit.tilid Of IfigiA$0-tatit-gti;ta .bitefe: - if etief gid tithe .fdidiiiti witen aike 14iblisf 51 you- -to Adaredi- *11411 Wiltild 0660infillifildd:- And fidif filthy lohg-leetitie thehsll 1,1114 thug: on Wilt prepttie _lot' it.: vifJii- to 14if Ifitify and fikdy Lyrvifinim:q - Thefe Wad fifit tithe lef the -feat Of the day liiit wlieh Hight Oitifie; gird i144144441i514 *44414 444154114, 14145 lusksul the-aeofetlf lidf tliff fltedi • . - . eilefit ileittrine;*itiii and ifeW lief 1itf(14 *4414411 deitc.1613. Weil* -redettliiiedi 11414 fettered, she would not be Miss Earle much louger." CHAPTER XXIV. Lord Airlie gazed loeg and earnestly at the beautiful girl who looked so utterly unconsoioue of the u,diniration bile excited. 11 I must ask Lady Itownham to introduce managed. Maminfts with blooming daughters .found him a difficult Hubject. lie laughed, tu.lked, danced, walked, and rode, ILK society wished liiin to do ; but no one had touched his heart, or even his fancy. Lord Airlie was heart -whole, and there Boomed no prospect of his ever being anything else. Lady Constance Taehbrook, the prettiest, daintiest coquette in London, brought all her artillery of fascins,tion into play, but without success. The beautiful brunette, Flora Cranbourne, had laid a wager that, in the course of two waltzes, she would extract three compliments from him but she failed in the attempt. Lord Airlie was pronounced incorrigible. • The fact was that hie lordship had been sensibly brought up. Ile intended to marry when 110 could find some oue to,love him for himself and not for his fcirtune. This ideal of all that was beautiful, ntAlle, me," he said to himself; wondefking whether the proud face would smile upon, and; if slie carried into practice her.favorite theory of saying what she thought, what she would say to him. Lady Downham smiled when the young Earl made his request. "1 lift,:,e been besieged by gentlentin requeeting introductions to Miss Earle, she said. "Contrary to your general rule, Lord Airlie, you go with the crowd." Ile would have gone anywhere for one word from those perfect lip. Lady" Downham led'• him to the spot where Beatrice stood, and in a •Jew courteous words introduced him to her. Lord Airlie was celebrated for. his amiable, pleasing manner. - Ile always knew what to say and bow to say it; bid. when those magnificent eyes looked into hid awn the young Earl stood silent 'ajid abashed. in vain lie tried confusedly to mutter -a. few worda; his facaflushed; and Beatrice looked at -hini in wonder.. Could tine Man gazing SO ardently at her be 'the impenetrable Lord Airlie? . . . . -HOnanaged at length- to :say :something about the beauty Of the grounds and the brightn'ese _ of •the'rday.' - Plainly ..as -.eyes- :Cool-A 'epeak,liere asked,- had lie nothing to... say? i- - - .. - :. -- '• . _ He lingered by her .iside, :charmed and. -fascinated- by 'bet _grace ... she --;titiked to ' '.1;illian- and tuLady.11elen'a4 - Sbe redeived the homageoffered te-beefio unconseiously of bus preemie° Mid bid regard that--:-Lerd Aitlie.wits.piqued... litiwil41:init acCuetonied to be overlooked. • ..- :.,"-I)o.,-- you never ' grow tittit:: Of -flowers- •and fe.tes„ $iss'Earle'?" ha -asked at length. .-_-,"•Nol" replied Beatrice; " I Vii,ild' 110:et Ar07'( tired ef,flowere=..W-tiOi6otild?- • As for... fpte's;. "I liftive Seen few,_ „and :•have : liked eachOnebetter.than the last." -- "P.e.rhaps your life bas .not • been like mole; spentarnofigst thein," he Boil:, - .-oi .16,-inii lived -amongst flowers,' she . '.'repliedi. It but not arrimigstfeter;;-;•ithey have - all. the tlifitin o'f novelty -ler tile." til. should like to enjoy -thern - as you •tIOf' Ini said-, " I wish yen- would teach :mei' Miss Earle." - . . - .,•-- . - . . . . . '-. shelaughed gayly,_ and -the sound Ot- ihat laugh, -like a lsweet -enter --owthe; eliaithed Lord •Airlie Still Mote,' ._ - ---.' - - Itaionfid ont•the itnitintit filtfaiitittiAiOitti arid peteuadedteatrice to let bill' to* her • -aetode the -lake;'- lie gathered:a beitUtiftit water -lily lot her. . When they -landed lie found tint it 666-A ill tIlt(piettiest epot..Lahd placed :lief theta: •-..- -1,. - . , _.-_, , Ater diftiple•-• gay ---olatioot helig.hted him. - Ile hail fieWit hiet any one like her. She • did not hltielic of ibek_tetiseidudi Or teteiVe - -hid ottehtiohe with the half-fliitteted Hen- tiittental 'tat -telethon to most yothig itkliee . of hia-lictplaintance, •-,, ,. ' ' - • - -Oho never appeared to .teitteffiter :Mit he . was boil. -Aitliei . not - sought -by oily "-- - ititince to keep loth bear her: 111110 bright 'oho-iv:1100N eeditted -to pass. --fitpitliy. att- a . dreath: .floiig befoie J.the -ay, -ended- the 11:AtiiA hart-. fiaid itt- -blots-elf that •- he •had-:. ' -met lite -fate, thatif it ..:took :years -to. win het;die'-Wthild 66ffiittlititti *ell •epent-tliat -Iii ailthevide:woild Vie Was the wife- fot. hi-itilio' fd -11- afie .Witit: eeihewhit eith' heedby -the holieitude Ohl yotitig tiohltootit :allowed . . iti trialtitigfileactinauttitote .itiid -consulting , hie iiiitee, Aftef. Lady iittwoliatiftt fele he - called irtignittflivittilielioinie: tidy Iti eleitit - liked:10th/ tint could -Madly -hedide 4wItiolt , .. ,of lief tailiddiiiidftii" attftidt@ti.iliiii:• •-. the fitotlitiotio 'youtig- E.afk- *lici had- dailled..at. the- idea of lintid ;and had -die= - apttoilited all the filettliefe. in% Ilelgtayliiii - foiiiiit iiiitiaelf- atietio4.itt litetc',- - - Ile . wile- ditfidetif ' -of . hie -Oiiii peiWefej 'hid* •--dittipg - to .11Opo- thitk4 he .;thould hitting(' hi wioilikia. the 'book heitiltiful. ,itigt - gifted gifi la 'lidifildib:; . lie *fili litind Ili: hef'ffedelidel..itild-tdalf fefuge -with 1:111iito: -- Aft' fitelliottable- boittloii Waii-.-talfeif.-Iili - -filiF_Pride *ten- Letd-Alfliti- threili- :Open iiid - - ttiagoilloeut &oiled; midi: undef tile gfauititia atieliidea of iiikaiiiittaily Leeothte: limited - iiiititatidild ftif -if -omit :bath - - - - - . - Many-v/66i --the otiiiitictuteor, and -gteitt. -., the-•*keiteirient: - toteklitittfie.itioiled -itit te- alitiWed 14ady - Ilelehor..- The -.hada- : 'VI Jo -vitamin: - -. - • ..• .• - •.. - vitif adiffde you.villVigoil3 he .aaid: • itititi ._ hole iio eliOgailiefild iftff •,tliati .day:'•.getl•.• thift the _Oa -look theitteot: ifidtliefi" . Ile felt .vety tifoutt. of hio...datightete- flilliatiloOkiiiiito ,fitif .-ittiel aweet iii: lief - White .eilk -ditmio-- ..(thd lit-wite- :watt§ 11eattiegf like* oneelii 'In * _eland :-:of ithite i liteei with •eciiitieUlitli .tholiee .of eriffiddlir - Ilia tiatie .MA11161144, &one ilif: lot -do:fit liaiti elitapedAlie. 'ha White liirtilit; :AA aildifeiod.tlia'hOfilitifil - .ittimit: -A .ftiagniii: dent'. -.paititlfallitte Ifloomtitii-lity _hi vrthe _ bodiee of - fit3f 'df12@ii - ithd Hite idtiff-10€1: a." ' botiquet :of witite. liliee .itiited:witli ii6fiet ._ ittlihdfille -' • • • • '' •; - ' . - ----Tifo e*Inteifieut ite tlo the. ball' liiiA been -teat,- Ili 14141444454 lilt it ittep ill' the ,.F ight ireetidif ittlitift: - 'tfli gfinit ifue4tipii wan: _- with Whom would. ' ofd Ariflia .optii-.t a iiiiill, . iliyety..gifl Viti bathe iluti!ife:- , ."Tii# (itiotititiii wio ti qii •fWolod.:: . When. lieittfiee- .16afle - @tat 'et OW 11)011Jt. hifl.1 Aiflie , went etfaigli • to .uteet heti .itild- hoileited lief -hand tof the'llftik .ditifte: . -i4he did liOt ifilOW. -.1.10W • nth itiltd. iiieinit by' that one .itotion.:. - . _Then 'Ole- littif.t1;11 ;ft- iitfuelt lief 'with aufpfieti----.1to*totd. Alt 1I44, liti'nfitlfildti and -fliff-tiftefilidli It lief aide :title ell* .141iiiied liP,011 'tumidly lineal iid *std. her . lig e . . . _ iiiiugled with .iiiii: _IVO DO oki iiiiiiiitti - . • .Aret Mot:heat berbear.t tieeffied dttitid till ande her 11141iRtig ileeett- het:. --,Then with a eeitpoiteoettioti. woitily- of it _batter taithd, betitfiealbeikettifp late her "fittlier'd. ffiee With ti; eitifie; -• "ft tette ttt 0;10' the ekidi that the, eaitte thought'. oft/seed tile-thiiid of: hof ' lietithere- 41*-6ti ithd her datigliter. hot -like- to i364, , liOfd Ifinkiitt.--6i2i .-tiftind ilsliglib itiq 'beautiful datightete, :clitiee the jewelsliked beet:- Iiiiiyiliffeietide:itt titety. etriteit and ,affineed -`filafattheift„' iiety • .frifftle ittiiethveta eitted: fof itothing but the ofiftylittid pettfla aoti bfight hrotitaidei. ii:Idttlei Of: theee- getting§ are bid; .eitid• Ws. Will lititite he* deeigtid trete They ftiiid6 -feSet.' heftire itiff'.'"146te - .. • -•• •. "hie •Iliet ileittride_difIllifid'in.take: -Off the tititti: fiiikt and:leek 7tiwityi -.Alio trdlablett -atilt: -Irani:: the •Idhildit het '-ffalief,!d• ;Tife-lfatiti :detreil Oieti 116.W.fedildli hod boeti .tisk ea- . di le*. dtdien heiffd bite hail beet attfingly Whited,*141414 flutd tittle -ha: apoketi. dfi -kiii 'to ..:tell into *11414144 141414 hitd.-done ito mit-W.661d .JIttrV,6.lieeh ovef:.. -7yould. pet: half§ ilitite abided hat diffifile; gifliali ftitglitti liat fititif that 011ie' liadr ablifiehied tile fad -the tittle fof forliveileoa tie too late how -to tint- +Ai diff: itiid lofaiveli lief: woiild Wife fdlif *add; Mid ail Wig haild for tifitifie kid fittittify.----elle atini fitit eity . • "the -tithe dO 'to Milne beret harie -tddk vtieeetielo 'tit hie- aliel.itio (lituglitefit piepaftkt fof theif • . It wo14. in- ovefy-..tedtkietit Ati6eeti§fill ofte: _People viefe taptitfeo with the Iteautiful 14114t515,lititll 1314 L1 fttilH41--yb 145 11411114414: Jieaftinej edict owiligi list 41111: influent fade 'hituntifitt doe'. it like * fait Hid gfaceitilttni diettif „lily to- -it fade: . - - - They aeon beeitine Melo:616n: tio OF §tilfeg fiff dame- Of 6Ondidefed: dempletiryiitliotit theta:, " fiats aluitelied them togetlief flity sod filial" Olkfight gild Muffling," eg utt1iglibaild M000light:n Poeta malted aoliiiiito to them; ffitioda &f 44 adfilifetif tlifoiiged Ad lisitIlItis 441(14, with a deep•diaviiit aigli of: fleffeet oimitentiiieitti it Thia- la life "--oaid feveled 111 ib - • . Ttio- -tifkind Vie Nit!: 81,--Altiie attaiiied tile 44l11j14f1ti, itiid--beekilin bbs 66iitte fadififilifthiff iffitifeetr: 'Whetlief lie Woulil faulty *lid whotii be would_ be likely to filaffyi tWO tiiiediiitifid Mut,. intefeoted eveifir fialighter 11 fti had - oat liosIl dfinii Ail eligiblej,iiitIi 1144:141441441 Yeardr -Tile mitvingo 'of a Joii,g. 1,14 444 141411140114 Ydiffig had vaitt eatateo 111 114 14!l 1 2jiIlflltill 1114411 gild diNt((iitette; IA -k -def ilia fillefft heitid 344 14igtil Wdf14. ilia:. lielettvitt ite the fithiliOnditt eliefohe Our:y:414i oitw it: .5UHg, 4111114441444 *lid amiable] tile yeling Iditfl of -Ai lie Wito -the eentie of at leaat half a lilifidted IFUlifflhlaI plata i hat he WA§ hot easily . ifild 144 Wen:fall thd always eettfebifig 1OF but ai ytb hail hot