The Sentinel, 1881-07-08, Page 34, . 141'1u rel i4 11 Fel 011 III. AllIsele, 1 1.,e, 11 1,101411,1i Ao1 vitt 11ratr I 11 tIi lit ILLIttf iif rid, I '4111 tit 11111 'W1,111141, 1.11,1 Li,. Ll:i4,.iisi4,f otativtal 111111 old tlia 1,4111141 of NItipir 1,11,,111 1/11 till: 111 ,,f the 1,11111,11 mill fiasi( 1 l,, hatiltflon, Wi:Il 11,1 tIlt, ( ,,l, ,1 111;11410, felt the heee1) i 1 11e1' 1,1 1,1,1.1, 4.41 1 10141, 1th, r t•t As,s411,,,w4J, 11441)114 Is, 1.1.1111,, 11.1111 110 flit' 131.41111W 111,11 111111.1111i 14 11111 y1,144,1 '4114141111 1,410, hit in1.61til lit I 11 MIL iNee,04 4143,1 1.1,11,11 duo li 1hill 1•In4, , Leta Thuradity, wilt ',tutor1 o_oi,ri&I arrived, 1114 f1/111111 11111 '1,11.11 A 111. 1111/ liesel of ilia regi 11,0111 1,/ I I 11.1110 1110 tstt hiving liIn mon, 1iitl, 14 111/ 1,11,41 Hull for a 4!1(141144(1 /4( 1,4( In I around, air ! " NItteir t ;entail' III v y 114.1'1111114M y t.1410, %hot. plata; I 'Iola, here, air , turii,your hit( 1.11 11111 regiment •' 'I he 4Ji11/0141y (44111 Istotthly,,Int,} 011 ,,(1.11 l: ,',I iotioral 111,111 Iiiitilit inquiries) 114 4.1, htt :L1,11-11141 II( 1.'131,111' I,,,4,4,44,1$1 441411 1 tont 4,1, ki hill, Ito 01,11o,a1 Ili 1144414), • 11.141t1 if, flat 1,4111611mi. 44.' Wan, iallioot loot applied for noel, m41t,411,1 1,4ou,4 Ino. had faitnil Ili g,,tting 11. 1 II, i,toittral theu tunics( I ',doll( 1 (swill', moil Mattel in a lief) lo1r011 notishor. " How 1(4 it iron linters:I haver, t got • lot f-111111'11 , pill 14flow II, 44 ;1401, regoloi lona for thew IA, 4,%'g,"4, 4,114,, . .`1 be 1 olonel t ;died that. south ,,incor 110/1 it sigh). to olititnat- 1144,11 notlitti- Wolff Oita, ti 111 lam elf.1,, witiat 4(4 Ittal1.1,0r, awl- that they wertt vitro al4. their elation at their owl, etpetoto, t, of tin, oibettra foillid 44, vork jittinti%tet aupply imitable (141.t1144444.'I lift Nlnjor ti - ti Hon • et1 Ill IL hat 1,11(11',1 arr, 1,111,4,4ra in. air battalion _with atvoidt, J44n4, Iiiii14 14I. /101114 1ir 1114i4r !." f It, ke1'y.1,,,4,illy 1140,1111er hin i'firrt were epoltitn_ ot, tilt 44, resil!,-Ing to t ;Ha till wiren , turned oil 111141, ILIA VII 1,11,14 Nool loaf 11114 halt, 1,111.441 et.tif.ft 1,4 1411 111111,1-ti'11 ;4 tlat 441111 " 4.111.1: 44)1411' 014 (1turi (311% rhit4 y 11111-roiIu 11 4' ft, 14„, itiirleisr 4, 1-41 (1-, at •votir , . .Cito Itio( ,,f..%‘• 1 Illt4.14.1 1)111.1.' ! ( ( . "PlIfitt .1.1.1-tftittfiltil 141 -tifg to. 1,0inktit, plifi'ff 4riltt,tultd, Int ht. - the ruiner:id sal _1114 ems, .-101-41._.ilia 7 L11104'04 tfit-0 tiff ILL Ltortros -rasp, Iari• • en ' ." 11141t.4 (L. 1.4,'' 1 4,li4I.6f it, ' oilhi IRlfli.l. .J r Nl.Pror.(1.so , - 4 144 4 4,' "f/Lit •ttl 44 1,14 1l prilijiktliwit,j1J 11,41 , • 1- t lrb 4i1oat1/1 (111,-t, f I Ilat; ff. ILL I 1111il 1411.11 1,441,11 Litt , -Lotta-fti, Wfl.1I411 heti, titItcririt •,t11 ill. le - int -9114 ri il qfcitt- fir. ito cti_,.11..-"w -1 I'I111411 4, tris 4, 4.110 -14, 4 FT.* --.4iliorl4st I,y 11;ft ..,lla"f!- - t.i Colon, 1 It it. ultsi Iltetiff4 - - - ft, tit 1 108 ( )144 1' 11 4(41,4Vette ir V tt1Ris71 if IA ta,!-,!-Viat-3.111411-111.t.i1.10 '1- 4141.141,t 441. Ilattl 141 tai:„.Lf oft, -Kt, 11.0' _ rIff' r [110: s. 'I 1:(4) 4`r(lon-4-1 yed stud _"4ili;1.41.- in"( I' tt ,14.t-4s4r4.y it- beforts trttsr -oripiripsrivorpt 44 f ,Ifitpir-Llt.dieri,•1.14tritott -on= hint 10 fl, (orfa1 Wit 4 futtifirri fairrY•ftlft .1 -. . , _ 100: al'tt . 41'4 llfa ra.t „how; 1)41"'' .- - - ....- -71 rilt 61(11111 A I1 44 4'541411014k4 AlliPt• 140.0 -tif,t1-Ft: 144.11144,(4 t; ItTitt - 4411 4ittlf1-- ''''--1 -0441 . aCitfitf tttats.tui ip 4go.rs _ If ,voit-wriiit tho-tah_ , tairsi1.. tiLlipi eh 4.0,0- of it: yittireelt;',.': 41 11(1 ti 44i wit, ,,r1„1111.1, taitlfilti ..a41. tititiblo. i1' .44 • -- Yoll"Lt itilkti..tel i„ii-.ititithl. do: IL, -0)4'414)411;411g ; Atm!. 1.- eittiintr.titand. to. It initotier right, latfore litli _ • . , .. titril -"- fin t tifulerstitittl (it -hi. give int, -yottit- lett. Ntwis,r-Ostriell firt ioNtil test , ((Wit ap,r bitten you.sir, )‚ou. %44 -talun7:t " ti 1 di. ma twilit, bi give up iny bitttalion, Isit, I win trot ot tol to havo itiy-othraprli mot mon tlitailLed 44,4, ltis nu4441111;r.1.!. _ Tiro Major-il • l'a,tlifr "rtaluar 11.,iu4 Qt 400, 4-04111 1'1 ('()too here, we wil t! 'save 1/.144,1 k," 'Nos Colosiol . , Len tiro. Homo 0/1 'by flip -bridle, .ittithiftnr- - fino sotalk the. 'or.floneral mid staff rode - off VI home o_th the - 1•11, I I NCI 1111111 111 it'114! II ES. f4111011191111N14 NOTIM _ Ito toy Is Terrible tliallerlito mod Muth 1 11141110 tt Illeother's Corelessoesit, A de414'41.41111 from Nino/ Yfirlt of yeaterility'm di( to (est " The Hightli fireeinet 4,lsJ 1141 rola rattil 4'itI4ler1111,00,11141, ‘Vit11104.4 toalay dm 441'410111M d fit 14 lorailiar and fatal mai (fent tlimt os'eurreil ad. N1,,, 411 Thotopeon I.1 oil., 111 the Intridog of am41 iniinthe old e4,4111, i !motion N1,114 by Immo, Tho fittlitsr of Om child 441(1 1 111'111j1,11 wlita1 1,1111iitr, and 1141114 1111 1.11,1 Op Ilona' of Ulm fall tfiliftfiatiil, WWI{ 4/11 141111 1110 wife Mot gone to do Nome witalt- ing, leaving the hill In Lim cradle in the front root» with an two brothers, one yet, yoting.f.fi 1.11.114, 141111 1,110 (411-01' ham 01140 44 Votarli '411, TIIII 131141.0r, Wile 1141114114' 111111114 1.110_111illilr41l4, Wats 41.1, achool, fi Hoek the afteuninos„ a Norman by the name_ Erilet lontr, who lives on the floor below, patio, home owl hoard thof 44J01.4 1.111111roil 111'1114.1, 1141 lila W14'0 III taw What Wibti 111141.1,tir 141111 relied 1.1e1 rime' No lire, Tile eritille %yam tdflamf with hu.Vt1 wort, Imilfillog In a scorner crying, 1%1 r; 111114) two' frightened anal,4)114111 the hurtling (1)11111 and dm:died the critillo out of the winds,* '1 he ihtssieN were moon Ilia ifot, 11111, 1,4.14y With Phi 101111), that It died this- morning. Tho etspIttilatifin. fa' tin, oiliest of the two boys wan 4,1,4,1 4i 111141 beeliplitying with tinder the -moths) from which nettiog hung down to the n4.4'111,11 1111 11110 WI4,11 14,. 01111111141 (:silipalty Di him It f,4,1 1101111114. 441011111 11111'0, 11, 111,1 -1101.411 it1111 .11) 11,11 110411,111, 4,1$0 er1,41144 111- 114111M1, Tilt) firY 1.4144.41 itiroulatoll that, Lilo 1110 porpotatly sot 11 -re to the thild, hut- tilos tolidor yoarss proved reportor who called ikt, Oaf lomat (111-0111 tilt( infiwitits. InnlY 1,4(114t'd 4111 iss 11) 11, wriedi trap awl. this itr over,. 44. The la iy %vim Waft 1.110 mourn of it all was playing iti -the strialL,H- . IIi.101/11/4,1' leo pt. 111101Ittotillif, - vt' hrfloi.oviltli 'I'"1-1-14ilig of Intelligonee dissislayed 11,, [swim and heaatsi, 144414. 41111111411,4' ritvor (,f !'1'4L1)4141111144 1.,(4wor -(irlitifshilly,iteut related f.rinii Ida own Abit wanton. WI whittli it spider lettloom. -If you author -it pol.o. 141.11,V1_111f 1110'1-1111.0.141,0110- 111a. 1041,11.artf41 11,14 itIlL II; spiiiirr•Lipisi 44,, 1141 roaryo. Ions- otolligrorns 14014.4.1-- (). 41o1l'ars4),-, At i 14 soviqui ((mg: ;Lod Moil( to _olio. sod_ 1-11fi 01:1,01: 1.0 110111 Qltift 1101 44411114 -111.,.1.11-0 4,1i111; (11144(4'tii(it$et,' tr-:.e`ourail rof..0-Vea fisilitri hut the N • not dinettlirstgral(l -11-u 4'ii4lii 4411114- 1.11is -Wind 4[114441Ni 11 TO" ( flow t;und i 1.11 ;if it ;I :ITN' II i-IYWI 4%-44i.r1.11tir liv etcyt;i11:1-..ilthf-tit 11411441,11' I1(.L!'llljlt.hi, tilt Ow pintita Lim -elnouiten have, tillitlitut triti‘'• 1'61_11,10'('4is - t tat -spider ttLI 4tt ,(41•1111,111.1.,i 4 htt t()I, ItliffrgfiLl(tIlity 1,0" V,/,(VIC. 1“,1-111t1t1-1111.`1. 11. h11.4011 -.IiILI1011, Il e, InIv', 4411. l'lr'tvitb-%vbf(11:it, IntI t 4)111.1111 444144- roiwpr(ii malting it. lititlyant, 'NViitin he ito merit falplaialitiiIIJ (1111.1,11. will narry 444111, (144 tlinit (I4'1,1111 las4,ens.-4.0.-41 .PitY riiptt,: the; other • Otitt .114' %Olio' .11`,.. parsollos t -o tiro islitiol.j,kplo upon hip is Ii', how- kiltsinto- hitt em ' it ittattade fast., and' tests -it to into tv he i illifffinsireis Are itisfpittiltrot' %,./ftrit. ot -p*ay,,-., 414' oftso- il lop .111114441: ',it:. l.nuiii,,n.II, 1.11 _Wfilf;11 'Oval 10-1..'16,1ilti- 11. 110Wt - *itiII - Kinn, tori -rionatruatti -it fin IL .11trgur 191,1- -1/.1111.01!. 4411111., A iipldev _has keen tit 'mato, diffmront, 114411(4141114 llIJfI4l'ft 11(1 latiatitto --tattiethat with _ lits eitperttriant, :will get in, htittp the---guy.y.orin 1.41.11 '11,Wilyt.:1,0. 111101 141.-.gratattftlly :1441i1 ;Ls sitproiord. indoporirloirt of his eurrotiliditigs it/41111 444144 poen : /tutted - tbat lie lutd_.repeattally. wItileatted: L411(01) aotioilit.- 1)y -spiders, and - tIJ111 he 'reek: t4itiv1need* -thitt it in -:reason, with Witittli-.tite Ortattor :all things endow641-4.ho ithistilthou tliotr prition. - 4 tolifiirignif.(p(i)vgropii, . . -- - - - Ari lila: 1,f,; i)riiptioitioil .144144 .boati.inititir . . . . ,, .-- . - ,--.,_ :, • - • - 41001.10.1011 -ii; 'Ottawa. ----'tliti Insliiiiiitlini . ., . . .- 11!rot)(ito'll 4'44I'l4, l'esiv 01..cripr. turniok,i-r, lad lig: iiiii,iltt. 060, .111(ty . W0r0 0110114i 11011Orti, : -.1tiiritit-r-ilitC0-1041-1...viiiitti- 1,(11.111111001-__ ill 'toil - freituently .liotitoWraVs-tlito (.'1/,.,, lika. Augiiht it itt. rim Itxpeoton 4bitt-:1116 hot)/ III 10441.4111 thI14,1410"1AS I110.0rilorIttliill bY itotyripoil-. atill b,i rnf.:_hioufer it:oration_ 4,ilitik.rqls1-;..(f1411rt1'r- irLtlio yoar -.1O1l, the ilia.. 1,11 11)1,414,.-Provii)ti .i,1 aonordOino : Tim oisot '-vilrflitY.:-." or - Qiioolit'o .(iiinogo,:_=Kiogistoii, - it,fi44t4i--44 -tin, it ',lid rehnieneit line .,... m.'II": 114 1)6(1- vt4I- ' l''"4"1 • 11' •• -1" hosi..doillittoty „tfornim,Inh- tibitribullon- 4)1 1444, honorary :dogroo..-.-of Our ituttioritios l svo justify 'the 'ox-neetio• tiooicir; or' -Ial.ws; ' - Tilli iiht: ' ccnril'Ilsc" tiori . stettifi,-*- At art ,tri-utt .1,,444,' .v,i1,1,11,0,-,r -ii. fti-poit. Monett, its - follewh-i ',rho- Marritibt. ... ---- r,,vi,,w , ther,, wili 1 bo -o‘ goo& ron-oy.onint on lit: fairtio f "If(1o.i -t)liVOr .- Mowitt,. Toronto ; -- fferMejetity's Lib wilily tim-(1,4,r1,•rurrimil,, Itev,- CloorgOrsi loll, 1Volkort.oir; .-litilward . -. -_ ,it ..1.1.411.,Yroo41tlitedt,..il4'1stta4.44ln44_arii_(44,. , ipro AI, (1;4414)1 4-0 'L.:: ri.'oroirto_;'illii.Vc- .Joliii: Look, -sista tir.00litomo ,itiofr io-. tho- lmlift-or.-seatJr,- Ni)1114.001 161401 91101100; 1/10.1,ell'Hti-litlitts0.0110r ' ittit tiroprorporioo4ipt tho Quoon to oommotion- or - 'lit' -' " ivermi LY1' -‘ I-'°%rf iii -.- Ft( -4441".1"°' - ,witjj t..ii.t.j:tothrt-7 c.import,-4-11x [mod- ovoots, Quebeei IIIttoi,-Aloxstador I% '.1Conip,- l'raSI-.. Thou, 41 441 fully iiiiiiifoto41.4rio Qii000 win Agit il0-11L : (1 f'-' ° 4'1AVir-Ill-44 /"Itt/til. (('Illige1; -° UWAV-Ii I . 'illoArlibfililioll..'ai 44(1. i)alirmity,` atift bairn,. PotOr Moigliroll -- (dP441141444004 ; - Ito v -t 0.00Ffio '.. IsLugto eastlo,'.i biot4.. hail_ rirninitly been_ • Ita"1-4"" . (4°41°61161) ;1- -Win.'-- 14"-si°1'-- 11441 rostored.' and if 0 to_untn,_ , Wilms ,..jti .11,41 lit. l'ritioltittl-.0 tlit)-(Jolloglato: .111411111(4..,,(10,1t ; 1,4401 61.-0.1. k oil lioi..file Q..tietiv ii4ii- John -=',illiorlitirit, -Ottawa: tr_Alphatts '1,'oilil,. ' -Strrabgtill. to Waif troottitutli -tits- -rosidt-,t100 ()i,tawa ; Mioliikol ' Willlii• (doiroarioil) ; .1.41 I.- . -.0.f Lim_ 1". 144)11 - f1r4.1.1j1y, Alia ptultor,,,lifio,. IYilliaiii,Yotiog„--tato.CIlitof. 1111411114(1 01 Novs. '._whorsi tit thitold, hboy, Is tho burls,' piston- -H01-4014! .: - -.' .- .. a 14041,10.14-itlif44fie." l4444444144, inoriuutontft 61(1,04. = , _.- A _Ilonr_lifsppirva .on (awl,. - tho gra-v(4 of- Ira I .ariloy.•-for -whom' tiot. . yrniik-f)iviit hoti ..io . 0,-. tutu° itt ilfs_tirtin --.-14f9isity.ontortalti I -the warroOrit friOnd. .ntoro ii,L.tno. viiingo..of, _south -itiltiori..n illio. - 4141(41, and other noirdrors -.Of-- :the- -, Elgin . . . . _.. . _ ... . ofkotily , _mai= _rvinn, porlinnioly...__Ithow!I 4ti, spoof:moil:- of-the:largo- oat.riivlovitioli .-_ -Wm oapttired-.1ri. this way ; At tlie-..lnirilyarit of -- Court gild ; who crvoil tisoir Qttpor.). Anil.- tho 'DimAsts .fikrrni half . a' -telloLimilth bt . cortlitr,y.witir tin lift( - (104,44,1o,;),- - (tiqium.-. _ottifiono__nr(oto wni ii_ond_o:3110 yo -t- til--,Nro_ tlin-vilhigo:'-a-liesittidolitokonityporelionswIL- vittli--.0notalgip ot tho 000pproppoiliip *Ult. ito .i4C thrit. time ir iiiiiible i hitt thortt i-th it- . ...07.6timbilit...y 111144,1. ict filunonL_Innyljo it, Ha Oirrti,40.11,-.fitittillisig -trialor --Iti ----r,i'lloy--Woro _ 1_,..j.1 1 4t1 411 r1.1114r411l1...nv.ttilittv_o_10_:_nan.v-roliko_ ilitionVotoillty-- t !di-OWL:in-: ltil.,:711* tu ri i al- . ',.. a. short stiLy- at • a lino :-01117- WWII, --; [1116 -skill Of:a silt per, - Of ----.00n pie lo' On tiro il iii - WI' .WPop, with tho vitt* Of -taking., olio: of. -toriptitirig tniisll 'lltudoottrof history, lint ..loo,„ jog iv .0-011114 ::.-100-hippolikl tiltorwit for Lilo youila -Mid's; 1(11(104'(Kim's° found littii.: - t, -,61-41,1,r5', (4..010 to iiti viiriloy.: r144iiiii tiik14, Or imintillately in oonflict:WItii-,tho • 0141 - _ Qi!„!,„-,_ IA, t,, il-,.,.. 41(1 itihn tia virtilt, 141010,1.11. tho 11011# . 101.41 111, -010., )iseire 1110- -011101t0011 itt I Otioltp(114_. 101( - 11110: 01011 -irtlitilif . lior,--orlt, ,14tttftiftlit. (itt0 tuicpt atilon le that a tlay.w.ill bit ifoloctist stibiloo fent' 4(1 '1.1111 Tirillitaty dist- ..".. c ._ i. ..- ..... .,-_ 1.;sel-k.l.t:414.• -/. 4!ili- ti:(iQb.- .- :--..11i-tk-. l:: 6t' 1''. lil-P:Plus,-illQtrretp's IAi i. - loot thi, Volin tkit(ooi.1;d17/0tvltlgmie1)"vi::.4;(rary::-34°. (1(1,1.1154' tit iarrati oiriathi are .rogrestln111)6(nt/lit'41"(11"ter1)(116(9'ati taifttt,rtlyitild; Idinatiotsitre 411u:411ft:t . ' --_- - - . •- . . :that 1.1110 will lu.t m.),Y- ho--fi largo inustorTi'" -°111""(4-7cr-(4 1-)414 110144.4-'-(-liktbolino. ._. or-i.).tatat-holillors, int that hitriburith wilt .-a•dtkodorizod'ostraiit of -potroltinto,... ..myory , . ..„- . - . - .- - „- ..atio-;iLa tit Vfiittifi.'._. 1111 111,ritligerti- [mitt .. 1111- (1111(3(114°H 'F(1111°v°c1 bY--"°('"'t 16)4) 4 'i/v-(4"n4. ` tartar_ of out-. Ktif 46.m.,_ __AL rollomm joto I t liftiow...-faultloks, -Tito - only -ours.- for- ,. poott trapotoil, -Wait' whilo 'tho --(pool:to-at' Inilitnuti" 1I1(1 4.4143 I. -lit)." t.'(10 19149 .1-4i144''i1i'°49*-, . tiolyroodk-aod 114:1 lkyto4.onio witil-fiwit,sh.. higlinowil.-_ ---„ . :::; . •-• _.• • - - - - I.-- .. 01(411o:from all: 4 lartors - of .-.Lito !'14)('1I '41 - " Ne.--Cloorgo.fltilphon-L ettli0.--SYtidIMIAUg -.111: : iltirillOril --4040 iti,1 ItHi - 14- tgrota • - itatiOnat. itbniit to ()root ivinansion-- upon lituliiiianiii - -gattiorifio„ Rtirtifitii ilif. aft0i:til10 fc_tYi# Of 'gig otroot; Mon 00(11, of "out stone -fin tliojtailan 1lrgeinat fut., 'mho id bo .liold, . - --- - ,- - ' iityle.: . : • ' '' • * ' - - *.:-...:.., . -- - . .• - . • . ...- - 41111•11.11UP- 14vir11 11411. 14(444111,4114, 1 tonalfl and tleorgi, 1 nisolnoli, 1,101 champion 14004,151, 141.1110(4'14, have forwartital Ift 'bellow, to ItIoltard 1",x, 1,? l'olity iff .W111111 1,110,Y 114111011000 1,110.14' rITitillititaq Li; compote agitioal. Pt, %V, (John - )(on, 1!, Itinal, or any 4t4,11101,041 iri 1111,1101t, 111 411 1.1114 roiltol of (!ii,10- 414(sintsi gittiltia for "1-,000 to •IN,F101/ to, hido. Ifintile and 1Jov14101(11 itgrre to allow tcra pollitst In trait hundred, fir will make ft mitteli that thit,y %OH beat 4114, boat rtattml 0401 111141111 111 throwing the !sixteen pound Iiittoloor (tWooty foo(.) tool 111 lief -deg Elm 11-1114 (live also open to faintest, agaliiht ally 10160 al, wrestliog, earthman to wreatle his own way, . 141,1.11 will visit Mooring, in dilly fir A owlet if !Andrei itt..etige aftoepted, 1,, 10,, Mo,yors, tho whiner of the:i 10 yards rttee Ili England on Haturdity, is, as most Tortiotordittis know, it prominent, member of tint Manhattan A1,111410 CM!, of New Yore, and tlitt olottliftimi amateur rinitior its A nierloit; 11a- is 11, sintiva Yin -dole,. 111eyeris lion outdo the heat 4.1741(1 (444 rocsord hi tilos samiltr,y or Murrill» lu moms of '100, '.4;10, I tom yards', and alter hoIdsi 1,1se hoot record, for it .0110-10110- run, having (+l)vered that distance in Lim renotrksibili Wino of 1,V1,1, Ilia Lime its the 'I yarilts' raise mi Hiititria„y 444 groater- by throo:liftha of it almond than hiti limn, record, which its 11, In I A, made in tide ftountry, M, Morrill, who flortatLed the kitglittlimaii in dm two 111116 walk, hilt wealthy Jewollor of 10141 1l,ti antivo member of tho 111,11. too ALlilotio 1 lIlI., 4441 attianlit on. the rettfirda lot ellainplini mitt milftwallter 1,1 the Worldhavitiguntibt thatilistaniatin ewittswoi, . Hitturdiry, (lune tlio 1.4 1.h, it tattoo.- milo. awl mining ratio for 91 ,f,00 n, side took photo at tint liftyal• Aquarium, London, hetwetuitlitt fainnutt (14.411,..Web)) and 11.114., Tito ram' wa44. mitt il spood 14,4.414111al, of1,14141441(10, .1-1.1101(W11114 LIn,. ratittail, aWillitiitfr l'1114111,11110 $.41,Y11144 CAS, Webb tt-vo union -start, -- isourtfit was -forty• .four laps. or ri-poods tor tho the 1"1114rillOt- hoing -Thiti ootirso told. heavily 4)4444.4n444,:4114. fast swim. mor, Beckwith, emil although lie atoned off. ittsit want 111,.. first at theititte of nigh tiapts 4:41%'(4'41, 1114 was -linable .1.0 latiip•ltHip,Thaft".Wetilt UV41IilUjl.Ily, you hy 1,1.bit1i4,thrtalL4p44)4ter11 of 44 1111111.• lI1l1)Iti 11141 fotti:tottli 4.4444414140 .4 Ifo.orri 4,4,411144144 . . IIOUIL 14001cWit-I ratvis 444444 41444(1, ine.11114- that: lie L. weilti pitite Otto'. Ibrotioi •.-..A..icorroffin/Miolit.OP:tfio Limit -on .4'linno., 111 giviitiCitii.,:n.miiostlitr of' .1.44O 1)islitor. wa,y for -porn. - to -sustain it; 'rho ultyri " W11(111 1' 1,1,01, 1Y•4111, atia„ 0,( Om 4;40:44.1 .44 . :Pill", feil:«veroottrti 1,1 1,110 intym sinteity when tho illwait, going •trtii knots, with a Idi 41114 4') sot. 'lloit4iy 'holt Witii 11111.-- 1114, two( 1io WI (Ito 111,11. l:' lutri intveiltintwt.; tary (tint - wider.1,11411 eiretimataintoti,- 1 .Int,1 loam at 1.:tini,Avlifial, -1 inul .gaitiod sown -prod- -et -finny . eggs:, . , . pratition. giviat- -it ..-I)(ty the -two • quitillt. valionit 't ; tus.'sr . o(vir lifo- -111441:, that, (if tort -tilling 11(1,4414 V1,lIl--• -writor holog 111 halo lif ill if rig - • alum -0 to I o r wiLtori.looliiiig• for tiro I'114414 S%'1114111 had hoot; .s.saltiprod4 lI4lI, tet.einnlik,.11iftt of• treading %Otto!) fo11_:/sot tities1 -1444411t, 01' 1.011. fittgaj: 1,40/1/ ,11t1'00...1)011114 fitto.W01!- Lioiltir- (rows acto IF 411,a;-:-1,101 '54, 4, 1111.11- rotittil iqict i.)Rt,,t,[449. 11111114411111..or dill: not- _11ty -first _-matiatation Lon to .fo.roir Mysolf Iii tho oustrinoiry *ay to 1,140'1'1ill111,00; 16101 -.1,110114 tIttli1114.4 1110;: ship Ifog Swity;44,414 tiiii Ittri-hont. olose. (f1 4111.1.: ' good- strajghtforwitrti --brettat.strtiliti'yfinonlittendoil-bk;.tlie 1111111 tiefirotitity 'cif -the Nwlitiiiiing Won,. • 1.,,eits Wpm it.-ttilmitti :taut vinited error., oloth watt .vory :4114 11, WKS r ,11114;wiii4,t.tr:; -4 Witti: - „. •Ntr.ongth, 11414.14111Il44 444)' nose and_ iitoitt,h %OLIO -spoon drift,! t ii.I, 44(4(1,1 441&4i .it- turned .rotintr, Mei trod_tito.wittor ittilotig its 1 etiuld, • Mid svluiii I niitild tiff longor Ii 1,1111.1, ttlY Ilinkto4,--111, wit lob lastitiOn..4. .with plelteti up byono of twebuttoto 4441144,4,41 trioduld Choy. 1114(1 lost Hight. Of .irio-fripiti:tho ship.- I -will .irot Lahti uprilir 'space by. prIlI41l,Ig tho --„oniartnotitt .0141 -ships or tipiialdirg•-itt tlio arbor,- still 114141144, tho -ory w. WI -10 .-.111411,11.011 4)4411 boat., 11Iy 'poly .-obloot to writing Illy -Ltikti. inonyte. 4,44144, 4(4 -your-is-atm .telloey that. tho art addod . that of wittor float.. asmitilitkirOo eatt rattail yott, '*vlll In foundfar trideo ":(11110itutous than :wasting' •ppvtior by " 1)r., 11!tairtshtiii ...sod lciIsndJ,. /foreign •-- - . . •11Il..loii_ -.known ;that tho hit& 41041. -r1 'lli4N11011;, 010 -Wottloyan ondloo.turor, dos) tiornothno boforoh (loath *to niako ffort lo asseolato• yoniig 11)(41) Motliodistri toOro fully with foreign mission - work, and had itnot boon -for the tion of tho-..thanktiglying 10740 Wou1d'.1.1111410 oarrlod hitt purpOtto- Into offoot._ .-.141noc bit( (1(1114)1 111111iy --ttuggetitiona..havo boon Triado Iis to tho _bost tuornerial wblcll-dould be 41(10414.0(1. lt000ntly -it Propokal oitirriod intb olfoOt. 1. annual, 441144. soriptions-ot Mill 11. guineit-and -upwards t•ho premed-WU' ho--..appl I od . to the romoval of. tho Willtingidobt of. 3410-,000. on tho Wtls;" Hoolotyr-and -the furthot timeworn of tho -guttural work In 4111411i a inaiinor as lytIllprovolit Un, aectuniulatten _ of ilob4 444 (.110 fu4.uro. An- in ft nen gal ,o0 in. . emiklkting or. tho .Notim of tho loading ..Nvonloyibulo;ymon, 14(141 4)0(14) ferrpod,.and an 114141(114.1 '111141 1)0011 firltitod for hpotilttloiroulaz timi throughoilkIiritittli Methodism. Local -dein mi ttaos are: to ,be-forinod • •for tho pro. motion. Of .tlio fund, and Lila- carrying out of - -tho inovoitiont Into im undortalion -by. . tho :yeti:Igor IskyiriOn of Wosloyan.Motliodistn. Tho:.siolionio.. ham the wikrin approval of tho lirefildont of the. Wwiloyan: Conforonoo.. Tpo toottio •to ..rotintin 041011titittltho (174(1o • iklarekikl$2,-, • A=.e.F0AANDA.11,AehekiAski, '..Tho 'followtog t60--btioUtOttoe indloatoli the- -.first heginning.of.aparitile, school in Oundonslil, Sfliattland 00-5, Jim° Qghilk day *id 4'io .110111110148 ordained the tnittlidet frn warm:Mt yo „pallet t all sib to convoin tYltalay mixt .011 110;11 10_ advyrk yrYpokn. . • - -THE 1111111,1,ENNIVIII AT 11041 IE. 11144, 1)41 1111 gyring 'token /1111 411,111MiliiifIC WieW of the Illatlero 110114e1101ili (Prow Ilus Chluts_uo AIIimuu,., Thitilloi to 1.1u1 1100 ,111140114 of fattl,,on, it. thmt lots 001110 Wiltill 111111.111.y Mity Iiii HittX phil1*iV0, 44, filth thhifi kli0W11 for p(4toy gonoratioila that (stallion With 1111,1)111 4.11 01111114os, 4,4)414. 44, With tlio. 1Ilo44441'11 1 'r,11,41io4, this mut, god of i ollp Ito islotisish, 441.1 'so imulurii loisti.Olottion muthl 1111.41,eistd4cturiql flint the Limn tvoulil avor tonne when i. Oita boolt•etent aould be elegant and yid . coat only tin, (fr. that It 54'11)1 elilllil bh ipiltdti highly Ittt.rttutivo will, it twooty 41'', wool, vapor. But into WWII it 1011101i1illi1il: liith the world come, awl at hot a, eottatni, eau be as truly uttraeti ye at, , it palace. !wheal, . many houttelteepers 0-111.$1$ revenue1 the style of tura Versottioll, ' ale) 11041,0101 of letting it, be known that 11111)1 1111 ILI'LIIIIU 0404 it largo mufti, Om tosolooey in to tnoot to 41o1110 table or ellair, or book- htoll, itsol rilmitric with (1(31144)11. 411114. it tioat only ItIf• Tliti age la rich and touch moils y is4 lavlahes1 in.all dirotitiona, but -what la ; mu - liar IN that ebony thingis-urts alai) beitiii Ifni itfol faallionablo, . Tbo (lapanclicil tams and ititritaola !NAT moth, furnituro and tapestry oinnit (14:4 414 to modem, primal, for when a burottu IN to 1)44 srarroundod with isitilor coneorna that ()oaf, osiIy 11 (4144' dimes it thizon 44. 441 11111, (1(101_ tido that the bureau alionld be vory elitho ate, I'litt titer:nil Mantas of !hinge ilith bro ight, all tho ilotalla of the beti•chember iliisi1it to Lilo dart:who htanitard, Wit must t,I atilt thud iriontitlist for thith tumbling Lim young limiscoiclupera to diaponats with lams eurtitina and blowy tape:strum . and bo ile(.1, i -and fiethitittablo by 1114%11N of all aorta of p air work 11414111144 upon it ell itorts-.of Ilguros and tinildenis. • Tim (Inatome of tho warib climates w deli invito all houselteeportt to remove even roil, .tho sight woollon thingti 'and dusty things kayo been soon by the .trilveller aml Iwo I an itl41-441(1limo )ontrit 0( 44) letter I., d tho mill door of idiot:fitly latifht has t 01110 !Wall,/ itr0,-. 104 14, rohult,-,if nicotipIo of 1111 0111.11 11(014414, r;Iiii)ip in Cliii(lreilis? r t you that ‘s,'t aro it e11et1pe8t spot ni IVC tO the 114 44 ei ' tin 4. - yritlqd kook ti 'i , . -- • , - - - , , • . - . _ . ,.a.u.'iliarto-0 ,4).141., 11. 114,44 koc,,,i towimil- olsoor:m.• !Caw 1onito.,, Anir thit. styleagivon. 416Ilio -.i!Ith11.011,1iiitkor.ititlitiifitYllIg lot. - 441 o11414-114(. Willi Il111 _rorttuttion of oOstio furniture, ittiti- :w.ltli the yotiog-Wifo tot- a, good .iloccirieV.01.,.. knotting. 1401,010 Mi.,' -00,(30. 1)000111o94_tp010+11404 and- "lova to .a.cottitgo"- is sirdili_liV 1,110 height of ,fashion. .Nor ,Ipp this- .s. (Ashton- -that, -.Wilt -410101.11-Y- ‘chuigo. 7 -lifli0ity, pill simPlicity- has° . talon putny: eittittutten. in flinling (wil1. other, but -Linty havo mot liot ,to .part;• :Common 00111410 .111114 110,4110.41 it; 41.01.0 0 10.1116.: 014ot Alial,,--0- KM all: lip nab- "i4 atti bonOrstb1.6 ati it litrgeone, arid' that I 1110 _la lett iniblffiktililitok _walnut, ii1-01 4)1114. 111 VA -a wtisoili))1.11of4' is Jillit itic- awfully toVoot at4. tivet;- watt -mil Ax milister.:: Tito: sitrieOr ti .sto and liottnimit .tentso mingled- have. :lin left gold -- a 1 i it silver table ware 'i t I to- glutei; 1,1141 1111- tlio-ipooryaiing folkii tenths with -dolt 410, at Llia refortn. ir,l'hileinplitott-tOttOy.tturso 01111 hopo tor 441114114 or. cffloretl olitnit. leo i a -fO-w dot lark or tablo -van lie t•mitdo Ito object of_ porfoot-r-hoituty. ilivori . tiro .iiiiktor iits dicapt wirod., -. Should - - 'any. omi Nilsen'. ' %- livid° witting, oilvorphited rovelvor for h Id:: -1 og-poppor ii.lid niustard mho •ivoiild 14 'gli hini to hoorit 1-01!_14110.W011 knows that. tilitt Old Contro•pi .0 has boon banished -to 'nit Ito :fruit. .- Olga - Witil:Plonty Of 11110:1 to oh no room ,for it noir of ilewortiot. a basket 11)f up the -tumblers and- tho-bottlos, is 110W di° wily of the -Wort -din the dming.robin, !rho :ago is Alf oihrityagant ono, but it ' is _.Oto011011141111641( l..I.ts plan .or t.li_opprnooriw-gk-ci. 444 140 it tio 4iIiistio thatit-portnits all poolo of tiiiitotobolong to OM highorderof sootltyl. The ago ithout 41ftiblifie.Andi" gat*ii1110inot botn Wholly abiurd 1 It Iits' .brought to pass Iliat1111 !fumble, ohplimo, porwidod all throughby thogdd taste ofhusband and wito; ft( nowitpartof relined kocioty.1'horo is-noono lft iy .rnoro to Hindi- the littlo framo.housw A fi,w vines mul *Torii, it fow „bits. of etidi d glikite,,it IOW -tugs,- not any grout rouSirtity of 'carpot,".iiorno Sithitio wall papOt, will oo ii• • bino and: inalio-T. 041 11 -rosidonoo- towt ' (I - which -11,1(111 or. IL Prosidont iii paste ' K. 10(14414 With -of vy...-.- Whitt -bettor :tittles 0 n the y.ontliof 4.110 world lio awaiting ?'-:.--ri 'd- -her, if.tilto•ex km -;-.atilt 'her, - if any'ooiir ,o :villains., in ,:tho World:ill' hor antivierj, s "satisfactory bogin tliis housakeoping:- ''TI iii 4114441(1)440 01 jam -affair mood -not -cost -in' O - thin' 1111006. :. The - 061110.- figure appli al 'a00t0ally.--w111'----.--Iteop--up-117111-10111a11160 1 . -111iitittiti011. for It'll indolinito !undo& 1 " Tri-thoso-,. ityti.of-Konoritl--roironoltmo A bolulon- 'Wort! ,."'Oikt 00 0110 lit Begirt 4. I Yiondor w ays Iltimund- Yatoif in t o 1044 ./1101.1glit ' of. reviving tho 11414111011 31 last °math), in , (11(104 411114 . ramie olic4,1c c ilaiieratfio--. woddifig rings. • Tho . slinP e. hoop of gold was onlvorcally.adipptedin t o Might' hi) 4404. 04)011 tho twos of ammoidiom (5f- swtot boifdago.. - lint an 1 foitm lady,- , , Elio 104.1)04' • dii,, „,---kboWod 11)11. hor •yoiliiii g. ring-, glitch eo niistod 01 11 r.oyv.pf lino est ?--,, 0)1014 Ala (11101,Dllati-;-111 .i/ory roll nod coin . mitibii-and - 'begaii to .wondor *tit --the .triodorattim of all tin) bomitiftilmatiotii who 1111,V0-- -b(+100 long :,centoth to -put up .witli.. tido-, ono, .this- last . simplicity. t _should not .-b�. - ' %%et .tho, jowollod .bitt will not bly.411110,00.41111t10401111111g is -tro ' p ' bilt lain told that the uninarrioil MUM n *oar rings e the winlding -linger :St it Anything lit od thin MOM marriage betrothal.," • - ' ._ - M. - Vats ot the Clothes ItIloth. ' o It 1 ooto ro 011 " 1 11/4e(1414, Vend btifere the Cheater Society of N 14101111l Hellt1114t, LIllt Itev. (1. ‘Vood said that with regard to the 1.1tIo of " tia,ppro- elated I soomia," it was 14 Very rvolo opts, lairattipal liff aid 1011, 44411411411.1 any 111114,01. WWI rettlly itplireelated, Approulation depended 0.11110)(1. entirely lipou Ittlowlodgo. T14440, for mom a Oaf 01114worrii, A havago who weartt elothes (loon not, appreciato tho silkworm at all, biit looks upon it rather as ft 11041 i0U11 41. rIet,troyi. 0141 mulberry true, the fruit of widell los wanta for Idruaelf. Imolai+ worts put into this world clortrly for the porposco yreatirving it and noticing it fit for uroatuteic higlior than 4.h00iaol4e11 ; and 1.11141. they 4441 14,4' ratting. It watt clearly not likoly that clothea niothic were creittod for tho purpose of (Juatroying young ladies' jacks:W. What with it, then, they woro crtutttml for 7 It smolt, 441, roinorsilsured that thuelothen•tnoth ox latest 111 coon trims whom the holiest did not wear any clotheis and tainted oil tile earth long before thero 4V4'4'41111))' litslitia at all, It Smolt bo (ireated for 'something, mid keeping in vlow the object of inaoct life, lie found a cluo to one rratailli for tho e211401)00 of the clotlion- moth. 01L411011m' tho foil ((11 wool, which la hair ; and hair, by Um ordinary agencies of ratture, 1 luipor 11, tliti .Egyptlito rooto of Ow Miltogiol might be aeon wig - a, lady's wig whirl' IN um brilliant mid tut fruall IL whorl it 01111)41 from tho (A- lta maker 11,000 yearn ago. '94/41141 14* hair( 11114 hitir Fti wool. 'rho clothos•slioth !raver L4,410614 cloth gartrunits while theyitro in tom, mod oevor wlillo Lilo wool wan, Oil th 1141(4.14 01 dill 11)1004; 1,14114. furnished tho cloth. Byory shoop snorts its wool onco 41. year, acrittehing it againsit triton. lf tho wool weris not Ey:nov(4 from Cho Lrbtodt woUld kill Lim treett, for they-win:11d not be able to breathe. clothog•tooth nit lismocit anion mit-to work. whon tho wool wins dono with, mill rambled the trotia -to shoot and grow, I 1, wrtil 41 euriolta 14114, 41, popiitivo Nat 'that. if „it wort, not for the clothes•moth thero would llot bo i trim (111 (11,,-,fiartin-and buttnut creature could • - 4,14l(I the Insect intonded to . tinier ;Lliti- Avorld better for bellitpi 1 t If con i sal lit a book with the 11440410 yrti'alior haw undortasco tiY.ilopia :60_001)- 14111 104'4 -1 1'iolim4-ni earth -ill -the- yeitr 21140. "II deft01ibk11 010 rhos socittliam.rmil pro,. 00444 oho, Leaguti ogitittiou firititin in i. 04441 "%var.:widish 111 fleittrOylier .cointriorce itud pests tho '74/iv for tier- downfall... .11pon tip° :ruilik (11 taimihliog 0014 -fires will be itintifled_a Worm. it ilite_ repiddit... A Yankee tvall invent tin . IIII4,11111110. Ars 014104,410, "rlic- disapportrance -miss told -roan *In Maim tior 11:, 141111,114.1 iiipw forilo it; dirt. Livered. Ity 10011103. Of 1.1144,- Mall. -Wftl'kli 100 1,110 "Gm, 4,4 tho octal, foroos 11114 (limy ti)rough _Om. bowels CI" :the...earth. (*Nellie aro filacoVereit onormous - -i1'01)1.118.; 'tlio- surface of the --_-eitrth town eit' Crowded, colonies aro •.,_plriti tad 111)11', 414111 llll4.4l11.y.dornoti, sliapod liko built upon -the. bed of the ,1_111/ILI AWL running 4131 ithovo -lovotof iro witii-d•r, afford. temporary • Mid Orilla. tiettlotliodiet.- to thousands. Thity vitt o ve4/e1.11441015..11.41a'.11hro4114 -401-1)0111,1.1-01/ plants -.for • toxiile •fabrich itiid- I A'tor the . in tornid nroti.Of tho ghibe 11314 10-1' 110114.41144 pur.. pont a, ' With thoir frozon regions,- itrounil.the -poleh. -aro- ron-derod_of tropical *--svarlittli. into - .and 1)11.11114111 Ibourisli then., -and tint' Arctic itight 441 mado brilliaiiti. with Clactrie llgli iP. lit Lim0,-:- tho, - pOpujittion .. of • tho glob() b000moii 110,, dense that - taio ocumonical. council, Lilo- litiail.e011tro Qf . govern:nowt • for the rotate' o1-. humanity, deckles that- tho four or -•llVti millions of !taros covor3d by, Cho- :liallitittimus of -mow. must bo brought miller ettltivatIon. -The population of the - 44161)0 betake's itself to ititlOit built upbn pilcs in Alto 401141, 1101Dielt 1140 1.101110)ifillOd And ovory Molt' of - the oarth's surfaco is culti- Vatod Lor fond. !The capitol whorein lawif itro made. for tin) .world is looatoil st 'Torts- irl°2 it11141'04k4ceit-tilli°1t'Siolf)10°71fa?11111tUlLtiboitrittllatiOlittloildt with few ofthe most romarkablo ingot 'of "tho anciont world, -including tho Oathisiral olCotogno., tho Tower of Loudon, :the Vatican and Alio-groat pyramid.- - •Thorpopilon system • has -very.- little • to 0074(1110114 14411 any .doportmoot-of tile pub. lio ItOrVIOO..-:Tho men who rely upon it era oOklOin' provident lit thOir habits. Thoy livo up to tholastAlollar of thoir .too oftotortortgaging the futuro. .11 doatle' ' • oomoi mioxpootodly., their tampion- are Id f b dostitutoi; if, thoylivo toroth.° upon a poll- sien,-thoy must Marti ineold-ago t� ctiltiVatO ' the orb of-pareimmiy. Wo would pay pub; 110.-sorvants docent- salaries, and- put an endto the .poneion systomaltogother.-=Ter- enfolVeriti. • 44. • w '• •11411111r4'41Wetors Lir - • - w0tOrs preiiiiinably youthful, in n, Lon. don' paper Hays "Gummed -onvolopoS aro- comparativoly modonl inyontions.. Choc.. terflold, on r000lYing- a letter onolosod ID 0710 01 4.1)0440. 414410410111 vontrivancos, oould riot contain his .indignatiop. no flung tho guninied onvolopo with its oontonts across tt town, andoxolaimod,'" What! doos-tho M low send mo his spittle?" Illifortuuatoly for -thIlm_story,adhosive onvolopos only oamo into 'oxistonoo 'Homo 70- years altot .Lord. ClhoetertiOld'it death, stemming the Lord .Chwitettiold to ho meant? They 'cam° into gonoralliso-about-184V8. A 171414 ton 7110' 13xlmiit.,---T116 -skunk has hitherto boon regardod 4114 4440 most -objoo., -tionablo more oireulator unplosiget -.aromas, in /act, 13ut a logisla• tor - the intorior of Now -York, ham resolved to befriend -tho much.doepised , II° doinands 4.13(1.4. 110 boprotootod In his right to life, liborty and the 'pur- suit of .luippineits„tho- 1'01114011 bolug 4)1114. 110 dwitrolvs grubrithat otherwise s.vouldiostroy hop V111014, - • , • • . • 111.At Clonbithoro hap just died it -dog -which airing the Crinman.war wassprornint at,ono. of tho battlos and mad°throo Russian scil diets' prisonots, attained it wondorful Illoonmgveivtality:.but.. of Itkto. years - .was it more wrack, -cared for in a Gbveriiinent, aro o_Nowoinegointeroitn-froAmrtoViliitpa,hititeritliir .0puoiethpl: approach of -the Chlllans, ., Sogrlot fever is -410011214,tillg tho horsoii in . . - 71- - -