The Sentinel, 1881-06-10, Page 7-4.
Evidence Adduced at, the Ad.
'curried Inquest. -
-416- -
'1),,. 1 itItt P4Ftilift EXPIPP"
LoNi,t)N, </ two 1. Tho inquiry into the
facts efflineeted.with the foundering of the
Victoria Wae reaunied this afternoon before
Coroner Fleck and the jury, Mr. Ilutehin-
6044 was present 011 behalf of the Crown,
and Mr. Magee watched the proceedioga for
the Thainea Navigation company,
1 ir. Woodruff, President of the Thatnee
Navigation Company, %vete regalia& Ile
could not remember who made the rule
* constituting the captain_ (4 the Victoria
.wheelainan at; Well,
Mr_ lliachinami (Crown Attortiey)---Did
you plot pia/nine the Victoria to see Vollffit
SololiUM! Ritt' WH,F4 1117
Witness Nil. sir,
Illitchillson Did you take any
meana aseettaiii whether she WW1 Aea-
worthy and fit tor use?
Mt % 1151teilitlAttit - Vq6F1 it then that
eatisfied you that Elbe WAR settAVOttliy 7 -8Vititess On acetate t of her passing her
inopeetion !ask:year_ and running the whole._
- SeaeOli,
Mr, 1144tolitheott :Were you not- aware-
- that the V ietotiti, bad _been -km/eked about
€1, giot4 deal the itf i kir 7
• 'Witiiess Yes, - .
Air, Ill tchitis01 I-1 /14 you -11,440E4rtai 44
whether she- auffe0d any damage in cooae-
(pieties 7 _ .
Witness-- underatood bad been
injured srotiewlitt4
IltittflilltAtt- 1 1h1 you MAO MO, etepe
patiA1 for youraeff4Wietfier.alie had been eft
4141( 1011141? 11411red. ttri t -140r er ieitileF-
- her ditinierotts fbid the pfirtioae for- whit&
sho yt66 needl
4,4441,4, ktle WfiC
thEi •41.1p@fifftetittettiCEI gr-
LW1431.11.f -11g1 the great:-
, that t-1-64- engineer who
W/1:4 latg/111111a tO tho414.
lartmotit and W1tt4 it):11101 -
AVittiess tilie
- CfEtp&Itiff: ttitflikilir I
rtst eontideneei tilt"
raft titer 144 YWOtt
- glut NI in 146 att
; _Mfg 1.11./fit thrg tztTANOE,. ritfieti 4.744 (1444 that
...4411er•wytild 11016414• 1:: than. ever 6140- 1464 heceit
before. 110 44614 14• wit4.4 tabilig-ifyery pallet
- her, - --.*- :t
lItifebitiani yen ..-Esii4f '11111,14k I
1141Y tt
by ellort planka laid between the jolata,
"I'lle apaces were twenty Mabee wide, and
tile planks were filled in with plain, Rquare
joists. They were not ship jointed, as im
usual in cloaiog .craeka below toe guarda
by making the jointa lit tight in the inside
am1 leaving a track ifil the outside ito lel to
admit of caulking, Ile drew the attention
of Captain Itogera to this fa,ct, but no heed
waa paid to it, l'hinke Captain Itogera
aithl that portion would fiever be utider
water. On the 2itli May,. lomu, a, few days
after the 'boat .started to witneaa
ineasUred the distance, between tile
guarils and the water- when die boat
W41(1 well 10414e(1, and lie found that oho
visa from aeveii to oine 'Motive mit of the
water on the lowest. nide ;' if the (Melte were
1111(1e4' the water the jointa could not help
leaking, beeallAe fl'oni tile tionetttiotion the
eaulkers cool(' not eaulk them ; witness
went down to the w.reek (111t'0 4.118 accident,
and 11 part 01 4.119 (leek WAR turned up so
that -lie could exit/11411e emits of the juillts
tine loilit +ft/RA one-eighth of • all 111011 Opeil
411 t way. through-; lie ran t6 knife blade
through imother ; theee Jointe were per-
feetly /vinare, mod Mel never betio touched
with-itcatilidog knife; noticed these at the
bow 011 the left hand cOrner, and does not
that they were the woe all the %ay
retold ; the boat had alieer bew
/did stern, sod was 1i/weak m11141110 ; lie
noticed bolt, boles on the deek, supposed to
be those through whieli the bolts -fastening
the boiler wept, btit if the bolt/4 - flute
oil them underneath holes would have
beela tot` 44 411(1 tatlif P114 W111011 W/61* WA the
tlatte ; the beite tteeti 111 the buihling 01 4.449
float 14114 110 111141 or- betolo on them, •
Rattitiel i4tewar1,, 11W011/4 1-1111101414 Matt 11O
ett,W the Vietoritt -the homeward tflp 41(1
14. W1114 at the Wm -Aland -Vettietery
waiting for 'the Prificeis4. Loniam Attkft
dOW1-1, Ile ettbeitlefeti -the Vieteflit
frotit the heavy load o1. ptiasetigeraf atid 1141
said ao to Kr' l'/Itf11111# Anti its-kO4 111111 If 11E1
Itttl, Atop' ate boat (It' lffithe filgillt1
lief to eiop, 66,14 it maw. trio
late, %Vim/646 then fit11-. 11111/ttaftt ANL
/OA fthlig 11111 W1/1414,11110ftll
tit 101141 Ott haat to Atop,: 'Ho .6ithi 6146,46=6,44
ver.v IteitOly • laden, but- -he- tili011gtit •_
l'is ,ii 144 got, through nil -: right, Witue66
66-141-- there datiggt theft
fit.11 • 41111114.- 1r/1.11 - • iivor- _batik told
fallgdotit.ttt.ittgpitoitotigOrOJO/ftl!Et V141;firin.
to'h top tholiottt Mr;._)7.ilfiet,:ettre,tititeet Mot.
tiniti 661101. Out that iti Wit# 41, 14141(4440 to liavo
1111-1 /40 heavily 10aileill vvitileee tile
re/lir/red 40 -tiro Pritiee66 I.,(64166.-- and -.111
few .1.111/11/t6P1 ,11/1,14#- tilt/ 44,, (1(514/14
11014(111, there -lit tilltt 125. --peOple . oat
114//04' !41'I.'11I1IIII-ri(th 111/3 upper- deck I
rtlig bog,t, hong -
- - -
51F. 1111tAingttil 1/111--Mitty 1111,04try yoti, t
id that particular pepiett?
. - witi.ippo- I. 114111P:A -idit.ilit. /lig 'Mitt- to a i
. Whole -anti :-94011.1114atiit lief' .flottiat and .1,
. fittlittl -Ili4k4ht:i Wit,41,tOttitt t1//611 14.1/fit W.1111 the-
year -41efort!. I saiii•Varttain.ittilikiti tibtiitt --1,
Autif,tet,gt fanineviipittierwarito tin that 46y., . li
- 4,4 g-, W, ,t ,-.:, ttuttlityugtte.tottutat•litspoct0r. :1
14 Wl; i tit itti Itti il4titotti. i :1 tiviltiteti th6.-
V-10-11,f•Vt tit 141101M Afiliyi gilftl, Plot/ i 'twit- :•(
evellthitig2Wits ri fit .witif tits" Vlattf1111 i.- 1f, ft
. Oftkg stitrgl'ilittit 111101-pf i'F,.iatilli :I thOugh 4, .4
.4,451$14 14 th, Ptillinititirittittnittft of- etattetit 11101 4
• ..thtir,ittf+Mitt4 ittitttEttt I. iltittlit410 Sitt,i*P111011- 11
t gilittd4 say that - fins-vitfuld---iin- if 1114441'. -it
' - NI .64-tit:wood ; 1 (4144,44 4.40' Our- 14//1111c11/0/14:tifft ft.
. il iltfilt lip littoti;iftfts .: kiniettietlyietroiltti-- -- - f-'
'445., 4,,, lot yoli Consider It Ada.- ve
444::44 f. 411 tt,f:' thft 1141/101101111 1111011111 Il44tf144Y-1111-
-11P4-'ilf-11- itY -1/E4/114 IflOf4.14444il '4.if14lf1014 010 '
- ifeek ? . : --- - - , ' • .• .--.._ - ' ' -
iliVittiPei: f thiiiii,etii-
-Air: ' ttyttliii.olgiL Viti. 4/41010 the
:it/104. leave W'4, j, N4(0-1047 .
:. --.1tigitti.4.- 31•V* Nen! e_ tipti 111-- t4ff.44,r-34. W114 -ft.
'f1141411/141-1111 1401414 Piliusit Weis fastened 'on.: i`t
-, d4,f444f Nit how (((«4» 11''1 I do not: Feints/Olaf: a
wIttilit not littve. pis tat It., tit ((‚4114tioti- .. ,- ill
.. to oty.optorott it (4 41; (1.11(114(4447 fgototiOti,. -_F ikt
Mr; ft llt01141110.11 •.f:Et thortt d4t-114-4.4-rolft. ii_ • -
:.--Ttio 46 nor tititt_i 111161114 WilIffi .V
-bftiltir 43441. 4.1444. .not leingeeelirolVfaeteried .-1€1
41ga3/14 Ill- tit/It .0/1t44-iil-W01111-1 -1)iif f(qtt milli.1
' ff, kit . its 0011.1101 111tf,ft 4104. -01141ft 'MO;
1-1111.04 tilt/ boilerlin( i break tlic. condentionk 111
-'111F1,fiti grogt low_ ft 1- ritlikhilik fill lft FIVit:fg- #t
ltrift fPifiCtlifbOr. ftl1li7:filiiilt41tlY _,11110 .--wAy thp • 9-1
- igiiIIop. ifelfq litt.nnfttilffilil _4114.401- Allfittlyi_-- . . fli
-- , A 1111114, - IN,- vitt 'Iffit/W -Mgt tho ilnoilor-
Ittcti- login O4441444411.4 i; ittiitrit 4/141 11141(1" clip
- %V34s, . No, ..t!tifk. tiffs_ : of-igtitioAtft: ritif pi
-: -iiiit,-inc Mlo ggfoit it,4-t,i .tho.viotifjotoro: of
'Ow tooto; IlhiVioi._ fight to- roll rifor .:tory-ontl; _
04: potitid I
..------='-----,:• , ''.- -.: '.: i.--.,-, lt(--'iti-•: -g1irt1titiol.i(0r,f,.4it'4l11-iy 1t-1ifr..o4...tit-tt- 'i.'.t44F.•Yog.',ii.-f'1.Y
t:.i...i.: t.l...f'ilti.',..•tn11J.''i
ti--_-,•• i..-t....i-_-.-d-. i.wii1,ta-__ o -p-- -Ifit
ittotVilttOr04prof 14toril11I444144.ift t0 Ittitio
rpportod totltcoopJitorr 000illitolitiptg
-t1i-Iil4itiir1nitbn616 repttire Weri410441, to tlitgatiefaution
of 1.444.ft iiWritro,.
k It 1 1,Ttior, iolOr4006
oltiituitglition, tittoWnorg of,ttio:Ylotorin
4i&.4 (19 fiil)li tkfIllJi ttlittft@ittttttin WitlhnpligyIPMI. 10WCtitttittYt
At r; flif1,htlioilor witttootat 14ttiWiirtithotild 111 ireipeetorItinoti hdI .1"WtooVOi I thitt not fJoil tintilitid kii,!fli;o
roggrd 4,1. 4,4541 VttfttWOOt Titttifigt@t v
1/74I ISOiI OA notknow Itti
itoitgnot-of 1445111313004441rftE1044tfr .frIftt 14114:1i"'
that*tit rihkivioiro,piomigi ot-110011*11[
oltor 114o1iify,
thoIOTtfIbIll low tnitItYrttiithtftl
do Yoji•thiak tneV14 nriotoldtivfolyotrry 7
Witotot itiV ! 17(1 a44416114 or 1100
tffiittifWM tlft llit(10tiiiitittittlt ttf
, elaldonthero ie pi) 41144 rowrding 4.4,14tiolithor ot pttoonAgro wiiottloott tritty
ogrry 1:tigniitod tlin hill"to,dty mid found
tho ligtilifitiogood ligf or 4.4114 411441('T441
A, !mgt:tit tiltkind gondigv it
040 (4-wIwohirtgii, nt4'1444411414.r, rotrignittol
Wog ligtill gnaptgi 4"4l14t1itt ie tinges nt
Vh110101110(11 46 Eitierob-lOtp not
wovor.outioevi000l qor-tho voo ol;- ,
f000phAtoirowi. owort,f1 01010 to
44541.31,44 11W144111ithoI ttorprito,tit@ iiill of
Wittolloittorod into 4.1444 votiotrii tiinof tho
Viottirig 4114.04' 4.1141 topontwodoldroyod h$
tho hrii41444 1(411(441 Work wont of
oitif, gridtho 1,444.41341,444.413410 filittiking i4 -J44141'
1541,4 141( Nolohairdo, tut witi-bnititilti7H
tlio-onororioti wttgr Ally.146i11144.1144t Wig
otivorOlt with thtot106k404 with tlio
-whool-itt tinvontro Iti rmtiodollitg4lit
,ltilititttotttuVintorig titwhotWrouitivoi
front thrvontro grid ftlitIiiilitworn 1(4(14(41
- - ---- -
11(1.-f)11,F44 11,41: 1,4!11111(1-1.11tAftl 141/(Ii
werve ineites t)f water oil: the lower deek
Int-firStitidlitilli W1111111 blin hoitt could- liave-
eel/ 4'4441414(,(144/44,4,esifety. With the /4411f1-1//tr
The Unhappy Relations Between
the People and Police.
1 )1 tying At tonil it, to Murder
it _Plump -1'.
'1'1 b; VI C't '1 4).N t=4.
JD. -
The League net lo be- illuppret•red
The Land Hill's Prohlematteal
Chnneen of 'thereon -Land Agent Slur.
tiered Chetitmallng liefentting -
Mating Elsewhere-- The 111111nr,
Chafing tinder ilestrnini.
1 t Did t4, May gn,---T110 past week batit been
(1118 of great anxiety and alarm to the
atithorittea of Ireland, The eritleal eoinli-
tion of affaira Comity Litneriek, and the
/nit -lege danger/nig procee(linge ootioetited
with aerVitig of writs and evietimia other.
parte Of the Otitititry-tiotribly 110111101111n0/1
4111(1 14eitrito- are caloulated preeipitate
the oollimiou which 144 044446idered inevitable,
The diatriot in -whieb the latid War 11a4
-reached its meet danger0iiii cele-.
•brated •as the 141(14(1(1 (11 tufnulte,
blithe/me, 1(11m/611(4;k and New reline have.
long ago obtained all -unenviable notoriety,
Titejanetion of Tippertsr y and Litneriek
the ertitile of faction fighting,. It lima been
the atonle of fiercer- eon/bete between the
Iaw alitl tho people than any that ever dim=
grtietel the - most, rabid Orange quarter/4 of
-the north, . The teilice are ratoilly beeoth:
ingdeitiorally,ed, 1/14111 15£1,11 long endure
41, Rtate of /liege elicit PA -the force§ - the
tlisturbed tlistriets are undergoing, Every
snan'6 11/444/1 againet sio Ottfifittil
will drive them, -lei -publican will 6upply
them -with fool.4 the people 14tinie t1/01/1 -.114
11 +/Orr- 014/011111.1 ty, tliCw.oinenrhoot,-, yell and-
tipbrain 4 the ebildren tlirowinud at them,
After it long itio4 fatiguing 111045111,11(gy 1111(1
344 WOW 601111try. village that tlie welle -are
Iter with- loud- and rubb1611 1,144,tt 11(4
4444114(14144 iiioi,1i 44341 titirot, @aft
venture: . forth _except , groat feroe,- . At
night.t11/4..eouotify le.left the 1411.14(141 '41
untrauclora,f... WhO earey -off law1/646
_praetieetCwitli 114 tttittnot4t-impunity,
444.1oliti1k11.111.1111,161611€(. the !OW:11'11111g tio*erti
16- Ai% 110 !filey
beet by i- eentling army- /16.41'10121 Wititt
if.gOna and provisiono.,60)iiipply Vie -.6 fOittiti
iftir Le Of- lel (the fl -1 Neff are_ deprived,
-1•144t-,•- they .-64tiinot.' iinprOve: the --"deoper.ato
pooition -.4v1iieli the -military police
"are -placed,- -Tleiy• are .Conetantly •--
."4 mite' by-- eetidiog .:fif661c 1.11011 411
11/111Y-'1114-1000ttvf thoge W110 iff11 W10141101
lit body mid broken hi flonittlaint.e.
arc ...,14,414i•- • all-
agfe pike-64ln:
4441-prin -0011401/1,14 Of 1/111 --01111.1 114011114.
/14-11#Y--, t1All 0/01-51704-4- Whit t
aitttobin4AltY. for: tiourg, While -they tale
Om 6/441106 itintrieliee-eulter Ind
11111144; - and -.often' proiienet-.1.* tlatigerouk
wound 44,:- Moverettnetoolit§. wittfoloft
detnanded-*•-.T-14-6.-polii nig .:011ionra.
of theline---reginiente-144---the ttitil-West
'.(1.O. not eintoeal -fatit-fla tit. they isetniot;14.0
..reSptitiftitilo'fifti ifi@fit- W1101-- 1,1400
-J61'444' litnridiating.and exiteperating pointion0
already . domes -beds_ - -Lida fitet ,•v,/ blob
04/444646 Alto 'turn- -0.40
--re I iable•aiiii - tead i -..tro-04444 at .t heir --60 4.
in the __ellen@ frfl,_twosrIlifl(14.41 44f
.gristid/1- -Settreely.:-.a daft
0646=6 that 411/66 not it, :hotly . Of thestf.
tiperlf- .tfilopti -.nit-ceding to: .fteine. out/ t
dietriet. 4.'' 41 1, he ignoble duty Of
proteeting Ittisttvory bailiff in the ,4I
worleof throWing t i read inifteri
writ44,•on 1146 property Ifutehi/04,*
-.110/11'. f Jetitity,..tiorh,.. On 4&4,s Irfllly3
ioo wetitelt'sgathered -./trOund find :_tiOlimd.
littnolootrOyod att.s rito-arid fittittPO4.--
.1/1111‘111410..'-Alid..00t/W. itit 1140 1111J -r ri
11146y iftt Ei!tiblk: s4,4144(1
tlitatiliellinin with- ft/ ttfli6 unfortunate'
-More dead thati-aliVeiivito-lbeiftarred
arid -feathered and, bunted the.
-ftoun try,- •, A -large. 'fly poliee•went. nut
-:frotifhtallOw-,R).-i@titAiti:1/11p; tin t--.111 ter- ettottr--.-
they Were to.•.:44444
444 ,u Ph- 1.4attird ,Morning.----: the --
1,110-4rageon-$ Th011404 16/1-3.1114- hit led: -10 -
the light at Miteheltitowir hi) Ierldayi-Wati-eiit
Off 44.01116 -ed on. top:of pole
.deeeritted- ..greek-paper,-, 11/1111 4f11/14.01-
.6frettinerit „-.Were ' appended ' to :014- 1014
..1411d 111.1,11k 11-1(111017.-Wit11:11111,410 411. 1..114401: (it-
your. /fen 1,,". •--oorretiptniz
'11@nk.. thia no/46016: 'early'
(414 friaturday _morning,- 16 -wait 1,116/ 41, .(1J'(,%4'4 of women and Ohildriiii,"
reepoitiled-tO ho ('4144 (4(144old -fel loW_
11 !Jr' 'chriere tor II.II J'il44I14414 444141(4
1 Heir etielci.":'T-1444J 4.4444,41 l!44oqi4.
)14,toe Witirta-keitipetteenelon -Of 09;11010 .
and brottglik tif-;.the.barrattkei
A inotit. daring. W(&14 1(111(141 •tn,dity
.-. /o4/64.061/4144/4 -whe tOelt
4,144' 1,4rr(J'frOrn 'eh TlIftirky - 14100 'mak
evietedi...:and whietts.,:forined etitilv a prin.
lolinin obteet- of iiiterelit in the Jowly- alto
of 4.44(4 I4 agitation,: Penipeey Witikwalk,
jug iniititly..tO
.ink.aticonittivilied7.---byjwo -of life -ehildreb,
tiki:would,be'aesitetiin OrepliiiKbehlod
111in-end reti--two Clio te -
ittil . inortkijy Wino* withfii 41
qitonel'e .-tlitoy of -titO•Olitiffelt, •411/4 doetor
...httlf VW hope of lihi.:recoviery,: .•-• •
"Airrolinho, - florlt;• • May
effray occurred here _to,dity con,.
41441j414141(S41 of iittenipt the"
Oder . eontity to . evie4,. live tenon hi. 'on
etitate- tees The
• eberiff_ 0/11,14.'.111418.14sted. by tmo
-torriiinoiming totiort-ot
fettle/460o 01 4.4111 people Wee ea' thiterritined
That - the-- :Work WWI :otily :pertly" necOnig
The 'Chapel bell of AlitclielletOwn
intion .tinitintt .0'1410111t- )14. the, ufmrw,
hitt -wetti tlie " denote -V. • that
evictione-Were ;ivhflut to- litit.(114,.- T140 -110W14:
cpreigl rapidly, : The claptd. hello__ for len-
44444141 :tirou -_ toOlt. ;the.irideltliii_
poptilittion ;The pollee
:ft,ttelnpfed--.' to ---.6top - the, bells;'W6 414- not
-Ten ,pereolift. 46.6.14-1 64'
"i)or.0.14 Imes then_CA A.Mrid0 llIlrrlbPr
rkethered4iironild The ritilloc-- and- milltkryi-,
While 'the_ Orel- eviction preeeddins,
ittonee Rad Other:611011@e_ werelliroWn:
• itt..the..-tilitirlit _ Ho. •elichitan '11100.
-6Viethingi were...R*11101-- ouVii4t: tti ettionte.
s_fe-irt- d. istat* ie• e athe..•a-.d • t11.t1
1 oineati.14/4v446 teetilie4 that oth
114, tr11140/1t VJetielpi§€441411
n over her (look ,1166.t A141110;4
rail ••14he- !toted tieitilirto thelon41,14,.
Me -fir- tVitt Itt1tinft114141111111flireti oft -t110 Wirth
hit/ after -4414e righted,- tour itintiediately-
ftei that 44140 .werit. over to the Mirth. eide,
6 441.40 turmed almot4t- tierilesullifultir-- the
66ftesigerti tindie4 out of. tilO itOtt0111
1qt:ft elOntl • hitt,- t_11 -n -Water, - A few-
imped frititi.the.iipper :4464/4'.'wlsieli then
41 over on the top if( tho.pitopiti .111 tiro
41ele=i4 the eolift ttfliftlifliftli
ri,.,Ititt W.111111 it 1,11 ifffiltkItift alltt:1141-1110.
lIl'IJf Ii ttittiftt.§€1: W111-100 .t/041//t.' . .
1 f.11111/ 1,0011, (1140-0V01141" tIlft:Y1/111-44
164 ti=11.61=ricati, w -14446e- -hod y • wati- reeoyored
out the _wreek /ft - . 11104 14.1141fr JOY"
ttflf &W. -A -11114.. uifttlI11114- 114 the- 1111 f1,10,1111 Of
646ting io the fgf 14113/ iViti114 doing -AU 164.
114 kil(14101111Y /111111110 ItY 11, ({011i114011/1-1: .110:
ea- heroiffally.6triving to- ita-ve itthyrii; -
,A 'boy -ttsttntal
-itifitWAVa tYi /MVO ttiO linfOrtinotte
lot/411.1-4,, - 44-ktill reported rufgeltigi
wor-441,16 -feared,-
metliwil.Istfidsot -welten aft
uttratlistiitir tile reper.t _that intolietti_
fff1ftllte1 ,•14iittlott bed eeeti red 14tiV1O161
41111€1. Of -the = ittearnhoat iteeident- .f/ir
fioritwor4A01;ffib wnyrAi§.4JjJ4jJ 4(1
roodeiing/6411e tllimetirote466ibl
At bilconellitii(Ii of Wit -(I0','4'' 00
1, 1
fet t!rft
• -
A rogotit trint 4.44(4111 451811
)tttftr i -t) 1
tli(1 Vintnfinf. (-10
intilt,fid PIP "IlitiftinilitiAlitnY 41411144/41 (
HOY -Pillftlit qapOitiontal':: offenderelite n,
44 5144 itifintOr g000ttutobility thgn.prtivgilo
Ovoid§ tor 4.Joi tittitOd 114
rtio_yttittig. followtf.vioitod : it, .1144O44444..4)14144
r tittottotir ritio Thoy-pignotrit
t of hmtraiti Ilio'brittiOlioo:bf to, trot; for- tt.
45441, (111(1itotittittoitcod Itritig,-;withotit taw
4,144414 pronglithino to- who. or What
gift 'ho:th 4,Js,- diottwoo hoy. '4ol, TitoY
od to- turn, hut -Iteforp. titothitti -gone twiee
ofilid people cattle roil it itig frion• tho rogr
tho tgrgot 4.11 4,444thorn thitt _thoy 1441,54
-1O4 .#111 ttIO boy-, And
to ittilo to oitrry ti,- oohs,'
rii_tfpiftlitii,- _tgrgot,_
ild &ft- 4/141(11 44 plgy, `111,(3. 444.4.441h(iy
fohod -into a low opplo tioo, 'blot -tioni-
tilooti 15441(41144144414.44114/by, And lio foi1.
from tho trotit.tiogd, 44,4.filo olotorrii-.foot,
'rho giro° yoiing Trion:worn triod
Now, .lt win4,. not 4l1ift414Iil to
notiortion with vortitintr whoso hullo(' did
44,41 4Il114(lhI41(, .Ittit tilt; atolgoo .4*411(1 thitt 411.
throo Intuit ho puniiittod (4-414414, 44. wag- 1104,.
ottoolviittly tit ittittiOt- 11011E4,
vliooting: . 'Snob grrangottioritti',..-. glut
with no prottitiittotio 4.o tiivOid.. doing
oiliori-,wito ditogfirouffsmatinittwfol prgotino,-
killing of -tho - littlo Imo .rnitti,-
olgliglitOr, odi-gli throv of tho 71.11(444 1114144
_hod pgrtiolpittoil in the- tilloOlting, they wer,i.
nil liable to 11i' 4)I1113411111111114.,
ft 0110,
toi,vitig gointitod-
fitiftioarto ttifi
- %Otte:4 to. I,,iJ4 tho V
oxtoritiod 114. 4.4414 flow
wid8no4 projtscetiii
Gros'is,roi 0,_.4tglf_foo4.of
into. 1ra4.t4rte of tido p
lit 41ltft1111411411 (ion=
rit.t)io.IltitorPrioo, -Pa
1st(tr34, wito
rid, 4111(14.1114 ilisi:k 1.4/4141
&hit II14W j1444$4.14 14111,114.
04011 h4i10
.C4(1411011WR,54 11,4411(114414
- .
• • -
Pilibitsitly tit@ Itttiatititit 04041
Aft tiro vgitio of Imago loot to tho rogoon 41,
tiutobor-of rlsiIroi1 vornpanloo light olginiti
for !ON 01 /titbit prop@rty, A 01010 poira
rofrohtly (Arno to light to 014rwili„-whcfro 41,
thwty outdo oftiditvit to idifillnindldillriiirthed
dethilled 44414. 14 011 000tootts of the tole,
n41i44 -trunk, whioli wi4o_4,1144.0414-g4.-0420, told
tho Akita ivgo vornprornitiod gt 0200, Tho
111114411144 Lritrik nom@ timo itfttir WOO NOW,
mut but- it tow itoliOd. olottivii,
whin), rouillgod 44 41, oglo trunk grid
tilt, Mit• 404f1,114, -
Ogit bs likaly to loon Mr, Max, Mitritty,
M_, and IVIrt-floo,_ .4, (Atom, /I, 4,0-hoth
of wnoin-rosignodi vorno titno itgot ttio pool.
Mono thoy hgvo lioid ito long hi ttio
givto Intitituto, - -
rirIT 11.
the next two it %vita necessary to
through the town. Three bands of. m
and organized bodies carrying ban
had now arrived, and the stritiaa eoe
aged the people to reaistance, '
obatructed the street and Heat showet
st,01198 int() the conetabulary, Then
cavalry charged and drove them back,
they only returned in greater force
with /Jew daring, While passing y
behind which large numbere rifiters
concealed, a heavy volley of stones
delivered, ()lie of the city/dry liorsea
killed, and the 1301109 charged through
yard and dispersed the assailants at
point of the bayonet. Several
wounded, 011e tuan!a jaw Wag mit of
Twelve eohliere were etru(314, and to
police were aleo injured, The ltiot et
Wf613 read- without effect, and eoi ee•
titletive 14 the realatttoce it Wat:1 flOGItled 10t
torproceed further with the . work of a ie.
thin, excitement lasted late i ito
the night hut titere Wag Ho further in -
turbid, ce,
liomoom, June 1,-Furtlier iteeothite f
Clem/lel mity that the- riot oommelice(
the following way When 'Goddard, he
agent 01 4.119 Emergency Clotnittittee, 11,4
leaving the court he Vito, reeeived with
groatia and Mimes, A priest vois pass ti
out of the building when the erovid d
14. rl,144l to enter. A polleettiati tit the c 'ii
ftiaion 154(1 114114(1 on the priest's a 'ti
At 01108 14, ery went tip that leather Mao ,e
had° been arrested. The ercitvd- been,
fearfully excited, ttfid t,h6 tiuthoritie 45
once ttosiceatrated the whole force of tn 14
tIt-ly 4111(1 eotistaktilary before tile. (1444 r
llou/64, lottlem, stoties titol L1(101411 t
poured in- on the police find soldiers, txe t
Slack, iv resident ttingistrate, -titreatet d
tit road the 1,tiot Act, atitl at Matt trunti 44.
44. tottleetnan Wtto -14tiodell iteneelyee -at le
Aide witli h stone, (Jfipt, Sleek prat -hit, d
the Act, Ittid - sieveral prieeta
lathy itot to, read It, if lni 34
141(1 4361iger 118/1(14€1€ W01.11(1 be tet fl
lie etene-t irOvinig did not gouge, 41414-1- 4,6
Captain 1,416,6k, after -readitni the Mt, p,
nomigell the- word§ God 4/CVO 0/11 QUOtti. "
. atotn3 -. the of miiiit1 r
poll/mum/4 etanding liolde This4
fortunate Iota! . died • 1644t* .4101i111$4, 1.T. 4:4
-110114141. (ilutrg6i1 .peopfe, with- -fix 44
bay/mete, and itt ./4/14/10.1111in 11111 CAVA' y
difelito amongot timorot0/1, A gceite' I
frightful- coilfileinii-followed, Til11. char tit
of--the.cavalry. dews -1111e eliort etreet wee 10
iiiipetunue tiiitt Nevem! -110114(114- and rido fife
•d6441ted through -4414op- windowe at 'if 11
'end of tlie titreet, ;The, itir MAY' wi 114.
etotleg and brielni, MO the frightened 614o
neeperk-w110.Vitiftf:tilid@tittlbfitill put p
A(111' elnitterm,-:-W@fti hurled to the groni;i1
mid ridden overt-. If tif.49,ffil W11111 -1111110fh
by oil' _crowd,. and .--were- tramph d-
on- by .. the 110f114111 Of' 1//16111.
001111144 behind thetti,--.- Tile- gevelfi/1
through -the: etteet6 ---166ted 11/4
A:poitinti 1,1141-150),W.d. 116410V111
D1,11(1014 -9-111111§1iitty.4111, .fitee(1. (11114174.11 g-
liereetneli -1411d r-btaft€11141 111. 'their Ilttline ff.
With `40/11111t Tiltt 1111141411414:111411 .1,110 1111t
Wolf .OwOrdo freelyt the poll& eth
being otrretly 1, 4.41(1,14, One 144466) r.
Ili ellarging round corhyr. 1011t..W1111 '[ it
.0/40014 J(11141194/8 - 114tiloirtin-- 111,1111ible(1 .14,1
Nits: ith(1:044-,Oti -gift '-of 11144 . eoltiradee., wl
were foIlOwing - 44wiftly, - fell. over - 4444 -
pro§trate liortglamtrider, ..11(Iforq
— - --
A IA YRINA114/"14 T1114141111.11g DEATH'.
Atter having Ilis Seek and Hack
lic is Strangled br the Slope on whieh
111e was Practising.
A Leamington (Elgin Co.) correepondent
aenda partioulare of a, tragic event which
occurred in that village last week. On
Monday a 14 -year-old son of J. Melt. Mel -
kirk, %vas found dead in his father's barn.
At tirat it was atippoaed be had committed
suicide by hanging, but further inspeetion
ahowed that such could hardly have been
the case, inasmuch as, although the noose
of .a rope /Mapended from IL beam was
around the boy's' beck, one of hie aoklea A
Wan dialoeated, and hie back timil neck WOTO
brokeii. The boy wag charmed with gym-
nastics exeraleett, and in view of the injuriea •
toe/Ale/led, 14. 114 -thought that be had been
practiaing and fell -frotn the hewn to the
barn floor, find was too badly hurt to
retnove the rope_ from his neck. The
(500148 Wag large enough to lie,Ve dropped
down over his body had lie atood erect, and
1111* kneee were nearly to the floor. The
rope had been opine weeke ago attached to
the beam for the purposie of ridging a sick
cow, -Mrsi, Selkirk,•wing was unwell at the
time of the diScovery of the tnelaticlely
44 end of her eon, hag 1411.188 become AO (lan-
e gerounly that her life is despaired of.
An correepondent writea to Pur-
r fah, ; "Lord Ilowton -111 DOW rega,rded with
Y2) eelioge of more than orditiary lotereat.
t, Ninety the funeral of Lord 1.1eaconefield he
)19,F4 hardly boon absent from Oehorne or
t Windsor, 14. 19 openly otatiol in some of •
a the Aoolt!ty pivot that lie will 140011 occupy
11. eloger relatiobehip to the royal family
than even now, by *bleb ineunt, 1 Sup=
-pose, that he will marry the lifillOnt1/4
I 11:MA11010 11114 an4p/14011 be taken
with "grain,"
(lortashaltolt las 'arrived at Berlin,
THE y1414Y 11E/4T
tliehiii(4 011
IN THE *Olin,
MoCOLL 13R08.4Co.-, TORONTO -
Ant-II/Jr tittle dealers, Ask ,merehatit for -
4Jartlifie atilt take 1111 other,
•1116 Eaveroat test told olost
atctive titHittietitititi was •tit tbe- iteitt&
14A111/tIt1011 44 -W14 -1110d t1ss 14 ieliest irrikti; 111140 •
MUDAL lit the-
litiottittiti, talil tile itigileAt. ifitarli at: the.
1)(,((44s3(4( Ir, Ottitiorit, fie hit vor
J4( (1140(41 and till Who 0E34 Agrictilttirs1
45511 I'IiI(,-
1' will:ttave fitottey tinti,iliticiititery by. (5144 1i44
lif ttitt .
Ali117-Constimptiva Sirup
44)144111-N, :41014001,
- W111001PIIMEA4C01144111. _
meld re/4041er theitnadiftei then' boree6 4310.1131.-
gfilluited iitt-the street titid thu lllllIl 11(144 1,
tlie11413e1ve41 the"tooti
wern.resctittit, -()wing-to. (IA Y
rIJio lir 1,0§Ittir-tieiftSf(61-1f .reetIl4't4i1 444(1,47
- tire -11001)10' wert1..1 tii=t= .1
dually to dimperkt-,- .4410
-reginietiti44/414 aerionely-injtired that It 6'
314 deettaired ef, -The 1h-40,464.
14714 the illt4.-11; if lit; f@t1(}0111ivr4ll 4io 111141411
-Abinit :thir4.y 4111,14,41110 W1441 144111(11141)1/
WO(1.11(164, _ • .J• •
1,11r11114 1110 14ftrifi1111- Of eviatiost vvrite
4.110 .4,11144144' itiOpti.ilitillOti-91
amitiettitice - theflotilleAvk **t
taketi-i---- 'rite ittitabitant6 .Itttankad and-- 4_
etrtiyed :lioitte,
4110 61.11441,041 111T 1.14)0/1- 4.111/111f- 411/ 1-
rt11111-1b 114 1111kfloW11( . _
A -1)111/1W ntirrotipOndont ogyo 41 441 tottrt.!
-there 11/114 been it ititlititilitttry tiollIttlitit tit tit
6t Haariff,
if.'tiontitivo.lo (ion vingo.d that -ttiortiotiorgoti
are-rotinfro.d, h4* 4,J,o pooitio
11111411141(1 141 4113611 14,.11_11411(1- 16114 •-.4re-
46friondly,ed by agitation, ill/a- tiler -
ripe 'for 41447 1ii4tif11116ft -111.16Y 11(11 41111111'I
eticceme °Vet 4u41, the -civil to
44,4 I4tftry pOwer,- .11101')
414111144.' - 1101111(if/1 /tr l-
inceneed, not itierely 11011filltit 41J(1.001/111/11'
-11-14,1t11/111 ittitlio.ritlee, -1.1110. W111 If(
-1141r11116 ti111444i114
lo tin tire riak of titialntliktittht taelittt(tteatitn
ili44.for/41 danger/ill/4 'to. -.414461plilltio_itli4.-106,11
hig to- ail -irrefiresigliile outbreak --of for net 1444. -110-p11l10ge, Of itotti of retallatio
tition the iiillabitanfoof garrle/ined /1161,r161,
' 4,., %%P(1( 0111.6e 140,6 ordered tlikbarritek6 44
I1o66; ilOW •onetipled -by ,41 troop
tieearii,. to lie ..-litted: vvith- port liolett
nnsiliehetry,. • , -
lififeibeittere of reepec
-in Citee_ oft leidwar:
tvlio_-vvite 11114141' billy 02 by 1-.))
. On -t/xplanittlott that olte-
6ertfed tile elia4*t441e441e4j4.4-1111f1'6140 paid tl)
,11/40,. rernarkinti : that_ - --butibitild kite
Wilat wee - . -
- • :
caibe witli (4011(4
'1 IIY `1!11;lr.;( t ( , t
(Kitgbt you,
JOHN, iv, litelthist .
T,Ittoltio & ttoittl
I Iltitillithit; ()it totjo, jor?prititoye
for -44 lesidine .tiffeclitity, -Can lie le itny-
1111(411.011 t81 (1411i14141,- .f4pti1 4/094-111 ('(1(41 44)4.11(4-5
drool fordeserifitive circular, .
- -
114v. tic 1114/211All4t__401131
- -
pi I virvft it Fiend stamp for ionyllet!Ists, Mite, .
/icy I J fil irk -anti my palm (twat le and raw
. mole of artiffinai., Atantettertno aiana, titit
-Ithigue466 reilitioN tin' paingent, A, 4, CiAbLOW
. Cietwili,Atitti Ohio, •
0 if: N li S " rar •WANTBD _FOlt. -- .
-' 41o1s4'4'01414irtif4144,4 ogstotito V no& ooinpletto.
hilitiliattio, 1,040 plug% MO @ogritifinkit,-.001),‘M •
fooiti 1 1044 11111-410.011110/1 1)01444 111 lith itianhlt to
do y 1:414141141411Ve-terrilory; otr011ittlIt . irtfo, J., 14
It01114141144014, At 14440(4., Whitby,'
At:W(5111N AlitidotO -
. - - .
lihresiy tnifes Asthma And Itroitatitlitt Throggititti .
(1(144 41, . NOW Fah A 0111(41111,14.' . ,*
Dr. .411. AARON', Illorklatidt difalne..
- -
YOU S_ELF 11kr
• . 44, 'FOX °Wm thletiltotiviiiiiiNtY,
WI800N-SI.N. tivng
500090 ‘4.C-4.0114.
Vorfull .partlotilara, w.bleb wil b46Tit
9 ati4r#1114 .
Ily itontlitig Ott oolttif initittly, with
ago, lahhilit, color (if (17,541 ond
igeglio by roturn
ottrroot ifitittiro (if ilitif rti
bittid iv ivith 'inane hml ditto 4)1
-,-ttssAistratti Ii ittectiv,
1.op4comintootonor WIN
- - . . • - •,- -, • .. • . . . _•• . •
-1.he -': Delroit, - , Niickhlac - :-auft., Ilatitietto' s • Itailtottil -.Coinpitily -
. _ _ _ _ . , _. , t: . . _- - . , • ._._ --
----:__,NOLOFFEL --FOR,' SALO ()VEIL- 1,950,000 ACILEN-
._ . . , ... _ .. , . .. . . . .
ar-thit 45h01454101.. -IP411M11110 off.'.9 '.1'111/11BEISED 14ANDN. In the
,- .-.111erillorti_ 110101 iiillit or 11.1elli4jaine• .
0o/4.4tled to -164411e-hee4, iilistit-yrndfloIntrogitju ' £Iu' wOrld, Plifif10,1antio ilia ofititatod tit 111081J1111.
111o1r1e60f /t(1-15
1i1ii,pitowan i.A04114411*fi, t.111i0.010rf-if I1141111--MI.1.t
ue-tt'e",1ond- e - rein-,, tiritei.m-ny. t11141114141n1144 o•k- aa- ra-:ta
h-O.-dfWilt bestitirtelifttireItuals.inthe tittite of IW WWti,
11040 111 10 t01111/(11el Vitippowtt altoIkflt6111116 aotranf4 ntwhatare known AilOr eleare4 ' 14444/1, ,l'inee141111441 offer 111:1 Iyadvantage/over 4.44441 prairie lanilaot116.wost,46tlie Mettler ian414 iwini tangWean, a 60poly f fit tolittlewt,l'he mon 11011144 lirieli fully loamoffrontiitl, The tnther reninlying iiistuthe Iiitiit being generally 14111101entAr 11to gettlerie 11/10 1/1%t1llif"1111
-11//4 1iltlie11;1144red rondo AN 110W 01411V(1./%1 4-110 few if/an: 600114 t*4(40 ('r twig0n0.futirth (lash, 11114 1110 TP1t111111110r ttt pareha/erfo eA tion, at omy time witiliniffie years, WitheIntrest
payable 11,01;414411y at 7 per cent, - - ----
- 11011f4ll IWO helog oltofttid tiiroitOtt.itietiglittida, 14. 4)4 HO better opportonitybas everlieen offered to
li -I 4 - 4.4_1 _ .,_ar411111,1Y-W11101ineltivel Ppirolk.Matikihour arntletterallr 441.:froint110-----
;net' et oto -all 1110111/114,', quoin*(1, go44/1 far/to-atm 11 41144(3)111141144(3)1111wrolutii@r4 wiii he Moe 1.4, avail Mg therit .
6/1y/46 -of tilloehattpebefore 'loopy telvanoe, an 0.4 1641444 are heltig ra 141 * =taken and a 11.1(til upon -
eultnrel lame, leaving enle44/114 fitviii# when Wort oberle remove - ._ - - - • - ,
iron - _ -
.1ittrivite of Afitelifilae_tri mnnette,-11114 moreheav ly tlrolicred, itnittare altuef‘t 14441verS4411y .ifeetlygrt -
' Into andlu
. mhe is- ter/446ot Me upper poi nouta, tire of atio tilagnittlifo mit6- mil for All tho -
e14/5 r./4064 andininher 4., la th - tin or a11/1 wn,nI Iiyiii $1401,4tide will produce -title iviill onablo tho -
bettitir to imili4i tiff0(1 WaltOg W i ft.4$ ettrilig the tan .
--. -1411(111fir 1111 1141 lteil_olioronal tIwo *Hi neh.”0116„- ,.i va0Ent poin-to alo' ng tbp l/1in.e. , a. •4114,1
M.f. uret.000-11A•
(1aronow-befog greeted along the /ool triq roAft At it tit 1,111104M'I' i- re ti01/141(h hi IWO ProifiirOrihor, 1tifti Winter 04 itinnor,otiktttt 1andirtirttoit Ity( Pi rIttfl@ DO °MON Vorlhu poor 111111, 1 0 /111111Adji0111kt110-1411r0111141 0iorod 14,rung filipwttrtl, tttertilegte lonetion, voice oto er,so , mite JonasIwoAI yogiory door, midorehe ng ranlnly cttled by Oanailtoo, m '
leo patoplileto, /naps and -ether Information, et64 .- . -
., . .. . ., . , . •
- . • W 0- 91'110110 ilind -Come theloner -
89 Newberry and 18101101isnilluilditiorflnetroili 171elsigSli