The Sentinel, 1881-06-03, Page 3• ., FATAL OUTRAGE. _ A Story of Fiendish Actions From St. Catharines.. SAD DEATH A HAMILTON GIRL. St. l'ALII.LIGINES, 111ity 21;. inquest was the tletieralitud 31aritie Hospital on NVeritiesdav evening to aecertitin the ("twee of (lead' ef a ), (meg girl natteel Sarah June Potter, who had died in the eeepital on the same (ley after terrible euffering. caused mainly by ill-treatment at the heeds of her employer in Woodetock, expeeure and neglect, and by being outraged by six !lauds in human a.t i11errittori while on her way from the railway etation at Merrittou to the lemur of her frietels in that place. The etury odd in the evidence reveals tin u.niount of suffering tied neglect ahnosit too horrible for belief. Jelin V.ivingettew wee swern and testi- fied : Thti tie.c.1.8.1 girl is between 1 1 and 15 yea! Lot uge. cattle to iny place two Week e 1E04 Thursday. She %Vali very sick, utra arrived after 1 eeelock at night. She eaid elle came from NVuodstock, and had for a. short time before thet hetet staying at 1)r. 'rlirall's, and was hick before going there. She wee very Nick and Etheost gasping for breath when elle came to our 114)L1Se1. Next meriting 1 tient fur Dr. Clark, but he could not (eerie, end I sent for Dr. Downley. He attended -her for it. few days. 1 tried to get her into the hospital, but could not, owing. to their being no room., A week. ego 'net Sunday she called nay. wife intu hex rouni, and maid she wanted to tell her something. She Wahl she lizi.tl been abesied and outraged by HOMO young men, first mentioning five, and then six. One of the nten that deceased -Haiti had flint ray- . hilted her came tti III, 110-11.H4! 010 11eXt SUIldny after she camp there and timid Ire wantedraottiethitig to: eat. Slur did not speak of it Mail the] following Sunday after the teen hurl been there. I never • saw the mail before, and I dent kapw his 'mime 1 lets& not eeelt him since. 1141 . was ttsterit trete, middling 6111, full faded arid itboitt-'22 or 2.3,,yeare age, .---While lie .evitee eating- eleceeeed called my wife, end while tElte -gtItlip'. to KUe what. tire. -girl : wanted the stren•ger-- %vent out of ate:atter - door. = Ileeettsteltold tie ehe had: heen. in _Woodstneltf-Ivifli 'Et Me, -Citilisle..beforc ping to -" ler; st She-- _ 'Carlisle; lite& bI1LtliI her. Ertel -Mre, _Carlisle had told hint to = do se:: I had int pertie.ular .confiderwe r. in -what- she wiruld sae-, ag I helieeed leer imteutlifill.• I ;got her_ ittto 1114 '-_boepitril -on Sunday everting a WiTtrago.,- f did not - notify- the poirecett what het" taken place. I eieleue vorea wo !MEI out -.parties were - who had- Etbusied -het: Deeealiea Haar elle • . • Ire. -lair • NI* --go NW. BURNED To DEATH. Entel Etre tit Urantford stud Merle II.ose et Property. BRANTFotin, May '27. -At f o'clock this evening a lire broke out in W. it J. liar- rison's planing end smith factory, in the East Ward. It was it frame building, it storey and a half high. A northwest wind was blowing itt the time, and the whet° building Was Itt, a blaze before any amine, - mum) arrived. The fire rapidly communicated to it frame building to the west, occupied by Atcheson Havill MK a carpenter'si shop, and to W. 1 larrimon's dwelling bowie on the. oast. The three buildings aro it total lose. Herrison's machinery, tools, etc., are a, complete lows. Atcherson Haviil saved Et few thinge. W. Harrisorese furniture ni partly saved, but badly broken. Harrison's lose ts probably about eliee.. It is itupere sible at present to amcertain if there it{ eny ineurance. Atchemon Havil1e4 lose 14 about , te750 ;10 insurance. -The lire originated in -.the engine -room, Etna was discovered by the engineer, who gave the mitten'. .lanies Harrition and A; 'Lavin did all they could on the start to stop the fire,- but while "Levin was after water the lire made such headway they HHAV it WiLS ill1p044441b10 to save the building. 'Levin were, to hie shop to save what tools, etc., he -could, and James Harrimon went steirs to throw hie tools out, but the fire 'Tread so rapidly that before he 'Could return he. wee HO badly. burned around the head end body that he died during the. afternoon. His eyee were 'tuna g0. badly - that lie could not 1400 his way out. and but for his brother seeing him at the jup etairedoerand pulling him out ou the street lie. would have perished in the flames. ltarrison-is bUrtted on the arm above the el)r. Orin, ° attended James,. Hawrigon enddid the best he could for the Nufferer-. The - Herrisons had sold (nit their factory to a perston maned llatebehw, and had wily another week.- to keep the piece. They hadtinite a' lot of material ia the shop to finish:before leaving it . - AN: UNIX-C[4N. I ItiTill.R11 • ' - • had been, siek beftwe going to err:T1trell'14e: and he Was eeri, toes -,--end few jut° the eatuttry., tit:teethed. .4.91(1. reed, -awl- Wftti• ittiiittatIOnt414±.111:0H1 °irk of her age.' eShe was -tray yelfe'e.nieee.' _ , Dree*.kfeck teetitied- thet*? he had given pe-rinissieet Joe --the aduriseiOn •-of the "dee* (*.Sett nate the ehospital. Tire previous witness. %fought the tlectraSed ter , the hot.pital in ! the midst.- of severo. rainsuiruf, and in .414 .65 be removed. Tire nexe: day; ou kiting -her he was utterly itorreitel„ Ett. •the state-- ments•'-rAte Made. 7 IL appeared her lifelnid- been ane of continued' misery from the tittle she left Ow Homeinellt•ieiltutt to the time -he saw Iter.: She ":t614 li1it h'see-•sicit- tles.g- WE" -:itas/-4.,t).Y lier IravIng heeu. whip- ped hY a. woman with, Winn sllf: 14111.1- i 11.1 Wttoll.',LOCIZ.': She'', was • !subsequently taken by 1 Ir. th.rall. Of- AVeodeteek: She was suffering greet egonye - After hearnig the e ee ten ce.of 1 Yrs. reCive weo4,1-eewney and COmfort, and sinneof, the -hospital • flurries; tile it-IclUe•-,t. Was_ -a(1i )(muted until. -Monday eve -Lunge :tieet., et - It ie reported • that 1.ix or,seveu men resit': 'frig u. Meretteon `suddenly lett- there. Pe *1•VedritenlEty afternoon; audit is supposed • t hey <are.- the. ,part1e6 Wito-etEortiroitted, the outrage. -• • • . st(I CitUaltfte .. .1 0 _WhissI' •' -t Ilelleyitle-- )tie 11 quitti•cal Evesit•ftlottimis Get si Det•Ititsg -Nit- laves - L01111. ' ' s ^ KO I.TV Al' HOME. Hew the Princess et %Vale* Piece to the lirlutang et' Her- Dstuslitelii--A Enmity Group. . Every morning rtt 9 o'clock the three daughters of the Print:tem of Wales take their music lesson. They have " mamma" waked. up, who, a few moments - later, appears'itt her dressing.goWn, aud remains with them till the lesson is over. • Nothing interests the Princems more than the edu-. cution of her daughter. In music she can fully appreciate their progress, being herself a consummate musician. iter delicate, dreamy,. thoroughly Danish nature betrays itself in her toudh. She dotes, above all, on the melodies of Chopin and Schwerin'', and she playm them with wonderful talent. The three young Priu- cosecs, Louise, Victoria and Maud, differ as greatly in character as in physiognomy. The eldest, Loiniteeluts the flue features and the grace of her mother ; she is gentle, gay and affable, in taloa the Parimienne of the three. Victoria, the second daughter, in the image 44 lier father. She is proud, rether reeerved, and attaches herself little to pe4le. Wheushe does grow fond of some (me, however, her affection never wavers. She unites to it thorough consciousinessof her own diguity u generous heert, easily moved. Her intellect, which is greatly developed, only runners her the more engaging. The youngest sister, Princess Maud, can still be culled a baby. She in but ten yearseof age: In appearance she bears a great likenees to lief grandmother, the Queen. Slw isgoodiioartcd, and at times even a little-Herious. .The private apartments of the priticese of. Wales, both at Sandring- ham and et Marlborough 'louse, are fitted .up- completely . 111 French style. One would believe oneeelf trangported to a- man. llfoniL1 the Champs- Elyseese Scattered about every .where on pluelecovered tables are an infinity of .Ititick-knaeks, 'such as small poreelain dogs, bird pager' with stuffed -birds, figures in Dresden china; bey flower stands of faience or Sevres; inkstands, knives and what- not just-, its ittethe elipps Of the Rue de -la PitiX. The. Prince's writiug paper always conies frotrePeris, us well( as her dregsing- tables .u;nd all the litteet;fashicuteble ba!uhles. Her differeut Pietresi of furniture Etre stir- -rounded by low . screetis,'-which. 'in. -pally .caeCti she herself litteeerrifiroidered.- :Many objects' in tVery, Ouaniel, silver and.mOther- of-pearl• re -Call Peinee."1,16-rtie's" voyage to = _ • • - . • - . fleer,evieree-----May .the.littOst .N.mpleasetitlevents oceerred. itt :aben t t ejI. 111. ytil4terdltV at- Atai-isksaftga Point, near' - Pe; - - . niekerte•hiel ai4senibled on the sinall arl, itt thispl.pint in afitieiPatieu of -Um ur.r Of Ole retee(teet ::. -Ed we ,:wliicli e1144 to emery_ tliVet" to the -.City: When sudde .tho tindieree-Whillli support the -=gungeely, -thitt.-:contiectS:..tlie-piers began: tocritek, and nennerit'se Wareing ,tip.Wered 100-epeeple..- were----.preeipitated thef water, forttipately,' riar I; ore then-freteetirre6 rt0. feui-feet inedeptleeirbe sten ferwhieleenialed.:baii. be better :imagined than: deScribeil,. but aftee a: greet -deal of confesiett itIl theunfortunates Were Mt 01 •Ianded. _ • TIM. "PO HT elk 11.111t IP It F: tCT I 311;• !P. 04111011y ot 'Cite 1.11111, nes. eittut, iti'vestred.-tit the tittioteet.- • 1ehpitt0i frinir Bulfabo stp.Va the. f61 IOW- bv Law -r Mese_ Yellegs dying: teetitteeiy ar. r...oekport.,- It-. will -be- remeinbered that' Arree-voliiia kte• langtel to, Ieort Colberoe; awl died -lately front_ Ern*eattetupt to.. proeure • aborticni YOung•, whaV caused your sickness ? Don; tt dolie With nitedieine or with ieStrurirente? • Mrsi. Yeutig.-.With*.instru; trieets. Iloratelly-LAVIte did ? mrH, - 1 er2_Fiteteeti. ,Inst lb_ef Ore takitig thisstatein en t-1/mitielly left the Nem,. and - returned: to fled ler. Fassett. there. Von.; -•enelly ard"ered-iiito out of -the_chettiber._ The_ doctor refused to ge,suti inf.; that' lie believed aefougpiraev was beine --.fortned ageing" Donnelly iiirornied .that ite Wouldeitll n. police oflicetcAvheeetipan the -doctor -went certeiritol.tlie hallway -arid elid-not return. to' - the room 4.9411-- Donnelly was...gene, _nig,. thquest vi‘l'adjoUrnediretil :Monday. Faseett - 114(1110of the -oldest- practigieg :.P..pirloYfsises.-iia01;.d.11yil_. • es-t:7-1(1.shigh_ • 1.1110.11 TEA TABLE GOSSIP. - -A crocus -a rooster. -An enchanting ernile-The taint julep. e -The man who iuvented the fifteeu- puzzle iti now Making patterns for the latest styles of oilcloth. -" How atn I going to epend rny sum- mer holidays ?" in now the momentous \ question with many. --There is one perfectly safe rule to follow ; it is contained in the words, " If you must, you'd better." -Mons-troure-Iceland is the only coun- try %Odell pessesues a volcano, the eruptiouss of which go off -with Heels ('cat). -A great many persons are like the circus poster. We only because they are stuck up -that tlie,y attract atteutiou. - Thin !Iasi been a very healthy- spring. Quite a number of westeru rivers tlett have. been confined to their beds for years Etre now lenving thein. -An English judgment affirms that the law of `England and of other civilieed countriee holds the practice of carrying .cattle on deck to be illegal. - When Oates predicted snow in June, didn't lie mean the down feOrri the silver poplar? This im the nearest thing to " the beautiful" iu summer that -we -know of. -The ComMiemioner of Fisherie-s has notified Mr. Kerr, Local Fishery lespec- tor, to put a stop to seine fishing iu the Humber and Don Rivers and `reroute Bay. -Several exchanges complain thet, con- trary to law, many ferment :Mow black - knot to exist in tneir orchards.- The -die- ease im contagious, and is apparently rapidly spreading. .- . -The generous offer of Mr. Wiman, of New Yorkto provide two floating baths for the use -of the citizens of Totouto .was ac- cepted with thanks by the Council of that city last night. -13.rooklyn has a club -called '1 The Sons of Rest," wile make -it their boast that- they " hiteeneeer worked and never will." They would he. it good- club fcir-u, policethane to. take possession -of; .- . •- -. e.keltang6-rernarks.that.".sorne peo; - :pie -axe wltoUy unable to appreciate delicete. irony' We hey° observed tide purselveg, partietilarly • in .the cage of .wasiferwOrneu, aud..shirt-boeoms: ; ••. --Quito a inunber-. of trausfers of pro - petty has been. .made- at Letrolea; . Mr: - A es f Wledereeben. Until we meet again ! That is the meaning - Of the familiar words that men repeat At parting in the street. Ah,iyes, till then 1 but when death intervening Reads us asiindtr, with what ceaseless pain We wait for the Again ! T110 friends who leave 1144 10 not feel the s01 -row Of parting as we feel it who 111141 stay . Lamenting (lay by v, And ktiOW Mg, Mien we wake upon the 1110M)W, WC1.0.11111 DOE nee in its Etceestowee Tee one bele.ved ewe. • Tlikt death is a beginning. not an end, '. Wu cry to them, and send Fagewells, that better might he called predictions, Being foreshadou logs of the future, thrown f, 1410 the vast elective IL The .- itygterietis 0pidomic: at :Aberdeen: continues, i.md the water, . e •1 • .- At _Many nt the ..c011ierieFi•a, scareity of - !newt . ise beirig -goverely- (elt; end --several. firms- qoulil. end employrrient* for many More -hands titan they,haveat present. . . - The lleiLhtteeeh rte. ce _ re_011 strike,_and demand. au 'Laval' ire of I() Per ceiit. en piece, work' preeeS,- and areduetioe - '• thew -werit " frotil. 57 to -51. heifer) per Week.. Tire - daughter- of a 111liter-et 'Dykellead, - .1eiriarkehh ire, ada, Part of-lier-heuel blown . _ • 11 ow 11.14set1re,•Mtty•,Vitter '. A re ceittly- pebliehed eircula-e-preptered nii(lefe fie directieil of .the -Netional of_ iteelth _indicates 'the . mearni by :which zyrnatic dieeasee :may be introduce 111 lietuncs. ;that ••fi.re well _phirnbed -an(1 11.1) -pitreirtf-ly well situated_ its 'ref.tombi sol, lity ate l'ilrytijes of .fouielation: T.he eteteti vet. is made; in briefthat no earth can 01 rni, elate the._ disentee .. gereet thet•1114:-.be Eel(' - hv. the ineiiitiire of . the -rioil.... if, ft) ire. . . 141(8100. it or a cerrieterye or. any. other receptacle:0,f decaying- organic:- I' Bit-, - ter•lrairt infi•cLiqlihe grc,iund in its' vieil ay.' 0.11,1 this:soil be:comes .thorthighly satur ttcii 1 ..wit1i- nioistUr-ti by- heavy rains- or -O her - Wt -e. 'the -- -bac- terlal - .infeLltion- •hlay he: carried - direiitly to. and through .1 t1,. -.cellar_ - wallti,.'• and,- -from thence thraigh. thi3 . house_ . Thereare-very few etre- - tryeliouses •eceywhere .thate. belie ' not smile :underground receptacles - -,of.filljit wiLliin i•a•-•„-,v, - leaehieg !' _dietetic& of . the. honse-, -Whiln the ' contents . of.. the -soil that. underhes:the.paVethents.of Our -city et eete may . be imagined ' --from the. smell . that: ariseswheneiYei• it is liiid -bare . andthe rgerierat outbreak .e.f dieerted along th& line of- a tieW-eNe(Lvittion. l'llere are two(Lys . of avoiding tee.dangee-oLiefecticn ithe nigh. -.CellaCr walla. • ()116 hi to renTOVD..the ii alkie,-- which is liot alwaya_posSible ;. the 4 Pe to -1 e a ke' the . wal Is. th c nisei V CH "iintlef it/i.!fi tomoisture from the- outside,- eitlier by irCeki rigt hen i : liberally ivith dein en t - - Iii1e. -buildirtgand laying the floor. Mee in ce iiint. _ . Pr by applying the - stone materiel pi the inside- in the ease: --of buildingS'aleeadY -ow- pleted.. Either course is more lne.F.pe Wive. than a firetsclasa funeral in the- fam 1Y...- . . . . N. Y. eferehe - - , - ' *. -- = - -• - . . . -_-.- . . olt by it dynamtte detonetor whic r discovered near the ruins of a powder, maga- zine. • Trade it) Paisley tills mistimed it brighter twpect than it were for some " time back. :The thread mills are busier, arid in Other branches of trade there isa decided change tor the hotter. - ' • - • ; - - !rho Consideration ..of thegretit..16ii'i.i. by tifruipK-..ande ti e pro agrictilturitt .c1.4iression'wtll allow 11(4 tponlic,, .2a: per .ccht.-,Off:their. retita for the pitst y elir VMS a ili represent tt retUrtl- to .the tellittitfyrOf- ii'hout 1.1.4000. 1 in Conservetive -party 1,in...the Free -u.rch: of .Seetlietel *are nOw ititiitined to , - - . • - relief. twit:lest the ittiw Hymnal prepared by- IIJ vt,e:tioo, of, the General Asamnbly.,-. Sir :fleiery ...SIOnereilf, Who. le64, it keen nose for lieresee; lets. raised.theedetee.,- .Sortre.of the 1t 1(1104 inethe .book lie :finds absolutely ri Lind •••• -and others • „itt,titudlintrittii. - Ail -other pertiirhedstielder for tlieLild.:ir ayS, Wttrile his .-IrreEthren -that- if the 'book is tcloitcd t. will epee- the- Way for lituegiee* : - - : • JOsepli Iluggard lies purchased. the CIrent .Western 11(40 property -fore $3,500.and the Keinp feint for -57,506. :i‘tiettrie maid, Why So ilejected,L2 • : . -.Pray tell me wiiy thlg(,ruit.4Tharess \S'14Y,-TOM proPosed So unexpected- . •- That Isaid' no- whefil. meant es • Bot) -1.10/) l'.'. cried she. ' -71.4 view of the recent unravelling of . iNew York -murder by a newspaper man, theifeeprees, Of that City, thinks it a pity a - few newspaper repor,ters coultin't be sure reptitiously introduced -lute the detective Service. e -The proudest resident of Williameliurg is. it Germane tailor, whir used to make ' FOR , y ; It were a double grief, if tin• (le; strte.1, Ile LI released from earth, should still retain • A of earthly pain ; It Wore a double grief if the true hearted. WIto loved here, should on the further shore Remember lis no more. Believing. in 1110 11, 1114t of our afflictions, 4 Fal li overleaps the confines of our reason, Aii • it by faith, as in old times was maid. . Women received their dead. Ito 1,sed up to life, then only fur a season 04 'partings ore, nor shaft we wait in vain k ewe Eve meet again ! efore the passage of the English Employ- er4;' Liability Act, considerable hostility w manifegted to it on the ground that th courts would be crowded with litigants ui1er its provisions, and that it was too co ,preliensive, or, perhaps, not definite en ugh. The Manchester Guardian, in ap eking of the operations of the law educe it passage, finds reason for eongratulation that but little litigation has thus far ar gen, and on adcount of the further .fact th t decisions' rendered in the eases already . tr d have so construed the Act as to leave li le room do doubt the wisdoin and sue- t's of the enactment. 1, Never cry over spilt .milk. There is erpugh water iieit already. ARDINE! THE VERY BEST a e:h i 6 i - IN THE WOULD, 4 IS manufactured by . • . cCOLL BROS.-84Co TORONTO A4 ft r sale by dealers. AOs your merehant for L t •th r his oil under the severest test: and. most ' a 'five- coilipefition was at the Toronto ,Indus; efebibitioe awarded the -highest prize; -also E - * tyn HOLD MI at th'Pro e vincial Exhibi- tm, Hamilton,' and the higliest- award at -the, p minion Exhibition, Ottawa the silver medal. - ariti-ers.iiid who -nse Agrienithralmachin- . , will save money -and machinery -by -usiug• 11 no hut:. • %mane the personages who are s id to . . , have made a handsome margin -is 'am - beau; Ifebas prospered wonderfully ince 11470, whew -fur was a poor -.deputy, with onlyalt61.1"ettriionitl suit in the= courts. to enable bit -n."0 keepavery modest baclIMOr''14 -apartutent in the (Amuse°. d Antin. After the- war lie set-up the Itepublique-k.ralicaigP which kik retw-a-jeurnal of immense valtie. For. it 'long • time lie -kept :his apart- un_entg ite .. thee - SHAME,' - building - with his - joirreal, and lived. in. coreparative frugality.: .1 -int in -1-875 ho took on thel.stete of a Millionaire: .. Ills.-brealefestsbemire!) t noted as.the rnost delicate and well -c -eked iti Pitris. Iferiever appeared ell the ii reets titiVn _in .fiiie • equipafees. ...The -Opp() itioe press declared tlitit•the wherevvithal came - - . - • . -. • 'from- corrupt contracts- duririg ins die Itt-ori ship- at Tours; . but : there 'never was auy.. creditable proof adduced,..._, . , . ,, . . . f ' ' lereeerripee -: • ee - Feci.of the cookery booke :be met -With Wilt` _give .deeectioes for the .tereperature a.nd tr. lite required for hot -littler -the various fru its to -he -preserved, -.An American con- temeewary gives the following- table, yvhich -.1.---4-petild be paeted into tife dey shook of --all who keeps- lionse;whethee on_ a large or mind' scale: . mod:eratety, _minutes ; raspberries, , uniderate modertttely, stralvberries-,, mad- - erately, -v.licirtielierries, 5 ;- pie plaet 1(); -serial' sour peitric : whale,. 30; -Bartlett, paars,-.1n. halyes, 20.• peaolies, ; whOle, 15; •aftpi,idiced halt - inch thick, Sihethin.erab. apple, .Whole-,_. -; fee, quartered., 10; ripe per - ratite; G; - eerld grapes; 10; tomatoes, .20. - 'Ilte.artioutit lef sugar to quart 14110111(1 lie 1.!or -alterries, f; ounces ; raspbertiee, ;- '12£1.ittrAl blackbprritee eie* field --hhtekberrieg, strawbc-iries, - Vfliottleberrieff, 4 ; qui•oeo4,1(1; tonal' sour peitrs,Whole; 8.-; grapes', 9 q, peftehes,-4-; 'Bartlett 'pea.is, pine apples, f; ; crab apples.,f+c plurreeets ;. pie pl art t; 10; sour epples, quartered,. .(i-;‘ ripe currents, • -Minneit_Politf thief stole -Abe' Innis din- - Played- ie front.cif a tip shop and Sold them ", to the proprietor-inside.- • .-„es4e...:-.7,1tropx?..• clothetefor Biernarck. Ile still carries the footprifite of that great stategmau -about hig person. Ievidently Bismarck is literally the leen prince.. -. -Len° Boston l'entereier advertiges the wearing of cork hats itH LI...preventive of sin - -The folleWing nettAerecription of a iteulp-: tiired Storre=fouitile in. the churchyard itt '4'44-ill:in atidef- .‘Vest Burrs.; Shetland,f. he stont. eandstoite rt -feet 1(1 ea:Wee-in height,- geulp.tUeed orie side ,-enly. 'ware it.t.the top- an eequal;arrned :erusg; forting' .by the-iutersectirort °Uri:ice-Of oircbes,,the inter -spaces: being filled with interleced Werke Beiew are the ligares of four ceeleelitstice,-- With *croeiers, -_two on each Sate of the Shaft 'of the -dross'. Mater-: loWeSt nt all,..a.groupot two ..figures, •setnithuman. in- -Oharacter, but ,• lutvieg-biedElike--heeds BAcONANT, GRP' ENS -Don't cook- the. - . • - ..- - - . - - - greens NVIth the bacon, ham-, pork, or what not. It, rmtkes no .diffeeence what kind -of -greens -0111: litts•--,--wliether spinach-, from the garden,. or'' cowslips," or dandelions from . the - streams --or fields, don't cook -either with fitteneat... Tile ' feetthat vege- .table•fewl- .tends- to. correct evils fropi the loug, _coutinued use 'of salted, me t IIILS given rise.to.thenotion that. greens 1lhould • be cooked with the rneet.Cook the gr etre in aeseperate . vessel; with o* rily,_ if ,need be, it tittle: Halt, -iline treated*, everyvir ety of greens will not "only--be;more aceepti,ble to the *taste, but - :lastly _more '.dig tibia.. Moste.kiede of greens, after -they ere boiled- Idaho to held the balittieeof political power, quite tender; should be .thototighly drained. and -wherever they -go they act and vote in upon a colender; then .ttirn them, Pito a! iniplicit obedience to': their eeelesiaitical - • - • wooden bowl.aticl.chop.very fine. • - aUthorities.f. . . i ----The other night some wretch ciopped -- Caste is duly ,redOgnized an3eng _ctim;. a,, teller belonging to !Md. -Chadwick, of -ifiii,lo. porgers,.baurifobliers and mut. Gnelph,.vrith an ime,'and hrolca aa I derers (*lien not of the vulgar type) -form . or the- poor brute's ribs; - . - -• ' the ?upperarust.". - . . le'04. Their ion,/ bills are ingerted in the eyes of a liftman -like, figure between thein: - - - • . - strokes. This is well., anything tending to raise. the price of 'whiskey bottle -steppers may be considered a , triumph_ _joy- the • .teni pet atmc cause.. man tells.you that his mock- ing bii•d, Which cost:him $40, sings thirteenfferent tunes you. will need all the patieece • 01' 811 angel to discover the first time. After - yon have done tlett -perhaps you dan iguess at the other tWCIIVe-.. • , 1 tOUG1IS,4 coLps, - WHOOPI1G--u011011, I CROUP. old estal3lished remedy can be with cOnfi- ; Oleo recommended for the kboire complaints. jitY rr: If your -merchant has not goc- it, he clin get le fol. yeti. JOHN. W. BICELE- Formerl y T. 'Sickle_ & Soul, Ontario. -• • -Proprictor • GENT'S WANTED ora -lending 'specialty, Can be Sold in any ction of Canada. Send vestal- card with ad cSs for descriptive circular. - - - 11(.. C. BIENTON. -KT; . 11114131.MONT . .. . - -Down in the -South American republic I -I ... I Ti N Solid stamp tor particulars, illus - r of Columbia the people think the end of all - .flitnos liaSre4opie becansa tlie• land- is r)ver- 11A I t . _ . . . ootitity entire..richly.-iti -the 7iiiernories• of - s great- en(' in Weer.; ting pe rsentige 8 than the.plii-Ce of residence -end burial - of .Ord Beaconslield... .--idoMplated 'aradiae Lost Olin.- of ..itg villages in his *.." Elegy'," celebrated Stoke and. CoWper Wrote in -Oleey.... Of eminent Stittearrien, -Puelt's t.Vas onefts--way.fi; ,ottier eonnetited7 -With Johti-_ nampden, TeMple; -G.eorge GrenVille, Lord WiIbiiui1 Ruevellfeorthe -Rye lIoutio.::plet,..Lerd 'John .litheeellebdried•Itt.Clienies,„ the burial place pf the liedferd dueal hinisee end gdmiend .Burk, who lieed:.at- Bnaeonsfield..-4,t Slough lIerschel erected : his ,;teleSeope, 'Abbey Q.neen.- Elizabetbf:spent 8. ,good- cliti:of her youth.' Inthe Hattie ceinrty. are titte.ve, the. sittlendid Heat of -theDuke of . „ l'.3iinkingfam,.. find- :the.-- Abbey . of Iligh - kV 4.Poi n bi3., to Lord Carrington. _ 1(11(1 eloiae by, where- the Earl rests lis-13ren-. defill am -lIeui0; fall1er's -hoLLSe"fartne dated:his .elee addresses. run. by IOCusts'. If they- were -Sto ititYff le 0; (;krit' trig:111pH ter - few daerfi theY WOUld -alogne 435 recipes for painterq. J. J.CALLOW thL•ir minds. ' ' - .-- - - ill - CLEYKLAXii, (Jinn. - - ling 5 - • ionev with " - . age, height, color of 0343B and.bait, , yon will- receive by -rettirn mail a . doubts :. at .10 lie knows that there are Sonic things - be doret- knoW ; Ett 50 he is certain that lie: will never Eteaiii know aS• much as lie onde ItLICW. -. - • . 20 a man is sure that he knows 11, By • cm cmits everything ; at 30 he begifig to have grave ..correct picture of your funfre hus- band or -wife, with naine awl date of ' • - • - • OURSELF g Address W. r OX -13ox Fultonville, GENTS rA- WANTED FOR . Mopre'smiiversal aasiiiant and complete lechanic, 1,O16. pages, 500 engravings, 1.000,000 - HMS; best .subscriptien book in the markeL :to ay ;. exclusive territory ; circulars J LOBERTSQN:& BRO., :Whitby. , .- cnticisre : Ife-e" She. Is a 'remarkably -sweet singer: don:t know , when,' have hear(1.. sticli.e, fine -voice. Diti STU nOtice her bravura passages ?""*-• Sheee- "No ; but I noticed the lace d'e -her dregs . . . It's real Harnburg, and just'lovely. 1 e . statement -which. is going the rounds', - that Mrs. Bell, wife of the tele- phone ievent-or, 84 1L -deaf Mute, as was the wife . of Profeesor_Morge; ...the inventor of _the telegraph, is.intended-as nOtification- to those - seeking wives that they rifiust -marry deaf inntes if they *ant to ebeepine grea,t- yen terfi - - - • The „Mermen religion'Inig been :0;6a -day eXteteling itsej f , " For-. --Fie-verat yeerse". ariye the See Francisee-Chrmiiele." Iyits haYe:Iieen ewarriting 111 large'numbers. Irant. the. _ParenthiVd and. .establishing . . flourishing colonies iti the ailment States 1(11(1 l'erriteriee.: _ aro epouring in Ateady..-...str6itin1. into: Cplorado,:•-$-Iontanae. Wash ingteei LI1d- Wyoming. -They . are - already stiffieieritly strong in-Arleona. and" _ ----Chicago took 20,000 copies of the re- vised edition..ef the -New Testemeut. About 10,000 tepies were - sent to San -Francisco: One of *the largest dealers there had ordered all of his 'cot -ries to be sent by mail; and the -consignment, when ready, resembled a mail- for a European steamer, From, $180 to $200 worth of stamps were required to pay the postage:* - . HOOSANDS.:WILL TELL. YOLI---"THAT -.Aaron's 'Antidote rIlrely cures Asthma and I3ioncbitis Druggists sell it. SEND Ft.in, A CIRLtLSE Dr.A. AA.tion: nockii,nd.Unirn 111W IS,0:0 N -S I .N4111/0 ivw 500;000- AererA. IA ON THE LINE OF TIIE VISCONSIN CENTRAL R ; _ - 1 or fell.particelari, whichwil be -sent address ' -ClIARLENFL. COLBY. Land Commissioner ' Alilwankee, The Detroit lackmat and .Harquette RaIoad Company - 101V OFFER FOR SALE "ripTER, 1,350,000 ACRES or the Choicest FARMING an 1 ,TIMBEUED LANDS in the NOrther11 Penins ola of Michigan. Destined to be tliehest wheat producing region iu, be world. These lands are sitnitted in the coun- ties of Chipiwwit, M iwki nito, Schoiilcraft and -111ariiitietto,•and eipbra.ce many thousandS of acres of the best agricultural lands in the State•of,Alichiga • - Mackinac aro tracts of What aro known as the V advantages over the prairie lands of the west,as at little cost.- The boil being it rich clay•loam- of being generally sufficient for tlie settler's use in . _ the- low price a from $4 to $4150 per acre, oni;.. - ion, at any time withitenitie years with _interest - - - An longthose in the. counties of Chippewa and intriit or lands: 'rites° landapffer mat the tiiiiherlands adjoining insure.a, Supplyof fue greatiteptli: The timbeireniiiining upon the fan( building and fenchig. ' • • Th_ese partially cleared htmls rue offered fourth •cash ; anti- the reinainder at purchaser's P1 payable annually at 7 -per -cent. - , • !Loads are bei lig opened -through these lailas; tutin -of 10 14001110 a good_ ham, and in Sol voi of tli IS beforelpriCdA filiVallce, as th The -etude More ieneertiately tni the lino of Hie I no better Opportiinity S ever been Offered to (Indian; purchasers will be wise*byav.ailing them ands aro being rapidly taken alai settled npon., . --------------------44114)1 t, MackinaC & Marquette railroad, -from-the stritits of :macitinee to marquette are more hefty]. tiinbered, and. are alurost universally good igri cultural lands; leav-ing splendid fa' in.'s when the ti ober is reineveil.: . - - . The Iron 8.1141.,Itmilufr interests of the upper pee? isula are of secle magnitude as to can for all Of) . charcoal andlittnber Butt the timber and Wins] 4 1011 the landic,W illpr0ifute-4h144 win enalee -the .- .settler to Make good wagem while clearing the lan .Lm uber•madc ills n-harboal kilns variOns points along the line', and-Itirnaccs are : now being erected along the line of the road at Po nt 51. equate. = -.The great:deinand and &oil' prices for labor,b th hi.winter and suminer, •malte these lands par ticularly tiestrithlOashonieS for thepoor man. le landsadjaceut .the railroad are offered at prices frow eJ upwards, according to -location, Value of tiniber,cte.The lands are atyour very door, and -are being rapidly settied by Oanadians. - Fey pampldets,inapti and other -information, a . _ . STRO1G,-.1.11114 C.0 ssioner, , - 39 -Newberry and.111011 Ian _Building -Detroit MiChigan . . . . ress;