The Sentinel, 1881-04-15, Page 4i; • Ile _ *ilrItuo ir ��fi11�11SC� . ti1,1;1 !'IEt rte l` r2hh.ANI TO • t > N. �F ill 141.T' vc'CeltIllr+* Its rill:- iner.%rr :' n,:e NselENes WN:. rat .n • u%-l:.'..l<,, l'll Elt I.16N Ill iN:M. - L UCW A,vrsl tit. ha 1551. u • `;•ort' Dict _ has heed car• d u.!1 tn.t ,rit- so f,r •of` i rt six ' tl.cn!nh e iµ; :that later .tetorn4 twill std Y iiti otler�thl'y :ittn:iii lit----- this: Selkiik -town istireonly rilace to give a major-- 'it).- tightest the zCt; a_ 'fact -easily ,accOtint -ot_ railw iy ' teriniltating- at or nea' Wt'iva,tpeg `t1 -e monopoly can have no .f„ -r-01 ally lines lj tine :northof it:t :ntti.0 li`u', f.,r nine of thein will be Bitted to c rc,sa that "indict line. Al } crt - ` north- lints_ .must _ be ie.'ede•rs to tI Canada 1'a(,ihc, wht.CtI. c to therefore control :the rat Is ah traA+l ' uputt the fir ncln-s. : l 1:us .it.. atppe3is.. that tile. gtncllt. oto. is determined .to utake: the -•ed fcr.by the trength of` tile rani in . > 11; 13 jtatifying to see :t threat there. inin�': coautry taking the ri;,•ht st tisd i ''rn icrtntiL question. It vtas tf1L C 'tun uttht:`1.3t1t. 'deft:ated its;:, Ha}.roil . •itra pt, vtlebls. . -r dant' ma expel tt tl anything ctilr.•rei:t,gift: tht. ' c:1J ti ole ti . . _ - - :: . f -the ;wt�__. , y. es.u`ty ut:unht►tlsu v I •tai niay fid an e. ulightesi-" 111@llt to ill ,sl. who were insane enough - al: to_ behove `that- a cuntpivi of c•apit ,ol rats; hiving obi aln d . a .monopoly, «'�'-A i+orC,i'did Ge n67211 Butt raT`iEt tC, t wSoli- iip'lar _thoCona-t'attvcs "party [1 _ 313 _1 t3Si s . Siry - thr 11,uni1tolt l.v has, til:t Siii.:riiltn.?1 }cDo' aicl has been coinpel1 u,1 to.a.ltuit. that $20,000 were earnec11 I i; - Gcnservat ive - journals :have,- ,11 C8 ,` a _ would betoo gs-nerous- to use it, t ique-s assured. u1::ts:sit the g3'c'ac Tori Se1 ,t inber, 1STS, .: wag_ 1 tclutiip_t , _of h:ongttt about by '.popular di'{ust with .tlse Literal "flies "cii *the.w"hct Now it W:,u•l+l atipeatr that, tlte. people Wts.re not _'dissatisfied- 'after - sill, but that t A20 000 wt�rth c f :I t3enaraL 1lewaon dig r , diity• work, at the- offer. -of Sir .John -MacDonald, to _brim' the Tort._ party *1(0:p ower. lower. Str John was always lib- - with hie_ roinises, to recoup those :ho hel ea him in e1ek.t1OtI ._ Sir Itu0h ' Allen %ill:testify. to th-tt :fact , LIE.S. We coo t of need a tc,wn bell —Nor.:a wiistle 'fipre. is -ono uniiforia 'line kept ill —lh.rel o F tilts vi'.Ists;e --This is a. 9 ` eulet,.orderly:v�hat;e --At his title xc•putation. •=-It -is rntich woilie than. most :v'lla- gel Utrr leiilps ra.lce locioe is ef ,Sio benetit'to the villae,e. '1'-mperanco -, is a -question . of _.i,• • you h t into �r Ever.6: _ tock _:. - � _ . s �'.�, .2Gc• 2 -.. Rj,A.C.t,.t ftSHh11,I 60 P1i ,... P. -Y P.D.. •- :.,: .r x.11 c. ,K LTJ._ T _ ,7,,t! -ITEC. :. .. r� llc.. _ , . ,,bc. 300 YII:LES I'RIJiTB, frtia Ge tc . -. , `I:L7)S; :`Fl;`t►.tr4.,C , to.. . AL1, -W (iUI, 1. ., ... TEA, from.;,20c=to 55e, per 1U. 1, .DrFS' BOOTS from 81:00 up.' R '1 SLUG: s T;OYSPLc,u( t 'BOOTS. $1.00 uh ef . - - Competition and Cannot be".lJnd , iTe �! Y. ,INci,l�d to yell at. '.; - - ". � :. _ • , -. 1... We have '-Q'ricea and -- R. Chentato r; Hon Ever: - �tiII fi 5 'j 1 i:.GH 3:COT ; $1 2v up. .&.c.:lcr•, for. .: _; j e11 for as �Ve .Bu,� ani alley Profit th4n eve{;, ial c, n:u' Clish y3tetn carat Credit way- r • � � inn+l n ,i1T! 1 tine ourni; l3ti�iue113 : nd.Exatuce thy. ,xkt-1 l p�rGall a ,lately tCiKt , .. ��. - RM R ,,._... �...-_ _ EST.'PRIGS: RR".� R _ ._ __ HE 'HIGHEST � - secondary intllortance in •this period. _ } wlio. ;cl to Dakota are satisfied. with -the country _ Letters - from - thoiti- who went out,: there: anis Sp. itng are especially= hopetul and encouraging.. The:- average man liken to acknfe led.ge .z -ruistaka . ; _11�tt average :woman thtnks,ehe is Dttll'f{ inferior_ -Thr average' girl. is quick to Imant-Y In a rival:` ackt��i'wlailbat i't i niin is Intel- _--c�A aver��t .yo �t s TIII; e schemeof tha Dc'Atiz1i0n (ovOrti Anent; to,obtain the° e..t3tauc a -..of the • Imperial Government to tra ttap• art font ilius frolu Groat Britain and:Irelau'I, to the L `atrtadian Notth st`.tertitocy, . to -give them •lar_ , build 'homes for.. them - art t pay their passage, woul 1 1,o•a guod- ono , bort is that,' any ltkelilieot Of -the • Intp3rial tivrernment taaking any part erttiiilly io.eliiued. . _`l'otal average . Man is not vanity -c: -. generally admttte,l tthat---lt is n_vr qn the N.-P.-baitN.-P.-baitbe in -a blessing;to the country.--_ c We never t.,,tl a lie. Ammon .from Leadville. III t1_ well ilreised "ot.ntail, giving her nau,e_as,_Marl;aiet, M ."Bugg,-claimtugto. ba a sister of _ .Martin Hogg,. of. lirrrte: •it such an enterprise.l..: Porto is sno. tiial-c,' ai 3t,et s,Iin tl advilPlace, on Tl4. ancl' tt'an•-'ionhtful. - -A: etrijn; comp.1lt.y • rf:istailt d- °-over- Dight • and Ttt>at. cloy. 'night do obit .work, ,but thrsre aDahl " Sho u le!fie,ok to view_ the tower, -and-. in , too-sn slni becattio so itieaaod w'ttn- always he risk of _ the - r migrants who t11e pl�Icu,that ars c,CCatslVrlal clSll,k wns •Atka: teen bruugft 'aerois the •Atlan113 o€the coat ally',_settlitig !At -taken rtaken „f to i iaguit} ifs beauty_;tiutil_ • -lit the aXpena p silts •b Cline -- rather`-festl, o uiicler its: iu 1Jakota where ilia earuirtl;; ,f. their e}fucta; alis! tVl ilFi: li,c,kt�ag: iarrtut>cl thea earlier yea. wo_ulol 113`v.' -1t--- - . _� - tc� utarket Kale ex4.e. • in= c,cni:ac� Willi x: • repay•tho_} asea4' - money - .110w -could couple of then;; when -It conve ration t r,os p1' H. roan. -1za, kept in-Canidai. nK1�IKuc.l>'a -The woiitan kuuck' �l�ufld tit kicked., t're, t- Wrtll ant would it. pat toheb} til out •of bine ill 'short prier. From -� t,ne if 'NEW PRINTS, NEW DRESS: GOODS, NEW CRN, CI,NS, - NEW MERINOS.-- • NEW CAS1MEREB, -NEW SHIRTING, �,, N. EW- SHEE'1'1-NGS. .CANNED -PI A:CH S., GA:N:NED TOM A'1.01:r5,. - C7ANN•ED CORN -.CURRY;: POWDER, CAPERS,. - ' HAM,- - DRIED MEATS; it wait p',3a the 'this she proceeded tooneof the hotel', A wfi:'rl tt. to a contemporary take the .pi 3ition that: the pea}Ile who go to -'.ikota to escape the rad wary innn'poly iso -Manitoba ore: _making a •Kreat _ I1tt4. tit'r(s•, be.eause the- St, Paul Sy'ultctte ow -is lucre land- in Dakota to a given tract than its %fanitotA. - 'foe rates' :,t fs . t t., `t iltit41b. 1 av9 been so vitt of sill E,rvp,rtwn to the excess of iliat a11Ce ti,iatInali- v have! eon :itiduiiell to stn.',. soitii.lt of. the. -boatttdary . lou ..Theo and while. and :1ailies-.Closd•was-aryiug to Make • 1 trscle of some `ktual a the harrOotit She. appro,c}ic (1,. and br ugiug of hstvi►ig kt 1!•41 licwurrtl teen tit 1 earl: vi,}i•, $1i0 .rr!u,l ger. skit Upon I;luec,, , I)rawing from. int r.'p ,c ket'a. rev-olvc t,: She—tell—led trio tri .ger twice T}ie ,istc,l-lr ic+,+e,t fire, ano.1: Close asked the. ►i. tt 1 k .ej pr, if it w t•L loaded a re �,liesl "_No,!'atel-that.,+lau had pointed i t at trim Several tineas dulling ,the atsy, 111)4 it 'never .went otl _ W heti _ '1131 ,Inslpptii -"It- again. it went ufl,, the ball Slott gIMi.Ing' the cht•ck of Close- Site. thena_ retired-t,ncf. took --the :aftertiueit Ctalrt, .Wttleh- was'_Hli4ut-was" for 'I':iisley. A Inose: go was -at once sent to i'aieley fi_ar her atrreat,: and site was brought• back on .Saturday :morn: whet' sha whin brotidit l,eforethe NEW- UMBRELLAS, • - • Nl+:W.1311AC_ES, - 1EW.T1LS ,: • NEW GLOVES, ES, NEW FRINGES, NEW FRILLING NEW-. F. t1l;I:01I)E1tY,� :NEW LACES, EPPS (COCOA, = r :COCOANU'l'', COR NS LARCH, ., PIC'KLES,, TURKISH PRUNES, MAt-'KEItEL.- - -.FINE CODFISH, ITTOIVI PRICES MF 'S COLLARS. MEN'S WI1111' g1iIRTS, EN'S OXFO1:I) S1t iR'L:S, MEN'SsiNTEli Mt'N"S UI%DFRW}:A11, MEN';, ,ILK BA;1:Ii3� 1:CIf1EF5, COOKS FRIEND, IWASIiING CRYSTAL, T --WIN BROTHERS YEAST,. }'ANCY SOAPS, i - TOILET `SOA114, E,t.EC I1UG mi ld 1'; 14O1LOU.G111311.14:I) 1UURHAM I3[31;L,- - "1)t ices laF Wi.u1NQToN" will be kept. tor service at LOt 10: Con 12 Ashfield C ARDNI It. TERMS, - •SI.50. ' l March 4; 3n) • mgsin, the settlers of -1) skot;t look fori ward to tlte construction of compottu f rri1w,i, r . which to tinto will make them • independent of the Si. Pant 4k Manitoba eiimPauy; Abolish . the'' mvtiopo-ly_ - cliau.e:i whiiclt batt .upctn Canada, and - tt.e natural advatutagea of .her fertile latish.; qhs will tell in tt:. rapid increase -of I ahulal 01 one; ,oan. On Real Estate, St reasonable :rates on terms of` payment to suit I;orroWers • - ELLIOT TRAVER OFFICE ---Net to Post Oi,.ce LuckiowMarch 114- annontu:ernent of: the projected - change -of the route thli main -hoe 01 clio Canada Pacific.. Rail-W44---itidicates liq.1 west _of -WtintiOeg as :far. sotith s.rearns which flow tato the -itlitAtott wilt bo 811Vilfed. •are ■w. t.j� --- Mayor k1.- Samuel ••llo ertspn sod..; lug Wh14t1 sdtit ;town for trial, Nextmorniilg,- •cee4ingly ( o011 al -:_, - wt.t-le,ttt charge rd -tha. „unstct+le, She r t ie Lowest 1- -.l,ln -1 C11. Ing a it asked_ fur. a ti,w 'plita.'ides lu:, o, wyhicb l `., h >1'rice:4 i thanking the public for the very 1„iberal l'atronage accorded me dunng the past three years I would announce that this Springs IMportations •:Ot:tract -Save potltiog to. the hich !lave been:I:aide by tile anti till • lit aild 'valor pi4)3306rti is be. left ilonsiablrs, -Went- in Aftit,uit qf her, FACTORY - COTTONS, silo wad - brought., back on Alotillay. evening, :nal she - will likPl$f tie more -"closely!' lookt.d alter. - She is a larger Iilastitiltstel••okittg: wet -halt, ot is.y, 81111 1.14,01118 lo bp putting in a .g gelierallY. bile is Ilk .ly to -the salty -kW is ,ailininis-tert•I. liore ifs tomavilie. • 194181 - KtrusiErs,- .Mareli-27, the wife of RO WftWial 001, March 31, Itarneurou0.--At 13eliiist, on Friday, April sth, 3,31,i wife of Mr. /high Uathsrtoid, TWEEDS READYNMADE CLOTHING; TEAS, SMOK ila;5 rednceil the price of MAL EST Now is the time to jitinlinte CANNOT 13E -S RI!ASSED.-. leitrai WHICH WILL SUIT RICH OR 1)001.., • applyitig SOMERVILLE' - $ Who will be, found at -,-hi; :013ce 10 . , .. • a yioloc-_,:_ 12 1 AaY-at_ botnele:148:11::- ei es to i t5; ,. Vihieb._helies-for-yesrs imst _served:0.3'11r: gli *10 - to accommoov, b1.4 numet°118 :1)1""" 37 I. --,_:1144;:u_v;7,,--000' - o. 0.-E f 0 -S!-'- 114 -9 R T:c A itEES3'. 71 '-.1ui*o; •.- 1 ''''3:1:Iv,2:111.::iiiYitsdetntiel.,"'l : . I 41111; ' ;41):1;14e et- SACCO .00 1- Iro tA sit 10' 4r, 44- • Ready -and Nvimag areftdly Laid Punctnelly at -tendril • RVILLE,