The Sentinel, 1881-03-11, Page 3- THE IRISH DIFFICULTY.
• -
' Purnell Aecu..ed ot Cowardice by la
'Rome Ruler.
Losoos, March 1.—Sir Har-
court, replying to a question in the House
• of Commons to -day, said he had received a,
• threatening tele -grain signed "John Devoy,"
but did not intend to make any representa-
tions with regard to the circumstance to
• the American Government. Such repre-
sentations, he said, might give rise to an
interna.tional controversy, Devoy from a
British convict having become an American
citizen. As long as he and the confederate
. leaders of the Land League are content to
rein0 beyond the vea and ou the other
side the Atlantic they would not interfere
witthem. Sir William said in a,?jocose
manner that if Devov came over here. he
might have to pay hiru some attention.
The remarks of the Home Secretary were
wholly of a jocular. character.
Mi. Mitchell Ileury, HorneItule member
for Galway county, accused of deserting
theLandLeague, says: I never -belonged,
to the League. The money extractedifrom
the poor people in Autericti and at home
is removed to, a foreign soil, and no accounts
are -published. The leader flies at the very
crisis of the light, which he professed to
fight in Parliament. -
On Sunday nioht a- shot was fired into
the bed-rootu Mr; George Scott, of
Crossmoliro, near. Ballina. The bullet
grazed.the head of a child who was. sleep-
itio with Mrs. Seott, and penetratedthe
clothe -s. Mr. Scott. who ia high
edlia..-able of Tyrawlv-,. had lately taken a.
grazing farm whicii"lia.d been' soinetnne
vacant: There is no clue to "thewould-he
assassin. - -
An agrarian otititioe; which Was "first
reported to.haVe..reanited i the death of
the vietitiOnts been perpetrated between
Butteyant and -24-aitow-, in county Cork,
'pioiighinatt utta iled_Lenhara was _working on.
-.a"- farm recently. ptirehased by Mr. Win.
F.Yhagh t„. On . the Of"- "jtiscomit
Woman Bermes irritated About her illegiti- . THE TURF.
mate Child
TORONTO, March 1.-A woman. named Ellen ,
Ilegg, employed as a domestic servant at 177
Sherbourne Street, committed suicide by swal-
lowing Paris green yesterday - evening. t
She was a married woman, hailing front
Mount Forest where her
DU es„
and where three of the decea.sed's children reside
It seems that shortly before going to service Mrs.!.
Begg AVEW confined of a -child, presumably ;
illegitimate. This infant she • confided to the*
care of it woman named Robinson, living- on -
Sac' ville street. On :k/ondity morning this.
won,an called on Mrs. Begg, and an altercation
ensded between the two, and it is- understood ?
that . the woman Robinson Um:Ate/led to
resign her care of the .child and bring
it to its mother the IleXt morning. During the j
remainder of the day Mrs. Begg gave evidence-of1
laboring under great mental excitement• She
eft the house in the evening and proceeded
straight to a drug store, where she purchased
5 cents' worth of Paris green. This she swal-
lowed in its dry, powdery state, experiencing
great difficulty in swallowing the deadly drug.
She then repaired to the house and went VI bed.
Iler mistress, Mrs. Posner, was awakened in the
night by it noise, and, on invesitigating the
found -the unfortunate woman writhing on the
en floor in intense agony. -A physician anal b
Thirty horses are in training -at St. Louis
Hincloo promises to be the crack 3 -year-
old for 1881.
Long Taw is said to be a better race horse
than his sire, Longfellow.
The latest sensation in. young trotters
s the daughter of Gov. Sprague, Bessie
on the Thames, has " retired from the
river:' and efforts are.being Inade to pre,
sent him with a testiznonitil. ' He began
. after a close race, by a length. Since then
rowing in 1874, when. he bel A. Phillips,
he has defeated in successioit C. Pace, W.
E. Burgoine, Mace, of Horslelydown, twice,
and C. Brian twice, in which .a,ces he cora-
pleted the distalice in 23m. 4s. and 22m.
52s. (the shortest times on record). Brian
once defeated Ta.rryer, who ihas also been
beaten by Spencer and L. Gibson, the last
ra.ceheing rowed only a few Inontlis ago.
Weather Illot4. -
Seeing that Moses Oates las given the
most reliable predictions 1 garding the
weather the past two mouths,c, we give him
the post of -honor by first n4ing • What he
says regarding March: " This month will
probably not differ much ft(bm the mean
of a series of years. In fii--. part, heavy
snows • in, 1110St )arts of :Ontario and
Michigan, and part of New Itork. Snow-
falls. very marked for mumbler and heavi-
ness. Weather very • senObly warmer
after St.. Patrick's day, with however,- at
least one snowfall about filet beginning of
-the last week. Cold dip-, :3rogable near
the beginning 61 the tneith and the
20th. Sleighing in sonae di tricts for one
or two weeks, possibly for ;two weeks, or
even - a little longer. Spring will open
decidedly about -close of inonith."-
vEsxoli AND THE WE 4111EIL
pra ue
g ,3 -years -old, the property of M
Stephen Bull, Pfltacine, Wis.
• H. V. Bemis, of Chicago, proposes to ent
his pacer Sorrel Dan in a race with Mau
S. and St: Julien, each to stake $2,500, an
the Chicago Driving Park Association
add $10,000.
Mr. George G. Hall, of Boston, Mass
has sold- his fast pair of black gelding
Vulcan and Wilbur F., to Mr. William I
A t f D • .
are said to be the fastest horses ever bough
for the west, having _trotted in 2.30, o
thereabouts, together. Vulcan's record i.
2.25, Wilbur F.'s; The former ha
trotted over -30 heats better than 2.30, an
the latter 20 heats of -the same character
Mr. J. Hungerford's 4 -year-old American
red colt Dorcas, late the property of Mr
rms ron„, o Detroit, Mich. These horses
clergyman xvt.'re sent for, but she was beyond. the
reach of medical scime, expiring at 5 o'clock
this morning.. No inquest will- be necessary.
•Another.eorrespolident telegraphs: The unfOr-
tunate woman, before deakb, said she had taken
the poison because she wanted to die, but before
death came she prayed -hard for life.. She Must
have been some time contemplating -suicide, for
she used. to talk about it, and on Sunday last
reinarked to Mrs. Posner's little boy that' she.
liked that day because it brought -her one week
nearer death. Ilad- a physician -arrived. in good
thee .1-ier life might have. been saved..
Pierre Lorillard, with 154 pounds, started
the favorite at "even money "for the Halle -
ford Maiden Hurdle Plate on the first day
of . the recent Kempton Park meeting
(February 15t11). The distance was. two
miles,- but Boreas utterly failed, Mr. J.
Greenwood's. Cavendish Square, 4 -years, at
154- pounds, winning alone; The ground
was -so heavy that all the others, eight of
• em, virtual y walked, in. • . •
, A Funeral. Adrift on Luke Erie. boro', offersto;put- up from' $200 to 5500
-Dr., O'Sullivan, ex -M. P.; P., of Peter-
A funeral proCesSion of six or eight car-. ti
riages started on Thursday, the worst day
of the storm, to go to the cemetery.. They
were -obliged on accoiint of the drifts, to
take the road that runs along the lake Shore,
and slowly -made their way along What they
supposed was tire proper street:- „Seeing
they did not reach their destination they
stopped- • after 'a while -. to =investigate; and
,f9und to their horror that .theY' were:One
Mile: fa-ern:laud out frolenswaters of
LakeErie. „The ice was thin. and treaoli-
- • - • • • - • -
,erous, .and - .bewilderinent the
. .ien 4f. Mali...fired at, -loin frota hardly ktteW to tiirtf-_,--rbut at
-behind a Iredge,-and,„ -waS V.-ounded • last witli fear- and tiniLairaPSt,
tire ifestate,... that abOut 4 t;ofock perished. with --'coid,s. they Crept :back to
twO, a-suill l'eturiiect 6°i-Pe-tG-t116
When lie ft1F the •-,-•sl-ssi • ; s • d city tO"--:defer---their-inournful: -errand' -to
comiriencerl• •beaiiirg hint -cal the •,-bead,
. ILIlother da .--luff:do Express.
'alio:Oder* and' hbilv.' with a piece of iron •-• - -
attaehed to•asiiorCroPei licting:a severe . ManY-ai'e a;gkin-ti wh(i. i" I .
„ T • 'rent=
-, an afternoen paper. that- la Pro-.
bably :antherof-.-an 'interest:
--nig-work on the .bitt, who is by
_no ..-meana a renegade.,writer „says:-
". Mr. Aj.---lward• wits engaged in: the,iserviCe
9f the:TritifSvital -.Cavern-me/at before -the
tat his _horse can beat an, other in the
district in a -race from Pet rb ro' to Port
Hope and return. .
• Tro3i, i
- i
1St. Blackboarda will be at: all firing
points, and the registerlceeerl niust inaa-lc
eath • shot, as -signalled, oxi . t ie• board in
large figures; alsd'. on the score .card.
flange" .officera .nnist initi I - every „ card.,
before firing,.and,1 after -firi- g: Conipare the
pard,figures withAllose-on the board; and,
if torreet; :again- initial-- he._•care.1.• 2nd.
9fficers: in '.pits:.nitiat,,-,watch: I, the " targets;
correct falpii-7rortrking-,.- -ekarnine-- disputed
:shots and -generally--lookafier,pe Markers.
3isd: Corripe,titers- A-vill...- fallf in heliiiid the,
giiiigr,pOints- and be detailedtby the range,
.ofO'cer -in. Sikh it -.way .that. linen of the"
saind'hattation or -conipany-will. be ,s.ePar--
_ wotna . Lenhain, was 'eft uncoiniciouS alid-1 _ ated as far - ti.S- possible:- -. Itlif-.Siglits naay-:
. , _
- ' Supposed to. be ao-aa,_- Ile,. ree*vered-, hoW:- he blackened: -by 'smoke -black- Ibut-no other
_colorin-,-, will be allowed.-
gade the.Boer catipaif...In. .,,entle211411
ever. and craW1c4i home.. Ife- Avas'iltralale
to describe- assa.ssins, 'Two farmers- - •CRICKET.
Pei the following information- we are
named Coondrkz,., members • of- the Land
' League, wcwa arrested .on suspiCien.- The" indebted. tO. the Annericin lericketer, of
.. -
101 &1 leagiie ...has'', Conde -pined:. -the ontraoe-. _ . . Philadelphia, Whieh`also: creditS A.14 -with a.
..ana_afferd ai_ :;_e_war( _for tile iirtest,or .,ti;e. _ ...,fmnexatien, -thereby 105ing .4tis: st: awl.; gs 4 couple. ofiterns this Week. 1- Tlie Cricketer's.
v.i., ,,, . • . 1 - .
a.,,- :U. , • _, , - •„ ' •:' .-Dritisli -subject, -wino r lie":hits never taken -N.ew -Lora,. eorreSpinidentHirnet-an'old'Ne*:
- - C91:444-' -ne.-ai*-14-kritij'--fik--.::',.. L',..--.'" .-_ ,-: -•- - . st." s te-reciain- 'NO' .14 . --he -has been in :kork cricketer the., Who -Was
- -evicten. fnarti. itihiitIzi3O.• There, Ivas-.110, ''--,,', ------‘----4-1-;,, ti.fft -. , -fleers-siiio-e„:-•That. diteky-enough-te -pass:16:st. pera*mt. in,Eng-:.
.-•:- • hotiog.- al-thourh --iill ' itInn.enSe- . erbso: -tot destriherl -.I.- can -.v-ery‘--- eadi1y-i1nderata14,' 1-.-x.-(1,- 1.7.2'xe,n1v•ta -ther 9rt1iotlox" question, .
-• people -were presetit;and, foree..a 166,-e.1r3... taailkh it is only just-to:say that net: it. few -", Yes. :271(1 th:e .•Auhtrali1231iAcits°70.1.,..iagl
.r4tahlthi/ry atkiiirdakitry. . -.-:- ..., ..-... -", -.-, - , '13.r1ttSl1.-o111ce1*.whe-carne id-non:tact.1.611d-,:w.11at7isi more',1 wov lAlajlillarii- ';-,106i.eY's
vs, o- u in
------- 4-ii.,--Gork:IAlespa'tc&i says:that t ' D bi' • bith'-'ill---i0ter-Afarit-'21:airg, -While .qs-he..ZOlu- 'tWostnefi• antiii,-- the -•:Triiiiitylinateh by jar.
,•tletectiV6-414ve: been t here:,for th„past. fert.-;. Tar Nv.4: .in:''Pz_7()g?.*-5:. " fOrtr-i'6:13-4-_-fAV6i•Libk, .4114 P.:Iliad-I Oft' with: In foot AVailirti-,r .Iiin-1:--
he -1enilnii-e,-itle--t6-_te•1ev,", ts:tiil_14-e:-4_3f--.11_„.elisltd-tC•ri.- - If': heliaS ,ati_y- Stelt--- of a shar - 4 b til- 'k"'-' rile?: - fet .e-ae-h
. 7f• - ,;..., .L1_, ,,..i. 4. ,i,...4,r1 .._ceerriettr,Bity part in the direction a the. rbilit:try '.rtiovei I-OP1)Ortu1J1tS,,....7'.- ' • ' - .
-_I„e'tirli,te:.%.- ,1,:v...-',2--.-7.-Tbit.-_ -N.i-ti, 111ifle,.14.1e4,_44 Ii2124 , rile/its:of _the Boers_ .tjleiti-aciiiiirable.taetieS4_,-..: Geprize --Line.- litte_-prnfeSsiinfal ia ilfe
- -, '1./eagitt.,rs:•rt-ti.:e-iitly :prepitred .- bY- the -_-.1-6e4.1 , ---- ., -- - -- - -_. - -
ea.ii.- be -readily- explaini;e1ter flq,,ig a • "...itian-1 Staten,..Thland7Club,- 'is.iilli belen,gageelr'ne;1.-
-----"AlItilOTilieSTIrg.s-teely-Fettrtecii-frde-I---Drublof --Witli :Ygrif 0*. tglIi_Pfor itregulitr -ti,-arlare.”' 'Season :With'. Gri,rabridge. inglifeisit" - '. ill-
keid,tetei. -, -_ ...A ,,,,,,fert,tlet, __pi, ._&011.c.a. butitty„ . The, -_,$4t)_):4a("1,',,; ._.ccirof7;bimilqet, who lias,..i-EtonCallege,.-Enghincl,:4.--.-t -
:-OftlitEr4. 'Was treid-thh,' fp- ornitig.: -..: .Nnisnorots, -(101.1e-silel) reinarkablY good Werk i 1 kut ! : . :HI' : '..-.."-,..,:.".. .--- :DgAuf,TIT8'„i- r, '' ,'„•':,-,,,-_,-:',.. . '- _:----:-.
.. arrests are, expected itriatediatelv:..." '- s•-• '-' -s '-•_ - (-4taler°4; Ole '-'1:cti-e'.."-alt. eil"r6.1%•:':.-.''. - ' 1 :1-1.- 0. 'e:,0' 'rig'. e• ar14 40:nes - =k--- •-Mnyt;ridge and ' A-
' • The: Goverorelent.ha,:s.ciffered as- re.ward a .._ Elizabeth --.TholiipSoir, the '-' Painter -- Of i
'for -:the_discoverynl- the nit-II:deter of' - -..-_,The -Eoll----Cal4r. --tt;as;-tiortfitt Ditistititi`e-.1-•to5yitrds.bringi4g 5Tr.wyile,.irhe.eei.hra.t-ctd.
4.11erear, of _Buffalo, o‘'ff. Cr •:te pay --,F,-2.5
, ,Atieutjtoper.:: - -_: . -_:- - :::-.-. - . ,-.,:f= .... ----, ".•7''''''---": • ..4i -id-:--' hbr'yontii'mia-si ..ptis-.. ea -between '-'Ifit. lificiranght --player, :once-, More on a - cheekers
: 7.. 001* 0._ Artic-CarthY-: T,-iiberal nierribei;-- of -and- England; the -Winters' in the
'• rfflfyarl.i'ottre.onf. a ,....l,--_'-.-.-fi- ---.,sSu"o:nldiieirisie; ii:--f-loa_Y1:r';:
t9-.i.le. :'f
.li-re.- fltie-;:
4: iie. t'i,Statethe lastParIfaruentfofitilasy014,im oftheouth the8ininerintheileidl.otlpt1is1,1euettiic„xiirLiit44vain. h'::.-,. giyfr:Iik;rfrqielandInKent,Ai.aChlaAtecoirmeiced scribbling ia(ids :,rtaet*ciieWsnaper onrepresntations-:ofliorSes'i:nd : i /the2espx1fnoll 1arliateitarytigAOtiogand atnpitigofitSWa1isC)1aE°Fsand p6Iities/ s-
. prieeilare : ,rf.-,ennarriended 'eduea.ted _at: the ' SoUtli..---Kensin-gion," 'Art ;" • '. •-e's.17'. 'Ircik eliPlv. r -i!4-' -
rt....-:.-_,c,,i,... aff,-.1. -...p,ihi-ell,.-..,.60,ite,idini.._4_, , sail 26fa. in (1:-. , -gt Elorenee• under.-- the . able- iPle
lito-k-fiiiteen:Page Paner.-1•-'- .
....At.ket,tDr ......:r'.,!•,!pec.a:-„-i.24.. eoutii.inea..-by .1.11t0I..oiilijor'Ballicei.,..JIerfirst I .Piinan (11.t.•Oss is'•now Sol prOPrietorfr.1w 4cof
l'if";• :fit,* tt•"€.5 it *eriti.'. water caters Nvere--rejected- ha' ,- tii,s society -of I The, Green-ro9m., : Xoa.., itlflati 4 .rost-office
lext- - miteil". it '.."'16':'reT.-OriiPit; ArtiSts; tlut t1/1151.1.0i a .: '-year the Duelle vs:I Cbtlr;- Pru1? ide3Ig6 .- it It.14,-3 fo ba r • - ' • t ;
, laut ti•-1-4t....M•-r-,-_-,parrkc;11-, pp•iiey a' f• --q two: :0!)a-eryan.leg-,:a. vig'brk:
:01..1/4r's•eicia- ',.,.„.tiiisa:-Ti-a;I:tt. I.V:',/0--linatoi-i;fiaVing" dr'ailtniPeuil":4r-1-'!-Ier-'
, :--,thinga c,iily--.---eli.tture a:nd : -vc2eToleq. • It-.,,... ArtillerY•gbing. into. A-ction.'7.-:Ir -asaci.• not :- -0 Ive n -0ebglieglian,"-. Of New ' York, fin: "S-
_ •„ Xeta.1,11€4 the ..a-t-rOil..-ivion,of,119::,, .T.44/441:37,1,iit.. • until ii.fter: -four 1& 1L1 'that. the • “•1 oll.,1-1'e- Will' 121 11 -MI i'inkn -Wu t'21" ficilltr .a
211e1 c.d•ter2.2fts!:•:-21 -1:122ii0,-. f.11-(1 alarin-ed pilf,- Trainied to order of -gentle-Man:I 121 [21 i'll t4.1-701114 ilt:agitel, 1.# )11t [6603(1
,211.'•".1it-s --W'itry C'o44-,ietn.lispiC-, .-t heorieS„, hi the north, of Erni,' land,- who Atibset uentiv-1: 11I to rIoe'ill'il'6' - of - file 1-40,11d zl- : ri2e''rhie--
-1.1ia.poliCY-tweveil: 4heetOlistruttion is yielded `t t I e, 4.,ueel- --'' as.
e,heania_tetl; .The.. withholdin,i. al r - - t'-':: the ACit.demy.anitreeeivd Zith gre
'aCcepited .b)4,4 rfoi*".1.q,000- to s$3,000- a sidel- ,-1 - :P. -•.ss.
at 'enthii... .• "-.•:E-,-W..Jolniston"--defeat-e - -
o be clianaed.
provlog icr.tross:ible, yoi-eign miliauces
proving • disgraceful-, mild the. -deepest;
instincts of Iriahnien have -been Woinided
by, seeking • alliances • auront, - ;all& fr.' •
couSpiratera in :America -.and
:TiTis is not nieketY
2 ,
_ • _
laifure ; di.a...Ste.r. and dishonor.-- - •
, oOD -
. .
mutts:xi Illioventextt torsi PremeAtutioni to
• kvau . • • _ '
• •
Tbe lilimarnock Standard of the atb
instant SaNS:
snasni. Another, " he Defence of Rorke's 1111 wrestling match—o
been finithed. She lias aehieved fame.
Drift,' to the order of the Queen, has just one .ceollnla_r-facinid-eilohoe:val -10,v1
Fortune will folloiv-
Vennor has ,redeeined iillj his past mis-
givings in the weather line. , Out of all the
weather prophets, his foree-att was the only
correct one for tn
his eigh, orhgod. His
prediction respecting the last week of Feb-
ruary was wonderfully acc4ate, consider-
ing the fact thal it was penrjed previous to
December (1880) ;- consequently it is unfor-
tunate that he thought of Amending it by
fixing- the dates for his " litgh winds and.
blustry weather." I-14 , nredietion
reads : ‘‘-'• A few davsif before the
end of-, 'the month hidli ' winds arc
likely to prevail * * with Ihliistry Weather
in Cana,:da and the noythernItinited States.
The hist two days ;are, liC4eger, likely to
Weather set -in -just --live d
be fair; and the month, will. end With ;but
-little snow on the grofin h. •
.Iiterally r.:eGrrect: ,The. _col
clo-Se of thenieinth, and the'
•were_fair. - The -only. "hite •
cits. for Februrary, as -a' , :hole, wait4the
"Mild -Spell". Which set in' about a Week
litter; than Inedieted;-.but --'e de.d, precisely
upon the date mentionea.
s was
r.and tolu,4ry:. 1
is• -bet:3re -ithe. 11
la4t two 'days t uilow
in- Itis fore-
Little Goldenhair.
Gohlenhair climbed upon grandpapa's knee;
Dear little Goldenhair, tired was she,
All the day busy as busy can be.
Up in the morning as soon as 'twas
Out with the birds and butterflies bright,
Skipping about till the coming of night.
Grandpapa toyed with the curls on her head;
"What has my darling been doing," he said,
" Since she rose with the sun from her bed?"
" Pitty much," answered the sweet little one.
"I can not tell so much things I have done -
Played with my dolly and feeded my bun;
And then I jumped with my little jump -rope,
And I made out of some water and soar
Bootiful worlds -mamma's castles of hope.
"Then I have readed in my picture -book,
And Bella and I, we went to look
For the smooth little stones by the side of the
"And then I coined home and eat -ed my tea,
And I climbed up on grandpapa's knee,
And I jes as tired RS tired can be."
Lower and lower the little head pressed,
Until it had dropped upon graudpapa's breast ;
.Dear little Goldenhair, sweet be, thy rest !
We are Wit children; things that we (lo
Are as sports of a babe to the Infinite view,
That marks all our weakness, and pities it, too.
God grant that when night overshadowsour way,
And we shall be called to account for our day,
He shall find us r.,s guiltless as Goldenhair's
And 0, when aweary, May we be so blest.
And sink like the innocent child to our rest,
And feel ourselves. clasped to the Infinite breast
111144EFISIL IIIN'rst. •
How No illanaue . Pinups In Cold,
Weather:-Thatring Out Water Pipet'.
In the case of tiumps situated in wells or
exposed situation, it is best to make in the
tube (whether it be woad or metal), belpisr
.the reach -of frost, a small hole; not more
than quarter •of an inch in diameter,
from which the water naay flow out after
each use of the pump. pf course, the hole
must be above the valvesand when warm:
.weather conies -should 'be stopped by
wooden pill, -or, when -the pipe is metal, by
a bandage of -Oleic Cloth or leather. In
using Cisterns and other iron:pumps whose
valves are near or above the ground ana
iable: to IreeZe, .always .when is---
pPrehended, raise the •hatidle . sufficiently
o the Water to escape_ into the
istern. -This necessitates each •
ime before using, yet it may „;save_ the -*
nnoyance of 'a:frozen or perhaps a bursted
pipe. When a -vertical. pipe is
frozen., - easily= -
pour hot- water -upon the pipe, and enough
d rl )sfonioel b tlaehn§_oprohnerdi -21- toot „wilt eg loosen
the tube, an. When cool, remove iusert-
- Sciewifie
'rile first -application Oil eleotticity to by
eNyCi.;e4p.-cillta6ed: -S IC With a piece of -sponge or rags
attached ; withdraw immediatel3r, and- -
ina,nent Wasp
been -made in a, porti of 13u
et. The lamps, used wer those in
-by *Mr. 13rockie.., Qrainine machine
di,...-ivert when mere not water should be added arid'
plied tlie.-„electridity; 'and -ikey, Were
y, an Otto gas enipme—gasitlius entionSly,
it was'retnarlied-, :stiperseding itself AS it
•ineati.s of iibiniroition, -Sone.of the „lead;
iiig newspaper office-sin-G..1a gow have -made J) the busineSs
-and the '-cornPosing jroninS1,-iirith pleetricity.
..- . .„
.- : eartla-tes7 ii-AtIM.Ott,,t;13
•.c. cs ,Ot mica,. - India rublbet, %eta.
-wood, 116.7. :11iildng,-.-. them --ii4-ilie.- path
rapidly_7-.iiiterisupted ..bea.iiii-: of lig•sdii.
r.eally 11110 to heat aiad..-.1iC t"--t-Oil ligh
at .-,11./ereadier- lies obtained: 11,.e -sounds
ereliiiaryi•gaslairipso---•Wit out :1,enip,
'lenses ict-eoLteen trate 'the-inj erriipted ,
by -siin-ply Tbringingtherect iiiing --dise
the -Sporce alight. -,gven',1ilatAl c
tea:tea-tall:right red prodne : 4:very di
•triusieal notes, -Which died kradually
its the plate___eaCiled:...--ta . a, ..7,-tili red: :
,COateti -i.vith'...silver- oil tbe-7.!. ide :expos,
the riay'gaVe -very feeble sCjiffils, but
-Cleated with; 1314 black tire ScitindS
strol-0 , - • s 1
. --
• i_l I
..E..racir.-xtka-key INA apIri ,Ice,.iriont. -
s :again insert it, until the wafter is- XenlOVed.
the process repeated. This plan is a „eloW* -
but safe one. , In the olace betwater, an
iron rod heated at ,one -end,Mayhe .used,, -
But the .siniplest and easiest of all plans is
to .ose an.Incha rubber pipe with s here not .
• the ;Iist-15'11‘.;e:ffIs4-ti:idIATee'eliPtcelileY±::a16:71WtillnLahneilinie-fil:1121:gatiltlize' make it quite -
.it -meltss the iee',-very rapidly; • Press -
upon the tube so that 'het water may conte
dirett contact with theioe, -Those-
li'°1•11 are troul3led With frozen pipes should -pro-.
•euro feW feet of the rubber pipe. It will
bs;:jter: t'alnies-wgerLta'est:b'weedliv 1:14:,ge as for
-sisnor 6/1,_0-nly-taki-ng longertirdo tornele
tile Tit
-13914S .1„
itrii4 a.
into „-tt
Aliellael•Marphy-- sinornez
-e fall .Side-liold, tiOns f•
--.‘tine. catch-uS- itairicly
Od."'Llail; Olney- tfol, a.
-vine, 11...• I., Feb.- 22nd: ' - johfistoil Won- all siiiler.!'
three' falls: -7.• : -. - . : • -' i ... „ art,.litit
s •
W. 13eckiviflir- ot tondo. „ fferS- tO SWite the Ina.
a. inatcli-4,,ainiiti any .--tii n 'n the world. could. mr
_ kern- one'-rarle ----to any' diet tiee". 112 0. -siX. high' r
an entertainment at Batligatoretently Mr-. I
- - • ''' :days' Swiiii,-Oftwelve hours . a, clay, for :a. hauled
Renneely;tookoccasion teirema-rk th • •
-.--"--,1 Stake .to, he toutually. agreed upon. :Beck; wincl„ '.
Ills- last appearanee iii' -.Batliga.te:die'. had with 13371(14 the 500- y.ards'-.fchaniplein cUp •Of e.Nliilara.
-o•dit craft made its a earante di.
Id weather of the .p; st low day
rge :pond devoter..:. to lee -boat
et. park; . 13ropktita,-
ts. priinarily of ..istio1 i'Sduare. J.s. to speak, • " cliati' ciii,-wise,7.
1 A
oMe icrolve -feet' 14,',g. _-_-kttaq+
knettire 'bon111us, .i'S &Skater
he main. spar -Muld his windiv
nd withoht further O turns him
ri ' 3Co-boitt.- It' -c.vil --, be ..seeir's j
it's consideratiok ti it -all.the„co
r -su-ccessful-sailing re here preS
„ tWo ru•nners upd '‘-i7 . perfect c
ini - a-, 'snilicient areif; 9f. -sail.
/as, in..this.histancg,a.noviee in
after afew expernn• ntS he acifui
0(61 so:trinnxtingi,1 -7 *Saila -that
ork it .wind -Ward a 4 attain it v
ate:. Of . speed when iTinning :Plo
at right angles to -t e• course Of..
It is certain :that it .-ffurnisheif v
tin'cr. sport, 'and. 11 e• rate of ep
, - . , : ..„. .
is bigh,-.!eneogh 'i . /.--- be -SgrildW-.
00 -...a.; novice,, espe-lally:wbeifa t
as -the caSe in 21142 'resent instan
' And at freqnent,i - tervals nover
ches nf Rio*. _ - '" ''• f
- - -
S 111
on a
cl to
n a.
on -s
se -
TRE YENNED-A'''FAinLI: TAT, ,..unATE..t•-#-4.41".
Reim -0V and family, Weli known 'as
voCalistS thi-s country;• bee- Sitiging
throughaitt- Scotland.- in
• ce
.been enabled. to fulfil the- drearti f 1 • -
. . .,_ - „ . . _ - . , .
, . .Eirgland --- ' ....- -.'._ - . J- • . attained
.ancl,coropleth the circle (if -.tlia wgri. dila 17? 01 :
- - • '' ' `':1 :-= III0,Private pedefitrialiArial:in.-tiigland alarinin
, ing-oyme. round by, selith,Africa... #14.1kitig."•,..4.,, is said -to have cclierett fil0 miles- -.. s 100, 0.24 rsit
t -t le thnner,ot. tpeliamilnAriliisEgu.b,libt a ooniplete tour of -the worldi in • ivlileli he ,.!-- Oporge • LittletioOd, of -i--. Sheffield; sEhg,•," is Inugh,
-lasf: week, ter' -the -pre,iiit+ius*- i,t -;q17.`tilinioaii: - hadeuw, the 7Sceteb -fiengs,. WhiChiare tile
, now 111 this Country," wilt Oiatr-Stritieot the With pat
- tors,'Itit4Itt - which. a ; s,in.gtria,i-12.7- in:vino:I 041d. . : . •
.itt'cii-4, tiliflean. of tinilocal Faculty of sP,roptira- - .kest..of an11-: "'EVeryWhei-e he hail met With coining:_,pedestrian Contests -1e, :the-,statee,. • !•-
, A' T P - " '-
iloiverful7.9ratioli.on- I;_ifrn's was, deliverevl - by Ilr :
_ . . _
hailing been,iiiclitted,7- to cq,ss ,the:water for '•••tith .• I.
thitt..-Purp'os,e by-an-Americanf .- - - •-•.- •-. -...- the Cape
• .
It is statedthat -Shout ItiVentY.ineinhera s 'portio
'of the New York 'BicYole•Chib willitart for seilgaf,iect
• "Fitincisee in the spring. i ' - - - - ' - irons' - fig
, -- "gle trx1Y -seetereamitoidd only• -find- liia.'niatch4,hen
- ' - • . 1' rank Covert;" of -13011eill!.-, Ont., skated Canada, -
,elesitie,gt, gratory,Th&l.gati 4
entitled.ter re_peet'it thiiy halted -SiAile7prgpt,i_czttr- I, 1 r,. .thi.-_e-artli._:._-_ sitig12,,e.r. . ,44a...:i...,, „tin -miles -Sbac.itivard• in an!.honissi•at the Sill:: Peacock
,01.141.g.for STI:P.h gra - . _ • - h • : • -
, - - • . . . . . .
ft, warm and cordial reception. - _The Stoteh
folk,170considered, were the aristocracy
of the Immin race—that,. Was when „-they
behaved 4 themselVes. • A good Scots -man
could--lincl-no 'match -on earth-- but
12 1)ai1
asw.ty, exaniple-was-set thai imitated With- advantage by kindred
-• associations. One cif the slieaker the Rev: W..
felehsliuriat„. skid it.„ had -always
struck lib/ thlit tife festive gatherings in -celebra-
tion of Barns' birtlith w
6:ro 11..toi?rFiNr_...- .4 , -reports !fro
-.. i is . ; '
of G004 Hope it ivas -se01,11
ii of .-,tbe' abeVe.fregiment --.%ve
with ilie•Bciers in the late.Tillsa
lit - The -10th iS:1 Well -kno's'vh-
d 7 by 'the -Penian:T"at: Ridgeway,
and,-,„ was- -.'Corniri; tided' ,b3i'-,s Co
I. the l'en7 -.. 1 , of.•j 66*
thei.4.atkilatt.a- 'On: were4being
e they: fought: it.Mixidett :Under
ar Corps were bet ' een :there .11.41,
.- The reginien ..:,'iS elle Of the .
e 'British - army,' ari,,6 to
gee be -aPPlicabhi_ to this corp.;
- - . ••• , . - - , 4 -
Ulc,, -they -werel dyer uncler --firt
Their..--"•.z-,fnailitzy•; hisfory-.-:i
10: • Poring- 25-Lears„' service iii-.
LIS*KiK- WitIrthelniaive.s were 111
they- were nevek7-en-gaged.,-1, The
'briquet of the- bloodless lanibs--”:
. „
. - -----7-74.-.. .----7-4. 4:: - • - - j.- •
• officers . - are seitiously* impeded
hors- "at -tinieS .,:.; 3rtlie obStinate
wav to honor the ipinnory of the -departed- planse.) ,
pe'et was -tti -render _kindly aid the -living'
• -Ka-Ts tote wight be, ill eirettrit5itatleCS •
If the rich Sabhatatian can go to claurCh club, 70'611 get 51 204 for
" Bond, pitcher for the
caw ministratietts At the in Ins carriage, it is ots course proper a coming seas n.
th -t 0
. but_while
1.13oiton "base hall "peppere
hi services- the the regul
- - Chippewa
best in th
- Prei;entfooment, ro) 6x-ullire,th,* hew(' of tile the. poorer chntaliman should-zgo- in : t e .
?•- 'almost everybody tau go in.- If the horse
,. ca;.. camnin on, sondimr the ha,,ohmati_ eat_. ,ters-, is t0--- lie in the- field, or rather on the' Marlboro
a- -ply trade and theIiverystable man- the - '.- - = - - - -
flood again this .spring. - II proposes s to -1-in..til - noW
" iti . . ' -row-eight-matches instea 02 • on y. • s , ,
r- rail ad- trains- may run luid thetelegraph. not:of tja-e !juin. India w.he
i -I must he used. The mostrigid Sabbatarian d f - I ' A ternarkab
would stop his subscription to &newspaper e shojuld not ofutallthithlaest-8
a .
, which dicl not fnrnisli. him- with -a Menday the/11.--N." Y.
1 morning paper, and thiiineans that editors - -- • - 'will-n(3'1mi
1 And reporters and printers and - engineers, 00 spectators. . .
-itrid pressmen. must -work Ma Slindav.—St. Laycock race-. " SanitarY
. . -.. _
- ondon Aqua- in -then; la
;Venerable.- of Loolif-31 e," Evan .I-CColl,wb
after a'lliatitif?trioilsan,i 11011f/re:bk..-
Calunlian -eitt.fizn,4.-- Where ...Ile %Vas". ivretebedl
1111(1 2)1011 left --in his, old -age -ver
poorky-•pr.aiiided- teir:, .Forty:Tears_-hatt;etailse.
. -sinCesliisfIrt ,, Ohl -km!. `2117:1-45,-11064...ti4 MilVitreit
3,-wa,spu4lisit&I 4tt tTheff:ILOW.4.44(I- by :Hugh- hfille
= behadbeeir de----,4anited "The --..!siotA•e of Ifighlanc
: 4311,`4'.!''IFIriIiPif-ilip-II&iley,theatitlior of "FeStus,'
and -runny, ether. cciptpeteitt :iatithoritieli, hat
2 that'll-et:ens melodies -were: worthy-. tf,
, take their -place hy the.side if those of Lowlan,
mrnstrei oi ..oiriversat -fairie: A' proposal had
. testinn, ' .4 ,L•pd?.fr. -......-
0 s-uggested that this
- --Iieen Illi , :1)- py_esivi4. the_ venerable bard -with a
, appropriately lend- their re5sistance. 'TIT stnfr
_horse Cars, 'and through this open gate Courtney, the' greatestE Of °arsraen
. who at the same fime: h ve -been earpen- saY, §.41c
- •
an an and Laycock are
ber, there_is no reason v.
be able to Win a majority
Sun- •
It was computed that 100
were present 'at the Hantan-
was it Wori whielt- the -Inirlis` clubs- Might'
= ii titrowti', out --was- at,- once- maw' ,
1 • un'ost 'bx: the Ifitnalton amt. on the /110-
tiOa „Str- P1 12j3:7 by. the: jog
- seeretary of the 3Ir. Ditulc,p . (wbo is- a :eh.,
Initive4KiltriarliOekf it- was- iigrets1 /nteeoni-.•
mend to thq.-„eoininittee thitt stibscriPtion of XS. If!
shouldhe•given frentz 'their .filtids to -the testi-- trie
menial in hebitlf ofehl 'Ivan ,rt is: to be Ina
:Louis plolite-Demoerat. _ .
. .
to Ilanlan and Ross on -the eVening Of • perversitY
".. , At theezitertainment-a,t- h
- latest wrinkle -in : /`"Te'w fornier'_s..race. _Vit11,141.1 Im;t9s gosp
tiers& is to hold ihe-services- in the -1025. tlie even-- announced that he underatood-Trickett•was.-
. -'• BuSinesii Men,. . employers - .and -not quit sat- .with his recent -defeat
1p103005than 4tte4a,,iyithout losing . by -Ross..•:-L He witsv._,-":- perfectly
mement Of, ofike or factory time.... In the willing- to his,tch Bos te. -row either
r_ningthe_remains,:aceorepanied by the Trickett.. or -:-Laycocli .fOr _ from" £500 to,, may :._be•-• . taken to - the- :11,0_00. it side.._ during the friispipg suiumer:.
be of interment and laid aVrest: "..:_ -- -- - -.. The. tendon,- SpOrtsman says Haulanis
. „
, . .
•-ev.-Mr. Petitieost, the .reviyalisti,Says '-:--, i.the most -accOmplished... the present
never - fail-" to ' dravi• '-encouragement I age has seen; . --- -- - .- .• - -. .- - -- -
in the life Of Noah, whii.preaolied 1201 _ .Cieerge-TarrYer, the well-known..English,
rs ' and , never made. a single convert: ! sculler,iilie is ' credited with the fastest
of lis his' had- snob 4 s.train.ea that." little on . from Putney to Mortlake,
. .
. -
, ..
hopiid that this "excelleiit .ex -ample wi sproVe -1._
eentagions. -• Pitt
—In the present age every one--iseenis " I
anxious -to attract attention to hiniself, and fro
when he cannot -be -fsthous 'he seeks to be yea
i N
310 r oUs. o
- • - _
cif people' whc;Sa ly need to have
, el of soap and i water" 'preached
to them. -Let th-e-. Cliiirc , hy: ifil Means,
lead in 7a - crusade for tkipx.opagiadpii- of
that gospel. EVery.etep!ga.ined• in that
will facilitate their ether .work. If bodies.
and tbe things around the.4 ' are made clean,
souls may -be ill the mord.iia,sily purified.--_-:
...: .
Chicago Times. : ---- ! ,;--:
Mr. Macintosh, M.- P„ 114Ying objeeted to
Ilia abolition- of the tartan eiis.for7_ High-
landt regiments ' the L'o _.011 Glo130 says
. that this is AS it should be the macintosh
protecting the tartan.
• - Agriiic.0TEAtDONE.. ,
X.Aturiutble *ettrein eharelliw11) ' •
al.ernall -church -at village near,
Brighton, England, where the -congregation.
bi-:mid:net afford to , pay an organist they
bought it self-acting - _organ, compaet -
'instrument, well suited to file porpose„and •
constructed to play 40-different:tunes. -The -'
'sexton had instruotions: how to set.its:gOT _ -
'and ho* to stop it but unfortunatelyiThe
forgot the 'latter .part of hisiatzsiness, mak -
after singing.the -first four verses of it hymn '
'previous to ,the Sermon, the- organ ' could
not .. be _stopped, and. it :continued .:
playing two -verses more; then,: just as
the clergyman :completed the, words "Let
us- nray,'! the nrgan 'clieked and started ..a
"freSh tune. The' minister •sat it oulj
patiently ancl then renewed -his .introduc-
tory words, .Let us Pray,' when click went._
thd organ again. and.: started off another
tune; The sexton and others- 'cantintied
their exertions to find out the Spring, but
ito one could put a stop to it; so they-gotLour of the stoutest npien in thechurchto
shoulder the perverse instrument and 04
carrie(1. it detvia the centre aisle of the :
church, playing, aWay, into the churchyard,
where it continued .clieking and playing
Until the wholeforty-tunes Were tnished
:.`,11ntrine Note0. •
About twenty sailors' have left 1111Wall•
kee for New York and: will ship On neegt
The craft betrOlt Dry -Dock Company are
building founiren vessels at their yards .
Wyandette, , and give •eniploYinent ta.
-between 400 and 4.50 men, There are -two
sere* Steamers for the Goodrich-Transpor; -
tation Company,'each 215 feet over all, ono
Lor Charles Bewick, measuring 248 feet over
1211, and another._ for 'the s -Erie tt Westerw_
Transportation Company, better-it-116%mila •
the Anchor Line: The -latter is an exact -
sister of the Lehieh -which was built last
year for the same .conipany. • Dinaerisiriris .
250. long, 3.6 feet beam,* and -17 feet hold,
-Capaeity4,000 tens. .The -eriginewill hes 0,
bonipound„ With'.27- and -44-inch-oylinders
and 40 inches stroke. The boiler is 12 feet
in diametCr and 14 -feet 6 inches long, with --
-three circular -furnaces: Diameter of screw
-Wheel; 11 feet.. Clarion isthertanieSeleeted
for the new. craft. •
• "It is .strange. that the aieople-nf- the
United :StateS, -do not - ocimpreliefid ' :the•
"status of the Halifax fisheriesilward.
15_8; settledthing, one - that cannot now he ,
settIed•by any action on our part.`We,
seuted to Submit to the arbitrary judgment
of. 0, -'eonntlissiori—prietidally. to the
arbitrary decision of one man, Mr.:Delfesse,'
the umpire. He decided against us, and -
that ends it. The cononlitsion -was the -
edurt of last resort. There is no' appeal -
from its decision,. 'Even if Prof:Hind's
gittions should turn outtobe true, we ea
do nothing, • praetically, to _reverse
award. • It is, in fact, res _adjudicate."
SarSeer@tarY State Evicts..
e at -
dress in
- n
Ifni.' •
gritty' Amt.
'tin:OS-ars •
/,, through
2,3 keep -
111 be prts.'-
rppkif Pc'