The Sentinel, 1881-03-11, Page 1A 4 't / VOL. VIII 10. • ....mmait=11.10 - - - 4.1•11110v LO-OKNOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAR- 11, 1381. LEGAL. - A- 11_11-71,11-) Solit-itor u Chan-. LI ' ,n; r v. ;iie.e next door to th8 P .4t I tti;',•e, ,Itn.:k .v. (ha: - 3Is M P: 01 • tor. s4tr..4. 1•: -• • 1 r k •rn..y :tt in 'It :.,-, ("•tn-...y etc., ( loderich. - Ni. t,-, 1,1.1 zee.,...0outlii. rates, of inter tett, ;01.1 -on i-,.:,, i,...., 11,LE - ' . , 1 `i V EV kNCE11., - Nt olei; to 1.,rtn on ea- v c..rms On Real 14:state. Vall.tt n• f sr Tr,114. :tn.! Loan ( '". .- Itf II) &..) 1.'N:TO N, ( ',110;eyanta.:r, l'ontutis .2.. ..iotror in n. -n., etc. Money- to 141.1.1t tt a !, n- 0.nt. 4r.ti•-lit int. -rest. . ' Valua- t.n• fo.r 'Put Lindell Bank:int: Co, - - ' N : . K.-ENI.01.11G1-1 P.O. - - -.mat Rou:aizis, . t Late of 1`...tAw...ter.)5 .Solientttr ( iLt., Eta- - , • - oeFtett : ) 111;4 • - ti _ _ - • _ •-• ht:tn. - . 2- - - . MACKID tke tkjr 14-; .7.ti-geon; v., •:-.01:talt qte the- it-,ttitc. -In the- _;„ lutt- te c411 at; the 1 X Rank; t ; „ . • ' • CMIERONI & CAMPBELL .r0 -N - I) e-tol- la:ruts of 14..L 11211.:1: to - - t C-,-.)-0-1.i..11-A:1-4‘..11't. 111-tre4-tial: . 04.._ I \--dtriztv.tor. - Ftr•nt St. t-taG. • Alt ordttilty proniftt ' . - ce - O/Z. ^ • vsTi , E.; Li. :e.nt-ilte il - -Dental. Su.7.-gery-, • bas re - !U'; • he - L !at •itoiss: ; 11,it h -e hc•g to • 'tits t.tr fas tluf.t he wiU vi -it intn . the- lirtt al,,o ,-- tit - thic I • awl Tap:41-4y of .ea -eh mon tit "Llitits at Pa t`; 4c1 • - MdLiglit iode **If - ""- ,e; 4,Ear • :1.4' . F.k nt•• 'et? t Ich ftS._ • •-i4itin ‘tatt,I. I 111->N1 • : • retary k3ANKERS, LUCHNOW and RIPLEY, ONT. Money to Loan at Reduced Rates to Suit the Times-. - Loans on NI ,rtges as low as (4. per cent. MOTES 1)h...ft s anti Cheques -on 'all. points cashed. . Special "and Prompt Attention paid to the Cidlection of Notees, Accounts, .Rents, &c. --- - --•-• - '.•_ i,..:K-Jt-.:t.$,\i' . .,-i-eii;.„:tr-7-7,•.., : leasINtzt) - • T---- -• - ifs.Ilt;T"*•., . " .., '', , ji.rpila-sni-i-X..:.,' -- ' . KO. II.1i . X. ,, - . • • . - . /t1t. -L. f • ',ti''.‘i T. ;', ci a ay e.tveilite..: 40.-: g., . -*(4-0t) ift- ,-1 • - --I '. ,_ ici-crii.,,p,.,(..!:V.111.iht,,11.4. Alitbrei.,,iren_.:cor- ., -. rile.11y.ievitt•il.:_-:. =. -- - TNS'.. 4o11at.y1.Lii.J...1.,:.5..1.:.-ert,t4rY..t. •-• QT-‘,ArvIoor1 :Court •As. v‘L LII"KtiOVI- - _ - _ (.()trizT . _ eet-thr. - 4.1.1 ) f _ . . _ _ e Pie • , - • -. - tk„ '•7 (46-trit'' - . m - rs'• WAFTS' PAYABLE AT PAE, • issnod prioeiril eitie-Aomi towm.of Vana- da. antl.:ou the United. States and -.Great - Britian, 1!°:trties /teirdttirtg , • - %vilified this tilt! chinttiest. Fat -et, and ate-st c :ncenioit. ittethot1 - , • I, tI E_ 8-T .:. - Five per cent. -alloweki on •th .• -„,-- 7 - ttnent: - 11'0 weirNitt veste4.fOr. err e rallies. • Ate' preitilrea L..• tak„ er- ' eu _ every c.,Itar(.eret_t J -tank - :1 - -"CortViyarrAtillg ;_d: Fire. A- X1 -114:1i..-- • • 7'1' • • • - -•• --• .-..Nt 4".•N' • CER '‘iP. -EY • ••• ••.•• • • • CUMBERLAND CIUT BACON, - AN I)---- 1-11k3Sit S, Of Excellent Quality, and Cheap. CLOVER& TIMOTHY -AT- PAARKET PRICES. .CAMPBE *.esamvittzr,t.) . • ..- : .14 0 T Fit "I L 0, - Tut, R. I; _ - • •• Etc -, Etc. • - - 11:-EltiNOVV.•• - - - - - •• - - Contlei-itttatt; in -all it 1-",ranclies.; .:A prepar. • t ...jai -moil. prompt- ..attattltifiii -paid- to- flat,- -antt to -all .niatterS- con, 'in.alect thtt...tratisfer of .1",:ear tt•tate.- "1 i1 1 Ezi• • - --• r'-•?* To- _ LGAN „ , " • • . . - N -Er SiT-I 1 M()•1; TAG 1",Si at 7 to • _71 pi-tr....6.1A -interest paval,le S•early- „ i.h:trs very motier:tte';. Apply- - • - -E,0111•11 ,--Se,ci•-t-la3,3.; of the lArt'st- Motni. Firtr! -n.t ratiCe - Coto pan'.v; tig but -farm _ • PAItTIES- indebt-ed tit.her'hy,-Note--of Book At:ern-nit, t.o.,ited_by the .10th- of will 1- l)I.e(( in t,he-Diiision' court: t • - _ • - • M. CAMPBELL': Lno-know, Veh. leth, 311F1. ' C "ti1111.1.11ATICII4S ..• To the .1%,(litor tho Sentiiie - -w-1-.41 to up- this -- correspOintence; can -bre of siuterost Jo the: in.ajority _ . . . . . . . .-Y-3-;iir r. ad_org,- iiiyii.. less to :-your.self-,„liu.t. before - Wiring- to tire seclaeion of: t,he ."ba-ek. seikt;''.,""as.4igneil.-. Intl. '..937--.1py irn-g_ • .tuative:o;-Tonent,- I..feol,it my- duty to My: raslirres.s.,....iri -takjng. -anYJill.1-0,te• e.1 ; „,-- . ,.•- , . c ... . , - aporpgrzo .to ...your many ..,creitclers. 1(11 11y that .11it!•1114.1.08S8 E_Ilid. nonSensical elf4S- ion -started ‘‘Pirrrhus . a.ppearing nt'it- -late'r iss.uti -0f yonr .".paPer,.1 and thni . S 1.,11) j ..' Cli,‘ut g . ..-tilem ;-to-',.the it. rture . of ano- 11.3r.sitnitir 'le tt.er -from '‘rti dot:alit-h. ' t.trottert.1c,“171'1,1ste'7:11.1,1,,tny.1170.: the-. t..)‘.4:.:1.,/..;at_. 4..btet I.: i ,i- 01 f11.1.1.1-Ljililt;1 i.,'.:1:.Pi L. -.t14.311, st::t. d'L!..lalic.'-1loaf-,.11.sz,i)Or: iti..11: ' in - thiA ;ii.... , Astiti 0 ds., .j:,s,t ay, d . . . . ._ _ • . - . - ' - • -lititi- Illy- iinsfortutfe to ---meet witit, and ', :.-- • - ise-in- to, ne,m.c. :111-;01 I i: f;-. i:iheeatt w(l'airsib.).1:yd:.'eor.fw.."iggnilo'irbauntc, e'i•sms-t',1.1-taiazoittett:1- title. last ,one .it .1)3S' 8:=:-1°'-'1 "r 'n.ever. - n'ot oni2i.-sliov"kr,,s_ .,111i;.t.t4..-IvrittF -is Na- t lie_ is, t.ev.ot of r...._1 ‘"Nt.1)%dri-l':1.4.;:i;-f(1:1i1:ifi'));r-1111-1:(1:'i-T-1.1.1.tbilt(ol':1!;111„1::Ii(1;111frads!':14.(161..1:eg-IJ: . "‘w1":,,Y;r- t h -ta':.1d1,iel:Icalcillelte,d.-.crieit'einciiistItidn.;:t, '1.1(!niy ii,!ii.-..e,h ill,: :1%1' 'is( 't71"-ii:;t1,.."ii.:;;;Iir-nrc'el'i* wtira-/Ay.- ,- .;;:it-'‘.;<-1-feleiCs i':.--1,... 1,,,,,_ii0„,,,t OCC.n --your i..:11,t - .- _. , J X. . . a- cifer-e-i-1-,-8-8----.Gx-p.osition of._ . .. t0 *. a„ui ttlitee.re-'81 , fo.r • -1,11-i,ii..i.", -- 10l " th. le- r 1 (-... i, 1 -tti•l.ci.•II Fir 1:10.s.i!. ioinf ... 313i - '..wItiCli lie is placed -by - tho. ameittatole lo4 •tie_I..-...think.-o!--.th..., undsil and:coon-3i.. 'exhi..utiori . le .ias.znat 0 o ithse , a ., -. 2 . • ..-.. - lre.._1.0is•-attopt lit :iiii ins, a thair :._. It .th out . be eifitlent te Firop;e-iWito have tlionAlit it worill *Iii;0 ..-to-- 3t'4.1111. tile.. lOtti..Tai- ofc- ‘..‘lyi•rt, tis”..iLtl-- kc'lltiloinatli,!:j ti tat. they --are-i-holli-'4he.,---pre-duetiona--)a-i ---theione-- ,T.:,e st-41c." of ‘Nritinoc.in both -_4i:.,-ititi:::_rs.'e.' 'inf.. 'lin; the latt,lr Illie "W-rii.--(k .stiows a,. gl.4--1.4...wa.,,t .:-)tktilliptuoi.- or. I&untie in s•-nFe, Tut .1.10DVd.:r4.1111nie.p.alcs- tm '6011v:A3a.1"-.1:im 1•11)Ittity.' - 'Di -111;e -,:.‘-(.;r,u. b-rr.)w•,r. Set. iliy: t:t1.-t.a1,1e.to_ri, hi Jr -rowing: (.-...,p.i.,13.11it,,.=_ „Ia. .s. At 111,4e„ - /if !NI elm ILELLYA1:1?; IL S.- _ itr •It 4 Adttress ' . STI.N.StiN • . . - a:t. lowest rateri., 1i -out voo..-',.114.1 of tartns tor iiale .0 w",••;11 • Pbriies. to :>•..11. farins, Wil. c-tnsult tnetr ittLert-sts:-. 1.)yf"-,,,,ititri-t;g•-•,f rub- `14•.-riber:in fATC,' 1';11tail1 an -I Con--“ tillept 13.11(1,4.-114-11:;le. • - •-. A N - VS _ T.a.lotAraitiltor.-1;oekluo▪ w • Ont.- :- • 1j: y-1- 0 2.11:74i - - • _ _ . _ - At...Greatly'Reatuaraelilatoe : - - _ - _ • - " 4'11311.11g 'ter _ !ro f4T_TTT igitt,trance,_ pitythat : WHOLE No. 374. . sornethinv, worth criticising, which is. very impi-,:.ba,1•133 if not irripos0,1e),_ani he may take or rej,-ct it, w131...11 ever he choeses. ().he advice is for him to he careful and concr.al his identi.y, and he will save • himsel I much rid •ule ; t.he ether is to giro up all i -e-4 f writing for the papers, or else to co ifiee him- self to matters simple and within his ken. .els a wi•iter he; is nr:t -nor ,ver will be a success: His tt .e can be spent much more profitably ,i1 attend: - lug to his legitimate Lusinekl.. 1 hOpe he will net -think me too hap on him, brit really I. felt -disgust° at the air of. pedantry aud would -I e litrrary superiority- with which his .,, at -letter :was redolent; and. I belie; 0 . in my remarks I express the opir,i'n ot moat of _'.your _readers. Asking•t.itilon for , transgressing on o..ihnch1 of your valuable Apace, I remain, - :- - - . . . ; . - - ----- -.-"-: - • • ..- YoUrs-''..ruly,„ . - "'..• - . ,. • - l• • - UNIT'S; - - • ' .- . ; .-*Thil-C.Ititifityi4y froilie. - --- • • ' -'''''' ,.-- --- -• - : T_o the Editor.of the -Sentinel;-_.-_ . - - i - -- :- -- - _ 1 )EA.A.,8iR..-----ila..T.Lin sr. read .111th _astop::, 1 -iSlinri.:iit:.your .i.los.criptiOti.- of • ft • ter? ible . 'ai)(1.11-.erilt: rending runaway -i tot 'T'lat. el ' ociturr.ed.rn you -r -Village; f- bt6:.-Sy-rif:: -Ptirliiio Iziit)c.eritir ivrith-..:- tit “ I • Ail tiCkY .- ,- --- - .,- -, -v-- ..- -_. - -- - -_tirsonti., trientiOnedi., .-.tts• ea.II„ IV 'filtpug. behind:their flying,' `.`.Chuo-e-r:,(''.,.adin-,,.-::_ .."1<ni; iji;4.p9tui,t:0:yf_tipit.ioli,-:;._,X.'w.-•ir,. es.1:;. it se.nee--pf7ini ndi-arid-:-the-L.-Akyr-i-Rir:-.4.t.-:7- considei: r-.._ "aM'pluelty fantled: . ter mi re . --;tail in -the 'Section, --I beg- te -'ii,sure yoni that -you :I -re -tinier A .'gp-Vp. le.Tror in --pointing:so ..potutedly_ :-- at- rri e.,....- -But,: really Sir',7 W,hel her t_h° borse, '!in .worsy. with.- the.:•-gentleirien - rilud ii ; "LP; . pi wliether tire -saitl. gerrtlerrien i ., ere trying -- to TIM - away --With* the . hefs-lei--,1, airi ,- qiiite--unalde .to :CleaTly _uriderktairrt../if -1 aan the ‘-!...1.iiSCiiile.-of E.Seulapli 4".-so-.feeli• ifigiy. te.htrred 'te-.-• • . -I ani inch ripd indig -,nalutly._ to derv, hut as it ititij."be a great -Mistake -.9:n. yaurilarf.-referrl: g to •-*te.,, ,y0,1-1 iteed ,rit- ai)oloi,iize. in..]: our Ile -x . icsiie*as".., I *ill. eltaritahly '!ecer.il my .fcitivi.miess-. -It-really .c,tritriO '"fia-ve been' : - - .. ,. . -mii•-tU:•Viiitiiir yott ieferi. 4s.1:_ ' 1:01 ..4.29-ut.. t,lint:tinnif...).)f.da:y-- on .i j.ger.14,_-;.i--.v.feak. in i ..Torpnt.. -; ./josseVer,--... do iis.ist,that ttit§iinpl3rtaiiti Matter intist,,_. e 1...,h4o.ar.oil --•..nii,-. is tlie.licilipw.a.tionof ..‘,...h.. itte ".cluier: is 'tod'iicrii)tis 'a: clialrgor le : 7' 'brtrig,ht-• : aTii tist i-illuy ?S1 '» gentle -41-Y 4 in:Luck: "iip_w..-. -As,..the,piiblie are ritriiiir'iritere'314 -ed, it_ behov.es• y ou as -a -t.tita.ri .: to mbralS: -to deeply investigate this.11*. tier.- Tatir4 • 1 re•_spe_dt,ittliy„.„.-: _-. J.:-.,. -IT', -T..G.: -A-.111:.E. J-1..:_ .:3"1.-1-cl::`,. " • 9- • 11; long sweet kiss vrhen you pan, and- a wee bit of a smirk in the middle to keep you ill good humour. How long should cotiriing- last? Jast as long, and no longer, than you become thcr- oIlg to know and understand one another. Some court tor years, othets c-nurt for months ; but it all. things are ready, it is bet -ler not to delay. What slionld be the object of all courtship? marriage.. No one should trifle with another's affections, and go oit courting unless he means to marry. Wht is toarui4ge ? rt is the irflow- mg .of two kira.tred harmonious souls into one channel, ever more through all life's journey to become one in sympa- thy, -one in aim, and one in destiny ; it the union -and comrriunion of two. beings 'who feel- that they cannct remairi SeParate if they are_to b. happy. Marriage is the conestone-'bT1 -the fair and enttipt.nons tetriple of. hnini4ri Jove ripe"-frnit tree •f burnn courtship.- 1:me-is:the-essence mar- - .. - - . -•. , riage.-.- Non should•tney. .19ve- smell other. - A. ii.fe.uniOn $hould. be :no mercenary matter. - • - ; .ONE Wrno "(1:oNs. • - .„ Kit:dough 143-irch 90 • - . iG6derteb-Pistrict-43_01t1-64: - ' - ceriventiec of "Class. lujeal viine held , - -top-,:rglicil3esday-hrtul-Thinsrlayof Woik. Iast- wa A rileotinii tin uSuarinterig17:--- s•.. „ : "; • ` -7 -.7- and profit,. - A large 11-4-Maber;cif persfna •". -.*qe•nrelient andmanife3rtedan apPrecia7 . Of- the- serviees. • Rev. 1)r.. = Williarna chairman -of district., - • - .presided, With Revs. • Harris and J. Philips il•s's.3eretarie's. r. A very hiter- -ei.3ting paper' -was read c, by. - •Rev. - 1-19rris on,• ‘Mie _relation Of class:Inept:. - trhe. spirituality of the. 0urcb.," : whih was .followed ktv. an' interesting 'conversation.. .. The- paper by the Rev.. JCaswell "Lec Preacheri 'lie: . _ , rcessity in the MethodiSt Church?' 'iras ve,ri much .appri:ciat71.•.• - - A largi'tt.Prigr'e;..-atiOn 15r:r0 l'I'eSgnt at evening :43j:vice,. when ' •Dr. i4-acrie.1 87 Oiscri-§e'll'o:i -"B±ligjAcni! a•poAitive evidet-ice Qutist,-• - The. fellqwship fwhich - -ftillowed will -not soot, 1.-.o• Ivrgotten by - thse :litho took iiart: *it wa,•4 ' - - < in.iieed,- "a season of grace, mid '6wnet • -: - • delight."- • •- • . . - Agvnt fei:fint-chat.w . 1,.," " P- ZITS - 1 _ • rr /e- l°• 41-1''11)- • A 1, ) • - • WAL.TER-TREELEAV'EN in t4e„ 'in hait'31,a large and- ' ' gut tuck. of - ; - ' CEti E:13 A-1.- .G330 I ES: lete-Itzi.ing•e-..eerythie ti -,of iund in ti,e;ht-rder of a- 1 i„,,,,,,,.1,-, •t,t.r. lie VAILIItt.21-:0, Intr.:in ,..ttc!. 0 -- cot% lira-, ,tt_nul.r1r tau faatatti t... 111M1 -111- ;.tthet, tt,:-.1-1-z,1,..:zzgvt: -the (it. a -- , _ !THOROUGH -MILLER = ef.rry Oil busineRs with- _iieaewed vigor, and by taraing,ont g..(1,grNts - *quick 1.1 1.1!_ increat,vtl patronage -front. public. AL kinds. of • "GRA1W-:AND- -SEEDS " Coastantly-on hind. . • • abcds 'Delivered to anr Part of th - _ Town. n a week in your own town. Terms - and $5 outfit free. - Address, IL ALLETT, Portland Maine. • ' • • - - • - .r , Luca *iv *- - ' • Tran4-AtILiric- 13t-aniers.. rl'iclieti for „ J,1v3130,0,1, "part4-, lilt,ilupe.,,as ;;;,113,. na .1r1. •111b.4 -• • A.1140 jrq'i.411". far r,f Siertmerk,„-.. - rick4.ts•T‘at and :lowest ratetv. ---, : • ' . - D. - - 14,m. , • KrOTICE .1terelty, given thit ill** .part - _L.'1 -nership hthretofoii3 existimi betWeei, lileLgIlan- and 1.!: -.Vis, in the Sa,w Mill - " buines4. w k clissolvgd on tho 29tis day of 14mt jugs 1.3Y. iniatnal consentt All inoniy, then due the said company will be eolleet by A:- cLellin,s and all flebts paid, by the; same • IN anew laIcLEI‘LA . . Millna. GEO' DAVIS. 4.0t1.q1 'dint Nain 'unless Us gIVOO-.13cie 1 4:1:::, , ., j.1.0171)::i.):,t:.;:sit...1.11.:1,1:uL9:1..:31..is60,1:v,,,:iii:i:iiialsil::1-...,1)(.1'il'tifit:ite.,!..0,:i.'°11:1,311,1-11.-1)1.1ivtlilli):,jf.i•:..--.TlibtP,ILr:.:',‘,1*':',ivi);-.uei::..‘"Tiat)::.-a.:it:,-1:.1.31.:iii'lat:..ilvtg- -1,.1.1iiii:tilliVoilei:11.'.'.. . . . - ii '8 -1 i iiir 1.1,i4 ni(irtiti. a.way c _ ,.-rs--i.c-iii wb live, & - --tl•-,,.ti; ,A liercilIP-.4".`: ' 111. I c()ttl(i- i c.0314. in a -11.aow-r, I. in 8 I , , . , , Vhitt 4iter t:t1-9 tiko It ihn U1 1311 gry.. in .1.tut- t eoini ttr) neat.). t -• , - 11.4r *151, eitoti1.,11- to, fit -p iiet; aull low- most-, -1;••• tlesiiie.. - inoli_r air Anti 121.10' prolu-,t II witrti4 o. r,tut- .: it- ;lilts harq,, ;than ttn-,,, (The its viere.133 writing th.ese fell bat tine -:ivi.,,,thesis its. If to me, as it Ino.st to every. reader, that it can only be• intondeil:ts 'A .ine.ans • . - . . • ot--vciitilatitict Ills (alleged) nowledge-,- And I- presunie-t he. •thottklif i4 fputuiiJ with IRO and it11. readers that 'he l'his . - , - - succeeded -in- -nit4ing a pitiable -display -of h.iMeelf„, Lwoold like to give -him ft little advice at -partide,L(for 1will not - • '. - • „ - . . , • ' . . . . • .. . • , . • -.---- -- --- ' .-. : - -. , -Colirt:5*-hip..1. . , •;- . . To the Editor 'Of the Sentinel : - - .- -WIl'at- is i.1-. ; II, is ths..Art-Of -wooir (-• A itirl,nr:yati:fg 111-1 11, the art 44..win Ding:: • his. or her.--atie.ctions.., _SomAti.re . bettor . C011.1.745r5. tita;) -..otlif,rif, both i .Y ntuie-,- - and fr.:if:00e ;:•-iii.ont;•;li hil...ar( bettei! Ici -1-3eja-ng-lit•,-.- A-si,--Ail-lion),-shal •-Nie cOurt--1. . _ . - . - . :.'1.1y. all -.Means court the "lat.11,, 'von.- love:, -and :est- eeer, .arid- court_ rio. PII, :-...i., f.r•-f.11,4 • , , ,„, -...-' in, e -"Irein-q- -at . uity - rate. -. iti, -yti: It en: *er .C.P'lliti 'V -::21:. .11 343 4i::.1-1 rilles1- , . . ,. . . . ,. .4.(d::::! josi:rt_it:Ftit..tir_11.6.)_:::::...1,6:::_.iina:.(',0131.1.,:._:n1;6_"c:(01-1.31.1i.'i:::Itiu...i,..;,1,cettiIitilter.•,eg,,alitt_icah...11.11).0.1i).::e)::.:,.., -- --- - - --- ------ , - - - - - "-"-- -- ---- - -- -- - ilr IA e 11.r.lrb eun ii sittkifat.---in.-tire Wiest: - _ . . _ . . itnic iiiviteA -.on to ...Ott:, princ-nt,and"-1-,Ve ;... ‘rlien . e'g tile, per, . ., .... . . ,suasivti-w.rrds hu -ye the:- inti,,-: in11:1-6.1itte =over ttle ‘5.1ear one- --ny _vim:, side.-- D-..", - ,. . , .. 'tot tiowever, Toitrt ttv we - or- iiiid.ef... . : 1 /„.0 . _ . the:. Moonlight., - it ..you.----tta 1, -pors_ilLy .,,,,,,pi.4.-.:c_ ii::::;•. :- :.1;et .- " lie - ..-yi;ti lg.. , Ind i t• ke"eir ituniplity_ '-..1 13 -...1 •?"*.••',71-. .nuiless. . no, vetino -01r.1 iiieNT,A l'filiftg fitzlolif, it.r.i8_ h!4c;1 n. 40:. t,l.....,:tifirrt.:2_1,41c.i,t_ 1 1 .1 ifi ' ! .. 111111 it .., ,- .. ... can tali-«,.. hill ,..i n to tier •Iiit ire r'S li- -us.. 1 • _-. -- . • 1 • , -A:Al-with rt.flaSti of -. inn: werril pi h le • on 'her .- lo% Or . -el . ei-k,....--say,-''' Va. . 133r,-. Itert..1$ . .-niy 9W6ettn-rirc.?'... :• r"i-3r.31,-.1-13•. t- 'two -Part: , . . . .. 11'..ell'eaeli pers'en 1113.1, his • 0 r- ....bet.. cr.;.- /1--, -inotho• I 4,1 c..--.urttirs, .Tlt--...glii islt have-- :rtit way -wild Si)have tile -: cot clrlauff - . . , _ -. _ . -Irish. - .Sitetch .rctitiii.'or;,-;•4r..-4.4it,5 in-. iir-44ing- --:.ilia .diRlinilising, Pret,iRling .tli!ty--aoli't,..ciare "for each• ri;t1"-cr ::at._ oile .J.itne,, and Maintaining , tl.re,%il„:4.6,rearly to die. tor eschbtlte-r the ne2i:i.-; . it 'ci)ii-, .ststi of tailing out One daV, iia Making .-it.,pp thennext..""Iii..cortiricr' •-•_hOwey.er,. *lie nett-loci:rush-in declaring -our 'love; =.,a,710sV: it -_tp-spuak .by. yonr i'ctinns and . . . . . ... . . kind --NVOldk. f , in...60nititig",--11'. ifeever, do . not let-- -kissing -becoine" .-to conirnin: oil at .a -: ......-j- 4 84,Y)1114, a .4.-itillISAT1111-': • •• ".. t-- 41.44, .;;The devotional:ServiceS_pn-Thnisday, -; mornit,.-g--weref,candlided- $tafford,Teeswato.1.7,.: nfter Ibtlughtful--:i 'paper .13;31-4•,...tyieent.4ed .; _Rev. IN. SInith, for elasa. --- lea:lers,Arld local 13:reac13ei.s."-. The-En)a- Jept of :_class-IneeIngs .3.-v_aa again _ . c. • --(111.•.;ed.. by ,alk-exe-el twit per.- froin Rev.- t • • 1AL: -Bryers;.-onof '.014sa _Ltqictmis,'! _And- 4-"tno- Prefitfal end exhatte--- 11 wt' p!per from itvv, .4 Gt., Stitherlii.1W, 1. , iii `4-0,au.s6•5 ef 1 !!11I' in 311tend- - sTi-Aise....ixii.;ers-,g4v_e rise -0..7ugtr11y Canvin. .--attn-f-ou.- the .'varioU.S , the (ine,fion of;e14FS.pieetintr, • - - - . it :was- - - _ 1* a 'Ot' t;t: g-teer. 1 -leeltng • ' •:3-411_01 .4.clipileb•pt . _; 11.--511rop2•-pitt1e111n1-n-t - grits; ps 1„1313- - _reelval -tinder 'Tio3 itt;rv,. ':',IeDon p1-3,31- • • - -.51.W.:0,CS 421_.tne_ _.1,1au.-:try- -8,-.1;;Mdt_ . _•:, I was wen •o, ne-oft-. bought ,•. "flit,..A il 3131 iefirUnth-; it 'as witra ' 3.1;(1 oil vreat -.deal of .1.-e; • . , . " (.”4- • vorosAIL4- 'It* • .if, local preacam.$ t• f) .•t• , hi) h-rtn: accOried 'to 'them-. - - the'M"Jeltualist. Ulundi -must-- - - ...-iren-htspect- in. lite, -.pitinstirking . . trapan'utloti- fur lite pulpit,. And _ "."Thi'r el :sing P.rvic: was a ',Bible ". -„O the di:faculties lir t)liS,CUt 1333:f :the life,' con-.-, "ducted bv the -1Zeir. Wiflinths • --of a fini-n-1 Liao"' to saw At WAS :i 1lI&St1,4oz:tab1e: sinvace.• 7 Ater of .thanits to :Or; lor. hiil- sei_mon, arq t(.) .t1t) peopf.q. of ' Cliratra-n for their kindness and hospit• : ality,•and an artangeinent----.• for. a bon- - - ..v,etitidri in '82, tile serviceaheed. convention was -a .-great. -ond Witat.waitexpectedbeth.in....Lattentl- and in Unabated interest.rinini- , lested in all tli-e-proOos(lings;-- - - ' - - • • •‘+