The Sentinel, 1881-01-21, Page 3-
- - -
The Marriage of Miss For Sharon to Sir
Thomas Ile Ice I.
In honor of tim recent a.
Flora Sharon to Sir Tilt int
Belmont, near Sau Frit lei,
Senator Sharon, the hcat'e
a thousand gas lights
bowered in flowers and si d
tropical plants. The flor LI<
a scale of magnitice ce
attempted even in Call • II
zens are noted for •thei e
arranging their entertain tie
ear -load of flowers wir4 se
Francisco. The house wu
into a tropical garden.
• of the niansion was co -e
. large and spacious hall,, int
reituived and doors taken w
this hall, which was trail sf
tinie into a /nuke room, li 'at
ceremony was performed I
• entrance a forest-. of fe-r
- visitor to the maguiricen
eye was niet •by one gran
and gas -lights-. Hunclre
flowers were reflected i,1 t
and the corners of the
were rounded off bY nal
Two thousand -wreaths Of
from different points. ix
camellias; pinks, tuberose
scattered around o
•At the further end -of the
is known UK the Music -roe
- mansion,- the., bridal .ar
This was a Magniticen r
rat - architectare,_
7 feet high and r rept iri wi
nmns 'representing t,wo 1 ftV
froth ex-vhicli all kiridstif .flo or
in- profusion:. (.)ver the ee trt
striped- - With: red, w
'flowers.- arid • beitringthe tt
gracerallY---interWeven.•;-tin for
nixdcarriellitt-s. .Froin the 'hi
--large-.' wedding bell_ of ..*
:.Festoonser"-shillitx joined be,
and -blooming- orange- 'tree. t„) ded-ti
with -.their fragrance,. T iCelle-
getlier, was one.which.if w uj be edit'
tO-SUrPft§ii 111 betrafy and ar t -;t3 ieerice.„
= • _ :Sharon invited -15,0' intima lends
present- L'I c? •'it'. 1Lrr C them• s the musicrooriiin- two I les soyen-
• extending froth -the bridal e1 -award
ontrace, -The eastinnes,ar- hulies::
- flashed on 411 -s,rgtlesnt thela iii titly
,--rearti,.: The pro`CeSsien_Tfer d tt tht-a.
'of .the.grand-Staircrisecin,t1 • s
- • and-coesisted.
• 1.1r- Beers. Pastolf.Trini
• .-16110iVed.-::1:av_ ;Miss; Bessie , gWick„• -
:Mrs: S. R. '1_ a-giste
.- -Senator' -Sharon,: arid the , b e,' lea
. - . _
on the ...arm „,-OLlier :father:i.
elitbKttfely ;(46S$pd tN't:r
• of a •
Thinniis -sited; -
Sharon iiiek thc• Aces -ui
anff- Dr: 'I eendu
. „the better:Ifni. marriage . Iry
- 'Church of -.Enolaild.. •larane
• broughtz_up--IL ItOrtliaZt ( tijIiit
determined 'a- fd117,-A belo- 1'7:u -0c
to..haitiarried aecerrlingfurrn..•.t.., rtki.cnit
• - 46u. -the time ..f4ri
caused- itv r lILii.e. to r
- 1-1, afed! fain) d eitti it; fe
_ „
podgier, • tkfter pulling .-oltt- L-1.1-Ousi
. -
r4-1-il,n (1-S1vet-at:
--of his bachtdoe,dayS.• Thc-64
or _was y
nervous, tlitotighout-tho -core! 4•, Unit
• answers Coirld not , heartl.
est -the- •_ The bride - S.- calru
calleated,-tual gave her resp sjtt a low
_but!: calin_Tand =perfectly' s tot -.voice;
'•Wheri: the.4-eauplezzilittd. beet yeicaincet1
nuut and ivir•e. • the mastic,
_ _
compa,•nied the e'processiciit' lie 7 altar;
-again idled the air, and.the crowded:
eforWard, to. -,tongratulate Sir rri ooas
Lady Ilesketh,.. -• - -few - n tes- Were:
•.passol iithaiaShaking,,aml.ta ten thcbride,
-,escorted, by ber brother, aid -.Trion-Cut
suPpertiUit -=Mb.4s: •,fiedg;kick,j pr inehaderl
.down the 'hall, anti the danei o thee -yen-.
- inolan Tire otieSts at- tht. ding -.-had
-been brought :front -:Sarr Fran s :early ler
a -
the eveningbv---a special train us :,Lt,
lie:-.-e-Ortinletion: of • the- ,cer,erz second
_ .
-train,arriVed.- -brinrA (i; hout •Orie
_ _
-thousand additional: guests, tit were in,
vited te. the' reeeptipa. -andWe Ali a"-- din tier;
The .• niankon.' as ..nOw
- thronged-, ;With • ladieS a and -g t -men'.
brilirant-toilets„land v s one of
i.,Tettt magnifieence,- There * •6 nrcol-'y it
:fivaii1Y- of soeita p lenge Cm
-; the coakt whieli Was no e resented:
• gathering:: IV;itil .the, ption 'Or
' :the billiard-roaru, where liqaci d.eAgars
a Were disperiked wai _r and the
•roorn-.ip. tli hotise,
NV44• thrown 'open -far thimble' rd -aS f3001.1
:7 I -.he _guelits: had paid their ro e s- to the
ly married eauple„ who.It -
`tatition_ cut -the second floor 0 th
they jeined. trie_..atinee.""-T er - wits
notieetible- absence •of •104.---ne dreSSes
• itmong the < ladies,,althoogh Or re was- rio
• - Iitck gorgeotiti. -toilets:- At 13 tl
. _ _ • -
• dinner was -erVed; in. the -sp crc liall-
'which:Was_ ohce-the art be whioh
was- -coliver.ted, into a supper -r
' time -of theGra.nt.rre.eeptibn. ' r a wide
and Jiang table"liyast-:spread-, -ttering.
with. glass, Silver aril ry .and
• here. the guestii. were Served s colored
,waitersidresSed-inblackanff• ru White
•kidgloves Arruler--zthe .superin 114
tide- Of
1.1i;Sliarenni;chel de egieine.'.. sapPer
wa-Si illarnicia, y. five
-,central-diarideliers of crYstal f aitul
:tett brackets,the•wlictle --Out pri ig nearly
&ling of Miss
riesketh, at
co, the seat of
as ablaze with
h were ern -
1 by fortis ancl
'splay was on
never before
a, whose eiti-
ravagance in
ts. A. special
t from San
transfer n ied
ground floor
ted into one
titions being
y. It was in
tried for the
the spacious
troducecl the
11, where the
ss of flowers
f baskets of
stly mirrors,
t apartment
re' gardens.
lax depended
room, and
d ferns were
-ailable, spot.
and in what
roper of the
vas •erected,
eee - of flo-
arch was
tl ; the - eel -
mere frtlling
was a- large
te-and -blue
ed of pinkt
Id.depended --
ite flowers: .
Dangers which Reset the New
Capitol at Albany.
• The fear that the magnificent building
at -Albany, the capital of New York state,
which has cost already ten millions and
calinot be
completed for less than five
millions more, will disappear into the bowels
of the earth is troubling the taxpayers of
the state. Unscientific Albanians affect to
sneer at the dangers to the new capitol.
They say that the immense weight of the
strpcture will keep it in place even if it is
situated on a bed of quicksand. The great
weight of the new capitol is the very
thing which increases the danger of a
"The weight of a superincumbent
mass of •horizontai deposits on wet beds of
clay or sand produces a lateral movement
and also an extrusion," says the celebrated
geologist, Dr. Dana, of Yale College. He
continues: "The laminated clay -layers
often become plicated by -the pressure,
while the.beds between which the li
e are
only slightly compacted or are unaltered."
Land -slides are of three kinds, but they
occur only in clayey -or sand formations
such as that at Albany, and upon which
the hew capitol stands: The mass of earth
on a hillside, having over its surface, it may
be, -a growth of forest trees or blocks of
buildings, and 'below beds of sand, gravel
and stones, may become so weighted with
the waters of heavy rains and so loosened
below by the same ni.eans as to slide down
the slope by gravity. "A slide of this kind
occurred during a dark, stormy night in
Aegust.1826, in the White Mountains, back
of the Willey Ifotise,'" says Professor Da_..naa
"It carried rocks, earth andtrees from the
heights to the valley and. left a deluge of
Stones over the ceuntry. The frightened
Willey family fled from the house and were
destroyed. The. *Image remains as on an
island in the rocky stream."
Professor Dana . adds ,".A clayey layer
overlaid by °diet horizontal strata some
tithes becomes ,so Softened hywiter from
springS or rains that the - superin
Ina'-'-, -bylts -weiglit: alone,p-resses it Out
laterally, proVided. its escape- is. possible;
and sinking down; taket. its place .' :Near
TiVolii �p the Hudson.: River, aisubsidence
of this kind took placo in 1862. The land
10 air suAk down perpendicujarly, leaving.- a
-al t°--- .stittight. Wall around the Sunlcap. area -.sixty
ile,1fit• ''Or eighty feet in' height.' ....Ail' equal area of
•-""1:..,r• clay was, farceq± out laterally- Underneath
1", k46: .the shore- of the river, forming • a„--_ pa,int
hbeut .im -eighth Of a Mile inerreuit,"proe
del),. ejecting into the. cove._ . Part :of,...-the.Surface
s the renirileed'aFi level a-- .hefore. With -trees -till,
, ... .
Were Standing: Three days •afterwardstheilide
ex.t.encl"eil:, pa'rtlitily breaking up the Surface
htetil' of the region -. which . had prevreirsly 'sal?.
head i4id6,..L._444-sos:titkilitgiitr.142,peitr-4s jf-an-earth,..-
loor.-- '4tiake ha4.:pasSnd'..2 The...-tylicile. area inea-
ne‘:- -sttret-1 threeer lour _merest."
-10.- • -Wlicin.thr;oeks.lire tilted, aSall.e.ttleiiig-•-tlic.
- th•E-'. 'IruilsonIltVer,..ariffrorrn-the slOPe- of alarge
alms" Will,- the- softening- Of .a -clayey or saufflayer.
If ef underridath„.M.therriartrier
ni,1114._,,b,.1, . . , _ . _ _ .1
,•__ro_fe,s_ser -I/aria,:_inity -.lead-to-it ,s id. e of -
1 -4,r supPrinenirchent . beds- ciciwn- the deell,
. .. .
41:113•._ •y_ity: -- In ,---1,8do- ,s -ti, xlestructive! slide of - this
atad. 'kind took pittca- ofs - the 'lipsSberg . hear
liz•er Golffitu, iri-SWitzerland, ltdrieliz,--coVered - a
4‘e'l regianr• SeVeral miles --stiuttre in.- area
rt --9.e, Trittsses-o.f,conglomerate-andeverwhelnied. a
;anitiaber . et:Villages:, - The: - thick .. outer
--AP_ • Stratutn-.-of . the -:."-, nibiintain. - ' raoyed
ii144, :b: odily..down warcl,-, aridi finally- 'br.blre417 tip
a,at and -, -eovered : the; :eountfy -: 'with 4 rains,
111-..P.- *bile-. -ether portions were buried in the.
.. -__ ..- . -.
va-s- lialt-liquidclay:-(the-Albany -clay precisely).
rah. tliat_.hadariderlaidle.antl'-wraS the eturse of.
44.. --i„ le -ottastropite.: . k milar sub dences. o.f
J.. - - ' • - I' - . : ei - - ' -
'•-t!, .soi-1-1i-i+Vetalt-&a-Ti t1T-c riaat Nice„ --cin: tlie• Medi--
. . .
ex -43 tern -mean:- On -ono -oecasion the Villade of
"r.)-_', Itocahrio.ia, With:its castle; Sank, Qr. _rather:
Ill'5 'slid:down; .witlioirt; el tOweyer, disturbing or
'destroying the . buildingsupou its ,...sUrfaeo:'
Iiid: 1,,oi-, :is ifope that if -the :neve-capitol slides'
intenthe .Itird'S0/1;- Ma.y.:7siMilarly:escape
-destruct-ir-A".theaglt; :this .Wotild.-liardlY be
possible; as: they bliihr:better': miff.: there.,
ibstatifially in Harepp_ thari here. .----. '" --- -
.. . . - .
\When -the new .Capited was .:comnienced,..
it the aortunisSieneraliad-conkilted a geolo,
\yell ittsengineers'and •architeets,tho.
yaSt '..itrticture.wonlel..not bd situated -where
it is-to-diva.I.le would , have explailied to
theio .the- treacherpris: nature -of • the soil.
wider:1168,th -,-- and Would-haye advised them
by -all means -to seek-it:reek foon.dfitien-,, for
allethe donerete in the -1 viorld piled upon
cal:A-tell:fill wrarlii Only add to the danger
of -a :land -slide unless it -were laid upon t1.
rock withoatelay or Sand layers intervening.
:-:- The•tO. PUrStre no -v. is forthe-Legislatare to.stop. 'aft work -and all appro7
.printions.tuid:appoint aa, eoria mission, :to be-
corepOried of geolegists *11-6 do net.remde. in.
Albany,- Whose: dirty :it.:, sh ail:: be to exaMbie-
the:fedadatirins ' the_ Con-.
-Aition,-- fprinatien and - Character Of theseiL
beneath, - It they. find that a land,slide is
-ilieVitable.:tlie, Legislattire will. then. bear -a
-,pbsiticia• to act -intelligently and promptly
• . .. . .
' in -the-premises-a- . - .•: • • -. - - • -
.. , A. despatch -says that -at. a:meeting of the
New ..Capitol =(!.•:"orntriiifsiorters . on- Friday
that I „•300 men are now Ornployed-; • that po
a,fternoon•:.Superintendept..-Eatitur reported
or H0 Men- would -balaidt-off in -a week'or
,S67. 144 1116At V:377,600. feidaiiied of . the . ap-
'Propriationimost Of which would be reqpi red
,--te pay balancea on eisting 'contracts:: .- _le
also said that rttnother fractire in the ceil-.
Mg. of ;_the .ASseinbly Cliamber..had -,been
discairere'd. .Et is the ,rib: op/Jo/Ate-4o; that
in Which the otherwits found: - The irao.;
tire ',has - been -_ there" three -WeekS, but hi'
• riatyisible.from..the.ileor.-_.:It.isexactlYth-e.
-rPirerse. Of :tlie: crack in:the-other Steno, and.
the..: -Stone ••itself : is, up hear. tifralteyst.prie.
_AiriclitorTlacesaid the,fractiirewas..Plairily-
niarked_on lioth sides as though if extended
thrpugh: the stoiae-, ittiperiiiterideot gEt,toil
iiaid lha.:had-a•theokY -A5. tatiippause. of -the
fracture, 13itit Are.-Ei_dlitZ had- -.made Calcu-
latiorls.•-.atid-' dertfoliStrated to hiS-(_Eidlit's)
rsatisfa,ction that it Was, caused by unequal:.
.pressnre;:thii- iifolibeing_'lowerithart,t.her
-other' crowded . or twisted therribs sideways:.
Mitre. r weight:had -been-Put On to balance
-tireiiii-eqiial pressure..•- : • : _ ..r-..- ' • ' - ' - -. -
l• •
100gasjets-. Among the 4-ttri ces,on
.... -
' th9 table, ..44 -Le Bastion Ruatiqu f- as the
_• 'ino-k
elabortite -_ It represente
date eitstie ivithits antiquated liound•
- ings-a-. The castle: wati- inthe il ro of a
-= beautiful lake, the- borders of 7 Wdre-
_ -chid:in-Me, richest-verdare,., -,Tli lii et was
filled with gold fishi :which: .SIVit 111 oand,
andat times appealed above •rthe o s and.
shrubbery.: On the top ofthe t 6 Was a.-
huge. game pie. ''.._ :- ..,..,:. .
. ,
A -youthfuj. couple residirg
street, Ottawa, rriade•ppza plant
Sottliday night -and had alraost •
itt bri.egiog matters to a focus,
young man'S father appeared Op
:and sent the would be briclogreo
pe on
n the
-j-Petulent .persons- complain ! --that- the
/Feather bureau not only -gives AS- the bad
weather,but the anticipation Of it. It is
enough to make the.cold-shivera down.
one's back to read the reports of the tiler-
niorneter in Winnipeg in. midwinter, or
-uote the hilarity- -of - the -Mercury in New
Orleans in Summertime. _Butthe weather
ine11i. plead in their defence - tha;t. they :dig--
tributejoy as well as sorrow: They. pub-
lish anticipation of good weather as well as
bad,and enable the peoplerto tell with cer-
tainty when. thf3-. worst is over. -•
The shades of night were falling fast
Round Hughenden-for sometime past
A statesman, working day and night, .
A flowery fiction did indite-
. Endyinion
His hair was dark, -and you could trace
A soupcon of an ancient race;
And still, in quite his early way,
He wrote of lords and ladies gay- .
" Tempt not the press," Lord Itowton said;
04 critics have a timely dread;
Tfroy skinned you when you wrote "Lothair."
Ile answered, with his nose in air,
The ice is moving in the Ohio from Pom-
oroy to North end. The steamer General
Little was cut down on Saturday afternoon
'and sunk at Coving Landing. Valtie, $25,-
! 000 ; < also the El Dorado, at Portsmouth,
$30,000. Five hundred empty coal barges
were destroyed during the break-up of the
• ice in the river at Cincinnati, valued at
about $1,000 each. _It midnight the best
i judges put the loss at this harbor by the
;breaking of the ice the river at $125,000.
" Endymion!"
' It is now believed that all danger is past.
stay," the Tory -said, "and make Mrs. 'Symonds, mother of a London stock-
"OhA twinkle flash'd from out his eye:
That wicked Gladstone writhe and quake." - It broker's clerk, received the following note :
c• My dearest Mother I enclose you a P. O.
"1.11 give him rope," he said, "-and try I order f •
", the day they may begin
To break the Trettty of Berlin!"•
This was the Tory's last appeal.
Ile enly said, "1 Willyeveal -
, which I borrowed for you last
!night. I have got into a great ruess in the
,city, and have thrown my body_ over the
1_Clifton Suspension Bridge, as I cannot bear
1 the agony any longer. God bless my dear
1 sisters and also your dear self. From o
I most wretched son." 'He was charged with
having dealt improperly with $1.065,000 of
securities. Ile was traced to Clifton, but
nothing more couldbe heard of him. Three
weeks ago his body was found in -the Avon
And so, when Ireland was aflame,
The Eastern question just the. same,.
Conservatives beheld with doubt
Their leader bring his novel-out-
And all who waded through the book
Met -titles, tailor, prince and dook ;
firhat wonder ft is.all the rage?
For epigram adorns thy page,
There in the twilight, cold and gray, -
Spiene in Ctirzon street he.lay.
"This cheque trim' Longmans' Will go far,"
A voice said, "Now for a Cigar!' -
. .
Thc SR.4-Vinaged 414—entienteat-ho.,, ill‘ idn't
- May Nothitig to Nobody."
, -- -- , .
The !Amber of men who need guardians'
so-el:kis-to he pii the. inerease,'Aespite the
. - . .,
many. •Wariiings given them from' time .to
time. -' eThey - should bd watched carefully
to be kept out of trou'ile.,- -aild -though • they
think hone are Ser•WiseJ they go along through
.. . : __ - - - ...
life with rtioutli; ‘eyes'Itaind'ears open, -ready
te-be-takeninat:nnyi me. _ -- -
. A -few' days„since as. quiet,. unaSsuirang
little'gentlenian called at alpriyate,-..board-
ing house and said he 'wanted a.,...cpuet room
..for a -few -weeks: - The. kind;hearted - lady
pitied -him As slie..a.asiSida:in renloying his
:valises to the- re-ore:she,- had prepared- for
lain: --The..boarderst4k-airinterest in hirh
aS t'he far-awaylook rit-liis.-eyea denoted a
soul eaten up by Sonic great, :silent sorrow:
'There Was never. ivimestion asked...hire as it.
• -I, -
Seemed- .like•aa sacrilege, to: intrude On the
sanctity of the -melariCjibly .ettim :that -had• '
taken.poSseSsion Of the ,inanaa'_--Ile '•ittestriore-
-"th an- any two boarderallin-theliouSer;hut.-•it
--WaSsiOne. in - an •abstraeteff• mahriera -Hi-S-
_inind,wasn't_ohlus-we lc-;-ttand-ns ho .swa 7 -
beefsteak his -mind Wils,reyidently far . aire,y
i.. . .. . .
.lowed the • hot rolls-- one---tit7-a--,--bite-- and-
, .,..T . .. - • . . , , _-. - - - ?
climbed_ Outside -Of •-b aktVlieatreakei0-and'.
iron; --.1is„Surrouridings-a,'--Whefr the -0=they-
boarders had:left the table,..thernelarieholy
stranger -kept mi.:held-rig and -ertinching and
.0-eyonring.4„altrlareand hini.:-.ALfut the. kind
landlady ithe*: hitt thouchts were far . from
the -table, porliapsluivering around- -a -lime
.. . . . . . - . .
-whiteheadstone in sorne. quiet '-New --Eng-.
,.. .
land'graVeyatda -.She was oftehi:e0tOpeiled
to dr3p a ten cent Soup platdi:oti ;the ;floor,
iii order •to, arouse the daye_4dreanier:by the
elatter.Oftbei pieces, 1.-...! ... a•.. • . :1,7 - • --, .-
'`.•„. When hislatidlatly .wOulcle sop hirn take
'his-hat:to agolout for a2W,alk She always felt
like throwiri,t•a shaVit over -.her r slioalders
-aid folleivirigblihri to eee that-sorne bad'boy
Came- not.--.1-0,1it Cain „, bat witirit..Canzie
.didn't-sli y reeks:at him:. ...,-.9.0e. . 'day lie.leftz
the, loos9.a.od did- nokita. urn. , -HIS eh_ air._
was tipped up -.-awai-Wig kiS..coming; batIlle-
:' Had-, lie .. 6On-unit ted -. •tticide?...". Had :he
nestranger.:1, -11.I0ining:-..- awned, the 110011 -
tide 741641: was dial -Ipso 1 '. of, bat. the -Silent
et,theJerdan.4„; - ilis _ya4Ses -were -still -in-
Stranger witO'Still:absent ' •-• . \.•.- ' -' - • . ,'
drowned his .seificrivijin, he -foaming waves
the.. :room ;.- perhaps eOnie ,paperS-.rnay be
foarid'in them that Weald -threw Soirielight.
on _the Mystery. T4e.baglarge- was ,searehed;
one yalisp centained.eeigh :sun-dried- bricks.;
tlierether -yielded three -..-_faving steries(and
_an old .pair of booti. :-,-•-_-':.
-Seen the dati-bell. rano and a gentleman'
in-cpritec.1-fer.- Mr. Thorns,. 'a_
; -"I want to see- hirn.;" said 116„--Solemilly.
. - ., . ,
.M-ra ThoinasdiVing there.. '. The r.gentlerrian-
"I'juSt Want to mop. the, sidewalk.with.hiS
careass: • I.Clen't ecarea-cOntinental- about
the Watch; Azid:. the -ciyerceat and 81, but, I
want -that Man..- ,I wailt to plarzwith.eldria,
a little. While:- .-I Varitte pit -the:music. Of
a theastind-Niagaras in hiS.--earti." ',Ancl-he
:left z Muttering .soniething -about' ,post-„,
Mortern examinatiOns and nirie;foof swaths
.as he kicked the:rocks oli7.-,' or."the road on
llislAvaytowarda the depot.
Maybe the. poor fellow Conimitteil sui-
cide after *all," said the iady,'-aS•sho setthe
tea things oh .fpr Supper.
Pers °Hai.
. _
It is statedthat: the late George • Eliot
left lIIUflhlScripts which, althiougli-• inc0131-
plete;:vii.ill yet inliart be published.: "
Vanderbilt hag, contributed: $1,0,000 to the
fund established by Dr...Dee-ins for the Aid-
a indigent students at • the IlniVersity- of
'Werth Carolina. • r- ,
. .
We learn with regret e•tlipt Fowler, the
phrenologist; is: dead; -Neen hiko hirn'ar0
wanted -to travel about and 'rakein-the bur.-
phisOarnings Of the shs.11ove-noinded. --
.I-There is a ruintfir afloat t at the Marquis
of :Lorne is- to he 'created Dlike--:of Green-
wich, a title once held- by lailivanceetersfas-
all reacleris of the .1 Heart �f _Midlothian
will remember-.
.:-.Epeg.Sargefit,-/vhb died in BOatbri last
week, was *fag the ail`thOT of the well-knowd
!Jong; ocean-
Was also the writer of a prize_ode to Jenny
Lida; for--:_whidiA344um.pir4d- him §.500. _
, . .
•-' Mr. :Beecher -. believes in, :Slopping over.
11O -said- Sermon litst,Sunday : Woe
to the. men .Whe triakcs no mistakes,- an2.
sorry for hum. If it man hi _a 'Aft- bucket
_ _
and only =of Water he
1won't spill it,
,but_ifithe bucket isr- even full; he __can't help
-slopping over. I honor the ruj - vhe_slpps.-
Over.- 4e -ie a. -Ma of _ xneasif. and mag-
nittidee. - They.; liye. in an. itable ex -
pans, and 'across their. -Sot 4)1a3,7S the.
quivering keit of • -
The Brooklyn commisfiio f build- r
ings is abaft- to prosecute 11 hiers for
net providing fire escapes in/ uildings.
The revenue from indil xation itt
France diking 1880 exceel / Budget's
estimate by 169,000,000 fri
_ .
Sleighing. •
Jingle, jingle, jingle!
'Tis the feast of Ltri76,
Crystal snow below us,
Crystal stars above.
Like a globe of silver
Gleams the white-faced moon
Jingle, jingle, jingle!
Oft -repeated tulle.
Jingle, jingle, jingle!
Hearts and cheeks aglow !
Steel -encompassed runners
Cutting through the snow.
Jingle, jingle, jingle!
See the vapor
'From our steeds, ike incense
From a sacrifice. -..1
Jingle, jingle, jingle!
Jingle everywhere li
Hear the liquid laughter
Pouring on the air. '
Jingle, jingle, jingle!
Hear the whip's sharp crack,
Hear the merry voices
Greet 118 on the track 1 _
Jingle, jingle, jingle! -
Through the frosty night,
To prevent her falling
. I 12111St clasp her tight 1
Jingle, jingle, jingle! .
Boycotting threate:us to become a dic- And the sound impels
tionary word. There .are many similar Thoughts as sweet es twilight
instances in the Eaglish language.' All Of ourwedding bflio• A.
Englishmen speak of tramWays, but half
don't know that the: word is short for mjian-en:livaetej gnu) :silfi'eijnai.ntottilet1 day! .
OutraniwaYs, Mr. Outre.m having invented smoothly as our sleigh!
some improved method of oconlotion by
-conscious of a referened to AdnairalfWilllop,
aid of such n3pans.. li'lr is the boy who Jingle everywhere! - -
Jingle, jingle, jingle ! ,
sings, " If I had a donkey,' what wouldn't Sweetest sound the sleigh balls,
go, wouidiet 1:wallop ' him, eb, no, noRinging-for a!
• . • - . -- •
sent at the New England dinner, whose
a, kinsman of Lord LyMington, lately pre-,. TILE triSilligilklit-.._211E,14...71-.Q.IVS
to the eprielusitin tbult, it will be sung in raitted by ciiilliap, in the -fishery arbitratin4•
:Strong.1;maigaage la fieference to England
victory over - al French squa rou wpnihim. • - . -.
great popularity among his c Untrymen.• • _ and Canadq. 1••• 1 . • .. -
• -1 - , k . : - WAsurserox, Jan. -7. -4 -After lATirSpringer:.
Marie Boze..thas juSt -- been speculating had proposed his resolution in refereneOto
upon-tile future ofrgr4n opera, and 6611103 Prof. Hind% :charge ' that the figures sub. ,.
Atherieern, . Gerster is t_ Huartaria.h"-iti,'nd ment,:and Providing for the appointment of -
Italian. 'Ill this theis lain, for Nilsson is iii-ter,firoationi:1 wren: had. been, (3siii:ir:it.ted: .:
a Swede, Alham ifi. 4 eaeadiailli.Patti.isan with the k.navileilge.of the British Govern- '.,•
. ,
... .,.
-ErigliSh;-.1iet .rieaSiiti h ing that. not -one at-Sidifax:•nre • faiSe„.- Newberry offered, a ,... .
great Prinnii, donna :Pf-' e. present day is' resolution,_ reeitin_g_ the:lact_, that alrave - --
Marie =Boit) isza. -Amer cam: ,,,...tley, the a -special 'committee to investigate. Field, .
_ ,., ,
great baritone, is --,an -Iilagli. hinan; _Poll; of Massachusetts, - objected. Springer's 'To, :
tampanini 'being the front M-.- all -artists L- ' d ' 'S .. e ieved- the T promoters: Of
the great •13a,.§s is an Irish 4iin, and .-the. -solution' was referred to the Cemmittee on.
coming bass is a Seothlaritta whesen :Ina FOreign.Arrairs. the.reeohitiod also says;
of N'iralkei: --lias 'been.' ytalianyzed... - ..I..fal , " The British Governnient. have :d li_ .•
ho.WaVer, reniairis the niOtrherland of teflon, to take any. steps towards inVestigation, . .
'no* singing, theugh Sin'S 114yeS, an Eng-- this -great national wrongithough known,
haliman, has a.finer tore e: tha I even Mario have •.--. been rewarded .by the r'British _
g'ical Reporter Of a..quee. ea*:i.e of the Poicyer _Atho7ed.--d_ iwsgorOatice___IlysTuilingbizt7171)-1.6--on-_-„sitytLG-:.--6-t7C11--wm-heollite---1.•
had in his pahniest days . • .-_ . . 'Oolvernmekt:P. Newberry . be1ieve4 _
• Sem° ollidial of tile g iteral. hospital in' the party in poWer in England _at -rpresent--
Hitv_okwri,tos_to„.ti, areit,al_ayia'llandirithiscrimea - It --. felt- keenly
-of iinagioatioo. _L._ A -le ala-patierit-A.vithT
chronic gastritittiAl It t1; tuallYi-t4keni4for-;.- qUeStion.-:,--:17fa the -British GovernInent -did: -,
would, 0 _," _ 8100p -ilk drbps.,,.. __licit not - atone for this --wreng- .En la; -d .
the firit.few. tulips s.:.i.,,aril.nortth lie, 4agam have -earned tile ,ePithet i`_per-fidions" . ".
bottle- carefally bibelot 4 shilitiiit4 drops," - -"awle•-
bnt-after.thistlie-hespie -14plasielanlila--.62rAtt-------7:-.-- --- -----:- ---' --' - -:7 : ' -* •
V .sa.fd lio- morethan.gbabted the '
60adril_o:ati:hfii4,rfiltle;c1titEbietidnille-i4._ ii:etitc7:2i..-.74:is...1,s.:tttbiti;::§,611'.:c?eliii_po_ loilikiii. da..z:_.- _..iTsitil__06fuioacyolitte.c. sty-taitOe-li:t1., it British6,,ra;terivileirtrrieuildt
WiSdP41 f'.if =Old 16;00.18.gA /Padeil-ge-orta411.3r,
for Ilea.liy it - rimilth,..- slee ing • nicely --wi en- .5,°f-0.:adi°d1:131: 't2tiatiounthde .t•13b.arttl.t4r.i,,°d°.Vhearde°1•33-boeont!
that .tlie!dose wag' redue•,1. . 'I ilia •Slie:t ok -
made her head f4e1 ,badl11;;Yies.Xt°:anai'y„. 11 -So. ohnaahl3.e.euer:li:ct:arn.„s4itia!,tt-oesil•• :ixillio''hita:afi-rin.%it''''ottaldhoettir-n .
it Was kept,frorn her fot-the-ifake of exp -27i--
she, 'did take: and not. sieetiiiiit• at all sw en
' The ehartaing aetress,Mrs.. Scott-giddantic - sITTIr4111----344'rL A2411° -1-UN"4i6: 144171-..' -
.-§ca, .-i4.1",t: k,11. -efihMhtn'dits,h....:f .g;;Ihe "es . t i. - Secretaryar' e'i
reent.:. : -... _ . . ... '
' • .--- :
- - - - -
,, ... . • ,•
: i - . opened,_ .-1-le , thorigli;t i 'the :Matter :could- -
.. • ....- --,
. The Ames', iii.' 0: ituie.. 313i :iispian.
- '
. - - .• .- i • ; -
- s .
is_ devoted. to a-ratber nnutteal pastime for "•• ' - - - - ' ----- ------' ' 77 ' --f4.- :
i.00tef.- • - With tle :ditch/31o'. nik-oll she ex;
ladieS;1 being" a i-hoSteTithu-SI: o! :e - Shah). . 7 1131:Per-a:;:itil:s4e./"."04:12:(4..sixwirlaciriielilliti:inoar
eels;-turd--vtith.' cartridgelile. Jim.- -per' r: OTT..4.‘trA, -Jam. -6.--,-•The attention vf, .-,t134 -
reportei_ yesterday, aftertiedu eo -attehd
.maneeS•are a Matter -of- mrcind dr:. '--- '1'1) e la y -
Can -ad -jury "C-OvernMent has.beenealled tie-
'has.a., Very:fine avert/neat Of xvcapens,raa. ci ,iiurneiolth -11-a"SgrePli-s- TeeentlY--APPOaritT -
she 46:v6t- neglects fen . opportunity to pr t-,, in:the Americtur•aud. •Canac.11.`aan. press relit-.
ace.. . It -wbistlie •frtililepf.a•Pot-Despatell - ti" t° 60i111'162e that .-a1"1:i°r Walsh has
has -
..,.. ._clainied- teexereise over the movereents of r_
little rifle soir ee- in the .shoetingfgailery iin-- Sitti4g13u11- -ir:QUi. -e°1TeSPrnident:was in the Laclede Hetel.-";= ' he fair' aCtress; formed to that if ;Major- Waallih;-.Who;i6
The party being inttodueed;' and; having' and aganst 'the' *-islieS .°f the :°anadian :-
heragreeable hasbald; 'Ha ty Sargent her an -4.cer Of theNorthwest niounted,:police,
energetic manager . and .i.,Jouple of.repor- has -exercised any influence -to prevent the .
erseerripased. the .airdienee„ the doors -bei cr return,of the .refugee Sioux to-Onlie4'states :
dosed to _.:t.he -regular.- ran of custarner:.. '
territoryit haS been -without the jnio*ledge-
.dispeseder the itreitther.-.040 Mud and the :...the sionx to.:sorrooder if,
GC!Verlitlientt4biehil' not ceased to :urge.; '
sr:iced-sec& the Perf rroan-Ce-at Fopes, Mr.
Wore the jauntiest htliti101ur-"tps whicti- „.,
did not interfere With her sight i thio leati, . PY,,!10).e. -.-- 7 •: - ' '.-
Sidilein&stated-hit 'she_ was ready te !flake reserVe,tion in - the Tinited :States.- Xajci-
and return to their -
,-Are.cord and would:-shaine Ira Pain. '- Tim. Walsh has heen--ealled 611 by the Cr""n-1.- ' •
lady was attiredin, a rielt*alking sitit, and • ne("at Jiii. an "Pla4atleil regarding the -
contrary course..alleged to have been taken:
A Miniherof rifles iWere„offerqdrifor her in-
spection. 7; With "alb ftif'..Pf :an expert ,s -he ".. - 't * Life.
- Wedding in Illigia-
:suited, rand then said.: ."'biaziwis ready for Closely". ekaniined 1 eac,10: Of _ _them ...Mit 1 don 011 Wednesday, Japmary, -19th; -that .0f. -
_ ,
. A, . grand Wedding wilt take :place ::in Ion- t
the chase': - .-Ouite an -improvement =thia.rifl LeOpold de Rothschild; youngest son 0:
:Must be on the liew1anct arreW ofher tileng• Baron Lionel... -de Rothschild and _ .1figiS
Perugia', of Trieste; 'The .hridS :is A.713iSter
Everybody Smil.ed,- 'emd-then M.S. Siddons of .mi.s..grafot-sa-so* whose 'beauty, it is s
braced herself,' squinted along the glittering
barrel, and was greeted ,with::apPlausez ri .fattidi can bo traded froutlineal-desesodauts. '„ -
of Job's 'daughters, :The Marriage' will be -
the sonorous king' ofi .the:.bell" indicated._ a ilo-jernuizect. in . itie ,-.0•Iii_ro , synagogue, .
-billPs,eYe.---There was .nOtiling unusual111Great . Portla.nd „street, 1-4entiOn4 by Rm..-
the:•seene,:exeePtiit iloolierl VOrY-,9(14- 0 .8", Rabbilth-Green. _ --Anothe.rgrand 'event in,
.aawhaaytidtotinit ean:dt,arrigceltloy7d5re:sfseOdtIvaplwy-a'hyl,riXai;
t_ theb filtht hoJanuary,l familyd,en
wthei ll .0:tekaesTioptla:fe -t on
mgarrifesnitdidwohlizias-ftleiirm:110%alf ea Cerij.ayekorpilldfiillshcoott_. oriifettriec,:rittpeilitsh.6_:45ef7tnhtebtvv-gisv,i7ngr_eteo :,ete.heroyo.lo,notti,,_
making_Mie bulli'Sfe after another with .1)1Aeor.oiliiejsra
a- precisionthat. aiv4e#e,(ii..' ointerest o(1
Pal.syl-at-Mioasftaegre'W.a, and ear, '-niwhoen ab. elrb-I34 .
nlost profuse °Winne/Ada:tie:a yorn
the keeper of the gallery,sand ei:Oluk4end.atgbe.ri: thejewish,congregation. Ris :fathikr„.Bi -
'Nathaniel -ad- Itothschild,:M:1'.:, wilLcon2- :
• ing; Marking -17 7 bt111:13:65ie,S.' 91 .4 - possible wilickihe is,-iitie•side.ut .(uoaboys andzwo,.
twe_ntY.,:i•Licl the tni*'ss6s .1)844 Very---elge, -refreShnient.s - -and -: theatrical': entertain-- ,-
_shotS ' at the, No. 6 Itarget- : Baking eight - - - - -
was introduced for the time-- to the glebe. :meats., .- Tett tons a, cakes and _:$0.,900-
-as-ingdb t.- aVtile:'• I5SiFtMe Miltiesr Pt lCeetileieei4 :-finrga6fi.-ito' iwrIalibget:)..s.libstr.4viebillbttePt'o"Pa4erPeial;,atad'traePialittgf:1:;
1 . a-
-bull's-eyes and two _elevens. :.-*rsi-Sidderis - ..•
explained that:elle' b'ad, al -Ways been fond _
of pistol:shooting, but only :recently 'took. .- -At .1a, meeting. of : Unmarried- ladies in
Lonia DesPiiteh: -. - 1 .. ' - - -
to ri„fle. s,":7fith vv. 11._ i, ch idior7i-a,.d-c) igh.t4;_-_st. .,n.s."-Ionhsioni3aciihtoontvicireh, township, _,fajneprwS i.ntghe. p
.follows,- and thesameis. hereby _cleereed;
I -rWeatri/01-: .
• and resolution were ,unaniMOUSlY adopted:
"We, .'
'"- We; in'conncil •assembled, -.103 •
Whereas, as as We eannet:getitlusband to . ,,..
support, will _direct --,0-0 ;energies ii:v
another, :Channel ;__: -therefore,1:ReSolizedi
.ethfft 1:,'-ni. - :i. 14.ii_48.,7177-7.7°:1:,:1_1-3.'_-9,f:°.7.....s. slf_'''-',‘
.- 7.4.-slieft-Opply . Of - available husbands Ili -
support hi. a neVelty._ only to bo found. in, -.a: ---
yotthg and unsophisticated-iontitry.
. ----74We'llaVe, belioty_posi' Madame, that .I • -•
:can show you, prints of Tare beauty; .-popieA
i)l the old masters and of nevi productions :
of art,. but these- 'pan hardly -.serve ' your
purposei'-'•7',, Prints 1 7 she 'exclaimed,. 'Ncritlt- .
1aniniation, -‘ Why, Lona out to -day 40 -buy -
30tnething of the kind.- for al--dresa; ..Do
your prints - wash?" . The interview was :
pe.coining a littlepainful,and-so.he explain, -
ed niatters to her, to whit*, she responded ..
with all elongated -".Qh I" :end calling her ...-
.boy sWaYfrempictorial explorations Among, -•
?_etpoks, she. went on :like atkebb'tide; :
. . . .
Th Virinc on :White Bread.
- --.Ths.LO-rd Mayor of, London has opened
the-p.arIoisof.-the-Maniiini- House to, the
Bread Reforin 'League; whoprOpose _to
wage /Far against tlinprelenf love of *bite
bread and siibstituta - for•Litertz'article
reseniblink:Graham-hreed.r . Ti , d Leaguers
set,forth thatlhe 'passion _ for.1whi e bread•
which is tObe called wheat-ine' bread, isC)
is a." mlicluri4" evons Idehisio-,It'iEa cause
of rickets in children,' and is Tes onsible.
for the prevalence ' Of :bad teeth. . It -is,
-m6reOver, very Wasteful. .. Theill . neivv, bread;
- i
to be made by a process invented: by a 13r.
Mosfit.- Among its Many- advantages. its
Cheaprtess-Will not, be: ; Ihe lest. Twenty-
five cents' Worth of the new breed will pro.
vide a whole -Some and substantial rhea for
*nine adults.' It dontains-40 per cent, more
nourishinent, threetimes-111013 flesh -form.
UT, fifty. v-titties morelieat-forming, and
three tinies more bone -forming.- material
ithala twenty-five cent's' Worth_ of beef. .