The Sentinel, 1880-11-12, Page 81 _M \' AN1) AFTER lION111,A ttdtho O,Rine, trains wit leave llf{+•k- )w as fel- t; 1 ,v,••e: - 1;()INGStic-rli. •4 c'•^til.. 4.51'1 a. 111 k.C•' ,t.L. 11.3l, %a. 111 134 • -, t 1,.:n G O I Mixt f1 e; Arc <<: iiia j haat 1.itl:tt SACRAMENT — Sa''rat'e w' r- eon •set• d i,; th.• h`reshyt- thin. Church, 1.3 lt,•v- .1. I; "rayt•'r. i{':v• ('f Knox. Pre. 4_;t'nrct'rl, pulpat i., the evening a -ere well attended. TRT C. SEC:tRD'S' 25c. They can't be be••te.tl. ACCIDENT.-IIt)T11 .. t-illt=, formerly of Lucktio to Mr. (x. 'Middleton, h_ tit 'P. tivbib' ant shootingi'1 4 i)a.y. to have MTh t) 111 ,1'n off by the exp'?si, i ng-p'eee. The injured 1 be „t1iput,teil below th - AcC[DFNT --rel' \Veda Airs: J ►1i'' Kerr, Was cal }low .',afire' ,t..}it•., and . f.„ s'eps ,'.f• the hot-t.tin "than,•» a ti''1'.g steps. T. attr.ctrd the loftier of tat sht- S, e tp. . I,a.aiilg, a 1 the lady lyiog'at the to. in itfaint She appliee �atttl in a little titre,• tyle p - and 1:1 .ap'h )ur t -'r t (lgwa • 1.4 (llt'1'H. 5, p. m. 4.30, p.m 0.21, p.m Ila(llte, P: ) rice. anti fr.:-slf.it t%•.Si c list Inca. i•.err, was- Lavin 111_ 1:=teat: ori .the hack ut -a •`t. „ti -ter -dory, and saw tate gi-)w.. % bi - A &odd ;r°: LZ' 1 1 irttl'1)1'=YZy ., `itttftlll c-u,lrre•;ed t vell.c Itre'Vy ;<-tt r:", tit 1 ttte.fPll 1 er* 1-4.11 ing' in = ticked_ huns-lt.-out •out- tf blest' tti't•_T, 1L.rflt11 •r For, .: [-e,', t tidgki o c- home. $ FrSu. Mart t1.1nt-ref ,:)r'tteriitl;.can he 1 ad.;t 114ok ii torts. I,Iat t,:10EgD1! ('1 tail (l. sr i, r g -r t were- Sill tj l.t 8 a=fzhfro:. Llai 1 'idl lintel-, ,a t,1 tial t:P a:t'ul t•)- sav, ik of n •cuI't?lace'. '1 t }8 ".N:.4 fig" t 11PtWI fl tr'•YO. f OU tP heir, was -tinter: liquor. '1 .1.0?1P l.t fl tl h rindi theSw f ;right ate 1,L'' •nlrtllne3. ;:le n of f • li cr i lar 1aT8r Out - meal d ul nl.t s ,cof. t 1)'1t• F T I1' 1-t ss r:o', •'I'.ie- CA11 117 st-ririr &=id. 1 !Iva& - Its A _tp•ve7R' Fr -);: of ."d`r. Art tnir until it: iiarr. )w c• 1i a-v_eeions ' 1.:tt -r.: C):.) c1.s_•v 111st wY i -t 1 asturtt ne=%T this 11, It. �r.i(,tit'1': T1Cl,lu-t I'lfir:Rr�'ab1 •, v1he 11;. 1 i e ire; thus heI 1. i r= w. f1"LT:rt ,.rani :.Niten-son • #. ld tr:.ts ptlraue'd tiy, lditi .for the t Bare .,S+, Th 'r trl;t' .= rapidly. :1 1 1 ;Iran th . r,..0t{,. it: root le d ../aRP it. • .t. 10 it,. (' tr • e r. -a;a1 in ;inial gained c' , i as atics•('Ca1L t`h E'>rracQrPs, end at f}, SLEooRD'C. .socia . St/CI iL --1 ne F t2 v t. series -b •irg, giver I. rtf t11e.La:it is lid tt JtiI with tt1 A -t . t r3 •n t'1e, r 'side, G ' f'f j`` c. _ t -•iii l`i'eft c'.•e 1 t,. .l-lrgel t Fa tell lei; 211,1 n .- a fitTC ('.•.IIS )la Rt".3 vr- j P - t - 1,u'n= C r. lit?te-t- Af rrt: ala f•'r ni r a.'iiiq & flit : Be -n.1 pvc gor�i g, e f _F•;t11t , and social cli:►t l.tale'evsnittg wsit•..ape tAi_arnselY Q Fri idly } roc age.. t,, 'b h1hi 1t. iritez`v.Y during the e()min- Lire et Lehi -at the• 1leaidelig. (`s K111, rib -llla•sday..1 lip -Thu only 14..4 .441.1 et :t Luekuvw si Y , '.r.•-ttpp1ibe the I al service., 1. ; tildes,'' t r 1'.,stt'r, ,tmerou c 'tetett tl e it r services of Oak e itlix el - hi t.11un b ot Lis f w. . 1• ha,. t 111 111 .d- 111 e • c'. y 1" tet fir a rat Et I1,�, ilk F! er rel 1 t -c tt i CHEAf.P READING.—TA`611711 w Euh- scribers se I:liUt,; us $2.45, w=• will gist' 11'01n nOte until Janos -S', 1882, the Wester9? Advertiser w,ed Weel.l..y a,' all , the SENTINEL, wi it an excellent portr.'i?. ,ot lfut,. Win. Gladstone, or •t, p,pers wii11„ut thn port Init for ...7t2.30. Agents wanted in all parts of this section. . FRESH Prunes, Prunes, view Currants, arcl , h•• l,e?t. l,ntl e•t(-:,4,'Si 507at:t are to be 41 1 .t' C. bECORD'S. East -sial. REL1G101.' .—Altar • ray Meeting S. r- .ces +l er• -.d t [ Ir�i11,'t1iod1St Chu i ch o'1 Sahli -6 morning last. I -n_ 11 e evening, a, is the usual rnstotll on this. it s' mon w.t3 -piuacl.eli for the $11e1r11. L.e„elit of tht' young. Thi: - lull it n.xt. Sunday will he octtll•it• in the ni ruing, ny Rev. Jno. \VaIlker, :int• in the evening by \Ir. J iu'. i c - i l ;rtl}•, .t� the pastor. Iter. J. T. S'.11:1h >, will be ab -elft- pr. a hi g.tor It •v. 0. *antler, "r: the 1'e,'swat r C mu: t. - �I, (- ORttiGAN s•-lls Violios at $5, 7, -8, ;;10, $1 $15, and $25. C;ult's! d see - them. NV will ,g•ve tic ua:.bt, as lief' 11 . 'Wit ht tell (1_ wn 1,1's c -.ies r. tn.' : dy In I -f..;11(1 he st ;ra,` tot at-ives Lr.lneto, y r. cover Co 1.t1sh'. 1.111 l..t A 1 :rf •C'(:l.l (/ (fit' 1i , chair bcrs 1►. 1„ .t tl r, ev i. • • -1 IN it ' 11 i -tit t,t 0 Agents- .wan ,be said 1,11. QEF:TINEL, hv• l , .t cry . 1882, c - All .4.. for -the 1'.x sunt..f •$2.. O, i' 1 11 � o i i.•. - t3 ty 1.1J .a..•�cr(1),•r \y :It 1%43 Yt . .a.• lieonl. Ste.l E.,grtye he 1ett• 1i.,,it. i;•.o _Brown, - '1 test style of:wotteru art= test Moral : Though Lucknow may be over- run with dorgs, don't tech one of the critters unless you're lite is insured. NEW I'lymn Books 'at p. MuRCUI SON'S Book sire. • ANY lady tubing an elegant a 1 -wool Jersey Or Vest can be supplied immt•d: lately at flits. A. Mc1i.1NNuN'S. - SLEIGHS.—Winter is approaching a•,d t our chi,tlt•en ntatit• have ,1,: gt, (i -..k ct, 1)r: Tennant's and seta his t r_• d varied stock of ct iidreu'shaud sleds. lie can suit yau. - NEW G-Roci,ar.—Mr. Alex. - Lawsu It:ts o,,etled out business in the ,;roc, r, i', the stand formerly occupied by \lr. 'l:41.-G'•un.iy. \\'e avis» friend Lawson t, uipelity iii his uew venture. ,„{i k+ai.t- a first .dais. pocket • I iICIP.go to lI: Colt-t1G':i'13 I1o:ilr Stolt :-apposite the Po8t.U1t.ce: r ' • Hi` do" r3: wagon 1.1t, ttw•I tc kit .c -f. t►t ... tell •Yv ALS• 1'6'4;1; t '.1. with. Oil-, it ,brion.41y,. Itil i,ry, `he in ud, and, lac 0.4,ear paries lull (!Ultla(in:a5 Slit 11')ther E- rth. don n,• - \\'iut-'r=1i`;sh of anuli n.1 5:ttutla ii ;Ili .ta-t4:;, l)at° as'.tbe• We.athe.r , t• `' klartiter, ©. lily, rt' d Ile .,elf f , 1tt•htte_mantle, and resumed (r AutuInn .fres of .plain hr"1**AI 0x1 tiaure,ive Styx•-, �(+Y:rrlt1O ttl•t int..\Y. .11 t i'iti, O!I.\ recall ti '9f- -t110 fl••ticy, tttnu47,11 to ualkc Sion--1).tl[ing; alld not t!n')i'g 1 ..t.i • 'eke Sleighing.;' 'hIlt;::)JO s. et I.ol',d t1'r,li:Sel,'iS Ii:ui ely while -tile: asst~ le ma.;netl. - „t 0•.tn.—A cit Via vo,itl 1 :.err of out -t v:tale S.'t 1 rill ns 'n. alt ,[ o t,t111]lE rats jV@'aro almus't.out.of f.tlt l tn:i Wei do riot 'like to It as'e to buy • • • it.t• 1I1 ('S'1UCk 111(1 •11'r,'�; j, oniKlr' t.rk.• , or hi .1, due i erg• .1 '; lw eat :Fiices: '.;•dl.url - LuaT.--A ehlld'- l.ght coloured Tani O'Shanter was lost Friday eveniug,9ulrle: •, ,1.:1•c Ut tk` ten tItt Alt'ttio'lt.nt ()flinch and .lir. John i11' llartly's,residence, on Out am st. Any ono leaving ti,e .Lulu at this office willbe suitably re: ar1tI u. - T1Rt170NIAL.—Ainorg ourlx.tr.i:t�.. { ft'und teat- --ot Miss )1 no kit ti,iyg will eti a fihor - ,1 :iv., for ?' i,11<ttu1, to 1.1e- er t i rii well, L:,q..M.11., M• Q., 1'.:�•, I- , t 11., of I;-s't'buigh, formerly. • ..0 1, (,oa;,,: Tie. ngti. e- was chpp,d n the Loud- n.:.Eng., 1'ralles. \\ e i:)11' the. happy - couple, longi life and l,r',5f:er1:3*, Lnvxtt Tc -day; (FrIila3 ), 1 J. • •i'al,p.<!Il'' r.:orc the .\la i�- titt.' le-artswer to t ,e:cl clot. of ttrsauI :taut. b..tter•v 11ref*•tr;tl atltiirst hint. j u es Salltlt. AIa at the :satne time i� one of c t.l ••••TA1 I .(t. l�t lilt.—'fie:'- are I.1..year t' t s.1t(•Ii.t, Srd tS' Sna ?,:ill .r 1 ',the I ata tl kat t t, ori `.--.0 by' 1h \\'_'n, (-arc 'sit k of ilii' ittg s'. (':ant g rapidly-. into I;a :ler ,1 u.,� •' i r n i t filar ,. ore raj Lilly.; Lia licet,.'...tlliit- 'its no, - t.l l inventor` 0ivrr boiled -for...' Altlrc ugli it; o: stop the lits. it'll- Ira t if ` cut fok about- twn t L" 1.1 v ref (tJj 1t1 ry til t c (11 til l •c 10 1- :I1 1, 111 rl 11• I.. ill Rif :in the an,`cst tier from-.hri:;r the , ,..:7 }.stat=l. wVtt11 oeitt t b� . t.,c. a 'e ct 1~ n l 111.t(,':, ala rt -s, s7 tali tv111 1( 1) . t, ' t„ ilii uh r'.c of itt)1131Cllr,u.L li.f.,••e iO•it erre 1 by R 1; \j i4 ..;.1 The :en cant ..,ales cit the .c :se. •is.a,iVt t: us art ..: oll"ot,s On \\.einub, 1:ty .tf t•ruooli lasf, 011h eittetedl Whi-telfs'Ilotel, aint :eted; out.; i, 1usitig- to 'Pave he c�a forcil;;y 1j't1ell 'by the -1 nth til. 1 I -lice the at:ttoti tlstti e,: Llltter-1.1111 ;)_ N Dkir,. W GO�D- !E4V1ERY EPART .NI EN T- 4 SPECIAL I E F • WI 'iGEYS, CiltV FLANNELS AN CI;EC1 FLA##ELLE TAKE*AUKS A MIMS, VMS . i • lis :: NT G - ) ^ :--'1hti 4-,o clerk- oil \\'ell Ila s t _afternoon c:trrii•d• i (t=ray fr''ili the 3.etidl;t,oty slat) r,'Atr.. -'leery hill -awl f t i1: :I•t-te of �t.nllser . 1•i; boniltl for .:laic lontal :ill 1, :3.Itn:• .1 large nar'y'• ol. ub1 ilt_y_ friend li (d aro ell wits tin to _L the 't'lti'In to • t'.` tin ni as t ir:n,1.111.iir ; joarlit.y. tis they (ionic'. '1 he .fastof they're.' 1 having- - avii g ''lily •n; so--tat-in te'b.-lll -srati'of ro:ull;. a'testitit .to'.tlle eIktll,letieSS Leaf •11,'-r. i-11. Iti1.hi.p, 1111' tai. Esteem int. -which tali LL II 1y 1 e -e ht1.1; Iit ft.rr) leave ••�.. \f r. 111ll strop, 'tl .Lt and *ordered):' tile- t though. . ,r"�TI.ri; to le :�, lit to L1in,_tha ilui,nrc•dr of •[ilii• s away he :cu.,tl'1 Belli EL W U AT VERY C 1EAF KA'L'E?, A 1 INE s LECTio Ov N. OVFlCOy TT lees alr:ec dy rt'(1I', Lai rl•k!t•Tr. aur _a ton-. ('f . 11 a fiat t,t .�;.I1'l(1 with lltt't•' e i'1 0f cold • s -itQ 4.111v`15S I,�.' 11e 11'i } no I'ater,t .Li1�ht',.bia-has, .r._Q ltE . „coi. n t I , t:r:82 t a .lit, 1;i1 tl_,. 1 Katal on •1 i� u' (:.-e .(° ') J'i- M :_fell.• ter' I',� It 1%• •0 tU 't r-. At. stt' L , .1T11 Ir'=,li • t.'..k 2r Ise fi 1i tttrltals in- ' \\ 011411'8: hoots.: - j ,—Ui'\(rtlr..es. • '1,'�:IGi8TZ,fTE� (,OL1tT . stay: %t t seve-ttl: ),art c .:il�;u':�i(�d,l,eft:i . arae 1[x ii.-tratt-s of rale The al ilial, (lrlr[?1. gnu e31 rill ltd .at: 1....01:114 ''( Ilttta l,' P I'i 1 l$ So • all ' n1 41)4.• Tracy t.f 11;- ,, a -re '11�Iisr�P 1 io11't c 1: "I'1• of:_-"Cattar; : lured_ s 'stn's c,,tt or t n 'la ,( in j ui "; M Ka_:y, $.1 at'. :- d (' .atm . A\ll l•1ii cC re ;r, Z and c' '', 3 An'reS :1.OLltrilie;(!, $1 and 1 cosh 1111 i 'Hc •p' the 1 ''•( rrt•tl t 1 above '-ti i5 r , 1 t �, . t1`tLll. `'''lilts" 11 �;t••r iu:-:�Il felt+.�`, iur :�:litilL� ho :S% ks ti ie'1 20 and c t,t:1J�; lire ad ocCa ion 11e. frill',Y-a8 t 1 :(.(.-tn_ the. la'.ter: Ile: 1 it[1 n`1 put suit, ar(1 neatly: it to a hu;: of rt i-11 i• - it.terval the as -:ifs-. 1t: Ilti c kinds of at •l felt's L r,tl' na e.. )1'' et la1l >iti.c' on -nee' -ion I - 9 til:•li.ticlf, •r y a n .Uel ill it ( 'heir o1 llhat. was .going i nin'--lits t'?•, 1,t i.1 l:1-rILootl. i;ri be-11ey New..S. : f Ili 'Henry Ilrl1'r.. On ;the o(cl lot o r 4 •,•'' a f. i•. ) nu0 I 1 1R .1 , t 1 t ne ` P. ..i l,l ; rani. .� el 't. t T^ - t1 T='l1 t tY aI T1F 11 .. •� tr:e 7,_';;;A111-1 \. est Ilts f t ,. lots t e(enn d it:tlltir dllt} te).teftider i:iitl i� ,t•i.t(try. o.r'tl r supper ; anal.. ti couall.,a ,: 3. IF. . , 1;(. c l' ,la(•ce, l,rfiu e` 1� a t l,; tlte't1Pl h r l lto t la id. 'tl.(-$ «�Ilertt :}ie 1,1s -11� (= f .••(r. ;,) . •bettl s,s It Ally a1' •rt:(strltt il. 7i,e:a`.1ait' n t, erL: itll(iPl a.1 Ni rOltt,il .iii i1C t f lIr::I,. . Ii -trot ft; c.>:,.e off List lltui (1T:y. 4t'li- •- iP•g atten.r.-Hill',-tact.{len e: 1 ea _ten. Nttis ltli,14e; over fife:y`- c(tai:.les Ott, Y .i;n .11,�r11 tt,: Ii tr tike* of. the b- tint . tial i ,N : - 's QUALITY. I l,.)t1 U— .Ff lG(in sire:r.g tle•hu ;:c 'fn:v.es cit �cat.le-t,.klt almost -dal -1y `}.as, through -th'i v.11.i,*e,; is oul•1 1,(' led- t t;o :tlrr Where th •v all c:)tirt it tht. Amt. tl.oiil'1 tt i ;k tl,`i;_ ec�tO't4io,thtr `1... i5, r%Ird)1I I,ar• Lot t',. u't 11t) gum IJ' of the -f rl=ers �it�titSS,and tiqtt1 r -.tilts' Int.-huis.t lei 1i-ki.l'st I?ac-it', 1i rte.--. Ee ;r os. cruel other :cat] •1r,�-rlt,l...il 1. 1 t U`Ii- � l M r n:k.altt,v .r.tvlllnr t..t• t Cr..,r. ,, tlie--eo.;:tt_ry, 1)uj;nr up 41i t o.ca"tie til 1 sad •.. , rt far . T f a t li llho the � :v t,t get - r ,1 i Cl?ftl kilt -j 1)'.11l<•pt,' in1g cf t tl. lr 'stock at l 111:11 etas rC.l'111ES.' F ,•• itl I' ' -`Itc�te 1a tlfi ,1 l 1'1.11 L'ti SI, E.\$ 1 >. t t t' i h 3 r iU , e tPi am t f I (r•s sill t =sro.:0, .1.pg, se,ined (10.1 ''yrs. "111), t41'•ti1' which .the, chair:: two Ul t'-•rliPn find . , o tt1- C1 0 Ti Y fie tl a i• past, t,rt 1 11•t.ti f t:t''iclil. While the: 01 .tela �W (1.':` 1,,ori. .p1)1) '1- 1 t..-,' (-lilt; of the youth and.hean.ty of tato :town.: Ships , 'enjoyed themselvel dal :itrg-4 \1lien:Stll,t,t1 t+ s4il.,T►uutu`(11, ,)11. R. :1Izmil•cztl took tl a .ehiir at:(1 itresi,le• . ,, • - -ILK iJ. i!1 his Own iit1•tili'aI,' .style. : M.; Y y f: 'Ituc•h:11rt'i t'ccilj,l{,tt the v rt(',CI13i1'. sti=t 11,t'_ t, ci -thlrt;c- of this- If (that ".id_ beer Elispo>s(i i - Of .the (t,tlirt'.tiu br t-li exj)1ain-iI elle object t:f the melting, I_& m.nov 'd . . tyke i... t 1 - �•(>'r�to t ff e to .the'Store next c�c ere file bas. .. ith 4. old stand] out � . ,[ gniiicle11t Stock o f tied � < � b sfl N:1.L-LLIN` attention to . r1i fine -stock. ;of all specl��l a 3o. •-1 C t~ T k iI) r '� i 41�.s.'1�E rb-.�iFt `a , „Al _� C i:: E c,.t�' . t ►.+ct _Itl'S,.iiL1C� .. :' �:..sem•t- : 1 is - , j i; •lips ,11e1,cii,t >_ (:xuai E S, �.11�l�(i L. ., tl� l . i. r .j t, ill) t 111. a `'t:(,Z t "pi t ti tl f,j0V eS all1•. c3l:ci t>1� E',t'I\1a11Z.,. • ' a IT 1ilx:lt 1 'ciL );lrII Z a.- - f ;,1 - G -T YID 1 k •O v Ot k - P (rant {. e�� t'� n1,C 'a tI11i •. i1„ t,1�i lid � _� a i, L t•� I ,%til z n,S `sCaT1n1;