The Sentinel, 1880-11-12, Page 7• • • 1 .••-•"'" are viiies. —A wager is a foodargument. —A. brakeman is a non-conductor. heel. —A spur in the head is worth two in grant. —A civil denial is better than a ru —" Swans sire' before they die." Th have to if On, sing at all. —Is kerosene intoxicating ? It makes locomotive'a head light. —We felt confident all along that ti - rain would corne when the dry weather w Ter: , —“Drawu • to a elothes," the -tramp r marked when he lifted the remaining shit frons the line. —Every man has his own reputation .t make, and that is why so many men mak such poor onesr. —When the young man begins -to b called a blade. there is always more or less steel about him. ' —It is curious that there are so few suicides anion!: o/d maids. Matches are made in heavrsi. )* —The Ontario- v'eterinary College was. opened yesterday 1.)r the winter season. with- seven ty-tive ' -,-The illerchants' Batik will dose its Ayr Agency - and the Dank of Commerce will open a, °ranch there. - r'-- —“ The doctrine of 'total depravity,' gid ihe gc Ci old Is&y. "is- a Very good doctrine, if you only live up to it." • ' *---The salary,attached to theindgesliip in. Manitoba', just awarded -to Mr. Miller, Q. 0., St. Cathariaes, is sf:'-.1,000 per '4,ifirinn. ' . " • —Money can make man notorious, but • cannot makehim respectable ; but - one- . e.." half the people do het know the difference. ..-4 What does a woman want to put on gloves in hot 'weather for ?" iisks a Male subscriber. l'•'.11y, to keep.-ber hand i stupid. -_---The trees are beginnine. td get their trunks in order; and they'll t'keep them so alt. -Whit& SO the:?.- 'call tease early -io the spring _ . - s . - • ' . —The Datibiiry News Mall p eves becomes discouraged when he is eating a pieee of tough veal, hut is thankful that he met it . _while it Wtis- youi-a, - • - • ' —People X „ •ld- be easeful not to lea.ve 7 ss -•-, their ti. S in the sidewalk.s Open. Several ',e re :accidents haare ' occurred • - through this dabgeroits pra.etiee. - --Lalkieters pciw- say:that belled cow"smilk - - is not go( ti for lat.1)li,s is better raw. . - •The• doctors , are ria''. better milk than a boiled one . Cow- *---,--‘s-Loss.) is- itii internal transport!" . , .- . a'satmed an entliv,,,,itistic. pot it half et. - So is canal boat-- said "g -- - - atrt- :"":•.•..--1.1: uncial wIti.eriii :es oil' ta7snionabl e bon- insu • - nets are- colored blue. Labo4ieh6re thinks desi • "., . - .. . .. table ..to moor thelyttlit, lie said lie was cult -t FARM AND GARDEN. nudge; Seasonable (Compiled by a Practical Agriculturist) conxiy canes. Meta Victoria Fuller, in a sisterly w us talks to country girls: "The farmers' daughters are soon to e life as well as the pride of this count -a glorious race of Women which no oth h d can show. I seek not to flatter then ft -r before they can become this, they wi h ve to make an earnest effort of one to things. There are some who depreca tl ir condition, and some who have a fats p de in it, because they demand more con sideration than they merit. A want o intielligenee upon all the subjects of th dz , and of a refined edueationais no nior x usable in a country than in a town -bre in these days of many books and news ers. Many girls are discouraged because cannot be sent away from home to ding -schools ; but men of- superior ds and knowledge of the world would ei have for wives women well and pro - educated at home. And this educe- ° cart be had wherever the desire is not ing. A taste for reading does Wonders; d an earnest thirst after knowledge is n t certain to attain a sweet draught, on the Pierian spring.' There is a s's daughter in this very room in I am writing—a beautiful, refined otelligent woman—in wheSe girlhood • were not se plenty as now, and who ed her.fine education under difficuls hich.voeld have discouraged any but io hada], true love forstudy " • - ay, be ry er ; 11 Or te e f e d a 0 ij at er 1 -0. 1 that next season th( sunflowers will be red fivat and the viotets wits be Utak.get --when- elle sktripers found it was irnpos yegr- pretty ma' . assy ri.ite he was of a can't -I anchor -us frame of third_ ' "- • --:"Theas.who disbelieve in itir file -because. man has nicer •heen found perfect," said Hare, ".rniSlit as reasonably deny the sun because it i', tics alavaya-noon.." . --Consoling-sPeci- autItor ‘• Heavens, what a pain ilii id my beadr -Hjs Wife—"Complaining - of. that !* You ought to be thaaikful there is anything-heit2'` atvreirta.41•1 stave, - • . tory:ent and tfeaskire; -* • Thzvi it .(..••• leve no peace: • And lacking Ito pleasure. _ . —It all -eathe, frele educating his daughter at ts: seminary, She *repro-V(4J -her father for 'wiping' this mouth (JI the table cloth, and he went to•tlit, barn- and hung-Iiiinself —The tasiest -Linn 'Oil the continent is john Farvz e 1 fouston,-Texaa, whaniea- sures seyen- feei six inehea in his bare .feet. He must be she klestieal- a.long Fwc.1f '; : --Thames Andoron. described as ksailor s from this pity. was charged with being drunk at St. catharine'i--p&lice court yester- day, He was iiiir-eliarged ou promising to sail out of port thf eece. acme of laziness has been reached - by the Man who always kept one eye closed •- because .he_ could see wellenough with the-Otber. and beSides it -wag too much trouble to keep titea-both (vets. A. newspaper roans sad fatesV is the title of a touchire, article which, we _did not read: We suppose it. is the ohl„ olcistory of some edit -or sero inarriedes gitt aiid then -the old man refused to lift the, mortgage on " his son-in-law's office. -. --Alas ! how times change! says a news -- paper sage. * It.onee considered miracle- for an. ass to speak, but now it , seems as though nothing short of a miracle keep onspaiet—especially the- kind that gets politica on the biain.. _—Dia nines, is .epideinic in: Toronto *at present) T,4„mdisease is most prevalent in sthe medical schools and. the students at Trinity sufferanore than others. Thecause * - is found in the iiapure -water supplied- to the citizens fdr.sozne days past: - Have you -given electricity a trial for your complaint, madain ?" asked the mins ister as he took tea with- the old lady. Electricity tr s-alcl . she. "-Well, yes.. I . reckon -I has. I Was- struck .by ligbtniug bat summer and hove out of the Window, but it didn't Seem to do rae no: sort of good." . . : feather fans - are, -of course, tery'dear, as they.are very _pretty. Miss. Bernhardt. made -them fashionable:. -The white fansfor bridal • parties are soft and beautiful- Mitch 'depends. upon the mountings; which are of dark mother of pearl os of tortoise shell. Sometimes the • 5. feathers .S.re in delicate lilac or in pale pink. —A y)sitign -maof Hamilton :went out rtchting for the Ai'gt -tithe last slimmer. He spent most of Ins timeafter starting in •:‘,1" the cabin, but at last he summoned np sufficient courage to go on dear• and said in &faint voice; " I think Pi "What,"- replied the skip pleats„,4 at :that time bating his dilate: -cent vacs cress yottrseltnaore liar --them to may P ;on `14 -pal. then," 'andscaTseldom thenamied cro r- light toget 'This crops Th • eulti answ profitw kno reali2 ards t I his- t1IP yi either with Tak hen h fug- it Avill Ji little -f shell ; is Derr outtia Now, this co •it to th it in "a Moist, as poss it betw cotton the box as is tis modus fellow you wil have o opening with th side of right (if from yo has. wor within o cle; he t •the steel straight legs som ing the - What land ? F as.it is c thirty td gant, sas when fermi n spots, tW •uncamnact on this e initial far tots "of - thirty to pasturage necessary • size will e ing, or pa age could acres . of a for corn, craps... v tion is • *here small -diets' she b •-he'circu - s.; he 111Ls-'s-' • ' 1, \market, e , elit'-'-'-`11:11„-fifty acres, - • ' ihrr 2-....,.,- if of. goo ' •-. managed,' - , • - t• -fes - . s . 1-a'n- ft itro;Of, a sma,11- ,. . , . • le 0 b n re n t t be 11 e_ of a' u a d n if h - • ensirrvasnse. --shall the trees be trained ?_ Soriae, favor of open heads, while: others: faxes of a pyramidal 'form: .1 anj. ly in favor of the 'latter, not only pears but for all fruit trees, I had aded apple trees totally: ruined by ssy sleet we- had five or six years trunks split wide open in -halves stets. • I have seen 'the same re,, • the trees being heavily loaded it, and is not • the case with at .are trained in Pyramidal ow and 'then a, limb may be down and:hreaksbut not so as to ie body cif the tree. as taught Ines in the training to assist nature in. performing -its he-fprin and growth of the tree, to' violate natural laws.- which e vegetable -kingdom: . In'orddr to rama id -tree; leave 'three or four ' form the head. 'The centre of aches is termed the stem or leader e ; cut back th4. side brasiehea one- st.year's growth, »)1I- 41- -anat,ge over tne side .oranaiet. ' s Teadership, in order to have the kre. It is very important to ma- rina pear trees well 'Until they: lisi;ecl; say: from . six to• sn-ven, hen they need- but very little •:Every few years give them a ressing of ashes and. lime Mixed r :barnYard -or stable manure. ery important to keep up the thetree When it is bearing large. uit each year. . tibia is often asked, "Has the of the pear been profitable?" questionably. ,it • has been velY with smile of -the- varieties.•..1 I my own experience, that I have tter profits front raph pear otc- hy fruit I have. ever cultivated. ards el --apples . and peaohes, but or profit has not been- as great the -apples are more prbfitable an peaches. . • 444 • ICItENSCOME GOT OF SIIELLS.t gg out of a nest on which a her,full time, carefully hold- e•ear ; turning it around, you e exact spot from which the is picking on the inside of the e will de until the inside shell , and then -the shell is forced - a staall seale,-letiving a hides will take one of the eggs in n from under the hen, remove se or other suitable place, put ✓ .nest, keeping it waren and r the temperature of- the hen hich may be done by laying o -bottles of warm Water upon I), and then lay a --glass over st, then you can sit or Stand, venient„ and witness the true ndi. Now watch the .little is Way into the world, and milked _-and- instructed asT,I been. After he has got hie. mmences a• nibbling motion t of the tipper bill on tbe out- kell, always working to the. ave the large end of the egg the liole upward), untilhe is way almost J,roimq, say If of an inch in a perfect dr - sees the cap or butt/ end of and then . has a thence -to neck, thereby loodening his. , and so„by their- help, --fore- rom the -shell, : • • FTY 4CnE8- CAN1.3110DUCE. • a man. get oft- fifty acres -of acres in perinanerit meadow, or mowin. This' will yield ay.. It ,biay seem extrava 11ew Ongland Frther, but niberd that On many large at ss highly inantred in even, three tons are not an hi; it is yery safe to-recken •In fact we. know of Many ielis Mit, on an average, t*o, per adre. Put down- then ay. Next, twenty. acres in i8may- be snore tha,n is e stook which a farm ofthis for with a system of soil - oiling, the area for Pastur-- much reduced.- Next, five land f .two for wheat, one potatoes -and one for early e garden, etc. If the loos, ✓ :to -a good local market, called 11 garden. truck," or cl a ready sale, more land be devoted to these test a leas to grain or the hoed . This must be de�ideby es of:locatipn,- neertiess to ere are -left of bur farm of- otos- of a wood lot, and this, vy growth and carefully • siifficient for the demands Or; if near a town, or • ahle. kt is not surprsing, therefore, that the Speeialrates _tr) dealerti - buying Large it because ot-its palatableness and the _ , used 4 in my family. - I am greatly please] enormously; TheY will live, and to a • • trade- ha- a lath Years been developell 4011,fitities• _ g result's that followits use, I have found - :of ssrasses, tholigh of courde if - bird certain extent: will thrive, on the Coarsest Ail it veryseiviceable in scrofulous diseases and • Respeetfully 'yours, on a farm where land is too valuable for purposes of growing fuel, the ten acres we /lave reserved as a wood lot may be de- pended upon, put into other crops, to pro- vide wood or coal for the yearly wants of a family. On this farm of fifty acres may be kept one horse heavy .enough for some farm work, and one good style .for family riding ; or- two horses if ne-_ cessary. There may also be kept eight cows, six shoats and twenty-five bens. This stock will yield sufficient dressing for abun- dantly manuring the twenty-five acres in crops, and moiving once in five years. From the wheat, corn, potatoes andgarden a sufficient amount of crops and fruit may be grown for the wants of an average fam- ily. There will be ten tons of hay to be sold annually, which may be carried from the farm without injury so long as plenty of manure is used, and th land well -kept up by a short rotation. -- FOOD VALUE OF ROOT cnozis. Cheniical analysis gives the following re- sults with regard to -the food values of different root Crops : - . . Total Amount of. Nitrogenous or Flesh -forming Material. • • • Pound. InIn 1,000 pounds of pots:toes ...... .. ... ........... 20.00 1,000 do tnangolds . .... . ... .• .. ........ .. In 1,000 do sugar beet!, . .. ...... ........ .10.00 la 1,000 do turnips .....21.25 .. .. ... . . . In 1,000 do carrots ...... ...... .. Fat-fortniug Material. . Pounds.. Total Amount of Carbonace• ous ox z • - - 14In 000 pounds.of-petatoes"....,. ........ ............ _237.41 .1,000- • do .... ........ . .. 107,21 In 1,000 do • sugttr beets .... .. ... In 1.000 do turnips. .. . ............. . .... .... 8 L71 PII9SPERITY OF GOOSZ RAISING IN EV • •In 1,000 do parrots . ... ... .... . .. .. .. . f.132,1 — — •• -44 44 IARRIto .0:rf,; SUMMER COMPLAINTS.!....'..:, Gists:.& -DEALERS. stirs. FitErwArs WORM PittliDEllt is a safe, aver and effectual destroyer or, weevil in children or adults. Ptice ZS eclat'? or 6, es. .441•00., Mrs.' FREEMAN'S NEW DOCISITC 'NYE"; are- pert' brighs /gess said durability th 14 -sr ect In every color. •Fol: ey no ("Anal. Price 15 cents per package**•- . ineS & Luitior WHOLESALE -ct RETAI deavor to sati f IIE undersigined will, as herefore e INK - • . ERS = this .litiess CA811 Cill;:.-,41S.T641 ALL FIIIr6CLASS LI ,i1ORS ing artieleS -------- I deal in I.IQU01.1S onland lc .44, • CONSUMPTIVE See what Physicians mad the Peep lay about IICO.T2,98 REIMSION POD, LIVE 4 OIL AND HYPO1PHO PITIES, an a remedy forConaramptto t Nertrul satin the a poultry breeding, the rea,rin f ' I • a and Wa Affections: be:the least trobblesoine-and the Most priifits g ose in-favora,ble situations. is said tb- AfediCal and 9ther-puiposes always hand. s" g 0 A:sufficient Stot-tc. of tile:best Wands le GE:NT-1214EN- 'have prescribecisaott'sEmul. - • - MEskas. SCoTT & BOWN1V: 2.. • Octose't 20 1878. • • - . - nin of.Cod Liver Oil, -etc., :in tri3r practice,and - . be :'1:(rought -to market in good -.condition i limeiPlow, JulY 24. s.areto , , an . o o' . pi ludinaryaffections. . : ' - ' d ' they,- must be treated to somethine more , • • ''', IRA M. LANG M. I) • , than Coarse grass. . The fattening of geese , I ' ' -• s `)/ 9 last Broadway N.Y , - - , .. , .. lias now beconie an established industry in some parts of the cOuntrLondon. • 1 , • LOUISVILLE, Ky... January 3,- 1$78. • EINt LEmEN-For the lastfiteen months I • • "re tly1 pleased avith its egects, -It is better, ha e u ed. p.a.& Ood .Liver Emu -Joie' : both in. pitAland in prrtra,te praetice,anclhave been • • .. . . imigie an d_Can .be-taken,f or" alai] get tirne than • ‘Vonaili as a Ailardtrtry "any' other pre.paratioa of • God Liver Oil. 111„ -At'the rebent Etiglish Saiaitary.pongress 'cnisumption. and Children's diseases I have . Ililiardsozi gavele . a ctiire DII wonati as a 'effnittirs" ...retort:ter:4', He obServeil und-it especially yalliable: • * sanitary reformer. TI the good, cletinlYhousewile Was a.practical that Iong before sahitatien was beard of Vis Ph S - -*-, - ie office of pseventipn "of disease was especially fitted - for women; The training - required was simple;and ,every woman:" 'is sr, - MitgtfucifOia of the •Iniman.body, and knew the great systems of- the 'body --.-the digs- • • . a a p tr a , and am glad that I can fia tive the circulatory, -the respirator th • Cut Plug is the beat pipe sinolting ver Introduced into Canada. It is made faanthiP esr selected fine old Bright Virginia Leaf. (Thet itaffrons which this tobacco is Made costs t4ore than aal other &bad.° manufactured in Canuia J-9IIN A. OCTBItl.ONY, M. P".; • - t" Louisvile City Hosp ital - 7 y ician, • • • sitsi,..Scoqa•gr.13owics • II laave used Scot's Emulsion of Cod Liver.... 0)1 lb. vamva ;....4---- 7 ' Indianapolis, init.' se i ' Q" 9••• ID .,....E8118.•,...•COTT 0...L.,OWNE :. -r have given your remedy of Cod Liver (M. - • persona; the semiery, the absorbent :.and gla,odular, ;the ititisctilar, the osseous or holly and . the membraneous- If .She would act Pisthis -knowledge there would hardly he one deformed- child.., left in the land one or two generations.-: An: edu cated- woman, who had seen -the: exquisite build and symmetry of the skeleton, would turn pale with disgust 'Whenever she de: tected one of her foolish- sistersstranglingher body in tight .corset . and murderous belt, to make it hideons as well. as useless,. or who intent on destroying the per feet arch of" -the foot.in. a contracted foot vice, elevated on peg top The educated. woman- would, master; the structure of •the i house, --demand to have a'phin of *every drain -pipe on the establishment, and would insist *on la,vingeyery drain kept as systematically • clean as the' china in the housethaid's cuPbeard. " She would see to the bieninal'purification of the dwelling as though' Passover Were: . still a- universal pra,ctied. Richarglson". concluded : • One effort as :sanitarian' would - call forth -all, her powers. = She . _stand "to resist with her full ,persuasive might- that process- which I ha- elsewhere callnd.: the intermarriage of disease. She Will tell her siaters-viliat that terrible. "process means She will tell that disease' heredity united in* marriage. means the continuance of the heredity, as :certainly as that and two make four, that. raadnesS, consimiption, cancer, scrofula, yes, and certain -of „the contagiouSdiseases;toe„maylieperpetuated from the altar; and -that the first resnOnild . bilitioS 'of - parents toward- their 'offipting ought- to be, not how to provide' for Wealth and position over which have no con. trol,- but that preliminary healthy parent- age -which is the foundation of - -health and without which -position: and wealth e shadowy legacies indeed. Delicate , . : mind, you. may say. r admit the fact. - Mt in 'a world . in .which those who ' study the living and the -dead most carefully' rarely see_ .a man. iiewonian hereditarily free from dis- ease; even this ground must be entered on by.thnenlightened sdholar. I touch ' on it hero -for the best -of alt reasons, that that the subject . it includes,-'11ffecting deeply the human heart in its sympathies and -affec- tions; is one on which .the laud/lea 'of woman, the arbitresk'of the natures that arelobesis all -potent -for goad or evil.- To. know the. first principles of animalplaysics and life ; te learn the house and its perfect managenserit ; • to learn the- simpler pro- blems relating to the fatal diseases; to. ordain the training of the young; ' to grasp the elements of the three psycho -physical problems; the human temperaments, the natrral contagions; With their preventions-s a d the' heredities &disease, with 'their prevention—these, in all reaped and ear- nestness, I set before this congress as the heads of the educational programme for our modern woman in hersphere of life and • • ' • • - es • Sayi3 the Lndon. World:•• *“ An - eye -wit: nese tells me that the meeting :between Roberta and the generals at Candahar was rather a mela,ncholy affair. Burrows felt that he had not come Well out of the Mai - wand business, although his persona. gal- lantry at that ill-starred fight appears to have been deserving- of the highest praise. As for General Primrose, he he looked very down on hifirluck, -as though he had not heard the last of those alarming telegrams of his; and of his precipitate withdrawal into the citadel. I hear that lie is now, on his way t� England." . - It transpired in a. Keokuk lawsuit that the defendant had sent his "wife to' the poorhouse and married his father's divorced *Vier it is readyfor the AO.) It is niadeabsobaely pure and neatly; packei in of the Dominion. - 't-01 1 handy tin -foil packages. - ' , t -. It is sold by all respectable dealers in a-11 ._.0Er18- ' Manufactiied%)-. - 'THE GLOBE TOBACCO CO.,.Watnsotti Isa . , • • . • • • ". " • . `. - • • I • . order - Bowe inelde , The Bad • • ,• :•• • he, I • • . • • • •.: ' , .•• • .' • , 41=." 1••• •. y thln it THE remedy for weak lungs and bad eoiigh. can- hi -hl, recommend it. When • th d etois hadgiven ine up I commenced using yobs medicine, and I am gaining health anti strength very fat and think I shall soon - basve 1. S Yours Truly, C. A. BIBDERSTADT, -- Galveston, Incl Sc & BOWNE : felt it my duty to let you knot, the bene i.liave derived fronsthe use of -sow Emulsi Iliad sity bad cough for year, and on con- sul ing pr..",-E.Gorsuell of this city, he in- • formeil me that my left11111g AVIIS diseased, and pre embed Scott' s E:mulsion with Hypophos- • phi esi After taking two bottlei 'began to tmIri:.ve veryraindly, and ii continued using t. ant I 1 hal. taken ten betties, and now aria as heathya Man as there is in the 'ityof Balti- mo e. WIIM I began Usingit I weighed 10 - pounds, Ito* weih189 'pound. Yours; • - D.1). FARQI71IA1, • Oct. 4 L79. - Baltimore, cANANht:iguA September 35.'1877 • . - , , .-: ' , ... r,..! '' " • : • , • i ' • • . SCO % ' )TOWNE : . • •". ' G ts .; linight I would write to you, as . "i i... • saw- notice upon yens bottle'-, of late upon s hjn1r contfrpous use. Thishai proved true *. . . . • 1 i- n tray ase. . was given up to die last March tl:1 C lisnmptiors; the best medical aid made •T's' .* • 7: • . • • ••- do USe any treatment. My husband applied - • - • - for .your Fnulsionef d Lver O ; h:.Coiilehas . • e are-ateit e'lder.ef edern eie o ealth beyondithe expectations ef vIrtv Time ben t7erity•six hottlesand it is -tetoxing I shbuldhlie to takit for a year, whe e n, . • dreas essecting to hear my death every day. thinik I will be perfectlY Cured. Yours witb respect, • • RS. ELDERIDG: - - .. • - " - - • • Pills Purity the b ood, correct all .the liver; Stonia,ch, Kidneja itd s; and are invaluable in all comp' Tits tal to Females.. . - ointment is:the:only reliable serried:tie Legs, Old :Wund, Sores and171cer„.9 however long standing. For Bronchitis; Ilia theria Coughs, Colds. Gout, Rlieumattina and all Skinfliseases it is no equal': • 11 • • BEWARE : OF AMERICAN COUNTERFEITS!! ostrespectfully take lettie to milt/ie. t.• tei-mitioi of the Public generally to tjae fadt, tlia,t ce tairelfouses-in New York: arese/idly TATIO Sof sty Pills and Ointment. Thee I do not allow My Ilediciires. to be sow Agents here. 'AyMedicines are) onlymatle by me, ‘,t, 533, Oxford Street, Lonclons iz ' -1i4lie booka of direetions affixed to the so rionsmake is a caiitioa, -warning the I'ubli against )ieing deceived by Counterfeits; not be Misled by this audacioue trick, they/ 44, the counterfeits Meg pretend t6 denoune.: Ti Tiles counterfeits are puteliosed ky unp einled Vendors at. one:half the price of to inturts ofthe globe SPURIOUS IM -• frauds bear on their • labeli. Some addreits sis NeW Irk. • - - - any part of the Unted, Sttes. I have. mis Pills an Ointment, and ale sold to you asn.' aniline Medicines.. , - -1 • 4' I moat earnestly aPpeal to that sense of i ice, whieh I feel awe I may : venture Up askingf orn allhonorablepersonS, to assistnfA' and the Public, as far as may -lie in their potis ea-, ie de ouncmg this shameful Fraud. Bachpot and Box of the Genuine -Med,: ines bears the Rritish Government Stamp. wi he words " 4/OLLQWAY'8- FILLS .LND 01.k 1,1NT: LONDON," erigrayed thereon. On tfl label is t eaddress, 533, OxPolin STREET,LO--. Do$, where alone :they Are Manufacture Efolloways- Pills and Ointment :bearing anr otheradress are counterfat. t. 4. T The Trade Marks 9f these Medicines are 0 gistered pi Ottawa. Hence, any one throng* out the British Possessions, who may keep the American Counterfeit for sale, will :be preit ented. .§igned, . - - - .4.1). : - - -!- : THOMAS HOL-L4TW: , t •• 14- 53310X1'3rnsim..L04D07r "Ty• . • " • EACII G OF TREE - ) liTLE NAVY • MARKED - • 1IN RILONZE LETTER. Other! is Genuine.. t IN . _ 61tAY tIPEC IV EDICINE , - • ...TRALIE •P•IIARK.-THQR AT. EN:- TRADE MARK., GLIM F.,.1ED1'. :-....,,,, s., An unfailing ., cure for Seinin- ' ' ''' al Weaknes, .ss Spermatorihea, Impotency, -t.,-sil .)., -s, ;• and allDiseases ir . 13efo . T that foli;w win', „, A use;- a loisr23,tifein ory,S.elfifAlluiveel-rsal Lass; . . tilde, ain in the back, Dirtiness of Vision' Freinaurt o age, and many other Diseases ! . • . that lead o Insanity or- Cons= ti liurPremp a t uprhii e eGt7twa vhei c. h if Gr. dPeusli rl e ptaor t isegda . F.. sf r fne e • lir ma.ill to -every one; 43 -The Spectfic Med- e i sold by all Druggists at Si per pack - 3 , • s:-7' : e, or -six packages for $5 or will be sent tree b im il on receiPt !of the .money by ad- wall g • i• ' THE GRAY MEDICINE CO. , Toronto, Out., Oanaff. Er. olAinLuCirnow by all drnggui' tsanden-• brwbre in Canada and th. Unit Fria 4wholeale,4%, • 44 . • . • • A- • • • • -44 44 4444 • 11 • 4-44 • 41 :':.‘Alent.5' 1 -...,..i.aftrYSEIgsn rliet.:aealt413:1tr:iI'l'1..1.:ilii. :: li th I' - k l' " 1 vi•4:011-11a0r:1.•-,Et: ‘' 4:0:Wfailliele,•:;:1 ...40 dilk • - 3fivalrYi - . , ,,znat: t31.1.1.-ttealt:;iilsf: ,1,...' - ler, an' 1, '''tendt‘ ....,-.-: . i . 10 1 --/' l'' • ':'" • - il., • -447 •