The Sentinel, 1880-11-12, Page 5• 1 • E EIGHO i WIIAT NEXT ? Ho'tiI� {S. LTTTLE} Was bought nut Mr. W. S, Holmes interest in the Grocery Prctiiskn & Crackry aaf12-has repleni,he•I the sand with a NEW FRESJ STO.OK, Tte_whieli he has adldrd a first -Claes Muck BOT - -tiND SH®E of the. very best gciality and workmanship, to be - S09.D VERtl CHEAPI *Renneuil•er the. place ---VP S ..Holmes' d stand,: REENiY:ELd'S FOII.E FTT TO SO3IFIi.%'11414ES 1 Is PAIN AL HI HI S All <, will ind. Luckn )re I: ). i; ?diIifi.ng and Oecgrting W. B E N N E TT _ red to do all kinds of HOUSE PAPER HANGING, and NG in the • T STYLE of ABT, at the to est cath prices, F CTIOY GUARANTEED. srs w eft at Mr. C;orrigan's Book Store h prompt attention. - - G..W, BE NNETT. ay 21s 1880. 1 y to Loan; On Ly .a Estate, reasonable- rates : • terms of pay=ment to Suit I. I 'owers. 1='W :.Wo ' TRAVR OFF i 'I -Nett to Post Ofie: Lnck'r,o , f LIT) _ 11:. 0. IN BENNETT'3 filiLL FACTORY WViiloi g hhy ,Street, near the reh, on tin. premises lately _ cc pied by.\ir. Archie Iei.'oiv;e.. Is situ:st� �r .1. JT�t.'li POULTRY SDI THEIR .SEASL»1%.i ll.14."`':'Y uoci�s 'teat DeIDVert cl_ to all Parts of. tie Village •pu An. life lend Short Notice, $*ei by th9.quarter or half quarters tieto :10 cents. ,ger pound.. f in burc: Greenwell. 1801 ZnafnoW,,Inlv:7,4 i4 TT of psis? er Lucktiow, EMPORIUM O. :o: t=` Fanning :1filI line constantly on Mandl: L& REPAIRED,` die as,good- as new. a a rienee in this -line ghould be --it; sufficient - •'r lhose,re4uiring i•epairs: PRICE, easonabld,one;.to all. -a - HN B.8NNETT. - 'Having spared neither time nor expense in visiting the d` • . her customers the benefit u Y.ERYLATEST. TYLES. t markets, is prepared to siive 11L.LI?IERY.- oneShowro�niwil1 bo CTION Bks: of 71fillinery' which ever On the 20th Inst.,, and following. days my large 'an d OPEN FOS, I T8 Tenon I_ ill exhibit one of the most -elegant and, attractiv graced' our town. • The newest d fashion has been please NI UST JE3M The ALL IMPORTAN •*copying a conspicuous _place. FLOWERS; FEATrr} • ORNAMENTS; BIRIS,,GLOVES, FURTISITG If _am a wing the newt 3tin everything pertaining to it. - and l; ANAI>rA N TWEE 110E3 SUITS- MADE Persian; Lambs, Cloth; Caps, Felt Hats, •i S' ItiBONS,--LACES, TIES, i+ endless profusion, Reinember You are cordially invited to visit My -Rsnim -buy or aot, „All are welcome; : will think it a -favor If ye WHERE. MRS A. CE MANI FIC DONE ? T:llENT. RPERs the Latest Stylea,- -cems and see nae: 1.110,1).T p LA N in good rePair, and the undersigned are prepare&to -fil nand and Swell itf, branches. Stair Buil rdere in the hest -possible roan Speciality, Give !las eall. qBERTsoN • SEWING MACHINES. SEWING MACHINES. SEWING mAcHINEs Treleaven Kiltin OR ANS, .7.7:11.---"`""""''.77-77. H HAR s. DL CLOCKS • jEWELT,ERY arid Pr4TEP. WARE, 'GEN and -WEDDING RTNGS, • TEA SETS, 10. VET and .tICKLE STAND,. ewe .FirUIT'and BU 'TER TcNIVES,- kinds solicit a call from inten.ding, purchaser, before buying elsewhere. CHIN `Just received at W. AtLIN'S BRO_A.D... CAST SEEDERS. With- exPansive Eoree Feed. . nJore cliiineze _of Gear WilieelS: ways,snie to plea.se. Intending put Cliasera would Jo well to examine the Beaver Seediir :ind Grain Drill before purchasing OSewhere. A trial offeved.and satisfaction guarai.tired. 2 :11.4 _ .A. splendidassortm put Gf the leading Wrought Troll Gang:PI-ova and -,Tbistle Cutter VI -011;s' -fitted With either th.e -celebrate-c11%.1anitoba:Steel, or Chilled, Cast Metal, Mould. Boards, tO' suit pinelniseri arid with the latest `Iniprove&Skini -er -aistateh.ment. -Order.s taken Cpirston Woodbridire and Part". Threshing Machines. Plow Castings. 'reaper and threshing m4hine kept-constautly on hamL _clothes Vvrririgers from Jibe best roa.nufacturers, Suchilithe Canailian,-Starvand KeYsione -Clothes Wringers. -AR' Usual go ' ,assortnikht which need rio eoriiinent. as it isan establithe&fact that they -are theleading•Se.wineMairieei Be/I& Ce.'s Prize Medal: °stoma and dthir Organs. and- PianoS from •different-makeig. - A .0 AS141 adies' at less than - _WHOLESALE PRICES Latest Styles --Over160 t3 choose from. Ladies' 6ursets from 2.; Cents up. . Ladies' Hosiery wOrth 5Cc-for 35c. Kees Dress Shirte from ;50 cents iip. Men's ColOred SlErts from 2.5e up. - lien's Linen Collars worth 20c, fur 1211c. Men'S Duck Pants 45 cents. s Twenty Yards IN incey for $1.00 ,11,44 Iowa UTTER AND EGGS variety --Less than • 'Wholesale. . NNEL L. ST RECEIVED! 1A,LA.RGE ,STOCK. BOOTS at prices film $1 00 up. Ise lot of 'MISSES' and CHILDREN't BOOTS en hand. once will -get sk,great reduction than by-sh.le ER SE Ow:11MM= FOR ALZD. viiiiireinovo tuihts.rew and (our ,ralitur mita .1061. CAMPBELL ST. IS .-ilfAv-..preparedfor doing bu.si Iletrill..)i.eep a, regular mitply of .fre'sl meat of all -:kinds at -RES M,EAT SORIA Hitt'- . itteats delivered to 'any .))art of the ; village on the shortest notice— t all Fatted Stock. ITICBER ANINg. 1 E Subscriber in thanking the pubte fgenerally for their patronage during the past'six years, would again reinind-them-tlaat 0[11 ED:rviE.LUM0f11.1 Cenim ting Of all kinds of Lumber us.ed gener- ally tin ho4sework. ;. And having put in -*at planrer connoction With the mill he intends keeping on hand -DRESSED LUMBER of -ani Will be 'sold at the laviestremun- eratiri price for cash. . Onjqrs solicited and prothiltly filled. Shingles awl Lathia corp. , att-fdAidada and the Unite *tole e • •