The Sentinel, 1880-10-29, Page 1Al Ottaorl I h"It to purcli,U t a Ile %4`iq 0� �C - scare ly l 'Illy' it � 'I" , - valit'j" t!u, r- W-Illesday i ver 110 Vt, be'lig lloticed 1) 11 callac St1,SJ)1iCous IL: V �Jii 4-r�. Pool �jNTI E -1880. VOL. VII —13. L*t7CKNONV,o ONTARIO, FRIDAY, Oct. 219, WHOLE No. 355, A fall utlon the largeri one, and eets were prairiols CAM �SUAS SaIr hot Only the other day her st�r LL BURRIS JMED MAY lt� -­-� to be the victor. T� his a ALVAN I belit:ve my husband expected to find.buffide ChriRtine-seenieclutterlyindi nintas to the sad T.ndians just. ontaide the town. Bui; swe I N K ERS9 ff? t 1�o 1. 'L'w, ioi t� 1 r lit ia it- result (if -their dec-i'Zil. He bot I& net lknow already by its liberality and, -attention Ar' n to. t qghts it bolgins to vie with wine of our olaost ci its. L 'qli N 10 IT, 0, NTA RIO. BY that the prize had no plaee ih ker tho t when she piiihted her pict SL6 hvA -8ut hat is the matter? You look so wevi - 'in M-6ne-y to L(>ar.. Notes, d Mortgages THE REVIII EDWARD P, RIUS ried.' found her reward in its effeet A -him. a - 0 'elo orwastj '0�, nothing saild Dennix. coming outef -Atoneo. tkMr. Consaot�e&we f and.said: 'Ladi"' an nd eqp*A- afti and Clwfl-zie ill, all 1,,�irts �Cusllpf!- rl gentlenl�m, a his troubl-id, abstracti!d marner. With her quink intuition. Mrs: Learned at J."id too Bu tI-e chief figure in this Ivitt ire alt"O, 711-3 ally dol T address that gronp of lfberal e�izens the f N her rl�ht anee Clivived his' thoughts, and said soon aftier, t1hpt (if zi-young girl Fr:)od near, who are so g'enerotisly oteekml to en"Sn" A Vilt-�, Lk. c. vgr�. Lit it :1 - h.1. lid Cril Sping bi left -Stfadyingaildi-is- in four great lind proliperomi eft III ]Sftev when her husband's back was turned ar 'ftIg. 'All I easure to inforkn a; yolir INT PA.R "As"t"I I ainhig him in his perilous foot nx inil me pl, can say is that she was deelolv, most ti The w� 7 -k m i I ci 'I t, S 't T! 1 1: tow I I I; of CXTI It- ;-U. th ar I oil -Iden It, ieet)ly affe.,ted by yo 'y I on th..: Ulirwil 8L...It's 101,11 -at- waik Ili bi5r gl, air, and syrept too - �Ue cenet b&s:brough-t forth rNh ftuit, fn - here ur. pi ture, but she said �1,4 Wlt Gve n lier i: airy costume. P er pure. noble f4ce are mmay paintings ihoit wr 0, a do e24 lit to ght lot 114 me, more -than to exl)rt:ss her ad- -Ta! Tixl.., :ci': hi- rather than tow.trd !the -e� he 'uAt, My fricill, you had bettor fo'rt -a,:L%_hft(A towar. d ny ga2er-r- - V. s get IN, 1, A :titted - i I little til le be - )1).v twL:rn ver es. ey W1 for E-urope very soon and mo.s sofiglit to and an eaRL llail imi.itrior pictnj"9�� lowt I -last h t 41 - . 1. we -have decidll' om I er eye Shed evient *. )esidca, e- is act r-,)rtby of you.' A lie fr I a I tII*Y r9.6 lk thilit Ile lo, bVIO 15 � Dr*y' c:-iI;tIjtd with bitti to -their liresuitt (f t I e r 'I oill wish 'I �oxlld forget hei, and au o royli Jhk, snialer tnee is one of T I,. r aild 'all ;Ii tl-.e I t. nd viow- her. littlp hL ed ith myst-If tlij�. I cannot,' 6 re Ii great merit -i trektatent is innim .1 sn@;. , r 'subject i.-; not new. aftier sai.Vgood-nighL streiigr*.hened hfin he sought to for he though tb'ei P ospen y�. Joine ­ 'th ksly thro otw 7q e. �-sb I"ezn pietum in XOMA palooft r t d its W4Laderiio%X ainiles ugrh-�Iie strett., be M lai d- hasty wo?l ih� rqsly- made is way to the .9 vy. ru 1% ved! nolmig t gee -in W e here th art Ludolpla er� f�et, �ail loo ve thei� al -n minfir part% he unf Li te RAW. Then tle to go to it c ill eag !lot had itifficie Moo 13 it the -4 iil:q -,;siie th n it- breezy bi f 22 '11- 4ea ing.- featureli­ are wefl B t o1a, and axd for the first tiin,6. -since tbo h at466d, an zi,oiit�rn -1 al;d co,rJgzIa1lt K bofore,, iv .n, stanite& a;nd- lectit Ili th e- fo by. lis b tier diis�ipp ointment. he had Irin er tirt effort tbat so its hm� -a golxt_Aw4 apparant!y'to a at ie, hei again wa lecisini.in ts awn, - and bdelt c c&d it as 1ae. Yhe gas was iall mly �iiow thloitiiobir decjs ]a TO f We oan S 116111- Kry e 1611 ip.,6f sing sint- do. lot le pray afid ta ist, Tlikh'abp -Mr. Iil)r V Be. went (,A Mi* t thl fie.g -i reet (for the' bou in th� lie. wad oa a; morner), 29i't" so r. i r -ea to con ar.d a lighthtone frona -wh - 'be knew. -d IA e ke stieture' i '�b -1) -qut- triliii to th -prive, -,you Appol V� it a owy en at as aSh tilltedly was Iiiie, iii(lipating that -after"4& W'eII1ii­-p1ace on vi back of: e pie, tiwo o studio. e� undo I tim� caine the' gmider X, ta �uc I Close cited. 0 and: re .�j,trf�ct� thoi�rf I x ilt ft Co w tlie- it, ly, ;Iin i n state be� felt' tnans o above. itrang�: a in his morbid the a :3 w ()At- 1�el% tto -stem the feeble ray t1;,i;t 'breatbi e. 'I, -41 -her eveS V LU N m it, blin led Afilid Dy Y,: ----P- U B L: 1% 0-4 kViI it tears, -and then. droppL-d hereil. wered out inix) the7 darkeneit stirea. In will, it -v I Ali thi t dlolAlvard- a oppe e eo t soul he utteVlY condemned hi folly, t Iuies.of the lady Ili each caz;-e I is xl e Ii.ot re�d in.*ti, lond ti it I V it e e:� 4ile to trac ed himself that he� wo-tild be Nyt& -E t 1, 4 faintlik ness to ligir, 43he ET I prom g,,*sffertha� one 4ight.- - rhe' excite - W.- Plaint toile skit., with quivefing -him off nta f 'the liay bad. rather thrown CH A"P Pleet. pftinUd that pictnr*e.7 TE 1,7 y 11, it 1) land clear, t1ioug:h _'Ye]s otaid...'Mrs Learn* d-. lo' u4dexily he bs4rd.-sweet �a &r., pr 'till, f, oking at lier. S y6 oWacles q4teile'Jd by d uce'aiid interveiiiii .1 jig) -*V()Il( r tit perlile).ity. g_ he a o, ati(Intiorit pah to t lew e iroiii Aln�. weir.d pAliiti ballad hat had so li-tuitine, sang it at La Tit' -s 'con - a Kreat egoit chi 'Wil .-L�enniii Flee't come riv�rd A q -Ll Survey,ir. tit iiaid ed him 'who ''Verl, and iembli Lvid Aelit d -H evening of tb e day gn which 11, C ith t ate, Dr.'Aten te(t W wl n J n ar otel, th how' pai t, al ped. t III 6re D nit; t' ped.. If A R6 E h -FAS 0 en F. ep uwil will r&. also kindred and plaitAwo, -waysaffect'lle. 5uted out the f r h d��)�. atal defect; in lit si.ort int !oltrae.. knew hothing of Chri�- ly. Ire ab-)uf.. I sin not i tir songA'Iolloviied-each otber.. -Ike beakt, -my you D1 off elhigs 11e coidd 6i ii nothing - exltant or hollef al aboi tf illy- 86e tlk�lt big ny6 r death -warrant,-' ki-d 1-t.be'Doctor Z!i to re� li(yl 'E9 at 7 to hat. py-oduced fl, iTA(t thove strains,' he said to himself. Cherily., -'I "I to. p. son I y4 71. f,- . . - . , )N FIKSTVLA' -it - t roason abe iii not'hip)py. Oh, that' I might I. Te.1t �JMJ-.L' -y5ariv, 7.1. pui c, It lilti, nd t she had vyies fo� not' im, tit *vx- have one7 frauk c1mversiti-m '-with hit- and ue� tf eeins tb.t find ;)ut the whole, truth. But it s h'e to yop whf)t is of more a as well ask for,aneur lo iglufao i� .- __ --mig - 0 of the' We,�t, t,' '---t itfl. 1 fit'just our eir f -em 11.56, Volt kn,(,)NV it -s all tllor d- "lij)r of your Tolidt 7 'ltr that gh Fo di.itaritly. reas)l _F t tollert NN i to iII4111, e menit. A1dy your br art6t' I; I �aittiot believe her m �u -with a beavy frown, such as-sh a �_o 1',e -employed k17 t e plese Of r .5 it -i l ill . 0t. aa has Gemed lid then mothN4 oil ry Ili 4�,deed'l do not.'.1t is a myster I S, . bag PM�Yzd- Con it all ond:a n4l I e, elev%tibg thclightit;. ii�rl 6urair croIrn -a A miserable "'will it 4.1114 t ca, arn I will Viit g �oxei f h4a- in' ,;rm 4i,; I.am. xiot...-ft libpft, will change to 1he poro..un RIC C na- the all opillio 1. i—'elve . :vo F. darkened. - or wi lutive the thirl U tv :tzi- i 11 T MIR P:, 0. An 0 d tb e I:.ro Litt! trealta'd if eftt:ll 11101 e in -minstroly. had- f Allivu . I t her polaf at hoth( 8) ew in ii�h er all( rui a Ross 0-T. ali q'B of el oqtie I'3bet ihe ll]klill emingly, bJ.C­ leto SLlo *Vnd -%,!I -him hated reethe reh bis owr is 'd re� rni)i11;tiire with r I ttleCol(j Lo j61111 r Ie evr- ree h(3* TO lia V0 t Ina I -t rv�argl even till�.tlie noxyn of and (Nil Mai rti e YIN ley COW bow, �,J tel was- gsiorance all IV. 110 0. to 20 y al !ist", : ot61kea hiiii. tit, i -efl styllger far. mi -T.I) Ii-Lrm 4, q,� alit allot watcheRwilt'll -S y ill' t -IV o tlie' 6-etb� htill: lcoow. bdt yet, nre'L .11tilil, ldl who- Iniew him' Vrldslka(t )Fwavd -eart t a i I t't ie ;"it i N �le tea y iqll"r Ilid xid con. t�eu (Illy t th heair* cp t hrN &rt dA Tie despawiency which -great �fa ous St ,NVAI b, 'lligo"t JiL any his 1 puthwesthe. iii the It Ili for l -I' he -&06 AUrm-bo. p _;1I,t17o0 till e. a Uri f his _,-svetc e nt wa,, file but to Have At Gr-*afly R-eduded- Rat" r fiill:g -b(iWd,-, q1tite bev�ilgl redhy's es - -at !Lhr.'�q. I 1, s dark I:ttle� it- t �i ough. t Illy 3 COW.' Ne till at- his the I k 11, NVT e- his I, balirt. Fri* i LV'e`VeIli iV,' ilt Ic -1 -T TO S i g here th oa w 41- -r ­ ! -a Id r -A' iurs of I tile SaUath ba be bui-i-ti�,viiig I was iply. olvd. -fc;r' eT lit n allv ill0ite, t -A -t ft -,t7, 1) ulucht vemed ith hbnseff,� a d if e. ei! it -6 c a. f(� tNt plied Fudkklil "]I- Q .-y It n at -.4 cl t!N it ll ".Ne -little &-�ter'ifl�n Iw t u niQt -the a a debiull.b, 4 in. v%hn net, ][4� 'C!d ruLe as very: at I ir 11A eu e ge th I It 6-iftel JII. Goil has blest ffiv., it% I illy to i.1-1, 'a but a poor. r,,f lifve( ti IBU 0-ai vi onceALe issona lulu fortunite Ing (Ulf -.in -to orV W11t 'ill.- le'Ll-L"S""t". ! ling',is f fag too W 111,671 &Ztz been J,416 dii It lla& bajj�� .-my. tin nr.of ilig ri-Ii. et t jixv treatwelit II( -ft- raoillei flashed end to. uch folly.' iq replied Ife it4dv A aref tit toil -t bol". foirce ii-nd t� er-li -al i i It i in bi Se 'On. t1be. t B f, a r; i e, 's -delight he again fro 1L, j+` Nlie. - le -kit In ---- -- w. ev fr, Wool CaALV, �Iosisit b if Joligi ill. I' iiestpair, 1lere tsune to bectea h d e In reqeDi -"Ile that is trac A: fq-� -that 4 ibalgli wiiilzb is leagt4s thiniglit from his lua bqlo� Was f th,nuh tile. T" zi nIfek"t d Fitial if ttr mid ill t1i e agrwell have caid 'U11welegi it &VQ]Trt V, hoine"Ily ville iilLbef-cheeks: ad rd, w th f, t arifle. at Itenwers. for III 'went t d f.- th glcn�e L( id fortre '�-t'-4nd ainthe iN bid tri t he 13 �4311 (;I:%t all( ciied r or -f%,uro 1p. a.-4� o-*%- as &Lily heditit Ili--, u Dliolanis-w op Y,;t prayer' for tritt oo It, t-V'e p I I n t �(I- sed b t tkoiighti -e I "ce d' to aotf: this vtq to w r,o ft -that"be had el Ail Ag. e t Ife �Sjtd(7r6 11V .110 1 L oen 4s alcketm ftir Winuil)l ArAlI.I. (�iilt. Aj at t sh - hat[. fo� thor she would b' ed thi at.$- -'k.-oW CARRIA( Wer ir ill OFIlIW r dirlems ail abo sucaeo The 11 -iou; ')r at 'to do G11C Vill S �Wil r W.; t w looking t'hilli with soMetbill'"_ f the his own r oweitt rutno. -he solitud(yof nd- witlild .13. at allIC ti -to t ooV, 1. I've to, -th, heIx - ( . L. ' . JJL6 jJjd.n(,t think WVe fin. stren9t feli that he pould meet- q future Co. -A mi. F qlreslq. - ;, - . . - .1 _; . , � V *f e lstlly-hwa ed de and urni v 03 a, Q I ance ofthilsait e bi ak 'it . .1 tuel . e Uy' ilitever it inikht be. prize 4 1(irg9ttou". :his ttly. 'I -it' te(l, lu� .,;at in h;s - ftn aitr aiid. I, were Wo b1tre now the alitriu-bells, ng. zotil. yes that were' 11pon hini conU614:1imSelt a -ch -but thAt he ali t in the sort Jai&t ,,if fin;t w V�cancy, .ii reality at. - is in (I: out i1rdly-Ca am i_tha;_L won, ONTI. o was -ce . . -i , '' - was suKe Ir C e. -tine hal P h his -it cruit'lly, -vei -over and o Air, W A R G DOP n 0 :dIm"g terb olpai t6titb picture, ar. Lit- ber NVAG0 44iolls now re.' - us rd. t ine -Ike IlVayi tholiail.:Iier iiho atok :to ILM n Ill -i )ro6bed h 1, . . . .. . you Gave 11e.i urn d'a daik 1:11 r for 'opullilit art! f ven. wl tin GI 14 Hay ENTE WIN He- -friIid i j n ne you ay _tha�t- h o nedi I d pel,si4 !or t I& h* U d' ith rage. 0 in:-Yiiew� 6f her- wr6ng� to (,Pula d g bu 'ut.he _4hiii bu reason w L b-, to JLO I , dovin 0 11011101aill] e s: reinovO wo,01 take a f6w- d- r cipld n6l, The tell -t, Ie V ature :Azgl APO 1 T r .-Old sit r The pieciple I&! ei low thronaipg- Ili. The bet fare in AdJ wl an e r -t,. it who inade ot. the ieir h1wo . Uad d-isrined biin.., idd tJD Hoi AM W ve lelue nto n inn. Mrf C clieved, that -be Wa ellow in kind-- of: Jobbimr.,mid cl wal of m;bfdIi DJ immittee-of �d- If b in were also eq Mos r 'hut'dou cl-119 iou rim awav w taste in e enc �5111 ij�i. his son, ll� el6changis for' A111 ally they-exattli -ure ie -414 &no eating,, Low es till at IRS p. At C tie(.[ :eaeb. pict lak he. gei.ie` !o.basteu r o ed 2d tr Leitriied v'ax 1 YoUf own I'SN CloliewItIlL me, paillt- �Id to the bot�el whire N'tr So-Tailiting ana trivotmi. thpi(ch4ce -nart Niii ow to two 1 Sh t mce-lailubhe' -Give us '-L�U "BINS A it nut f !"i, , ..SPECIAININITE V t ksopo mild dle8�116tchi- h4 a ca. ltigs� Lbove discriV41. �ut oon Peewille- i n I, I Ujimmeut, tl� -and. descriptive lier,.e t if erowed al�wn to tbirg. i 'was- d. vo�ident that their eflolce --itat _k do4e oulShort 'the.two imint DgFj allove de8cribOd O -AM MI ILL F. Wor. hiM at) prou iye o suou.becaiiiiii eviddii *at iheir 324. ..W! -POtOPRIETORgol- a IT cL