The Sentinel, 1880-10-22, Page 80. t r 1 • . • ; • • • : I UM TtLE. ()N ANA) 4FrEi -moxnA.v, 31th June; trai U i1 lea % e Luckuow as fly lows! - 601 NI: Surt'll. .tceom., 4.58 a. in .1liNed, 1.15, p. Al.;.c.‘ Ili., 11.30 ti„ 111 At row., 4.30, 13. :10 p.111 .keemu.,10.21,p, t,c t V ithatv . • al tir5 isspen ing forieieht With her sister, Mrs. ' Fletcher, a) tires:els. • REVovED.—Dr. Metti egor has opei ed (Jut sing, ry iU now quatte.s h ne.W. oceopies the at:, .nd next door t F;Grundi's. It makes for him a sue little office. f Cr.ocK• ene party entere Jr. ;ias. :40merville's office -through tb -..virulow above th de door. 1ring his a 6..“.1 took therefrom a valuabl timeoiece. *, No trace..of:-•the 111186:Ii oirtiele has as yet bel!ti fOnitd:.- ! drunken. man wit stairgettug,atemg the streq. ou ;SO- hat. the - Sahliath Sat' •( -seh(div...s-.eotnihg ftc1;111 SCI:looi, gealle rairistA building until:they ft6 tIiu 811* -ed i hat behau sat shame ler` hi-- • en nib t io u. IIOTKL -LE:ksi.:D.,-L---STr. lick.;arr •-has teased ItiS tine gone ,looNx . • Is - !ti no: water wheel in.Hunter's 'anuing Mill Factory. He has spared o expe. s or labor in making. eveq- ug,nt tight about the place. WHEN you want Furniture cheap and call at R. 7.11..tbi.Xinia's, and see what •e can do. -• Ile is always ham y to how goeds and give prices. Ttio.4.'1ati(lamps at 1)r. 'rennant's 1e,ical 11 aki CAR be had at cost price, he ivelaking room ftir the =owing :bas stcck.. FOR PAINTING.—TUS owners know -114e to cAne to g`et theix-'busses done p in styLe. Mr. tine 1Ytate, painter or Messis. Came4on &i,Gamphell, has he • job of repaieti -g . the !bus ...I the. :soya! Hotel, Kincardine: * *. • . • "STRAIGHTEN ITr,—Why go Crooked ,d -encourage consumption ly:ben yolt ii get a pair of shealder--. brae.:; • at a iw 111.4uT at Dr. Tennant4. Medical Lill, Lit *nowt . • . • i . , BACK A.GAIN..--7-11f. TI -10S. Douglas, .. been- sxpended .in gravelling _pta.,i s -re: ho f,...r seine wideks bast- has- be:an -.in (pill -big it, . Duneati:L;artil.hellre .ert-e.1- eronte tivdergoing ' ocular tritittineal, ti,e contra et 0:•11.‘i has -couipteteo..- 1. 111 ic., ,,s- ,et,01,0!.1.,..h. me. - -Vb7; it,ne.61.sta'iid". Melt sa tistactery • iiiitniier," - • . - - - • _ , • .'i ht..,;been: 7benefitted- by :,:th d ti -eat.:. •. The --e.outract:.•:.**it ..."Stitey'S,.erts.Waii. lent, I. ---. ...... .- .' ..-:..'.".' • - rd'erett to some time- itgo,-:-IS:in.,18.11-ed„ • - , • ' • - --.. • - : : ' - - . .n. 1)w:ter:mid .Mr. D. •C.ampbellt:-.1-.ceit P.- 0 EiN is:b.—Constable 71Cki oy %Vas. . tracts: are -1 accomplisile.1. according to r(111-gl1t '11):13"tole-Ahe'.11.-ev4 •-iiial Friday • eipectationj but .. Mr'; 1lionii)041s.." 1st,' to. till8Wer t9.1.11 atierge--of assault, 4.t9ilt,iiiet has elieted-theriglite911*.•))1dig-. lid - ba, very .pit;ferred . against • hint.. by; :iiittion: pi a ..--neWsparier ourresilDndepe,. r.-..-1"tictlfr6gor, .‘ - After liearti,g the evi-, -paid .6t1Ie1t.,-- wetneeAteservukaly - or ... ri. .• .. letwe;-.tlie Reeve tined him'.7f4 and Costs* n di we --are nut ia... a position ..t.p s,.1-.. . „ -Jr. his.oversotli-5iOnsuess. • ' .- 2r, :. *.: HoweVer,-- we concur -;11i. the:- ••.i.;eneral - - - - . • • opinion? that . money.' votet1;-;.for such • IT -.1s• afact -knoWir to inint..-fli,d: . purposes.shotabe used- to..gtiod atlien- Melt alionid be knowit by 'all that'll., -- - tage-, a- d:n.f.Lt4te-- ill-spe4t,:, aS --i --of':Co. 1st:conk has" on hand .the , largest, - +espest and beststock of fitrniture..in - - - - - - - -.. - . .- . • -MI' Frank- 13%y tie aetirig upe i Sol: tle:ktio...*W.... ,,. -, .1-. : -: ' '• • ..t-;.'-'• Onnut.i initiiictilni illittj`.1.i.-,.::is. nit 14 00(li, ,,. : THE (1:y.e.iitufis.ar.t.aS uSua, at Dr,. *fur- man -to- be alone" has -iecti.ttiv"te.ili 'entiant's- --111edicid Hall, the , hest .ins .u.u:tu• himself .a congenial. life.' ,irtifer,- ,.. • t.; s. - . - - r - • '• in t_Ile persun 4f- alas iqargaret 'gc -ntyre., be.e".-6111itY*1.': . . -."... :- . '• ' _ •'• . . -, • ''• , The marriage- tdok place ett:Th. :nlday., SteigivAr..—Dr.•-M:CUrininien. asSisted- -till inSt, in bt: Thoniasf the ...'re idenee,. .. ., y1Dr . •:"‘reGreger•sitccesstuiry )...Iiio-veii .---.,f i he •bridc's iather- . - l'itay.:01-1. ;haiiiiy: .1;A -site ti.'`•roitl• Author : frotn•.*Alt.:. peter . .• cotiPieliaVe.i.t pleasant•andilt2otpe, rilit,s' alit rford::: of St..11°4'45i .-0°:--I5Arh• . Voyage • or the :heisterouii tide6l- ... iist.. i lie patient is doing reinarkahly.. t...inc, wake them go faster, Others Went in fur action ---,seizing sticks and poles they rushed out. and made tremendous swipes at the teem, but the latter only swerved a little to ono side mid went on in their wild timer, the wagon rait- and swigging after them until they passed out of sight over the brow. of the hill at Havelock st. We after- wards heard t.lat they were stopped about a.quarter of a mile otit of the • • ree-e--o-7 Amberley News. The sidewalk. is almost completed-. • . Threshieg ditto,- • •• The bear was seen -in 'AlcLeti- ziaii's bush, -and which was the -41-tbject of much comment, has Su6ge§stully evadedour local-. 'volts, Bruiu has - likely takeirietuge iii thestiockeswamp, at Soule.utlier seeluded place. •. '•:•. • - The gravel road bttweeii At4beilt-2, and -litintiatyne'-s corner .has beep_ con- siiimatly• repaired.. - About $1.30-eas• • at the Rob Rov House* to Mk. Sattin -Long, late of t loderieli, for a term .: -five years.. • That gentleman is makii salter:11 i'mprciveinc4s on thefilace, au intenilit running a first -Class publ house . . i.5F; UU 1i, of the- Ineknow • -7.\.1.ethOdi and 1. 13, C. .11:en-dere, .thtl id Cifeuitt, • e.Xchangeil • pulp} . last buoday, the fornier• • pr aching It /.t t1 andi 111 pt appointments, al the lettrr etinduating. _ tna sertric,es. tae Ltici.cr,54Cliutih Or'isAia ing a C.-TL4i.ti lence. on Havelock e;t„ 4. late hour ori:urday nigfit last in • have nutice.1- a -roan, in a . beast Aato of in Lo;;ication,- -suet:Ole.' :tit ft • terigth, on the ground'. '-The night w sadti. and hi pCsltI u dertainly n • ---,sit-viola. 1h.?.1a- (IOLS ilritk bring' in • at),,Vn to the e.yel: of tile he.ast. DAY. —The Jloviiro • ("1-eneral ha beert please -11 Wed s-1 Iv.. 3rd N__,.ivember, as .a day -Abe set apart t Country,we. have...:inneh to • •,.•• :thankful: for, d-uritig tie liest year; :alit ve trust that hedap, will not oidy 1 alaServed as publie holida), but -as • real day: uf -thanks. - . • N —AT— NEW IN Fa",.VIERY DEPARTMENT. SPECIAL LINE,:, OF WINCH'S • TABL-E DAMA arkti . ' il E I ). -elL. - - - -' -- A. meeting of the 1 itepaj ersi • of Ile . „ . • THF ony-place'in the coinity -te get' v'unilt-Y--al--id btheni W48 ' heli• .911.'‘Vti.; . .. • , 1.,jins,...„;.and.: ght it _piloper-iy .,fittedr• ifs _nes; ray evenink.for the tp.lpzeiey..11)ft:iik,:i r". TenintilVs Aredical Hill Lueirio'w; th., into couriiieratnin heccitit)iii stintini4: a sugar refinery, in thiiipiaCt....• • _NORTHERN' SPSRICS. — Alfi". W: K. seoli ail objelit iS•• 'a land -able .ipne ino-i • _ t ' 1-klason,- the tellown-eit"NoTthFil- 'aiding the. Vie:tors take An ..intrxest it,' '1--viark.e'r Man.. ,itas hi the: .-stillag.4, ou the matt4r,:and grew sificient. sugaie ,: „ r.ednesday. in- tile.. 0(inso of a can- :cani3 to make it a•renunieiative inVest: . ,. . aSsii.g tpur for-fhe tondon:eltoti.er.: melv-,,-. Aft;rt,.about it- next v,-eic- -...". Ilis atil'ell'_i'tne° ii:idieatesAliqt' his - work f. Theteachers re:erigaeb..1 for th north: grees -With him:: - " : -- .' • - - -qin Ii.,riion.ilfAsblield ate.as tollow;:-.------ . • ' ' ' - WM. 1,:.n.e; SN - b .,.y.. 3-; Wm 11 11 Tohni: 1.".g:w F.NerxE.--'-1-7Nessrs. Christie:At *- • • ,t, 6 .„.. tobertsitn•lia!e replaeedtheir Old--oen- '-'.' 9' 9-i ..*n-1' F-ergusQlr;- S S .rint,, .1.„,,,k,n_ somo timi5. sinoe,.. wi:ifi ...a., iN,.0. o .; . - 3. no.' 1\aean.-- S 'S 4.N.il., 12 ;: ieW 20 hoi•Se-nower; horizontal enkine, - H. 1-)'. (l'at9eraa? .8. 8 N"'.• -7 ; .--.W. 1.1.- urehaSed of..Messrs: Wllite. Jz Co.:- '141'‘'le14t 1.e it4:11'...3.. 'Nruos-teils."6 a;r.e.eeabie-n ldiipgrr; j.lEllitrta; London. It. iS 'now., in working- till:Tr . kod the enert!eti'e g on wan, tneir -won,. : - .. ., - . , . ,. 1, - , -- .• •• ee.Sfu'l teachers. for a nuniber of- years. preprieters are pw,h_, .ative• ta the -necessity.- of. p..rilet-atoii-litni:esnii;;- . • ' ••• , • ... . -N•othing lie 1.130re; . illy1.1TIO . • (.-),.:ERSTOOKED.-7-411/- iRM.1•011Fte-,craan ty of wheat i cOlaing int' this thsfset-that Lucknow nierchzints highest price.4:haviegl.Mread-thriniglio. theectio-n lhe stetehourats ere •fill 4.t); and a sulhco xi nit in 6,, al (Ars Cat:Mittbe had. it is :sant th • • -; _V° less t.11itit1300 *heat cars hate be Ardered aloug-the line, • . • • OF FLAMELS AN CHECK FLAHNELS5 Aii01E4AFKiNS5 QiiLTS BLANKETS AT VERY CHEAP RATES'. ° FIN- ,SE.ECTION OF N 9 OVF1tCOATINO 4 THEIta.ao remove to .the $tore --:r_17:yveedt&-,-SipiO&S ol r op ed OUt a nia ? , next door to the Post Office, - staid] where. she has . mifitiont Stock of 1 _1 LLJNERX- 11specialatt ntion -to. my fine Stock of . . . 0 s ri , 14i ;•fl - It: 1 "1-119*mils t4 •.f , I - N (ik ION . 4. ii t . - • §ilic..--, -411rOcadc1 atins and V lvets,. (:1(.411-dn.gs, • Sergs, Lactagt,,:. • .- .. - . 'I • . 01'112-111011. Rill; 01115 1 .., C ii' illy 8-(11131'.'eS,. ''Uk" les, 1,:i*I • (4ioVes, ili :all (- korg,, lin& clo.vt.hiz-_,..,1, kulid ill' a coniploji. .... . . -n.);w,-).„.„-;„„--4,n•-•,-, ' -- - • • • . . a.o. 1; ..1...L.1 ..;, ;.1.... - . ' . i • . , - - - . - • ' 001110 t 1.1111g 1 7' iiiH e -gant, POMI'ADOUR FRING)t.. • • 1-1 spl.e114-B.I. a4 ortnlent 14 !pollen Goods, Ladies' Under- • • i . PAINFC.1, ACCIDF:NT. Allah TaiicemeiVt - (if a :school than tti•e. e0n'• • • - ,. 0111(11 i••; 4t wesent incApacitat.0- from -.change- of -tcaChetR whicch18 work, tho 'result' cf an injUry ,U11.happily- too -Much fori E the bes interests of Hefei lait }Friday. lit. ' rem pl?,,forin he lighted On his r!glIt A ver eiIoyable time was stit at, (lot jfl SIICI1 a manner as to; put :two :Steel's hotel on -the night of the: 4 h. tees euCOf.jOint as& badir.sprain the 111B lass assert] ones that 1)1.. is doOtorin.g the r-Flfiiig for. thc purpose (if Showing -their. -Tk rd rutin witli.-sacceSc - t "eefeien -and regard lot- Allan M 'c I.)imga 11 - •ottt-bnilding.4 heing'.erected at the*l'alSonaoe of 0 .-1,slifieldeftd:iiit of tos NI. Chun: st.:-4N1r. Gra.baus- hae•..er• .fttl, a nest feta:0 in front of his prop on Oitrai2iiitt.---Nlr. Geadis fs ere iog a 11,-,ur acid fet.-d atore 'adjoining 1 • lAige..f a nte.i store. .(„ecer-tl'-s Shtlunun le .tabie bit of his lht. - QUIC:R.A..s.q(L"RNISO—Lkti gellt181P working of a chnuidas for witte-h front f.-:-reseoe's ou 8.1turday. Ile p railk • in to the eh:intend 'set to WO • And in three tin•: ienieslisti good butter3 fa% oritble btu entx were - ma the -thiciency (- f the :dasher -by 't (1r4ved:g..ther0. - - truu • . S.TiwNG NTI".,:13.—tiittirday night ai • g -41 -td iy last Witness,-tl one -of 'the heft jest wind 1.tc,reis•titi,t has passed iiV Rept:dem fpr. some time. Jhe wi vt ter. cold die, a. d accompani h' fal:s of .siMw at - Orchar • I. • expi-rienced N rt. IL: h shakinif; the greu litrieath being plentifully carpeted-Wi leaves :and frhit. • .The weathei ha e c •tintied ,..old since - • • IMIhoyEn.------une• lace • th' e-gs -the', vicinity :el: the Garth -AIR has and:ergot-et ereitt ebanges 1.ti- -001,4 01 three menthe1}fl(l . the superviotiof tile. energetic. 01 priewrMr. 0 And riekety- bridge has been torn do and a- be vir: iarkil substantial strtr.qui • Witt it'. ; a - now s • excellent ...lain • has }hwan built a n gide ties been pit in ; new blianni !lave li‘en tile• *atter, Avaii. oftogdthei it is. a chan.v loAing .14 fiAnervil4 .•-- ..- - - ne 1if-*;tie ilios ,it.ompletettoblis. of .1klilliiiery ever opened* . . . , , 1.-ucknovt.. Cal 4 and see- ot yourself. - - - i - • .- - • i - - - - . • LIPP • - •1 v liu iliti n 15 going to Matiiiobit shortly: . NE Is L)UOR 10 POST OFFICE, . eow-rbelanging to .P rin thUizLIIflerIIi Which oysters and Mr. .L. Miller got au the 1.ztilwav other were devOureil - :we 'Would - --• tiv.ek win re -the first side: Itled east 4 'infer ,thitt they- alai WereaePreenited -to . TICt ieW GR c1oSse.4 the, traek;'-and; it is15 110 small extent: . • ' - • . •uppoi61.,. -was -struck -.16Y- ..tlteearly lNI.i.• 1-1. Ifill has di:::posed. of Itis farm „. „i, ' - . •"' il. - Flour .8i. ree•d attire inin slid -kiroeked ilia() the caitle gtfirt.i 4.50 acres to Ni.l. MliKelizie,-Wilth the • -, . - e W. ,.... .70.1:q Trtenpyti.,. . • . . I.:- it Wits fon-la-Ultra later 111 trief day - ..intontiOn .Of - remeiing,.- to - the-, North . ,at tete& al.d -bruigeiL; 'liio it;ihnal is West.•: -7•:: He has Just •returned froin an, - . . „.. • ot exlected to recoyo; . ..:.... : -: odended ,---visit .te that count' i;and • speaks very highly of it. . 1).EeTistiUnrii----The first debefeThof- - • he LlickneWt!'ated-oniiiii LiterarY 01111). st; oplc pl4e on-AT.6(Ifie_hq nigh t..:bub ect': Reolved' that' •``c•ainfill punish tent 41.4 . be aboliShed.'!. I-. G Spiith "and. Arch,. Finlaystm : took :part on •the r..14:,-N1;•,1)(.11,41(T,. - .14ccritoinon id 1) Mci,..011716-tea' _prt the er argti meld s •en =de blared f fVQ? negative: ThiS.: Club i;iteiidholding do1'ate, or:red Inge reditiitiens-*everV. Wed r1Otifiir..• Subject -Ter. Solved th The Ne ro:•• hes suIft•rell nor e froin ,the hands of the- whiteipan then -the Indian,: • .4. $.;*tio V debate is-- .ettset4.ai both sidea are, tepresented by• ahleexeonnts.-- - • - • • 11 tarmei's learn • 'left tandieg With a: walvo;"----io frout cifP is UtterS hotel on Tuesday a.fallioeu w.• nt foeaputnt, "tin their own,' lictoki'- Auction. Sale.- " .• • - DYATT -1I9.S resolved to • dispoSe. of his -term stoek itnpletneti'eo.., wliicji he will sell by publw aiu tion at his firm,-• 16t 18, Second Range senthof 1)urliani Roat, On the --1.ueknow gravel on Wiwi. fay,- Oct - 25th.• Sale will cumin-ones:at 12 o'1leck noon. Aiationed. • iquapool •MaLENNAN %iShes I to tiirn4e to the' public that at hi4 farm, 14'51, con 1, Herm), on Tiiescialy Oct, 2fith, h ss iiI sell by atietiga a ipiarility of sto4, implements, etc. Sa com . trienc.,s at 12!o clocf.- noon: Jou' TRE- I.E4vzs, Auctioneer... , • JAMEa AONE:S1 inten- • 1TICOARw for it at WALTER TRELEAVEN • C.SEC RD'S .FIAS onened a Gaieery. Flour and I' • - • -., - , ' • i• • Store in his new block, nextsloor to .t lied Frig storewheree is, prepared- toeil G. ocery & -PrOvizion. otore, -_ • • cs 1 oheapas the cheapest. All new freshgroCerfew at prices to suit the tit:ns. 043.0dsdeliveredit% ariv-pait ot the toWn.. All orders for gooZir--, (EAST • therpby ghing h-pumhaser the adyar.tage • ., must be paid before the goods are dedvera.' • - • iintendto do tido ct business on a cash prim - 1 Ihist class goods.at low rices. - - • • ” .°. • -Whei•ehe hopes by 1 ' et. large quantity of Minnesota rquireinents Of his cu life Wheat for seed . -Co, • THE .pES Ccct)Dersi'':.' J.GR EE&AC H1 - rict attention tn 0 4 outel•s, keepin4 oulSr • * and _selling-, it' LOW: Ricf.,8, to ni!irit.a. share -of public pata•ontt 1 ; • Wi4-is to inIsrm the publilhathe tow constantly on hand a • • _ • LIGITED, A- CALL _ Oa A large lci)t wace to ,arrii'e Butter and ti o of ilispOsing of klarge • quantity:or farm stook; implemens; icn at his filtni west 1i:a lots 23, eon 141 West WitWo wih, 011 Oct 29th,' the el i eel: Fluy started Bt ft Widk, el:Ong at one. o rn. • iticresed it to a trot mutl th h:1 to a -.1011N- 1..RE1.4-:Avii-it, Anatilineer. " street 1k0.8 creW.lid tub, AisGus -MelcitisoN silI Sell bv auc-. ,.• . ne attempt ;is made 10 -sti truants -1i! a -tAi) 1ii' fflP1t11SC, 1 t 21,:*or..- until, they b id gained su:Ch heiti1ivayit.it • Koloss; On Tueday; Nov. 2n‘f, a 0) - to no:i•eay Aask.: tits of Valuable: farin:.Stock- ete. .Sale • E ORD1 Croaery,and Masa bek. . • CaSh "paid for • , .r-FuTE ubscriber:her 1.• VI, Lc has opened Treleaven's he bill have weekly sale all Cunnission--lov. .ra onia web:died .the meetie eni!-tly, others to cernsienet; at 14)'•clbek C0141.1ttass"i'JQfl •. • . •• Pint.Vy:s,• Akenseir., • • " -•,' • . ' . • `fiT intorno; the 4iablio Ingo, where he; wg.1 eticles Aft' tor :salt • • - . • , ••• TREI.X_AitE34,. - Leeksow - ' . . • FIRST-CLASS STOCK -OF - • • Women's,--. - lalises' and Childen's f•Go-42),11 exaniine .1.0013r•npe stock -in each plas', especially lus Buffr.pbblest Wbole-Nteek:Beerfik purabtsin,, elsewlrik, MtUrilfaCtPSPg :a !Specialty: list year's stok sold at and imam\ - Eegs. end 'utt. tatell szehoo fir ge ods, • ' • .• ' t -;••••42'!"''. •