The Sentinel, 1880-10-22, Page 66 at An Autum- Picture. Red -Cross also established'& large hos- �4. HIC11 Pltox.INCE. '9'kv deep, intense, and wondrous blue, tal for sick and wounded. The Chilians Mig Bonanzas In N 'a 14coila. Vatni Collision -on the 11'eunAllranift N%'ith clouds that sail the heavens through�i doubtedly bombarded those places to re- Railway. And mountain -lopes so broad and fair, nge the blowin up of the Covadongs by A Cape Breton corresTtident oi the With here and there aniongst the green, Latest JoIlting-s fro;n the Old PITTSBuno, Oct. 10—The frightful col- t a Peruvians. Titusville Herald gives an isecount of the lision last night at midnight oil the Pen - A inaple or an aAi-tree seon World - working oil wells, on Lake �inslie, by Bos - In glowing colur, bright and rare nBylvania road near Twenty-eighth street U0111SE14 EN CANADA. In Yienia there is one policema u to 405 ton capitalists, under the Pirection of oil more disastrous than at first Green fields, where silvery ripples fade, crossing was with cattle restim, in the shade, Tbe Diseamen to which They Muccut2lb persons. men.from Brad -ford. Strik�bsare obtiinot r�ported. Nine people were killed out- 4to 750 feet, all Far inountains, t,ouchedwith purple hJZo In the politics of Eiirope the name of at depths varying from I' right, and eleven more since died, making That. like a veil of tuornin- inist. Best 111orses to Bear. A England is linked with that of Turkey, and near the shore of the lake. 1-1ch lubric6t'ng in all twenty deaths. As many more were 'By gleams of goldell slinlig�t ki.,.,,41, 011OXTO, Oct. 7.—At the meetina of the dia there is ot One oil, worth 75 cents a gallon, lis obtain�d ; Scows but a bruath of by -go -no days. 0 yet in England and In 11' hurt, who the physicians Bay cannot re - 0, tario Agricultural ommission yester- considerablequantities. Dcq�elopmentsare ruage cover. Besides these 9, large number are liew d , Dr. Andrew Smith, V. S., testified as professor of the Turkish lang to be mwde farther and b,t1er And clover which has blootned a I slightly injured. The first seetion of the Since shining scythes dia cut it thron,li, tb d' eases to which the horse w The Prussian Government send% small 'I wl...i t e is as results are anticipated ter isays And corn-iFelds A ith their harvest fwr, it tions from the Central Industrial accommodation goiDo east left tile Union 1,1 11 le. The most prevalent in this country loan collec 60 01 other matters: T�is Ole isla4d is And golden -rod upon the hill Museum at Berlin into the piovinces, depot having a larlje cargo of Pasengers w e diseases of the digrestive organs, such -nearly. all settled! �t "I people i and And purple astor� bloorning till, who had been to the city to participate in And sunlight invited. into air. i a.. cholic indigestion, etc. There was that artisans may cultivate their -taste. thein descend ants, spealung,4 their fir4side In the closina exercises of the expo-sition and horses in this The French Government are about to n ------------------- ell less disease among only the Gaelic language, livi1g, very pl4inly witness the Democratiedemonstration. The NORTUNTEST ONTAR110. o utry than in. Scotland, thouh the despatch four ofticers to Senegal io organize and frugal, and not" e back platform was so crowded that the head - c I suited td th, erity of the climate sometimes gave topographical surveys, with a view to *the taste of a Pennsylvanian o4egion inliabi- light on the second section follqwing could Remarkable Progr"..14 of the Bruc ri to affections of tile lungs. During the formation of three new posts beyond Medi- tant; but with tbd infiux 16f outsillers n notbe Been. The first section stopped at the Mae* Region - A Irtine Farmin he had us, and the choice for the best route for a everything is rapidly improvi1g. Witli the ni eteen years ol big practice regular station on Twerity-eightli st,, where Country. iie er known any fatal epidemic attack railway between that place and the Niger, exception of some deor. bujo and 94me it was delayed by another train on the next Mr. R. Proctoi, of Sarnia, has returne th - horses of this country. he epi- by -Way of Bafulabe and Failgalla. birds, this neighborho�d dob not a Ora block. The second section came along at a, zo tic of eight years ago was a c home after spendin the summer buildiii aturrbal Keeping poultry of some kind or otller-.is. great pleasures- for the sp" tsman, but high rate of speed, butowing to the crowds %rticle, a i I real uxury, - ild government roads in the country back o feN r, _ and was very prevalent but wall almost universal in China.' The poorest of one - i. in the - T, ited St is, on the back platform of the fir -it section the Bruce Minesi The to hie no, necessarily, or to any ext�nt, fatal* household has, wherever - practicable, *its excelled . nowbere signal lights were hidden from view, and wriships in w -thi is will be . ar o the Im most of his operations were carried on Ca le were also very. healthy in . this pert cook and- three or four loan hens, land gineer of the second its piscatorial �Aiasure. he ose, Lefro - an sectift did not see the train &head until so - be had never known of any were Coffin, Galbraith, 11 co try, and which stalk hungrily in and out of the nitid —this is in a t Thessalon, and the number of miles of goo epi emic anion,.' them at all. The dig-- shanty ill search of anything eatable that fin6t cod- salmon, lialibut, a tll'td y near that the train' could not be cliecked in 0 One else of the family may happen to be and deli ous of all fish, the 8 ckled tr ut, time to avoid a collision. The engin6went roads opened up was fifteen. Besi es t is eas s most prevalent amonst them were he built 9. fine bridge ovdr the Thessalon dis ses of the digestive organs, - and in able to digest. are in such abundance here t t - the si lit crushing into the rear coach of th6 first of thorn section, packed with human beings. Among due- to in t1fe water surpris and as xt:� Eiver. The new roads run through some so ilistricts a forrd of anthrax A woman who haa stolen -several articles . li'local causes. The general health ishes all. now. comprs. -Onl . feW in les w: fittest farmin o land Mr. Proctor ever qer i these the enaine buried itself to the *very of tL of clothing from bet motber's., house �n also - a, sinalteree an ributar of saw. Settlement is gping on -very rapidly, f t e sheep of the country Was very from here is car, windows in the screaming. sufferin-a pt, Franklin street, east end, Glasgow, whs men, women and' children, manglinrA and the settlers are all rosperous and =4. cl o Thoroughbred cattle were subject Lake Ainslie, in -which an caught on �re captured by the poli6e while bartering the bet, Rjases from which. other animas. we any day, in a few hours'angh and wi h who Were in its course. The boiler tented. Graill'and -roots are grown of 'to aona shebeeners. in -articles for drink i y to tbi ty superior q lity, and the yield to the -acre 00� aratively. free, particularly tub6r- out leaving the spot�, from twe.. of the colliding engine wits burst off by. thle us w 9 ugThe samples; of Wheat and barley , ul is. This ultimaiely proves fatal in th.6� infamous 11 rooltery." It a after- ds -of the -speckled boa and so e, shock, and the scalding water* and -steam wardsfou is ud that she -had two children ap are 'anusually good.- This year summer ve case, tioub at first it does not =ing as much as* f6ur 9. Thi is poul-ed over th6 occupants of tho car, a� if lying ill of measles, and was persistently Ion, of the animal, I no ext atio frosts have damagect the crops to some ex o affect theconait;' a true fish story, anc ig A ea t bent on completing the horrible -work. It It was old! sgible to describe- the fearful tent. The settlers say tbat"this is the first lid does, not .injure- it as beef. nealecting an infant only three month, conclusion the writer of this Id mer or- e epo, ng.scarcely been obei f a day sine I from this ot a contagi6as, bfit a ber�ditary ha R mo4inexhaust-1 ed s ts, .0 say that.with al The me tcenp�that followed time that they have over sufferec -it -was born. silver, coppor, iron, al, 2nar le : dyin I all won _n cause� a'n4 many.of tlieih have been farm- ise e. Tbe symptoms of its presence -Quit04 commoti��.b.%Bbeea 9xeftedb'_ of gbld, cry d naed a d, the of those ing' there- for over fift�en years.* It is er a falling off in condition, oces- and PlJiU3bag0. , slid- last, � the -coy -fritf-iql. Word it the letter of -11 Father " Lrnatlu�, the Church who had lost friends were _ -constipation- And g�nor I W ti 10 the most vltluabllo lullri'Cating - ev- er di _- i- .1. idiately telegraphed ti) theMayor's gratifyiii- to learn thitt our northern dig- !on, a as 11 ' q. t some of. Was Imme land iigh-r;R"ced of abbot, announcing tha: 1�n OW, 1 8 d. off a great msuV of the h is b th d being developed - e , I t Co. cc- arr or assis an Tab6rculosis had b in 'aien on h er-��ponks have seen- mir ct.tbat triots ar� eapa6le Of mpu'�ntavamg een to aealouf� coyer6d an ; this sland W I and twenty-five Poll agricultural populatio*' and th it s' not reasonable -to expe' .. - meu�, with full cor�s of physician$' and -of '.� le neum 'bi come "one or' tile most as stony and sterile, a keagion as it, is geue- -e er sid for pleuro -p onis. -..The apparitions,- of 'the - Blessed Virgin,: one de waggons, were deipatched to the scene of- painted- I by- travwlerg. t attle.tbatwent out in 'the Ontario the cdmmunity,Jt is alle6 Capi a ihe Alsaster, vilhdre they were soon busily rally Mr."Proctor rs mira6ul0uslY cuba -of ea placet i]n the, world'4 roquisites*ne�6ssirflfi bot ngs q eusai 6-1i ' dacbeby,tbO (look lesf. v e-ing 1 bitt u- nination Prof. are b Jurnish-c( OW; Ou. file Victims a;4 wre�k. �tityof magnificet, ad dtO ted with pleuro Are the �aily en�ployediu illeviating 'the sufferi f fliere is any, qua jLpoication.of fr91 Bruce i e onia, but.. f ter an Aa;i farminc, land wfew mib-,% ba& 'best &Y orits'suce d clearing the f. Ll . a--colon"Izatiort s,,. q1 E dinbuigh, perhaps the' tbe� adene .6 �Ve6d tlT _J voan�ed. who unable to take care of c h ity on such Teineg and When tbc v1__ 'illempelves were removed- t subjects:.s allejed'to: botbe first iffataii'e on red6 oa�da -built. by the 'Ontario Go rot6stant -. ecel the soldiers, 6-giastics: claiiiiing t6 hav -7� W40M cc -enibut wi 1111-, -w�lt�esseg,of racul parition pl� ettl e 6 theni wag affected with a contagious ;eu ifi Gerxblilkt�*. bog a short distan from the scene -of ernmeht is complatdil to; Be thin -to w doubtedly be. -very riLpi4; lie -bad nogigated s6t e thixt been ere `,at is th the accident. -in some a firetaku of Vile second ell ses, av Ot raiserl -i Th6 engineer aiI ther were eQueen's. bounty has been ap 9conip -s-e escapt ith. 'e ilinderg, Intilgiou's The, lied oia red,� uotwi istricts wo.r.o.affected And cares. which wa cc ces t y arm .1 ti uifinju opinionthi on, behalf ot a, Mia. -Ward, 6f Sheffield,. wh6l their.voi' sea the -ba tanding, that they stuck to the engiue when. he He was o it' 'this eOe s o The Htigbt of jh� M�W,Wolrl& recently a briplets.­'Sir HeuryP6nsoAbyj met t e sew I in existence in for t was a, 8 lOcL 6. sea still �gys Pon their shouldeis -ays XiA'. i�� ploi1talied `tbr6ugli the rear -par -of ill was in on odG.A., Ten., special ed whether the't were indigent. tem fall u BMTTILI; 'an and h7aty iii appearance iisk I . - Stanton in - In pend tathe present time (13 ii, m. 21 eg crves an account of _h husband wav,in recelp_ ticle in.the io�i. Up to,- the -Tim. t 0 eat. majority'.* of -cases due to con -2 It appears.t at -the tile formal ded�cation_ -a at icoilo bay -hrred. '01 JRu9b to -day. d And in addition he was:cn- A. distillIgisbod, Germa .,PQlit,. �pathr d occ liera it. oria-ini6ted in any 4ndi- on' eath -traced rina , A� 10 NV ght bd.' :GALIE ]IT A906A the coin -Itg;o.f -ditdaice.i The Pere 7. ha -over. X4.60in gv-club the d" mist, iii -,afiswer to There was a, Urger att 0 &��tjt �tltled to give- -re- J on nement ad -three deaths lie A*me'*' m Rwer6 opened'b:�'� au liptes. lie* h pork cOndition�' 'Go men, gal, ligious servic e times. the futibral moiley,-au. t b -ventilation or- c ose-co ft of a child As. I- You may A sAyin e, cnductoo -by -Bishop Quin� d *0 1 411 Nii�y chronie catarrh w4s. som&s. claimed thre ugght not., tower. soliprd I Tile T01".2 Uxd of Ten essee, an:4 the Rev. H.. -1r_ i der- -these- circumstances'- Xr: � Collier tha women 0 ato' �landers. � t es eyeloped'di It �.waa un Sneed, of Chattanoo'g �'A fn as feud could nOt'dertify be Was li-in poor Ah6iiidi.. bilt German womeo,,Ir Poe w aly fawd in- ever' y- case. The" i --undreds ST; Ghoupr" Mmuda, -Sei)t by.Miss L.'Virginia Fratch, ixt:Ld, addresses. it'is- ana- mill h lited veierin tit Tbe`w'.- �er ment . -had. appoi &Xv ge lie has, had I [sau�ds-of men are freed 0 . their brigT,.'Vvi ig , & 69' helbotirne,. N.19., Xoha. *4ire delivered by Thorb4s; Hughes, -M.-P. jf five children v�iflifilAwdivb months -und,- iofthbu.. 0�o s as inspectors iii various par s d. w -Per' 0 usefull F.'Cbok--, niasterl,.rbports that. sheieft Shel- _k manager ot the C�iony ge' ;unifbrms)iud ullow6 Cyrdii Clar Jud two-yesrs', twice twins, tb co, ry,heboinic,bief, who reported seven. In on see everyw a on the '21tb, Ult.', b o Trinidad, laor.' Now h We dund t P., Temple, of K66xvillc, Tenn. 25 years Of �9�. y T-1 f feetious, diseases. that cam e lots., Slieisonly, c"th Uni t! S eHoed 'Dans Hoton of P6 ca 0 in. es a a th6 work 'that' in "peri njiroy­, 6.11io- .. and f -A gbbd ary authoiAi many milit deputed, to.ni di�lbeavy sbafrom7the soutb� IL Smith �f Boston. Mr. 11 e__r_ eir :notice, bdtl: ho believed tbs -journal �t es "in favor -4 the iStateE'1- is, ieir a fr6hgale a Frauklit th uht- 'to be. zolothed-4 with greater s.London. at 136 biue skir; c%,' barbf i6d; and sofithwest,.,tho winil veering from the north said- -our a' &4 present, as, for inst AbOl ard toi 0 Hughes, iii closing big aiTilress, -6 ance-, liti6ia* of ri�giiiieiltal coloM . tile �ry- titei, er o red be" she t6ok -in sail.- In lat siba and hope -are to .1 -ou th�Oso big - To dis uhcbvd y th er to. ofd the distructiow-of a �.xvas�started after the generally 31,ieing an �2126 long 62 05� on the 1st inst., the wind- -infect rie Been iLi lands. a, communiiy Gf�. gentlehoron and id- bas* m1ain been sia-ce the Khu' �ev.&y.fi6ld- we as likely to, or tie a towns youw.ill d-tbem incre6�d fio�� the east anduortheait, w -i0, —not Nurnei insta ladies' -that artifici 'class which goes *"b o means cert aJ - . th hb - bled. ous It 19 y1i very -boaiy sea. While. scuddiu cr a ver b o'th in EA Thoie iq' stoopi 'der the licavy.,woodoil okosby a �y n, that- these. aihh by -those P - ha i e irAder -big., own' observ`ati6h priti6s, are right grand names ro e. and in un 16r cans., here, the -Joint product ;or feudalism And perfect, -14 this world, h ar6 arrle& milk and he6,vy sea boardedthe ship, fillijig her with. w r�o such ­ww-ers could ha,�e been- of course, nothing f d to ct�tt %way the wealth, but at, society in wrltich the humblest of the flag. has- doubtlemits 1,11er6'is.'fonnd a. pdasant "bearin - an lin- wsier.', Th'ey Were orce exerci t y-, sod -Ceiebro- afid the ago :ffire one e&-Ioa; d on. Wo 'I -wind blowing it burr 'in i,A antageou. I uket ori her. head; :t , who live (aswo:hope most if not drwbwoks putting one thing. aga mense-bas member &I. mningitis wag the cause of . U." all 61 them will,. to. son�e .extent) -ending under -a hue pack." It'is n every- �iom- nbrW-boAheast, the. �essel- lying o the 'T - ' -gbdn. 'The Amothbi, t is '.doubtful whether the odds' b Isbor of their -own hat ar a w6in 2i AIA Adoil, In- er'.bea!m- her -yards dn the ids',' will b6 of such gre not in favor of its, adoption., . An. Eng- 4ay-sight to-s6e` 91 d re, gel a no -a com. 'strairt and dultutehat tb0y shall be hble ca . .. 0 Tater.-.. iarrhe-e-s in horses a so. Iiih -ki 'at-Jukdriastin,' ';t companionship, d I rav t.oge o se -9, m' a6rally 'fiid ventilation on pl�jBa ving ther. Ater I officer relates. 16w Di -thing 0, breach over her, wusbJ evry� 'to a- lot ng t6 meet-ptincogs, iii the cra.a Without embaf- 'm t soon atter the Fr6n6h -had come.. tile 8, cart thio��h the streets-v�d_i.t rea edyrom the. latter -cau of- tinheard of . for dea, stavit t se.. draf -husb this hiag' rr�loeable.­off_- t g ith Sol the. two rassment' and w .19 d fill. ing- the cabin --�vitli T -the Cly relief bf, the English,, the men 6f t?iling w out her s b� preferrec (16 and north of ed- at --base he4,. skyligift an -strange,- p or- present nalitioa bb6ame -badlk d shd 1 n.� to &, seat any such erso4a c -1mixe the &ter. for th in Oy En aul ses, 'Al At 10 p. e preservation or but,. had �Jhor n6 doubt the n themselves before the gutO tower of Ilia in this, 16 1 *agg6u-. ..But, th' of -method in theit #ghting. re forced-iro.out anch would also. do vary well. for -t k 6i starve." a' even t-�heship'ana cargo, they we in. the. w�o - -Arspeati'thereupon 7 new- -rld,'-' a horse foi: ew, of. et' L yting French orte' th hot6 klis 4wAy t6 foremast, whidh was. loA%with all cros iwil�'Wiai'w vi omen mus wor upper ol"seg. ' t g color on' high an,! shoute -a purp Ther�_ Wag -sised his- tri 6 'find am Tfiib agri. ltu, I - oses' a fair: ty g -men dt4ched". y 61sd lost the jibboomsn The. English *t cene, olw-th Xomfau Fair Ground garcon t at 'chivalry JL. Wita iar t+_ i Canada, and an ex'ellent one in, 'in drspe&4 mes 8 'Gernian.Woihen -sea e kn then )righte&. ow 16ain top mast; The vessel -took, the. hint, and directed thdir' 14, America. -here was: about citing runa;;K Eng a or Minteks, 4nd the- witriess. cor�­ offiers- -f that -1h. it was found' t Lonort, Oct.:Ir.—An ei SY dsia, What homitgQ is. wlzi 40 not P. robo te Mr. Tatteson's, -evidence upon men o rally round 'the Englislistan adv e hold. They. got urredon the fair gi. nd tbe �Onfasion was quickly at ith 6nd, morle y, caus, A tq-dii, ile trade that ' was, a snyls due to -theip. . An - Dresil tbree f bet of -*;iter in th wildest -comipotion. Nyllile the thisti izi-tra�efljng fz�oni Berli t66 Dresa �p, 9ter *Iiieb. the vessel made better S: Ing the coIII -such 9, case as this Q6 "-lue of Alla as n the ring d6r� England wap )act to -be-i but in They got the pumps -to suck, and -Wnlcn ors' were bein i )i es ra I 'pene& to be in a compartme eather g 4e6d9d de .016ek one bf. them b ;V1ume '.with that done with 'a- I.Y�119 Poln elogiii to the f0und the vess$ making about 50 trdk6s ging to, a, par as ushered -a fitmily b I to a gulky, 'Ame ca Geimh3is,-:- She -no -06, long. 60-15 West. Oil 81011 'na he- a an6t think'over i- , ll d that sp.Uour hi lat., 35. upper c ass of for 'J"ity" tfie wife and daughters 1 shad b carriod' the- tue,$rd also Atibirific. gale blew from the is driv He� 11 d d or at A. PiLmA16B man -named Young, i& hitphec - t een -exported io. the �Xan &Way, pit6in"gV or, off. taround the rina a, number, limes, uncl this Yeax. ..-The best. class. of -un y -2-p in mer p6sgion entitled TliC;' Passion and- bag 4t, in. it - od6rated,. waited most tifully� uorth-north�e the Epglish market Were got by th e was rap: . iiing when same onQ raised a when*. she Ini Wind, haul-' idly t� .1 ath of on Cbrist�" Was upoa-Pate ilito- Aa8- a. very, stiong thoroughbred and De A milias , ; - east. and blew'harder than fatiQus. -th a. ree pg mothor f, he 6A to -the Muth This: sent th g, boar& lately. produced in H; azii6 -by a pants to, stop him. ev with the, the.best-. colt waoikely animal off at: a, WWI pace airairt. el esp. to co=y, she6mrkod-upon. tfi� I" that b foi6_ It waa' impossible r si e on I fo the men td thes:tri,6alcoziapan�;�-.Lbo�.oldo Buron,_ fa on witb act coin personE �out, ong the bth' . u vigor, befote eitherhad become. _y dd At mid- -dragging --the stilky after him to ro ced -sire. and -mare.. are lieino'lasbed. ded this 'strud �Jsn- worl0an 484 V ted the fonea, or df aerabM t the gi abated, and 'the 4th com. -plitist'. The piece"was lar IiIagine herl-" surprise a high in the airi And gely spectacutir' 04] Is e %shict. ". in am ni htthe gal ous ' ds of whom Aood aiiectly' egging little re�lying -th in ago eX &USted, but'.After they'liaA botli 'dWhy -madai 'J�ie .�w�athef, Ad 40r6wd, th an t tatlemix Christ ble he'. w; c iriotdo rii nced vh he stied to Ithipath. att eir full gro%th. He le j�soiithwest. Theerew.wre Th6people.fied du All _ t -the �to6 lu�h' r rom 1- childreii, the datky into Terasalo fb'tbat%' an, s knoW b o�e f sides in inth ni6 tba-the number of mares to d atlng�away- -tb , Wreck and.. Pat with -b 13 e th6 greatest disma, and W -Some minutes 4- ih; I betrayal, the last supper an e crucifixion 1 tb father bf nine'eltldre.n. bn�p ye 0 e or fdremast atid bending, pieceg ar ith a being higLhly. artistic.: The prayer of0iiist -------- there -was a.terrible comm4on,- ove. ybody *hie In tire 'h be could be 'for, s� Va.. age; ught-to-be.linfitec ..bothw. ils.' �On t1te 5th, at itocul Bidrrauds, Idileci oi a th-6 -Mouiita:in� 'Was i�itizduc7bd. with expecting to -hear of a. friend�beifig. eiving the. sire in vigor and- Good Reporter. 1ew Tliere wag- an eager-- rushing to.- T 250 milog; Which maimed. on all, Be Uri meebunical effects, 'afi sucyel d -Th6y experienced on health A-go0d'reporteris-a.ways-first cd4sin to cb�they� and fro, and asking of �Lll questions y Progeny. -with -a' gilver-cbalice'snii'AOting �away. introduce 3,11imse'lf a4p ot ullto_ inat Daly one'man, haw�646r, was' knock- --after he had'dkunk.' Ida- Willis s,.,describ. vs iable w0a tile ti e, & in or you in suc w, to J93tercl g the play in- a - lette' to the Fiifffildl -your 9 Q�t se. , - zi on thlb 16th i sides., I t a, geniai Way -.that'l r, 6� ed down and sustained severe i4jury. in Ll time- being .,he seOms, lik,6' 1 4 � .1 1. : -d 11orge, Plunged among t e h �tattli§-pensa;nd d ar sv�aoonstancy in the piftsuit, -SC"dar says- hen: was to brdtlidr�,viho anxious to ahow'-:t,tt !he waa at length- capturcd� the' 'stilk r being -of ise. re inipbrtant, Buys the I ane -et, I -bad -Arm M Proof. Uh t ped r 13oBt6b.�'savin ot yet - dig- arli on his. left I t . brokento-pieces. T1x, 'Ith ik e:ipectied to re ult from been' wrought 0 -a stiswilerry'm Depo Come e - rf �tl up. mrn yv. a . ry. 'n and its operations remain ti a- absoii6e.of casual. it t T61 191ous of his identity4,. '.You talk h sit, basi-11 coni�iaeringtlie�ir�m&nseorowd-arounds- i better. -for. -men: fr I had.. -sden' eia.zy.� ,The �mau:: 1whom. ta era ov ent. It is far thel inner soorbts of your 140WA- - who., was 0 It Js run by I iirv�yafit�attd has be@n arrest - wag,.& matter of.general give him your Satah iE'. c0nd, tulati0a-_ tolead khet &iedeutar� lifetha to be scourged bad. bee me'divinein my eyes. ir-regu, -tile op nio I ly- active This � cautkon 4s, Our bia cbmmkirded's perfect view of the 11 in of sped �ayment,. f 0 1 the qresumpti e I c Or iwindling. Profes� geely- iinfol �*ou*-w. ed =ore ina ft ince the tkansition f�po stagk at ion flows, fj wjfV ]L Tito, in. A tile adjoini.hg ante -room LRC� the rsat w: a. e, neol -it to 'eirdu and we coul s t -nd help a. -tary h. 'exhausting. d 'eo behind th16 scenes. I'liope.4 t6 ',,' onve, sed y;�the Dqp6sit. is a charity,for 6us� self ion -various' 6tber mai ters., it E, - pr "I. - 16 irs;gemeht a hy0i! 9 9 admiring istener,. nco ging 'from, tfie.iefiu�tte* r -.is of -frequent' occurrence. at a nearer -view, f.'Buroii, . and f6okin th r evident Tidlons gilent and wo en. P in in am tbre6 ctosseq­7wit]r-. Buron Vapositg ai�e -taketionlylkom,1111- n fto n over -saw are Russ' -v- A ga st nsitio is, nod N� h' huiig r a wom I�Rw'Yoitw; Oct� 7.1 -The Ian Go -two :with yoii�L - ma f en you f6r a yp suits is -generally aceompanieil to -raise _10 rded. E�'Aettar from And the 0 - upplyin"'g -.0 h -per eftiment. sed6nt righl word, Q� 1p6asibli -9 . on living', and `haa 1orws est'is phid atthe rMe of -OIL US8 in '.or- hadulmoat deified, had finished igar. d . Oil mon -.D6 Long�, of tbo. 2�rciia ex�loiitig by zu e disturbb�ncp. of health, since -the curtain. till my here, the man. whozzi I .6ii the i -he -use 'a- efivity- by the, stiriiii- seft,i, sna gives- y wession 't t th. When asked to full so What ' ou have -tol him steamer To ette, dat�d Cape Sei7ido organs thein are - liable. to be 'No more grotesque sight can. be. imagined--��- v�ouldn't disclol do tbat; she �replies vaguely a to y he she can lua exeiv, se vof� T Hamen, Aug. 29th, 1879. Thii officers and not for4orlds; on, *orlds.- Th Inex, tha he- hihs a Tmna'contributed for the iticitio- -illy' ekangpd. when-, that stimulus the three in- flesh-abloredsilktights* wound ec eanette'was then are* day .�Iott take up the papef and men are.o p o4e by Aomeben�volent Quker' No. Well., Th ithd -Tais,,perha�4, -not 6b-0 (ifis, with linen, the Chkist paint ould. fof Nord6tiskjold;'Ji'expedition 16 w - aw ut tl�el lessl. �olutnus '.go our t b� her be.� y looking over its , ic -0 1. tra §f. -any, investmen. *earebing be so -fro 'Jy 6bservoa, if instead of re- ed, to -look he�soirowing,paftied martyr upon, Itals, whi. and expei --immqdiatel' 'for owl; ame in- ur ca tti6:__p.4rchsse:of a 150j000 -ted- to- sail' ch � 6t y iately, as is* frequently the the trbs.s �-'smoking a - cigar I- I returned to I lfoun exce? I smg in era . �, n - astonished. gazq, I g.., 4P on, as Buji hous i her, an- Own na0e. IiAerest has been qasei int idl habits 'as far, as 'exercise fs theb6xagain. Buron was-amsti�af, itid, word you v is le, r s ouId go far towardii dispellin mon ly f6r S, Oita on. con erne 1 a-ve w paid pron ditig any attempt WaEi xiaad�i; to &tic ky htiman "One. ipV - -- about two year eng -stra a e ve confidence in however short 9, tim, i the all, endj o A,- of.the'dopos�torB' Its T as to the fate . �f tbo� therd. . hat mdh ith ., the' stra erry n mark was sm regular, on his arm some -whic nj� Id insure brisk* A' h- -the oi icekn' Th6,' nespa:pors,. however, UiC ich won mus Good litcli yv� pes jig trumpet throii ade .4. .. . .1 eno igist ou d e The' lon asil �g JR -yet! ff r. mo em t, -so that the healthcquired ou t - - r 1 1* consciously tel 'the W Ainerlen. 'he vacation should not in Watch ich gains in Itn0113 - ngt no penp, theed by exerci ma elf. He b6d on anner is superior 1110 Mon �y &.es snT unm, Pa., Oct, 6�,—Thia rding aer or losbs'i regular in le lost d, oreoter,. that the body, when -I thing but 4 brilig ort oli erloil comes roundshould unce"Aidn; didn't evince any desire t write in-, dese- tion -'61 Al�j piesentXow-England the largost-Dasting ever -made MIMS country' the tb-any whose'variationi -an illere its vaxiiit rconditiob-tounderttike.the- v oCPIMPB or 'Diamond be' /b Istniliur, to, hand.' Oh,'no; that is'the c umsy W -o U ical n thrown apo til -companion riiay vie wi Allib as turned ut at the Black *1 4� I _begintters.*w'o_rk., H� F�bm - i;Aeriisl.: evidence in -the �ty.�. -The'dasting was increased n it little, th.'. ;illageg'i e supposed to be Greikt y,� pape t,. Steel Works in this ci. his' radmor 1 lie Most delicately adjust -shies chronome- �laces a bl e P C11 thu e ro- i. 'skilful". wi�tcb aidr olib day I block far� a 17 ion -tea ed :hih finger-tipg, but in*.-- iind alley -Falls,- R. L TI Ail. Es i;a m6riz6a everi word you suia and rq -author -and its-weiglit Was. 160, tons. Five furnwa h s'of 6ottor�lnaustr..- TUe duced it -with p uracy. 01 Be- %a f:Ezoepav,6� TaFution... re asoned-with i% customer who complained _erfect see o bes facior�y operatives their manners -viera built expressly 16r meliftig the iron, 6ui desc epor er ig af his watch You bomplai d:;�; complilod. r t rienrly,ul ban al po#pf the Newfoundlind of 11 Anerely that41 a day ava seven hours. were running A and ode of life. It appe t at y our''Wa6li'gains. a h1liman.being ever ill-b6thelargest C a ber V0. mercols. A rathef 4010ful- b minute a month as 4 4 � . _.. - 9,y And i�� begi a' reghr that thq hours are. th6 metal. 'The hamni�r wi Act is co 'idardd:gooa p sdta,forth that.i1durtnithe Well heriyou''will, cofigratulatey nning7tdb rdod'si a. ddt,� 61 IQ ent oV bek -but at - -these wages the _rJor.. inthe next. la&& -I our -restraint in m respectosu'per-ior. e 'SIX.. im 16 wf. 0111n !F#ur months wint6r e t. ste4 all -over in�.'- - You a opera iv 'ebt, while on. -�v our which is in, tonsbeing at Nssbus, verty, exi th6 'whe *-ou. have beard tda*ar 411 -1 e,;- - +he- and thatili wat6h' the b aneb ' Decalo A. An the 61den- time ght pse betore 608. 1 1 -bilem UFJY 1111 51 0 - L -.k ; wJU ela &tie 's a possib�y breali'the Dom Ll r- cur 4'regu stor, mak very- logue and bid _'Alie -tvane th st,,t e a. of these eve " re retxV "t e es -five oscill n that 11-t e 6bsd -vs are l000e and very enough to-hazidle., - is �ieces: but itowadaystlib rn6ment 'a I i S tie ttenti6h ii paid.to eauication. From seasons of ri tiolh,Jn diffeftut parts of seco�nd -which' is 43%000 -'a,daj'; so that I P. he iepbrter cal es Jittle quibk �esk of -t -the 'Your I broken those aiid other feA'ts 'I the writer draws- z�, W[CA141 IWA-0. the count matter for serious conaid- viatch,-exposed..'to, all. the vicissitudes TIN A-kaRk TUR 80V the so"d �ud" his 'Persuasive lipi v6tt gr eal sn'&,6old- occasion it, the.varp. oration an anxiety." VhiE; poverty which h �e of flie- future- of- these Iso A, He' is- an you toitellhiaA aboutil . iy vro Citteo br-�J*L­. and sufferi :gt `iepo'rt attri.16 tea 6. in-, Ing we%ht of -the air, and :the shaking ta tgolooin Pictlxkiid holds that moral .6grada, tn an �-kk- Bombardment ot T W, has ixov- ied in �mktedlinterrog&�Uou point:. 0, hum 8,91, hang. -_ - -1 W I - ttfoxii idonsi.ignokanee-willbe- t10 lot- d ore n -old 'on Chi creakdan Inc saingtalaWn,�'A + 46ints which it is subjec a duties, made- two years that14 minute a, nic rids, a- screw,'1who'gets a,'deeper h ur u inor Be khtb or two. seeo he Nruvi�n -cefislil- to. A he' ' l4gers �unleih 'feat 1+-gw y6itr, Oct. 9.7�-T iii etleveiy time. ke -turns- rotind. i iomployers, - maid 15 Pei! 6en d*ith oadh vibia+ ecr eaucatlon, und morvA� general in Panama telegiapha. that the ago, laurnQu In Lt. on duties day.: Itlas quire but some' terest in. their ous y aict 0 two d to tlis:6.4 Per 6e, iit. of tion' of thd =Ianycve W variatidn of, the mission is suzzimea-upIn the short. so T? : ' ;11 an P 910 -al if Chilians, ha -ye. bombarded Cbofillos hu �]Jdth.psrt of ar ji�le 320A - -If you�- dci- it, I'll: A' es. re er ofistoim nd Bixteen--thousa e. QM 4ndgei then-, what must b6- the 'he e'loiLrixig Is�i'tas3drig things 10 *a1u6ble aligSr I Aiicort, and duti d and What -�'eligiZ'dan4- do the lear of the Apes 7 i� in the noi ova I M- �biroba�! but -the piopf6 of ighty :A -tb� iec6nd.. _A� iih. Tlh� Pri plahtation ab' . . to peif&tion of thern'echanimi-of t1iis' P to ill a6com ater a ab�iit -w-Three i2. od and o -eight years extrem t have e pip@;.;-� or6to:World. lu buit -disobvere -w 'a A htcb'.' were defebeeloss.. Ch or orin siss.faghions6ble-t.' Th Smie ws"ript p1soe. nearLim e &90404V.� d -4t wa t b. K 0A. p tC t % A,_