The Sentinel, 1880-10-22, Page 3Scientific Said 1€-t;effia4 Jottings. King Kalakauaand his Foreign Minister, J. M. Kepena, have been initiated into a lodge of Foresters, of which they aro respectively ranger -and sub•ranger. ' • A kiss." said young Charles, '• is a noun, we allow ; but tell me, my dear, is it prover or commona" Lovely Mary blushed deep, and esclamed, Why, I vow I. think that a kiss is b.itli proper and common. - The St. Chaiuond Steel Works, France, boasts of having the largest lathe in the wort 1. It was niauuracturedby Sir Joseph Whitworth S. Co., of _ll:incluater, England, and has j•el l'censet up in France for turn- ing 100 -ton guns. . Two and a half Millions of tropical or- anges were received in the past six months at San Frauw seo from the French islands of Tahiti. They have come in about equal numbers every mouth from ?.larch to Sep- tember, showing that the trees are in per- petual bearing. Four million two hundred thousand tons of hot water, averaging 1.33 F., are an- nually pumped from the Comstock mines. To heat this mass of water by artificial means would require a -consumption of over 30,000 tons of coulee wear. The water from some of the deepest shafts, 3,000 feet, has a temperature of 137 o F. Bull Iran Russell, iii his army journal, gives a statement of a recent march of a Russian force which throws into the shade the fifteen or sixteen miles a, day of the Candeh march. The If ussien column ac- eemple ze' one .thousand utiles from. Taste- kend t 1' oldie in sixty darts. Iuclusive of - halts, it niay be assumed that the Russians covered the ;;round at theereto of eighteen Miles a clay, esthey-generally give a day's rest out of every -seven Iii one day the Russians made a march of thirty -sit miles. A writer in the Providence Journal pre- dicts a useful future for 'the • milkweed, - which has heretofore been trousitlerecI only a. eumberer of the ground... Its seeds. yield a finer oil bran linseed ,, ire . gam actin "be" used iii .plaee of India. rubber - and froi*.i its floss a fabric resembl ng Irish .poplin has been made ,. le' line the young shoots are -used iii the :.aring by 'some i people instead :of asparagus, ' inch they resemble in Meyer, I'` owe pertinently adds•. the Writer, if uses can be discovered for the thistle and•white •Weed, they may prove friendu in disguise - A London undertaker" hrase within the last few weeks, driven, thro ugh the city as an' adveitieineut an -enormous coffin., • mount _'- oa. aa: _base and drawu:by five horses- Ilhisfi> al receptacle is got tip with the inost --gaudy dolor, ezrnamented with the name and address of the purveyor ©n the outside,. and limed u itl in. with satin'.or . setae other comfortable and pleasant looking material.: A live- corpse, with a sheet'bout, him, did ditty in this luxurious tencn-i :ut, just to let the public see whit :'i, fine time -ane Ysouhl have -of it who 'should be tut i,y : t aougk to 'obtain p3eseseien of the rodq nent "in .per=. petuity. _ _ : - - An e'ra solidity ie given: by armlet' builder; to faetori, and d other' fl. or' rettunr: int; are it strength be enrbediing the beard- ing in asphztit ' Pieces of : oak, u'uall 1 - about tv-o and r half to four_Merles .broad;. ' twelve; to thirty inches. long .antlaone inch. thick, are pressed Flown into: a datyer of solid asphalt, not quite helf-at'i. iu:.lathick, iii the lei/Oiler herringbone pattern: :.'To dneute a complete adhesion of the :wood to:the asphalt: and obtainthe smeile:;t; possible joint, the edges of the pieces of wood are planed do' n, bevelling toward the -bottom,; 'so that their cross sections beeotne wedge - .like.. It is stated that the $cors:constructed acebrditeg to thisplanare 'used." mainly for ground stories: in -barracks and hospitals,: -and-that they have also- been resorted to. in the numerous newly. consteted forts at ` Metz. : strin 'susp duty looki pian 28 ye panic,+ diflicts �hd it �dc on >f , r, Beeville*. a girl talks about " the " two her beau," does she mean his ion Truth holds That the first woman is to make her:,elf nice - is claimed filet it is soldoni that a te. tits his first murder after 'he is TS 'an al, like the Nile, Is fed by in - ab streams ; but it is. extremely trace it to its source. . e ed esclay, the 3rd of November,. has fo lie abundant harvest.* t1 fall-, elegant in quality and id _reasonable in price. n le cucumber or 4 green apple en - u many h. child'S tomb would be asive than ten lines of obituary been giyiu portet colori grave MOTO poetr Tofon societ joined sided wonien them i bloona kraut fragran in their Makes h cide chances Jesuits, are nego properts are „eatc The othe inaaenifi be over: paid pitie back can of Trinity Medical Sabo a" a lot of tile medicoa Insv- t. ler au un ud a Full of WI ; Starts a paper, Up Ito gves, panics and should not be held responsible for concealing what is told to thein. The best way is not to tell them any secrets, and then they will not be burdened with them. - _ IIow absolute some men are in their conversatiou..There is Sruart, for instance. Said Jones, the other evening, " Do you like dogs ?" Jones; by -the -way, is a lover of the animal. " 1 never ate one," replied Smart, dreamily. "Well, who supposed you did?" exclaimed Jones, with fmpati- euco. " If I were to ask if you liked don- key, now?" lie continued, with a lingering emphasis on donkey.'" Says Smart, in- genuously, " I like you. Jones." Tho Crown Prince of Austria during the late military manceutres in Prussia re- peatedly expressed to several high officers his admiration of the G.errnan army. II was, he said, the first in the world. Ile added, however, that in the Austrian army ceaseless care and labor had brought about such a change- as might well permit it to take a place at the side of the German ost. An English sporting paper says -that no set of teen .use the railway more than jockeys. Archer, for example, rode at Doncaster .on Friday, Paris on Sunday, and Litchfield -on Tuesday: .Of late years A merican jockeys have been called upon to do a great deal of travelling. On . Thurs- d'ress is, in fact, as many- day, Sept. 30th, James McLauchlan rode fascivating as the modern and won with Luke Blackburn the Great even - yet how little either of American Stallien Stake art -Louisville, Iden; rstood. tacky. On Saturday; Oct. 2nd, two days ,the hot sairsages has burst into later, the same jockey rode -Warfield at he openingpetals of the. saner- Jerome - Park, . New York. The distance begun to spread their.- spicy travelled by. the rider was about U00 miles the autwnai air. : . in the forty odd hours. TO re TU adieu maples are now dressed THE TUNNEL 7111111444.STE it: predominate, bill the yellow ,„. ye not entirely departed. , /aaw _Youx, ' Oct 6.—At 6 D'elOeit this moreing another body was dieeevered from lings. suggeets- that it, a man the Hudson River tunnel. It Was identi- ull auddenly -giVes chase, the flee(' es that of Builer a young/ Swede. The hat he Will run for his life:. N ung man was the son of wealthy parents ill shortlY,arrie'e in.Torouto, -country-in 1815 iu search pf adventure end iat ,._ g for the, purchase of soine gold. eAfter A stay inthe Blackllilla, clur- on ithaach street, that city. .. - . ins whiCh he spent thembney hp had with -t Ddver 'Fishing- COnipienir 1 him; he rettiraed east He hail meanivbile i 'enormouS quantities of. fah! :fallen in leVe with a: beautiful Swedish . they 'lifted OVeT £11,4.ton§ of girl, and-commeneed to work hard to ac - ish out of only two of their' use Of the -with whie arid has t n that. two same siz grease has locality. • found a pi his Old fed late me oi youreeete the women who ceuld of glishihg .the' would. ew mys the hay -fever soasonewill e maa. who hes been' petted. tWo mouths will hare to fall - y consumption or iuherited orld Seems ce-blect to the le phraseis a disgusting one he' will convince a tinsmith of -stove -pipe of.exactly the n't go together as easy ag edal awaiting him in this anxiety atid inipetienee td " better them, selaeS-,7 they too often -foreet that it ie hot themselves they: are bettering; but their :cikeumstances: and the oniy way tot- sac- eeed ia to better one's self. Itds- eelf that heeds to be made a -sucaess, net anytaaa- -ticular enterprise. The succssful 'Igen incceeds eVetything.. That is what most notice, but few will- take the:paios to un- derstande - It is idle to try to make pe par- ticular,enterprise •SuceeeSeul. This is not • the way to:be happy or prosperOtis like Many a man .-eea Make the 'fortimee of is beckuse he doea not Strive ta-ernake Oho - he does successful. The. ahril,Should be self, not -the work in. hand. . Think More of :" -the-way of doing a thing than (Atha ohject to be attained. Many a great failure -would be -a priceless success, Many a, defeat a vie. - tory,r, we looked at the matter in this " light -The-success we Seek Mud be in ps, -tame and .charactere. If thes-a- are ime- cessee, our efforts: and 'enterprieen win be so likewiae. tea-. and his wifeaslept on the parch of their, regidenee,.at GainsviIle, Texas, one warm night laatsummer. thenicaning a -it wae found that the man had beep tour- -(lered. where he lay. Noftsingera 'who had waa convicted of the crime and hanged. tatery Tars. Klinewas,aupPosed to be dying, and ahe then ceniessed (what 'had never been suspected) that 'she. wee Noftehager's accomplice in theafmnrder. Sim has recovered, and willbe tried --The sky at night durindthis Month is very beautiful. .The planets appear Very largef Jupiter," is neer to the earth, and *ill not appear so large again during our , -decade. Ile is utmost at his nearest point to our wOrld. The able" astronarrier.Of the malaria and large meteors as_ incidenta 'that Islay have, somethiag to ac,:w#h the nearness. of Jilpieter to the eartaand the sun.: •Saturni . too, is comparatively near the earth, but his brightness: ie not so cote spicuous as it would be if Jupiter Were not his great rival. Both planets are Moving • south. -Meteors And northern lights- may now be looked for, 'The Alleopps were unfortunateat the re- cent parliamentary elections ; their great • rivals in the beer -trade have been upfortua nate sinae. At the -present meinent Mra Bass, for D6rby,, is suffering from• -a recent hunting aceident; Mi. Arthur Ba.ss, -M. PT., is laid :lip with se ginner accident sustained in the Highlands, and Mr- Wm. "Bass,brother of the member for Derby. died an September 2ard front an- attack of English cholera. id JawItins,cheerfilllsaaa he eudden. accession of for thing you may put detail in. • say -what vou will about a.s.ecret half so *ell as a usie loving yeung ladies if cumulate Money •on Which to establish' home. He:had almost aecpmplislied his intention .When the catastrophe occurred, Which deprived him Of life: ,The *girl has beea.a frequent Visitor of the -morgue ever since that aceident, and tile Morning When - she stood hy the unsightly reniains she was- almost–heartbroken. Another body was TELEGRAPHIC UNWARY. • Canadian, TirunsnAY., et. 7. Tho Scott Act is to be submittJtto the lectors of Kent county. - The last Manitoba party of_ t season from Ottawa •left for :Winnipeg t. sterday morning. There were some 160 p assengers and 18 or 19 car loads of freight. ;.; Mr. John Ryan has been relieY-41 of his contract for the first hundred mil'I of the Pacific railway west of Winnipeg, nd will superintend its construction for e Gov - onl When that i. that' pereua. Wellington, G ninitine of rat the city frp knew You to dress is the or • woman of and, attentio • to give •hini raw eysteraa ndSonie.clear soup." • -of freight traffic on 'the s On --Sunday ; last and —A corres ta Make a ma cut tor weavi needle; Cast 6 fashion ;- sew tarp eitough. ---Sheriff Set 'a potato weig tied; and it -dee the potato is a or. the writer is his feelings.: • y," exclaimed a Mother at. rdine house "1 neVer for a second -piece of.pie ceeded with his Pie :eat - shell fo tbe emit and the f the bodyabut the husk would devote More care the husk than -W.:the balloon far am the temptation cannot see. hi About that tim ,times convicted, menthe at St. Hamilton or T the fare supplie P. IL thOught bodice, in, wool even thaw it w fitting ones' laa-ve.. Corsage cuireaae, skirt is fixed.- alwayasonte kind begits where the The black lace tlaesecostuinee nt calls fer an easy Way 'aka ;raga that have been carpet...Take wooden stitches and knit ga:rter round and ydund eg mats. look a:little the vaded Our sanctum with an.j Review, . Either . Well; we shallapare makes- a drawing 'of ,a eclouds'eannot resist ave one bf -the men in, is hat at peOPle who ona the earth below.- nehand and a chicken • • "So perfect 4 day, _es - yesterday -is tan rarely seen.' Yet bar climate. affords ir number oft daye eyeay season, send -their beauty eh -neat makes anteitils for ita attiosPherd and elear sky for the last week have upset .1 PrOpbet..-Vennor'a- predictien that-Octebda would Open celd -and stormy: --Nat content with this Vernier hes:prophe- sied that the.whole manth will be dreary. in'the extteme,' with cold and wet weather. Oetdber is one of onr finest nionths; and it ia not likely to loee its prestige in this re-' spect .The Canadian -weather- prOphet ef.tthe--St. Lawrence, bat hiaPredictiens: efekt•Neat:Yorlehave failed tee sigually.to be reliarded as trustworthy here." : SO says -a Out of the. propbeaying •busiuess- after te- A. H. Burkholder, proprietor of Gratiet Enterprise, and the young of a newspaper in America, being years old, died ea Tuesday. He in Berlin, Ont., and had only be years located at Fort Gratiot. c Fort t editor s born a few Iford medical -man was aroused by a young woman who was about to be confined and asked where she could stop. The doctor curetted her to a house on the Flats, but failing to find the: place in time she was taken into another house and gave birth to Ia male child, which only lived a short time. Tlie doctor and coroner gave instructions to two men for its burial, but instead of b prying it the latter put it into a box and threw it into the river, where it was found floating by a Mr. killer, who notified the ccroner: The coroner and doctor called at Miller's and found it was the body of the sarno child they had ordered to be buried. The doctor is unable to ascertain who the un2ther of the child is. She is a stranger at Brantford, and left without any one knowing her whereabouts. SATURDAY, OCT. 9. The public schools of Arnprior have been closed in consequence of the prevalence of diphtheria. e 'A'he.Agricultural Commission is to meet tit Belleville on the 18th inst. at 10 a. m. for the hearing of evidence. Ibepotts'from the fishing grounds on the 1`ewfoundlandssoast are not veryfavorable, but arrivals from Labrador state that the fishery is successful - there: Whilst working a thrashing machine oh the 7th line of Goulburn, near Ottawa, on Wednesday, a man •named McDermid had one of his arms badly mashed. - The Carleton County Temperance Lodge aro discussing the advisability of submit- ting the Canada Temperance Act. A public rrieeti ug w s held in that . connection last. evening at Stittsville. - In, Portneuf a day or twosince the -- parents of a young infant took it to church to be christened, and just before the cere- mony began tlo covering was taken from: the clild.''sace, when it was found that the pareuts, - in bringing the infant to church, had not ere it` up se closely that it had been smoth a red. to death. ' A serious accident occurred at the f=arm of Win. Bi hop, township of Grey, near . Brustels, on _t ie' -7th inst., by:which a young pian tit lest a threshing . machine al - mast los hi =lift; The tumbling shaft not dieing c vered`,,,.liie was caught by it and Noound; lamest completely strip- ping his chitties_pff. Two doctors in at. tendarice pranouueed . him not:dangerously injured. 1 A tame deer belonging to Mr. Harri- son -attaalted Mr. .BroWn, photogr her, in Mr. Harrison's yard' on Tuesday rght Belleville, and drove one ef its hornIpartly thiroueh his thigh. The •anirna: ... could oelybe driven off by stabbing it wi hay • Luke E.,Christia, agent for the arl of Du.nriven has returned to Winnip from his tour -through Manitoba, and Was light- edwith the country. He visited thet 'ouris and Turtle. Mountain districts, anct eaves for .Englinctiminediately-. Sunday before last Rev. Mr. Pelle er, of 14 Valleyfield, aneOunced that he W013. .• read from the :''pulpit the llama of th - e in arrears for -tithes and supplement, ' they did not pay 'during the week. Ile as as laid dispersed last Sunday he read, a iet of the names of the menibers'of his pa b. dp. arrears, and now he is threatened Wit suits for 'fiefs -motion of character, ate. ' , irtg the endorsement of !a tote by , .1 la Little; nf-Guelph, for .0,000aby fah* pre-.. forelthe, police magistrate of . duelp yea, ivorShip held that the prosecutor ha I ail- ed to make mit a Case, eed Melional ' as hondrably discharged. :- s ot • be Well treated in et.13owroan, over sixty - Sent to prison for six the saints; but the reason .Why he should ‘.Theconversimi-of alcohol into vinegar is seep, by exatcation. with the nuereacope, like bead necklaces: They forna:-the scum called -",.floWere of Vinegar.," Whiah'• is ebservedan thestirfade of wine When -kis turning bite Vinegar. 'tThe :fungus takes Oxygenfrorathe airand- gives it up to the aIethhol aontaitied: by. the Wine, and 'tine -the change is produced. - -The " fiewers ot .wine " -are alepatimigua,-but 'of a different naturalist, suggested for. making wine- vinegar. by adding this little vegetable to a -Mixture e vinegar and wine; -and the - experiment has .proved 'very aucCeiefal. The old plan Of Making vitiegar consiated- plaaing wine- in vinegar aata. This pro7 but this.ia exteneivebranehof industry. 1 'The. eew Bishop et LiverpoOl- has got the rector *to, give up lighted-eandlee,--the Use. of the •-cope, incense and the biretta. The latter said he -Would sUbtiiit the matter to :his -Certgregatipe, arid having consulted Ahern, -deelitied td comply with the hishpp'S -auggestion. The bishop' at -Once replied; pointing put that the queStion not what the congregatipt likes, or las; been -emus-- tamed to, .but What is legal : that theJudi- cial Committee of the Privy•Conneills. the only -authorized- -exponent. of the laW and legal.decisions may be bad,: yet so long as. they.are. not ; repealed or revertaid they must be obeyed, or there nothing left bnt cerning the -epizootie that has .so anneh exereised.. the Philadelphians,. that . the disease in queitiOn -has prevailed nearlY .&iory fall at the changepf theseason, being ;More prevalent' durieg Some seasons than ethers. It prevailed -more . extensively, however, *1872 than itawas'eveakrieteti to do OU this oontitient.'-• AgeWin 1875 it was sPecially 'prevalent in Montreal; and each autemn Enrico it haia been. 'Observed; 'the present being no exception: A.Catarrhal affection of a mild type hai troubled-11=4es however, ait Make.' it worthy of special remark.a .14 the beginning: of September and sinee- it has been very- preValent Boston. TwO Or three weeka age it spread 'Morning slipp& and fell:onthe- 'sidewalk. to hie hip, from Which accident he -has T Indian maned Pattersen Who last Jun violated and maltreated the •ph, son, and aeuged the eyes out pf the squaw ed. Nancy at the:Tescatora, -reserva near Suspensien Bridge, N. Y., and was nly prevented from taking her aide, by th . appearance of *Om men - belonging to theHreaerve; was taken- to . Clifton est Afauclay :for preliminary trial. He as -yesteiday cpmmitted to the county jaa by police-magistrete A. G. Hill, until the ro- per pitpere be got by the American ituth ri- tvepit4n named Mrs. Paley, living Niagara -street, St Catharines; attemp ed to take her. own life by elittine her tit at with a razor. - For sometime past she , as ainferturiately been given to dissipat discoMfort hi the family. This morning while the rest 'et the family -were at bre fast she get a Kezar id her bed-reom - drew itS keen blade -across her -throat, ' agbasty ,wound. Sd soon as condition was discovered pi: .Docivnky seatfor, and did what he 'could to 'rep -the -Woman'S 'rash. act.. She lost a; la quantity .of blood, but although a ve serious affair it is not at preeenteonsider la, is More in fashion Atignst The best under bodice, called silk, id which -the pkirts have almost arf -drapery, which ce joins . the shirt. e is often worn with weald and should is expended Onladies- ure enough in :this e compelled: to keep berseein tl-.1,0 Market for use the lumbering d-istricts. - Arthuee Landing* still centimes, *co siderable Mining property Changing" han • The t ial Of -John. Mitchell for the mu at Halifax yesterday Verdi° der ct finished European. . A fite last , night in a -woollen mill at . G-reetteck, S °tam], (*used damage to the, extent..1 of ' ,50,0.00, and 900 perions .are throw* out of entailovrnent-. . _, , Theileportthat the* Czar had been mar, -tied morganatically . to the Princess, :has ordered the barracks at Athlone, Car- low Sligo, and otter place§ hi thewest of Irelsandtto be iirepared for the full cornple.--. Advicee from. Rustily; are to the. eff t - that the clepreiziatiall in. the finances aft the' deptession of trade has produced a. , Crisis ainong dealers and matinfacturers.. Severaltailures- are, reported hz Moscow, One fin:4 having large liabilities in. ties silver-plated ware alleged te be the propert of -the Manhattan.Silver Plating Compaey It ia salt that Mr. L. N. Larochelle, o St. Anielreee Que., .has• entered agreement with •- Wealthy', young Scotchst; Man for ithe ereetioti of sawoollen -factory, which will give employment to400 men. - High '.0 ramisSioner and Commander -in - Chief "o 1 Cyprus, replying to an address: Parnelli has a sited a circular to the trades. the purtiese Of establishing . the Land.' League cat a nerva bags. -; ft is Intended to The Czar's yacht Livadia -yesterday left -the build4rtt basin i.at Glasgow; and pro--- Ceeded dawn, the Clyde.- Tea theusand .' persona Witnessed -the start. : Admiral Popoff -and the ibuilder of thekyaoht Were A new ',isms° r -clad corvette, of 4,200, tone latirthen, or the Argentine navYr nanied- the Alniiritrite Browne, after the Leaden -fair grolind Stables teak fire, and seriqus • conflagration was threatened, but the-, tritely efferts of men on. the . ground, aided -by wet blankets, allayed all:fear 34fr. TlianaS of his pro- perty oil the corner of Pinnaele and Bridge streetsain that city; as O. site fer a govern- ment: .Wotla the edifier* will At 0.Meeting rat Quebec last iiight of those ipterestedin the establishment.. of a beet ,Sugarfactory in that oity, it Was voted that. Meatus: atInrPhy and S.Leaage be a cern-. anitteeto take such initiative: as- theyilse. Heim to belnecessary to asstire the establish -- The latest news.: front Battleford.reporti the past season as an kinusially wet- one, and. the frequent -heavy rains have -kept the • Battle Biver se high as to be, nnfordable. During 00 second Week' of Septeinher the water -rose iniddenly to- nearly Summer level. The- 'waters in the 'Saskatchewan also rose seVent- fpetapermitting the stea- mer to make the -trip later than .can be counted on 0:1 ordinary years. : panY of the 15th Battalien, Was satously wounded yesterday at the Belleville rifle range, where he was acting is Marker dur- ing the annual Meeting of the . asSociation. Sergeants Garratt and Browni who were lying .doWn together at the six hundred yards range; fired within a few: seconds Of each other, and FriSone came out of- the butt tp signal the first shot when the see., ond struck hfin. He ran a short distance towards the shootera and then ' sit town, upen whieli it was seen that he was. hurt; and medioal Assititance was procured: The ball entered: the. back about -the angle -of the:ninth rib', penetrating nine inches. It ia probable that the Man will recover. -A Dublin despateh'saye the Mord-Tau- tenant - today receiVed fifty member's or upon the Governmeiat the, urgent necessity of immediate steps_ for the protectioa tar life and property. The Lord-Zieutenant premised Weary attention to the subject, A Paris. tespatch says M. De Ilesseps. emy of Seitice that operations for carrying ieut the soh Me e the -Panama canal are• la about tO be 'begun under.t.he auspices& of :a. InDuke of Pa bridge, - cemtnander-in-chief, ' are availablelor esrvice in Ireland on ac- ' A -.Rome oorresitoricient states that the. Pope has nominated a toadjUtor, With the . it the lattete to DAVE) liit diocese. ,The-. loskey-for Psztimpating in the reception .. Parnell,- Italie Irish agitater, and that A fearfkik kale froth the 'southeast has en raging sit Penzance, England, during e last 24 hettrs. .pight fishing -boats and. ,veral yachts hale been destroyed. A fiShing-boat -Which waS returning from the 4 orth Sea hae been driVen ashore, and her •, erew,• consisting oil seven men, have al/ • been drowned!, A telegram -from Sheffield says that the roadWay and embankment . which !hut ofEthe inaMense lake at Eccles= - field from the NalleYireimains standing, but hugs:gaps aret breaking on either side. A, .-?.. 24,00cvpilons he*, are both working So aS to reince the volume of water. .The ' retidents hame 'been warned -of the den, ge that threatens thein. •It is hoPe4 flat • et