The Sentinel, 1880-10-22, Page 1--''...111;1114"E7111111 VOL. VII --42, . LEGAL. 5 0 ) • : ILLO 1' TRAVEL!, .4 -1.tt-truev-at-!..t.T, S•theitor in Chan- sers-_ '•inv•,v 111,.•-r 4:•••• (Miro lte:szt door I'ost ()dive. Lockn ,w, oat. s .• Nlael'a OltsON, .V.r.r,/itS;ri, Solici- t., • ror,-,t-e.„ Q11*.ltif Kirtottr-line. 1 TA.AIK-; r . • 1 1 .1„;;-t. trney :4t; - ‘1111,• 1- .7%1 .Yley t 1 ',An at t • s tit ‘1,1.,,-tte.s of _• • -• ••• • . JANE At)NIE.q I ( VEY tNe..E1,.. sisv ) loan on va.sv terms on itea,1-1•:•.:tate. Valu.t.t.or f 1 'rind; rind Loan t' 1 t f ' V_ in • I i., etc_ ",kr.triev tit A.X.Tt /NI; .( 'oil t .-,11:111k 10a:I At- oer 4r.d.4•14t. Vahla- . ,tzt,1- forThe hantl:n1 nan1;in:2. . • KIND/UGH 1.0. • T • , FaitZLIF..Ricrl-..34 ROGER i I -44---e. ofi Irt•esw:i.f.1.-1-. 1 . It:tiri -:-...-r• at I;•t•w". Att,,,rni.,,,-,. - ..... 4i-,,i.t.,,1- in ni.--eyttii,-,ftT Ete., -Nti:. I t • . - .-t.I.S. n'A „.1 11-lek..-• ,,tii WINO 11._AM,-( N r.. tic-rect:4e )1,-;%t_111.n.k.. r-ri:111:•_' ['intl.: tti'ltaft;?,!' • . -le: _ `- .1,. - - - MEDICAL. ,,:„ pr_ -...,,,..4. -__ „.. _ LL._.......... . . Pi II .- 0** ,---...i.,,, rt, 4.0 D. 4 A ^Le rr's •172 ri'..• ../1 I - AT E• of xiier'l "nivers i try of Toronto,. -site, &,- WE' •• i. • 1'• r am I) • ., a. R. 11.14 ' r,,,..,3 • rr. La . • ca--, 1 LI rt.'s.'" --that.' -1.-1/r. is - P ' • - : • / '7 " .- - A 1) 7 :ATE- of,•:1.-nivorsity• i if- Toront.l. ".. • P:i.--iieian. ti•iii.•:..e.,--,11, &o. .fittice, Mar- s IFtt. 1, 1 1_. I.'1 . •- - • • 3:scer....... :57: •.:.-.7..:•-,-..:_7:----___z-• - - ----"i---.:•'-- • - ...-____.......„.. 7 .._„___ 9E__TillEffl- • .7a, . • _ ' f.t ()Ni:1-y- 1 LENI/ oneasy terms- .Of .c payment.- .Afi-O'N, to . • - - • . - trt. it kph ,,rj / I! .N_:(.'(..)(/c...:P.,;... __.;-1....:;...yt.,- 1-2u u,-',annon.- -4 anelf AS, F. 71/1 I 1:1-.3 . . - . - - .•-: • 1-.'- Ili' ProVincial I.:m(1 SurVei-or, Valnator; fie • • ..• • . o)re:d•Agent ..0tiii_Tz.:.(kver E-atlie's . Drug Fit;: re, :at 1411 l.c1.1:, r. )nt. All' in-rleis -by mail will re - • .-. Lar :ve-prept attt:i.ltInn • . .7:: • --1 tie . Woberte C -111crii 1 zi4.}1 rini " ..„ , ,.. a 1 t ns,zre i/z-ce EN-fisTi V. F EItOME, -.1,ilentiate of 1 /ental Surgery, 11:-.e re- ' fie r . Wingliam, .y.•ht-re he will carry on *Letz the chnitistry hirsint ss ;; but lie would beg to inform his it:ttrtuts that the- %rill...visit IALIC1/4.110W •"„.. .cord: :cunt' . . nd ti ' •*r" the first. Monday and Tuesday, aznl alsn !'anki 1kbeti.t P-ascoe's 1 .15, tlie cirt cee - ner tit •-• 2' sr. -t;he_thir.1 M,;uti.ty and Il'uesils:y of each -Month -7- 0111Ligil odrie ‘T' 1.4t, A. A. 'Ii,-: the- 'Iliztrsday • 7 :for).t.'eirt'l efArikNi' tf nit tit th. at 8, re ti itivit,et 1-• - • • 1,. Seretary iktrCK.N. 41N7 L(1 ' ts• 112 .7.7 /47 -et --t evtniiig at .I's;l6ek, 111 • l*Iir• j -7 .t11 ieduphe11-st. , All brethren cor: *gaily invited: i. -Wg CON.NEL. Secretarf. 1 c L M 0 Li •10.11011101- LaCKNOW, O''ATAFt,_ , FRIDAY, Oct. 22, 1880. IVIEROM & .CAMPBELL 1.BARAIEES BURNED AWAY BANKEgS, NO ONTARIO. ney to•Loun. Notes crci Mortgages Boligh!„ rafts and Cheques .lo, all pointsc•ashed. ),-Yial and Prompt ,Atter,tion.paid I.4) .f the ..f I t---API'S. P.k YA 1 T. F1 AT PAR issued 011 the priscipalcitie;/ and to,wns of Cana - and on the United States and Great in, Remitt.iim - rind thk- tile cheapest-. safest, andmast 1_ tit venient itietlo,t1 • LI 1 -i-Es' • 1 ?AT E 01.' I.NTE ES'r ' e, 141 ,1),•1 01:rt: the 1-:;ings Departiii- ‘,e:-;te0-for. yriVate; parties„ . • Loic.i•al banking' thsitlesS. tcall;lacted.' - - - • Veyitthelt1p; iit ztli its Itratkelie. - _ IOti.1)14 11,4 To' 4 1%211 al/(17'. Lift ///3/:, :c NI ES. CAAIER()N, ('A:11i'llELL. • • know:.1111v-29, 1880.* • E. ()AMER 0 T °mum-sit-111er 111 .15. it, • • * • ( IMPPPLi.) • • EVC., Etc.' ”. • 'KNOW, . - ONTARIO. f' nveyancing in.ifil its Era -aches: ''• ' „ .11 1/ eds, _Ilortgages, ..Bond,;, A i...t.p.teMents,, • ea es: sk.c., promptly mid carefully .prepar t ;id -correctness inlararteed. : - _ ••, ,81 .01.21,1 aud prompt. attention paid to the ' ling of Titles; .; nil to •11.11, matters con: d with the-transferAd Btq.1,1 1 -::.tate., - -; • . — LOA I MST CLASS. MORTA.GES at 7 to' ar very. moderate.- A pplY S •etary of the \Vest AVawanosh :11Eittlml :re Insurance.. C0111 pan y, notlring: f arm op -1tyinsured. • 11;:it ties .w1, to, insure. tl ar: farnit-rs in- th e-toivn pf Co:borne. Ashfield, East and. We4" 1LN K jab /Iron. by sending a ,k.t Card to ine--tviil be called on alai every. for ratiOn •given. • S - (/131.nrr Mt7RIZAY St "TT -ns P at 16Westsrates„ from ;2 to 20 yezirs -lists ()f Farms for sale p.m as well ces 1.tlanztoba. -I Maws (le - farms, will Nmsiilt-their.interest, per Cent interest -payable yearly, ]OBJMIT:RILAY, -St. Iteitns,- x ht. L'21 lettin; the verti,ing 111 G-ieat 11 rd sd and _con. f 1-andfor BY • THE NEV.-EDWARD P. ROE • don't like the way - that picture is 1 lig. Where -is -.Mr. -Fleet- ? I lielieye he has charge of that department.' . • 'Why, bless you ! • -Miss .Ludolph; replied Mr- Se iwartz,,with a look of surprise, Mr, Liidoi disrharged nver two atonals iischarged him 1 -what for?' `For :being awity, -intich, I fehrd,'.said rad Schwartz with- a . shrug . indicating that th that inight he..the reason andnitght not. Christine came to the store hi rarely th 1, or it had lostits'clilef element of inter- est. Thilt evening she said to ber father: 'You Lave discharged Mr: Fleet ?' - :.`Yes,' was the brifif ansWer. ask the 'He was aivay to-, 'Thetis not the real reason,' -she said turn - 1p4 sinidenly Upon him "Father,. WhaOs he lise of -treating Me as a 1 11? - t - for alit les, arid other resorts of a Ists, for he never inet him; tho -h at t nearer that). Evangeline's lover whose nu she Ifeard in he rear' .sheknew if she met him, woo give not one encouraging g trde, stinct of her heart. Iwo.; just s stro Mr. Ludolph -told the id t find ont what -Chi. 'anti tried to that•degree that 8 Melon. • One one occasion Christin on iter'and said : - • • What do yon mean 7. ' lf • if have even good reason will turn you out into the st: at.rnidnight - -Arid the -maid learned, as that she Was not -dealing wit At la..-.t1Londay., Octiiber on thelfollowing,Saturday „given. . -the- Inirg- day pi- 'A in - .the. finish nicture.:- -It was not warkey1 -61110 hay.!. wished; time hit hid ltrought out bis .and -bis drawings were full of • wer. ° WHOLE No. 354, --1••• ,1"00wassosomemeame.....2111 could nat:marry in this land without incurring her father's curse, and I think she has no dis- position to do that,—her ambition is fully in accord with his.' 'Yea,' said Dennis bitterly, 'and where. /Aber women have hearts, she has atubiti only! The Professor returned laid the- subject was dropped.- .ut hit vain, imes lie was , the'dip of a Though Id probably yet the in - hat sh . nnat a kene aWa " 1 -8116 - timed suddenly find youfUlser--.• suspect 1. t-, thoug,11 it -be d Mr. Lndolph, t a child. • .-dawne0,.and 'prize sto•be. enms wes ein 7 - touches to his. asfinely aste ot PerruitkhiS. • - aortg4 ...II! the evening -he -walked 'exercise. - Ae. he:was- passin ne of the . . hotels, lie heard his ,naiii8 Call ' - Thud he saw _oktheiteps,- radiant wt :1,1:elporini4 bie , pld frieini, Susie 1,1,/intlirop.,... : hand :Iraq • ni the; arhi ota tall gentlenia who'seeluec1 to have eyea for her only: But ive way Stile -sprang, &wt., the Dennis a`g-tasp of the hand th did Iiieltiliely eIrt good. Then., -leading hit - y looking gentleindii,who Ins glasses-iumdsurpriseslip -aid .1-srofesi-inr. -Lei:riled, inr.- inibiind, Mr.. -.-• -;.‘(''.a. --..---:‘'' 01.-.! 11ennik 111 iti.T• have _told = a accents, while *. genial -11x... f? -. ;- - - .c - - • i. . the rims Of his :gold spectacle `41„117. itt;*.,..., t --•t I- a• reold tic* naietarces tboriedlAW0-.h/kve ulfier met before If I tye-re a 'jealeas ra. ali, yeij are .. . 7- .-the one I gliOnid--fer' - : P; - -- •-.--- :•-, - --,'And We mean to -have yott.,-1 eftillir jeadoure: - . . . with ns -i..d .iieriqrthe.•-eireniii 'If No. I- :-tnir • c ( What is the of tryingly look things uu...:-.1_11d keep th 11 frOth me ? intend to go to tlerniany- w th Ton- thiS fall, arid -that sufficient.' Witlk a courtly "Ladolph d, `..And 1 liaVe iVed long emingh, mT daughter, to -kn.ow that, 014.. PePple-intehd. and What they dp.-are two very, different thinga. : ,..•• • f•Pae linslied:angilly and ai.(1.: - • . - ..* q--`" ,as irinst unjust tudischargediira a' '';U r"".dillg he '8""."" 1: -....,1*.-r : that he offer d itp.: Astonishingly gra.tellii-ii, ...T. .„- , , . , 01:114 het father with a 'meaning tbatrairizs• fin underStt.itqf tab *ell, -'1ilitif; pin will.re' ad t11: ecords of the•Ludolph-raee,yitit will find ilia - , - : L. • its rielliTstIltatjytf): have- often. been coropellei tivelo things somewhat arbitrarily.: "Since y.i .xn haVe heel' gone, 7 have received letters-- an Ivineing the . death of hp, brother mid hi wife. -.-T- mu how par on Tdol ph l'.' . -. . .-1tit /.-.'liriatinewas toil angry, and to' 0*e IT wom-It4.Ztl to note this-inforniatinn, Which* - --nn• 1,01.te 'W." Mil ha elatedher :beyond' meas - her old tens,. and " h to thaschdlar- thrthigh 1)ennis said, on feaving: 'T did not expect t41 show any one My picture 011 it was placed exhil.ntion, with the others, but if you care to see it, yon may to morrow, Perhaps you can make some suggestions that will help ine.' They eagerly kceepted the invitation. and came the following morning. Dennis-watch. d them with raireksolicitude. Ykhen once th:y understood his thought t e'r delight and admiration knew no bounds. The l'iofessor turned and stared at birn if hewere an entirely iliffelent person hem t e iniassnming -youth whi•,) was introduced one..,;•,. t e preceding -evening. . „`IF you -cla not f,;4 the prize he said sen -t;, t 'you havea greht .4eal of artistic Valentin Chicago.' • ' 4• .'Daide4come tO judgment cried his wife.. CI -HA 17 ------TER XLII: • F3rGcEsTIVE PiciVRE8 AND -A rItIZE.: - - . - t last- the day of the exhibition &Wiled. D f 1 . tat sent his picture, directed • to „Mi. Cells/air, with Ins name in an,- envelope nailed . . . : on its ack. No One was tee know who. the' t • b thiailists were -until aftet the decision was g ristine. had- sent hers also, but uo ivet!. name Whatever was in the envelnie en the ba •-. her picture. • • ek -of 4uite. early in the day, _tile:doors wele • ' brown open for all who chose to come. ri.'ha • of critics had ample tbne givirk .• st4ot:tcbiiritilthpini-Efw7"::86841.)rthaven-rd-e-73,b•s:crisao.t-rell.,,,e1:.irmtline...d, t4miali • C nscor and her father befe 's piamw. ure, and she coolly. said ;. •,•'. - . . - 13 f) t.:z1.1 11-.1dernen-are compelled o au lit btit n..,2;le deeds' and with .this parti g . . aril-- TV hift hint-. • • • '.-- tl Even her father winced:- and then with a heavy troitai said, 'It is wellthat this Yank tonight, for 1 iutervl. to have r. • • Al! • tface --.'ex•(:use,rno -11e.nial; 4 ihflitlkitted • - man Wilt da whatever 7 bid' hi!, •aila ho -to ort of Creek athlete. . 'It y . 'do an chute' rteht command, 'lent lutards on you and drag 1 in.-iinonainiOnis• ' .1)enni.s. too -glad . ‘6, ITY 4wibi:chitt,s.ttoeln.instefr.aot. A:rieleyail.Wsil.tO go and di is.TtiE,ticavoyr and- bicOrn youth has yanished , P • . be; &led •...A.galn he' saw the treacheronS. ti/Ft,id-,. axial: ..... 1.roinised inereased reward if . she. -Would- be• ' .• . '1 watcliful;:andinfttrui him of eVery moVlnen,t of ,Christizie..- : - • ' . : -. -- . ' .. • , . • Tii lver iitio.t.itriOae ways:that -her senSitive . .. • - . ,.: „ prideirermittpl; phi.ituie tned • te find out t STWA111, ' - • . • - tdloW11 •: Greatly Reduced Rates 8c.IT roster. S ue ink ratei before horto • ::Agent for first -class • 3.4144 JPDXPAITZES • CAMERON & MILLER '0 . _ it' be,. lea.V`s1 to • thank those 4- - 'CHI: LI TCK.N0* CARRI At; WOE •-,7- 1- - - who have 1p-retofore patronNett their establish -went, and wish for a conti Mance-of the same. _ : . s :, . • - - f . - ''S have now (.in halld 4: splendid assert:- -merit '4* class . • VL A.1A0-1•::: - • i ' • BUGG IES,J, . _ PII.A.EIXIN4:, aid . . . •s' ' I. -Umber W4tGONS, Lhap forEi pa&h;:or —Would takee rI • Inrexcliange fo •Ite-Pai'-tr-in- and trimming done with .neat- - afam %ad, i- .t ti. 116 aIL 0;‘ 0 N 11‘11 J LL ER pRoPRIgToit. Tea ,1A - o lows T1) lir I...; 1 f-4-04Ael wl • • ad" * "`# azon IdI ‘71A'' "antic fail t ; erii Tiel,ts for l,10inon,-.Glargow and all parts pe. Ism' as any otlier firstclase • - line. . • Agent f • Beatty Lineof Steatners. • r-Wirniing, atilt! all west, .at D. 04211).13EbL,: - ei.f Mara ;Ara. I:xpress. -• . . •.: . • , ARO OE- :EV3SEgChEn AHD • 11:4 L:B LACKSMITTI movod. to -Flo6.d's Old ere, 110 14 pre' iarod. to 111 kinds Of :Jobbing and lir • Blacksiliit AilligWS A -8PECIALTY one on - Short Notice ufb• cl!: • —224 . what had becon:le Of Dennis hut Sh g r rd if she worill r um --but she ;had been pronylaedi 1:trger•sum not to to1 finii him. and so did not. The'impreAlou was Oven that he had left the city and Christine fearell wi,:h 'a sinking slie,i4aailel never see again.: :Brit orie evening Mr e011, -o -r- stated a fCt, in a casual startled both and°311.ss . : .• • TT( Was- calling at their hortaeand.thei eredisthising -the 'rxhilatinii- of the. pietires.of thost Who would Colhhke forthe `By the'iVay riirfornier clerk mut tiokrter the list. last sprine-r T ve last sight of: -e-ffered her maid alai. 15 .artion )etitors; at least he entered Min 'ince . imagine he has given it no. and betaken himself to tasks more within the liall'il!heeOlevbei:•nOlf;;Ifitatilier and dan,dte. r rnet tlirriratol•I‘fri -Consan, . a77 nd 4..kit-1..corilly1-' thOthill With a faci; on flushed . • c hdf(1 im,./-ChicitfrrtRo 1)1cli rt.stio: talent thidareal genies- hits no chance here -• . - . _fi,Wae not aware --that Mr. Fleet was a genins,' answi.red (--„'onsoor. • I think th ai; he will satisfy yon Oh that poilit;ortdtht you will hear from hlm.istefir the exhibition takca pines; • • • , . - . . hastily. chans•ed the subject, lintire had fOrebodings asto the future.. cairistine Went •fa her •-riam,. and thought for along:Vine; suddenly sdhe sprang up, • --. . clairriing : . - • _ • . ..- • - , Ile told roc' It's story once, on canvas, will lir)* -telt him - e • She- atoncestretched the .ca n Vas an a= friinee pleture -.sm1 placed -it on ail- easel • that she Might commence with the diva of rig the folloWbig- 1eeek Abe._ Worked. -seam. y less eta estly putl paticntly than , • . • • • Painted an d :diefore ishe lett the- sth di e -the Piethre Waklidden. • - • .. She ;nei t send: h 4nnnwrtnitsly. 5o that k vr1,11 er. f ath shofilli.fint kn i t-/; f1.110116-1`; _ I1eriis The door -eras lelcorr she /nil).- She- hoped thntDeimiS tvould reog While she wait in the street her eves he • • 1)0 you imagine 1 Wilt pertni 7.1 il? NGi I *a hiarch i 1 aa iny captive. . '- 8erteary, of trip,and saw that she was haprau married ud Wy disputin4 bride ?- This Man! Sipiu-U4gf bot.lin tall profeesor) 'never drearns orlit.-' -. • . : .- 1.);1)71..s learned that slat was ,n to)-Fesisi. rug left, oat, for hetried to be * IfY si'16n'q'A 1 Vith feriiinine tact She drvi- Is Story flth Iiini; and yet it yeas 'hilt ,e ."*.gr, i.),aVal efery,..liko 1- he 1,,,, 1,7, I , -11a:m1 e tr With "ilf *rule( - „...._ iii) love...an-1 cisapphintiu.0., ht iti -no-ie- spect idhe.deelffeMrs 1..esr4 ..-.- • 1 - I - . • 1ferlrusbai!d. 'went awn* for , 'litle- •ti Ee Iii hs. _absence the raid al)ruptl qt. , y iv ;:pt it 1444s 7,Mlolp . • 1c.P1! said:- Dehni.s; with *. Seeing .her look -of sympapt,a, to be auch a true .f- '/•-/‘d tlie in .irian tn-tYe his -Confiance almost' i: She w ,....) j:: 1 0,- the nue tO iiiai re tel!at sud iie Was yery lonely, -having- 1i n0.-<: 4iity. ' a Wlintn her cyitild i.1..-: k -.Of his 4 .Per:folini s Since. llis litother di I' - - • . 1- ps ot her proesor its he of /Aim T.udolph wronged nie ipl a weli ths 4 .- -2,11i I ; ' nasZt men find -it hard to 10*.et r to forive ., 011 In' sidd in a lwbitertone,...‘htFlhoud P. 0I1 e- r au -%t iii1turn a ,:lir,. anethe 0114 Iiis-sk; JT }Le-et!uld only see her side faCe and bh ncing froin the printed 'Aryplanation catalogue to the panting. ..),Ires Learned c at. her side, seein* e 'Wks n the • waa ai ,. no point uunoted. • Chritine's manner betraye ense intereet and excitemeat, and with e or again Dennis hall spoken to her dee oul in the language she best toyed and un tond. . • As befere she saw two embPematic piet wihin one frame merely separtet.1 by a p 14 F.). w.,ttik ' t'''• ' din, .. .,.. Pe4 - ddr- • ' c' , - 1414 . ' audgfogit'14w.e'altil -and' ancestral -i,tr'eatneSs, The iirit .presented a chateau 0f alum4 •, . . , _k.. )31„1 -.tial prori?ertifins, ifeas,y, ornate, but stlif nd iiiiire de*oid of beauty. It api)eared tl‘s '• y rythingaboutthe place indicated lavib.. xpendittir.. 1.'he - walkii. and trees wei* traiglitand formal, the E.wers thatibllionairrtds: . . iiert ajniidat.,hfielle'dira:e aalt-1;41ingsatilatiYe.oluirtn of the iliza. • , No . wiid songsters BlattLi:v(1 ii" the. eis,or-weta on the Wing. Rills shut tto lace in; atd gas -e it a narrow- "restrict" d i,M- • re.4Sidn, and the j3ky overhead was hard- mitt. :On -the lawn stood ar graceful incur- ).- a ash tree-,. and beneath it were two 4: ,The ' first was that eta man, *lid el11- 1-1y the master of t.he place. His apper- • ce and rnanner chiejiy indicated : plidet, tlfines. a.nd also sehsuaity tle liad ()ken a spray from the ash. treP, and with -Ibt udeSceuding in ';'11i4 was in the act of handing.% a ilatly in.the po, itraiture of %%twit' Dendi d , truly displayed •-rett Ii•I • 4, .7 - vi eryi heatitifill; and pit there W'S nothini ';, •• 'ti' i e me* • -k--. • gupa 01 'table iu her - fac, Her- proud fra.'• - , . ••••k tasae-skowed minled' shame and relurtantri . . - • to receive the gift iti the manner in which:it -,.,- .•-. ' s bestowcdtand yet she was receiving A. .• - Jho1sinticance of the nionntg;ili ash 'its ''• ,I1 llisindemr.7 'The- whole scene. Was the pet--. , . . • Wtrayil, iu the bountful. fangnage .of Art, of, ar' ily, ambitious marriage, where the m* • . co. 4ba. bad loOkett ft a it with eage- - e! seek4 mere Nei tv and tile -woman wealatioNft position, love having no lexst lit e. . -'' It possessed an - elo , • ld not resist' and she .lairlyarloaettreldistth: ' /ince she knew her father would expect Inex. • . in/lke after her s.icrival in.Germany, thong). - is4hes stepPing:atene to her highest a.m.,. .11 • he eecond 'Pictue -ir ais A beautiful Co. . . st.1 -Instead of :the brzszeiiglare of thu - i' o air was full of latuering lights an . de, -"and tbe sky ef a dali.: trafiapari../4.---........, -. .' Far lip rs inoitutan side, on atl over riagciff greW the sti ,„ et:. n1 ash.trtes , : S.-- .:-/:.. • it branches w;/re entwilled with vfnee i71 ' ., '`.. ) .. . pcisidin filwer (sinifyiuk 'holy lov') thkt : . , g aniund in slender streamers. On -sk ai' ' X ick. With pica:trio-as' footing, s6,-,(- _ ,:_*k - )girnati reaching -up to grasp a trench, Am; . ' 1 CC bold and:hopeful and his whole -war - till of daring and power. He. had evie• lyihad a bard climb to reach his pretie t - jou i his hat wasgon; and his dress ligh$ slurp1e and adapted to the severest effxt. -, 14 .1.1d •bONTINITED. Iriiu,IaverioJEese.: • . tried to d •)=1,0thI)/d shenot flea inotb- biti nes over again -vthTianalt left in. Mrs.: Learned liStenert: wit interett, arid thn:said SI e is% stringe r.:r1 and that :ing youhertinconSiirs niodel ber, .t1) ()Ugh it as .bat : criiel. Arid:27ft, -1‘..fr. Fleet, with Shain,.. aOmit it, how O,O111(.1 have :roil th e samdegree from :nir osle of ittoiterrient, . '.seel sha : blue hart but the yam elan ner f dent p and 1.ca)mot understand he poSit and no. longer, the frier] da :we. once wen I at think ber tiAerly hekvrtiess - .lipon hecomin,. a reat ortist at it tpcnif and soMetirnes think slie would.set Ace If rii4f as readily aii any one else for thy; purpose/. hedooks to me agar she had sit Tered, and s "elas lost Much Of her haughty; c,klinanner. s lie When sninething calls it t. 'ten in •tie drawing inorii she, Was, ahtr.eted, as if ,.- Are a Man. id& know not thirk anyrate - Ledolph • Ie. It ii and- take Wea and o ri.tioe with hitrr, asspp t.. , .. ,i0,4ing some .one.- Site often went to galler- .. hi; ancestaal tth:s= and- poeltiti. . . . h r thoughts were ffit: away. y,. pi horny; aoilIth thatyoh sh tile follnwingfacts:- Indeed do theYfare 4seret'any tqq*iirF19nii: be 'know It Werelo Germany he Would he n. • intention to geithere: this 'Fall, to ave eagisr, wistful look as if she was 1th la . . Ifavo yon any exense. forsoiffiothig with 13 opensia_ tor Liver • raplaint ?! (r th w y you should en On from day 14 complaining with. Sour Stomach, Sick ache, Itabitnal Costiven , ,i pi aiont Heart, Heart Burn, Waterbrasik 1s 1 11`1,0Wsit torn cents, your cure 1t ('t lite/41)0r -int; pains at the nit of tint Yelgoiv Skin, Caated tongue with dis-i tast6 in the month Cloining up of I . - 1••!tating, Low Spirit's. &c: No ! It is 7/ rur own fault if Yon do. . Got, Nola'. a bottle 9f Gni os ..,,Y .if y. iiit eldmirt t ' , itet a earn le- laki\;11" 1 . lw4 ciaez„t will • ;Gents and try 1 Obristine a4, • •_ • •