The Sentinel, 1880-10-15, Page 4• ' f tht I'uttuatti #.entittet lit(E LIBERTY TO 1 TTER ANI: TO ARGI'E FREELY .kocoRDINII TO THE lur PATE:: oF4.'uNsCIE:NeE WI "RtZE AlloVE ALL &II ER Li sEicri Ltiokuovr, October i5th, 13.O. so, us most of our readers ate already ay• -are, the trial Of the pris•uier Carrol has re.tilted in Verdiet" by the Jury, of whom s••ven wen- tt,,r acquittal, four for conviction, and one undecided, and the ease stands just as it st )od before the t jal. The popul:ir 1-eling seems to ittu More stiongly in- . favor of the prisoliers. The case -has leu pospinied until the Spring ASsizes.- The genet:a impr..-szdtni_is that an-iuti•r -minable _series of trial's will ensu-, awl the privi ers beevtiitually eleared, r 'at any rate none tif thin will'ha,pg for tho crime. - • - . • LITTLE by the) details- of .the -bargain -which the • G-ovenitueut has• made, or in:wilds to ina-ke, On. Pacific Railwa), :Syndicate -7 are 'leak:lug. out. Sir Chas% upper said at 13-oint., on Monday,. that -1,000 mites. of -the . _ focd, t o the foot t.fthe Rocky ...,1r.afti tains are to: be built twit' -wOking •withtu 3 yeais:: Tliat port incluties all the • rOad. whiCh is•easY of-.Censtruction and all that itids-thrOugh fertile Iat1d The statement of the AlZnister .of Railsa'ays contains proof ot :the intention -to -Winn the laud griiht into the mirkei withoul delay. Air. Bras...y. will not .hvae lung 4 to wait- for cointn(iulel,'lott betweeo 11:s • •6000, acre fain at flib• Nit of the. ItockY Mountaido- and fan- outside • - world; • ••• • „ . • - , - • lasiL His Lord$up tht ,Rt,- Rey.. R, Alford,. , inisNarV:- Dioects-‘.--of litlien,fpaid air ortiviat- visit ti4 tIih Pit-s1i on Sutitlay--last;:Iti. t1 . 1110re11ng,..11is:tordship. itsstated by jht • IncuMbent James 0 wile), Go1It1uctd thesell:lees.% in St reier's-ChUre14. hr', aJ111 adittillisteleti the rite t•f Cenfirniatien to about thirtx. . - , - • , . • . 3 • perns so,- the - maprity- , w'Roin were fLnrn the- St Helens' cougrega.G n, an. S2 gr. G,e .Rt of st .0 the ietuaitiq ."Ltiektiliw; Th -p• services throu,=hout wero must interest- ing -and impressm, and the Bishop" addro;,s to the (ZIA; late§ for LQZltIrrnat- lori., as w11 as- to tlicongregatioo, was . appropriate and eloquent. tho wienzat:- 2:30y His :„Lortis..bip. preached -C011gifi;.;ation, Dr i.vhose rapt a t.to-riliebil te:•'d tied to thenf 31( ' ' 1 t' • appp:ciatun.1•,.(4- HisiLordsdtp s e ogn,!iit S,•r atm. ev!eiting it St. Peter's • SIP Ilis Lords'tip', wheilwirs,.. fur 1iVii :5 ears • 1;1‘'Irec 1141)(iiii. for .the British I. Church of Engl•ti«1 19 China, de.rs eed ary • - do 'an elliquent and iii$tritc.ve Wis.:loners! so); A !dre.is 1LttI1fl rn re partienliarly to the eller: s being mado-fo:rthe Sp.read of - the g.tiglietlin-,thp Chino -‘8 Lrnpre :‘•• hicir -Inshop - Alford takes au es.: .cia.i juterest. . The; atfendatiCe at h se-t-Viota as large; and -the °ems-. gra .reli 13Y no tics in r iott was altogether one .ot gteat, enjoy- • tain. 'Anent and profit. ..kt; word (*f• -Inuii•-zu is tT11.111eti • dnu.tne cli,dr„-with Mr. D. Rs _;aincr,-,)i) ed- . • - is 'easter, and :\liss.,-1111ary Whitely. 'as 'tliP - tax •orgniist, for thf e'c11ent reader ng ot ..• the nin--dcal .'portii)n• (,f - the services. :Oa His Lor comeat a ° family.,i beii,g a cOuSin of the celebrated tiuthor-preafelier and • te 1)eitjt Alford of Cantor . ;hart Cit111 1;111. 1 ),r. Alft :rd is acting llistiOp....ef the Diocese •uring -the tenifforary absOce of Hia. Lordslicp lielltinith, who is at -j1t1it• ant con-. fleeted • "e--te'rn 1„--1iversity 8eheI. t r 1 alio was the !List: t• r• • ;--' Banker,: while in -re; V 7f :I_ ..1110;111 g for Lor1- .II plea:hire at this, nis fir-•.is;t: to this Pi.ri1i, .11P t .N*w 'Adybrtisentetttsp Kilda - & Treleaven..---Qrgans and . k3 ;ing ge.ehid.t t • John I;edinett. Pe • • . -.NInlIartly;---.= Coinplete 'dock of Dr.y *--- Mr4. gukin4on."---1-- Millinery and, • • 31u rdoi...n. teer EstraY. NtOrtcage•••cge'bf J�a1 Estate., --T, anctie)Y.p.r ;•• Harris; Magee * i;o., - • , 1 ft. 0111011111.111.... -44 .6, Tag MARKETN. Fall Wheat . .. 0.9i !Spring Wheat ; ... ... 1.02 !Flom ... ... ... ... .. 5.00 !Oats. ... •-•• •-• ••• ... Peaa ... ... ... . . ... 0.68 otatoes, per bag ... ... ... 0.40 If av . per ton .. .. ... 6.00 ... . 0.25 ork. tier cwt. ... .. ... 4.50 Eg•es,.., .. ... ... 0.16 utter --- — ... 0.18 inkeys, per lb ... 0.045 -) eese. per lb. ... 0.04 eef, per 100 •-• .. 4.00 ides..• .... •-• - $7 5( -• ••• • ••• ••• • r. VoivIer's Extract -of Wild 'Strawberry es all f wins of bowel complaints in infants adults. The most safe, pleasant and pen. t remedy known. Purely •-vegetable and fr from opiates and poisonous drugs. 0 1. 0.96 I 1.n? 5 00 0:30 0.60 0.40 7.60 0.25 550 0 16 0 18 0:1.8 0:05 6.60 8.00 rn r SF il tir fi .11 Fri 11 r fr 1, -r r. 81 ek e I. ;a2), It ec vr '11 f TI 171 Ashfield Council lieCouncil met at Young's Hotel, -Kintail he 29th a September.. All the member seat. The minutes of last meeting ever 1 and signed. etition of A. E. Clendenning and ove ntv otl er ratepayers, asking relief fo i Boyle. loNed by Mr. MeMiirchy, -seconded h latley,•that the following a counts 1) 1: 'AI -organ Austin. plankine euli'ert fit er_creek: Pike' Shore gravel road. $51 R. wit, . Insiiector on bridge_ at Pritchara's 1; John Brintilley, ditching ns: I. (1 7, 815.00;. (15.• culvert nn s. I. 3 and 03_60: Simnel Han. aftehieg 1. a 4, 812.60 ; _Archibald Johnson, fixing •m div. line $5 ; Gideon Tleei, fixing •-fe on confession 10 an.1 11, -85; George strong, gravel. 83.72 ; D.' McKenzie and Ifenderson, planking- culvert, K. 1...10 and 1,20„ vett by Mi. Whitley, sec%inlettl by -Mr. 111w -thy, that the Peeve issue -a check for net for bridge and, approaelies on- con..8. 9, E. D., Rho for extra workon santeas as' passed -by the Peeve and Yr. Clare: - overt 1)37 Mr. Whitley, Seconded by yr.. that the slim of ten. dollars be granted .argaret and_ Rose- M. . • • . 'ed by Mr; Clare-, seeonlied by lev that 'the with) iv • Griffin he g,rarif(s1- dollar's aehr1t\ ui1 Tolin rs to tak‘ehim t-) the ho-iiital- at TOronto. v -d --by --Mr..McMiirc-bv; seeoinled bv s •Whitley that one hundred dollars. hr ed (Toward S'• in, --a; court house- !Ina 'lip it) the- villa2-j (41 Dimganflon.provi• !ea teeve tf Axbfield -and West .1taavanosii der-this:sum -togethet :with the Contribp- , from the .Conety uid We t Waanosh ent to hmlrl a holisk; Recording to the fication-arlitkiifted to this Co)imil.. tiv Grittin.,;*eofuleilli.vMr,*.•Mc: 'hy: that IlIessrs WhitleYr.• Griffin .and forrtt deputs.tion to -view thehiJl Soth u loW'S mill. Ana eXPe'nd thesumof ,mii•-• ea dollars -nn the same .proVided they it advisabe to do •-• - Connell ad -it -tailed to:meet again •at' Dinifiannon on, the 20th of • JOUN C-ooki:,-.T'p - r e r r tkinlo'gs rartnei;!.. neil met nn Oce5th, rhe Reeve in_ the u 4 .All the members present. Minutes P s meeting -read and siffned. The -TheeVe e tba.t he had issue -if OnlerS nn the Treas- r the pa:lin-lent of the -following accirents• hn Loclifilt 8:100; Alex McKetitie$1-'5.- le following ;le -counts were handeiPin, ilerea to he naid,' Chas Young. gravel Pohrt Thnm ivork -10.70; - woilt - A30- ..Tohn• -Chartres' w Kennedy. work. $11 :fames Pate reitairingtJeuq 25ets: Geo: Armstrong, '.85.25; Pennel:Errafel„.82; :Iii): for 251- Do. for. -Do.... 87; Gen. Robinson, • 87 2r); Donald Clark:gravel. 810:Alf. - Iv. plank. $2.:114= •..NIT(tod ,p lank 83ets; olwell, diti hrng8:1-75i1 Coplr, do.. 0 „lames Warren-, 'engineering:. : 816 plhnk„ $4.79.; :Drs. 11.41-icift:artirnic, it Thigh MeLean: a Pauper 6atiant. and- MCGregor, 85 each for' ex h„ for clothesfarnishea to r preparatory to being tak-en. to the niiv, $22 4711 nieltzerovening ditOtes, es Bryan, printing and advertising, Dennisert. culvert 3, NtiI , COnStable. for 'arresting and taking (al- tit tbe, Asylum,' 821.40,(8i.40 deduct.) ; -Anns -6• 1) ‘nald, Work on bound - fl limn (one haif) 88.511- As. Hamilton, 81. ;Aiu ti, McKenzie. S16; W.:Patter- pl nk spikes, ,$4-20; John l g South Potindiiry (nee -bale .836:83:. ‘11,7, do 851 $51;70: Mrs: Hoekshaw.relief Dielcey, relief_ 86-; M.S. McKay. bv_Jaeol) Nichols. seconded dLean, and reolved - "That hereafter nts for the exarninationof any limit-. is mrinieipt1it nar expenses incurred' ins or caring -for thein,. be enter v•tbis 'Council, unless the said exami-. r removal be ordered orsanctioneclbii '15"16:Ved. by -J.. Nicholls, secondl5feLean, 1.,hat the Clerk do notify - ‘0 • ty Treasiirento cancel itbe.arrears/;f • e upon .the Centre' parts -of. North Lots61 and 02,14 'con. of this 'T".P. • et iiiij i1 f n (11 s• adjourned*. to meet again on .24th, oVend_ser. - • . FA I. 1:3,81 All-, 0 [JOHN BENNETT'S !INC MILL FACTORY A lif ed -.0/1" ilri110120:111y Street, ;rfesir the. Cluirch, -o11 tlia prethises lately occupied }w 111r.`. Archie ' ESTRAY. CIAME TO THE ;•. EbrilS ES OF TAE subscriber', N u•th half lot 75 arta 76, )st Kinloss, on nr abut the middle of Sep- tember. a -small brindle steer, about one ant' a half years old The owner ix requested t., prove property, pay expenses, 'AAA take the 4s,ame away, 15.1.NITE11.1N. Oct. 9th, 118j. • Lucknow P. 0. CATTLE ESTEA Y. UtitAYED FROM THE 'PREMISES OF the subscriber, Lot 10, Con. 9. Huron, near the village of Ripley, on or about the middle ofJ UIIIt last,fi ve-yearling cattle. oue red muley steer, one red and white steer, one red and white heiter, and two heifers nearly WICte. Any 'tensor' giving such information as. :Will lead to their recovery, u ill -be suitably reward - ea. ROD ERICK. CA MP E LI., - - mph,. Ont. CA -TT -LE- PISTIt ' • •OTRAYED FROM THE , PREMISES OF the subscriber,- ht 41i, Can. 1, on or about -the st of -May last, • three year- lisig heifers, Any pers411 givii.g such i- •form- ation as will lead to' their recovery ,: will be suitably reivareed. jOHNMPLEOD; • " • - . Luckno'r, P. 0.- : .IMPROVED FAMIS . • R :SALE. 'heap, and = 4. aNy ter- Auiol Poymeht. - [ ' -.1 .1.51-Ortli: half Lot No. -1, Oen( • : ji.. p,:t.;.: D. -Township of itsli-- field..'. 100 acres nii-ite or less. Aliont-25 a yes cleared, and about 7: acres timbered with: beeeli, -maple, heinleak, -bassWood,- elni and ash( -- The buildings ,COnSist of a _log holuie*,. frail stiChle and Simi, „Young- ()reliant, rood well. • This bit IX:situate/1 in a -good doe:illy, f and on a good rdad. . Dist:int frOm LtiCki ()iv 0 nines. • - s . : . . • .. . • ,- : 1. ‘-'1 .. 6-1 Mirth half of South half Liit l . r o : IQ NO: 6; coti. 13, W, I-30, Of the T4ivt-n-shii) of :A'Shfielif.. g 50 acres More or...less. 12 acres are iclearell, and . about 38 teres . tint bend with -White and black ash, hemlock, -and :1 largf.- quantity- (if - valuable: eellar. Fraine house, 16x20'; kitchen, 12120. -"Frame stable, 14x28. Young orchard,:- gond ,well,-. gitod roads'. The soil is a_Clay loam, -.1311$4turtinira liekno* 8 'miles. . • - • "• ..,.'s . - , 0 ,-A Iso Lot -.7.4-.6. 2, andAlie'Eiist ft 42„ 1 -:.L. , ,., hajf of No, 1; in the 14th On. (i6:Township of 1-14wick. 150 acres more or less', About ' 95 acres are elearedt: and b i ) I-) - it ni t 5 iipres tiinbere 1 With maple, 'lend°C k, ern) libick ashand-cedar. -.Hewed log h "Use vvith Irinie 'kitchen ;- . frame -stable, arta fitg. barn.- About •,4 -- acres -- of: bearing- orehaid: :, ,Cidad cedar -rail fences, good well, -spring creek. The soilisa clay biam:-- Good graVel roads. aiffes from NViiii.xeter. - ' i • : • - Distant froin .Winglaan 8 iiiiles'; and about 4 -: For partienhirSOpiy, to .Henry -Davis, Esqb at Wingbara, (.3arnerou and Campbull, Bankers at Lucknow, or to - • .' . .., .. . . _ - - - . W. F, BULI.EN, ' _ . s • Manager Loan and:Debentiite Co. T - - . ' - '• .'"- - .• .- ' London. Ont..- .. .. .. • .-- - . - • , a aiThUimn . ._ . Willes toinfilm the public thatini ha constantly on band a -. • - . F.kRST7CLASS -STOCK" OF- Ateg's WOmeiis; • - . BOotX -. • Goa---exa-minC his really supeia ;in each class especially his . • Bufffichhie.& Whole -Stock Boo* : 13efoie purchasing elSowliere. , . • garrtiff.4u. Pilig .4 •-2Specialty Last yeaes stdck sold at end - under -cost. rigs and Butter taken ig exchauge. for goods. - l• • . . • . jtJ.ST1 'RECEIVED! —A L*RG-E STOCK OF— BOOTS-g SHOE - _ ,r,' • , , MeCorvie.: • • -- - - • • -ken's- CAL.Ft KTP and COARSE BOOTS, in the T'anning Mill line constantly:. . . Narranted, . • : • BOYS' BOOTS--S.tock No. 1, at prices to meet the Wants of the . ublic. -- • - - - • just to hand, .a Lar g4s- Stock of ;WOMEN'S BOOTS at igie!.s from $1 00 up.. choice', lot,of MISSES' and CHTLDREN'S I MILLS REPAIRED, itd. madeas good as new. • • • • loexPerierJee in this line should be. a • s.ufficient - . pr • FELT. BOOTS, and SHANTY • ' N TEE: . . . XZN'S KNEE -00TS,aiubBER BOOTS;; ork.. To those.requiring -repa•irs,- BOOS on hand. • P RE SHDPACKSt, MOCCASINS. OVERSHOES • • ••• and RUBBERS in Stock. • . I nd a -re asonable one to all. .111rties getting a number -of pairs of boots it se,vuo - once will get A great reduction -than -by single. JOHN BENNETT Pau's— • - - CALL AND EXAMINE- STOCK. • • .• ' 4••••••imoll200•6 LARS RADCLIFFE ;as'removed to the Store next door to the Post Office, [Tweed ,r8mith's'oid stand] where she has openvd out a magnificient Stock of GENERAL MILLINERY: .1 wish to call special attention to any fine stock of - eats. L 4 i 11-101 IS 7 rci a than, rioworsx Silks, Brocaded 81ti11s and'Velvets. SloPkings, Sergesi- Laces Ornaments, Rilibd s; Tips,teheneilh, -Squares, Silk Ties, Kid Cloves, in all colo'..s, and leverything found in a c.omplete .. . millinfry emporiuni. - Something new - A splendid aS wear and nose. ofi„1.e.most -- !:(know .-Call -11 Sor PO - nd elegant, POMPADOUR FRINGE. ment Ofi Woollen Good, Ladies' Under- plete sidcks of Alillilaery ever opened in l see fot yourself. OOR ITO PST OFFJOE. EXTRAORD.. TNA1Y - : • .! . sss- - J. f:roiti...-.-Gtcs.-';. .. „ ..., : .. .., i 111O , . NittOiC!S ' Great e•,tol'.714iveif.' A-cempotaiktu cif bix Ekit In an-Roots,elic (ine.renyWited for _its. ineaie.s; yirtues, .-11.3e whole formili'01, com port od-on tialleo by any otherhledieine.. flu;tr:viitet..(1 i cure itheuril ri- tisirr,- .Biliougness, ' Sick ' Ile litei)c, 1 44' ComplaInt, • 1)3 speixaa; l'fv. 1 and Dt131.03 . Ague, Nervousness, _Piaoil..stio -.Of the Heitt: -General DehiliiY, 'Disease i r th iStomaeli, aiia. al.L.Fetnale.einriplarints, 1 ;)1. :i'0•„1 ofolonS TVs : ease A it is .illrailliak, AS t 111.1 tile -great.P.St kliOWn-Blood.--Parifien. - 50 4001,3aokages -sOil- within .the last twerve -tittlis, withod“ it failure. PURIFY.V °ITT L11 $00D, Prii:e. of :Roots 50 dents Tier pit(ha e, n two paelca:4es. of Rootq and one Beta of,l'i fess fr ' one dollh-: Directions on *mil - :box, • Iritt Ail -by driigl- ..giSts: Sent post paid' to: a iy . dri4ss on 01-.. Ue erig°ic.;1. : BP kriuc:!;"e 1 s A, ;it Till it..e 1 ss '..- - E( IGEHAilill - - '. • -%\--Er WAsv.las, i If, i4'iiii.4m 18( - • Having been troubled •v•it i LiVer ("oitiolaip • and. I)yspepsinfor--11'.ye4rS I Ais iiiflued p. try Prof. (rays' Bleil-X anti- i1141 I have mit. themii. boull8inintb:_-..--a'ti i . 1021)(1Say I:(r eonloetclycirtosireaxtr4I:2/y/ • _. remedy arivoul144 -ie e eir: etrl . ..MR. ARCH11'3: • v.NDIE, 171.S.0.1*.;;::. T • .7. . •, • OPOD *MATO: AT 7,8, 410 JAMES :-. Havin irr-renidie ect- tt.), hi rintelies Is- - r,* R °Anil P3EL ALL, el1tis4Ser i}1, • D. qs 'f- ntviand con . E opttil -ast aeti• ST. • • • • . • nOw- preparedifcir • . r - neSs dna-larger seal t an OTOI': of fresh-- meat : ail reasoiiable priees: BEST MEAT SUPPE. 1 ' I STOCitiT -T You ban still Get Ot ILDRIC LOTS • - • .41 • 7,i • • • • Meats--JDelivereliTo any 4,1 partoftheVLIaon Shortest NtIe The highest X pricei aid.- for all fatted ist C. CIEJ DIJF:17CIK INTXT TO SOMERVILL • . .• • • - pout.Tgy rn THE Meat iikov,rett Short Beef bithe•ottarter or halti q. • Ge to /44.11-ts per I.; ..Gree .. • .• • . - -; • . • .• • • . • • • . • • . • . • • • . . - • . • .---•;""‘"';'•• - • Psi L i -•- - OP.1 EASOil 1 Parts of CHEAP VOE. -CAS.1, • • b P • . •.. • TIME AND SMALL TEREST 17q3C:?, mniviziLE Conveyancing Done Lueinow 'May 28, 1880. • . Wines.4.1...aqtxtrs W1104SALE& RETAIL. undersigned 111, as heretofoe, ots- ea.vor to satisfy all CASH clISTOM- FS --this line - • FIRSTCLASS LIQUORS. I deal in LIQUORS only, and alit' at keg, Ing ge mine articles, A silfficient Stock of the best brand; f• Meaieal and other purposes always on Specialrates to dealers buying in Large Quantities. 110.- oovi,Ju174, lee 611111 • -r • • • - • :HP/1 • P. 11 •