Lucknow Sentinel, 1880-05-07, Page 47 'T "-75211 r pd % - . �Lt� 4, --w Be graldlL I �the__Xzy_ till! Farrn­tio�­Reut' Wile in head of A"Ll re th i fq4ntit Aida 9t politics car- s�pjr, rM takl-thit�iMi §Bgiii. - A - L. . � Y Ackdsj,-�behig, Lot 7. Con. 7, in A. BlIMMUNIS opu"ON oe - CHURCHIM. itu 1jr a 1,)vely . ik 4 0 - '100:11theBastern.) ivision id &Afield - M, =1 8, ud good time, and no. praine 60 sweet bleamd l faril :F�ll wate�ed 0 On the road,- ancie, miore, wiih Loban- feiwesz-vu A % r- liit and L - * ' dust b gin at therwfitdows. An . - good pair . . 4mi per yetky. PURE I OIL 0,.T 6 - on a Colorado 1lailroad on.fading alway in the distance, tile tat I . , - , --.V,$150vAih6utthe usCioPIkVuse, o orobarO. trio Ylester a Whein theJconductorloa' tar further-. aftioul Wifflyonthewitidow" 0008* OVA& Ac- V*011Q a man who- would passenger drumioin r P ly on the',pre WORTH. aroun( f;; r the ticketi with'a little bas- mises or to the il"de'ras"que"TP 3BETIP0 RZTES'OT X301 5 -co Mix Bimiemd." 11 WX; UcQUOID, this don sombiew two bat rme&a ar come -and i - cross., passen6er sound asleop, the w diowmed ior 6LOap"On, A lik ket Pu chi I 64.fii't asklifin to pass me, 0 -pay fam pane, the- Lot 7, bon. 7 A E. D. C 9141 -1se as S"s -Akeumnsupw MA-1pufases Iftri 1e6d6,=xa1-Doo­- - t 5.30. nd the tall thin passenger reading AAbfield.' -0. Is," 41�;n .9* q rV if, chommi- It, but I ahl -a a little man— dipir andho. .-,2t ::er hung a hame- a my Ciro lik ly calm W'I�Z tUtiig pafady aa4isi; and-4�Z_ptable-o 01; ztast_ocuii4 "Genoral Grant's Tuur Around the WAINEWRELEAW-B, )b twent, -ffi � cenra for an'boui's run and Lpckno 4b 'kin iboxm A ap*lii gers throv- ofb�Df Alw6n 324 w Sto k __ahAddliii wM Ifo, _ V, Of & t*" 3at �j!u" Worldit"and wondering why Greeli's 4 litth W cert by the passen imeraft e. 0 y years ago, for it was 4 iihiu combined 0". t( ii, take,t Ausuat Flower'shoubt bs printed above er "t A.M 400rsof.11A.-Buddbist Templa at -e .0 .Ainbedded o0of night! Jiu the t. ed in. 11 you; pilgrii he AV* le d �1 lei you *ant -l-2, L AV 46 6 -the brakeman, ED 1 Bunares." To me comes OV 9 lob M gig -620 U, us,i here ilia long� whistle. from "141h1c 1�­ P the- San Fr.inei- 0 auti s6atingli am tho arm tb a ani 1 int station, and tile. ar 4 SAO - _T 'T 3fliverton -10.0 130 -$,m 3,1.,v ient, says 4 AM ticl-nig V%%V a tirakerEliali -to'-ther d6clt,_ shouting A RIEN mw�oil: V01 It A a 8 A Zr ii th zis or allnw Oar 010 dibifirith-and: �gs rq�. -022 Prove -to church ay. . . $"U`I�e= ­_ -aahtr irould f went� sk4 4 4101) ii 'vlacp Yes," I said, with that ill A Mill- 6 to in s where holl'as 11"Zionwallol This train no- - I hat it terested -40 1W lievii *ud wonob, W makes.. J14 I - : 1 .0400. Vic" till .80 111 - - flection that askk- for "And -mare. 0 Mi n here 1- tBanip 110, 2.29 17 2* aot-s3 *ell known and 1)4 - MORS99HO W, is theis A SORT nd "I'Ladia, 1E9 An A& .0 Oil 07 - _n barer what cLiurch did you attend T' t Z diwz -Me 15 's [coo- 391irdoll-,mck nos. T visto-A W h q swim. X 41 W ich do you -guesikl" heasked-. -ERA L BLXC1 TER W. QEN ruggle to capture avarty Of S -=e junior. iniielan. 'house," I h4z-. I ID Like JABatheirs, .,,Gr"nwood (Q.4 04 408 .5 W rt i5i Old M 9 *hallsil -4: M. T 'Air -),und for- usas -by two a lei]. F1 -8, as remolve at. Roch- 14yin 6 *Iirbd to 3-ve. .r -OgWr 1, Nimvv 11 he said - lit I don't like to T -ho- Aii r'e old I flatly a I ola ra- btand,w*ire he'. ill pr4 or. Y. 40 *d urur* Ing, n 110 W Wail,z need fro, h h' d ery'much. I dieted _--16dtier znay1&a�yerr "Va . m.830,61 runout esebranc rda sv good 411 kinds of ffobbin�-f&d. 9 an ..i win aw X IX, and -13U 0& slid th t f 146 41", 3 iyay,- but th peo of I an. P opt, e 4p,2 o toll go to- c urA, -K&w1i T I Aft Itlivind ot. where rotbineWilsoWs'-Com. W, I want to run 6rr the main. libe, idia sa r t1 1�ra ik -1 bral Blici ing� G .0, Avro Norwich, d Mi 'Ut. - 0 -'tegiteletaiind pa] In. fire Iins, ant,,n tvactt abi I I _,_x Le 425 4.80 Ir ,u ar a -Pro-e Ore and 'd 8- 6f WildlCherry- for �uri mc 4,xt* Nst im 111dVa. is rek :i FJui� I IMP Ing fi)r Costive pur ru 11 1 nd �_ou go on' ache I W.41 4' a excavfL VZ IL y Rows- ALTY - RNAPA Jnh.4,29 -8,59 .0 Tt W 14' ,oursar Of som, SPECI c6ar, i IRON 'BAR DUmMille 450 , 615 924 du. e, 'timej kind- doiji!t; have'- to vrait. OR COU91 3 b, Uiotp Woop 6149, Cotarr ad- P 9MG vy S 10 626 S.U. on, etio _l?Vl1ksto.ruu,c-in;.*a- ng c.,and-AbLe.fact 114 they tfiillgs Which bivq been� - do C 01 me' nor to Wolk dpne. On S-1 and 411, T, Or S.AnOti the -historie li!--esof dj Al on $15 ao Lesvp I Ca '40 -s -W 9 fy- -4 branch. Good ehougbj)-�t I don't.like spen ft �fiiands tif doilm. year! S failito yin sit 2. 3: Junction "S mi wh ranit Z48 ow.a h"I. thei- Me- at Creek 924 &Priau x t a 444 944 000 nluslcets -have ED NOY R1W VORNING-k ibp',i 6,00 662 1 -I'M gue Linlit6d expiesa,?" -h5; all ;on Wil&ChOrry-is a &ORDiNARy 8UCCESst, aged 6 10; 7,09 -9 49 they.,, Y� IRV, ssed. esntall Pasha CA YA, TR_ we 1a wirr daied to� PA Leave Winces �,620 709 mis ell ]zas, cars,- and 82 extra, f4f a ieit;. fait Primb �61 a*ruggijts.and G6n�eratDealerx. MA, 'Vis 6 48 7,-29 t'Ofttailo., O.F. '1033 'the bigr statiolls. tbiou hiai & time,, Aad 6nly stop a�t 140 '1045, 71 r AV A.M. s. Quarter 7 0,50 % ODges M.S11 -- _:_ .. .. - . '., - ­� - ., I . 1, - . All -t Ili buying, 1 .1 [a bia U i ive a, lf sa a. -and, certain fo' -tot: I -Ralf ."nottake kindly Nic litie but Aiuo exha:14st f0t tho u uniform i t S, quarter,a. One of. Sal. $40 A it ave.. mone in The Gre�tesit wbA�er of 1119dern TiziiieY4 - 04 I " .. I I � . : V TMLQV, RATS 0 '20 ma IN - . .1111 1 plated and in pro ARM& the big island - U6:.tTaiu bpy W Then lgilg ag t ek -hold l . - . n Vou. by getting e� lca"us returbLed condiietdta . I h o. s allo ad* Pulich- ii*ua la tein silver. aturei!s, or�.at -'-1k4tst6iktiTe. it , . I I I Vilveroh- -10 2S a passengers are to talic, back- -P t a -Small..'-' six East, inaiiin Ro&s,�aoh made� ti; 1: com it! of Brunner i . -0 t g Were. A "i on T. R. Junct, 4o Lake: att 6 ah -d it." makes.' tbeill one,r-nowned for its -medicaJ'-'-ViAiAs, 4118 _x(1 the Salt liar condur, G. Stratford or too foiming a cowl. �i wilole �ouiid unequalled -ft anv Lesye X ..Austranaq fo kee and. eaisy� N alitf � 4 - '_ . " -. - i . . I . - 130 -otbef-modicine. Guirant0d ta cure Rheums- - - I t - - . . I - I - I ­ - X GOOD ItHINIG, Anive StratforA. 94 t -49 246 'G. c r '44 ji Sick H M -a Greenivoo 23 2 AS e 4-12- 7LPM ever7ind D uwmn 0 '0 21 Mich. road) t It o I I,., 113flf6usness, 9 6hiApala a cars ism eadiche�, T R imlianot Donk;ufteii.heax-of a'raeteiNer ILP: epsim rP AJ J. -.1 ­ . . .- . I 7i eing. r. yrupis a specia r1080rIP@r Aguei Niiko .144 conference.01, usnej;*, -the Reirl. A fJ2e_PWS'!P 'itfie b qod,Loorrect All'disll. an.. -for', that no. _Ilosch a celebrated -Disease-of the, s&, and 9 e5 1:15 GeneralDtibilityj Urlt a c*ry, Co J tion.' r.* A. e0ornplaints.-' r . odu 0.7 Dis Riducyt pnd, Leave. .40 1 Gerru 1hysician, and is gzkiibwl�Age J.. F6 $or ordersof tJie.-liV4,- Stoill"Ji, .5 roWoo&"k psop7e. travel on 1.-., io%'� nice ke Post C la d all the eatest. B6,061s, and s�re,_Jflvh1u&ble in all complitinta -tases it is ilival' Azrii *_.'18�0, that the it Came 442 lost 6W. 8 -sold incidental io-Fe�n4es. Universalist V I.stiggested, -be )ni jQf the mos.. ortunate Uilk, known Blood Purifier. 50 000' packs, 6 t. quic. ly, cures: w, lie only reliable reinedy to cover �s h Medicitie. 1 k The ointi6ent is I .-Burgessy. 9 a gaugTpl sa 0 br4ikenlan,. ithitr -the laqt, a.. t mit a - 'has d i�t.tb to 10�0; in- 8 1 J, ".Bro twelve -, C ad Legs, )ld'M 4 39 19 52 500 ---in a y '. - If _, , - . , , . earl, C; does.- fooRmcb-cohiplimpixitpilry It U_81:. 0 0 UCi 0. f FURIFYYOU -1 . , .-. 1. . . _, -S r, tds, Soreis and- Ulcers, olU an -i O;Tre it BLOOD. PA6 `:BlN -&PttBJuu. 7 425 1.0 U ;o - - allLung-trotibles o r ents Y)er packate, or two pac ages 7 tik DIP liar. �an qci 06 ig Wds. Gotft -400 A w -ness. E L' on a 1pass. InT if however 1b: ig k g. F6r'Bronchi it�lrch �ec�eiptslia that very od 'trayels k -1 ON 000. -psthr t matur -ic dO'08',' of Roo and one Box-of.Pilis for- one- dR t&riai Rheumatism t lmuvink,as ib -e with 611in he s i t� al f, . 7 ZO 346 J 3F. -A. --olid Iget'a f -ot ce fir 50 Directions -on.each-. box; 1Z) and 081d, ilDii ifigit 1s.no eq'�Al. G uctor doesn! :are tsold by,.' drug-- tb 9 Oifilit apffectlen aliti 1�a%fing a Housei on Hav tient defence -of 'to's at all' Ilia statiolls, and afty address .on ra- Leafe, Bi, JVaction 7 :1,140 426. est SIX art.( in.a strong- o or oil �t is not-* UP -� x - - 44 n - d�i celpt of price. Addri HART- ear. t F, 07 33randy"Preek I �Milas; 8 gihts.,;Sent7p`ost-lJMd to was W p the. -aad hbalthy .- G1,Y)UGE h tati' ATHY6 6. Se JUJiWGU 7 no sho' of V Y tiol an. ei LIZ VICK, - Brussels, Out. 4 JAN -tiout. -rdninto.anything butas unio, S W ip�rim�fital di-; Tn cinc li�s the test -,6f - years, WEST W_1W osa, Ftri, 4�111880. 1� �.. 1. - . .. ma Gibson 6,14 .4 omp a., ersare-vat 'though and th-- COUR gue, rotHe&witti iver C I iat mwo � - - Valur vvffh-a-c0)w_l'ng' I - . I V k IR 7 kv do ot.r. No knokiA� car -on- ilia trail), �A p Ch PZZ Ax Forees - -7 4�7 z -V la M 1 #4 d ' d' I wasjp uce . to ,-Train Ord v ifittion. in every vas,, %61ch d'D at ;t t -1 gi'in; `sa� Leave. Bi Shoulder rd"'Peu do'n -a a ongWell iritli, .-tile an. . yapepsia for. 13 yearaii 7 1 1 itsra d eason ave. use 45 try Prof.:�C 9 every. .8 and rills, I It d- Mrive 7rq; tpereasinj iiale sMoqts . � : J y viiii . !�. : . L�uw V�ur .6� 9 21 b sav- I most' W, C opths,'anil si 7 0,� Shejy_� p4gsengers. No, 1.don't.gj to the U ni - - - - 111 - spectfit y take leive to. 6all the at� - on Us -.1 7 T i iun botiles sold them. about IS fact, Leave Xort R.Over -3 -S loin, orn- completely cured.'It -is surely an extraordinary tenfit4 of thp Pu genf.rally to the r bL kilt ali§4, thollgkI W S, a awfully. 4" 1 . k tor1c. w t -anin ly 1, Be%i�ar6 of medicines of surd r9med and iy one to try "it. thatii peitai i Hons in New York Are it would advise late ending �U M, 11 Who ian on� Vmw - did n6t' &0,0 1, ine tht; AV"d oma 90. e T lately iifro IBALD ANDERSOIg VW of :1 b 'SPURIOT-Ts I c It e & [,�L ol- -Mildduced 1 Ahe' wY * lei and Ointment.- These PL, -I ri n T'.1 a4ked. was- i T.&TTOUl of my a 5 in 131op labels :som addi-es gre Nariow'ga4,ir,P'h T'saia- the-bralco..-; - ;. - . I in, ie, -.b be at New Yorlk it cobtain4al) the'.41itst Aii tatez; in 1.868, and u now sold a teld th6t, a el 8 filhudsibew o-0 or n yr�nL l UFI]i E ar n e du ed. � BosclkWii �&RCH Pi N `U 10 ry- #too w ,la-ev o wn an flie'. civilit- R Ad in pr ; , . Npir is, _kt� txack straight -as vi'flfle- items, xharket re 0110 '-M AITOBAJI bargain a al tho '0W.40 . r-71 . 8 I do not, IU04 ines a to be a right through a In ountaiu rather rIlIr., ore- �71% oeilt,'Skin 117"t"URING- ft 'T di s any 0 el.;.w* Id i w relieve -:-.4 - - i ' ior korlit 44 be. Ubited.gtabeg�. -,-'I have. no the W46 t. yu b. i be_ f - ing- P are on yma ir 'Jim nit ifwypart oEt 1 d ot. M oba-� "Ag6tstheki. Mi-Redicine A spiii0evel Wad eg! anit "CaEpLe Ad thain go ar6und indi odugh..1 riO Wji,bi-theLseason`o . . - , 1L I L- ­­ I . ; - 'Londort. pi �iby-,Me, at 4N, Orfp1d StTeet' , passel it 1rectioni sffixei.t6 the flipt�! e-b6oks of ib igqri.ha-ie---to.9h9w A ir _t -S th icki cent.s.. � '- "' ' .. - - I nousms P -ILS& aan on, I b fore. the --'trai' Mighty k '4,' �rarning the pabli e a t B ifist bein -dece� - c6unteffeita. Dc -a little har: WAY aga _red by tiiay gletloll b t the dam' gaot,,�l Kossul,". sx_&-lrt� stric ad u 'otb Ugi "led ft� V4�saudAcious trjpk,.t4y_(9rf. at an no &92)rdend to, denoune& -aeeo -R T Q Fi,e jt T A- PA T116. A rb.w --havel to tit onef in. a ke MAN h -n ouslyfirEnglish' S, r, - WI hisecounter a are purclipsid by unp *11 '-show, it it ' omL in,th - M44 to'' danc6. There' -is. ITOB ro 0. one Sit �i§ale an cipled- Veiidors ne-half the pric4 of -wil t reen'x Aug T -, V OR The fi :TUF,81)A.Y of E -S 1X* vi 46ts Tb i'l -ler �v6 �-n n- RY IMONTli Vils and 0 C -to k1l.,on-'suminonigg, no. stop over h ts'allowe.1; got. , 40, kd great pnpu!aT PY iialtur straightthtough.ftir� the sta'tion. ne4-and are,sold to. offeireJ him you're itY U§t FJo*pt . in all rs Al?dkinesb on Havelock -..Street, on n v Ila h yiii dvio'21d' Next Pirt)r on 4th of�JV_F__ V CX �R. -you can't get -on at all. ;Olvnl all int. e ci . ze I. m,"t eirneitly ppeal to that sense of jug.' ar,!.ip-. While, ria tieketod for, or cularis &pp Y� JVHZ an -'-two- Dw&llincr i,,. which 11 f ee ire -ny, iniitdtt;rs dr ma 'or -whid'hl inay venture. ppon M2, Inn so_ an Opt as dlig fro to. : � 1, NcHbor Iii'vR13 L his h the- car's ful 8 h- C rus( . - 1. . , d . A 45 rableliqrsons. J RORWeW to'usi� W 1, no exEra. coube . I . . - . . 4 to assisting 0 *Ula 80 111 �_rance a 41 r. 11 mes, exp arn �'tbLe p4- hail- ectitig to. rag X.2 all ba*6 nd, ar just, 9XI Ibtisoai Bakejy 4nd jL �ken rtheir v -and the lib, LtavIie.fittileir-pow W. ]E&� A witf'Ventialia 'Past d 8 diii ars builc at' t6 hap to hold as n -aby- be manyJand nobadfelse allowed -6i -tilt ve4-: �Lemselves. at,the expbnae o a 'his' p­rbpert n. b�q hjd; r, ip deno meffig Qd m4ui Fraud. - a . on eidvras. y war wlik on -the Gen - Viedi raipefs 'runuirg %elnw Etich.Pot and Il6k of on Affli, I Thii Afediein:"W, Jrilroduc- t satu W ictor Hu"o P iq the �.Tou don1 bearef-afiaaident.on that, ic )d.- tt ,2 ears t 3 run rig JLV8 81 cure o jrsDep- '.HOL F L AND 01" id- 8; und-fokili, D cAsh dt - q aa,6 I ne " ; e PriAth Goreiawnt &a-mp. witli great sl b Ai f4' b Op to., t�e till sll!, e, AT S, ro. -Te' h"t Miv-ir C!6mplaint, 4ith, RVEN T 'D0N,"'eiR9raVe( thereou." On -the: ok e sia label ON.. qbe Yo in the fr 1533 OXFORD STREIri nd LON U jo ad� ad -thinker.' t6ir istbe addrei�q Ong effe-c ills' pq s on fiiiaeb, Ow, whe -one 4 ey i tur�-d.; D al -' th - ?re M%nufac r6cmit itiecti anvas P 1, Jd dies - t6ok. art i the c �C'j'fgajd the 'bjjll� _tI, 'dirt -LL i Holloway" PW8 an Ur The'Tr e Mark9 -of thiee Meffioine'sare Ter traif-I Ing as� failed 16 :7 . - . L - L . :. - ­ . lm.+p eid in ttswar� addressed an.in-tinanse audienceaz3f; tert 6 1 itc., etc., it noiler h . : - 1. .. 0, ter W -red in 4ZT. --All trai -%&patch istei Ifence, Any onathrough- inad-li i d b4l'1-4st�, ard. SI Wet, fl idtlilp Ifertffe-rd, h1dy Elizabeth B' piti IM, of the - Heart, fat. �addr alweLe�qftt�r -0 ana "0 OB P%INTIN, 1,W -%tioulerk": th aie eli6ctf ZP - I " , J d- ieve - .% __ I. .:,�: '... . .. , - . - .: an -bull m TV WeL -nd LTt)w A ease 0 t or luicohnectio* wit the ill e. -I er ing �'on, 1ana I)RESSED JJUXBZR 'YOU want't -;kind f go Ce 75 t !4 present alloweiti,�do­tbinigz to --cuted, 4'. ally'lu houspwo, ir ndff vi K putins A: . . IL 0 Ok�, Ambr�cav e,wil dnd# of be, sji4l flM%co. ry enigifieer in as: his out JoV �16d e.B M 0 * I- � (�'* Oil 1_1.O.L88 Prose timel. inst.as "'he 1.1 _0k Ise g` 6". UlilliOD 4i tun vriitfand 0fe Ak goil Thrde doses viill rt fi ish PoAegsionsiwho uisYkeep the 3 iitcifeit for sal, I be Misting AW iimew a;kq'Unco mon timei, and - Dyspe�si T w on Y, b6tt ar.- - Pri Stree, ch -cap. either. id lalst Y.6 4A� A ntends fle"is ad.'' -,malry -iide tracks and -ever Qt_ ttlecilO 6ents .-'TN q.rt -o -ma Ke,,..r 0. r6. Tuo. lent of ne"' _Tl� Sell 4T I)- 3T!W_' �O .y a -kinds. -and. *111: -,4HO-miLim. St nlrlA ..t. oil la t ck,--, 117.9 the lZest; -it Ah VWW'.; I will' make that A YR Imm.- M 4 the --S 9 ir t -.%rith the - root 0. switch wide cpar� allAhit 0 0 Ative price tA- - 0� Lun Syf P, c.ttreSL Cou�hsL �_Of)JdB I __ - ,ders solicited. ply excuse -for wlldresiing you, ani will switchmen -sound asleep and �lle t'arget art( -;-r f I. pi-ompAr filled.! ShingleshridlAth co tl3p: I L f 0,rc 3nre,-sa Plan ouhand -T so DAM Biddu as, yoti plea' 0 yon ix little fj�keb; Mr. I h laapl dead out. Got (i :16criable. !Do I ff -LOt8:JD P7 OR E Me r'P.0" Willow., Is but I iin b t. not 111 tri if. ..Ask Cll"A�L:Sh6jjard & vill o the IhO _whiCh' �Aouot be I ere to -day and- get -off when ybu wiiint. toil: De�n 'S 8 H 0 BOOT wife an -1 or L d Jr t,� P,.rt. ilia repr _94ritive� and I asl hgVe to sibow ypur tickets, and the . con, r gg By. PP. A 011, j- t6 must b'e 'Old t bim. I" av�e -niiich 'pleasure. in, cirtifying J�i -ar br6bgb owl.. T mto po attlia. head c6"tbb p -d tot isW-t7ekpoctdd to lie t f6r that �t lig!s lung Sy V wid -nA him: a hap§ NO. Sir' - I who_' -, aiits :t L -o y man, and. me a- but idniuse the -P.18s;ergers.. i iiii-fs 6ne nflbe y7present --Stl�,ck for F-0 a kationifor'coufdfS b" Uri -terests. ItAppywoman. 'He -bas, yo' -off dwft like th rel one ol a --,,b- R& was ared im'pitssi but I best buildin 0 ni ,Ing . W 0 0 arni.1y. d and.- an Se`e -BUT- C E S.Ho y lov the totintry -trav on a-, ni -coug s, _c� heart, and nobbd liner I dou`t-lil�e to el I evn used iopy f on erm, n Do, Y, -has no t i ntedin.0 ad- Wri(l TF 1. 7 1 i ? W. *hat;, -EV.ED%r. -to all: R jabrj.tbaa Mr. 1Bi-tdu1p�,.I'dvtl3,re, that k!I P rie n -aroat e anceL Can, -ION' if all �L P -United Von." Her kdyshipsat- d*w4,. amid -I as a division' ondent - ' . �L, J _ . . . _6 4A,_1 . RIPT sir,. ked suporint 4118.7. J;LaudPifintedi�tbe 10 - Dear Sir, fenclose.1011. QU W I - . -no be lad. s never.. vociferous cheeririzo� road -run to, afid'he said he L ERT' R at x c i; 8t where t6 0 �4tateft in 1879. abOV (-:e3 tfie.W, gin.116t, ClUit.e 0 ut 'of 01 hi-pild to- die* if he kne*. lasked- him ateaL - - - - __8 . lei G QD X"'78 The.- Volos . - 1 83 p� 1will. kedil, up -supplies a b A. kpi -0- e gen -Ashfield., ragic, iticid t a 41A, Pm W1 ISP ut 19 V ;AT 7,P er 1% ..of thd vill aDsrhten&nt,. an ageof 01sbany-il,r vhci� a gene entents. ww� ld--s qu.,4st. -Yours'frilly y: a eral, auperiniig�rident.- - dbult Yet 1JI10, -�stricd me, Xfi-i he said -he didn't . believe 4k. .. ­ ­ . I D g- t, 3146i� cent, -1,Tct on. bizretin� florn, the Marr 'h d 5 -y re. -he didill, -k-Dow...'any. tht PEAR7r i1o, - couh Ilia w ney. was- TRE Js ANY:-DISEASLP-in er J wh -ILA Out 'Ir Ca -be got his.ortiillpiA' w uor.s. -!GO TO atlo. -His, little son pu 1�alfve aji.d o t I" o hi� o en bo f r - tb-an- tile- passengersi. & -`J-4�q -H a. U tbL 011d of D 0eWn ouses G d 0; tile I eaving some -,wb asked A. eonduct6r fi. iff-kn' k jio.tms on the, t an Iravin "mowArA fr staii. he baid he eidiilt fbLke ordaT&L n jL� 1parst old, :15egan toplay with the ar nefi6ia and WHOLB SALF' to"Aa meww al d. from, jjIVL liVM__ Man. or &ad ghost. X d -a�df Ail AiO d TAT q .-& R� L. .t. J In . rA I e kilig inight b -t n-1 when_tbaL father e_preventbd_ -were us Bil Eas ombfit Faim pic _-Ur*S'�La when. I askfacl tbe-#ngine6r v-ho'he- 2d I foUnd. only siaiall piece"aft'. got t1bi L '6- keht%rally uscd.­l..F6rthis . . - - - M., _. - t 6:& of Pp 1 5. 10 s. are: conyfju- iquire.. 61 - I . . I . - . __ I . I" . - ­ - - a. orders -from, 'hestaalied.like to see prur �ha-ATati nal'Pil -on- i . A.Neioarator - bi HEl'undersigined, awill, is heretofore, eFral.ii aR.d 49e -ageL he V re (%svor.1to-,i1i6dsfy_ all'. CASH �_Cusll 04; 'Mal we -mos ic Oil theit F,11� in- this *640Y call xbe attenti 'of t6 vi . , . J�.. l, .. ­ . Vrvder.' RMUWAr 1 w biiv IT lhpyboily',giv�q! � IM, ornera bi?d- run -6 action and Certai]j iUL )or. -jut this it his W -i cMans OA 't -himself or held ftllli it efec -amr, JA'viglo'nate_ 4 -tbattraih _0 sut - I I ... - Y, -)wWUfAyto`thqse facts. The he*raam withher baby in her.4 the farmic c !the blood 1AA4 Yjas i. g6neral -purpose min, haff y �Qsible the shake -of- any a rull 'Ation. Sold. ei�e do e sit has wber4 Jy ai qual, i F -1 deaI1i,tJQTT0R8 1001�, iiAl -:aim ke er*niki,itmillobdff��ll-kin�.aofg.. e Wiffelean. kie red -Oehiglw th 01F '10-E ry V thath" ne'dini land-de0eirsi- Pri r arpt Bad from the bouse- itb o ,raifi 'and THE_ A8 OR a, r0a r 08�25 mits.' jug its or biri 18-liow P�epatr f,�nnd ro traeo o! life in, _hJ L WIN. f�i ahead of all rivalg. genlqiheartid s. �ions, r s no ding Fall or 'Sprink no -where, a4d ba 13 epaxaIng and Uri ti -16 Ile A iidei fur .'­A.spflicjent to6k of thilbost wheAt fion L i ousa sind; lit brau&V Mfimphiltiesi it k perfeft, -and nesa on uns 46iiroad niat t'car' to -ditch. - "Now you seei siri 1 In- a pu I About hbidtill-ce ALL:': ini-6 the FIRiT7 'SO LIQU0039 the- bib fill she zjiatch� - 1, ara 1 (Gil eul ting 3.0 ma SbYrew b e jpt�d tolbik S, _&� ' suParintelidento It.miyltii all rig - ) . - 1 .4. - hi. if ways ully Medical,- sud 6thei will raise't le'.gTaae Jfbm I h6rror herL. babe wwr w whidniv tile -Teet-b - d6liglid purposes gl on hand; 7 ow .0 g.,, and in new alk -to under -PAT Cleaiiing Be an once uqnmg. but Fvei�rgi L aded too I�Dg M rEYANCIER ld it aol!i it �Orfect' � - --* . fresh i)g s--inouth. :To 'Iiy- it Ji ta' patin, in Spedal r4teg ty dealers 'The fronet and: Fltfifflm are far, t of I _rp thet tub OIL GO* I Of. arge aboad. of a �f jYmpl�now.1- I y ou=wal.in cely t4i d J YO. I a p-, ular Dentifilice-of tbe day. Sha e.s. ca it bad tallen froln �Vedodlais friond to the piquarA �irresiiff __rr., others, it h" &'V� D tl e "Af. thoai- t1l I said Quaittities. .Nght iron ft,' every re4 able -prices. id So,-! tr t'bl -R6d3 are eo turned -T prfect litiii, S011 mod by Misery.` the f tl - ra- sbou'll, the t6& of Mike S1.\TOJr lk 1. 9"! lie iritll --R6d3 are li ifilde ging Whit -d f." _4 - runye oothly 'lerity.of-passiauger-, -angines: arid' .4 9 p . time -RE4 L M. t snue elitil'usi"m "Xice road eh VF" ;Q14 C!q.1qin,1 the MM ry, asy'sul I sW by .44 .1 J�4" ow Julyl .1 -1 0. 6m T i r b Kin n oil z you _.T I�ig surprise, af ter the fashion carry A power 'a d' lug- EXWO SHOES I - are --furfiish :i It fi-ee iuing,r�ldivib­ VVIT, T;Igllt the'place o usedl. The silav art of Stytirtn ai) d ellou alltba-timer _LivQlv-roAiT- ER olie iv Mmoinly REA, Q;1BVT`,T C -C L US Rr TEEIRIV P Y gh ra. a Ito tn� wheft the edridtictir 0 -4� are of the v ry but -*,&e cloth' - 4y, begfUl, wo fe ble.. you call he- 'in to the neyt. station.,�- ar ME' 'E R a- venera' % ffo fl� Fla -they -m -dizcov&ad to b �.Y -t- -a at head- "R I so e. yet. rain larrip abirfes. lik - - 'E E IS �h tits 'All aboard 1' 0 R in th fi' 4 of Drom. UTC 8 ;1 _7 Z THY I S -DIN LA ow. Being half deqtyed it' likbt. Slo ro ck oll allL PORIPE-15T a0z p Ver chr , s giva a 8'r LI KEEPS. TkiE LEA 7. 'eto liro -.assrnger c%D -oft 7 ",riM the 4 Ltn 4 u dr�lj groun . wl gh tie-k-eit h 'igi op are ot the best Import A, A -ee Englibli Steel is not 6nd the $hbe NO TIC F es dix the a rzkeleton in ellent the timin 'as ofu-n as, he lik ore a cent's wortli n. Even the boots,- wbich station two, or tbree dava gild 'hop Oil of -th ddy rAste;�l I =a w -lap Of thilimill. per A train th Ill -aal.'wera almoit the noxxt -o the kv revival at -co es thull_L, TRICE V` Ing hitlixest''A 'hiah gives SIDE SU 'PORT- to the. j�snti JPION11.52 rin o, it 3n' Gb6( "T t-A-eide wag poWder- borD, Wr I vibolc�s'jiulcid �oih- REj D"THIS�'WEEKS U55 TIVELY i�revqp an; ionjesi&aulftw uB k1rar watch- A pipe- bo wl,'zind a p4ni6tia.ble conductora; ain.t. ai Coad,in tons *h6n sitl ng or.'stooppi -s a yrailintednottoi ljj�olttha . soul4on - er &H hr au ftd I oa& ew-ra-vad tile A vbera -the,"pasizengq, fe'l AT( (0 a. C Per in a sCaudafid Atch Ily YTW66d yd-. abuiWm '*%h�ve if'oi c -piu All 50 L r a wet In you, r,,own As the. Ali I in i so. 66$ ioutfit A, 4PA: zi pa. - I t - . - - - ... I J - , p- � ' Axi). �,vv'it The %i4t1l s�es­ dverk, -pps: finprimemiefits to.f(d#',,,bu the rublic for 1879. SAT2" 1812 more iV b��leir` No RAMA011- CAMP8 pufol. h f I - I "Jus son, -pay6--fu Il traffic r es rh�' k k, ab a wnso:, 25C - k: T Lip a mart between. 3 -10 KLLimu Omit. - LOSS wh AlTave the blills in ilae in It wouid soorn to be the it ght, !"we in?ind keep 0 and JV41eyiatnhotise air-braker Qn evey )*e 15C do Mainso' Co.. Fortlan .,A] Section that traiyf too'-pret 22 lr� 28 'fir e this E #a- b d P oods' 10o -worth.' t ties that they are D s' i & L infig -v saf�;ro but I di(I -in t I .7 dectu t N Aff.901 A I MIX C And lie climb 'OV r it Y. as th will begg. amouLt of imits ed :100 126 e 9011 r' iTowelfin -0 fil in -the market, be sfi%; and t th 'a and Sli at., "Maybe you Won.. to the. Covgl�qg�-: a genul a 0 as, J -Ho si B -C F D By rot, Ve i WAADGM CHAM dates of -]� i Nriinded on UL - atent� dra disci t* -z pp Lad, :�ill!!'Wbol) 2' 7 �h the Jibe =.t 5rD 11' saj is .120'W' - 90"1 t W fro d Iiiiindedon. -drdrigibf the M ets -no of 11 Walk ik a $15 wo th $3.0. on _udi.., VId. 3411srapairedi6Wo aft!k andfwU tho�ve�rvbldaz:t. a. - Sold:l�_v:SII Ue.tglDr 111L couutrypl G- J manag,-d t&d and 0 'bralcomall Wie ()c �S" MLInk band,$4 woith- $5 T All kinds w itelithobloodn­-pa e a sie, h -opular road -said the' Fin opardwris,Riddlesand'Screens t thepublie. - )h Ladie n 9, om 2 )Lif EX z I �T lr, .J -in the Gilod- ro&4.b,vd, -and Lalie n) k u#4,r _r, .41cl WOO,-, sits e..Vo_ L!tibe bl., eik. k'iill gloves' 756 UARANTEED. Comfortable. 4ra.. Ve] - . �6 _,- - . L 6to. 0- Melj�a!riwl &V . I I . - At- FaOT"H eJr'(liLned) 75e 1 .$1.25 tl�ie .16Y r divi: V tz, d, V M JDXY 11,8V .0, X �Po - sher too' dLir rs, doii% intirfere *ith Wil an R 0 4xbibite , 4 superii.tendents.. - dtr4i" -hlees 3ye shoes (Nney). $175 ��11 -212J. _7 A;i Sick-! 4 2fen-'s )Ve. - b obs �04in):' $1.50 $1-76 B.�Virig rur6hased tla ziqfit 111,1111y W one Roltd!is mightf. popular,. but It's -pretty to' luau ma Men's do pants $.2- 2-5 -1- $3.00 wid-sellthisicelebrat0wasbing coa eaJae e onir her- ascent e Is -to _'th' a)idthpadJnin`lng'C vish:to draw - to; indep ad'"Ut. to*. &e, ditfn.'t: ono 61- n- Is )ye k t i B.' ield proMptly N14 _V4 ry ibeiip W. hir seat Lip thL diVieiii4ji silitiorinteudents dow'.Easiv -sittentjon.tolhefolloi p tit -- -th of the Q&tea kisiEiie 8 o, vets aos sind Rubbe're -hine thatmeetr, 1 h. the unqualified q0obtilille 0 w* t stations ch &ffitei. of JDZ�.- TO lie; i inab f 'W1, -nd . a 1 onders of d s Ittr tuba 'ha 08 r1ce..': T.rovoa of th act V Olaf Dal t6o-�,.iitilid yrbieb- thi line two, or three years ago I But C f bbet� L LOS Meet- ber it; iff a rn hty pl oaqaA " ad fo- t'ravej: 01n.. )ILLS. A HE BILL" I# '4i'tho praiis trom h cl a 01 d iol.a._.th rU evor se, roquir us. We nJQ,4ni6el__ A-1ways 'haj SUE: as jf J8 UXeg. Of the_ "is what name indi- Juststa' lt,� -and evel7_1Y cities. the Itikheat 1d;Moints .�Veicdllence It ill ' ze that i e, s. ON Mee&s metan1dr by the. -usd o7"W01CLon,1V3_1Jieri6,Ar1&iBW , V arrant- X1r TO' SOME 1 1§ QFr1 ICY. re tognt-rotir"a _hctAon 0890(t Yes 'i�jury to t 4. syst4in 911 -clibulii& - - - ) 1 10 - I. - Q end f6 - . -4 n, 1�8b. I . 4 — - b Ir I I . T V V ELL Ti rha ylou t no' 0 lietri",-other' like _Pq dLthe strl 1. po AF Flew, $8.50 Y RVI %o thd once More.- -3t; in SlIellf Yv- -h I'S 1'� Said'the brakema, e's a- `J&8z,-1 ias no e ia:,zilcinpthii:juti for For Clu I* Ws Co s-amW -difi f _c ou f TOM fe at rves� -x_--reep. &�ound ally�hiiil I& n P Th a ch6sy' 't h -1 R T . ., i - SEASON. -nce 44� 13stronago as _)UtW ;Asni 9 e . lover rt,ad; bcailti:., � nGiva; to L 0 u L-T�_ k Y oa e -diseves- -wli& �miiq !L -I millblees ful cia -, .. . - ''I - . . I " I 1z, " - , . . - ­ , . . . L 4 1, th abovo the river, but, ies all steel ­ , . ._ . -1 . - '.1 - I PD11 ar -keep cilose1tii I .... . I - 1� have been vived-_ bi. Up tiniely.,' flA 0. a 8 F11 -_ I . all ate e sonable i e, ISAI J. ge., in the VA11a use of"i in ifto�, For sale- _'Deljvereil'� �­ iti; buke r&I d rock -ball A, uaal "Est 'U a.S:6gl'3L side txack. -frdr' war. - �V� era; TXUX tat j�I(l no' . at de4i ratest th; TOUndh6gs6 to, t es ou )ot- le, or_ r r #e ia soma _31� hea-p -of wat*r t,& ran he tdrm iou a. Taku- terifis- ()f R)pe I.- Aoublo t br my - er& - -at eveq sfatiitv 'qn-t al h 'thf tTl't _ n bat in't art 090 Ie. tp;.! Din- ,�;Iy t anks th,,� tgUit affiects pull d -or rdi 9 -millb. in lets thin the A r7M,7 -I Iowa )ft V 0 1". it ponn I LUOT TRA)1Z rjers in. % qua r -?r.- a iges. -1af it. no - th, P& a Y S R�ef - V �B BA�ZSQN. wo - U. ta;ek of W Mka JVK�JNUUA prains �7 I -.Next to cdllitlry,,� thF' firarroads, WONT -0 or tide Post Offilee 4d on -the at L )I pn one side and bilu 12a 11� Gil Out os IV -aud it% a s I I TW f OtLZ., ot� -.(�dy clioib mp� th 1'Acknow 1 or Wi TRUE R 7-