Lucknow Sentinel, 1880-04-30, Page 3TnE RKETS: Wheat . pr in 5f Wheat mut • •T• 0.• •ce• Oati _ P.ease Barley ... Potatoes;per bag 1.10 • ... 1.05 ▪ ... 5.59 ... 0:30 • ... 0,60 _0. •i5 _ 0.30 Ilay, per t 6.00 Wool ▪ .. 0.27 _ Pork. Per ewt. • Butter... _ Turkeys, per lb . Geese; nor lb. . - Beef, per 100 ... Hides_ - ... 5-.50 12 1.117 6 0 0.65 0.50 0.37 17:69 0.40 5.50 _ 0.09 0.09 0.14 0..18 • _ 0.C6 0.07 0-94 0.05 -4.50• 5:50 . 8.00 "..`• 11.131;i17---D7C1IIPING IC:HEST 11.0.NOR.3. ALL • ZIAMST CTEBLE OV EL TIIE WORLD. 2 ef:Aladitin Rzike that tooli.TWO MEDALS at the Centennial. - •T A.- • . • .77 - • pritittEric (nn " -• ;71' t. ie4••••....,pre•- •.es• ). i _ TOWN. SHIP OF A: .INTIIE COUNIT OF HURON.. • FOR-. 111.E YEAR 1880 ..,....--;---,-------sz.•.: _',,--"•74:-* 1 :.... s (....,_. _ .,..... __.......,.„......____L_____. _.____. _.,...--,,..--*,.,.. -----i---;,... .----.---- ,----17- ''.--•••rxi.' l'c'W--.-------- .---- .' .-- z----•:-----.-- _'"---1"---------- ---------,_ .,•4. W' _____."-----7-----------4-." • -........_: - -- ---50; . - ' - ..'-77_-VF7 ''' '- '' .. ft -.•,_. ._ ,e4,..,_.___'' ..:t.-::.71.,, ,,,`•-••:. '''''-- --",:•",-- 1,!..--'`'''t - . --...• .,••••..., ,...,,, •-,;•,.*_ , .......,.-. ,,,,.., Rein, a Ry Law to establishaa open. the __ . - . • .1 Fira1Yz ,.) at P , I - highway hereinafter partienlariv described. .. •• .. • Whereas it is considered defir(Jo'_e ar.d necei- sary to open the highway hereineter ( es-..ribeci for the purot SA of v?Ialifing access to Le Ead ' from the Ga derich and Kinc..r.line graved road to:the shore of Lake Huron A . , - . - -mi. eIthereas the land necessar3- for the Said, • tpropesed highway has. been acei; i --ed by the -_•=e0c.. lfunicipal Corparittien (if tie sidd TaNI-inthip of Aslifield, - - - -.. ., , .And whereas the Conned of tle County of: ,Xfuron has. dedy authbrited the laying out of sifild proposed highw.ty with the -Width her.e- -'inft aer designated. And whereas all proper notices have Neu - given cif this by taw as required:6v section:506 of the ReViseti Statutes . Chapter . 1-7,t and the .565 etid subsections thereof. New- there`ore },e it enacted attetitgis_hereby - enacted by t1e poratiarof the _ Townsi4-p of Ashfiel t, that flout and after --the ptssinft thi's by-law 'the lan(1. hereinaf or particularly deseribed atm raentioned shall be established and opened for every purpi se- of a public highway :within the said township. The deacr ption, of the said 'propOsed• way is a.s.fol oWs ; Being c.kmpt.sect of part. lot (Nn. 2.) twenty tiva in: the• _lake -shore r Inge of th-sif 1 tOw-ash'n, an. part:entail-2f deicril el AS follftws-:'1 jug- -a_ parcel of lane" • fifty links wide, the centr.4 tine-ef 'which May be described as f.,114 -Ws, that say---cani mei-icing at a- point situ -ate(' at the distance of Six d :alas and twenty five J.hk, seuth six de - t es and ten minute- • t „.tettel from, ,thoi rta westerly angle f said lot number twenty Thenae-south eighty degrees -arid .forty re minutes ea,t, 'fifty lier.s.tot post. 'Thence ' south twenty on.. degrees en'st„ four plisins an I • sixty three links to, a poi -t. 'Thence south e:ghty degrees. and forty•five. tranntes.east, . parallel t•) ---:the Ihnit tetween the mirth and - south halveS of said lot, siXteen chains- and seventy-two links tn., a past. Thence south thirty degrees and fifteen_minutes east, three; hains and fifty seyenlieks to: a post. Thence' sputh three degreea and tlairty-uve east Seven ehz-ins and seventy.fiVe links more Or- TeSS,tjpa poinklwenty-five links,. (situated: -in the same courSe) from the Soilt-lierlyliMit of said Iot number • twenty -t v ence smith_ ghtv -degrees and forty- five minutes east; par:- allel to,the said southerlylimit of said lot 4nientbertwenty two, eighty chains' and thirty- six lioks M we or les); ta point itt the westerly limit- of ne Gederieh gravel road,situated at the distance of twenty-five links from the south easterly &rude- of • saitl lot, number' twenty-two. • . ' NOTICE.. . ' The public is hereby notifiec1. that, the TaWn - ship ('onnell, a Ashheld proiloSeS pt,;.s at its _ neitreztilur meeting the 2t3th slay nf. May, A. 1-). 1889, tilie-fore;42ing . JOHN 06(1 -Kr.: Clerk. - DaregInn ozt, Apr 112. A. D. 1F.30. - u-14 .41;from 39t 40 cent4. tae - That 2,600 Bankra3 Fltok IAILIftgERt and PANCY GOODS; , TRIN.E.MED, frid _BONNETS, MANTLES,' JATICETS, reiTHER--3, FLOWERS, -RII#BOXS, Llfr.s.E_S ' DRESS TRIM.M.T.-GS Re. these gaols are golitlf)-1‘ less than aer--114.11:w1iat they cost Wh- 'esti Cons -early • ad nzake ybur selectiOnsi. • SIGN' OF. THE Em • VrOPPOSITE.Iku RANK 'Ma t' Hats. and Bonnetst rimthed • oa Shortest Nojee. Stecial. attention- . best L.e _ The 'above machines hai-e bee -provern.ents. added for titsea- ng elsewhere ; tr:al 4.4fered eqnsta,ntly 011 Laud, aild pu4ch and machine rsit.airs al)vays on of the leading t3eWing Mat:hi Maehines"repaired dit shortest 1 - ' RI& ROBERT. Et IX 'ACCOUNT WITH AtillliCipalitV 0 - • ON ncial £XhlbltlQD, Tcronfo, 187.8: find 1879 td fil St. at Western Fair, Loudon; 1878 and 1679: - _ invited to Our complete stOck.of. the latest, most improved and very and Mowers., Manufactured in the Dominion, such as tile' th 11 ster and New Iron Mower, TcrontoReaper and Mower axwell Reaper and • .r . _ . owe . roughly' "tested dell-ing tile spe-sen..of 1873 au (1187:9, t;..ving eittie satisftiction, and liove Itiid• Vaillii.b10: 30 ar 3.13i- ii.S.T'nitirS et 41111i t ypit-r (two. interests i y. exi,mi fling- the it bove' It eliphrs .11d MoWers befol*e Piirchas- . , , tiifaCt ou gwLialited...' ,,i, bpitudid a ei.e.it» tin Cie t of Gimg Plows, _general -:ptirpose and thi4tile eutten Pl(kws; cet,1 ha) t thoic choke: - (.7the.6,Smar1 hit ft/nee-Ls:sup-11 bs Iron SeufilerS; Turnip, kiowers, &c:, plow -castings , Orders tak.in for Clinton; Wood hu. ige wol- Parig. '1, hreshing .511-., chines:' *. A s usual a good assortmen t - 0-rga-fit't and pia.J..6i:h..111 di.ffer5Ynt - nifiliry-, 'a, five yetir:goaranteO:acdoiniiiinies-every iustr-uVent, •,... §''civi.p.e. (Ale needle:4 ithd attachments alWays on hind.- - -. . A GALL t.01,1C1TED., • ...i..- • • • - - ,. - • • .•,.. ,... • . Mr • - .•••••-• ALEX. 57 ,NDLAtEll, atchrna er and Jeweller, s receAvt ei a large and Var:ed Stock 3f - .C.Loclik - .1,1 • rA-2c-r-g r - JEW.:6f..,LERY and PLATED W‘ARE, GOLD. and SIL, VER WATV,EI4S, B . • t1:60n.priisiznogotcfalls enB,iwe,st styles. of C.LIDC. its; , . . Ekitiluros, - 07; . •. LOCAETS,. iGEAt and WEDDING RIN i - sruns and CTIFfc BUTTONS:- . 131ITTElt COQI.,ERS, . • • TEA ,LETS, 6RITEZ an4 11-.)KLE FRIII'r and RUTTER RINGS, - • t-. - tutito CASES, '4 - • Notwithstanding the advance. of 30 per ceiit in the wholesale Market- L0.in prepared to sell at ' kindof iepatrini neatil and proniptly-oxeCuted aml satiQfaction- .• • r,ttarrai. ted: scaidit a call from inteb.d04 purchaserchefore buyinc, elsewhere.. ember the Amid two 04is East of 4-.0.FIN MclIARDY'S, • Canipt;okptreet, InCkno‘y. • • f. . • • 1 the ounce weight.. i g" wham 9^% Thalia-9bl "Ifou 104Ve*: tio* tetct yott. tar isjoi • the worr w -hat later manymen what les.. bm is prods'. Ter saddle happens rechsposed, ouea, is 913 depreilispotet iDar -stulantias far- heip ltralite ds tinur said, Juds,vs, yIfl�. Wt. le its one sP pU 1 OF • litticelpts. :andI E -i. pf-s-11.11-.,1-- 1$1..- Feby. 10.•- _ . " e. Halanc,fram.last 'years atult Balance oi texi(t4 fqr 1878......, . :-: Taxes r- 11'..titosektte for 1-0 8.,, • , •Nlie.- - " Lie. Comm. f wet . - '" Land improvinent fiend, ‘`. Munieipalities fitnd L9..1. -::tin., , " Pinia fi.inei Justices of Pea'ee: '14uterettt ' on. d•Thesit.... ...:._.', . .• . , • _ -• Tt tal iCieipts to date_ ,. .4; Fe " Se• h.)(11 rites • - • .. .."- A ill.; unit (a.:tair raie:•uy) " 0:livers " feiviitty 11 for 1K18' • , • .... • ... ... "1 tt r t. t( }4t 111 IIWf . "1) r:g- .taxic• . .... . : .. , " •'I EL gtait Jte• fv.D.01.-.(r tax:e:-; • 14 ads and . .. . . .• , 1 • To nvtli JkUreg r right , • - Tot-itxpendittre JAzdanee. on. hand • ai ......... Aniontit of'hu-a. res. . . . Total ks.seti i'cr Li- .1)1 4s. t.,16- ten ler tilJnel ed P-te '1 rItittl fan correct, and At- ettelle..s f,1' every -ittnn diture .et tz-_, rein. - : it field, for • - . . 0p tandlig tsf the gned ',id tinies gone by and,maltie readyto take advantage1 Of the PrPs1)6±--• ' - 'r .--t ' • - oils 61-a, 1112,ead. - . We_ trii 0:: thiuk it a goiid liOlicy to mislead ti-. public in the -.imineratitin ,.of --- - -- . . . . -pricea.,-; sutticient'to 8f.y if you wairt 6, pat. -feet , . i'• -. - - - ' :SELF .13I-X-I)ER .11E --11).0 K: AV LARCO.YIBTXED 011..SINGLE:..-- -. . . , . . . . . . . : . . , . . . . . . • . . , . II..AINTEST .Q,L'Ef.X, MI DOW 7I :ARK. 111011;ER -.- . . . . . .23.:_91.° IVA -RJZIOIt: .1\10117E.R...' • FAR-MR.8 FAVORITE- 1- OR:AI-X DRILL: . . . .. -. _ . .- . .. : -T:;:i-F.... (.,II-A:.,,IIPL--...'N.--, -HORSE -1-4kli..1-,... • , BEST riI.A.E.--E .QI-1•11,1.... DiPLOWS. --iLo.. :::-, • ( • , •.- . - i . • -'116.27" itAlLa01-VS- IP ()..Y..A.14CD - WOOD - 1..A..1.51 a 1:•the shipb P.0-1-2:11 LO -,V wilore -threa,boirses can I do o 1t. . • - t4 tile ot fourhorse...."' and two'wed • .4# •,ta;., 69 .76 ••qi- In add...Lien to Cie various CeTebratedi A -4r ic,11 t-1 Implement 3\ Takers,whom we epresent, 01.. cl; : • -I:al.:6- 0i,..t-rt-.1 in this di.itrict f -,t, the :k.-Eler.if -itil.iMpit.inentOnanitfactured-hy A't(f•-(1211 I - - - --:' • -' - • .4r '' Ar ;5 11 Ii'M 4 A'. tkx- 1:1".'i th.;..S. ). ', ..,1-.`-iilltill •Z g4:‘... '09- L'""11 : . , .•0, nosereputatian . -.• Maeleinists resin- • • ' ..-ei i 3:::Pg- in cannectienwith the .s. 4 y VT P : : --. • - _ . - 1. 7 " e • l'it-r6 ; '2 e.fll' - - s•-' ' w.i2.. tdWays. - be mi..exhili:1,1,:th La-sale a large stoCk.of. il-- il‘ . ,. . . 40 6i) ." -• - • - • " . EPiJS Cr._ fit ta LI' C 34 0 SE.M1.111 :Stlf;11 61IlCtanythiag . • SEIVRIG ACCOR- s &lit; hEHErikES, OILS, HEMMERS. that recp !red in. 'the SP:I.VINV line. -, - -...,-).„.• TLr1 .-- 7 93 - .--,-.- _i: ,..... 3 37 a .. -..t 1 1-: it' e-ci roUtrTe •,, 13("Slltr_i T ri 1 ;- . 1___ . - - . • - ..-t''' - 1 ..o.1 • - - i 1. . j1 ES 1 YOTI -4 ' ' i aB •-- c .1.1, -if -+ en F • . 489-4 0 09 •L ex d • hem. en - r 8, :11- I:4 -S 01 ; t , man of 827, v.ii i• • i2 per if,i• date..d. the ;7:ill . lay April fr,nti 4 te I- hereb1,-- ties f purchasinne.sam g te hote;. s • -cIara..-S\'‘IcGiiire from irtying -One sam P ET 111' •TO IIP.NT. C0.11POSE1).: O -E' 1ct ti, . Towoshf;y of Kinctrdiree. -end TWEED- .1.-virt-1 miles. from Kin Got d frame laoutze and barns are eri.--ct SAI.ESALOT. 'on.. :The' „..c.ingiqs 44-50 -ite. eleared, and.5 ac,r.es itt fall wheat. . `.1; orchards on the ilrelinhes:- Iti n Ttruis eaf.,17-. A pp iy to . DR. McCREGf Or t(.. , . JJUi MRS. Dr.. AlcOIZEGOK • • .• Kincardine, fl: . Civ6 its- a -call',. it t,t-ill cost ?you -nothirtg, and timy Save you con;idcralle. ' . . • , 1-- ' EW / i VII P LE 'Ail -NIT- -. ..77., fgr„,,..,..N, I, ike1.1 rt,' a %,;)-* „. foil the • _ _ Lucknow, Apri130th 18S9 ' rillHE subscriber hereby informathe public th his:opened an &II'CIOT Am' Treleaven's no ;buildings, *here lie will. hn.ve weekly sale all articles left for .sal.e. • Commissien-do a rate. ' '1..eucknow. tarn 1878- : • OWFE X TRA VILD-ST,RAltiaERRY A. Specific .R,emedy Otrantr Complaint;SflCfl Diarriloca; Dtroontil, Ca na Cholera. Cholera Nor - bum Cholera. InfantuM; Sour Etna aiI derangem-;nts of the--howels, causptih nSino- im-- . proper- food, - ram unripe - or -Boni, fruit.' boa- miAlc, • impure- vrateri or change of water, eirtuges of the 4eas-608,e-.760sttry; Ner tuatterkori what eause. of Aeint Tom you are guNect tr 'e!ty ;if the above complaint-0Zr. r0317:61.4-2 Extrozt -of titild stawnorry iIl relipve you ; iyfItt a Npeeity. cure will eftPct- e-1 without ipjury to the syatem. is nisnufactured from _ the Wild Strawberry Plant, _a,ust fine front 00 um. and other . in- Irions drug -R. Eor-sale bkall dealPrq at Is.164.(1, Or 3 Bortic.s„ or 6'1;00. . • JOHN TRELEAVEN:- 141ILBUt-N,Ili?..iii' ha TORONTO - east half or Lot 7, Con-- 12. A itt_ 50 acres, „:10.acres c teaied, balaa bered with Black: Ash; Beeth and . Three and a half miles from the - 'Eneknew. Good orchard.e£ 100 . fruit lwogood wells of spting . water: Fir dWelling-on preadiss.For terms and • pferticulars„apply on tile -premises to PATH. Tax cil.Nj -Lnaknow, April 9th 1880. - .00 4, tiied re n• e: es, 11111 O 'a)d. d. d e tu- •ra' le: ge taf tr c1ss er TRAY . _ Cs. IAMB to the *Urejuises of the',Sub ‘.../ lot Q, v -Joh, 1.3, W. I). Ashfield, aboutthe fire; ttnee6mber, two cales kor 6 Months old '1howneris reque prove pr )perty pay „expense:I,. and the ' same• awa.y • , ••MURDOCH -1/IcKA 'Lochalsh 'b n abr 3 ed o t414e • FARM Fu SA • • - 0 ,A.CR.E.to And west nalf 11, on the llth coh- of A4 :it) acres cdehred, tie- balance v ell ti - with Cedar, Hew. lock: and hard w.00(1-. fern( iswell fent:eft, withfirst-class. bml Aitct well watered.. Ftuir utiles frorn Luc and half a mile from the• village of 43" For_ further nartit:ulara apply on the pr to •' JOEtN S '‘i El.TZ f iieJij • er The. ingy, fag istVS to.Le. the Eastern .i tvisieut of As Acres,. being Int 7. Oen: 60- acrei- -Cleared; •farn •Well watere fences in gond repair, - ent, $200 per or $150 without the use af house o or :1;at further particulais:- apply • on the mixes or to the tinders ned. Lot 7, Con: • •E. D. Ashfield- • WALT ER TRETEAvr 321 Luc BAD ea ard re •T• - zectr t 819.'__ ' . • a • - . • CAMPBELL' STREET, 1.1ICKNOW. • • NT Is in good repair, and the underaignect are litepated to fill tell orders in•the be pos iblemanl; .....1 'ter.- Custom Planing that cannot bebeat,- especially.-- On :.Matching Maile Flaoring.' .A Wel 1 , seasoned stock. of -Mouldings,- Sash; Doors and Blinds alwa38 tAu hand. -,.• ,. Band and 8.,_crolt SieWing in all its brailehen.4•, Stair Bnilaing a Specie:13Y. Give tie:call. - - • . CHRISTIE" -RO.BERTSON.. . . .. . -..- - 2a7-Iy tucip 4-1-11Y- 3, 1870.. rtgage Ie. TiliDit:aitid-IS.3f virtue of a certain Inden- t) thre of Mortgage which will bepiliduded on theday rf salemade by John Hunter,to the Vendor., there wig- be sold by Ptthlic-Auction - - • WHITELY'S -.HOTEL • •1N THE - VILLAGE Or- LITCKNOW; :Wednesday -the 28th &April.. AT 0,0LOCIi: A...M., BY JOHN TRE .LEAVE14, AVOTIOXEER,- . • .Lof Twenty -three, -in the eighth cah. of -ite own.shija of West Waivanosh: -in the _County f Huron- - coptaining " • - • _ • . a. . About .. 85 acres are clear,e(1.: th-ehalanae. tinthered with Beech; --Maple ariet Henilook. Thereis a Good 1 'jag If ()use., Frame, Bhrn.and Sta.bies and•a. °nod Apple Orchard ;on the _premisek, which'are :Watered birpring-,-. creek and we 11 aresitueasy uiated within estance • of good:markets-, on crramel roads., - TERMS LII3ERA14,ancl wilrbe macle_known art day of sale er on application- to the 'tinder siy.ned,salicitors, - . . -(161.11sIi-EftEr.;/.34-VEN, • -= r-AR.K,EA.186ictrioue nernR.om, 1. , - Vendor's Solicitors: Dated ot London, this 14th dilly of Aimil 1880 1\TOTICE7 1INDERSIG*ED-wisliNi to infer -re. these indebted to h-'fe thaiell overdue, - -aecounts.."MUST he paid, before the iat of -May, 1889, • • X • .. 1Vislies to inform the puhlic.th- . cruisiantly on nanda - -hales - . . • . FSTICLj-STOPic OF Areifg- - Wom.en'S, :Misses: mid - Children's Boots Go and examine his, •really 6superior tock n each class especially his p4gPebbile &-Whole-tock 09ts • Before purchasing elsewhere:- _ Manufacturing a .Speoialy: ' Last year's stock soH at.And, under •4 • ,! Engs and BUtter taken Li- xChailge for goods.. Luc:know, April I 6 th, 1880. - . • „RIOVIN BRICK -AIM TILE W 8_ • KINCARDINE ONT - 4-INJECAN1) 'FOR SALE' a larg quantit'LFy - of first clasa WHITE BRI T braining Tiles ;from 2:to 6 inch btIr f o • -whith will be sold at the rowest, paying ces LT , 447;c94 - caX4.421., • IRItltH Alf, 1- a raTig/ions saddle now 010 - ]very week X am receivinof 40 14114 : is that you large and attraotive Stock._ t that yzu aitba' oiders for many Itnes rasf fa. if, aik and am therefore 111 aposition to Firduie. 15 per -cent cheaper limn if purchasvolys stands., Ton 1 '''ae andi Tweeds; pucka Shirt.--Zetn.-.4stflier I 'PRINTS, TICkS,PEtA` ,314 -.„in amount 6 have a nov- and vaile h. -nskr, As'werr, *nig I is on predisposed ti not ra fault en' get thediadativik, t fetToutarredt. rothinnt orarsef stonlektbd -Black and COlored Silks, . Blpck and Colored fiustregi,, French Pori-ipldo0 Prints,:1 Laces and -Labe Oriitainty , .e0t.":0 q-e4V8.Ttea.- 'Orb iBladaild Colored: eistineres, lack and Coloredrithts; lack and Colored Kid Glove's, ,rillings and Embroideries. • 6 Suit at $8.50. e at$10.00. LARGE -.STOOK OF TyltE.EP$7.9 PICK PROW ITS MAD •IN ORDER s • " .,0*er 1,000. pounds' biflPTell7 OPI'iitncl/lf.4c,111•1r I D S „ -r 1.01 purhsod sold in round. lots of 511 s.,..101Ls., 20 1bsieg:44, Figure. Gentiraltir 0 ceries lie;sh at Goy' 46 P.I.,TRE:C1,0•TER ONE -11,- - SE4F- - Ciover,T:inle thy,.Garden, 1 urnips,,liano0 14-faa Fresh, Live a, d - *king " murinor_41`. tee chum bilimsfirti ri • :gator ibe s'eharae SEE1)S v - " b.1 4tcult work attgi • tand.dech 1 factor in jir go aade jedi rd , miler din guilty nit idlt64 4111- *TY noun' M- ersa many at lefuttir au Usk, sal di ?e:41i *ramie nicoe'440t dii :4117 1143 adies Kid Sandals-Beautith wronry esigns to arevQ. • :We ari4 -now prepared to show an antirdiAliew lot MIT:LUNERY D of -parisiali.and _Xew York ;ONT.. Fancy -Millinery in all the novelties Of the vason in Q111104401.1r; Brocaded nd Cashmere Silks -sSatins, Ribiaoris, in.endiess Variety, P • - -Tooes in all the newest deSigns.. 8plendid ii.alue in white4:and colored Phames French and English Floweri, Cashmere (Ilimaraents; etc. Trimmed and tin: trinimed -.Bonnets, Sunshsdes, in the ibry- Latest StYlos. - :..DRESS. : DEPARTME.INX, 1 ' In. thitirdjeria#Tnent •I•vis are Slowing a larbli -tot Oi Black and Colkid,..,Nou. irnerea,-PompadOui.and .0rocade.4-Suitipga. ILustre,- eta.",-. with trinitnings- to• ii14ich.,••--.All-antle- audit/fess- Departtheit---7This department is eaiiiely under ?Ili,. . . . 1, owneuPervision. , Haying: -..adopted MailOn.• Baureguire's 'Celebratkl Freneh-, - ystem...of thittiiigi we Are. Prepared to ,z*rantes a Perfecv. Fit Aor.• tta theie.: . . . - . '., favo.ritioa with their Orders, . --:- es on hand the latbst, aleap&st, ment of enure • ppoiPted tuctelhis Inc pier half finifil re fitten ey 'foto upwards. .11ACK and WHITA:!REAL mofninif tue LINEN HATS in differant Color4. •, in F.4..INGES, SILK and. ,SA'rIN lt,IBBON, in new sh iffiAt MANTLES fade Ohtlletho#14,tifoun4 hog for ilE'fiory ier de bfdr AlMerinatat thrm by qzlat eizettitin 4oteb Me church property. Wi EVEflyD DED SILKS in all the newestiliADES. PLAIN SATZS P.4gau to sus f, pSTRICHTIPS --PERY CHEAP: FLOWERS OFtwo claasifl • • - jki Ater -a -in' -de. CRAPE CLOTHS, CASHMEItE CLOTli, S, rEINTS _ S. S/LK _a - 11C1KiidWI April 9t11.1880,. RS • . foe --,„';')Iuu in the 9Xtwen for a while.. vt jekedllitilvlscan • teen - sipuly„, BeZ I domed Jat -11=16 flb de pas' Y•ar y mu kier tix•.hib4din FINEST TAPE 11.A.TS-aniBOITS FOR 01, .0STRI Mourning and Bri.d.al tfits hand One' nta %.J.L1e topped in di flung m all • te4 ser art* au -le • longbre4 he Eot hiM 414,2 1'; .41e inzilahad walke4 111).la mule ,5.:M104) 411 I - la slimy; ct.ron NNW "simonemtesisar _GENTS' :FU.RNISHINCI. DEPARTMENT,. We have full lines in White and O]ored11ress Shirts, Silk Ties-- and. 'Tamil IcerChiefr. Cuffs and. Cellars, an the...jitIy Celebrated Armstaina _Brace. Neliby Hard,and .Sdit Felt Hats, Caps, etc.' !LORING RTMENT, On account ef the' great increases in ,iniDgOrderect .91obbioff j)epatualenh, we have rode large purchase's in • - • : •Tviceedt: Worsted,, Alliffons , f BI;cli and -Colored,* etc. 'We late in ..moa fine .104. of Setif* ..tnglish and Canadian Tweeds. The Cutting Departnr it is under the charge at .Nr. A.. 1VIcl_Cinnon„ rhoRe long oxperteneo enables, italogiarautee 143 customer§ a perfct a tit in the LATEST STYLES.- • . - . .PORMERLY Begs to inform the inhabitan4 Of LuekUit -1., . ,.....were- ing:countrjr that belles openeu.3 , out -a itev, door to Mr. Somerville's °Moe; *her* *Ai.. tim 'at() meetthe vantrs.oithe ii&bfiern Mir Tuy Repairing of• wattles, aloas all work warranted; A e iisseSt, Oirlit