Lucknow Sentinel, 1880-04-02, Page 30 ti -a BRYe.N.-411 Luckuow, on Monaav, 2r'9th M; ch, the wife of Mr. Jas. Br...ln, of the SEM INEL Office, of asoh. i4fcTs.itsou-At Dungannon, March 18th; Ilia wife of Mr. A. McPher- son, of a daughter. MARRIED. Otax YOt*:�G -At the residence of the bride's- father, ou Thursday,. 18th March, by the Rev. D, Davidson, Langside, Mr. Wm.. Orr, to Miss Mary; Jane Young, e14le:4t-daughter of ''ua. Young, 'E3c1:, 'both of Kin- 1083: § - 'ENTraz--CANTELos--At the Nile, 24th March,. by the Rev. R Davey Mr. S. Pentland,- A3hfield, to Miss { X. C nte1an Nile; daughter of Mr . Gaut el?n- f DIEIB.. `WRlGar:1411.: P1'lnf Farm,: on' Friday 26th 'trial`; Susan Lilen, beloved. 'wife ?t:J..T. \'right, :aged 47 yr3. THE :VARKETS. S1.I6 1.13 ... 112' 1.14 .:. 5.53..< 6.00. ...: 0:30a 0..20.. 0,60 0.65' o 1..0.45 . :0.50 .- • 0.30. 0:30. • 6.00 _ 7,00 0.27._ . 0.30 5.50 ' 5.50 i x.10 - 0.1 .-. 0.16 0.d8 • &.66 0.07 ' 0:04 0:05 .5.50 t :8.00 half he4 Spring Wheat' o&. ..• Pease • Barley E ,. Iox, p'er bad nay;,per tdn Wool Pork.: tier. Butter.. `turkeys; ; 4r lb .• -. Geese« per ib. Beef, per 100 Bides.., TEDi ARD DORE . ;'H0 !SESHOER A on• GENERAL BLACKSMITH- las removed to Flo:d's Old Stand,wliere he is prepared -to • do all .ands of Jobbing- and: � , �i G enei-al Blacksl>iithing.. IRON HARROWS A SPECIALTY Work- dole on Short -Notice.. Give- him a e a=I-1 - - 3?4 �. TO i ICS. Inn TiN-IIERSIGNEI) wishes to inform_ these indebte.1 to him dist all overdue' • accounts':.MUST be paidbefore theist of May,1880, r : t A. ROSS. . G BRICK AND MI WORKS 1(1NCA111rI` ; ©NT., Ii IIAND FOR SAT, •1 , large guantit r . of first class WHITE-BIt1GKS, Also Draining Tiles from 2 -to 6 inch_ dbnre,.all_ which -will be sold at the 1 • est paying prices • for cash. - . Appy to - rr. .TOIiv_'RIGGIN Kincardine Ont; .A.p.STRACT AUDITORS''.: REPORT, Dec.. 29th. Tok J. ilafardy Aprilf 4. .Tateei G. Cooper, arrears; in I Dec. 29. Sundry Receipts 1677.90 [ - Deo: 31 Te Cash idTreasrrers hands 8858 f 9 -the «Treasurei•'e7 aced -tints of the receipts and ship of Xinloss, and ha.ve to report. the smile • pa-, and: in accOrdance with the ithove -.detailed cheap cash 1 N order to `make olie . of the larges BOOTS & SI Ev.r brought to Lie will sell my present S one Month At Prices Cost. cal. aiid - secire a Torras ras strictly Cash. O a A ado m for stocks ES ow, T k, for gain,. 11TE .subscriber hereby inlor th he has openedan- ..9.1 C-TI0ZT x Treleaveg's new liiuldin s, w hare.weekly sales of all articles le Comnussion--1 ,3cestrate. JOHN TRELE Luck aow, 4 L April, 1878 _ar:.i. to11 public T- . re he will t r`sale: Acres, being Lot -7. the Eastern Division. 60 acres Cleared ; fa,rni well•'. fences in good repair, stent, $2 or $150 ticithaut the use of. house. For further partieulars apply -o mases' or to the undersigned, NV:4« 'Me.QUOID. Lot 7,: Con. 7, E. D: -Ashfield. TIIEL 324' arm - For -OR."TO.RENT. BEING `COXPOSED - OF .lc Township. of .Kincardine. about -4 miles froin the -Town of Gocd -fra ae house and barns are er on. - Tnd:. property - c:znsists of 50- cleared, 0eleari d, and 5.-acra. in fall- wheat • orchards on thepremises. : it is- we Terms easy. Apply to. - DR, McGREGOR,- Or to 'MRS. PR. -.MC1REGOR, Kincard 7-__NDEB. and hy virtue of Pow eiontfaneel a certain int mortgage, 'dated the 17th day . -and confirmed bY deed of call-firm:1 176, 1678; made by 'Henry 'i (a. bachelor) tiy, -Vert dors., date beem.nia,de in paynient. there will Public Auction at_ WATS' HOTT in the Ceunty ot Bruce, which is cl Lot, theece SrEilth sixty- degrees . sixty degrees thirty. one minntes. w( eltain, in. 1.6 orless•, to the limit bet Numbets TIvelve. and Thirteen 'a south tweri+pitine degrees' twen'ty-- less, te- the place of beginning, emit -TERMS liberal r,&1 -MU be inade ("lily 'of sale' or liai Aiplicatiini to t 15 7 env fe4shfieid; e ed and r year, chard: tie Pre te there- f Sale' re of on dated harying Ie hy In the hed- as hr been y one, e. mites; venty e Lots. i hence era or Nrri 111:011.0y t Oil_ Real' tsta'te,. at rea Tates., an. tt=rins of payn llorrewei FQ.Wl.._!...„,;T EXTRA iteN A, Specific Remedy . all' -SUniraer Complaints. 8116 E4 n,uff all derc.ngemants of the hoivels,.itaused by using- irm -vegetabroimuzvo cr. sour fruit: 'bad. mifk, 1111,Vure NO Mattel'. frOni what .catbici_ Oh4:form you aro subject tn. tiny of 0104 4h.aVe complaigt.ts,Dr. - POV:0e3-1.3Etra6t: of Wild _ if"- is niannfactured 'from the Strairtieiv Plant, ,and -free from ,opium riod Other in, TC SEED FIELD By the. weight SEEDS !. PORTED SEED p • :$15417 GA.PDEN . esppq; H RELIABLE.. e pound or unclred. rs in goOd riipair, and _the Under uer. -QustoinPlaninv that camp -ser.i.oltecl stock, of M(inhlinge., Lind and Seroll.Sawin, in -all ..14nekn ow JUIN -3,1870. gned are prepared toxi.611 all orders in the hes pessibla man t•be beat, especially•:Oh Matching Maple -Fleming: • A well 01114•011111 0 We are now prepared to shoW an e irely 'new lot of Parisian and Xew York 'Fancy Millinery in all the novelties o season in- -Pompadour.: Brocadecl and Cashmere Silks Satins, Ribbonslin endless Variety. LAies in all the newest designs:. Sidetktlid value in white and colored PittitntA. rimMed Hatt Bonneta Sunshidee in -the very Latest Styles. - PRESS PARTM g NT: In this epartment we' are shorinki, large Lot -of Black and Colored Coat: adottr and Brocaded Spitru,gs. Lustree, etc,,. With trimmings to u?plch.• ,•1?1 able -and Dreis Departmeitis department is •ontitely under my have fall linfe fp White and icolbred Dress Shirts, Silk Ties, and Hand: 14yillard and' Spit Felt Hats, CaPsi: etc: - accoula ef the great increase' in our Ordered Clothing Department, we' Made large purchases in . P Lie AN rd tneaz I :1114: I belie orders fur Many lines last fall, aud early illi)44.1144*44.4),1 and am theifefore in a position to Kell lb'per cent cheaper than. P/ptirchast-.!d to. t , Every week azi receiving frest ac -large and attractiye Stock:" _In -view of - PRINT!, TICKS I have a -new and varied ESP) STI tr ANS I eat} - iiavebs Over 1,600 pounds of TEA, purAased last fall; Figures. General Groceries Fresh -i,nd Good. A wee SEEDS! =EDS! BE Fresh, Live- and True, BIttek and Colored, etc. We have:. id? Stockil fitTi3 lot -of ScOtch, English and Canadian Tweeds. Ali Cutting- pepaitment is nuclei the charge of Mr: A. Mcliinnon, -Whose long 'experience knablett us to guarantee to -cuitomers a perfect . fit in the LAT2ST, STYLES. • -I innon. WATCHMAKER ir'rf, Gray's. 11:4 s One yellow ted for ith- other Diedicine, Guarauteed to Ague; Nervousness, PalPitatiob eases it is invaluable, as it. is t -within the - last twelve months, failure. PURIFY l'•OITR'.'131.A) Roote and one Dox Pids for Directioes on each. - box, Not sol .gists: „gent 3)0st paid_ to .any ad ress re, -Wgzsz `MST, Fr 4T11 and Dyspet_sia for 13 vel. -.re. -1. was "nduced to try Prof. Gra vs lloois- and Pills,- I have- used them ahout 1-8 months, and -lees . Say am completely enred. It is surely -an ex raorilinary remedy and wont I- advise every on te•tri. it, Pills, irtitea, 'the lledby any he; LiVer the Heart, ;mach, and nlons 121s Icages sold withont D, Price Ile dollar. by dime 11'1,11 Willilf11111111 Fon- PL comfort aed- health, Smoke pray' the germ: . hie GOLD FLAKE; Pronounce , by -all wholia.ve *ed it, the finest, Pur stand best the world. Ask your you canno gebt_ else, where, te undersign d _for cir- cular and rice Voile gen ine with- out my Trixele .111:ark and signattire. SiXTON, Globs Toba co Works, _ Evaryboa AM MOTH!: • AS ICK, • OUfitill) ANO. ROBES 'and best !(elected steak of RO sgs that has ever lieen br eight to this' Own. erly , and see them. Prices ranging frin $21b0.. • 1 •'. - IP; G/IiSS/C.E. 1880 1880 •First spaeial-paioinger train fox this year,- w start froth INITRALIA- To b followed by _others o? TU. oziatr; Apra qth, Freight leaVes-the day previous to allthe ' of all future partici. . Pates alwayil the lowest and the greatest pains taken to hare arrangenints Most Persoi j ining these parties Te released from all: care in: bonding baggage, freight', live stock, etc. - limeme TORC)N TO - Neat be-liverett to all . tthe Village on Beef by the rinarter orhaff (parte . at to 6centkirer pound Green bulk All Wool Tweeds, 50e er .Dress. Goods,. 10c4or 1541 Towellings IOC., a 12c. Ladies liose (all wOolY 251 . Ladies Caps, - mink band $4 mot tli $5 Ladies -mink muffs ortb $1.5 Misse. s. Shoes, Overshoes Enid Itubbri at Wei that cest Price. ome early and avoid the rus CONN - WHOLESALE & BATA ERS tills ALL ; FIRT-t*ASS Ll UORS. r Medical and, other purioses Dissolution', P ri age LL. PARTLES indebted to th pay -their acicounts to t are a of - -Special rates to deale in Large Quantities. 041t,6a• Party, Fur particulare apply to • /( W, R. Af.ent, Centralia. RENAO new a has J, .resoived Children's Shoes, Meit's Shoes. Otmosit of PROPERTY - clay loate,` 40 -acres- elc.aied and in excellent , state -at cultira.tien; balance. W.:11 timbered; Good orchard; With •Spleirdid bearing, :treas. weeks „thereefter; the. remaining -one-balt alua le Dr. L, Ire 'Weyfeyarepfle 'Alta et - *34 xigYetisflieg.0.-a Wive. up ttigib.a pre • • uld. urge on numerous u niers to se -fie their accounts co 'a year, *id now is the able-mysey to meet Ha jugt received a Large Varied tteckvf.t Clocks, "Watches, Zeivro atai' Ware, ..cozprieing VI° viewtOt. sty2Tz.:4 Clocks, oda std. Silver. -13roothes, Ear-iri,uge-,1,4;tap*.,00-4121 Vredding ot43- ancicuarz to40, ButtoCo.A1416, Ter?4 Sete; ge-Z31:, Pickle .-Sti14.421rult .atit uttet114:41 Napkin:104oz; Cata Cele .for Zraels. atd, New tee a Campbell Street, tudknow, f4Sertlik 44 ere 1111 CRAIN DRILLS. BROAt-ZAST SE ite* CONIBINED SEEDERS ;OD 14tILLS;t:Igi. A good assortment of Agricultural Implements,. . Machines and MuSical Instruments„ alwavs on haft Into A full stock of Max:well's Prize F....,raw Caters for • s These Inaplementst'ha-ve stood; the test of tim should be evidence cif their- satisAction.. Repairs for Clinton and- Paris Tilteshing Machincsis Castings and Reaper repairs consin:tly. on hand. h Which need duO, coranfeni a it is an established fgei these are the leadincr Sewing NfachtieS. Something De .WANZER G,-, . sitea and light rumi„,ing Sewing Machin *lie 'Principal points of Ado Mae the large and Timmy space under arm, the adjustaliiiity • •i'all its parts the principal. one* . of hardened steel, a steel feed on botn sides of the need !e, a triengulat needle har,wit • .nickle ;plated balance wheel, Withloose pulley, posittv -,,take up, UtrenielyligEt runnI • little ore° noise: Intending purthasers woidd-consult ;lett oern interests by extrmin' ' stook of machiriesbe enurchasing elsewhere. Every !nachine fully warranted 8,114 - upwards. • From different ,ur'a. ers. e year guarantep from -31int[manufacturrsatcorriptien .instrument. -.A.Illtinde of sewing machine repairing d Oilk. needles Sad utttzt • NOT. ./lipAINM1 Intends going into the machPler el;tcYlbusmess, having open- ed outin the ne-si building eretecl next door to WALKEKS l)AKER.11,- Cainp)3ell-st.,` he - wishes to inform -the farmers .:arid othprs of :this, ink that he On Dpw supply ombited .Titty-FilirOw Plows, Iron. !Pi ent utuapy found in 'a,- fue • thait any dther firm, in this ICUL MIDIS OF GOIDElt ing tountry that he has opened out =4"' new ie door to Mr. SOmervilie's office, wheirfi be 4, pr limes to meettb 0- wants .6f -the publiil in that &le of Repairing -4 watthes, clocks andi jewelry* all Work -warranted A tun •