Lucknow Sentinel, 1880-01-16, Page 3WIdWY, ' -- Ai6i 4 V iir:7 I z, P1. 4 ­ me a -S I V W -Mail 2� -AQ clit D.tv a ru:tamav itsN hathill" ill &-.It water. 0 N ew Years 1 0-r19In1,­,,, T of m vid 1 17 uJ In 3' 1 h.)rse ran iyx,o nitn,au I r)ree ()f tlIL in the rcta'l st-)re of the prep, fro ii t h' coll.sion, he %v';'- 100 �6 E ]RU R eeame Po n Dialdk 'Me 0h6 thrown h- ivily ag:ii *st an iron fa ie-, icrea3ed si) ra i(lIv tin R h p rl -rriv)l 11111611tvd, atid lie b6� B N his scalp tf Yll ru n4 38d thal, tile Tactnrers the A )c largely exton k cime enzirely I rstrated fro -n la Cashmeres ily necessary io �.,utroduee ck I felt it was oi Mr. Fjm, who w3s pissing at h- tile Conn- CQIIV�yed Oe woun. le -I 0 1. - . .. I I Black French T ill M.I'n -in his 1, thro-igh -the newspapers :�f 6e nation HAVIN L cirria-a to tho office of Dr. W. B. Par: Iry to insure I's P -001"t"011 �f­ i�A - i e d rospiratory Black Crape Cloth- v- aind c dee, where his wt. i were dres s (if the -ure for dis�east al "Black Pdrama tta -erate I sca! R sewed togothei, and th,- la, lzadina d uga st in or "Ins. Every at the 11doubt: Western Ont., now s(Ila it- optratio:t. A4 the case will u tle aPd I bal etilv Wraet mucli attention, esVeeialkv B,* wiae i7x :time NERS1:ljp Black Cobouras -DISSOLVED P�LRT froill ine,lic-d experts, the f-11-wilig hLve it on ban7cl. when. T'd aiAd. Tile Black Lustres, 315 of the -eceidentis argre bottles are ihe chdape' St.'.' accurate (is seription Black Baratheos, 111yen Black Orlean FIr,4, the suddenness of the accident, Read andLlrar-i for 1 7o: n-� ture ced a shock l e business, i fu unlook-od fur or seen, produ I . - P, .1 - Black Alpa as.. felt ag, nine As GeTferal Merchan Y, - '. . tha suverity of wbieli was acutely lil-iny villn:.ble discoverils : all it brahches in., e i1AU'Le.Ofj Vill be crarried On, ill in steq. p irt of the bod,�', and epecially m the usatil. kno kep mow wletige is Ueveolt 'imme Ise exp3lige 1116tit lily- The w4ti-fids co -1184 -ted ut The. beg* w(irld, because ofthe Witt i two in' am in. -nat - 'them -'low t) tit Pe PI ci,&wns ontho ri�,,ht t(-n;ple, 0 1 OSCHEE'S -.about seven inches. Tile This i- -the IT all tandin' back not 0, -All I ought before the ri the -dit - Its Wiles -n -ria Valli fir ­t idelsion. began ia e ..,a of Ula '9YRUP. adi. &ud 1aif, victin(led-Ijackward ad described till. i HP"K _�fllaga n ja every, towna Iles It, odcriul 0 as sarnit:irde of abilit four ine rhe state,'. ited ttle Uri GEO' E".. KERR. alf severe Refeluil" ill.cisi= was. made- ani. and a h. conattull ho! I c -:Z, n - in a little stbilia, all -I 911. 7 to th�--�tre firsf alf - ;)f the; -aia, A� Cqugliss Tf -iij- ottiy.,Oparatinr,-41� I. It diiiases of roa,t Wig, har trua sk -the th" S; j AL K, 9, arttier­ 0 will, pay ,,I jl,.very S 'k --.400 le alj6ve oin-cirgular like. ibehrit.;'On I extended by d i,. 'ibid t �,-oritradted by :wa&-Iirsl:_m-ade known. ar ---i for three ypirs, oi r J -OVES year, 4 NX n P -D ­ - ward �Iioltit fc� rich -s. Tit S T. thu d -do vs �ellm was. ji-fl, -to the-afflioted; -6e elid? n Aip, and Coll ii motes a d . perit s enu d nd I h 6 'OuUt 44:- 9' :166k -ac.? -Will al the, sk ing J 'I Nr3 silcil a t st� )f -m"r-fit.. Ully.111 -M br��irgistse thur 'over 6 Portionsrq h of t @,. - - f -t a tc 'a y eIlt I �,eii �. was e)r: li J scalp -were. Pilssitig, a Aat-alne Tolir I rU t plade§ i, . . ­ ­ gis ..an pDreliaraf on 4 fle;W011fidi 'etab6tile t6' --M -ceiits,',� nd ty it t6a�Apli-wasqntir yba T -m el re. r -Y a p6sition -that Dr. Parde b 'ttiv -4 ittsk. were such &M pli 0 s 10 U 00 -3 po'�,-- -of ell' "th -tlie'orgau of spee� an, Ition nerve. sv. No es, U-SE1, J �s V .I J�he al�dit, ;r e-asil vf,�,jplaiilel to yo r cOrr&qp6nde Tory 171 -P-a I Dfr� rtfeet'is thWphysic­ n wb ,-14 WIN, ad f6- V xpellM 'from tile Stata A-pril� W&I e ral it!" act Ilas:,. I-een:, iLw Td O -U- 11 ty, A al: h;hi,3 edi6l Society for �6-11�s�-Ati'twwft �fhe ert-ctiall ding ii ily Pardee -ivk- --jxurt4ta6la -Pritir.e. 'IV 1, Dr, - aifi­ Y W, a bii tuiigh.t 'Ik bv' &-iice, on -d tbk- Ltes, -to t� M 98 -theo -fire irX C111'ef-JustiC6.; od's taiine& the: tbq ry :,a t, to ii Ortairi A L Of i - 0, 'a Gap, is (Dr. u tb d I -it. 0 b ildini;: andJurnitu to he ekte. I' hi I h -:i ime j,, !I it -ah d o, Isio k-nowing $2 000. 1 odat ocG n- 7 itero war OD r c� fititlle.,fx shu"t-" W, ere al -tic- in r tji,�, 11; - and' co- Asin I Inc U ne o u5-.,,- Parlor-,_ W:m-. �.- 1, C --ro b tild 0 Ake Xtes are 0- dor jiti. �oyevof axeeluction in p,�isa,. rrei T M 0 M- fdr a aftar.rmny' aU -d ID -p-teiR Y. U P n the, k Whichl-I h r-sho .,. tested tl R, am sellin at.,Pr llry-4vtt, &-ad -tb h a" i- the I d to tlie f(julla- t1lilt: Ill 4' je�pGnt 6 ,here w .110 qw:' I r 2(b r -)uv 4 f to ice fa�heavy all(&. e -q . i 11%, Nr. is. ile,fo,.pei�k,� few-Mol,d,, S -6-n j-0fi.--Wedne-idk1v- la tit: Jns.�: eN it suihau 3 11, r -Go at t! -. - 11 .180 ti of the 4ju uery e. 0 Ft JOVex-ttotfi, i;.e c,- tit. Jft-0,r nij Znwew. P Ia9t q iq. u 8 o i'lli IV carresiZirdetit Th. I t i�: d tin inj.1r,4­ :tiati in -praces.,ai 3: premice. a I -%ritli . f - . I ut to ti,e,, r i6rietor:vf t e, figurb"MT14, Ic S:11 Ahe &;A . . R Tu flif t vUklt, nu we C '11 0 RR P.r, P -rdei-,'and- -111-1i tO Mllyiit;s. w�w:! it a 1W, 1 0 6 0. e --d I,,, I I the aff-e Of 161 -4r int South. lit fx�; pal i" -t Aa.4 rkt,' E'L .-where �t -,�vir 1;.t OF T1 N A LARG ­ F-' OT Irr- 4 -rin& 7 1­..� L! I -V001-. 11 1 SlY I P, - -XMAS A -Y -U Vc 1. M !a -the-n�ie:or Ca TebP ed ff T -J, ?. - �t-ji�yillv. Ufjb-.3,dj-:1S7 -sell che'an e1g: V Y ReDUSED PRIC L, - In co Alipla;,-ts oth -.,r'd11i ait�-of t: i" I W 11 11-I.Sin-i ro-.ii -ceh4il -all bak Y b rgr I, -14ved, bave re-e-e-ntl�.i)ul)lishe(I-a.:.upwe mon- f; C- r L I Mg f X.- th� 4i" -7-i To �YQI who wol E ILI 71' ;f Dri. QULVftWEI1L f I co*.,e-(%N,1tji.,mt nie atist ah CLIO. the i-adicial aw Mental dqd, Y.. [t-4 . in iedimfints to:T G11 -tl -Incip, AV eT lei -- -1 - , � ' S1 a�j( E6 P- ­vi lit cur,-- 3. liq is'. If ra I �Tra ur -111ad �ine) of N eivotts DOI ility, Fit JA L;E. A P I i-. 6ariitt(l a E TR fo AV af all -d dant' tizf� . e '. .­ - -, - U- cl 4 thell ric 4 of a of �1. -.E:n. Aa filly T n, as 0 c W this mirable X 0 13 &Nri . -ttj t & EK i4e",& 11k wy 0 "It t h P fb i i tek f ttbe �ppll� J) 111- , . - I � G, :ShOmw -d 'a I , -Y g -IST The- 0— �o i oliest .0 jor 'fill tNVO p. t ge*—Prict; T ­Othm ate., suitink �l I Ili I'll's ro; n n A;,seA env iinion d zin -3 A .1 ttio i h .1, rTy -ftekolis to We J- Alb %tes, f J. err a C s a -b -.an 1141! theten r P ?`-l1-'rlY-'- - - t'hat Alarl"� he t I 'tice. - I - - d �,vjth,llt t - - Pa -fie, -our -a zi 1101 ire VMS W T ce gerous JISe Pl. llt�-j x A- D, elf. b t till. T h , J�MU­ t oile tit: evir )1-111, Ask' zVoUr n j-J.,NT 6� C., at j,,c t,jlt,� toij�. ver --af tjIeknttei-,Pq-j,7ng otli'a I wL a Cer once C bf atter whar- u's -ret jjoL -suTL � jn' ()��Oo -I eveu d_ N Ila tU, I laa -a tir, t TOIUZ 7 '06 P .7d: e( be. inay in ; . 1 .4 . 4 11o,vill, . , ­ - . l. . - . .. I . Al 0 o,:,T.. to f whiel f oheali P.. Condition. way.. J)nva, IV and itid t J% 10 lt .79. u ow De _,v yolith.-andle, n -]P- 14 JiMU !A the lityl a:. ell -1 r ;iwl its A: 116ba;1ids of - ft -A, fess.: 0 r th J,)oj r a j;j"�j,4L Tef, .11 C h ry r �7 S yu, ��A,t ---�011­ SAlir(la, J evex �ie �:%Vas f ilizill sitting t 'T U Vol r lQ 4-hil"I'l 4 P, -.vit of t T%a Cal Co 10c.: %-12C ,C4BjYbd 1441 6di Th' T �vellings angli er C G R-4 z t & J P L T t k L jL daughter'. a ALE` U. by Ladiies ap 4 -5 �4o�.th 430 :2K R. e., Ose R.�In b�n(t 44 U1 t t Ail New YOrk gr2!"(!_ ­ �, - - ­ � 0 ..!L " di 259 n OrL arid tlla- 1,).)et oil tl r-tillefer woithl $5. Will 1 4 & pm t10 I 'L L fray ker.0 V OW trur 5: and ar pria e UV LU A wl v. 10:.worth T, Tfil 11W rniiiti - . I--.. A - 1r "ID - wey M. 9 9 11he -1 1 a d B 'thli 20th -,;PIVFI YE -i'101 4 4 pri q A e z CU're. t iF 60.. W ang-, - ­,,� - 11 . . stc r I. en" Xt tile - -,!'Y'Ltjj��' THIRTY .91 1 a(I 'bl 7. Rea eT 0. aqll� k ij. -'st -0 an radie - i9s -(Aned) s� U, 1. 11: Uf U, 0o J- -iclaimed 'a Ii.. All 116 e;. I n FLO7 -P Bett tsQ, > %M 0 CO . - ' !. - le p, Ess STRI (i Cain OF k whib R:50 W I :TEATJ livivillw"OVOT , $1�75' it z� . j�&(,s (plain S'& 0 C Q 'It 1A sidence DIES J RESS-1 D,- -.�Aa t e elL: 31M, . : L , %,.very c leap Gil� nlrlatk pe� 4 eft' -U -111 th Athe. '6-11id 'vnl s; `­ .1 1 e -d e RD A. ILLYA WM 4gain 6f 'T T J'a7 )y tha , V. rulicknow C4 d .4-bb2rs. TO i;iquire&'Dr. �-biideys fatlIP-f - P te Re 0 i 6 rsho 4, a,. R ot 11 EXIS 1-q injtir�4 Ill I JiLls, but bia& hints - in X IT -itterrs 19 jL -,D;jVjjLIs( 11-1. a S()t-I 1, r il�na I A 3: lit- frt�1111 -ii. iyo less py Ri, Jmliial - -!�i ---1 4 tess. tlt�t eo as A ii ts, .0a; b W ".­ - X8 (bjac 11 the Newe-A, G - 'A oreo In iss" I-abe i mye sto6k 0 YAW; 1 Ao-d I in th ery new, t tic M W s AN V -r.FITS 'j -EAl, juA( girl -t1tree AvLts iRoNNUTS Al X ul V 11 #3 '00 iweetl -tt ht.,he I Tenuaut'D! k,.� f W0(­ljT �S* LADIV3 inarl N 0 1.�- iar, lint* mo Jolib TIU-51C. ;.gavel - - - M1 11ji '144. -t his h. o(K 11 d The M bu j eall, in -tile iative` to UOU iG AN, 1�r .I,;S. from 4veer k :-7 Dolor ITEW % on is G ­ . b�lt -81 .0 -i 1.1 un. 011" da, -N, N in.4ilu-;l �t he -A ,Y.l 0� T10 0 T�ovj,.IADek,ml,1 she relil:111" X�111 , W 00 54 an -tylo OL rX 1 -tk . : , I ..Q LAID tuall ehow hilli SPe.. tit AMMO- M - lqw r.�jje, jupapad f- Ptr J--) ' t - - - -­ M- en �7 fie ,,A i� TX E .1 DDL JLJ. this Poill E- ta:Ktioi�k a-111 5 N. at tb .3 it the fir,4' vaut hext betit- tD - 013 clot, -IlM he J.. y ears. S; Fal alid -it 0 -11is- 22' 25 I NN ren: Thoia -11 uke room Ills boaa -1, 611 Wt a 1.20 V111nuery L q1iiet. it was r I iter: a at. 1.3 MT, Ten e' a43&L SprLU4 W 0 ixiuq I 'L -of- LVI ­ia Win 01 -1 CD d -9 & fix. .7 .30, 01. is faciz. Ua trie- V, 0. t U .1p. ame rewt-j. with ex 10 -0. �r 7 it ed over h ;Ice > hl hisL b.-Illdi t W (D L .0 of -U0V1 hi -d . ­ X L 0, -is t 0'45 h- 0 noweyLer, an said -0 ,-en -Wil K -65 otion.6d for s P11110 f . 0 65 i 0. The p%r nE .1' -. Parded 13pase th-oai4erorfas- ;,r.r,- to c.o; Ao' Kerins, disol G village C) j&. -Qr� XUFA J all, L Vg-. UU nWs ,,,jd b -�e 1 61,04311,14 bi 00' De-ein er4 b. - urge URI,; Cot NNW 45 qtopr 'by mitt .4 Y. O.P ALL. lit hist. RtI underst Al .0 IcAtelti" td b C. U e. irst d�y of- si(-.ewied to -ter 0 -UntiL f -for 0.0 3- i0j, WILUA -a' IV( ieY an :the wan et V: 0. what -Y! Per toix A.. TRITNNIV5.' 0 -tbeil. M Ila IILL SAR d cc Docto, is. SPO NNF XF TH CA- alid- --poilltad to! 6.35 V -n iustantly U list: 11M AL -z 0 -nod: H- s. Airu U if dz; 33 jow,47ta-�kui -6t - . - - "All -pork. er -hiinkfitl t6r f&Vor8 0, t ' the. -AIL eT, erebyfiyiw WK Oil, 01 6 d- Mill ILI z b then dressed ill. ta. bet TO h e- a u b riber t blic -th he' j arel W"12 - -t W&d . - . -I.- ­ - L _ h . , , j 18 f6i.jils t ei,Fzu era And!jhP lilt :its ithou jimn, or inco-11:. 17, lip. withou t -RIA if�ltendg to;:CaryY Oneapeat G tbte� antl1ull", -t-k reCeivei the. la"Jileki Ae. sit TIChes wj tjPj �bia to t 1jigvP ]us Pit- -has -Iff . - Mj Boy natil, suA-best-seird— -t. Von. .11eb WI, Dr d tr6. 1'o 0'.06 1 be- attended that at ROBM th I the IOU _Rt Pardee diii Ill 0 . . filg ICZ- T U11COY-111 Perlb W ;BU 1 i L k. ftfli�eb Iii. '­ t P �t c ass meclian call: etkily ever :-,Vp 401 who -a -th 9tre`-"t1l 01 01 0.o5. known and firm been. broug 15 overtaN.­ $2,00 0 uAl;er haa b, �and'see iiiem far gr rat-lier 4. It lb- .,NEC n' e 111'-t 10J. pr4errilq -4� IM ­ Geese, I)er work ef refurmati0fi. zo 7'Wards. �re do- `the �eef ... 50 ­ t . -0.. ' 1 1, - L .-GRASS '.. I a$ 0 tl,�Zdlsho on �to. -I�uknt� orit qwlb: per d ist-Wit attellt' n b. (rond 1A q *rk, efet a iien 40 flow so 0( tat and -the use 3d, with' of best mat6i in7u lie B1,fora its meet a cQUt If pit;tronsge- % -ease T y. bA-:ME1R0.r rill aly ju,-' N hgll e Bne ixi tit, T(44y, ft ft Fit EY -ek%, -It, . , - i,:-` . - -a I AK gow is t e �n6L.-"- W-aggona, an h time to det -cheaTs T19 )a, & r g. S.h. rriages, DO-" preirtis -pqN.T0 F, -a it con. -w q f 0­ �Tllail one or two,raore 7 'U11911­ er, an�aveie aged -shee­ l!9 - -Aslifick' by )ei imber., ERE' or 1, un aild 'Give t i d. o gies C an Inust -besol L u1be L Id, on br. ab,)Alt 0e.first of W - he I --wbite. -Tha 4111 KID 'i�Ig� lilln, brt in't" 0 �h( other six tA two black.one Xa 4' a�o�%I:by j r al I oil dpr ANIE-IM & T oltic -queld e ior said- Ow-nerLik rif d, 31P -on �9116A, �T p -,,&Ti4 t.'I e tbetp awxv- V LA I -.e or -1 I -s tb.� expen Y E- clirg FOUATPLY P!zy -�Jv- wes the Dolaloi or - qhor T JC�r-5 Rin Nut 1 0 tsuts irm file ez& c i0- ­ -, -01 4311 1C OLESA114P. UT egs b. 1-y '111 the. exciz. sent lchare( & -r-V.-T-AJ 41 is h w a. !herselkel, I spleudid., L r.�f jIL on th It Laviila U off re. 1049tibu- -100� 'J10 , - t.4 IN, k Jr h Z run Unk f I I I I L i I * . WeAt flea *m. NN, I Aw C it t 5-08 11 CAB t IBI Fiv� 0 H e vanosl t w% S R W his lbd T LU a Cjf 'TO'N %, - . Ito' - 4 , , - ., * C al)fi* ItJ JI Bry4lit is v L"i ' t -1. ev ry be It L oil slep brst - -ord ti; -4101: d III I - vVi I eld in. nuATY LO 11.. A 80L don -1 00 . - ­ to f al" E 011 S fill 6.1retaiTS 0 1 e Hi - . in 'an S 11elc n 0 6 L , L 1 .1 - I - . - m. CT. lie,ir 1, i 4 lep . : AS MIXTI - 'I Ot;�L d%y. of us -OTHECARI op -31)-". at 12-0, M- n kwessar P f Jill.4 f�r siurff L, i j Sam' -,I all (,rders ij 3; icles. 30 lit, OT A, Wt t pbra;kcs. I., f. "? Owl -bzLn SL. Pr is in PIP "P3 1111,zt. iiian elitiletv-11'ecovt ra77 tho quest, 11. a ij, A�Ld the I ie4 ­ � 1, -4 . - . .. Of -Ry, D P,E RX - , I un ot b e b eat, ell on "A tile on win, a Pr ity %i a) at time dumv V 4. �I if ficie and. "fl[IRAT -TITO] Y nt BUck ko&,4 ylaulug tuat ce 1W.Lvs on butid t h a. P&-gb,-1)onrr -a. - equ -ey Ulto:v. 4 jf W.J.3- ill 9.n& other purp Uedl,C ed" '11 lit - b o�es AlWaYs SHIRF - D.OAlt .--J�Iawatph vi d at,,(',k Of-�n�'Ouldirg ram everythin,17, else aing :or scwg atilt 11's file, L jiloned, trumbfe in A S�e6i�j,iate b yL serve .9 - 4 '1jone de �tq dezierft UYIP9 Ut of j.. E TN 2e ofW,M 00: --NtoUjd.tII6 A to -y" d 093.. Joak to' ll�JL of ihe ur q -- r P, Ith Ilaif ot int 13, ''On d. 1-1A 'Aul i , 4 . 'r0tetwIlaire'-so, -afftwo IC . - - If Of -speech, as It 0 -P West -r of ill ir %bout the a ed and whitfa Steek rising Owe 9 of at jfth--dwy� of W W4,�aa -I vral brea LileAllow it T nor t -i", pa.�, udiflonthi bcLre."al two- e s -reqnesb T to=� Qni)Ox �veg ad4 �j[ to_ Ojai 'Tray 4i 41 -tj L TIC hem. �iit $11 cop t*e b7tn- J GM ch:- -hi o.Wrio-r! &1 :136 tAll I exp in d t 1`1 1 1 1 - r TIgeS U13 _T�J� th- eXIje I ri-ij 4 haveresuhre PIrove pry Lueknow� at aent:w U NIVOUV3 u, yestor aoll. 4 V. Ir 0 Iiry i i t, 'a re 44 31-0 -;Z. sleaf flute, III -A with all OJL1!II 0 r -No-Y Ylla-'s Day that is lik 'y e if th uldmite rve)v, -ry of I i is lo ry t k, a -I t t4uaf, In lost P mmns -f S 1,!ec 11 .1 11 lie tritug ;t. Croup, Vou e �Zl - 7- T no�;; - p6.tr­.­z -vore lost to Hr xrit i3e 1-1 V L)ss of V L 6 half a ce ittity w,,o, when h,3 x .1i b)v, ali I their loss i -i %ttributable to co-isvint. st I V iir:7 I z, P1. 4 ­ me a -S I V W -Mail 2� -AQ clit D.tv a ru:tamav itsN hathill" ill &-.It water. 0 N ew Years 1 0-r19In1,­,,, T of m vid 1 17 uJ In 3' 1 h.)rse ran iyx,o nitn,au I r)ree ()f tlIL in the rcta'l st-)re of the prep, fro ii t h' coll.sion, he %v';'- 100 �6 E ]RU R eeame Po n Dialdk 'Me 0h6 thrown h- ivily ag:ii *st an iron fa ie-, icrea3ed si) ra i(lIv tin R h p rl -rriv)l 11111611tvd, atid lie b6� B N his scalp tf Yll ru n4 38d thal, tile Tactnrers the A )c largely exton k cime enzirely I rstrated fro -n la Cashmeres ily necessary io �.,utroduee ck I felt it was oi Mr. Fjm, who w3s pissing at h- tile Conn- CQIIV�yed Oe woun. le -I 0 1. - . .. I I Black French T ill M.I'n -in his 1, thro-igh -the newspapers :�f 6e nation HAVIN L cirria-a to tho office of Dr. W. B. Par: Iry to insure I's P -001"t"011 �f­ i�A - i e d rospiratory Black Crape Cloth- v- aind c dee, where his wt. i were dres s (if the -ure for dis�east al "Black Pdrama tta -erate I sca! R sewed togothei, and th,- la, lzadina d uga st in or "Ins. Every at the 11doubt: Western Ont., now s(Ila it- optratio:t. A4 the case will u tle aPd I bal etilv Wraet mucli attention, esVeeialkv B,* wiae i7x :time NERS1:ljp Black Cobouras -DISSOLVED P�LRT froill ine,lic-d experts, the f-11-wilig hLve it on ban7cl. when. T'd aiAd. Tile Black Lustres, 315 of the -eceidentis argre bottles are ihe chdape' St.'.' accurate (is seription Black Baratheos, 111yen Black Orlean FIr,4, the suddenness of the accident, Read andLlrar-i for 1 7o: n-� ture ced a shock l e business, i fu unlook-od fur or seen, produ I . - P, .1 - Black Alpa as.. felt ag, nine As GeTferal Merchan Y, - '. . tha suverity of wbieli was acutely lil-iny villn:.ble discoverils : all it brahches in., e i1AU'Le.Ofj Vill be crarried On, ill in steq. p irt of the bod,�', and epecially m the usatil. kno kep mow wletige is Ueveolt 'imme Ise exp3lige 1116tit lily- The w4ti-fids co -1184 -ted ut The. beg* w(irld, because ofthe Witt i two in' am in. -nat - 'them -'low t) tit Pe PI ci,&wns ontho ri�,,ht t(-n;ple, 0 1 OSCHEE'S -.about seven inches. Tile This i- -the IT all tandin' back not 0, -All I ought before the ri the -dit - Its Wiles -n -ria Valli fir ­t idelsion. began ia e ..,a of Ula '9YRUP. adi. &ud 1aif, victin(led-Ijackward ad described till. i HP"K _�fllaga n ja every, towna Iles It, odcriul 0 as sarnit:irde of abilit four ine rhe state,'. ited ttle Uri GEO' E".. KERR. alf severe Refeluil" ill.cisi= was. made- ani. and a h. conattull ho! I c -:Z, n - in a little stbilia, all -I 911. 7 to th�--�tre firsf alf - ;)f the; -aia, A� Cqugliss Tf -iij- ottiy.,Oparatinr,-41� I. It diiiases of roa,t Wig, har trua sk -the th" S; j AL K, 9, arttier­ 0 will, pay ,,I jl,.very S 'k --.400 le alj6ve oin-cirgular like. ibehrit.;'On I extended by d i,. 'ibid t �,-oritradted by :wa&-Iirsl:_m-ade known. ar ---i for three ypirs, oi r J -OVES year, 4 NX n P -D ­ - ward �Iioltit fc� rich -s. Tit S T. thu d -do vs �ellm was. ji-fl, -to the-afflioted; -6e elid? n Aip, and Coll ii motes a d . perit s enu d nd I h 6 'OuUt 44:- 9' :166k -ac.? -Will al the, sk ing J 'I Nr3 silcil a t st� )f -m"r-fit.. Ully.111 -M br��irgistse thur 'over 6 Portionsrq h of t @,. - - f -t a tc 'a y eIlt I �,eii �. was e)r: li J scalp -were. Pilssitig, a Aat-alne Tolir I rU t plade§ i, . . ­ ­ gis ..an pDreliaraf on 4 fle;W011fidi 'etab6tile t6' --M -ceiits,',� nd ty it t6a�Apli-wasqntir yba T -m el re. r -Y a p6sition -that Dr. Parde b 'ttiv -4 ittsk. were such &M pli 0 s 10 U 00 -3 po'�,-- -of ell' "th -tlie'orgau of spee� an, Ition nerve. sv. No es, U-SE1, J �s V .I J�he al�dit, ;r e-asil vf,�,jplaiilel to yo r cOrr&qp6nde Tory 171 -P-a I Dfr� rtfeet'is thWphysic­ n wb ,-14 WIN, ad f6- V xpellM 'from tile Stata A-pril� W&I e ral it!" act Ilas:,. I-een:, iLw Td O -U- 11 ty, A al: h;hi,3 edi6l Society for �6-11�s�-Ati'twwft �fhe ert-ctiall ding ii ily Pardee -ivk- --jxurt4ta6la -Pritir.e. 'IV 1, Dr, - aifi­ Y W, a bii tuiigh.t 'Ik bv' &-iice, on -d tbk- Ltes, -to t� M 98 -theo -fire irX C111'ef-JustiC6.; od's taiine& the: tbq ry :,a t, to ii Ortairi A L Of i - 0, 'a Gap, is (Dr. u tb d I -it. 0 b ildini;: andJurnitu to he ekte. I' hi I h -:i ime j,, !I it -ah d o, Isio k-nowing $2 000. 1 odat ocG n- 7 itero war OD r c� fititlle.,fx shu"t-" W, ere al -tic- in r tji,�, 11; - and' co- Asin I Inc U ne o u5-.,,- Parlor-,_ W:m-. �.- 1, C --ro b tild 0 Ake Xtes are 0- dor jiti. �oyevof axeeluction in p,�isa,. rrei T M 0 M- fdr a aftar.rmny' aU -d ID -p-teiR Y. U P n the, k Whichl-I h r-sho .,. tested tl R, am sellin at.,Pr llry-4vtt, &-ad -tb h a" i- the I d to tlie f(julla- t1lilt: Ill 4' je�pGnt 6 ,here w .110 qw:' I r 2(b r -)uv 4 f to ice fa�heavy all(&. e -q . i 11%, Nr. is. ile,fo,.pei�k,� few-Mol,d,, S -6-n j-0fi.--Wedne-idk1v- la tit: Jns.�: eN it suihau 3 11, r -Go at t! -. - 11 .180 ti of the 4ju uery e. 0 Ft JOVex-ttotfi, i;.e c,- tit. Jft-0,r nij Znwew. P Ia9t q iq. u 8 o i'lli IV carresiZirdetit Th. I t i�: d tin inj.1r,4­ :tiati in -praces.,ai 3: premice. a I -%ritli . f - . I ut to ti,e,, r i6rietor:vf t e, figurb"MT14, Ic S:11 Ahe &;A . . R Tu flif t vUklt, nu we C '11 0 RR P.r, P -rdei-,'and- -111-1i tO Mllyiit;s. w�w:! it a 1W, 1 0 6 0. e --d I,,, I I the aff-e Of 161 -4r int South. lit fx�; pal i" -t Aa.4 rkt,' E'L .-where �t -,�vir 1;.t OF T1 N A LARG ­ F-' OT Irr- 4 -rin& 7 1­..� L! I -V001-. 11 1 SlY I P, - -XMAS A -Y -U Vc 1. M !a -the-n�ie:or Ca TebP ed ff T -J, ?. - �t-ji�yillv. Ufjb-.3,dj-:1S7 -sell che'an e1g: V Y ReDUSED PRIC L, - In co Alipla;,-ts oth -.,r'd11i ait�-of t: i" I W 11 11-I.Sin-i ro-.ii -ceh4il -all bak Y b rgr I, -14ved, bave re-e-e-ntl�.i)ul)lishe(I-a.:.upwe mon- f; C- r L I Mg f X.- th� 4i" -7-i To �YQI who wol E ILI 71' ;f Dri. QULVftWEI1L f I co*.,e-(%N,1tji.,mt nie atist ah CLIO. the i-adicial aw Mental dqd, Y.. [t-4 . in iedimfints to:T G11 -tl -Incip, AV eT lei -- -1 - , � ' S1 a�j( E6 P- ­vi lit cur,-- 3. liq is'. If ra I �Tra ur -111ad �ine) of N eivotts DOI ility, Fit JA L;E. A P I i-. 6ariitt(l a E TR fo AV af all -d dant' tizf� . e '. .­ - -, - U- cl 4 thell ric 4 of a of �1. -.E:n. Aa filly T n, as 0 c W this mirable X 0 13 &Nri . -ttj t & EK i4e",& 11k wy 0 "It t h P fb i i tek f ttbe �ppll� J) 111- , . - I � G, :ShOmw -d 'a I , -Y g -IST The- 0— �o i oliest .0 jor 'fill tNVO p. t ge*—Prict; T ­Othm ate., suitink �l I Ili I'll's ro; n n A;,seA env iinion d zin -3 A .1 ttio i h .1, rTy -ftekolis to We J- Alb %tes, f J. err a C s a -b -.an 1141! theten r P ?`-l1-'rlY-'- - - t'hat Alarl"� he t I 'tice. - I - - d �,vjth,llt t - - Pa -fie, -our -a zi 1101 ire VMS W T ce gerous JISe Pl. llt�-j x A- D, elf. b t till. T h , J�MU­ t oile tit: evir )1-111, Ask' zVoUr n j-J.,NT 6� C., at j,,c t,jlt,� toij�. ver --af tjIeknttei-,Pq-j,7ng otli'a I wL a Cer once C bf atter whar- u's -ret jjoL -suTL � jn' ()��Oo -I eveu d_ N Ila tU, I laa -a tir, t TOIUZ 7 '06 P .7d: e( be. inay in ; . 1 .4 . 4 11o,vill, . , ­ - . l. . - . .. I . Al 0 o,:,T.. to f whiel f oheali P.. Condition. way.. J)nva, IV and itid t J% 10 lt .79. u ow De _,v yolith.-andle, n -]P- 14 JiMU !A the lityl a:. ell -1 r ;iwl its A: 116ba;1ids of - ft -A, fess.: 0 r th J,)oj r a j;j"�j,4L Tef, .11 C h ry r �7 S yu, ��A,t ---�011­ SAlir(la, J evex �ie �:%Vas f ilizill sitting t 'T U Vol r lQ 4-hil"I'l 4 P, -.vit of t T%a Cal Co 10c.: %-12C ,C4BjYbd 1441 6di Th' T �vellings angli er C G R-4 z t & J P L T t k L jL daughter'. a ALE` U. by Ladiies ap 4 -5 �4o�.th 430 :2K R. e., Ose R.�In b�n(t 44 U1 t t Ail New YOrk gr2!"(!_ ­ �, - - ­ � 0 ..!L " di 259 n OrL arid tlla- 1,).)et oil tl r-tillefer woithl $5. Will 1 4 & pm t10 I 'L L fray ker.0 V OW trur 5: and ar pria e UV LU A wl v. 10:.worth T, Tfil 11W rniiiti - . I--.. A - 1r "ID - wey M. 9 9 11he -1 1 a d B 'thli 20th -,;PIVFI YE -i'101 4 4 pri q A e z CU're. t iF 60.. W ang-, - ­,,� - 11 . . stc r I. en" Xt tile - -,!'Y'Ltjj��' THIRTY .91 1 a(I 'bl 7. Rea eT 0. aqll� k ij. -'st -0 an radie - i9s -(Aned) s� U, 1. 11: Uf U, 0o J- -iclaimed 'a Ii.. All 116 e;. I n FLO7 -P Bett tsQ, > %M 0 CO . - ' !. - le p, Ess STRI (i Cain OF k whib R:50 W I :TEATJ livivillw"OVOT , $1�75' it z� . j�&(,s (plain S'& 0 C Q 'It 1A sidence DIES J RESS-1 D,- -.�Aa t e elL: 31M, . : L , %,.very c leap Gil� nlrlatk pe� 4 eft' -U -111 th Athe. '6-11id 'vnl s; `­ .1 1 e -d e RD A. ILLYA WM 4gain 6f 'T T J'a7 )y tha , V. rulicknow C4 d .4-bb2rs. TO i;iquire&'Dr. �-biideys fatlIP-f - P te Re 0 i 6 rsho 4, a,. R ot 11 EXIS 1-q injtir�4 Ill I JiLls, but bia& hints - in X IT -itterrs 19 jL -,D;jVjjLIs( 11-1. a S()t-I 1, r il�na I A 3: lit- frt�1111 -ii. iyo less py Ri, Jmliial - -!�i ---1 4 tess. tlt�t eo as A ii ts, .0a; b W ".­ - X8 (bjac 11 the Newe-A, G - 'A oreo In iss" I-abe i mye sto6k 0 YAW; 1 Ao-d I in th ery new, t tic M W s AN V -r.FITS 'j -EAl, juA( girl -t1tree AvLts iRoNNUTS Al X ul V 11 #3 '00 iweetl -tt ht.,he I Tenuaut'D! k,.� f W0(­ljT �S* LADIV3 inarl N 0 1.�- iar, lint* mo Jolib TIU-51C. ;.gavel - - - M1 11ji '144. -t his h. o(K 11 d The M bu j eall, in -tile iative` to UOU iG AN, 1�r .I,;S. from 4veer k :-7 Dolor ITEW % on is G ­ . b�lt -81 .0 -i 1.1 un. 011" da, -N, N in.4ilu-;l �t he -A ,Y.l 0� T10 0 T�ovj,.IADek,ml,1 she relil:111" X�111 , W 00 54 an -tylo OL rX 1 -tk . : , I ..Q LAID tuall ehow hilli SPe.. tit AMMO- M - lqw r.�jje, jupapad f- Ptr J--) ' t - - - -­ M- en �7 fie ,,A i� TX E .1 DDL JLJ. this Poill E- ta:Ktioi�k a-111 5 N. at tb .3 it the fir,4' vaut hext betit- tD - 013 clot, -IlM he J.. y ears. S; Fal alid -it 0 -11is- 22' 25 I NN ren: Thoia -11 uke room Ills boaa -1, 611 Wt a 1.20 V111nuery L q1iiet. it was r I iter: a at. 1.3 MT, Ten e' a43&L SprLU4 W 0 ixiuq I 'L -of- LVI ­ia Win 01 -1 CD d -9 & fix. .7 .30, 01. is faciz. Ua trie- V, 0. t U .1p. ame rewt-j. with ex 10 -0. �r 7 it ed over h ;Ice > hl hisL b.-Illdi t W (D L .0 of -U0V1 hi -d . ­ X L 0, -is t 0'45 h- 0 noweyLer, an said -0 ,-en -Wil K -65 otion.6d for s P11110 f . 0 65 i 0. The p%r nE .1' -. Parded 13pase th-oai4erorfas- ;,r.r,- to c.o; Ao' Kerins, disol G village C) j&. -Qr� XUFA J all, L Vg-. UU nWs ,,,jd b -�e 1 61,04311,14 bi 00' De-ein er4 b. - urge URI,; Cot NNW 45 qtopr 'by mitt .4 Y. O.P ALL. lit hist. RtI underst Al .0 IcAtelti" td b C. U e. irst d�y of- si(-.ewied to -ter 0 -UntiL f -for 0.0 3- i0j, WILUA -a' IV( ieY an :the wan et V: 0. what -Y! Per toix A.. TRITNNIV5.' 0 -tbeil. M Ila IILL SAR d cc Docto, is. SPO NNF XF TH CA- alid- --poilltad to! 6.35 V -n iustantly U list: 11M AL -z 0 -nod: H- s. Airu U if dz; 33 jow,47ta-�kui -6t - . - - "All -pork. er -hiinkfitl t6r f&Vor8 0, t ' the. -AIL eT, erebyfiyiw WK Oil, 01 6 d- Mill ILI z b then dressed ill. ta. bet TO h e- a u b riber t blic -th he' j arel W"12 - -t W&d . - . -I.- ­ - L _ h . , , j 18 f6i.jils t ei,Fzu era And!jhP lilt :its ithou jimn, or inco-11:. 17, lip. withou t -RIA if�ltendg to;:CaryY Oneapeat G tbte� antl1ull", -t-k reCeivei the. la"Jileki Ae. sit TIChes wj tjPj �bia to t 1jigvP ]us Pit- -has -Iff . - Mj Boy natil, suA-best-seird— -t. Von. .11eb WI, Dr d tr6. 1'o 0'.06 1 be- attended that at ROBM th I the IOU _Rt Pardee diii Ill 0 . . filg ICZ- T U11COY-111 Perlb W ;BU 1 i L k. ftfli�eb Iii. '­ t P �t c ass meclian call: etkily ever :-,Vp 401 who -a -th 9tre`-"t1l 01 01 0.o5. known and firm been. broug 15 overtaN.­ $2,00 0 uAl;er haa b, �and'see iiiem far gr rat-lier 4. It lb- .,NEC n' e 111'-t 10J. pr4errilq -4� IM ­ Geese, I)er work ef refurmati0fi. zo 7'Wards. �re do- `the �eef ... 50 ­ t . -0.. ' 1 1, - L .-GRASS '.. I a$ 0 tl,�Zdlsho on �to. -I�uknt� orit qwlb: per d ist-Wit attellt' n b. (rond 1A q *rk, efet a iien 40 flow so 0( tat and -the use 3d, with' of best mat6i in7u lie B1,fora its meet a cQUt If pit;tronsge- % -ease T y. bA-:ME1R0.r rill aly ju,-' N hgll e Bne ixi tit, T(44y, ft ft Fit EY -ek%, -It, . , - i,:-` . - -a I AK gow is t e �n6L.-"- W-aggona, an h time to det -cheaTs T19 )a, & r g. S.h. rriages, DO-" preirtis -pqN.T0 F, -a it con. -w q f 0­ �Tllail one or two,raore 7 'U11911­ er, an�aveie aged -shee­ l!9 - -Aslifick' by )ei imber., ERE' or 1, un aild 'Give t i d. o gies C an Inust -besol L u1be L Id, on br. ab,)Alt 0e.first of W - he I --wbite. -Tha 4111 KID 'i�Ig� lilln, brt in't" 0 �h( other six tA two black.one Xa 4' a�o�%I:by j r al I oil dpr ANIE-IM & T oltic -queld e ior said- Ow-nerLik rif d, 31P -on �9116A, �T p -,,&Ti4 t.'I e tbetp awxv- V LA I -.e or -1 I -s tb.� expen Y E- clirg FOUATPLY P!zy -�Jv- wes the Dolaloi or - qhor T JC�r-5 Rin Nut 1 0 tsuts irm file ez& c i0- ­ -, -01 4311 1C OLESA114P. UT egs b. 1-y '111 the. exciz. sent lchare( & -r-V.-T-AJ 41 is h w a. !herselkel, I spleudid., L r.�f jIL on th It Laviila U off re. 1049tibu- -100� 'J10 , - t.4 IN, k Jr h Z run Unk f I I I I L i I * . WeAt flea *m. NN, I Aw C it t 5-08 11 CAB t IBI Fiv� 0 H e vanosl t w% S R W his lbd T LU a Cjf 'TO'N %, - . Ito' - 4 , , - ., * C al)fi* ItJ JI Bry4lit is v L"i ' t -1. ev ry be It L oil slep brst - -ord ti; -4101: d III I - vVi I eld in. nuATY LO 11.. A 80L don -1 00 . - ­ to f al" E 011 S fill 6.1retaiTS 0 1 e Hi - . in 'an S 11elc n 0 6 L , L 1 .1 - I - . - m. CT. lie,ir 1, i 4 lep . : AS MIXTI - 'I Ot;�L d%y. of us -OTHECARI op -31)-". at 12-0, M- n kwessar P f Jill.4 f�r siurff L, i j Sam' -,I all (,rders ij 3; icles. 30 lit, OT A, Wt t pbra;kcs. I., f. "? Owl -bzLn SL. Pr is in PIP "P3 1111,zt. iiian elitiletv-11'ecovt ra77 tho quest, 11. a ij, A�Ld the I ie4 ­ � 1, -4 . - . .. Of -Ry, D P,E RX - , I un ot b e b eat, ell on "A tile on win, a Pr ity %i a) at time dumv V 4. �I if ficie and. "fl[IRAT -TITO] Y nt BUck ko&,4 ylaulug tuat ce 1W.Lvs on butid t h a. P&-gb,-1)onrr -a. - equ -ey Ulto:v. 4 jf W.J.3- ill 9.n& other purp Uedl,C ed" '11 lit - b o�es AlWaYs SHIRF - D.OAlt .--J�Iawatph vi d at,,(',k Of-�n�'Ouldirg ram everythin,17, else aing :or scwg atilt 11's file, L jiloned, trumbfe in A S�e6i�j,iate b yL serve .9 - 4 '1jone de �tq dezierft UYIP9 Ut of j.. E TN 2e ofW,M 00: --NtoUjd.tII6 A to -y" d 093.. Joak to' ll�JL of ihe ur q -- r P, Ith Ilaif ot int 13, ''On d. 1-1A 'Aul i , 4 . 'r0tetwIlaire'-so, -afftwo IC . - - If Of -speech, as It 0 -P West -r of ill ir %bout the a ed and whitfa Steek rising Owe 9 of at jfth--dwy� of W W4,�aa -I vral brea LileAllow it T nor t -i", pa.�, udiflonthi bcLre."al two- e s -reqnesb T to=� Qni)Ox �veg ad4 �j[ to_ Ojai 'Tray 4i 41 -tj L TIC hem. �iit $11 cop t*e b7tn- J GM ch:- -hi o.Wrio-r! &1 :136 tAll I exp in d t 1`1 1 1 1 - r TIgeS U13 _T�J� th- eXIje I ri-ij 4 haveresuhre PIrove pry Lueknow� at aent:w U NIVOUV3 u, yestor aoll. 4 V. Ir 0