Lucknow Sentinel, 1879-11-28, Page 4A T L E. Around the Wqq@rld-. A - Had' Wolf Bulluing 11111 if, 11ow- iuch for is wort Le r; tO'N' E -X TE R &� H E R. is. Pl DITTPN I X A' ­tY TWU A W —R1 I FRY f Want tu kill) hat a:1 t'.611- 05411ces I)R. POW L The nar'.b ex-le4v ,000 000 t a - .1k.,J), tilL jool, I L 0 8 T r% 0 ON A INID AFTI.R 3'CJ1NJ-AY. t Rocitledy 10 till tic, trains ujl It- ow, 000, 000, 000 Goe 00--o' O(TO LIVEK IL fli I Ell. 1,11 ax -7 ANI) SO A Silo §Rlr I27 --it r IOWB tonii. r, i v; 7 X1W. ,m - A o...0 ' G i'313A6 LA 4Su C J,H. f consulapflo Colds and Ac In., 3%. III Mattv -I,: 1 r, - vit, -;I Vt , -.58 -a. M Cf Vie fr Y. I:ES' W LINE People (if are -3' best r6tuedies er.di--*v=d for 11 ixj- (I 1. 1, II., v. in A ce,, u ombin,� the, tW4 air i* a LL refittAr Rh latis and Vitsbaset of the� 13106d, -4 V., as 1 1, I I oughs, S" to krrown =nd Illfgh- f, -the t C- ifteenses . - ­ f b A vi, en.1 It not only Le i ITIlit t contains the will cdy mstolim andacceptable to the most.del r Imud all. WaStiso d -11, irtues of Cod 14ver.(Ydrin a fOrSh that is ly esicemed ies of -13jiophosphites.-soindorpor- "zoN er of t ki addition, the ,.- k k. Ving propc�i . 11PW Oi 117!i emn cia-�3 ts molerfid ionic and u -the I 'A n 1. tv szom4b, r,;ally sEbknow1colge thev2stly bul Fhysicians�vjpvd ion I - i ` - S I w r i ril -,I i. r o i i I I VIM) S. ated ly h1a 'better tol -(i bv uz-h it, i, =,;,irtueg of rbis chin --4 -I- Cat s. 41ii the: rainedial powisi combiz-ftil food and medidahwe in. theabove4isease- Itialkiptoply, I-er Oil, and,a biiher -age -eqn t -;h, ,I , r 1n; A . to. the Of KII F wtic Cod Uir 9 3110P Irk, 9 I., id I h.morereadH3 c -.as the impaired Aultdon; 9nd IF a blood, alla�the ir a 4 5 `2 -6 00 is lar giving itrwgth and vifor to the w c . 1. h ilebodi-I --tT111um tr7them-te,zieversiparates nd purif�ingih T' 40 Irac We by all dnmai-sts ak Sz-op perboal& �Tt t 6 1-01 SPOUL ilT f10, Or 0. to 3;11 38 fT7 h &It I 1. to o. Ildv jr IS I r C 0 - . . - , NWS - .-,, , resg�ll Fit brung.1i Arrive fr L 10-17 a.t.tk7r 0 6 or JU 2q No- al their - fn -.a tj t ry an VC I i ,I a.] W11 rt- I_ . 6. I, c Qxn youare .911.) tion. 2,11 1, ct to C(I t. of tho (11 ato th-1 41) --iice -h v - - h. AYhy .4 OV 2 2rl, 7-23 [Wtkjn., buot' ltAler. Stratfor mv Fie zt- The -P UM ng- III t4o' pa;11 I: I .1 y r10 , , - tiwe *35 X CO -7-25 G -V lia I 12 a tr ick Leave 9tr. LE o U t vil 9�331 7,47 all-! it" so S volt ti0�w 1 14 41) 804 a y P e- .3 7 a b&-1 "in, �j ()4 cal: aWrl -ct� ' 6 ou - xy. -ire an ellorni Ax IN ir t I, ,f.Ac ory i;, jer st111 th A b' ro;l. i, be,. ft *kj d T 's Ia.-Irk It aten M' Ary. to th II 1 % bdm " 'R 1 io 4 .S.: t thl 1 fli. Oq 11 r L'Yo b 5tjw 1� 1will relie Y'- -ul 17 1 -7- P. �Uj'ej it' gr; t c" 114? Isiol 8; t 'it er dea Is preparedina form.��tly. agreeablelodlflrl 13 acture tha - t d. f the in its arillf If ; . 1, =14 most Sen. I ,4k 311, tive persons. 3 :1.7 5 propertiet.of the oil that produce pam an. :gnpmg Iipeasc a r f40 5 VL t isre a r, V, f. Tj I 0 g ­ . & Id :Stramv til * - NXT ad Vf clinfirlated,andi crednot dnly mild and plera laritS actionbut tyear. II;T the utilila tho gl�a-- .9 'lit P. 1`011i �')Rlfil dild kl� h, it' 'k . . - ­- * absolutely -tive -and ca-. Arr. Nonvic4 stellesiandpal: is _a got!, hv� it pre-emmen y e ". - it Leave A,-rwidh 425 all Par c kno*n, and ais a riimedy f9r e forlLhe ts or ro, -n 1 FO� sah, -all Gove ' meqt mad ble I Costlyeness;i Con-. A Itl th finigt laxa B.:NL&Pt B un 4 '29 , 5 14 Ing -De=geIjjentS-j-t jS r 4 50 6 Al 9 A e, S, stipation, and All jnteStidalL 0ji -of crude.oil lqualled* ands destined to take the,place -,lot, 41i :1 .)!a II tit prja� ctf tile Armen -fill' '6 1-� 3 9 '34 It Hawtity , t�t For; sale by 10 th t ()� - 14 j'rand an.drastic pills -and,jurgativ-erms. i1411 ar S U 6 1140 Dro�kgis% at jS con% a bdtdi6 Don't fail t9 try it. E T. T -10 6 30 & Bran(ly Crjekw -6.4S 4f 944 WI No in 650 L,9 IV 10 7:40 9 -69 0 -S A P, U .4o tU Q­LJLLU; V LeavetSimccie.. 10.33 :T4 ItGOING NORTH, bulk -A-4 0 6 Arlive Port Dover j7 00. 30 j ulf 6 48 9, L -k K E Ijilt.6 lieve a nit" rlio, bel 0 _ _ R) * - bec-n . L I 'I bd dea( Opt, f 'E $37 iLeave U.S. Jutittfon III. tl I .5. f T i, T -T -ii ! r I S 6 20 t6 si:bn. Beef by ou art 7 00 7 10* 45� P ina. wlmm ra--- Olt Ir -H E o ' ' : - - L. t� -Arn -Jy� fierv( 45 IIATI o t r t v T1 111: ft Ulome Lt s&6- ­ - . - 4 It if -).1 t 6 irsAt Britton 11 00 8 44 620 ino n kat her il4rou &, h .-Yi;l 1047 39 5 L5 -3 1031 JA th i -I usion. I. - il vielton -b 25 7 `A10 22 P, 05 4 Ivirfli. all. Bill riLer t I7. a4rafd' D4 &�'V, 3 P. oeel. alt, I- G.' . 'r T, Wolf -S- yt 'I I., .6kn,) lit -,PV-11 Vt,� "a I'I f V -SO, a 'the h t� 'E 0,6f 44 eave. 9 to . ts L III f I 9 45 310 111 .06 a'1879, t1ii-clitirch Iat YOU, L AT e Stratford 'It C t. at. l -hat titIle. I j tuckiw H in 240 t A, I2-30 G. -T, 1R. Juliet. 9 43 G A-3 wa yi. 11. re all tim' pm 9 23' 6 13 203 J M Ill to _in Ith-triking t be., publ. ie rilig tile, -h -td -thAir'Imir-tige ill 41 t 9 12 I 44 9 1#5 fil 05 1 35 OQ* 40 -110 I a V 11. 0 S n t ch 40, L 1.1t Ila ad theiii -T (14 g � r 0.1 - a he liascin h4d. CIE IIty pi,ef& t b 821 1;2 11 10 e,V ttle"'or 1, t'It-jiviii I -'SbPPO T pa t�L S DE 0 pf d, �at 1) t C1111 I -TI hia 1, a 'POSIT4VELY prevent aU Afain on fc S to. C r Y� wfien sitting or Ato X01a 'k III 2 , I I up- ie thoilo &I"', - . : - . . or buttons, �8 10 52 e,r e ry, B J"3 -!bg II rJU -'4 g5 10'3t mum NPMN- e* 0 4rrailt (I P ILI ited 7 W 744 ia till. U11 �.. $6 - -10 to- tia S h i 0 L.4 -berin P.O RIED By -7 A5 -9 ;5- 43 i1A off buttofi& IL "IFAOTtr C e :A19MAGE,& -TORON Lj Julletion 7L 29 n :W' I ci 8 b6e- AvnF,6r sale Ili 3 IC �-'j L L -I- ;.. - . - r i . . Or. j. v - , 7 9' I as ou; (y e ir on'. 33. �j 1 4 .8-09 .-,If.. " Y LOBE Leay. fF )%1WF!l3FLL.' 61' k T-h*v Z Nvaic';v- A 1 Ir4s CII 0- 'I f r EE A r, Q u[i(rar 'r'uged �gerner-,t -07 .8 W b on4lithi 'of all'kinas�f -hopes y. I Foi�ces a3v to A T 'Mf OVrMENTS IN..188.0. .1 6 v d Luml 7 OV r . * ' . ' 11 - .- '3 00 904 g Aviatrix p -,v 'kept cago. t And ha;Oing Put in aplaii I 'n bourework. M Le 7 0.0 c re Frve .1 � I eel) 7 (-0 THE BEST THE -LARGEST I THE CHEAPE @ -with We, ill he intendo k I ST. a ffil aftentiOA tO his lilev er incopner .6 Id I)r PEP f I n Vallpy i"IM. Ot ID iii,�, :on 42 7 720 ne. Ili 11011r. b� is -, I I I �i ill 11- A)k ElCA. rod -ti' -Lfj lit 0 -it a T Al. , , O `L( . -- Tic Z! -Inv, - -ave t T)orer the oweA em 7 3 it r l' -e V;11. gc� golit, - to --sage: 'by Waal- �! TIRV -8 -Pt T T-yPE-.m--1N CRE A OrD. ------ liftids. and ill1je tsold ite price -for c UBLICIATIO G suf Oder, solicited And 0 2ii of q- ES Y MD T W. Lt gy . . - . . . I y filled. e 0 Inipf ISSO, THE WEEKLY' Try I On -thq. N S U,A L -N T, bt t promptIS Shjl" _j J'ath Co5natantly -ow -3 "loss. ki?i iother of.. thwe upward strides and you vVill n I T. -.1il the marc of �nlprdyeulent that CLUBE'-will t n b%ve maln� -high poo- 'U�t, at tained it foi ly fort3i -QUs in iO -1 1ji3kno, no IS PL t 7j -A- I-1 A t1j)n as THE lk IN f AWL e V �kEW A P E.B.' J; -ht'berjn;,, 432 ' --11 j, I i - , we, uio!lt 1A,, ici these. facts. Six haln r. v fl 'h I /� . r C ))';I ' � -p T e '611tt.011i ention of b -'s kigtroiis an d 01 Sj ISH AMERICA' t eL f`1 I Vishes to,call the cat 0 necessit for gr _61 rptir - �i , The in vane y ct SOL" 0 Ill- th6 ist Ta, ou D1 v P116lic generally to teEcding neiraet 511 W4 pacli Nviek's issue, t I-tiv imblisbed-7a new editine V - - - * - - 'L. a itL 'I;L illp ii,#ed st,wk of -jo ude the Ile', S.ft s6etiolis Oj-. 3t,�S of its JJUm We bnk,.e war, w( -re. alidmeetthe �-arl erous-Irea era, :Cv ft i W, a iJ4 d T-11 -&(-,I a (Af lz- u the d Coll'SiStitlo Of :. �T 'R; ' ' 4 DR Gcp TFI 17 here 'they illstruete(I gr taitux. y h 6red exi, fen the-eIrlargernipit of . X tl 0 WaKLY GLO XM h be3roud even its present jarke Tif., if dat the OXPS of eartlelit Z I? tw a 3i the New i�e t. ore, tlld'- form- of the paper Nia -zi r I- Iu h Iiv:alj.uity, Tabpediments to jNTarX1V9C Iira nnjJT4 tj 6�1 jj �Zj-j J)T 't it i(-1 t in So -column paper s &�y. be 1 Thal e-lrr: 'Coti iiencing %vitli tbe first w6ek Inip U'lp i,4 i1iii C)Tilv SO Tj tile . - i ­ Thw-inost-reWl"111te 1.1 PI-Xvil lipt -%,Ill be clihm ad� J )Mr that of rai- -�� I 4 V: �Ijy_bji, , y rge SjLock 'to that of b- nin �papqir ;-.and the it ( 'I) nj 6 of I-ootp jti�&%Ilcl�ex of. A a olehgth of be Markind, iii It Iby nwitz I .ai t be so extended as to.. gf'Ve, in L ac S i ft. or twb av, e� the iul ibi, it imn S .AU- _. - L - -tliirt y a eet'of ne i y The vekbiz,t, -L�Z; I i - 171-(I t' CIIL 0 rl columns ond its present ' ' a I p, : .- tie 4L - niatter iii ea6h wiek's '11 I notaq %I,,[ b" )k- 3ew 0 _d N% 11 all ajjL ffien ieading or lighting the S! reet lay!) Do 6.e ii13 h I I`be tli I I f. i,thcir, in f -. - y L eI11 t _tl"e e ect. 0 'ttiiIefty oi thAi piaper the as. cickm y lx.il nis- vast W e Tie -t 'ida, t ire pace,will I oted,to.-Houseold-avol so-gieLl- 1AM Ulid e f Ito teased -, more �rwa I)p t Two ever before cc()� any'*reekly joilrnal. -1til.. .11 e In o !�,Ode J)f C o The literary 11 r Ye.rhudli iner -tlii _ iit - * . . - ' - . . -- -! 7. t ;C -Ir com ied nd interesting than *as. .9 ini!-dicire o -t I-111 eizbI bill -witb-1 ii� , 'I -th-if uLtlyin , u lViA, 1 0 Ak J 11 reset -d., * d'L - - v , , fliroagli f6m. to e f fare to be pretented weekly* T r,idical3v led for iio. lfr� t N in a pf;,i) i(.e Kinilile grieultpral Department -%vill-ba evf�ry .slifferer Ito I a pf W1 ; Llf (1e ja�e il L `fllr?1�.-Lc(, withflTee -tit.-!' -rendai6d Ili( -e el dent than. tiVer beforet. ;M, I t vbt tll-� i I � I I in-,Vy b�,-ulay care uns . . . . I - * . _I . . :.. .�- - T - , he -- - L will, i ildi tl�e gi.eal nil - Ell NoUvithst �CL enialgements -pas ecm-al. WW"Alse , LI: jpi V:,to flit al. -subscrip- ol I -11441 LU -Ikere- On --T�: t to e��6de�th If t-11 e in th man -7. Ij "tion to-Tirk- VE9 . --- ' r , - - . - e TI rr l'-tolure-i iber h E submi sent pbM --T -vv. ufo�ijm t!he VA�4,0 iA -ARS Iereby i hy 'to all partgOf Cadada.-and the "kWN U M. t . : A' T -W Q-- D 'C' re -A 7 -. � L 'KNOW) cc re, 1,.,fj.n 9L L TC i X th 1w basoPen ed a U 1;1�d $t.. tjOw Y -,o rk P le, ifivanably in golvan : 11% altir cer A I'V C�T ON z A 2 V of 06 I i -e kpp %V I edith'at tle w .-I CR 1 e I ill IIn _U, L if L Ws W1 4'erilafln It Iiii. For 4 Cc 1 lea -d up to -10 1 90 per copy. !'e Q fiVe eekly sales 'afticlen; lift Treleaven!i lipw buildifiks, WN-rei 'he Q1, ublis w. ill 11, - tr I le�, fi -20 in 1104i, . I .'� : - I 80' 11 It P: I0 ccbv -V,; Tor , -00191nission--lowest e 1 60* cT.%t d;:- I 50 JOHN- TR2LD.A-VEX. tjd LJ 4�i - -i 'b ADrfl. 1818 t .4 af- ------ nyrone at I I ilt 0! I-, 11k lberty to get up 4 clab on -his Wily W, -A �U�, _011 a�jl. X_ 6wil respon: IL i. 'i- we tach clul pap may be addressed Separa-Wy 879, -lie . r Post Offleea !or ON ti, r;)Ve*, said call and may t A . Reliable ,getting, up'clubs ill be. mp- tbe plied Nvltli� er ;r� q.,. L it llziye AND -C ALL A- M, L _T)� .. . , I;; Vt!: "X lie y .-lag ce I O' _O jjj tlIj Tili IVFF mil sent frde of p en,copies-iA theyap ill 10�t: �V. AR n apjffleati. -A %IT mo rip an U. ReInittll s U, 4� P.O. money o e bank draft, 7p Ord&rs an isak to %a Orders an rd clip T4 i ' . . ;,. . - . , -1-3 of is�,. - .k. � ! " .- I I :1 J* Di o I "IN , 4 e$t� r . . - . yid .5e rkh Wlibe: it r.,, �.ces'tci U aoi All-kidt 0 r1sk. '11. . Price q�edlettw, or by e roBs at)bur ed. *,-lit bpr of it lip-lly-kelf� io -any 1�qgt �fni jin Great -BriWii for' 20. --or. nian. ce a ii d z. ni e shMin StE iative� air elifnb,!j 0 OR PRINTING.C.OMPANY, Tigonto 'jj s ftner Ile .11.,t, ' nd n- his; iv ,tck. t S 11 3 -BOOTIN-0 ORO td' y taid. said to Ili. I, ly or --. _: i . - . . . I an� gif, I.IP-rivute r fur all 1", - : - Ai jv�ShL' a , --. SW A7J i cioni sent. in beftestilhis date Joe nd tand. the 18t *u.br re ';,-)t ' :;..,M etjjin�- ojjL I" to weep. by themselvu--4 W a. on iv It WEMMY.GME -,datj sort ert ib tFramie his stack -of Sho U. le Very C�i thies b6therpi -ine'a -lepl- ust peocraer, 4mo. -w- ir.01 U ib .1 tn._ fitli!jt A,- ks -of uou munifia-ut nie d till U ti b t n as cne -b droo.p LJJLU ��n a -tv I I- Arhur U'ruinuess, IS 11 "I tht; icrlit to' lo'lln'll. V Tftigilt. b alp n1 but 7 f cturp 31cl-hers.-o, ai.d dso -S eh� ill 0,,LC'O,jpvrr& �SIL14 ii!s-Grsiln, a vti% area Ni, P oth ol w.-hicli n .81 _ - 'Ll:..a,1ut%# ; b hal e 'D All rig Aild Sell W dbtil"ll V) the. OlrtiWillg` 11 e isewing jjr SS. CK E oi -on H `bati ati- in wish to �dri ntd w 1wellim �'f iti�s:are wari -zC1tVD%i. gr 9 I' 01 Ha -G6 F6 -G E U eyllilim 'g t ev.qry �I_ * fdl;o L --rt a* iold i A Va] bl P iV V&J. of�tbr T)ujit al" -aia I aia 'the it ill e --;Arith I iiii �P- _IcAlolld vArjt�ty' cif �W0111Cl dd 619 On CC44ftian*o-i ly thift -it N4 ,jai . Boots. mid tue Station.. Vel'y j 0'the Gre. -f� ftnifly Ne' -'& kUlt :Or ALL K 'bs, or cl WE U'�Tl& 1 T U Was. to be. free 'to all. jr It and.& fhj.�-seleetj.�n R'�bbe all P. -s aud e Meetinga, exclusivalT fo;r women are . tOM Us . . - - 4 , J�'d - : . -1 - . .. .. - - ­:.- ILL" - P pier of the Wesiti- R U-3- - C �g j. bt -we Axetli eckdriart-tv of tR*.pra-P,.% 66jly 'arid- tocketf Ii�eojile .OJIL -tile. 't itg in, i- 441i- !it BOW:332,P;,jCe5. AP A stae th-A d San Q,�ay—a r Y!� -if at elaw -he �twb j 18fj f:: key ravir, Cl, o.ut :b Itigbos' I t irt Ifs of.excellend, t tilll;-� 0 boi -tbe o illy. nr-n zk-I criit Von: WE it, 11 liv.% �,& d is w, nt' .1 4t V -AJ V give en ine 6 NUrtL 41�e eirotilat­ of the woineii `66inve A RM oW n J, P FIS Tb e e_ Wa�y tQ tr Ie at fiwors, e sciL OillCh W't toMCfS;- lW, till) to j) e ti*�l rr C'.R At grpat C 'Otr T 2 H "I ave4 of nid, _I , t - * - ses, arv, Ll Off cross the H, -m -L F eE30= A ilt., nje,, a hort eA jl�- .el I t pi tetace vorW of F21Y V -vias. latel.v I haw re�-;oive, t e tal- r. ge it caeap -at `iWat bas initbel.'it a ca� -F R as taO owii Oi- is Sea jj OL fti r -11 L"Jeribijaft Pif s- er wehi jee ll ear y. V all &), serv. WI f(Ir Mip of: r ),�FA W -P in irc $2,00. r( lit e e rices.rat :. 4 0 0 to,. 400 f tin let, I; is �on E r S IX 'F- Ar S. a t 6 th 'to sVb ibe; pet M' h cal-* . .. t ;, "* �, , r . : - jeetiir-ui tna ins t1jit av r., . r d r Tie_ T' irn e cr _1ttjo E 0 0 R 8 TO AGEIN -VS.' -alatefl; t It g, -lie i-1 vild i bqn III: :,ip., -a)?A S S 1. CF. D- CAN n 'v; of- ft.z UFrEitig ll 1).,I(j �or wind fiwored- confrived.tbat t1in Alrewly. t- 'I Ia pp,)SIli' ',I- O.. acrois. ext6r. ality. fbirl a: lnii�til spun. qh AND WEF L I1�er f thil olotS I rl 'block a strong .1j. Six xillaue 11. one The di. praipo�f when ottt 6a i'old file, iq eva Ili.; -3114 t. Ili in P e, treet, b a Oil W D We -The Gr,.t 0 mo#e _rn M"j known Avricultiirel W As W" 'b4tb . a- t Ha*elock ,fqg tires ii ye-oiall ya' 4Le hfr- ay 111-i- to�-thd top 6f my Ild. it a -me s, 'istfew �nl' S- -0 a edited Te, th alian. GovetntiletIt'r I rin Ilu ER J ts r t- l'-- and ti. best alld lest gri L hich -tw 1mg estmoxider f CO-.. -OW (O -andbarn' -t y6ar t1le co .4 Sentenced 41,555 Well, 1.0 -al el, tb.. In e, '-U Q X- tft, IJE -1 'Wilson:.' V. --S. [o ases iery. i0 eiw mon ; I d J,rx� t.rioxs�. of W11 I' and PeCjalIVL n: P M1 :'AILUR TJ�js pr6prty*-ban be had ddited, -4 I-emmued 7 )44 rhen kild. will- or - a, . e OV -Tr t Y , In ii wS Ir. P. tg. ce" Th-- c&-ta af Ackm P.2 rr, ite c Han 6 . n tli,! Ai :t FuTiNkn i% second t6' AT, -7 8'- gr & -cell RE N , pe, t1dable- wirf)nttl lr,;;:,;) per AnnL;m -.the Bloota edt nit viifll ilite-111 io, ill, was- called, T: , I Vie V !a rhe Pills Pwrify h a of -the liver L -St6ntao 30dneya a C.)U A-, U.% L -free ti) oe01, he I t� e arra.cir MVIV ev.e�y uft, "rib r foi­ I -R,80 Awl llowels, wid are e Nvi 0, for trial IYOU b 4' th 7 -co-3.P ac e of M _5 G CN* TZ. D -6 --TM js t 14'emlliles rtqo int�oduced evide th at 'the Se "Btl� bitch:- in nry . e ot: tbi:;, the 'rte "of siib. Tb6 dintuient iSL the y"re NOTK- 'I A Ptl pr;so,Tler AS U lIhe w'an com- Bad'l,,,egs, Old U ra howe nding. Fo- 0138 v biulding, on R ILI O- Gbli r, IV lireuililf1l'. -NV 6 - ' r.' ro - 6 r ­ ver long sta D Ila Sweeity xi -ha bad pixies-,' he went, .zlin Is T TIT oun4s So Ce kP t _Of :L�aS WL C em t icm-se ite t t de� in, Flo tha- the ft e r v th eriu. 6ughs Colds. G6ut Rh d 'IT er to,� a.n all Skin Disease BE -tim& :to a �eith -A t l�stor' nied 1ve; f !a it is no 411er�%x -fo, -rti-b -a s T of Streef� e Ii and Va Tniniths s el TA bi a I lrea t suffered fi U N3 I o�� Reut has glv�p. 'It it n n 'It L- wen I - i tit lid',ir ILI lr-clv RY,-. t -g eizbeption- I -ts ar- q 'VIVO -me' . S ',D offe L 17 A PB; ST. rTION I no f b' I ING O' Ly AM: Rj C i -in! r. � I . r NE of t.1 I t� I iz,; 1:0 centi e W GOODS LL DES n 7 - - , I V A� -o tIL I V. I ib e r. i ie f , - I . i Seso-f. IVA rT in almost evei y r0l"Itollerous feln,,&i I-r' t AA L -NTI --T or p. ;Sampl -'k e Pei tfUlly lei%V6 to eel I ill e -vit�. )1110� -Th,& "Tall 1,411 P& r,711 Vie -tarn n. 6 PubliCrgeneralht-cifo the -ag L - now,pr'qPP - a es ag Spa� &edfok di 'InOst res 'b edt tb e - vil I ' age iieb )e, Houses in v� - i)e 1 AD 211 ili 7 V AM E to uxaw.rparts Of the globe SP71"Rious -it -now'. no that celian York are ki _ : A .- .. .. Lr L L L . -0 or. is _ e 1 h a 0., T o Th C;.)nrt -noi ed f ritrili�;ti - r( . �. .1 . 1, ­ . - .1 -in. 'y fention -of the I&j�j'j'+' a I'O. pop wants 6t TAT16XSrof MY Fillsnd uhipuvnz. b�j 1,,:,r,'s"qp Ty -1 ' r '-fo regit 110 lone rid tho ltl� 'ki 1D m C thef �'xro L) w ad 1;tox di fra-lufs bear vh the! XT f es New York. dS o'bilil ng N 0 0 DO' kDVERTP,gIj OF.FI f ..ell 1 , . . . i , _ 3 _. , -... . - - . - U U r Idbels s(� of. h eat 6 dm. nw PY . e cl: lees' V di -fiVS 10 be 46 N o..' ther-3 is -OtTvn�r 11mve ill e tj.,: asou: pr -an e..e. I do noi -0 -feiturned. froin Lei' aver.� tba:t -it wa-, e abl 6, n d -lot., or ihance can n be e. My Medici I W StTeLet. .0 ito t :13EST M-- EA SUM 11A. 0 -TI A 71?,ricCs.never 113, I hh �% SUPPLY- IN -TOWN -e. -1:10 L - ' vpiied 0 at Va E 11 iql� . - rt offlie, 'Umited Stale�. -1 have eitte4 ly Valthar. it, r efor Of Gae� what Agentster T� THE f3ov F !-)33, Oxford a '*0, � -tions if, Out is Ill in tb P, book" of direc 01 1� ULPl, & RETAIL. in 4�bat B V.O! rj611' 1�.tjte iga Caut by %V11 ly-p�rforwel The uiaii seemed qtihqr tit T. -E LIL. E I -Q.t -all-edL it ft)r- t1lb -- z:) '­ - * . ­ . , . . : - j _ L . _ . .0 ., 'Ib -i - shfi el d*,, n nLt be - "'A LU E -it. so lo :01lie, ion$ wan;Rg' the �.Pnbh ronctie-lovin CY X1iC111eIi7,- -lie V by �cuijnterfelt D 11rid tb In, re �Nvi rih that E X0 ruk bo i Iell Okil-fa in A-— nii-ledli b1s:a f"t gentlaman *41-yg el retefore 90 W Tfeits thell pretmd to 'ith-16T96 improvements. -T�e ' coiinterf6itf�.aie'puttlp-f;ed by unprifti- IN th� ropailL but wha-nd,med 'ft the 116 Continued ou el:� dai k -nic;ht I TTL,�w�, 1 i(I �UASJI :C.0 -T tj ­­ CF' j S 007 H illy fis'l e.. IVendoriat ne "If nlT te ri,-al compoer - -briA10 Apa..I� around In E�RSr ill t A Y AZTr -half the pri a-udi�e sold -to -von M tq3r t'P. - ut) te fireese o&SY a.1-30- at a or' -Prl and�Ointlpent,z -�E: ,(iiiopm -0 AMT MXTURES �n liiy which the deaf may. hPai. IAea felle slFe of I int -14 earnestlY aPPeR7 to 00 L Ari n JA r Nrh. a n tLh� -Voan 'S S�T. lI 411re I IPAN ?Ven PoAk ing ul A b er 46f SOS --re hieb 1fee rn* te I'-Dwelb H U al Y,*" CLA tligt the first man to - a�e; tile' fan-sha' i ell ries" flimugh. this, mediu- n of the teeth,, Sys -c _. eeFIR YaT SATISFACTION Po ?�rL I b jee� _ill te room iT AND r ubl1c,'88far�"WaV1iT41i+,T W. out to the to-eth as: of An ip t C We', bp'pt brands for suffic er. ravd.' A I i3hamef; le�r pirpo-ws hand-. ot - moo- F ach Prt a etera offitnr of tba -Mica.- -Va lit aIIE 1pff, -Med;' Q s it im-.rl,- I-ith a. alwap. ion T n, Box zf th q F3 I at ratCC k -.,L Uire, I e. f, e RhoiTP3, on th". -t a buld, 6F, aAd'L E E Jete 'r 'L - ' E of' Luckilow Ali.- 4-2-2. 294.3-rr.L' anv 'And anja' 416-1 upon Illin &f Vj 611- tile -house' antl I"� -(.arriec. - o�ff- th.,�- e _ k , 'TEA al(j. . .' .NJ I T hat q Waree(j hitil eie� were inch bGw!6. knife, an.d� �,Y-;R tnk�s All t .0 Vt A A Stoffl.p. With t Special dea t;i- deale brii L Tu'is, Aro olft- F. jools *e, k'n g ou ,61 14 tb e A4d M. a9f tj Mmi ruired. L �W ire A nin person what it W 1*4 a no Pills art? 1�oi M 6t 0 ev U t r U n 110, M Ofth It sw Islatea EM I23M gym ATAU OIL DDRESIFF Ot -60 lie "Vhatr do.' ou m'i?, a- v c r, o"I Utt T- e T,Acioep are d len� 't t -0111"fp iffe carried it 0 Gitlilornia LucknqV in -0 2 01 ' . r . usinor it as a f gnd� bj nor quit fo*'take- it.-Icir .2 'j &T to. intro( uce the VICTO I nut t1leS affija6 Dec. Ta 119i- A '! -w -BUTTER 01 4 I , , xvi 'WORKER Sanip 6 niachill e f 'ELWOFF CE T qrey-'koa�. -lit the ne powde SENTIN It !Ml� Wheart Ifaija oP1 IOU to 'R an. IP, be 'Joe R, it 533, 10' ;TR, 96. and 88 iiach. F0 on 0 e"I. L b�. WVr=YA?4GF- 2 871. th !Ie L wb Iqb 1: 'y ()t& '49141a b t&)T12W eL I 1$7. L ft