Lucknow Sentinel, 1879-07-11, Page 4lie ITIRE TABLE Ith ­nt lip Warld Wide. Nes. tw-e-n her Royal Prince yllith I,]I' ibat crack' The Ziflu Waro' lormatioji, T d if they had'nt biptf3r- of -PilliCte, W ld e.-roa . - of tJi n Nri a the ily 111ty iii -P pive leal L S N AN 1) AFTER AICNPAY 13th o ?ria. 110 sbory n A hey hisse,11 and At tho folI'nf 1ho I of 1 -Illy I --,,Pent, bevowl is tmizis will Irave Luj: avil IThe li e- -1 L iow:- Up to NTLY 20 L.rtl ChtIns, 3 hli� D goon G i goes that the tire ill Itle lid wade the iiien unip, oat 2,186 ien in actiou all(] 8G by -dis* e - 1'rinice Leo� for Crt wo . saw oil 111(lZU11 y PUFZ,7 14� IVER 0 ING N Ifact fliat GOING SOUTH, J-10 opam. -n(3 by ie. sk 41 is ae ng the ­.)alt of friefill 0, ive the sarrutind- ly,iii: NDS'ODA- I . I r -left fi:baf, nsing --%be An Ithaca Y.)Po�r "Master went ut (spays tw -r� qfientl bve to 1-,attle, Oil 0 -LINE A ]Mixtd, i2 40, p.gui, pi eN- r nypo HOSPH'r(TE pltl y . 1-1 4 wi; r t p- -1 fi ve, �,-p isolate -I an umption, Colds and p , ing country th.) ste.. er discoverei In. ACA'N DI., 4X"t eoire.,I-oii lerit of tile, 12-i'de I for Cons' I bet f to a circus the othr day, ntl folln, Iritl 3 OS on p-Irts of body This preparad n combines the two I t remedie d Diseasew ofthe Blood. �Genvrftl�Dvw 01V at art an 4.20.1).ut. Acet U.., e Z'lnliilI�s were supported'Ity is- a: Clitroule cou las"Serotulaq R -well known and high- I r, th,lr crant OT ay contains th6 I i plec) it iA lLill ^I ELSting Dises ra he Na -bil a. Itnoton for Walkertcrit 1Iy v the tal Gar, and. I 'j)rm that is p rfeetly tasteless and;tcCaptaWc to the most delicate ly tlj,.e towu -.,L:kets for the show. r of Cod Liver Oil in a, so incorpor- e 4' eoe% rectil it fo tO vi:"it unles the tIfe of', tou - ot cloij4, r.-u,;ly t$ properties of the llypophosphites, AA8 a, In. train frpm Lucknow, v:zu TCtLl It 1110 t but' itioulthewonderfiffi �ic.and ­ tg universally acknowledge the --T ante day, havig neNrh, izix h(.wA, un4 --a L- all -fit royi st I- Physiciar ell reuare�l till i powppiof botb arw el , U� At a rf-ee tI - banquet at Ct pen of Pactvlu,­,, Di voll. fi ht. crest '11-e GLI U lie -8 did the s.rfli - by ated t e r :0d e x IR fh� Above dL rilli. qw- SKU3 View t dicme in seases. It is not only better tolerate v $1 )ul -tie had there r virtuI -a better agent inenrick4g tti6 s,mestq Wei6. servo with hock the is poor, cr 14 iny &.lco jntIlirs a.. Stem It Cod Liver ou,ana niaac.at 1�ast to. cotov�al -,p 17 assimuatqcx by ther y him lain ig -tlieimpaired functions and. ana lviivb�., at 4:LB Jima, of a, coacil. Oil the lower- neck- but ni"Ell. more r i ion ofthe at and restoril 'm irri t &vigor t&,thewhdle bo Y. It is- `pq ?n ?I .. - -I(ri , 11-leut. -.*. I not With .er -f Elie �i, kept, ill the my -I- it Sn 8-antl wil't allitilal it ar t -) I - -bu-' . . lood, aftAg we t�nd palatable to the tastenev separatm-cieposim- faTe 4,0 Anrle -41!4 al, CL tbi q 1russian -Wh to bo lies of the wh� and P= df the high.grallfid. ()'n' 'ifiq right ivere For tale by fill drugiAts at bottle- .-han the nev WPIAV�f 6nd vsk for Svott')N 4`02#Xua* 'lice -vi, III Sky line I Salary of t t 0"4 th it spf-cial wiial, is. on! v dria A a�t ouri -C y a :�table Ali, I - j h el so' W e Ile 16, t -iilittvacll 0 bettig so ter ty M thlitseveral Itillip., ul dulkle" in b I rdly ht-ep, 3 v6un-­ irl )oil. waigob7, of tlw� des 7,1�4 , � -- . , - Ico -er s s q n-andu -No Zulus id a of Ril., h A -i bo ad troyd u ITI e 0 lull O him.. C-Ither 8 emly wish IroLped into .erow ths rly St;r6ke 0 POUCY. t--io all -P.31 8 40 120I -rj (lot belheVed he wiU Tdo tie, thing 0 e the hart- So Io -is (AV ay -tr 'J 40. 1 67: 43 ',sell ii --b el -- 'th - 7 t by 11 rq�e tBLE i.cullir., ou� -jf*tII0--�,,luini �Iasiid 0 a th lt�; 15 -25 y e I i y - fo - a I to orll� 411, gn Xrr ti IrIf Iloo 3 00! .,PA Alilvertol. 2710 45-, to tv patent ale-daille Inot 1, �lv f phl veS -atf, P�ojleletor- ut U ein tL 12 �5 -3;4 t I- h- 1, a I irj�re is amakher' r -ICIIII -O it ji:dft t1lt 1200 paren d ei 1 leilts f �q I -11 3 4V t 0 qe. -ell, gr,. t of tho alailio la Arrve %Voodiitock .1 40 SZO Ti j U n sri,T6 of the' sta I0 re -,I, in I0-- h is prepared !a -o form perfc�Lfy ajr�� Nvo -2 60 445 t is Is' merel y (.jojvn i I" I t fid 1-th it the'ce 'and'mostsengitive Persoili;- In its -manufacture .thr­ -340 lit alm tli`6: jittle 'ie t1w, 0-C her 1(-r I 's'l ' 'I - t t 615 4,. flin a IQ, . I C!, pain �uld griping Are - iv; t prodifte prolierties of -the oil t1i -:,rwi�h - . , --'-I 39 937 rapt Pr's w le, that a W i (I --bod fe',, jymildandpleasf t or� to �Vl I, 611-1 A- --�,a fl io ed v-, eliminated,modit is rendered noVon l-Iviintr tille .jttery 11D GO -md,ca- 6 00! 1,023 oty't;f bk- I It -is �ke-tn a -en canteritig, j�jjr the litt:16. ant -in its actioH but -c -Pa j- wxi, an, t! t the, creA -6 -19 41j iiu�ntly lbe fulest.1axative, ille -445 5 391 11 tjjj� Coll- ope tb he lcude I t u a. as a rer�iedY for z t florr C t1l thartic kno angementsit'is -unC- ,t P� itiption affil'all Intestin 've F I1.0 2 40 :L 7, A t,f 11 y NA, I thk 114 tiv tLualled and is destinenjo akc ILI- KG b it Ow Anti purgkth saleby,iatl, 1GOI, A, IL .r. L llis.Eellt,lin- t1l ife le, Al-ib.t (I V plate of crude oil Arn Nat Dovqr" 5 �1 0; ione of .,P, hu y s ly,.:P.O. I pone fImnybt nd -,bootl -,,,s i, t .10. .8 �300 A _ress. For tie .pol alit 4 ­nooi Aiew' but and alf drasiic I -to try it IIlk), t T)over Dru$��tsAt25 C is. a bottle. DCAA I0 CA fail ero;(xijt till o4ily a - r I" use COO .00 IIIt 0 - -, I r', L- 1'11, I I - - . iered. I Z a I iiQ .."V 0 whic abd gstl h 42 - -21) �d tlj i d e ty ls�stw' xv I th. efli lv',bt . 1. ei -54 10 11. 40 lti�aiisedliiin- to e I1ii. �neqli 0 la t1 'p- Very -the You" Me' S W, .4 19i 3155 ill I I In THT ER IYarigl P oin weiKii pp in _j jr t1W. 01!0. Mn 531 I -tov ive's Wif ed r6ti g first C�iIvi( 4' 45 32SO -d HE Iai in t aes. �wyot i, ill(Irr 1W. Arn.ZN� liodrd;ock 8 0 C I e6il ;x in* t _I y hzm tten to thll7oqul he 835 br Ilginc., -'C It IV9 '. . - a t'ir'dwo ve (if DIV ------- T 9 14 I. to -e A Zii: t t 40 -7 -0 -to: I'-Arr* ve'StratfolId N set Ky COT I S. -O 7 419 I-525, fir- tt: 11 g dj)WII to r:tCIjjrjjk." i t %VIL a 0 Uq ravi ll� u of r to luo ­tlle'. r ola ba ch p I� ac�jfie to the. 15i 31 t ..t so Wa It �T 7L 1,1.0 .0i lial .'V - . - I. I -th it 11� - ) I- 0 , -:. � I . . 11)39 827� 5. 45� 01' ADISA J( 11 A -6 Y as the r I I' Ilien I id Iar Id- lice 0 it, an - al)(Jilt tile.. tb e �r u to Own — . I, _I , - . -b,- MIN; derifi II- I ko MINI If$ -Y 'k z 6:11 d 'or tlk�:dvaih Tt -so u r -4 1: to tl;t; etlt -yo off t I & t-11 iel, tdU -y c Ian ftoill _e P t C: -V IcK f TI-.- All- -'t t 'I �,i the 114 a'At 1p-ry- 4,40w, ook. -j)ae -s of aG-- ii�li. flit -I V.ql iuere ioli t't IPie es- T B 9xibnriber. in. 111, Sin �4 FOR ALL -Sp fil froin ahu 0 t y 0 C 11-bere Itea. to, Sit ieal:d J, 'Ice. -iklellec% s- - - - 1. ..., - - - . . . r . . , . . r . . I - 4- . . -ess, the frotil T renliud thvul tbuI �orbeitr to PEG iorffi Al 'IV "llow - 0 Ii es ld,., it �R Ir1 of a. as oli h 4 he b nd C deScribc f1i 'fi e f l-,ol er'e f rOni, Alh 11. E Ury I lazy r. -ell Ik *.?g a�cash th, In tl�w by rai ix 9 -0 W -AsI ivitend df i S.. (foil a c erotl. n, t In &aWej(,d. dle aoe.­� -- - I u eit Prices (y o U (krO: SCIVIPet iug lxt the f 0 t)l Lt .61, r, -h: in. Calling the -ttelitioli f 111 �w eK -4e I-alkilown, t- .) - to sIj 'I "itei ilit yq - on ;b f3rvI24 i s af d- - miJ k. - rp o my stfirL (if IIC-,- Fe b.ot e-5 1--IIFJLU CIL I Lia L tif IJ'ucktoxyAnd pyrrou dint�, o V.L Inod* Iff P lie ..9 t -A- rlade to- UL -i -1 ti lititon. T is Will [it fl iRe 0 an liji, t h t J,) i e 11' tq- 0. thi Voor i' -1 Q C 6, d co fmon collj)� ;n er� Lil Ifor t all W of -1�, Vid le iviit to jer,.t tat Wj)'y Vil.) .tn(� IIflion Pat fn th Lil in every C, 0,: 0 T y !It bou lie C )11.r tor t . . P I LI- iri- on babd I Tliove.on hand, -4,md T! altew , any ts r th- ni II cr in- toillection witb it Iof S de alid Lared Grix� -the X, y u ti tolicn. j !11.1. s 1) 'I q fipaL I tion to tBy Men�4 13ii"ck Ifel:e- el'S .111VII I': 'i -tiy IT*. 7LI j j. lot of t ha BdPlow Duotsi W.1 Ati V( y h0 II0 IjV0 !I-, "AFRAIT FE Itu t - f()jjrLlI. t -was I'll -S ,WI Q I -V - t .. mow, Afrc� 27, 187- FellriAlin of The 'it.] blof)(1, a A T tr for li I proill lif it)t �it of tj�q z", - t t(r lie I I " , 11,1 - bo W r e- tile LaC11 s fl, V ., --: a M be J with T lxe� to, day 8he Ili, 'l -C. -xx- kn(jtg in i " it e ge I W - j.11 I fi) a lio kv 1)attle fougt there thei )eell T �%,t like, 0 ibi, pit i diih 1619r. WljerX t"a r mrthre 01i tll;s piet e i lit C M A 1KNIk 0 T lo, thei 6 wi - F4 : -- 6HO EM- Wratiggel. as a�h, ut� 4 v Amn I;) 0 f. I; --Iii t1d grot ps In the Nwe. I Ps- under W 0. Mi. Iot U qr j ff, ilre 0 f A to a, orie - -rs by- the Ifavc 11 ivi, If0 (I.e rIIon IIY' -a,, %.TX 0 talier get fim e rae .. - . i it , - _: r _,. � ­ - . . I . - V t. I � k tt., p. -cI i UM I 1 4o fant'stild ai �1 die I Call 0 9:q'i �i nii- be' l6tto sed teir' IN H J, Ia IPubil varied aff bhu hi j! t -C, all the qtte hs -keq to n' -�51!,Paet Ir 1. S :CO Wl IG' 116 layin betl -sli. ibly fold' holne; t Itb ul T PuMd hin it ot be (I 113 rg ;aj illt6, ino v ILI )IIIIg C�11 A: of I- :A!3, "i -B hbit- a 11 q I 1 'ey jers' Fj v, !I IDO1-- t a�il plit --mit- Off the 'uity fiutur On V0 11-061 LaLliek oil lv� 110 t$ t IOV I III to rier. Am V r ti Ito nn 0 e. lett-or L 1! 11116 'I Wr 7 0 OF kindg. tt in 'a very ever a- Co. -Or th I 71,114� , I - t So Idift- of W1 'the. (1ying W 10 ast qtticldv as It I v I t -.a 8 a li�ige lier nh e W n' er o modern'Tiline, V f 0 ES 81 olle ...10.. t I ]Ek rrre- Hiatt' bi . . - - t 11-11 ? a -),Ver - , I C or Ui . ( I ­ . I I " . , , f r t" ­ - r - , A ID. sat- riiII -,, �x- a., I � I 'tro C - Tr L tj - 11 ng 4 ' ' I .11, ti w J. out 'a. .4� nly ire pumb t ( I . r - - heir o'd­o ti; d, V rice Gi whe b2atj r t t Ibut it takegi 'It %t Uldkl 113,occur in.* J�Wilt Tile -e-,W u; Of few 13.0: alit ve.� ieen tIdivs t�hna L 1=0 ljlj�� t11 I)artae wn4i ha. -e not Th a t[Ill iL w6rk "lie prk y wi, gre I Ivn( II1146 Pill 11N, the (if F, --;1'y J;. ft11­ - 1i V, t?-, tu ti ei 1, t t have ft -wer e t I I i Ifjews- t b I lqor to IL �r t -1 t 1`1 f r _ o' ri Itit. V. fir[) If �k I ftto ,I, I , ft.L �y 414 01 I Ilit, III I Ito l I ell q LIT -11 ljo ItIsaI'r W illiW -hv�tn ..out 1 QAS, t al. er- -0, . I4 chilf -tot. ap Iy Id ',I d AN- c I--,- I -k t I1,;, .V f1 rL Ilas b, ar I(3 t !11 It Ty, ce thb - tie itly (if j !Lt. for ete fi nler.- Ithe pr CIT 1�61;-ee iifjt I i iro fill I C;f NA ;16�iol"t. t lic f,. , I AIS I -07i, I E. Th th L. .t);COD L te 'it IL�e 111ij van ly 'i,) tile fl, t, I A-: I : n 1 r1le t1le . - I . ., C ONIEf It 11A tand 7, Cl*a-vt) t t I t" 1 r IitI'111, K11,9 er a Ifto 0 V Still_ : ItI d ded P, eAv b o' er a 0o 'jq a itio- None -zxyr, oxs to turU fill all pvruvted t oll W I III . d t 8� jloOj 0 y fl ;. t, I 0 . I tha. Many NM t t4 . I - - . - . �Q �. 14 4. - ; gaipin;z in, cannot t1je, -1 I I -. , - . I v ns11V;,Ve- f d tile Pilup: e,; no t .) : I .. , - , " k. . . of -iil 0 CIn e entire satisfaction. ST T t vL(j, f ori etten, -.111 V- I I'Lle 28- I0111Y n Wk 0 IIW Iit6 iY T H R E r ull -Ile fl i, k I'd, lli8� j n -e I. rG WAS T Cr U js d-ity �uea N I .- i trect. LoTidol O'V C f ar-', 111,A]CO Ie. of -CIZ 6, 11; 0 411, piety- and ea 11 I - . . - f -: - t'n lw)uk� of to, U;" R fl. T It en !I e, t 0 Ok li,-�, "a r . r :-, - , I I ..: " . - . . .. . . "Ter Me Illp id. lool 0, :siiah:6'at b gre?,tt Zeal, vej 5 -be er s 4 ut trick. n -pro 11 t _tfjo_A. tt t 10 _i8t - -1 ZalIM- re ia Pt 11, t . eubrii 1; kil 11' hsof IOf� 8110* s, - rout- 2t Tbe frp t) e b, 1, le sfi e: ete or Ic -attlitelie-ti. V -1 SO1110 IS 71 lu- Iell �)j e AND NOV. IIV ell fitfle f Y Ifwh tile his 1 'LA., f Iof 116' I sere r' l ti out di(T �116t T -h4 foatki-A ot 'te'evInIng -,Lt ;r- It W:. - ' , C's filg* 1� hil fj"aifj ll, -,V O 1) h reel 6f; It ritc Was L 11 o_%V- ITia(le ur -p El AT to i to Ion" cote; s o re t le Z, good im Y. gy venture ijb i u ftr: it Ivan t Iim:A I Ilife-blood of "' tf �l tlf td ast grace tien. ac�. istri. ,ee, far -ore on anki , reli Jer whidt t ipe, Price fall] I.,]' rai lie i ii, thLit. 1) . - - ,- ; . � I n r.t. : spe ild 8 oll in -qcll, P, t; :1 reL pron yluskii 11 OrTO W b E fo u 1-1) to b6 Re r t ess i16 by- PI %-\711 iO J weali Ihe wo,rds II'J�,ft'lmlyried. A .,y al.til- - - t '. . . - . . 'is b,ei S in iliat *tml of tV X%7 ,p, fL S to the h643 Silo IWith a Yho nd t L n rill t I � - ts to ar - - 4k , ass �vjjcjl Ii: �� I il;) , -1 tI I yit , .jt I., Al o ifCSN Iin, �on Epileps gint! ipeditner IZ? -W al lit 6!t nele c), I. I To ecoiio III i cal ye Pill t� O �or ittg W y 14 .1 nd PbiWciro tbat-rd I -IN' t tosF th to Lfch, 'is as as ion -able: FIEL D. R0I3F'RT.,,T. Al---LTLVERXV- r wi a t I eV It Ieit. Ve X6w- and 0 I0 (T y j$- w li'te - �t)r oil fliefarint-` ' ' - r, s f IT( JJ�S V -i f t� I . fL plett.1ij - . .. C � g y 'tf-y It I .890 4(04r, 0 Glsffl`Gy� ai -,11 :-%11%rj,4 Qf tjj�s.e tbor of the "Greon Bo it, a lirlidi ire, lie- -,vr.r!d renf)%% Bed autbor. in'this sid TYe 61 . It ife .4ble Lectilre. protts-frm hig -n )a e sorne- J�i'j - L L . . L " r. � ., - ­ Str 'p- - wh;) 0etered in Ottawa: up to 'flie 10fie Jn, aj 1L . 11 Ilse, I Oka. I'infa the Inc a r ing to rs V A pZriei��e that; efT'11_ 'T ladies. 4) 'M - t 11 SO . H : 1i c k e I will I L I'edicinej -and without aligeroij v ted. jOUL of The d _116j, tile L n,4 I 'TU7V -1 , , . . Is* t' be, effectliallk reftumed witp . 1. - . Lrp N w �hto the, ronta�vIJ 'fa -;I ; -- * . r - V lskirts'th III4r,� lfft--d 8 4�.�rh.- it I to r Theie hi 6 11lat IfL is ell n tPointing 0111 �ihe niodti once ­cp -11 JyiltIl Inc-( coi y e 11 el* e Iactiong Ck 11t. IL L Ic' [ -ill ­ 1� -0 ta Y ej 'I) 11.1 Sevell suffe-nirmom �za be, wayetilre hi i in .,wit �1011_ Ir cilleri, , g -1, 'V� *b v( -c 11 11 .) dies. d- its 1 ' 1 -tiIi ' h H� of her ttir'l lz'v 1. 11� (jvc.r 8 It e ter NAint his-conditioA ig ill t1.1 -b� tl to back' WE( .3 is nr IIa�re self 'pl ILavi . - _ r you: II -.ture f re cb-xrorf- sil i, L flat itivm� and g;Ij�.;iril' -I -flt T -HE WQRW3` IALM twou to, tho U r antri or n0de:, -o ir NK - I I - 1jiji" 1" - % ' I 7, -�4� rili, s retoti- IIjope, to S kral g,jX,ei Jr. . e i, *�-`a,ve-]�-,zk; If U _OtIlrej tIlo!ze: �ier fhiijil�y tt t t Afric.- fteen rii'L tie of :(-'b Lte, prt If tv po t The, t 1�;-) I widclIy,- wid jj7j�jjj It. -rjs�n in the W ye,. avelle; d drL on rceipt of six, h d A I's al,e orn )y, very 13,11 0 all d -i't i Post Offlee. iloy* .95 tl? 6L 'C'UT !,RWF AT F relico e refe tjI -for p I I I o.w. --a tt u i I A .1; t. - ix c Y­ork!�- 0 el'ej�j .T1 -fiv _0, 1(,tL sj7 jr,]"" not easil�r earn e(linthese tiln essi P. to the �P.111)11c. LT 71V I:8 0. can W, iftadeinthr it'll are tby any one of e XII 01( ze - vit, It a I 1 n - r )11( q Crilee D XV6 butit 7 I . 3 Me s6ld bV 4ill co'. illy Ipart 6� in the, "' -i(I iii P�olila"A Park, nd hi�. b6d It r er (Joe I -worlx N feadir t t ent, G to xre V ar-ely att, ' y -was on :tt ri. aud �y u 16viiient t�!& uruii:h. e ar. L( per week in your owh t w )jj ril . f '11� th V T, - V '11-1 - - . _1, L I III . ' - - dbdsses, -. L - tbe rgoiiie tofm Aeed mot be away froiri hiine over pr hil IT il,awn ove X CAL 6 of Sl i r v, It W It tl:;C.r (3 1 III 9" 6 AA2111eg ff jy(j & In 8 Grow.: Ilow, z a staff I ly.4, to. a P f,�­ j bri6c eire v vi li pi 11 T -0 lie .1r. .1�! low cl.'Y Y. N, ' 'I, - . --p - --remi-ove TA nou can giVeT Your NO hiai� in n ill uole 14e to the -11, See nI;LOTCRPR, YIY Yr ipare lm(inxent',3, le 0114; 4; S. n tj ct of tb I , A to, Tliti nut. II1-�, PI C, 114 b A I�r44 dda o- and-piretty elrown,Ef - mr Mikelponey last. -C) -- I . 1. - . , * ' - P lso I I IS to ti with( 6, face. e la.1 er- �Cov-erl th Y� v�r -820 per Any.' A-11 who� ItL tj �Ijj Th L4 e t t -ft�'. I , size of a t4iir e qton&recoor _U Aq eats US0*1 �II4� pif ja brald heiat q r 1i I whent thiie jn"lr13rLey-Cj%n)l1rt - ; enes. , .. , .; -If 8s, 'COB t Of,[ bo,ly. aiess. inclo-Ing �f;'RMP _RV lit %Be", dine -& C is -to I4MI yi Pei and i (I e nj urtheib _10 it y 20 At, u -St. N,- 7 - T�� " , I. - . - . ; n xy t6.- buidt, Arees.. d dr1i Irus-o' P43 liare flia , Vek ftva,-e 'was. ALIJO Joe rti 11,310 )PI 6 L knife with n nt ii e. lost ten 'b. . i t lie ill - littl pot Ai allotlier 'I- ' OT( - r . 1. r (,:fi n (re s violet8.,"eartifi, forn in _y trqi- Oh the hil t Lil' re (jt. je 111g. Iilk elt ow. Doi li, Toll -- - arCal -,r ieetr- On it in eket, whi 1i To I w e P Ismal- finit-to and VI( 'S"roro in her in it on . D d - -liat d T bavibg npe �u t] it ran for t lie 'IT) e. to Jerusaldw d onA lie at varMizer, pver 0 er ieed; A peraiin In -ever atmis.'anxitins-i ake a Tiown t Ic, 4,000 n ut inet, 1 -it fI01 wl,l-( -eve T(I all town to tSke.sUb8erjpTj0'ASOr had foug it it out rour Id t1joir . - bee Xthe larze wrote c0li-, th -1 . , , " ` r sfell6w-:iufferers the-ijae-an -of Cu 'ji 't - ol %fr. Cle (I it, t itj tymor eigql)t� j ha i, t a!Nv Len ch to hiM all bT' utilfor vred-of that dread disease Su The pud:e ra, Wa a coruer, I"fada. 'Swetchine - -has- joev Itree 'in 'ada. 0111tj -S A t f&Ijjj-tIS. p to Ii ll,fil'IITC Of ja C;t Solt eell.11S.6,1 t arld NV y ea A -lie fkt in the,wall, y bub zo rf e 0. lave -all, -'been y6i *ho desire lij he'will send a pov, (z tht� h 4*4 best Illief. 6 ib e- 9 r4pnon used,-(fr�e.ot,cbic b h rj, n. OL.Jej Y. .3y 6 Any oneftu becople a t arin.- an usin t wtiVId be oj�jy to, gl�al -i kltO'," ead i t 'I this t oni for lir6i V4en fre. "toLkU'b$Crj- 41 ad, C6 cle-avt worys; of art (I,.- q. at the covere(IL b his ql.jie- sure cure t ey*ill tind e. - - . . I - 3AT-. INS I-)ef s, ;Re is til"w I Ii t 46eiy-body -Cliarlie is sata in 111� Bm%ida isl:A' Z' ciur dear '-But if yatt N". 11 -a. VAL .(tWe- -1 Partie4 Ceti, sTiMX, Bno-NbIll-Tis PA'L'AT Idi c4bes. Ono agent t A -Ad hilli 41ill" --T bs tfi _P re"Frts zukmpp, oer" I thlai tq. OF Awn,. f -M eA, . A-( As- TI 0 ine., nv1fVfabtur6d-- r)O III a- �vbek, lady A c -lit fewrtis 14kiog- y ley Z'o u ril ret� hy ffic-df i"s 49, P -P �ffa 'th 6, other t I'd of leqjjjt,_ IVIL)6_ n e.- n i one h ay -about b wa V I tr E, -A;. WILS in a rin r Alli& III hileg at.6,1 Cil er� -bb .,Of -tb ojj�at_ IP-uiiii Pock bai d t 1, p i f X, Y. - Ila into, a 'r aN �i4ineers,'-riddl, I b WN -P, is.( be f 7Y.ou paA evote sill od :what I . . c-� 'Ao f -74iiii-t6imot iliebusiness,Le aii e( T T 7 sbit i ar. U'reh. IN Wre d id 0 'ron nai-'s iive. the x6o 11- has aljjjg;�� (if �Jooj Ij YO13Y A1011bro- "'u"i's wiLlj- :su ch nIP111111PS8. Ma -ba. &rniicus e(l e I* t eM 'It OIL 'a easily-ideuti 0 cobirade and All -rec igbt, Yow-call do it As.NvfIj agy, nit I W. Ia. niost dete8table- o III he� t Aiii J_11 JILL I o . u PLAN AND -and teru,4fr I LE litt d fil d b�7 z6hy; a Ie er. tba rn gee� 1.)l y �enmh p16 tile e .04 a P, .9f th qui-eldy a ..by 4 �siml you II a bai 0iii. world- M-. A S;)othing Oalftr profitlible -work �djd jis your adilras at". lt,c�eists r1jIling.to -the Iltirilm N4, tow .bem- re. h li - t&kfl it, -as cheerfWly as f Want and ie -d -li t d -r� thr-oum"11 t1je st-are for o a rL. Li aj riant 9,e.ow;wa-sha'r.dIy, at 1nise e e t III aLl p; Dr; J 1"AL ue whil es faits to.in; Ail To.. 'aii one r -more. b e 1) - r. 1;4 =! ­: _%Ve -not"be dcm 2 .ha, tjl-t JJI6 J)tjt6b 'det rmi � � S) bid' r - 4 v 0 _a for] I lir Gh, fr6in th L- A. -d of 'W 'd It the q rea found i4ia i6d ll the nutT, people,18 J ax 14 Tye e a L Sa 9RORS OF goin Allo` t -)u n f6rd n T41 the r fo l, i T -are. _ ly illey 1iad -alt, T 'ben ,qjf TH. "Of tj a er fice We h... a m6 vy .htisb o l 1. T 6 t t��t y th k.no ho 'do nc UBITNTLEMA,N, 0- U!- H s- ca lid wal.-Id cAre 0 Intesti 1011'" .In- 1A V 'Re, f-�r fi�al I i-,Ijt Oil. iq- t pric ancolupou. iold,bvo neiabbo Y ! he:, didu wh J�ei�d am zw, F - the 'k:::: of t b a sort: o -4: os-EBILITY RRElt A:.0 r W, ht , J?E. t'e' hail- �our t4e SP U I �b 6ffeL 1 1 erfaL f the XjSof be� . I . S jutil evenyprtlof tn Ihe. rack 1(ind 'o' ng, ovev -et 1i no: a estitriank, iiat rd of this. -lie 1N. ce, f sffeaiii4 iniia T,),u t declitil n to tl&,4a, I i(yod Vil 8 e f t M, clicii Y� nd'it ofthful-Witmire- -ti 4; -will for th�.Sa v 8ii-ve'l to nity - uk moraxtim T�b .to Icijon, , 'I 0 rqrj and rg vita C In. f 0 t of '10 ":1vil.-L, Id fr 1 who 'Irfe6d, it jlt�b n 0 qj3ip idil "k W ^:.retiTig tbv 'Pace d gtd wi-to.prIi.. tiow CAS10619 wh ch -he was cure of the lilood� 4riving:out 4, 4 reAae t' -and ion Irt.res in -relief o,n -besido th 'a qpro�4,. '80bTT.-"d 410 rlot'thlul C1 ir ha e, fly Id'the public have.' b. just: abolra-��Ihiif- oi6illi(I. In lid. 661 %liffereA 9, el - . ­ 0, " . ' , I'h-(Ir af. C chit& iyiU built a biry-briiiih fi -pit '-in- hilf -b edererg lyishi gully traverseg. Lrjd - U shoul l Y�th� adverti by ap hour tb*ey afoke 'seen- ii4h a, -prit-W-y Awl. rwa taken soon W t.hh e - gr(fUn 6f`�h',L d �es e dtm IT's RLI qtp� Sri ut). of eCt lin 9aX rt a ess �41fd the is XE b yo Io? AQj� -jffAT1PT.Y & Uj from t ei 9- 11 -bi thil ,31�ZTJ L blit -ie, ove ake d -2 -Perf f"he: alI7 Me 1 caffia out of 0 at: crack TIfe ISend Ih tj -'f, " n Illes or one V tla� bd r nasa ca bLnt] tW "detriog be- Carl' qt' T al esteemed 't11. omach, hat th �14' i g In i e If TA- LA URk,7 U abII.................