Lucknow Sentinel, 1878-11-15, Page 1IIt IMP fl, In 'T Tl tititiola. EEE Ibil o -,W pr on -0 Ido - V411 nItattidt -till- all sowt - W I '44III, 4 6' me, Iour promi ored, - even yotill, know rb to-, would U6 in] at iWirb 11bik' -tho wor -k aDi ouns peop -u me f he in16tdotib'91 ID Poly, laity, t '01 to ver -line. W 'The, ST �y fC6*, my ou 90KNOi via 4, J, - Oi #ouolao or, T 11 V1 ki asub To Y * filt purposei., -'L �Hnu -44*vo , ,, . - W lins I -i I -i Iwo aHill Ifont*v leqso� - Th than Wit] 49ut m!s 'tiT ut All bb no d 1t -tu WJ I - Or U7. Ti V- --lDottl -Elit'i butir, 0 nIqgh -140 T ,of Us it. -'him- M- -do IF-_ � A30 - h sypry AM -thfilbili 146k -of -courd e- t - A, I 1a ii had At As - a-, dip _d[piaily Roclucod�-Rat , as - i . i -061(it ulna- d laht I 06 Dut It V6 "It NE- OT ­PAYADLW� i4ed,A6 4ell kBI, V affi'a 6ribu - pQ -b b' �W W- '' ilit - -:- - , k1l PAR igihd lij.4 yvidoWer 0, PSR d O rilldlux; cities and4AWns f thO ne16 0;, and a 6 rugg b 40411 be'7 9 I im matter -help, b U In dopt 7&68,not peg -f Ity; of igatt Alto ght-, do TIT f,TO St b, fffl ft 4 L -n w- 111CCIS -1 I. ­ . ­ - I - - W A� r Vi. V k b .11811(s] till SKY FIAV W I8�goldan luld JS LT &TMENT at w 41U1#4 sur'PAV 9110- #Ore to to t'i t 811% U14 Ag( West stlowed �k -, or IDm a d IIII-tan. V no - TuAwsA, 4,811t v Istoile into.. a. gianyii, r, n -WI a dt"Itft"s- Vvery In A ans.bo�,Uo! L--wo @A- wi --The W I -no. LLI The "ba didth VAIK �- , `­ 11,of bleig y Ito �O:Vac itJ4 qu r an Old tb, -be -who -yeo� 0 never -igloo Fon rk �111 fighii Ai man :,o ff At d'' over h d :A i ateal all __6 ink M n-111018 In w" 10 lid #Y164-wi � . I - � �%. ­ � I - .- �, I a Wtbe via Di -MIKIRM . -1 - I - ; - I -- '- I --- -101-- - w h6ught, tink, hich *111f b& 4`14� f), R, CAMS1110111 on -the iiall ffiey LaW 110 -slIct -- - - I. - le081, - e. - -Y-0 I -11 n4W A I 14 � 7mtoota h b mb -an lave Wo Am. will Iiked X -06P -it lit Your Aim 4 op -in�: d 0i* coluniti- tj hfif isvin- send 1 _ _ i-� Ithd upper make tor A011111" is _IUW It" -9. : " :- - .�'. I I I— - - * - film h inIHad me lisff 46- 3, month il�t roo ce: -11 the- - nd Vi - Y -will too All 0. lost be. -w U, tte -go A It was us Line @Is k ndoA( oauto, :M,offow and '�" '41t 6d all- 1)SAO bad.- Avg I servii was tAdi oily ot ,I no _P_80R' -4,!l4irwr n ratitloy ldft Vim#. 'L Willi oir� f 6 t--bigh--an-, t h trIF -thau Abe lit -life# sit: I C -At-- ft out 14�1 1 I t sa --viplin 'wort I a ad with -w . , );11,1 -E.11n - . Oil � -; 1!V:. ta r d hit, I IIana Meg between 1W Oro Dell 1111. ng�. Ohl kt -nod �tbor:­ftic;fidly - way -of h ed, With t -of 4W tevai,,Soilig -hardened - d P bid 0 thin n X -0 know, momil oeis, to-ptifider n li, w to /mi : . hini Anhat. 10: -in goo XXIII iiipiltio, He 1a dtna:A9ef1 s ar -Y w"ho lidd no -Alf FOY 41voping ad hittito n ion What V ry ail mot )MTN ritiwit- of' hard t--georofil-0itantley I f- -J "Veh i the brs. Opt 0, whods 1bi -- - , ­ 1 I.: bAt h llke�ve see at 0y; to ibo; liiad groonf- u -every, After --h witho -whic (irk in 68:061000 8, - -an; S A -Td S C U I t U I - -SC)L- -:Iyd.uEkn6' t le-tkilt I a t64 to 'non' it W -�J- found a -b& gh b; -WantIo li D -b file U @Yj� tor -141111, 0 ot ottfug. ott. horso. (Ott Mon -w th @y Ien d he gotsev, aA, -1, g r- - - - inj flow- - either. d dyou .00 - II 9 of -k 11 hmlu IV 7 I. e -.hung Ilipfflelalo 411.091tw. 6: Div purpose" 'fl� sofil ?goes; a",, 11 t Iu0mf (oil 'J� it] 0-1, s, t P fit, a Jorgetti It 'ra -good Alf -to o 3 I your tber -.'Wont add III] 0 13ii-nk ew,,-but T e Iiintwent, o h, CO. antod to be HlWer It 111flime, JV 1% - - - - d 14, B f , All; d do -Lk�. 90 "th Of 14 fit, t eDffgt 'I -, �JkJBrdJJY#, from 10 to So ikughing at-:�.-Is WOW YOU W1 -be to Z rov -T, Z I You avolostulf. r Ifoilit I I fid Aent he qq4 IM 80 Much uffor I . 11) -Will g- Ad olit :P61led t - 1. � L*- - - I - -tilt Wril 174' &I o d -Joun A 4t WAY0 itE9 - - - ' , a I .6- f the gratisid n gk All l - -a Ioil . b I (I half U@ - entire In botor� lie give V btie well Who fiot-6Voao4A­ o ll:C0 IAal-hal(A -Oro so. And look, ikoold ray, 'n rat�i 1AA to, I0 more SYM rJ64for t jUaRbeytiuro,� Hsi egt F�- That if I-] vqw ov -overy - -ad-- it valet. W 0 -be. to 0 0#0 44 fib A; Iith ily, - TAUVO1101' ­ . - - - i lgtttF!TF Troal I -1 `Wolf --o dt -ugonei W. ty0t:, tor Tho a4mvIce gypsi- -Vijfi6� tip -01 t, no ouizlod: ijmr-' VAL Yaluw. I- WID le0 hay AMID& kw th oloiddori- 41 64 at nor fit,-. A- A 11ad I -& 6tstro. fill th t -w -9rh t -10 Y! 0 Dolt it of-Koffl- ence Oplin - . -- .1. . of one, ey-NOU, -cigar In - in -1 - I800-1 no fear Etr6m, on riply, wito that-- th' of - Is 1. , - - - - -- -so by "go, loft", be 1i shot ild Drayto rotta ny �,g if fur Sglf Abil Id 46 th 9i or ­ , . , 8 a., � -, � - Awo- f 'out - '01� , h :I te 4-' rh gig -Lr-IjIl#Ij§y and bt 4U to know -4 Q00 11 fiql J- -oojn -lt!, 11 4 not giv leg golf WS things 111 �hifll-Ahqro -JOB -il dill dark as to Mo. JY0- No - bulf to NO- 'Wanted. waktho; Oftin 0 b, mhowi - I f b bi 110, D t -vall'ollre -0 up .ona ray on 0. Togg �ot� of, ild - I -.1, , , . - 1 sIto i'w n he top the --lb w Adh il it 61n, fu If w- Alm . ral He- W lot joined six -- tio of th4t A � -the h i ap 0� � 11 , . . - J it WAY -t. WAY d * - - J �kt -- -- gh - 04ndho- i060d at a -very- 1A ftt�tiyr' 1tottgo tO,' OR Y and-ro �i fill -W I, U I b6-- - 0, itley'Atiod ,boforo 6 book", vto,o . ��fid a, blill, 0 He WAW Tho WOT1,11 A IIf- Id -. lik El d :saw oautbol " ie tRog IV AV . . , In h dictil iflat latf be Mo. on gu OR f4if III till Aolioille: titng fifni i46i tf�d lit 0 ilto andA w ge nitn'61I My Ot 'A it0 W I hit' 40, i. 'h-4- said, -'.by@ It!" th sotilous I 4f the- 6itite: bil. ha -,4 '16 W.6 looks:414. fu hso -Cottst f Uvi RIIIII Oita % -0 gossip vilt or -0 -lit k atphy ,ourst n�libli i lit 41 heliveliz and' f Iad, wouslored: w 0 _of refler" ad- ft C111614101fl, tic, 00ely aJO -MIg I ar O In, ige A6r.Vilit) Q -upon Theo -Jae 0 than'be w h!)w tEllfill Igill nn Q b It I wfl not Iftif Catiolloi- e12� `7 itteir - 0-toring dAysi _Nrilf 1111v f re w & I to" ea Dro i 0 will )lot eave At -alid UW thlo its.— 'You 4* your I Verrill 4' t it -jig to% sfive :r I& -I iquiryi CUO - -lo Iffliluf i@111, V Ip�offfg ­ , -a J( - - Phil; UWD iR4, 1imitig, , : I - Sent, a han& .600: l;-� (if two pmitrlgo e had i d ery1o), tutriii 13 11tere Wit fe- longo -dat (if It_'(Jf gig goill 8ril Ntv 11K if 6i th Ilia n(A- I1410ro till Volt. 0 Is coml%. TRW!$ - 0 t MIA L� MI' hore,6-6 Tuesday - b ttl t3 it,, d10 kind tb utle ull 011 - W As 04 Co in with tho a man Uto 7 if V t0oubl!*. VI"ItW f qW Y(JrW1 I-0fit .80 -you nias n _W ry. 0 Y who a. aaItmW Of IMI W �,watl � III not Ont, - - I - �- A iat.-- lfir'�fijj�"Yoia` Y "*ith -A-b num it, 1 Shall do Witt ittlaw of, Mel, W aW Iff-ty, you I Ith- iou6b -M'groti -the MyWry kotho-oll st Ioi :to.m 9 OVVYY nh0 'T W, 6 w 'The two-�-001111)31` n tny he ivy 14 iWOnt; Your. "rd Kan too .our -OPP a 9 ouil- .0. horet I it. t7- Ud U de"I'll' dine-& ,io -tho to fly, torniii Iof -5 lof fil LO -11; 'A I C for- two ii to Ono V 14JI " I ­ O"fo Mai' ildilitUnid 116 Thit -And -in the,dobt 0 a gfJ 1 ties hm- W. nit to a, of cha k V fr inP fess!Pos"I -rins" Mo Od pptos# if A ifil- 0 a Angl gide A Iit +b . t;, -bee to , & J111t - -11111110 and OW 90 n n 011111" itbo s6ofat WaY#- stand too w ntl ithete WJillittlall , '­ I t tMostj`-rq4p6u`dad--- . . FI, , I I -b II- -siti _ �jgliq& 0 A_17 -1 Atit wor It . , - --i-, theF t 'teitfore With Ik q hire, be opt I 0-E "o butt -.Hdwki 860 nJ h Poo or than- tho, I�tvtoj, hialddist- 4-yor the,-,- 11 iligb� Vo 0 W,% *1 o �pqbbod�, I -wit W A iti irlik the' 6 litis-far:as I -go Igtalice -4oupled h Y r12111" -4, litt'd lit dw-bg4- d d** �po sholti -0 ofill* 11111] in or .0 tif OT -W thought 0, q'suppolo yo lit- gqt 'WPM it' t"If M -A RBIL d l -T -us -0, fit -it Willoy tlo- Iaid. to himidif 001041denod 'Af too -Was Mo -d will tha (fit ortfist- to efilart- I follow�to Box!` -tip.; kJ)6W on now.contli"! oah - - Wry 411 -Y iit, Tht'ro,- IZOO _t @an oY it ot 8 got 00 D ; -, rllfo' rt- -Sk' 1, filtho ­. -., _-r, to "&Ill ­ -- N ­ 'k, -: got Iwe) t0 hiVeE bit tit Vo 'ij aflu��f iond' W an -Thi 118. Pit -on the Ah -pq to or will 111 ler. Yei juito.lity plirp9go 0 P, A the'Aft toget b- M tb -re- as -you 6 itifeliniatitin_giv mb:to e f tbef JRPS U,: * 'A do, -1 -.- iit 110. in f T W-01116 oil Y fl) elf nQ 1@8'r f@ndoro(I -to t -itation-tairkM -with the 111111 yo 0 I tin*� to to 6 I . -- ­ I- - ---- r I M a 16 'I as -,p -Whl - oWoU_ 11CC f us - I.0scorTf$ nult :no Aoun A d-�-Xnow TIT% -0 V iid- in tlull 114- 'not pr-opl he d ad a fine 4 -IT I I ty - . III I ofJ110 It �' i -c " Ifillifi th'al an 01- it ow� an d -0 t to sue- a C over pefill :"" 16 a al219TCQ- K'N tj­011. @44Y Imllm d6moE OW. gal 14 �1, ibire t& I - to-- W r000�-ind, on@ I w e alik to, -fbpvlv to, - - -0 Ioso t :� I'll- . - t1Iqr*- ta wai"Otawat IT 7 , 6 lap: of selenelf D nly �Ap takon Of' 'he �6tbO"­ D (JW WO �to be,* IT !!0 o *i -itiont romp of theenull ought- of It -had you *1 ---find it, is' not -nnoft,, st, Pep T g 'Yt I'k IIt. DX 0 If lelloo Ut b 91) QC t)y I 'AU ajog- yp�r coui U. #OU mus -eyepings at 1homey I ahe Ithe -o 0 I, h 9#9� 1 d .9:- �Co q.-FAtly) V979111liART ff id II on- aone 040WAT r h' i Jlo,-� - �i� b Q,;4 q u ON to'lot3hat,ono,118 MYRU Oil' -th �o 'o in M �y �othl *taiitlui St Uonar f Al qui -ill. 41t4iftfiitod A.4 to% 4oaff nstmg, , - -N III T, ToIOAII, - I - ­ . - - 0 I 0 Iyo aokabla toR is glit - t'do wbat ft grim. h al -b I It oluXiIi ofthom :th 0 a Y th__ Jar,66114j' ft� to grow At f woll, 54 nat 41) 'Y th d Tqin4 4 - -1 Ion o bo - niaA W,- - fejr of Br6okd 111 Qrois�llutbingEbut­­tbw n -war ZMA- tw q dell Thofm a 1 O� nK 4 - rt a Iat - uggago 0 -the W d hous � �­ 1, , j � � - - r - 1) *hbm -!W oit-It -'The -oontost: 'itho r-VQV MW ii.Ont 'Ft r1yed 1W lob,08 thw linpor long -If ­wl fit r gooi of -his-- Wn bit.to ut f0i the la, tb@ Vt( towile I P()Slttoj)� -(han, yollf: In -;Wore Da'W' JF0a 'M48 d NVOld 11 IWON:& qP i0 @I -'an '�jW bow 6W, -tJ ff,_ T br I -nt uP t blanfu ON IAYP, so unequa - I 'K AID 0, NV _Kry :-but yo -r 0 --athdr 'be f 11ill C"t T, An't r; b M d thava do d t went ijr,ost C0 _an W 1111 maonwal ;ful t, TH t1bg or thig",gont 0191%, 001L, uto (IN 4-ftd 1111 . 'JIL, -tot. 'Postiny tai, ight"a'd-1 Ow M I 11001 Doll mi find "Mat 0 Mr; �Appy iqtfiout-Iti :� h - Opel �nrowh 71111111112 :01 Ioil I MY ortie r 'at bible A@:_ 1:1 owA rard O.- 194,-, G -R, 4. to your WI -Ar -9tv jilittiglill'. gild I (in Jai, tha_ s6tVitflto, Wor dais M YL dThofo. maY at now r an A 0 I on ove -12 cry. Unly-4hey ra u �t, lie I YOU h Solid Th in Sittl - nt you. "Will' or dig 10 Iph aryflo Witt) I It 4- VIA tin' broth� -To-l"t who (10IF" 14 Ile "out soul, Q r- ,-,WorJ YOU:a it -live it We oT fP-41 nd' , . - " . �Q Wit# q ro, 47, ­o--bo'-odztlo-do8tI,-1Y1' .� I Y-� ifon", am, W; t Id ln �b 4111ZIRW 'CHAPT XV IU, -Ivy abo at ic It'410 Id ZR -XXX . - - - - _f4sw ,�, "I ,No, IIWhat Vilw the n oP ppapoi�.,- like tollin two too r1glit �,J - a -which - t, tb Rq - nr - � 11i - k, hifli I i& 'a; r�, _ ng bettl son.. , r ;- I -, ronlorso I no Was a Jiflbe Two, IT afiAll , - `vl­ ' ­- Xing - I - -­ ­­ - I -1 I --t% Me tt% OF 1010 p 11, -allpt t on -z- tog Wit Iworthlol h6nie ad no h w!Y -Ji I b law -- -a a U A"Idt 0 in vio I flbi 0 kit�h S. L4� tor� -ont broughV to in . 1110 W It D, �T kvf so6lo�jp �10 ITo P b- Iftl' ndff 10 -A g4fliblitij, and-proY -:ulist 6piphok-'. of sAD Igo-- On opt H ft Diu v*� d -0- fie r jak A*Af who" 1--osto I fill. ay, -Q-§ RF. ei ��q -. ,h r so I,., ---Cir,zr _yotlng � et'44 fron 11 PI" 111trowntowni '1111kout 111111V All ta Ab- ofo; 1 Voil 111-W0 . " li", . -MOR-DA -1iJ!hgt1,$JjoN -muc_ 0112o. -PhOwil -bit --ho' -wit PH iio,owit 11v 711 t WJfk4bf4fftr, Off,i- ' - -- - I .. :� -- I _, -f - _ gaii or had, _-no _ A6 eAtlig 1 A "d into- otornityi a Id t- dovdtod his' attentioii fti­ The 01' d ugon­ to-06to UNT d IIlia �D "A 0- 0a mud JIG%_ 01 tjoy 0 . UPW t ab w aon aOftill-liko 00 lgtu&-� fib" of, AAR,- a -ortio - tl-to__-tbo I If -L 1,, lot, lelm h house �-Whi 0, 11PBELki -6ra Ust _of -hit 61-11104 polo _�t ptior- "Wit, . in 1. I . . -1 toi) 0 9119 "Joity h go ou 0 -0 ------- wC .-W u W 11 -r A Id-- 314"" fall -h 1; bAt W#40blorlptlaym for p, of tPn-4*ki 'lik oth 1 A' T k d6w !NP 4 tv -- ----- 11144, oul! Ing!; 11, 'Oling and, ItnE-- the 60 flig w ON cruc TW -town; find Mao in I b portit pillaffill fii� -Una d tho k 0 @To flik ovOyliptly t H I I­1114ho W a ­ 11 I - oft FT t Atoti�410_1neV _6UI 4-1 OrNt" *4.V boont- nopprzw- twil-I 61-il bo, -bb M QAJJr -'- 1 41640YOX0 I tt� dhtym.- AWWRO An D41.7; t I6 I it n ir bI the taY I- OA JVlath,roo HE* _Hilt �h d WC gun IF Y941 I ri MIX ft 10 $114' W011(c or. 11111111119111thit'- Wo hor" -Alt WIIW-r _$ # W- _ . P W At -'she POW "Pin I In a I t 0, 4 f t M 14 x 4 M 0 111 0 Y- ro I s* MA) )Ifi C, t V, yv� yollif I tug 011111111IN1114f �4'0111slf ".11111 IF, lllstump Mimi t i door 10 ItIAs 'A