Lucknow Sentinel, 1878-05-17, Page 2­T­ �44 A 'A "01,17A01 1U A, A 7- �1 7 --l10 V - 'N Mum, -T: —- 7 -- 7777 IflifitAlOur- fejA W -And vege.- 44 -it _on 'RA Ile" 01 ed P FENI E E 1,� wit -establili -1 a 0 -U n); ble- to:jyaltoj� -e Y.'s New Stoke, Aft OFF 4, go _.T tt t niddr- Case, i Thi's Sgendid Passed tit liblent,L recently pen, I gTocel Y,-wagIialted by our retiorteu Cal ly j A fa fi L Id -0 -194z(w, P0 AM, tolua, h- 12-FJR 0 Ife w en Onterteod tv -b foil e,!,eral' ot, oq j- t ale'. ati Ug j'jt!�L' t6 *06tora "Youlig ini Dean, -e r t et� -arl going Iowa-:—Tfic%Wre, (*hich is k. Mi., iGeo.Mc.., Pawi "DIU �Qn, a - ry- and L P ii ilit,:iMpA ers,, IveW th X,6 6t 0 Ueothdr day, and -thinking a -description' of . - . V-,-' 6 canned- fruit go W -Walt -might lirove iifite� 3 ive. Dr- to o6r read stiq look"a e1v notes- *hi6h are annexed ase re Th "IRD for the. 113S :Th6 V611niitex dje T-11 tenth ofl N1 Tn, 's-6ch --id le tLwenty f"t, sixty feet in de -with a'ceil*' A' e�_ 'hol t rbUg ou r --our opinion, 011 Pth. 'itrid Ready 1 r th e �gf ;-fl * -" as's frontage of., R -"Haidy'W�biick buildingy, h� aeDta ing ineriewn, Stbil bt1burteeliftiet. The.16rIt i0i idowik ace; in mers. jowners -of, une nL a trial fte' soner.� Ptio h4"rqally 4 �s-f.bjttjbe loth ot Jul Idit' fl '14"norill of -Guelph being- veftg ci-kre es unro oil Ill T -Lb r e line �A gh e died't]I6 Ce at id �w6re a soinewbut'anxious-, expression the V1 fcli' deej,;�: I11 --view of the, Ru8slan agent. at Itug rbmt. �T-o Look --af �Jt -'fourteen feepugh,''seven fe4t wide, itaid iit fe4t WK P"m-zr R.v v U Indio& necessity for I p�d light il�&Jphia a Fr� U e evid n 0 in I '_ — - - , I h L 100 . rs y pj:�jt.i two large.xiwo%�e been made m- tL� rear njitted tfia -ve bt bad'alr, z and, cheap., thus see t his G lolukk one w Ile was not 81 urpmse eciilly fl -df lightL Uns abot d by ppfare it at jols' -in after ev e ase s If0ii thefittal-16miluli 'Whicl 'ally eb of arked N dry,,jooAAq)us- st icem be tier� III boarded qt Coppty. - ed rica us - . , - , -.. - . j., . I I al',, Is -ev-4, -the 'm N7911t much felt in the great m ft.be.AeceaseM It, t 11 vil lay 11 neb �Gpv. rnmL a illde"itepiriodsi- IflunatiOnOf-the 11uron asud w0f= cioubt be� ai)preciated b M 31': prosion c w s concluded be- t all ircu a ion�� em jey N111 t ve y-inany'. e -ever chang- were ind-the hiell-aidos of the dock. e to suit'the 0 Usslan-sailor4 -o I oard 'We' & He d `b :Qf th r- las Ihat sl ay,tba a -nul waxrum red to,d t _ i � -.a so, int down ' d remained e tichod Is crowded OutL-Ojthi� i -_Irhe 41 1 Itige n ed his dooin 'a u ve A( ho, e, f it A4ilzi if Ptirt Albor Hardy's cu interna an4i to tUt b ! rom moreabl *rP' i b appear mirit of the stor*. is'gobd Tht -shelving -being. er kept. 4 teafii 41 oter 6, call be d f R I * � I . � - - wpek.L ed,in -a -Aej Ul. in -b -b ade- bi he the 4 -� -The Excit ni�` in9.1.8tyle of good... Ujiright,andw ttem-Pt w4l. caiws have utrig is be tourtrooln e v p on t1le-liext 1.2tb vf Jn1v,,to I jnle(bOd b illtrodf-lked thus'.�ffording c6kqr,-which ar . od- the a 6 to, -me:. facilities for, '6UId' jhenti4nea th or go L f od sjI OnT ljot$_ C way .4o the nin4dy goods-whi6h would be was led' a pleat- oil aPI19 -anti. rettl' b' :had -when he nc omen to. in the matter of L ay. P enient in.,any tither ay. OIL talk t le as thi d' #116 had -7 e Thrre myth ef tbe I nirned at- the - stea Ill 8: is awers. etei. everything has beeti, done with a outside '�ivith hance,7 d' L ip, Offide 10� ga. th*gli the ..crowd.. DLATM- av rn tit th v 114 -i:�e ice arranqefiients'to.'14 veL a ean an� freill. ven y e e ression to�keeping tb6 sttick�cl n i hort d.Lmtal he offi of :th P -stock is e6m cers� of his featurii6opparei�t y A dv.. h b 4w o th.b - dece3a W4 The I pleteAiD -eiery -&partmenl f -b, e J- B.Z. 41 lance 9- repurted th -e -pin T e�volu w - un re -hq g at -Mil 11adlyin' '%V� have*not space to 41lumerAte. (�vervthhig are vo�y retiri. Vie Neckar biotight *ho ivas- elot' alte, . d' U Pn U -are- -fU of" L : -ibout: III e --mitter ut y -and -"lit JeTplaced omrwh ag t no .6 were infornied that he1whs uld be oth. o n ta ed a U said. the jaqgrq� irs,-Dik6ta t 60- argo lind QX of Brantfordi -he of "th tea 0 ( C U )e nPPOIn rui4pu bc y6ung tn � sslonEr w : . - I I . N :in -th it d ire to b nall -5c. to the silks aA utter the calicoes at 00, a ;'rgp c Orman Since- die stwplied, with,all kinds otaressmaterialsl- from passene the e an ell. -n9ticed-a. "display of gem acted ro ec in pan -no in t eir-- ngs w 'ad OU gonts' furnisbi ho h row oUnd nice uto aiid'� tbs d Do aid froin ad 'd sh' tio ke�p-ltbii. mci 0 co in 'd f 1eailing --boots aiti oes, iu: addition to which is aw"ell- per w defended bv,.�Dr. Is I eard in0 fly C�' a r -b o. gn t-gtyjea r tatc y Al - - - .-Ato�-ke(l grocery -and crocker t e.. t6l tav,fii - t iv tat ih�'Jqjjds --bf department othe issu tporso. arrelling �j�l Ito je eceil 8461Z - - slotber'Oory is t& Ct at ri, arri Pre a Sthomier Leaded-. -A -selget Jij -of Goderih.. t -I and b -)!ia our way out �ve, c6uld not. I adrn jet; On the nicely dr&ised',%�fiido ised,.aiid 'go showing"ad(lit, 'for ws?" Charles her; Ouja w U11ro t ne -yopr ith 461116 e d 8 pr6of �f k0il'tastel' On the whole -'wi- were ire arins, to ill ara. "out, f much pleased. 67ir KcDbnild is nyt A- e, a some ut vith . -visit. -cr new a,d V ot i"&, if a' y e hing, t -ive *Pecial #p ii to, be ,b i;e6t�ang- such y iyleii --t6 i and i;I a POO -of: bl bick'- Qf'L 3, - L ­Jjillit . b -.t'h 1 Olry- 0 :Xcl 69gratulated djosame da e 1he com pom -five -fe d t rters, - - and 6W Yo ovL r. avery 6,he 119111 7 -- : the hduse, a n d 'th - lift:6aft.ry tlx-y-f 1Kt'jC0UtrjbU.Ift tnl6t heL ed W�ek -fo qua W rki -10 d n rtabl and' N y It _A - 0dir -atten on irect6d,': to R' 4 L Irom will.s.ecure p4t wi­. a pi ce -to to ed], trssi re -W IC -e t and enterprise- d a ay -bid ahan a. r servi :-Columubication eser e.. rae wag -Seize A on a -IiWI ot od4 To anz rgy ron& a utly built, vFbereaw -Unro is r -das3 Pcebo -it s to of d iere Grah d had -for-debt andr,the D Waa. avo about. re f at .Police :all. .,it es IaTge- pr' kroto.mj 00 -his trip -arshal: who rent1j.''Jut b 1� 6 afte the been prop e'ta' A -an d B L am, V iiii4iii -re'" - gppa 0' b6 ,quirps x it -N i i: T d av boarded L three and to Orii6natolL �at in17 . jar, cargqj fl S Via The oniv 1-00"MUN N f ese ouinamaii offic V a., rusk k and- Diaj -her found i:pecoli ithoifties reL, 10AT10 at.. -well- person perhaps Si' e r ie 'Ofisi. -o -arms 'and- 11 Wit 0 -id eou t loiihibl�l cr6ud (I o1q, but 1119 -ammuti,ition'. esd a. iih a candral In " _ -�: - --- .1 nZry Is rActl ly Idunro' LID) tio it tile he -conned n w. h 0 tlj� lhrnliglic oil the b�ap neXti Te �e ve thif �Dunc p6ar ` T W&n excitolt. 'inide: xeM -Mmilton M -eu t b� aaof a _y tion -as td -'whether' Abere -movements, -t ST oite -for I In I thisevening' aays 47-1 ha: torres Pd- r the- commission ot -this ment. lines 1W.Rus ian., he- Ali -hid d U ro was jjltQ a a ere obold ,In OU eetj arne. o. em9e AID 'be -.%,kr g iirjpre� Iif as not ve.servic 111 -bea 'he ever, av ighf �joa - ' ` - - - icti C4j*iu Of- 111 e -fi -` . 0 eC6 se his U1H Urs-, no, --im, tah*�*bat-- ju t fie tion T)' -ed" -Ll- P*ies hidebt- covery. gave. iise� t ion 0 much -comment. T -'carr eA h hay.e b Ise, afid 14. d. b -w readiness f6i, d and ch �gjjur'L in It jmQ aat a n a re -,ese is t ali rl 1A, -zal. erenceq �betiveen I R --- on SeI Cro*n. said III ne Is— o f -ur y illi ti 4Qt sellti -on oni n court at an Ili - -- - - .F !)at L h the Selito er or: a trading rl r be at blo -are Ijot' litpcMeila le Sky to W,11;it jUs -, - � � after e ng sufficiefit' ticb t a -use -Vithdi�lr lber on -PoA oce *o e T -have' no o IVO i1o" _1- -'-- -',' - - 'L � - C but .8be,ig in Woodto, who t1te Wa 1 0 e R9 a So eat ill in va D, It is gild, _Y_ road tlli.� rt -c-f Afii : that . - . I i - e- -. - Ile -dee*l' (I to in IT 'A fric ron ex Ari axe:,,�Itfi. b did V.1, pediti 6�ahihd 'or ave, Mun-v aro 'mberi' tbi- -I, adeto.' find her,... ffact beint, w ik every eirdrt ad beiD rQtV _With 'IMI�Tr P aw oever,' that ef h Ta. JILitinlati: he had ikf Eve 4 Ireaty� T tf Ib6t yo a� , F _J, L be b6ld: t'1%16 hoffl. gt tt g at th oc -4argo Pv w aye r o -,aft ceue( --out f at. the a it ng but f 11 Tly-reachl' 13119 i question - 'et kets, :ba orrbts,. - * ) nD9 cases-, Of far WoUld nt Cpunty T , 1 o its, t -be" prese PP 1a6ofi:iu b is ey ild have Or, any, an e Ile: epol ed. Veoll -this e 8 tls�, etrcp Y -,i P01-41sib gra werej exami U she'd urcb�Lon-Wednei, :;Inv inora-, . �:Ilit- the eludi -fire t en any in o nr hiell ior O� fa C - t'P b hL _.Pere , hlfin e � III even n .ou: wn- th tile 15 le -4 -to mi -.a P t`he'be4'av-'%i1. thus sword a d- -the- g4vity of tb' her 'r - y 0,11 voci Tatimi a o Iaid' lmfodiate-� -a f., the fo _U: 11 muell notice. le-37t]ll ttaii eafs fi gh it even o r-bd roa it lliti prisoner, ind Treskr- �Wer - :' -, , (;!Afidian ed as- L. DI rk Th 6ffenC6 prov againk -the iklegat t tl ed. fate batalthop U s o ie Trustee 'am i u bis ere e conjectures 'in Which (1, U -GAY �q ii, diot !let all I an grav ne, em is any tr th r- t1lat'is "Thoge, Jr ill -Us�ryje1d L(bat it Iol� - n rniou I OW Is IS71TOW prisoner, 0 unce, ven 'nee swear, bilost, Tho. 'a. .,about 1:6 desti atitins 7of the z 3 - at aliiigof� the al 9iJe- of ill �Utmdly-,. and mif h, Richard arms, sOme I asoin _der_ 3th - - - '0118 e tbe, 7111 current as �tf) and 8 the re-lat ISchO In"90 -xiatin-. b ich, ffenjeraov, X st �ted thut.the -be ing by thvI - I n - ftvdloff -.1,11C we�retlntewqed to "0 'It rent] 9-1v tlick Id geI -1is olit, PP013t tColot rie t, Ditst g coast.- -be Won t ,Brft an -w-i.thJba-! t r cli i -a tic -6s f tile ired tWeen -bei.aiid --the latte.r':bef6r 's And greE itat 'D t h -as -t -to A h' tisi ered si delivc �io:ditu iwobipoff b out in fr of ldl:L tile - get fkre "an and: A SO11 y to Jo h wr' o' c&t el in si -5au t on ier -absence rom raiLds -d:u!-i 8 busband-, -'her fer to- tbic only �twj) -soliltit.- -8 Is ia usay e ca be o ir 08"Ing' thl re Ut er d ernpe Pee soiree wl COB) ba� led, Tlii' afWrho6n -t jjjilit�rj ter stores' were ceasti lieu rushed, in S Del wany 'UH lot-- U41oaded- -stured iii r-3 W the- tr 0 to-eeln�ider W IWA i rito iem a to*- b f t beth( and a, 0 on a planafion. 11 be South WhC the Y. ere we por irs. isin-enib It d rt tThe wo .46 -who were exathined entan aI-y P., t"46'� "Rock: o ever: f -Frieuddlip to I t, erl- If as Iads the b witnesses - likye been -livib ihafZ r This Cur, a cou (ky -ta tt I i a g t to try MCI e -to be a -fa de h 0- 'UlPlre I i; tio TiITpeKance no -boundary-, stodd vit.li-1 bae rb Is ugb� On the ne Xs ein' a n heart iniine 11)(7 e the' diou h our mile.; t re.- at the,, it is --bi I I Luc �,.dred - the -vitality el Useless !6f �u ild t dflte erw lave no fbai -Prf 0 rtb e -B 14- Ganadat flie now- at of Aheir fathet th 'pe. ad, 'Of 1 Vateers in Anierle wi a o xe cau . . -, P. , - ep F, nopgh to- a -at tflt- mes N'i 2. und sit tRoit Alb -A; lisp] in" Oil `e:1jWbJ J -b sball h r ce on, the pp,16 cqlc1us -do(;lr,l and iii a an' I f J], bit ion tbft woul b t I ent ar. e the niatt& be- r ert, jib 11 a rh a0 Tu inade-. th roill f b The- k;rand Ile t1liou"11 -it -,Peqrl- erg -will. b Sent ainUadd jllWas well 4 kii pie -'re the, Qt -p -lay 'C� at tht t i -had just jll ry t -p _bU p A b6 -.bc!­BOstl)n p4bliSheg mlied out F th, 'indOw of T, an le 0 0 er Ift 1 10 dpor --any a oil re lrqq Upon C fact-wi painfully To d -a apt. Gripenbuig -h -b d-tooni, a P, 1 atteni xtent They 90 Cljoir i nd T i 6k 1 -8" in- P) ilea: is flip ,stated herein-fliat e har. sta( t t4 kcqui d oil­�hnlf brot the aA in ft6ill. 0 or 11 _6 ra e -eill t at 11 -Tep y toa tol b IOU d - f mmander6fth i'Cii bria.!'-11c tb e an of the co' h" ile'of s'uperi g yms �rokeij in Wit fft. ti, e"r i t el, road Ito 'majority of rim Ze.1 It 's �gre r, _ely -he theans of the I -d tile Mqde at the ild�� to-Bo4on on official- sicret ecab e t& w'o T ------ 'f tl ads. at n oxic :c6li Itiple no I --tliC o:iber' I e -46 e -ro ' -1 'ie� sal ' dDie I lie U. busititiss. ca�ed e res qc gilts. ed: to gild' n-- i�thpmte oiie at -war 16 Undertood t They vei� -p'leas` 0 (IM aq r, lj� ng in conn peri"eficed - per0113 tbai -e eetiof C. �r t i with the: Teeswater Cath- went out 6 h 'Vedro ent, atu f)r to I op -that th ffi -both V d p r Big spprt in, gipley Is :0 .0 0 si cers and Alon-of the it 8 of -tilt. 3 0 1 epacttr;ents -,ge ona to, 81111ply t )Vil it th & -COS f f6r- -his and _V -the e nt to the Ild 0 - ­ . iL' ' fes- aye - . -- I ­CI11lQ . . .:.. -;I On 'I _gisl b were: way 1 -�d in -the Town ei we: ]I -will. 110 lie cbure�, i I bd I With tholfticilid ore th t6, be T h (lay Hall.. Lticktfow,-, on Widndsdq-- t465t an $;00 land _jXo a te'r great vil.1, t 01111 Lill -d grave 0 ruaby lof th" so holdijiti 11 t TI accouti. elli"i twe - ty� I 1111-val- station theth #rst cla Picifidi. �alled- lea I IV mitted tbiftto oQd- &k PIP -it elqsels could , -'t v 'ne -an?A' c on nses ve -and Ra eliv6red -bich- tv it. 1fie d lice I d6ftcb,. from V% pohit bi uceA d, -eded ga, no . assistance n -P nd- :man- d had.90 otit, )f thei wi�n. it, AY W q(Vjj ibe -rholb is -lies- ng. -br 9f -AVLalk- J %r�(Idi Penge. 0 W be olheir'destii -it T .,Y. je inei sent, t d I q Yo r. e. ..lot desire lie led:* 0" Npg� Oil- the �4 Omp it Tall To Ind, t t 'our expe iti an t In hp e ver d6iv uld6diermetit �iif dowln the illicit W S b ada. ll'un 1. in, as aT re d ously. 'He c b -1; hem a' ou, icrC� . lu th bf_t]16 b, 'd ;.9 t�-Clos pro-criml he the toll ne%� is: -b vuship �%-it I elfast:j- - - . P. -I . c ose:w. tell that ba&- lt�ean'kpp OUse­.UPOn--. Ing kin4 exit. V ein g: pre.; e a -q e d --blel Y. uno re uir inu �Attemb.t to Assassixt'ate tile hn but with their.,61�tb on hi, -par d fe lefitairi'g, ta shoVv tl be issuod iiv a7 days- tat b -0 movensenti-since' be by. frOuf, t wer6 erllool), -1 th r eing spare ripen. urg- -beror -of Ge marly. esits -- G * - th lowed by -T6 'n sy ahles. n. -r OL of. expense 11w ib d this: suih willL aVera P bubdred arri - fob, afart.' Birt" d 0 IN'o t oubl Abe 1) said -XcDonald, Omm�­ �taf tb Z-1th- of -1 this --T t�qwake� tb i's acr6s.� or $2- a �year for iei e. the best k- - years. o c(5neert of: the.. T ri e -ir- fa e- -'Of the eSAW Ic ALOV-G- T ns ws 0-vurt R. y4 YR prJy1 6 0 y t it will, do C. Be 8SIOn reser ed W dmi d 1 r 'interekt. 94 l500,000. he hei Itthree 300,000 so iil� rlin, :,N he_of j_n. irr e J-hJ od of Ad a n' coiiie- afli IT lit -ad The us- td -4 ebcanjped.LjU-tb6 neighbo the axe, v6i6h he six tt� -Col. BL ct --;a ffe'tl� 4ext ted . fortr seats;, 50c. as blue more or $4. a',year h ko. U- his- tqrnx nlrfete�zl itt nano e and-, �is --hand 'St. C o i , . 'I I - I &A Is Stefobo.�` Wo Ripley wi The -Rtfs-, quence c) I ife 11 b6 growill- iwm- Ira& lythig, 611 f an..qt enipt -r.iei to occlu Uonstantinx, le, eaterial- s- t( -oil the be u ian it It wee y e k� a-, griod nia W110' ot -so. ef&c.tive Voutid -Slis 361111tij, reduceL tly Einpeio� ag -h 'bil -oUn y ie -rate :zheistioned on. L tj o-�v atternoon drive. --.Ili E --e priponerptiac ftt set e-�Kasi leturil'ing. -fro" its Liturday iii,.b -tele,, S 1pl)li(�1'Jj it.- oura a a -as t6L the pi in -rum t- A re s(1vIngL obabilL. d, ralt A.- ritraling med �9 D --communit q 10 tb: It. rig CA* Is theD. ordna ar,l; a Lh -0 -W t - - : , :vt, I -t resses -f a, Fenihn- it it uthen e Oil er:� 1,64 na -h ot bus d -ies, o iii-vasi6n, and-, by' r� � I -. is- rer ter," th6L-, ex mil Ation resol�es.its elf into tbis-: 'W�l itch a'�bf Bafje�n iij --I -lie le towli, A and I ported 0' -I)qy 1. ref6ilred. t6 COP-11liatid to !told -fll-c B the-volunteek. forced a T, officers. TI cable. up.- e ileti& tThis q eation bills- at-Ibe time. ever _'e bl intelli qt' - . I - - 'S f( ea,�e rea( 1.1:er leat oil -lit -i robto, -Fort Erie,z,13ra1jtfor4,L P�ris, -Pif- tl 'a' I! A fl.it t Ej injund man 11 epaver aDswL.r, for ge rat our- , " . - I crOlvd asseni ed: ill it" qron to. e dia e av a :> vy jev f e -p lull -,r to Jb 6LIn d t6 .110 _.L_ ti) s n ocave ti fill niper r se eral ti seOle the it eS _ln2 'e f I Owledg6tdent. rnisl it I- presen IW*a.v y Alties 't ful a0L.8 ih Fill] ar. - dcrosi the forehead- d, n- - ti i g on t;iT 90'& costs; 6il- th, 4 -fl; I e ijj� antl' 110V& rel �hi .-ack w dund at6ral oth rl fitt, 0 P44ha, will' a: Ila pla njaelf There. -Ivi I ca ua, not ink -o U cae t1i showe,1 in fo� violating-tl e Du4kinAcr.; ail ling readfnea: for to oil self hi -_a Wbateve'r.-,?,trutb-. mein raile the� 0 Sh -.at Gon U -0 e. ocountries a uld .-come: 0. ff6jis tj r w 'a! ouf -ld ubt Tb 'y to ged6. le 11 s 0 -howefer -hot WCUl to re f so tax... Let 'o .1 b idewalk rou in contact,.- be Without ATect- -J -be ill th6se rep6rts, ther beli vei rikIN I it I to concertis in- there may lot. hl th . o.. _of that much.of our dL fit Ot- G _6 resent,beavy ta-,z will -e assassin ran.,intolstruetth n 21 'b .6 4: mi A a .1 ', - it fab.t' that am ild.she hadtnlode ak- c 0 in- W a 8 lipp it, _ue red by a. �ro . lL361viice a, inall, on, e w, y e a m- e irel be- tbe-middle-ave re ell eilt y out,-; e n -from 6s bee Is uld ed to, t1je. care of -the ,,r' and Wh�ItL :on t attempt b6i -ell mor& -b' 'in .'notice, and ene..citi, jmplrore�meiits' ng ade jo 0117 r, an -any -Oil C 1 -promptly the'frontie, d- entb us" arin: an Be- tr nunalil lett t,b e iii- e-. hsia -k y*that o tx i2ouf4 6w'bestar he -fired V'ree- mopo'sh-ots an dtbrew `01b i th as ILC Lin -ted an heseL 0 -Fen .8 who wii voly.e 0 r gl e arne o -de ' ex- - - rs a 93)� that' r - -the The,bait i, � invade-Canad Wi b' barre atrived At thas�atio 1U i -b gr iiilf 1)ae f -n 0 Qw inany of our farme The urnift ot.,01e, S. .9 Sar� tb T at� it a.- -riasonable' ti - dini '66 .1"1 qjieetimi ic WfU th it --se lie., -wgr,6 ss and -Cli Erb' ro 01 'A t cured Th -e- Tiage. was, er 1poi. JeL pe t lfbe tllkhlgdon�-prdved, to, PTOSP effna e t -a On ect of king- it a -p tted them a threat of.-Muino id I"b iey� would pot 6 b6nefi rdin the -arms ab'd aul' 01 -SE r ec -,�o rian J* -o --carrying i e t Tto t e Xtzlit of more th n icaetion stopp f6otm e Undonderiv, Ire aud; May. -1,1 rece our. dollars -a,-year -at the cfi -when lie jviiiit A Pture. .1 few at IPe Y�nture to say I— " o. dec lipuse - 3.6b- i eal',. C, 4. l he Ef;wro -At-throe,O'd6tk yeaterdaj( the Allan' 4,43 pa- to etc: S pr ir tha-� A Iffb., is- �'Wall-tijlg make. the 'it. w .1ninutes aft6-1-waidi -Aliotllor ili-dividu aI� d er its fro aWatnei ItS, d 1).A.G., lifts lti quen t as�also halit4 -PI, -R -if -a suce is 1E,6ug wag seized n niddl -a drof it I -pa st.ed BoRtL qiis s tor ave it fair] atjt' Witl,e en no i% aCes in tcm7- b 44 to t? 16 tne to 'rob P" .6rrsi ma a n byL dMie ases, to 4 7 4 eb 'ot a ed u ce n. eg W, ill go�� ba D"sengers ay e. to receive a d- gy nj�� -to rescue - t' - he refooted eT tire, A will Cfr- gquilistwidt. w*uld e.ers, alon the Ainclig'ahl b- ell ad,a p- 0: tt an e. , rb a- a ldifjk�'� itbat -8 The- Laos &.Bill is a'tins- greem KLAN' Wl' ple .1 befor� ?procceding 6n� her tran 4flantic h Z ZNS� Py 6 =qlaTHas -t� s -inlv- fecoin ave fill the7 aoa- a- h to; a. mith 4iist before-our.goi sbedL to Press 4fter-abe - in o --the news.ome an- In Ala d 4 ee t, d et ve in b Cal, Won or in- explosio -d e Ttiront a man' Vienna icorr A P 0 1a b base bili ward'Hanian.. th epartment e'l '314COLK oil I Hoe'del,- s- -xia od 1�niil Heiar17 is liad ch e occurred to be Voin; RiPl' 3-,---Afay 1-31b 1 7 one C. _jj. as, to - Ps the e ?� I.,, A- L -police statioyi-, where 0.' "Yarnir, u: - :P �re7 Call, w com ng�at.. in, wi h. -i knifId- r. e The th th in 0 earest Co nce f6i-ejULdj`�rPb b ngths if�ne self -4 e P1 &j i 'KinrOUL- th& race GUL Wearlesday by:6 I� 8 a bunkers'---ind -thA yesse" imed isd ofi T-6egd he nIc -etween­ the Du%rin and it bee ',sent to -4 as Vulon Band Lodge, IT. jr. A. ht fiL passengers All limi lilestirratioh w- stituted-,., -definite Tile L .. - - I:. - , -- .. nary, loukh clubs. �56 re atcod: $,.tQ nul u u The 25,000 Nu the forecastle wqro" cut:.,b&. flo,111 their.. f s pger� ;I a- tnese p mra es I it time the at -evi , elid b -so a ine ei d av- borer b-61 tol use your dolign aLfoi the disciasion' -uifh S8 a 'If of'the privile ine Walk. lie accom -lice is �j�a ed Kru" N fax4r: Of.- KW6%gk vA Ing mysti I ' ' ieces-as,-well ge accorded 6 cis On th, �s of Fill erli son.e r I alusare ea y sPi 12.' t th of liderson e(, C61 e -res nee -Of fr, He --that:' the .'d in.pqi -oi T11 - matters. of publfe. c,6nc6rn I- beg to report a confusion and. astrnatiod 0ilred o sit, b 3 re 7� nour promin ant-ejtjZenSL.jn of issue" -was -vocaf-ii, 'Yas p nlile�on-,Nfo div, and -will Y, -the aptgiu-- vartienla�, in rifr,nce to the irierest t�k- A e, official en -requ t b' fhi3 X4 ban iss t 4eceas�d th -.on,,-- Kiii1i n conM y.very many. of to. CO, L to am at on., Me el -All -prisoner st ted rain(sve -$In nCr th lih- the It Union Barid Lo course 3' dge, iiu'd, �of able aa.,hedid '.No d nhe i�ntiial *orkingi-t tt e ay IlAt The, *alkL on"th6 Country -..roat greatcai -unicate With the �-horeaiid- elice iu sit 10" z1hat be- w --native orLi U;e0ftedipeiance. qfcouneagiAllc P - as -a ;P8 rid born fi*. I:tr6op furnidli -P 0 la so I t p0cefh1.xett1­ graig whes-wero. aq.IDS rue e Lod idduc6d; howe _0 . I . eaftk�­df the -18 PC rd -h Ithis - 4uppo (1, -In ..th ge gives but :Was: v6r, ex6iq t -o n 6 111i.4enie tba e uy ng any 110 affi !I Pd that I wa I , ie ree, r def x u t- i onq of- the� meetings during the for th bux n'th 'prisotier.-*a& first a vagui, and vnerit idea e Purpo . so of "sil . t b E ipetor.. t 'fired. it, lidtt iy --Sy�d ectl' ak of what is being'doui -r ts�isition who e f-�r. The Q t the- -attendance .1he. -the assi ta the diceasedi house -put in.propLor AL&HIII ast it months ' . . C 01 10 -OU d life of the i 8 nCe tU ak. t work-. a d- inteiMed to f6rwaid-6d, an' 9 eamers, an been Vqlage Co' interest, the spint a n ndivid 0 tile -the: are bein t e- e, o-, a '.18 'for -'the show the. 9 -q I . eitt 'members',and Yolt Will have tolerablVcotrect' .0�6.arrati em" uts i� Itiestiiiii'Altr ro, -in ai:ls PP 'Uni rection -i, di idq. of -the: vi osd to tali4, and p6wer-of, CT ork falso -0 am'] ice 4� -pi e e va. -cease lot) �for Illu aid- tbgt,theji1NeNi care ifor sta:t d th t'), that teln�,erance priu;. pas§el)ger4 irith b.)ard d -He, S to In ge. four. hundred 8 - to erc, iq ior- CP16 To show,-Mrl Edi6r,' VnaIprese� t co ngelge GDUMCil� net I Lod on. Ban 0 lbsoi eirt 4fo � M�y 13 t b, '8, Reeve Wili'an& i will, -1�tj -4 :A( DirA I o'R in the tbai klember all `fT b un as- r... ciPes'ar6'nbt�6nthe-d6cli'nein-'Luckno*-, (,�kg 0 a e.sliot Once- At I 111j,Wf, and I ce Present. (11cD fl bet r th il D I up ucceeded in Pc,, e, -Wou -acci - Jor, tho'lo(her and wilt 1n6 doubt- do a i, Uilts were theit could iiot oun -the -jn�g our eicellent and liberal, Bro. Xalicojm cajup' tlj th -per 'the iePort of'any ordinary 66rsof Ae' V084el had a h a hOUM The following -Acco meeting.,:- Am ai. ay 6, r il hots whi h were: WE be e & t -rd hasty �exT. , _ . - r , t b ffl, 'stori OUIPI lLve o er fo them. s c rat 6 sel' 11 p ogers n Esci-, leadoff with an able an bliD_ resented —.H. R Luting"sh th6 ch oam-, rto oflthe'Tuiki t*b so ;90 IOUs Coulptrtm�q-ts a -of hii-.- revolv -r. wuably followed.by He thou" ?- �uent aadress oil- tbe question of 'the hour. He �111(11113ation-ofthe' h t' ber: Wi wis W. Pascowe: -Ky xi d oil, G T. --Bur-" mi ine ljOULSeL vor, stiv ore e lth t.our worthy ..Bro.j Thos a t In e ho -ie "of- ini d. Tbe'pfis 11-C, actnirk.. discLarized them- 1' Ab ence pos LaNvrence. Ei -was Ina ei` an it wasJou th" ght lip 01 a I q., wl -solid seAsimespeechIn ud- at- about -Py�`hnd, 6­45�- trotiO, pvllies�, ropes &c iape-- -wight -ba e. for Jirj;!J-11LL aTumer Al or T engers Engliall, in regular sledgii-h 7le-., B'ro. f t of' knife but tabl R pass had t taiiied' in th eeV JawOs Miller followed with aand Treasare�,,-$,�, itics and whis. - 'in possess- gIOsue e1q looks- previousi'to t ppeA f6r- ehallen,; and will he, key," and Was understood to say th Ift. Via Is It ey are coll- his' eeti n - q U1 id Dem' crAtic 0 0 Bron. G c istic al n -B een �a - -Ofmembqr�bip of se - - 2 _ _ _ , urge6i, J� Treli t ra IS o*� -and Pal 6cheL T. myen,, oth I had leg s I;roketi- h ts I r; to, net,, i oir Ub' eo. Dougla Gr�n- expensii Of tri� joLKinjo riet i irious Parts L- the'- bod 0 ered 1, f I b Pt efi arms: U'�,i6 thii iiii, lhewh -YPU -a - fe - w were bu r- 66lishu "_thiTrk ext ipjuired d* :,kn� fe -but!! t .0 Oil OD _like_ ed by o- ive Pe':dingg and ricititimi to the, manife and They, th(4� c�n, -beat. 4nyt, junior C rned bo 5eh " 6h _tea d - re. --to t. it it! Is not _y0t kii 'r * . . e ry that thi n, ead.' DY --th's .1airest and be�qt­of- 6. wbre d d" Ou 4 tic ulli 'no, sin o ar- iwdhe-whol�fiiterspekied with leral as of Nurc�it- midsle and songs the head -Thre* erwardi - x -e. 'Thd sootier y. arid, nsp�cter b4'etb-- Luckno, . I..., I liosses of 4W , 0 Ociahitic laderal s6en'it ift jju -it country- 0, tj -,ib Wadaughters.­Norshould-If -tth, h. as ering- in I own 6 ha,WL t heL e no part 'powered: to, get pl- rgYmen-of the- Viilage- villo found the iiandle b.,iner hr t Iji)Uncli- c. e 61thoUr declared bdon ed re I le �t uit is gen6raily- believed we 'In cgs Alit _IjL( n sprq4 'IV lo sery L, eir counsel and- enbuiurattement e passenn urge et list L' M. t ieir was a- d, and get- Pointtoatti��kL&t,ka@t-on.ce�a-raoiithitid 'by u L every mis t,- Yet make -it A ed k Anfiot be-wi t y but r litsD PrOt6efioll- -'A t;wat odittion f, -T.00nl 4n& G6Ujt repaire n&that isj -rat way, - acco, Us -�7 very-- a s �don% r s washed- P.rov litical parties. -a d a 7 idi g . said -res. ward'to every-kor)d wor4 and work. - te coildi661f -:of, f.i -isty. ind-i-publ. ingtituti .0 ra not cost -more than $ t L'the- a( -0. hs -kind ]to* videpeo .,the nT14 'Pai do- BU the number.ilre y otitod w 11 be don. th Young. men'of Lubkitow in ng f 'It fui "The.1 , V or a 'hich- le: I�Uok-jlo, -and-L Co uL tefty- as Or_ is vW Tli a ed peiid the- mod! ih-ei�"resu'lt that a 'Ib'otn base ba]IL'afid 'are wnrthy� 6f Z hontw -- Althp�gh the - ftsbn sid erbly-in6r&jod. Ohl - ided, defefic6, --at h rriv : for other ed 'tr6m. e0 a low -t a ny, ed ja -Jan�j and ILVi# to '-three- Ste in r -h --hai .9 yhli out rtS e r 0 m 'tee.composed ot I I - 'I t '17 manly ter ion, -sbo at -on h etook -16f- tlfoldiofijoWt 1 800 Shortly. am strike ght I�ath� lf,'Corrigan (16ei the 61 atHOide f6 1166y 66k' am. r erIy held ey hetake�thb Is ic d I mse Loillge;r�olji po ve In 'a. :ot dr� it' e t' --with.` ii'� ha Air A 13 8 4t hkyb Tr r ent., -dri 'Pee Ing&--,har Leip The ther --pris, taxed. lh4omwid tafter a';�Jile.-iby.t 9--50- fLm and 0 4.55 tendhri; brou a and 2816�rte:be appoint d toprocare 12' Frwowds. Talk Pf saloons; bar-roomor, g4t ish6re, 400 -.7 mer peks t'tick -ho`h'rs� ih' P fol tho- use of th gullt­tPihawt Why�-.nOt even- the i iI! leavex-prrli wilight aeugers, e V W al e I 'me oiler, lKillogor., rp innceP4 -knit q Court promenadej nor that sublime --te porar.. .2PPears the fit e at 'i so- an it-ds-reptirWdLlho f all d6lights - - .1 - d reet. 6rn -the -to-' ' d , p r rooll).��C tied -pm --hTk X a aced.in. wer -Pro70 pule This IT' discussion. emi 0 w 7�h xe earn- bir h ge!A., too to 13 W-by"th tyl_ L: Yjj, could lure Ve -p! -has be --h h iLnd- elivatin the'.1path hib6rited of -du them Arre re Was ijg r Iier -b f ldiia and "Mi. -Editor. -1 repeat it all cause-lie-ende4voted, �*,ith- ' ' ­e�! - , -- 3,10-ied -b aweivoiskii - y Geq. K 4 b Al. Wtivre,the He Terr, second' PralMe-t0-tile-young men of -LucknQw. Uay, 'taxed 67-1? d6tt. h at-dkth fto,tho­ e ore a the IV, auendied i Y - , III e- CIA 111131101 or! om Ilar- A�h d: oedel- dRaingt- igaii li� Ilk -be, -will -%efda-honor-to-th irqu,�,n and-, ud 0 d e (,,On is- om-a- n-ig jov 4e laril' a to UL L sw -: - � l .1- . 1 Lgn Y -tt;18 the th "b 9�511 uilt. on-ELiat, side 6 , ­ t, ` 6 --oW l-ana to Luckjioi� ry -0 in( h tit D oary -pated the, f th" e o, v�m Que,th' in lirab on is, _'C16L. W a1ed :�4 '054 e L �--Xarrie& ervWw"' 61 ri a -.of - the Ui bid: i' fre 111; ro. Jus.., m g -Will 4 er oMe._ xq cPa -250 --imp be7 rg'L. n*yl#p of, som ng Oortal, and so, -must be- L' 'Ia d one but total abstainers be -consintea 0. in tf to�" . I - -are dW 0 0 IMot recogi&6 tWe'-Z mone, LU 'ba . U T-802 on -0roufffif 16PPonenta-V the rri le n 0 Brosi W. Ti�dleaye4. 06M. 2!t poor that —Jq ton rjZ, 1�11M-id--Diiubtleas�he wit re ik-t L' - 11of 0 '61 reine.,-' The- - nf tsor -s k t t a t. _e1pet.,ted. to Am*- - uee JoJRf,- w 'IOU" 'suritrise , ea senceofib theli dorrier Of 1JamiItOU-St-;,-tG- Willduih�y -whom I ful y bi in' tj �l)iiidi 58 tinje -three, ei t6ll all rtf d oa injiliar countenbitce of B k -)I�pved an(I seconded roui that tit and KdRar.. T)wj6 the' �w 1a1)oUredL e, ex, a in, f -8 ere were Q h d"' taian To- ;0 the �0ive-th eCeWt per-leevit. -Or teit � ing-church ac d eX 'd. to ifil L 0' At e -sum Ot V 5: E ac -Of it- R. -V Iiron *ere lisp eNIy-V66k eurt abstinenca it Y" Ur. t bf d 91 11, where were tbevi ?0, t-,bf aC, Cite to. best -S -trespapi ow jerio, rme -3fathiii-atiltoth Mike Y rold.yadthoes ut; T -must not -PA440119 rw c ive nu -rition orom si-WI atina JIM as another. -Pr- e tte A 0 vur4- T tent..% Islit to th ooney eJZ:s a 0 orrj P. -I -16A - - P. — 'd so ;; 3 hi Nutt# -aid. OWIsto _-,b - I n & Un 0 ar i a ia igr u d� - r6d pt -t o leave ter "Alt r, "Idl .8 lerio B4Wn -bib -1k b receive Ge an'.enfigtati a aW -thin 0 on- :.�per Moved, t: in pa it er.-- d 440t., And- -h inwWrOODI insid vans .' L & A!, -every I liaboier -of 4t A -hum rp ---ther­.aucc�wu ilia your tf htce: i"�: to it, - ' _ _ and- soconded,, thit,:,.R b lonil 4v -the nj ojin --i fati, mcip e, atid nsitioli t� ver ii sum:of, $8 log, th But Sri& imp idoridkL on Ojstram� t�-u? (.4-arnd& li,,-"Tlts 3p abetuitnaii a 7 t'C coil to -IF W predigiom 1Ejbb,!-iad V _.W -iy Ing nc er P loved a' dedth atid F�niinsaie- be, K 6-: vor�- tv JL'4- an( go h1olinto e 0. gesoll is en! ;,w P� PoStr 10. Tea 1, - V ft 114 oWO: Wo -P 01 4i at . .. .. J be app bet P i� W t4at bF h6d sW -h# ido - peer and braill y ris er yriminer., a ue eisty:b6tk"�,T X!fP0 I rs- ire W, Keqy 11 Old L Or -ce oh picil, lie' 0 'Antid' rt 1; a'T �o 30 ��Pv - n or engag, ;va Phryd t6 VJ -PU son I k. �D z!Any, at b oj 0ma-, ft