Lucknow Sentinel, 1878-02-01, Page 4-7 4 77 - Cnow )I.m e d -,j I rUR Tlir,, deritij, -or Nvas. tj_ a arts's R Of Old ',&, gej e 00 ri�o-Rbyls,Ott paq up" by L- Ora-, he j? Rome aoctor -y lit P0 4� hor :n I sof -tlie le, � t le 111, th sit It dilaq et Oil DAV j tirt,, M eyl.,a �i t mv­r� h 9 deup1n` alies., smi of El rin et 1�3T IMPRON 'by a f�y- j;�� T�j UW -e! 21 - -as- appo nd­: deal 1xvilm IL In LE:;�SLAUU 0 n e t �C (,,titilik. It Tl L0ZH f ts jHAILP V I pre is:'that 411kerhapg. I L444"'Welt, d's-0 on d to -�Irrekitcllell 4 -COMMON y Bill as �el P 616te IOUs: he t al)W� t3 COM Co. YOU" ro SY AWW- Ru & ME 4 octorin'l Where Y The,.Gre4test won er-01- 1110(1�rn T E-TH aisda lij- Opi Ito.1, -0 eiroct ot tea ."VlouAgea 4pbQ I Bure, �ete. bti4 "At 6c if rry Illeriq whell'y U do it.., FUR ors Cea,$ viie, Joc t t 'J - the -rd-like. to --T roxtblhi' WL MPilit -are injurious- t ­ U Yi A Y. ix f From. Y�TDA en rom: -thoi `25TH -Sizoll, you -aWn. BY, flim -Grace, 1101 Im -INSI poni" 9, an d sore ordersot Me I -D VEa sV in all abd;�re inyaluabJ ne ent-, CO -see. fu Y 1i yer-, -6tonia�Rs T :The Pills-' y the ERY 0a; Corr,( CELLE I � - - , I KBRUA S"R - - ". .!:. " -1 'A AP. :8 Ii 11, (it my 116,118 Aff lit- 7� ,qovl�t�4Iv -it -suil#'AN agen nu� Purif QU Adll I -T E, BUS ,Ina tiler Q Air m k -i i i7 of -1 (o 31OU bH 1 A 0-1, 11 - e, ti AD� r --b-H a, e -11lit vVell. �the on ea - - .. . ` - R110, tor. .-The�ointdaentia ro� 1- you 'do k )& doe yourap 9 :26 CENW 0 theria Dip all zan!- lever (live r- Col)qs.1 -Gput,� r It ty evol -W hoWeViei lon. ougbt, Nvoll., !r(iAl 100t: old Wiouuds ore� and - -bes to and 1 (kill' -13ad Le_ ia.91 iseas7 o no, equa tie, aL.111(f Skin I). es it IT' 7C -�7 0, the, -brui 0 t (successor H d fl ji el 'T T �i 0 11W pain ugjI the tent Hands. I t ko� tl Lips OR -W t6 bo- givea by st All lit Qi till, pers, pkXV1, x1lusion, and III aw 0ace i, T -Ly. !)ONE.% 'd- f rills VAREFFLILY,&I 'NE is CL sp BO long'. � 0 un( 0. are jD&UU actl ntinen LIC conuedm Holloway & by. J.F.- Atuldderate-rates tile w , . 1, 1 - ­ - j - 'if tfio, it -b -an . z - ,-- - - st B,L restatullient -C b;Y : , SpUrioUg. inlitat Via ftilkVr Ot"116- t fed d lost a -TU 0 0 $tlllafor .- in ll�:S- mail d -- tb T , - I in er a name 'k -de -A vit'ji coxm g -tio with this de artmentI, r and Cull fl,I -the ttia Alit q0t! & in T-- Metropi it Y ead At th011a"I -of nd + mirk 0 Y Witk.all SSqUM4. D� IS' L i V -1 dr c , u HESUBS in one B'T -Y i�' Q111 t �, it- biskii. fty 06k 'teif6iti ttle it- ff 00 Lii mt*e- h he intfn4J public illat t %iri e passes I - I i - .1 . 0 way 9 -the, tiam 3 Pf to an qui to 0 anchl ly - i CrA scen Un- er 3bihq -!Of av puop� and Us d;seases for t 1�-�Aine. ts -o at. 2. - I . ;1� 1, -better to'L ecoiN L, Yo -per These sons 'the IVK. lit It e are idea 17 LU 'I own make Tud' AD 3, do mark inf BU- IN t that .1 icknow f -houses i -111or ale by-- itile t e,, u T k- It I r t. L lusbit9ly cautio; 'j�t i,r ] , A s atfix 0 s p -Prt)"q ig-At t1le'ell t B -[NS Tesent,sto- d,' b '30.cts- -6;ilfy the spurious il] litati hich iirex 'B bi I G I b ok oft-directin �Aiid is t e tair, IS ormware-ofC,,, -to, -the P W IY w P t j(tge,) tin &m. AT-� � .1 -31doney Chas. unscrupulous imeTsobk, ttlV371 44 -e, inh t ave the liub] ': t t ijalL Caa jall'Xs .9 .�iciniiy, IAS.AtrilllCe I 01t I a low prices i�nd iell thein -to t t�j� 0loise 111114 abitt 11 TAILOR jus receive j TO -oi- IRIL )ee sto6k. pee r. of - I - I a - I just receiMl! t rk- I -h _4 ohli it night last Sol, be,�s in er oi,.9101 Out of 11 Kul U, 'We. 1 t) i t Q -0 , T i; � 1 11 -. One nlo. 10' - AmORRI N the Sim" die :)U;lt C az'm eAly- and res lie, opeliv I Oliv,13r t ias tlaygs�- andfir" Class iam �G roceries, - C911- er -vi�ll t, NTJ -T-0— hini�. d ION --m -.-IQ litle ,�IJ06L Ill Vail), 0- to 1notliers of t h : bli of Tresl� nd �tt� t e, pt, to -goner Client stock the o be eA to ' r '.-. �­ ­ � �4 '- � � i C lit lij$jAnjej�tr ktt -1 kilt). �,e a ed, maj perfe .'un i werii Y -M -GLOTHINI Ca. thitt they- My' Book's h. 'e bei et ast -tit EAD of, en teethill; I'D I fo 011 james lit it Urlle.11__ denota. t �Y ew jo� I lo. .intirel— -y I -'jjjt�, to'bacc( a xe osAiid llave Ina rul t.0 -t u nd- he- is 1 Wt raise.' s*,, eur car the sliolil- 44 -1 r rked niv sto�k yen JOW. '8116ula look -8 pickles, Call Ze die I pt out of 'bed erg,. -call and,siae!iir an yourse ve Id. of 1; fr it uly to III, i01 Yt eivvd it la Setill, 1 s -what bargaii 3 91V1139. it. g1 11-ot 60 61 Out �Ier-hsd lany )ni for orde! roet' Parties tbe "ralit1eceipts for -sjPjU1nP' f w Could. i e I, ot 5,33, ok6fineflo4r, h I acli 'il� r �Lol -: 0.vforttst ri� th ct.f rc 11 in th G roc e TOM, t r C I I to vheat rft�its. r ­ -t pre-, t le. I'llt Oil -his M firs IVY A. -M ORRIS 0-Y, it ttk�' prt)digiotis, as ow an lie- 0'od�le would do 0 -mael. il� -qel-lil]fr ce� na it jell uln zat eu ot, in and- ME Britigh ?, e,- eu whein UIOV clUk- Ck W Jan. lied et a rroOd 01)e snokt'y ro U the 1 s`533, Oxford :Street, 11 on on ti q roLl ellier"IC Lo cheap c �If you e. �don engraved 'D ere le tan,4 actured. ;,V forX f feeWl Of en- alsine the t ii rt -y- -01"fit, t) Cats ou a bir i A TlIci wa bu. -corn -Ctin or Wul )"Sh in -horOV91 he a �beent eil e 0 i: t1i !I ill to oys, kin on fink g -U, r I I e T.k. V rc- to A b -Civil. aroull. -are f ripjAkd? ice( the 'b tIng t.her fArti6 d The y: ud t eir -tl t A�i nie'� c 13� 'Out t Ai t 4 all all �- 1.1 — .. alld 0001- e - tor 0 ­ -1 . :Cbeap g� (five you. n eti: Olif J.o� w6rid �;pj Llf attvr see 1.6ndon IV �r allecd q1111 - J. lyr-111- VIL et 9; adv 0 N EY tile, ClqA se va,luable to "a .e are. 'rl. en they t -d lie I tlid Beeft term -ill 7 'rowem, r e -1 Mo--U-roe-coI�,T of the -t Mr. Qiiv t:r. ro- IL cc P tato it. a tth�, Wl -do t�r —A T in ti 0 e. ei�s thkdz PIN 'lTlic, D b tate Ilk. PTO! ed #: 84' imill E a,a, litita, youl-9. e- Ilaid, t lie cross" until L nd -P or n vyu 11 E. tht1d" wa�- nath!6 a8- r "aciledl: ITION it wherewith to thilly yaldS -A Cats a r r.., i it tet�- -OL Pay- jmirntl,t�r liclaill-Ig, t a lily' nL OT R. TO asehired- to:'We'k to' b a T fill'. 0 1 11 t -one YPaT 0 - 46 VI: - W rs ViSt f F'.. a j, ul0lis rs igre ilk C ts. ro Le Warriur 4iij! now. Kp -ly - - - Thtt' bol i [W b iSHO LIFE I known: Yl B bo.ot lie cirl . aim the 'A 'The- public Rjtjl, bEkTON is now prepare n d 4jrtic in the e xhibition oy MEDAL: - 6t' en ly f6r �h ithat ST being th _Ire fill ain Y T e dnring the shape�,pf 1�6 had -106 0-e nki ItL tli�j I ir in tbx D�o , 4 �oi at it out-, the-�r jjitrofi&g s N%,. em yrWo alj�oa bVer,i C organs. it - D Waggq- )U 6rr* as -on an o r 01V Ze %vr,u6--( at - I r..- I 4, 1 . - ilh d -9 I ELI Pt It he h n 3 :-g A 4 --hAd ;,Ver� o -0 ee ahir VIT -OR. --just 'The - t e -C n r t tar TA th r .1 -pa f ig jood-ns th mj� wit t ei in pill BY f�kf t. mber.. a -gent, A Che ge.. Q�sirgafi had �twolve;'getts- W L pliatm - - F Wit"61111 tQ III -1p S a wall An 01143- 4 Q - Tilej'o %% - A Stock - b e6rr6spoI1L1cijt lates tl ib k en ille F e a t -,C1 ;oii lworiid "I "Ito hat in�'StPck 1(!ft York for iver I -at! ronage will find ,t wi Alba 1(secon I' bb- 'WHIP .,B rgoA tot 0e.cop LU -guorautee-ae.comps- 1Bk -ra stock; -e run -S A -as goo dedii e - 11W i1all T.owh) -as P6nv ADUMS a. oR any btfi�r tl W071131b tb baTtf 64 r p for all early d' id 'aagWell zellwllt� the I )r his. Istoc L -est6blislio rm sailt -Sol: I d nor agreeable c d Z111(y ona a fi-. tI tiuber I- aM*r ir 'p-051 b mess -13 N, D j, tb, -ma Be jkW­ 4 Uumber use d ticleo-118 '60dton :0 tv d. gener-. f 01 -kin( in- iee 1A -inill he in! �Ooml oil' all And Conisting (I -,titb -r lh onsiderA -hav -an y ily the oofr(-,B� III u �,'Lj Y re in a 1)1 -a I, tily tj ('all fit I%_ dn n its scieiitifi j)i -uF TllX-j —Y into er 6at tendS orPri of,�Wo �Vas"q Coriplectio'n M41 Ite -of -Wo (, G er" L dies.. D 0 1Y the a1L t .- hIRER pf: rude. p; wre %,va a6l, t -a ingf 01 D P,,, S E D LIT yourselvest POW LI n about MY d: W. -B 'TO EtT, itad, colne, do nd will. be sold the1awest r s z;C kinds a ders. "fill 'a a iv*d prica for cash.. Ok L P.1, Ca ito fly pToeL coiist�6n 0 �jjjlptly filled. of uOW,,, 11-60 JAS. GAUNT t lie, car I Ii a ly ii 11�1 the v ou It 37 lu Kin -U 4j&r Ki loss'; tr t llt$i u Th �,E d thap st, G hly ta 1110 tPa liful the doory I Or Y -AMM-0 r-, W S fit' -1 at - Upon C TH -C m A M idLLAR la . : - . - - . � I t 7 OW to jury. ina wie(" Ve ot't _ell.., jf�ad -or 'the bollrd'�-t "Acine S' a ot timill nin tor 40111(t Tliq n need aftYW 1 14 t ntall brorO sli0ill- jte,-y-T0t0r,; then -h -LI 1.11w ill -or upn and see h 01i (r-, lie, IJY 1r0 It';" A hi felb �90 r,l . . : - . r a 10et farine. n o ni or ro�x- e llatit a , a 011le and: 'Pitt opflt4v car 01d NvIt Iadi aniES6.ma- rnns, 'but ReNer d j.4 a e t I i4 fi ond o it -EPAiR Ott f, the ij,iiry. there k Tharp W OL by -in y.titren,tion - :1 t6r, 110 0 �1 the, tile all, 11.0 ze goo qoQII - ­ `­ x 4' il,, it� d .0 1 d :sev i j" ibors kne of of7svi h ..b�lj_e,Ve fi, tight to- A-- lAr Ol tile uall i' but r dOO 'torg �Aff�� C i0ved i5ii. r f6. o sb0- (in hin" file tottell, OM V pi a Nvorlil Y- -77 G 00� hfo- iust, 1!-,iJIS7 4illi, ajj�k- walll�s; 1) -7 n NY Y we D". C In to- i n a QUA &t After -4k Is thituddred- tYke noe neck out'bv MW I I L�ji. 0 116 friod. tbe A'O-.)r, ic., hscrea etet -Y OW eure,� 111mi T - -Did yatrnil%l ilej 6�uld not- -In, Illu and sai r a, witif as-' of we ah6lilti-lie t o6t icceftt& Of 01 some ra I AL_I, Pk iv- - t Plivcr.NIdth their.. �h Nvith. V I - D TI NUll6ut reply 14t 'Thi. do th L U .0 LAI -ne Soo x ile, QL K: wa U ti_ tile -Gene ung .111011 in - ry 'd' 114 (�rw me 611t; Intending PUTclia,3-rg will4nd t6rinhAd lie Wo �11;10 tho YO Jor niithin d t . -ex 1411, UeLl thia7 t ,&Il and U e It'd. t Calfa d,S(, grAdeg at' Ieathqr 'ing S 10 Ple ne to no A ffr so-Ille: lbusei arst -pt- tlp:',i b' jh"best �k _pt, itr6et ke .0 set and A- Olt. oil T -611 ASSIO K. k G1 And bj..tb� 4St.,-Qf.WoT for form G Sid lio(r last, ili"lit?, With''P It(! 1111SCL fivie askj in Va viluo for- the. 211jiley _tdL bd' one t A X IT 0 oelll .4 jid, tf , : d slilarp1r.) opivion, thql Same rule-. 9 - - I e v, Spe -u nelf bio wc. k;kiri i'iSlIL to tt -a iner thii. saln oysfbll!� a- doctiPrf- liundred.- aO� t1pp, - I' ... . . . - IU Ile ilia U Ale truthWCOU-CiN h- icks to -keep and PMe, b the in6stim L 001 piP, nit won tlifle of 'qiiare-. to ' RVATION pate c ever issued, entit e Aone n6a W -,p nS0. ta . ine in t a ag -jx [a ya a4 agalil.. d. IL. :policellell hb'l-est medic flyi ud ith hit' il I d- ind 6 hwiL mil h� i�F alt arjulikl:tbii S lkl:l '%V U -exl� h 'on re& ist Of -price. . or, tre i rest fill jud -thd endless C rfto it 0 iv t Oil P D . b k I:A -barg n F 4:tuter' . 0 ods TH 1W ni ja-, tb 6, r.Or tiiejit,.-�aslia d e of.the -wat n11 De011i ut rvolt. and ��yslcl mitnut lus 6k Is, OU fing m6rd ths, In A Wo audl�stutold Zispres,that result -shw- go- -of1lavilig-showli, ailYIM,111, t 1Uq MR, iiiii liot s �dv. at Rt 01 er ma Lig. illy fwm&is aIIthe ook.- 1tQ9bobkw abwritteno-bythd -:tens1veAnd.p Ztdj0W­ ts --p -i it id- -htea I - k, gelific-11% 9 the. er sho OT%, r _ _ L r ah ci cillat, ouf of 'lit with il�ie It r irttf trdbibl�L the Mopt 61ii1rit1praetilion in A-,borlQ69tOwllOMw`1 c de _11cal AssOristi011i. -,-.v let 104C e. no JIIUB finest - r Mwaidedago)d ne0t �dal-by ihexitionaiI iidin 0: Ter TLVAVORTTSF fi diling-tu tile 'and the o i d writh at th r tt -ind beauty Sted 1; It _fi n the Picket lill Tel Of 0 "ISCIM t HEAL t�- ..ft fO W ill,, out, of rnzz �4 ivi i id Who. at thinking -of 1W i -for -it at OAC Address e. Ott PE:ABODY HDICAL nn erin nen were over fil ocwheor 0 -91eighs lot as gli dofibl . !order ondery St if lot �e PQ L asod. to py'.1yfrotil-thoul.liourbe topsi.an AS lubl �7 ray I or -!)Olfc amd I cat a' -an( 7 0 bei4tj qn Us d fill. All my ate�t'r hosing, ATU eDA liitli -,di§jja RIO -th �jn —'PY&-t6 o k tle f BI so Cllanj -5 A G L A 116.3, practa 81i t r Lo ry 'ry 'In -lima-ker -d' -W-Wits 4ivadredl rp It tLoular 1 -tho ed aJif i"aw it Nvoulij-do. to tat And irbat is dd 16sfifi ibe',stiifie propor on, ifi llz� W In _,V611S _as l5quare-an U wi g neW dertheb ght shop. AA dire" t to til, Peoplo at f G6 '1:. �j !I-, , it �he Cimen L U E[L- -iihen-ded Or t 10101.1 Y-11'e-ut'j'jyrif It -A WAGON 1:10P in V11, UONO t A111i n M 'Illtickbef4lt f Fortunatolly-toT I to b6c of VP- now 'd VL lld b' pt, 6 Ut at t SO1110 OU Llt�,V; Rgul, Wha. hae sto f eus, forth ow.e ary :o t e "largeal; ted AW best--�q -one f 11 an rest nov th jjjj�jle er _pj 11911- am I, , .1 15 1 ". -New �-Mihufadtor-v- two. Lut folk bode we I all rld.- G' store in 0011,� - woi IOU. rn, W11 .1 tv gr *6­v� _ ernent e C1. t %q -COMPLOSed -of--- UaY en%joy ill be round W nue d (-Wbrk- strung ;Sea; t.0 -1 e - the-- leielib k t a -bb While III t Yepainthig do contain U ej? a I kin IQ r ifrmed4ith all-tAtIld withid".6riatob mansi, P_ .2%)],prig-LIT, V� er. -:K, ilia ks 11-0111 llovi . itz, An. n 'Vate es or an.(I-- SPO ISO -Usu FD Ull Ao. 'Door trAfed,. d !jigs Ile He'll blei pgue,4�nlailv­ 0; on� cal fit I get f DnVV large ilgqqtief �qaaqd,- 6A. to for i d 825f hand Alid hitid d' lit le;uglialinierill' U T k ri f LVU of s d ol" f ur'tSken .50 d& -_10 Y, f':E. - ­­ . j n td 4L IZ re t s8tor.e egiap *7 t ke m1M. L - _ *, -0:.A W H� roolnot,o b ij�goi g tb.-moVe as.soon. a lie- 9A -an KV U its 0-- 'Er i1tablq for' Ito, V�6d AuldS .5 J.OgfAW pene -his size. r cl I tlian, any 0. 11bStalit a o�0 Y, L 'O;W.IifW n L Ills te t jati t Sp, Ir Hd- S Ufthe.b 'oil r66tlT-i,W I - . ' . _ a n( eagroom n .g".,o n, .-W ht- T N Xt!L(to6r.-:t6�'-iibb6il,)ri��b�'4h U od -tervit J3 oe W -i "be Ti3atible MIA to i" 4iug­and-ldVWV IVC8, to 00 D1 G oil TH re Into �E' xe -ai . t. %t ds: 0 S,,, � noct 1101 �41111v' 1 f 1 19 te OIL 4k, Doi and be, fito dq i erc n t A 1! 1 I iin