Lucknow Sentinel, 1878-02-01, Page 2_7!�:,77_ .,Pill We- va-� pf M 7. t"A it JA t4ton -;tile 41A e Y -0d 0 MY, r 0 , -k - M - U 15., dii, w'�41. t', air -b- 7k - _z A 9. ic 44 t A T 0. now up -love 44 T: AU W 4, VIff 4!_ 3 1 �,.' t fit 1V U Milk in -AR en'M jw -.e d-Vou 'C iv- 114ir W - ;t& L, � ', - .7- : .,I 1P I 'Al _ I.L I 'All': M b -,411 y py. i ed to' it tic 06: i Mytej.dr.j ove -4. t 1 'd ted fo,: I _0 20 -UU e HU 0 s tbwbest ei*_'i ilt d h (_Sr� ijils. . R - Ex -2 e- )Ur,� 1DA*0'O X C411: tie W - - - TO ryz and. get. $061b Of tb 'j.. 2416 A I PR,Trt -Ahmpa- in id T_ , 1 alluclepitub L T wmft 6,T1140104TIMIU polieb. FT 8 F -sq,, 14, 7,M it n- - 16 014 (a zi 9� -i jare i Ot jjj,ojj ien -,a e a Pit !InA -lies- L-Ws� all e IV, t r"Od Jill 08 e-'Uhose, hed UUVA:?ALL - R"rJf-LIAZRT1Ei5 T alit *Vriti, -halt 11 let t r a :b sod0- are ln- .:--V ",, i. :, - - - . , 111 _iUnzinm Ili ee, Of tpe',d Nit' _q 4 d .1 11h t W eLi Tie uld -have e Mimi VNe-Z 015 i�'- -ho teow inthe -0 IU ,r�.of-ii 0 ol as Utii Ih- f , __ " - I & I to eht _'GRAND E A SIT D I I egiyeq h e r athdwal car 78, ne oq ilc Zang and Iiiiy A t Wii, evelr�nslne­knd _T Y 1877 1aw (-on re T he AyrL �f 11 iron ys ar L tj 110 e tf !U. do� 9 ar 3M -'eforr lad, fMtATjo.N,_ A lig inifin. bpea 7- hVed1l -cob I1 '!!I' #utfi oft -6 W! God ith such -tile' be t -A _bj___ t le P� u- declared- Wni b 6 Oj -such PIC, VAL �thair� 61- - jundby-the Chlif. ueWon nciplei� -oft 0 -Xv $0-, SaY but tbi� car Ur a0 _14OU011' f4t is to be t9 11 Fable -at. t am U"Xious to d0this Tho. hil leca :come hot, ers c 11 Is-, elle -of g, -at It fie Thelle _Ct 6 I ft I - ov lie; 'bhj� ov Y;� re assem Y e to- 'the m �Ile laurs, "1 -co 0 per ed -its �a a -cone uslo)u )w Itt a ery nitin )II ot;ce. th�­ t( ot though lipite, opllit 010 lkj3f� -th0119 -ts thg� -gifted now Sk-atin (V oa d Ionous struggl t e, -L gl c vi 1-6i 0�. are b d's side xided -cn r W anq it is of this IVb" this day.of ir ion, th' (Tvs,� d d Illikei-fij plodfili. t jinportallbe fly erefliiig 11W; The MIbjvj;IS pips, iin )we mnuioji -of 1116. =Lny �A "Ada 'recited' Uthful.chirmsp, I'd ds . - ' - / ---. t TW , elf- % n ei I I'd * en.� bv the 4('kno wl'OSO S06-9 W U n 8 -are 11OWBIlligat'd we in . I !-view- - -1hat the, Ch�, -first W -) I , - I __ F t of 9go r id tbi.3, _-iwinent� 01V in Tch 'lid The eff-a-Vul! , 4-1 b6t_C�Pllli -ty clill�*te teW �l , M, -tb6 subjett -of F .50� O�let.y- 'ld-i' _06nizilunjoll yeity.setupoll- ji4li It hall above. _0i the among -private, -Cb'*, -kney t; )i dilibliY) v and blie.18 then -t a I t -t te mun.10 among g 1 ob' LIII& f1f(It, eWill-blio lid, it Ir.'C;00, Ajf`6 glowing i�At�ojl N utaw-store.,.- on His nia-rdy -coutli-y, 1110 rl _;. Tire so ati 1 r or 1 rij pend- on 'of j th�= wn -ell unf�-,411id t fola eve b 1 91, 25th i as 1) 11 LA ji f t 0 e t e fur at 01 nr v tMe giveil.$2.jot oih C tholi ℓ 00 11 ric 11 ffor' th !tf nil 'it 4 _� r011ed .110, - . ited.to-hijil, �3ht standi&t 8O)r . ho'uld love n the ed, g 1� one ost. stice ac MY k if olle- another d, I sid 1PO. -there n 'hil'' one ex (w �,l Y, cqin �wfth ; a Y. e reel e,'and the'l� tiall., ip4e daitotb� h'writing, ik -o k1liod and'- th es ev eir sit stance. to. one -Qne and'all-th' _Rbe other, fb ra e hat-ew e now, a I - ell' toori pray"with one ..an( -1-Carriod tljre -ScOttIIjjjan..-thi-utj�l for ca Aller anii lifted u ly t� lit- 4 lin res -er-:- ge. Tho t,�b -,qi (Im'-Of tliu is, - villa ry iernori. n ina t U0 unt or iiispi , li - -a eallot er; -t d- adofaille'lead -fait. sless or in table-. athe Own'toplethei 'the-.� to u;jhold lier .0 o -and A r to tIley, -or ese postion ay'be.- in a awy 4.tr, elled t 11 e' *110le I of- M Of 1 0 to refe prov,Z -Each of th at e en, t ir patr nizeil.- f, Loro t Itax to, bi deser 0 in 'e'" ' jidin iiine -1 nt. Iout the- av Teftwo, a I h e, bg V0t -th..s -.caiiie-_:has a, that I frs�. en,maintained- ii. -Se d� �hr j. c tit wLha InglIfIc n tile real goodn�ss Ofhoge ith.jvbh d at �gil lanq*; 'Ag at urc fly 'lle-ijoij that w t nQlm for wer� a Wally groani be.- The -CotteVat.- ently quite, �true. p -0 ootle pill We: are m. jaga­ st 01 ell n j"t Gcd -AcCeived in jo passiol - 10 IL Une '�esere de d t _f'; leatl and- pat ietic-loVe; �Ofjgq,. -, to. the. --of OW c b' broukht into �1ourfiet.-in,th that i 1. t-fueb or e by- thd Wdfa His h hay be fie4u of tile aelieliCleq etc - -contact. - The' A 111dep3lid t 0, e the, postles e bit co)d-s - t - I I . �o - A o& fr,()M -it otl ived,- and. Ire. mqst not j8_cot`Uhh'-wcPj. -110 11 - Xeg:. 0C 113 mafted-'exPect- the o 0 ellce 8 TI, 6 opl� 1. . t -.,I, hagti-,bul M-111 oil IV Ill I)roVided. for j 00 er of b uas o i0ouilting lot, out .1 of )y 11 -if int th"ll][217119try, witj -pray. tjj�t. _j mt th u;,U, oelast tilg(3 of ef4rnii ' 14 � . rk of _. 0 � -:11 In- le "goven fewer MCulties than'tbey b�rj to -ai _T -d ugh tl l0111(as, Sti 'arid th , h 110rg Coll tion ec. eei�ful urag "'of Donald- -7C. ire], ore.surroull h, ill iour ture that ingy be. dij, e that to' 'But his a reas(M abodt 0 &1 and 8 of' ..Y 1, 1 lie d -hester- waited on t1W I e e have 960d. reascir ter Tegardi )Ve �shdulll no tc� 9 ock "t xe tables w 1oi a we ingful ave 110 anan s It Mitu -c d ul� noble iitid -sub] b "counter (A 3-7 ]fun( r Od 6in wtillt (W 1�it Pos6d,- oil Open 48 a Chi d of G d -.119'a In;I11 f live up -to te.� pirat dftye, a" verr-inted and.- om: estment in and aInanded If-(]- own freelk-at the Vabi f s ip to talt lsi�vrpasbn of jl� W full -6, CA` d t iii 1kith air.. tender lw Ifts �t I lie field- f ' - 14, all and ented W . 'J U T Uturl ddreEs, " tral ead I to treat.him as a _bmther - Ch a �kv� say did "' f - , secret pledge- o - ; 0 c s_Y %fliat the'l 1111 0 1110st ovell most aided' wi 1 16 1. "'t� it It good-flibig e dt a Yr' tOlIgue'.diid ti l9141 1 & Ili-sohie it'i f h�ave]111Y fri d h- tb'- a ve sli -,eiiery pa id is"tt 4etired s-. to eat bread and -d f3tain t "tile. ium --Of for: 8�-t, O�Ajve rilail tire -ee( pror ul.!gjlt 1) ot be )mmon 'Lord,: be 2dits, n(_ts;; va b lie' d� at a it. otliers -as bbld _togttber -311 ery, 11 ni g� d thif-vith hll*d apurs I! ci ill Thtembia' -the Ygry- d - nhibe of chrif3t, e o four -Ch rchs lo an -growtit in ,out St di ore ground- to believe; e Rd J�y A -Stewarf :i Y tha, t tilous fbr-� 0 of -out of 'be sp�jp;' It at 6 T reas-on of this r I a . lid; zliked got I c -of - t - - 0111- - 110 - t flni ai . . . -that'a fellow-slnn�r has been -by ih6-jjojy:S ent I replied" C,_have solid -ord M jilitl -I - anIle Kel- cots Wha lial wr­ vi rig hi's 1 piri :an, yy, IV d --th A I Ipp ac u see-Wbdawn t th , - , ii - 'C', A-�ter -1011I for we. have groun . d that 11le rei e --of Lli or we�are i -d -e - to'- gAs oil- Its. 1110 ers e er�for -Dity j oul Ice( to one. bloed Us )lU La6n i . n llthe I -and p and jant�aft Y R i,L er -m.oi ex)f r entevftt ninen't, irit a sdme-Spirit b16 e( �:Or tl,6-- Bob, we -ean �lpou -the ame pi t1i'D 11P undaunted b- .'Ing W ell' to id -priv Oiri -S Pon ar --iron f4g lull efti rr pr ill the gd ful k at d-6tj jo: -with Olt- nestl ;italI7 uiiite-d Ily- teod a ivft�. I tell in' �tjjo a.;, I, er's till aW bfito, eree(i -,j.ebLQt we 'a -an. er pap QbW, D. lie Cahn Lot of A� We samejja e f a, faithful --E 1 4 1 . sq.-,- M D_ UIC ' 1 1 re oKe. deliwi 1 e .11"outt iii'the I 13 xgg ess eye We r ,e Wng 1 .5 ,,1 e s pr 13 icsentiliX eth t rist7s liei, 14, '-be- we should n I one 'another- o own ibeir, to th P wee 8.1111d thbin, 1-1-s- it I -.have. l, crfee ti we n Acted, both inittin.- clOWn %t tb Lord's y lt Y ell Miles in 1] 8 an Ili-adiLdtt' poe ai ing-c crs-tot-h-i- ? 1 0 id C4 -6brio tb i an faithful Ylliff-Upon th i[lie kiff0ii 0, ilhd Ltick a�our FathL-r's bo d'f to,ad-d-flidi-bg those," g"� 91tig -e iaige - e. Lric II ar cf)II10-6ut It f 11 ,If() ireasonable -then.. Ouse $4 - lij op� t tit ame sonk, l, Wortlyith-61 Th I 'I itis 4 t are tO stLud-ICt the right a Of ent, as -1 1� r -.tire -YJ alt 1111ire "Ili b 143- 1 the Sametl throne, wg shall I)jen,j -01,k �wic level I MallY %rj " thc 1 *1 ho-ra.,wils 4(tt ljoij f qCrininic ' _YA 16: �SO�J t bl' guied.by,the lie"heivs- oUtlic, Q. �ljpruae Oft e1?tIsian9,. 'toOkAlic. bepn rj.y ot I ol' si lie self �sinqing the s -1-ack ed fiel y Contest lie. ff i t It- is o a r �IL tildiltid eig Its, Of b c r is )-o 16" wfor euiell b I Ettl torset. ill n 0 f h aVery- $11.emArtil 8 d Ro Af- BoiC IllidaYgelloof oc,� re 1." 11 t 8ir:'1VaJrer Scott e tl I- to tw '4rik staW(I to-- be-! thit "' -� - 3 1 and.1101101laIly nee I he Jett a - t6, t bratin" the L C tb imput X. P :,ic, e -!is fe e -6 tile lipper in all. R terr T I fe rei roinanti oIleell kinortl �'-c i_ 0, urni-m-BOX,$9 - .1110F 80),311 or I]I01" Chu reli---' v . pper Eoorh their ndelta' on. 1110 121-11 eozi., of, nici'ilila 0I.A.1 il�;il)47 thOUSd ere tot, Ni es - -preser a-hemost-A!f �vhom I ', h 'inis:1fol -d I . 11 to -believe, i Q ail t ia ze: riuds: of Iliew-andflov&I til -e 11 �_.j T lirist's wa- ee jt:�If.j -Loid J P XICer.3 fee i .1 - h - - 10 -l- ilt -the j-, C -an 'ilido- u nunj I � 1100�11 a ill 6*4 k ot ery -to C tier h el r ilay.. - - A he eirl P dde Usti re. -ed-.j ews-aild -9 re yer� ....... re Lir iiatilrd. Ilia I b r) I ' ' ; - . P . . . I I __tajn roefo, i ki 111' 'd t I, -tlfe oth, be thus nieuts a e, Y a cf �alld rilgiie(l who jr 111delill-lity 11146CO had- b_-�Cn t4o n f66,- BO g :, t Ainc-icaft- .-a -I)ru A b diez: k -.tjiej4 ill icorr�erted vi&c aand -ere le Bf -b li6-jiob --rho to h ssion- Q el`Wlye minded 1111i 0 -You 1) 1 t Tho, D he ien prece larldli; hills' 0 �l at'd reading the pIse, I -ill* "' 10 th opa lylamijer, aj,,_most.%Uel_e It. PlkvO -t isquestiolafrom, t ilas tFr1I t.... 'und f co ek, o en (leo IVith and 116-1 -the-yredeived them.. P� kneclin­' �as�vre your. uctb6'�rjn �of )%cic with- t aall e opoll ill adlies I ra-Ps some ilealled tLis i6ul. gu 6111 Ic _t..jf they Very flI)propllijjtCUh& As-fo to o bt,01-11- calwl -have sbrlafik I c' �Iltil UM ill,11t: alreg of irope IjrIIHY,;jt,C _a5tir than all the i r - -theconhiIiien I!. Ba_bel� _1 -.don'- nof - Swer-1. L ow- felt -the'- -U 10 ave anO' e 'her e t us, ourf it) vtit U1 Cire A ahe ot6i. 1 h infe: I.,joi8o'll or Biethern an njOtives of.b.tber eIN111(tUrl, 'witillout 0.4 otile th reu a In ill lo 61 118 Nve It -ft -the t _Up, Ile utk:t lesides' - 4 f Y Y_ of I.. Andr tonl Alitlicill.. ell " V tb� -we Te�. nJul,, Ones'dirrel' t the� ii r1ftyer. AOf y 01, so dead th-plWoki' llft:Tean. t1lal-th -1 -ji t e llaille of 13 ly, a U& t 1k; is.my.owni L n. ti v 'heze, -,r we'� at least they -0 M.O_jV adjoliyo to ides Slit Id 'ed and ills.j witli tit iy pr "N Jc r �and Ire IN . -lee Mpaniod ver Lord that. from ime - , b.. 4 LUC e�Q - 11re s -there 6 niatt'xitb­ 0: our 'the Rm it. 11 TI o11 NV of l3tIr '.,vvho a 6 vines. `�ft�!- U, elirst Lord's S bcivv All, Valli,, re*brethi Lail, e, f, I f0r:t kut,fur thwii also which, Ws "a hee, v f Or v ord, -u4yy th' 5 Ell. d 1 eb To �to-_t U �f r that d' hr:e. o.NL.- i61 will I Of if e'a tty they niay all I It is to -1 Al �u Q U e- zj :.re orm-Al lrer6 also (I ji�i ed t1 If Christ is a -11 f Ibl er fill, $'it- -inied. )Ililtl,yy 1111 d j list I to -itn 'he.table i e e inter-- 14 this ifthot i t ad,� by- Mr -K il Dr., C- disting .01 llie u. Ire atne !of nd li lies, -hi d.1 that �s'hotild reii--iihould �e eit)6elitfroirl it turid' in -its t a� for! %Ybo, the tr -I, -child- gild w66hfj ��c el ';0 I -till lily fo It A,6 7�' lisdonaryti h ner� tia6hq -of 04 11, k Y'W b o �taf �d I I t --- all e a-ve IV -j . _ r bill 11) llnislllo*� bile pul b cr bd. t ..ice fli e - poets, f)n one co Ill-p6ied liy 'rj`jI011I cia alld,' V e'but _bqjt`­ adults -amebts he." cryiimy Y Id s8cr before lie, C Lrin ti Zi or, WUILl tell -fliefi) inta chap --1 "'IvRen_ h Ud -if 111, Cal) ised -ks After ir fdjy- vb0ii 1'a witt.W to the wished to e �'be tbAfile, Lofa,"Dililbrill 41 flip belij a Glasgow'- scotchnnill I` nl�ii !lid t pa rt_-j)fjjc. I jus of ti 8 A.' ha e COMmuhicati-d' ;now Or, Rev. old: with ill -em, 14ut -Ilo list 9 "Father eff, fra 14 aI'len a redAh (3 alilau .1 was eLW-dlstblemlll C, eel - !0 tsago -Irolli, Tfly, e, same. beld'th tie of th-6,139iti a contrRilited, OCal M5 I aknf,�r --111611 b?Is out' table, Be.oIlly �l -Addi, 0 all-*Wl ' Ah aiikfj t 1.1 is yoli e t jette VOI-es r� to 11tr tit, ll"61 ai a� uyTm d on6rably, io Craii- e sea Yoronto cross tion 0 r. tItile. z b6 forgot-te.11I If s. to i al TH P. Baxter- 0 ilAIR intile Ile taA je. flame of Howe,, if, a fder- gelleratin -wen, 9nd.t Trallg6nWitta Wj1i(-!Y flotisni Its p1caded for it.. if V'y ire Ong and the y eprinbiple in iew, but f )y -pro esiao allitain wi jlol-� icy, itl 1 n,ai -bound- nsabl3atl 1;r i r a, by ��-be'na t h t I r. it' n. I le I Society v6rdr, SO. 1111101i cot litt ie(j oxIst.s.! Jilin es Ho Tli*e tick -laid -down -the . - 1, :) Xecepted EcIlol, tho, &i 11) es, 9-f Ifuliter --tin I D. ftflck iihep- COUP1 Of -PittAiirg L htief fellowship Th Iflor. j. fInd. loft.. e. liffle rdiae lullm. feelitig Ie wors oi Lo -11 of relmi. e -I luU6 U tinter responded t6'.' God;-wbich tj -H 1. Coll) as Gd(Urffereth. op I- W! 111ITI. , crim. it et�in Tisill,,- ­ UnIt5f,* 18o be exteriite(' I I - - I �-.,_b o as aid of tile sab- tolls', in a h6t el UDj0 all-thos:e T7. ip every 11 ace:call- upon t�e 'el -7 rn dypl les a ,TO L dr �i fe, ir of th esu.4.' OfAfie Lord' ;d ulla D -131 q,: -$2 ell Its 1Ii6.,qi1VQrV a Pill, larer Makea�al 11 0 anYj -embocuf - _* D our.stall tbat tilC ry. t6ily aI Qv all tto ji-a sociefy th ard4, show (j lyelyprincip _of - cot e. Church Of les cfth a is' eastn riptur -QomIr1l1iiioll able ill a --tiot 71 - , . , C. ficcolliPlihi d OE 06("i iial. !I Ifh I - I le M it d' Ver __ '-- - ` I T1 V 34t) flief panic of' I.r. 8 a.11; n may tWo "allies it to.be 111,11(i of -CM1,t tb-At ll w116 are Wig lHere-also. 1 -1)(1 e,,e, -ail 1 -al 011gs -tilt: i orCinall I C, GC ti,IY: fieco 1 lierpeti�ation- 0 1'0 old zes -to� eTjjr I aaji(l litil"t ta 'r Ing 011 lid ivilo "di lA -eel I ldaf )I t true the tord J n th calle(I to. tb(l ake T 1,18 jil .011 of �God therefil, ai-id. "W �u t fro dir)1140. d (I ea, If ve, One AnGtht c'mrse 4 1 -he f,i I* e grelitest stin cala jjrjjljP,�9 uJvrs*ai.id inil il W_ 1101V T ylif -_eet 11ifil ay lig a M a161", . ri�.tlm This -ehaij -0 r it ed 16 tjir !id 0 r, -H t unity, lielp hother 0 FY We EAM of th litini1j" r a -e uod Wliz he k3 -31 lay P 01-40 A jepenses.. ud if i1trenti, d L the INI'urd of God A orj� I fo d ait -poillt (if far g CRO Ift N (if ]ail Mond i)ARcal. 'D_ o �111 -a re el orj)) pi on Iva 8, re fit; -Aver of- e tjlel I VE L anOct. 7t 11 -4,)f led I iniinioll", -if Ara, ji C.m C oalowj, 111 ec ted, gy, C Tall1lithil Va of G� 1 hey Irliall andjlic lie swtt lllpl�dlous-1108v, p IV liall has t all "The L11114 nox nt. lnany_l�- settled 'b -is his. vik"'oi 5 t jt 1) 1 vith bim t tbF Lord"i t I I eyond, e and could not, t bim, as ar.- Urift tic . . ta All) I 411(l C�jl i4fully sit 401VII .p 111�1 k of fd !�Yllmec- prayer. fly eir sub and sf,"Ind discr -1 IWer, ril( tickilow Cot litt'13 el gi% Ifiti L wila iii 0 rov follo .0 L Y P, tlbfUr Scripture; kule its�&jf -e h 116, d Coss in Ariliell VOIld -Ill no do,ubt t6 be' d 'af Wed. %t + fa6t;, a I -_0 0 T9.- X, d lt. �tot r I n -tile 'tuccess (if tj re or. cki Nic its the �Iily to li'e me At way of 0. e -c lij only way ilf ti" f h Source o ear-, or e fll(r a- oline.4�I espeeigijy -if -.be has - 4 been i, a1-sibg of fjj -a God in lie. , ral t to �; pp -lie field fllas!* 1-6, bf Mulli 10 'Wits- resp 0 D. St io likes lor oil they tbe head, is Rmind indoctril,�_ Ad of 1.1 r., - f ADYminister Of -40 de 10: P, that tdd; oV- 4 Doetry of 40'0 hen'i oio sai QPd enoti&b ted b lionlinat alt 1,16 01 e 1011 -d 00 0 ad' in- to rt10, for rea v o RAI; All the t1il love- pany- th r olinle 1.) wiled of Pie A h1b �b of souls.alla ulabnildin'g j, i. -0 t tj xa& T A NIL vicultul opeh8 -0 e wayi I ce Sell f -for ilit oul pulpi le�j by 'h I'a cap. -yoting, inn fibi, 37th :31 -ti of th� may. hy.e.signed .111(f it;: rell. of E the isa lallie of) e to le.. conles eC I nra orilell gang e ta I lie u4`49allist Buell a mail A be �or -that, ll are Nve tbatj 'v, -e _should% re W -eling IVI til a e gr W Ann- slfoiie� hacc'ni a Ali ohim C I A- -D any, is$,, XTIftles &-litive rue- it js b A -DI" tmMOViPj bj DOIIY Yurden. ENT L EM 'A Id o -hold. 1�e repa t -W "Inever Prov de:ii ni, a 1011 Girl _ej Wse tcj.. Ind to Illust r4ave iecna�bornbeiiWy,. JU4�or ttiast. muell go' m4Y oh tht Prelaev is tile -1 1 fill lii;N�; lll�; tljoni -church'fl Werninent.. Re h )uss to Ili) IPo' 6 thai Ioccusioll sh6uld be John D` M stlr0l', �56 Atid 1 1uhn eillter rray ed w -c )rd Irsoll, flat" W.!: in all MdSes7v�,veth­ d nore( -sery We ie. _rfufaet outh --0 1101.1 110 Amd- he -unsdriPtural-1.1le i"y.1l,t ge'- U ()I lo got sq�ne of tilo-'alarly rI I;C� ' ifende - . ial lesinstidal oi-ci eetQrg' ADfjUro 8 o a er ecc 10 wi ()-Of vij,- lge zf'e'; _e dep tr4tif ni of K :-vel Th M lii _Pty - P-'4'- , Iiis tbolaoini'll'a's n thoilghts aid d Ilio 401`)Mton�Qtl anil litt: o lame L the queen is tb, Mc 'cull. by the I do 'that UAS ied !11 1 to. of ALYrit jajirii�ter of 6-d, aliff Pught to euse all her a h ,Trf- iffti- Chief�- Lit pf* L ekial J tltlio"r Pt oritr: b 6 te wa�I,18 Ili Lopii,atir�ias-36d for ndin Th c ril 1r, t el I A 0 -0 es 01 tire once b tile lati a,-, r 9 or. 1. --- , , _t4 th" Chu pe P7 of t Im* Okk lCr - - - - __ - - IcklY Of, nloritlij "Tit C I it friflifill rist—still'if16 iav Ob of qi:n Ing i1i'd thoug t. eoula -name CC 11 .. upt fol f in leiop j lid 'to. E lilt lisfifiriCl sect eir ravellillor c ped vithou And Ierdiaif-ti]6 'he is A1aitltful if'L%niber- 6� t t r�_ a' of bie- B is v' Y_ 11 __ . - - - f sa its po 4 may 4&vp L'I e --to -say b coil litollin'.tipon, 4%;l it( Periodic, lClick t ese, nor ell- 1jr, Intere ts-offi ed w tendere ff �Ico of natfire; ofilijavied' by for a a ell P t1slont"11-and p cannot �kpcp iNe. - lei we have 6re-judj h-eo I ke �by -110ticle oW L lc 4cherill"and Com ort-lil W Of tib to. f e07tjIrti- adthe'bil tiles �_Of -in-- girt. I it lid ncti,6111f V, stivjY much f hllM la :Me have r ro 8p e'-rasMy, ell 1 Fred.. schu-fz��Tfjil Oja -Wj iateer Ilia a call M collipo G -r. -lite t -o: niel _6iptioii-fr,)ni t' Defif It' t . Awn, tile 19 Belli t.4 (,. ( 1 -1 _. t nes0) be ..e ro. . a Ii k n tlld IV. doitg&I uDcharitpbly (I also b IWest 0 (at fl l(tone the -same) �L- aLail i oil: theve -I a161� In 11 a olmlio t but own bi 11 0 1113: null a-servantof Cbl;i,,it.- If tile t Ah 11--bi� w4k, sliall'ih ek-'owns him -in -in mast entle nun ivul tlj V --a 19- 0 ne. 0--eveirt, at :t 0 Stipper-, is In. owil, or -d uL _N U! 'heulaybal __ - �1�6 1 -,. - - -- True -,in Owe witbal, f mShall-we b IY :toast, find, o f Bi -fell0�v-seiVailt di, -- u -.fro r ndian d4diem- UN thinkc like n -t ilot n..h ion ra's-vlevv�.;:soIl[Ld:A]�liollo.,i. :H mgY to lly. W1 r."J. blamed in be' e 'N S.. thih�,:3 - Y_.' But' ill -ow" 1: -ta tile 1 9 di& th and w -tood to -the isa ­ -e - V lie or fill; 11 40Zby. Ao, �U 1. fill ow yl, ns io n Pont: 6d a gftp-' b t Aito -sou-,e P P:r 'a - C f �Q IT) e4 aye, act, P cul e ovqrju - ' ' : face.; soit walwith jl*6,mayj2,_ 11 at,, ithr okutilil ililmor -A rfze was ofrd' I bi I n -,o Y; 01�11 A �d A fur us at wardIy �art �at any tilue dL -bat unl6s e 03ird-, ult, still 1 9 4 a no n -1 ad If' 11 Woo I Go i4a g 114 llfter a'.k -that do- not a Obinedi �ja irk. 011D -ino: lit: by- shown M s.elf a Deingi h a nk in con-' 'P�seAhat I- III)). itlsL Ilp- b ha0 tile next loverofthispr GcP_dQ e -a "form. of nfid,-' L Ile sit perf�t delitie are 0 C.61. or of)) not allowed t6 turni away frcm hi t A -is c -Ha id v. thereof! 1�' l- ih.i Tiat- P - - ' if val Se� aw' a Y __G 611f! the Polver esei t: in I 6d to 311r. trung 11all coul iwr a, or ()iw oi wildt eat or tile prize tif-thOso yet' 01: those who f b d G. If V -c. im- as a n, nor rcat. J-011 h --c;r _100 es c any. ol, e i. ers.- petwout to OfQ _jt)lrse� re i,� fieti, _e Wing' befo fie ben he wag Aload' d "to him -w- ja Calvin says of' Ille-trai. n bo it Stich: gives notably atoll ot 1 us hara adv --ary., 0 oas L l_KU -te F ell and were. t1iq_prlilCiPI 'Refoimi ic proiniavd-_ dI341Y 11 The Re6i, Walld %reather,', vVq shall, -nil' if the W11610: of b 0' h b da -by G inP61 ame eutl e o�q )I -to us what. Isj a] th ril riyail foil it t (if t `%xiill gelzli6wledue him as -oci to. I _LT�hei Treached Christ:" --The devot&j ,(�rv4nt of 0, c6ligider6d, tire fijlo�I t e- retired ill the as% i.W t ie _D 11. ber -pastoral d' -ill any I.: tho. 'PUlVit of Sainuel-Ruillerfo A W%re beeti-li" V 112�dxw or, young Owj jupper - -7 0 1 -q 91PO "Wil Sent anti* at o ate, bt;f1i)rc.the-uiiscjjj) -and �entrip.� Iiiin kI.-* SI)II11t, fills witir jill. t le d Act of a later Jiull 81 1799 1i �d' b �e, fo-i paswas i to hirider fai t1if-irl �iiii Ad t I from car -e flo'nk U( e1 0 -10 11 'Of ldiana, , ii�sq iiVillell Oilf- - thei e me al, to -h its r. iD - rer IOf UIOW WhO to -to PPC aid in lgloom -of Parish.es, a min rl It"Mystry iwWo f the deat - ear pable, -"6ij t is il� totbadl d, r e t -0.1v kr r Skeleton: iII111 of Glas� b c a 0( eric: rej V-131 Of aud t'lle inellic ti Illy tefr�sl "trip'the light of the Syrjo rl Q d lI_adrnittii�q Wakeliedd4uto- -11g; pulpit Till e liuni c-r.qf -entr Inernorable .ze - . I . ill - I , I I e_Butt go Ili tic., wof 11-11" It ed -fantast: 0- t66 tree., Im was- ill w esr 10 11 bi to 0 "' Of -_iLe lie 0 the. -no, uWII YO r� 0 st - felt. e, f no I'S GO - I - The, 1"i ticitted'. c6 '611'11011 d ct jilat Of htill, i _e. iriy- -0,76, 35 0, to- -t )at 'e'Wag _113 P!, t tr. 13ap- lin d. la 6.t Ilter- aVon 11 h t T.Y." _1111i(I pillpit J6, :r at of -stmil I- deeo) tly HU li Rph Teii4 a .14011 t t 6 'be -fun- n . �'el'o- no- zie � I*- dament;jIs',ji. -1 - 11-dell-tobur a-suitabli:3.t0�11).j ivIlich. 0 bi 6f a-ilYkilld'on-11 e-tij bli Ig esp� 01" us lof sober .1 t -fO 11 a 0 Do bout Wd�y one f )4TL4 by A Own the overlliiigf�e rapplDg, Iz 7 -Io ieadjIg IV rly. - -sanie'truth- is it,) be fi"dst8 to tl The A Other The pe6uliar _, 4 - '-- TOcelpts f ie _go _"C'u. e Mile, nla. e ort'll: r :25th- chapt6r of the C,,,nfessi, odor led Q eoh� k Ib il,' (I ta I bu P. .1% to dut-­ t) is -ah. hn e In U t - t 010 -der- led b see -tied' I the --w6 I& -ast Uh rchts cop- 78' t ;h iety, i�' is d6clared that ,the e appreclat� 'IC oull -c.)urse She is advised one of Al -those tbr6ilgbou c 1. c. 'I, int garb . . a Ise, oil bf - :i . Ind e110 - hilittel only plij tj' lf !p iu Other j1arts,of, b rt-.?a?lab e a with f �y ter lie" n 'fee --tick6ts- -her- :(,ath6li Iftsday aatocking4n& O,�n sex f�I`Ofesses thd.true tt�hqlc OW., �,Out re t gether with 1he, - . I . - _., I I . . 1ps 0 g var eg. be wise 4md_ I v,6,. atj e t, f afraid "D ovisible-Churc X YO ave I., single, life, h' ministry. tl rom .q -gaL.e..an! r In t e first jillI6.j For A dish qiried' wif;j; that faitliftlil Yfollows 0fina.friedlo nor t fro -P to nane-4folk gets auld")l i Ve ll'in -to-be th�,prjnpip14 �pecu d b ;th i6� k IV b to be r,,o6iied ai -at olice-bo f tli,e, Yle ar T en r Dot -11 wit n er And'dagns down the. soc, -tY o 'so, ody. it Cold e�. and to slied -liv; the, -in iiade a Very, Troth 10rune ftin to'be' liith �,?iven -the _Y� 1110 *64 -Milt] childi-bn-. And-tben it- e r bottdii-s- the efliksing 1, 31too this o01)(1jad by-- owj is ab6ut 141-ge edoriall t 11014 a selee, A.� IX triat ffio tMan; all 0. b soor. conelvaled Tin t ile I. ail, 1011ored pe lie e- 1. Ion. - 'tile al-diier 7 D d pi� as bi wn -h e U0. %V it Who. One lit'lis Party- or �par- "Chrh, rlrPd Ilh f; debts U, Y. beillfave, illat the :.r6si I-- -Ak-e- �cul_4 G -1110t, bec th - e're- are clearly the views 0f-, the after the S4�ijjjz Yert oll if it- be-tr .0 W. Bitch ull siah6rds ',If lotreat a Iq tl -0 the- 229d 7 in G, _Aq -it PoWa jIV6 by The7 e&t of; oO-liberatly sivent U _N113 don �4 -bo my -sic I -Man be& t 6 Oat uU ok, - d 9P the 966d,bld an, tef-urzied to. h -it h ade -Wh b- f6r-l* -foiibkt W_ d' biUtiaii OtIl b A a n -111i itilln- choice- 11 hick befal. tfilit silly she Ail' -ITUIVfrom, h iean ity rc- in Pa tirliffik, ll f d 06i. t 91 V1 I i k, at s an ninpt� IV lio iad, a niad :out f -0 t it of�.Godwao ieally 0. -Y colig t b Atartid 0 cou 11 ry J, �'s gf7 9. 'N -t,L t Pected vt ol 1,6 6�k as It -14 e W nr- joy, pr bode weel, blia fitriveU do th C;t;; t rs re fill Min-'ster ig .,rei lit lwrk, is- ffimmG.'I -he eird withi e:- caso- are er sari eAs-3rou-: llA t: presell -ye Para fro a ence --of 11 --brid -h - j n4i gX I I, - 1 .- �ji-_ fr011i the pul i d` �VtG b, kLMhw4,..and don T,'3e tall; rig teousne, rlo4h� - P Wures all ft, rtaUUV never alter-Fi- t6th-- li&k'- our, -the� �JUUIF a the bear.- f eople- tall r_ Ile + ll a V ALb- vtit �b !ha at I of wou �b th A' a;tiie f _e 'anv voice - L tir bi _�rd, [lot. U 'T co ot accideht of ijklu, inn jor to r -slit s th tu iiipe-foit I'l CIA18iOn ia al -M e jut Ost irreoistibl, j'Y0II to do Lnesame. td_Ij or HO e, I ep fill -the'Pul ns,. A the VL 1 41, aw 7- 11, thij. holloiy: -stumr 41poll -pit do it bf I b - - - MMUla,13e�11 - -dagh -4 "IM :lid jIllcs ino son d nek jand- -his bodY, Mantle- 6f` on t W _1 he 4� lie el;-,�' aW cot?- -Stich n 'd M 'd -a let -film i,& an .13 Mer- `*ilfllot 8-han,06 d al L ljPi -h u TO _T lme tjrter�of r Ifo§ t derlhe �burbin or All Weip ow ion t 'd Udi peril Y lie AT, ire .that. !a firdep 0 S�Ijr t64 , Oettled I -%v the lit A N Elm