Lucknow Sentinel, 1878-02-01, Page 1-7 -7 7: MI; IM SPA 4jo th chilhein' -0 fea r S UO." C �m h 0 -.,a k fo .1hirect bV fhii; Will; Imam AU them' thfLt U dfbirr, W -bj W D A mmand- asen tie, mattliwi, U rw q-- paper digcofitlhu4d till, 5 4F fleman #pp& r iot- 43 n ed e a -a hat b Ler �if It Ce 0 ast -td TO- qu 6f ih: t1ke4he stereotyp -U nj eUdk# ceots n 1' -hill ea i the hlessn inver;xon, vivo Cents, per line. UXgtet�st: the'Zorld. f or-� M1 'Oh -v thatsailed away - an" -ba&hti �roniaio on one aututun, bieb. -iJowPier e h4i to tho -son 'P d' over,fier,"a As uving siq row �6ts- Ili thi d'' :,Vgry 0 ell o, ne ribed- in 1101 d le, it- 66 and f t ith le al W6al;nesa and thef� leAves were AUM Nfter; the, gtasl�wasdry, uld have-- een inip.6oux v m " ge. 'bI t6i �vhl ' III erre Wi an Um ra. 1;eigh's rdo n ii teat 'dead- - - i- - - - Me himsoll as n ow, �a ok of' cunn was- oops iq!PA-Ab d f- eu -,w He 0 In -of lines to b4-reckbried, by tha y ounied Overhead, deceived - bcalfffA,KR,,WLFjS 463Toung-st.Toronta-� An: 0, VlaihtiTe Sigh, d the ze blew in white b4 qq�sqo she tr first oilment of,grief i A I tb n-. th very ri aud d. 11-jits heri -we aracter , I - stic of hiis�fame jiloft2b, stiiii ILI 07, gidl r, waiei v'hed tnonts. withou Wit` for -10 to' ive s diselos thv0Yi6f,,q 4444APmudell ng now a Cl r cltirged. a Kincardihe A cy..' 7ted. t�ntil forb Oh the-leden'sky, aild- thgeigkIng. breeze- Befdre-the whole aetich6ol' WIIL b4- fuse it.in icatod, no lack of ability, -was his a tor air 'and tha tossing trp&� k 1) o �V, thatart Is -.p In, hich-- uV4 ini an Ar �Alidt the twilight th t t4i rctib -dan I ge Th; cold drisp hi t'of Mi -to: e nu What evil-geuilisvit woi 0 p 4 r v% ­RAF T as -hewif. jkl!;,j n OWL& LIF1g. -5.. -in di aid, p qftV her auhi'-IloiA ixpression','o great bsneyolence'.-aild ine',of iould' --so ove an Lon ctea e- and Qnebec, ud on N, aA, Ali, how tritly they-mightbaytY1 ffieir.,had btWattai 'd TS -draw 'Unlk lie i,cii,audthawav thairblldd, f ell, t vNch tha ness�'� seemed- -ty nda;7 Bleaus. wtheieL A- story, 1 - NO& Y --Exehauge7a other- wonfall, -had been ftal eiviner he t 010 Ti't *web eetiot which is. t rk �U Uq oubti alid feam. paiammiary beneti hily - in -her.. ap'. t:momert�how6ver- tears,in e DOW ba wrouglIt in pleaed -at the presen th t are �n. D SQt lei' ividii;' T -latir4eepitigil a agony d'duasnj W4. -UGHT AN Y A r �.iv thel dailiotatiad pednaneo, but it -co I' ad nee At' as c jent y aj Y .0 'j66 bf �i, Inteivs�.p4it=011.9pe,ci Dep6sitg- to ill& shore -with footsteps ileet­w -bitter, *.29: not,be: altba6ther pt ou. W Lis .W elei '16twevii coucea,lud. e OL er fted her,vii4w- vertis 4e to the A re,'and. Hit to the waves,. -RIM A oa -:a I w. U-4 h ke -io h Astac e kilady gon, d, I -ra liar 6 At tbem� I 16 al ther �slowt kipair bit r -Savings' Bank Departrrie'irtt� tUt echo-'ifar the� eau. caves," t 4ma_ a 4 rty fQkL sale; $I.' oc tb d, 75� ceut�,. i'each; ensuill1fr. Interest- oa Daily at, Scur -b- I vin'tl�oti the iQcks lu the breezes; sweet, i,,y6i 1 -qtiite a inI)L�14� U -ZQ at', su: oes, iny vision gre B t .01 �mof- '10-It..Ur. to I jj.jU exer I ' ivittlif 6 " w, , - - 1 .11 � 34�Urd�jyg, f r 'Are I 7ppr -instr -conteut -t d -her on- rom- All -6celill the I gr ago ail, -1a b tk 0 0 ra il d And that, tat 0 -.Was ojited, -oil in U it 0 -tiloili7tf- thotight ca a to qY -B� ath- b ords `th Miss Bathurstj. distinct- ghould rre"M 1 -23 n We stood When this in Ir butp h fid first. w, 7 �-nd:now.L, rive. oil X =,as1- it. et 310 D. -on in-- 1.", be QU -the dedp�luq. iky and the purple sea-. 'b 4r repr ph -to -X-ay rates wilf d3o�,fhosej When. 1)'e tarted to her feet, ng y, *vre a tend -.Pjr -her nd e e. in gne., mi jen4urdbI hevn -told yj�q exac- y b ayeaix�.. . , t,* ' U obwurit�. lIrS 8 0010 aiti. th� remembrau ---absc om It r MAN WhenL the p1din sti Yes- I 6ve' tI at ire burned clear and �A4 de: Of Jolla, -nce iec P- Pass oliVlo IRY haws h WILVeS Withli�ht. NOW jtEOAMg#.- naill came lor- tith mur -ilk tiitea t a -wrtvig.. eari - bravi�. 6h and'Ileave, ncolumn nionths, NOW LOST And the-x446P t Bard i it reply) to ihrav6_. last I !fI-Muit go met a s he ---had- 0 1� T i. .1 milst go, ay OFS �saidhe- s rol bid -ward i iL le-A;Mpge in the P' P -P ad 3 Izioft�hs- man as 1renbViv i,�n of AW6 the sell�� . j 4 to 40 Just Uihad,ane*�edit that land ss 3. eA te mo len Ii d 'nly at i nean e lo, il� ta -6n her, b r inva LU4 Over -the w lanctof"vold r eg L Iiiin, felF elt sit from ilm� _41 inadue�r whi.' you, unders ridund 'of -the -I d Wa&kU own d- be-- low, o.-.6laj -bdth of 'T. 1-yolt s 0 4eat 4nd - . -- - - , W c njd, Y?ui ar��dd home It e -110 lo -'k. F-1 hilig. -the m t 'bi 20.L er Impotency, Mental. 4ild" 7Aibpos .1 -Inatorl f rt then I'll come �tet nse '.Of her.. 4- Aild the'rattica, ctztz-; (wit out. me Kkif tli� anle4d the. bi f itie of ivealtb 3 When etninal Ta t, h uld b' flaN. 'Y' 1pipediulents to k ta traya ill( 'reek 6f at- in Qq3ik6r 4 3"Wh PhysicatLIIIQal)aC't er.q,-wti�c I would- eww iseuestoil -4t'. fter ef6L re im O�XtCV. t1br - 6, IU,.) n I 2� -Epilep3v and S(o he. sild gboAiby and he -.sai wayj , -: of- 4yd it ey -lip inn, egoiteamption, led4. gaye[�iay b M41s:- - , - e -go tA in Zt 3WY tleli igolithi .8. gg by-,%�-jF-.jndulAenc:e,--pr oe . ual AutuxAn da�, toei -wrapj')edinl a WeIn the. grand old Ship on. that Wh ithecliankefulsIqlay but I 1W se appiness --bella Rao 6�6,` her idbl, r ke 46 a , - - - . # di th­'; -hrou& t 't, I . - re w- IW it Come, ut m�y I. -ask: -w-h r ou avA: . t tli�t -mantb ore'. 1. I a e g5u-. price,. in -a igaled envelope, only 6 c&kts.' litdly L hae. di d,, endurittig hMbe� Should: teth 1, - Alevi� e -rred that bo in this admieuble And-thoinist -B e 1,.So f C fo' tie d-,'. 6refull -weighed Ad ho' b -1 ft o "Pbu $1 tr id the- haif'sh tThe colelikutpd, author, trateff, from w%thift Hid, him, Jriopa ;h -y -eight reer -*or anguis I.. I that, c6nqubred evep - -up U1, 111*.� y to xiskl fou if V1011 V. agree to' --plau I f V on we an at's in Oh- here i the ship -to is tU. -the i is mail a rerig d Fit - . . - - t, . T;ji Obi hL ou )je 'd ubt rid APs f L Com 1; litive t may-- be. ef6re i P alarkin Y. tb 'and or to B t MI voice ca erous use; of td jta' ro.nj. UrS OU in e recei .0 d uri, 41toil fdr a time 61aion I n he red Withollf th.4 dill 'hog of -the-- kjifte r hearthi esti4n on every as a, lar a a, x lrl�lxs u t OXCSI� you last nigh vo me A niode of'curej 1111 all me tj , it , I inili wodlcinQ4 or- tlia�- applicatio Lim n­TKe-stlipt atsailedsogmnd.ly.�-Iiay tweJ Wid hs: It itrVs re77.;4 clogi- ra -of ebildrt�. kL 4tah. ery f- . .1 - - 1. . . 17, - 0 -Tear Y on lit he would It :lliien� a jbpf ioujq !-I :t' 71 4-�ffeCtUai,,byMetLll$of',vhjt:h4i�i Froxwour ib�oiei'filievtr on d' eep atlei 6a -a Will& -great r no, mtter hat his con ifio Rat the Stare Wl YQ d n infy a, hC t� -Iijjlf�PlIst- -blue quiring, a is M(3 d. ve you a ?U at ous ears- -Theytell no tales to our "A Urt 6 mar- aura lit if Andtht�-,Uioanlng waves -they tell-lio Wesi. is- .e coned vould deal: U-'�od td rece 's, ji Ito -he -swWoftewit ittse cheaply �yiiatol and fidl -'hi artfily '�eiis jqy* z ve ]Jim -uo)y-, r,�Ybur A' oil$ -of them e tind - z�r- This Leetake should'be in, the. 1-4 , i of clialt e afw ii ig� aryd: %edi tis mokilin hint to 1 e -mi. gi ufir �u r 4 -ie that . Y, mall, -in They sing no songs to ul1hy-o every yoUtIt- and ur fears.; po ',hed -to U- an* !I t6udajn!ce ton' ;.J� t to tjlia Bess y let -w -*8torea.,oji �$ant under sval ill- w,14 envelope, -0 fioathig afar' Akttiel'full of tile siticjfi, W A& t "it I w1i m4s; e.;ni tit .4.6 14 Syc neyvii Y .-Peor- -was o j 481-c P rn tit, C W' lis you U add�visf, on recei or two por, age Stood to f ail� -does IT awly- 8 Dultirl'6 fragm�nti of sails A�d -a brok 0 a I . .1 1 - . t e -ell A brok spar'all stuined afitl broviin, ALd6e&. As -Ytilft- A the wip V o -4 ea: lessi I fqr 41 Ann St.. MOW rk PosttOffich kto�rj -wax' J arr4te x� At! d Aed-to,fill her' w4th, It ern. I we Teviii&less it- ivii. th pur- 'd idl -it- ship-wen! dozid, May th -T Ill Iffly, toudhiug or inarTamature.' a III r totife q�arr CULY id t I kind a414-11 well xihere . the to.i lipoll KPI.NVELL MEbICAL- us 1%, P .3 11 thbulilit b ttr f t tme�nt 14on -cd PPO eposealonq-th4t: I the greatest nh h. 6 ED, jobimleft. & Iiftv.4. 4. iffte &-Godehd r Ike e W-1 sm e. aW, face. -11 Ahe sob--tha my hera a§ 1- 0 hiqlse. plF , -for and I 'Ue�ir jL - -like, a. Ali 1. lid It 161 AR D1 VA th y-ouj I e, PE.r$041n. driven b" k to _jIl t -Al -Mr. Wilbr 'ham 4 A lt�y most lierfoul, rs t grgrive me ng tb elf 110, d- avo,.., 14 ha hi 0 gave.1% th all th C' she O#g oil �efqf 10 'the ma eX VAI -nevprato rest till e lian prdba ility. b -over.mos. eepLy ..hur �inarry -aiiil t Her loe for Loi&Y-batl- bicif §tLjn�ajVt� 'G t d 4' id ill its -110 itable faultitiotj .�rtveyanee4 &e�'l -office", MU. St -b h_ -w Tay-, had d6e(jiliplial nd 'rity, detc` ationistutef Ave Uirsi6t rn laa r d r --at tee o. :Conlpanstt ie'Aiapiness of Sydricy-Leigh- 1 IttAr her irlbV a �6'- Mai Ill: le,' lid its Y- ne w1 e e,, YnFlij f It' mortaLexist lie and" it;-' er. n --p;o -1 NKT, S lt.-:�- 8 lie 11' to r tI e suu� o et, a w it:] 1 1 be I. I bt d' k' C !So to -their father -if- 5 P sizeSAR -'er'dauses u I 01 )U b6li�ve,�,e b' fe* OP - o ik texec in t et ests y� Most; "tim ro would anoth : er to sdcur� it �ab -any Ad, Qwil lki. fth al tb ju�s which ii! ver litin youth�.v tin p TL E a Tt t it d6rst6ddj-h(! ow, J�ttlie well, at toUm"ret"As wildvancein ye r8L 'than V alivitar L -)a r u -i - MfA M, M -to.fill his -ca of life %16 the ell -p, 0 -oil ier:-. t, iw, ck. k that re #ief said the 'T I -lei le r�r, "I beliely-o-that iw: ztea -b -it -An,- 14**. oetocis And 119 irrevo�ib 6-d- like.. ark'clo (1 hill hodshed Itelf witlisuell passionate., - e, :ar e *0 tt 10 t ail is. exis n 0 'o -:a] - tild --b mLi d6wly. s ieserved surrender'o n'' 1" -.it ou-e idol,' Impni-ted.,to ord�,' th- tf I d, me, a Hit -le thne "could- never know a, tery true --secoll love but jai ut -w -'n t as Nte e,?ca oil ac mthb- B id liv b thiii aitliftil-riess to tel 46 'i, blost And free., - n tad an6e MO, ing shaw k f1wa it bet in: hopeful t f ethe prpsenti,Aild leiiV fut 44 pi a -3uyimme tit IV ear as; q niekly -as -Go alone can: nu 0 - t )ieir I- L . . X ay td�-6 a. si -.,of Lae is. even t.boticrit-4he ii. ub yoll ari� rjght -for Mm a ure- od she,. irgul �dd. it -if' Ar uld. be' a4W 0, .9 31i;Aor toi. tho, Caliloli- 'Y .41 ure A wa 'lid to -oeii i ily- doLlook i Ill L' 'j fir -.,quite s that. y r: motiv. 0 bu -that polill't,or n t Banki, X ha= ""LOTH. L -i . r sible d- d In-tr4th lior loveor 8 ne" I . P _q sadly At Y ki ee 'tit. 6 -it hiall yoti do,Will-41wAys be 6�1v. 0; '110 Sk- ITO R E s,44 11 V life had P lier�, priliciple of life., to )i will mik a al,r- line dear rur416ut On -a -carrying a illt,ereqc ajtd� 0 it- did Peiii as f I it every Way noble, Miss Batlp it-'Nvas that -- U 'I ma ore-_ you.aretiatu in u tiv _e 'Y' Y her s, jape pg rith ast gen-' ey dtl&you to I e H4& much dn 6 w, UT4yet US" 0 t r t i -VY VUlUiLTing -silo T.Uth, tb at: Fre eT��, U �pause kLt eas seated for, 4reft T4 U it alld, -0 ltarids� atid 6 N% ould, birild rse, lwith his pri% f a a 1 - - t -of gri eta g tbk%t- b e abo'liad '-'ast, tidr, f6 0" the'. t I f henbe -le f to rbaw-4 r,-rvtonabli!� dF her for Lth' t L.V 1 Of eotii�d 8 Ily, 'is site. It' trib or b then o41' buf ltbt 'wds IjbillilL I being At erous;,and must.ask leavu IS61116 so the Syd t!YIW-,-. pre'sentj �f 1 fri �nd lie s I to $fay. I it' ii: titter A* htforiftio., LARGE, --STO K le M Z - . -,door, I W,112 11 W1111L ed j A P ring fabric, --sb far as a -the'biattv- tl-.or Ahly, �p - fore JL od for euLlemeli -e QU- -s as T u -.sucli t oa--coiLt-m- t P T, _Tj ut it Ir L . I . . . 7 - � . - 'i, e, v6difg adv� Father n S61 'nf ehi& o I '1)1 ay ft ttv c s orm; you re0o, ider io, GO- ever. THE t he XDS, b m niarn AVE 110 thd could liell) 6, t DO -Ul i us, jI WL that. Will _take mouth a-fto secret 1. . " . -. - - �k' out - 6 `1 - sfi6d ilie Jong, -h it -P aeOTHS id t ley Lam id 81f B ZAML fr Iwhosq.ji:ty; bar.4 tis I lid jer cfi 3 tvadd ear 3 _0 :y6if u I It I itin"i01i and bitid rrlewItit- impatiently,, -41d jer c qji I. s so. is le e 'f lay ii ilt!lipposible; a,' -it) amount- iof g as every trial and sorkow- I -40,yo- - - ' ohad fallen over., -tlidtildi ilei� fi �glq ig CAC., C�tc.,- er n b r t yULUT 6ff�� eareltiss. -o nd 'i d*g.- o.'ber Ilut,o. *L.L.-k!%nf, ell or be apoi e t---Ii;ttj ftr W7 IM ant: eli'lil T ht.� 'a. t q T f it..- anti brqoirig� bersel ter ow U __ill f -to a Pur had Juji 10 nthe- ondakintr foj frolli Allc.steep.- ure eration would al BY tince 11IL6 leaIrl'i slie. 11 ol ill' ay tbe.ilapj;��. )'A' at It id III.& L I U � I 'I aJ e4r: 3;l -P 1p j 6ie,iD he IeA4 o w, IHNbut sliiuilla� rimilL all 'Its. ard ge, *Y- TO f�( ally retunti fom Apply t. -tit t d1s - of -the will wake ail to do, what I -ill iiifli �-f-r-to tho-, I et She at ive - jask if al aVGU,;. -m-L -lit jormf �v -th "t-fiUl lidbubtddly - you tire fm ;Ilia fly BUY Ill:. e r g - ttuhd tile 9h C 'tKl COLLEGE U li�cn -a noble atice oryi, itne sturs t I tr, Al L it sp lultv, evqi.y ibular., I - 11PUAIr 1 'his d I) the- I igb t of ea.voll'. -.%V - ill ke :the hihr;riit h.beftei Y �Ctuite ta r .4 aT -tits inade to 6i!dCrL,Gn. fil e bou pla�e.f, a St Vol upon l- Jis s4i -gat th�re—hpr, x e. iii;n I. rt6 iy ur to %ik 'k a Te 'sa as 0, MaHit Ja r S10 A 110 ti C 6'. Ev6ry afticjf� Pow lero ines§en­ Pression 11 the sltui.e of t ll io'n'T ra 44 oil lisb l-� %Tell t) tiij ,d t th�- �-t.-W .11 . ju 11jay The dailz: turnla Aud i6e gers fruiri. 4"nierey ill dis- resoldtion Iler ey AibstTuct - aeCy EL$-_ W�f U It ad6a rk r r j-j-�Iie U61 kra. . �,chodse giveime tily -as your faffi r48. r_- S C111 I I if - * : trUSI ers it I --a jo aLt fit e-swMilos In JLjJf She (I if -'It j bu 0441rc: 11 lor ��vhdll calfil W t t Cloget :to, ,bg, a Maxe lea, a i yg� 9 t -ate el -iti S, 'n ti 9f a C t i 0 1) ips tat 10 nxiou.11 Y., 911 0 romp C' -to inquire. file (1, licell ielit - I v ovor: -the coiivulsiVe�� ation. er W iv 1lat ls11 8 IlCr elf A161Y tile 'carve pale-li th it.1 I ANTF b WAR 1) e ardyou fr Ili: th a tah -her iehy-ing ctesti7 fear ore i s0mdtl very ron i*bs t that 4. gen , - 'I 1N 'f h Cauty a r -of Do 8- in a ad 'Th" you .41 f6a nd - Irn ding �ru Al- 1�0 are, she 'aid, Ate, RUM SS t V, how �ias b you-1io-niiih Tle -4n e. 1116 made- lief, t 'd it -her :co I U If - 11 - feel quite uB:: Nkit'll lie discilsai !611 I k --our 1 1113 -.1 Cr e pppa ofI aa P e .!j Pg. apteriance, yvu '0, 184, QR. C., 0 d uot aik 'd f ace -h 6roas' t 11 SSTOX-t ve: qai �N -A, F. P liat rii�e!A�oij 1 containe Wll�cb 1.1i Nql Y, PUBLIC, bON T IP It, in C Allingi Ina ay- 'CONVEYAX GE R.' 11. R. �'call do, me"now Is oli her vie, U- ell me api 0 0 IN d Ito r posi,,ion im. who 'con d never'lava Kuown,,in,-_ -A - tn6tAg the Tlii of lie' in. the -tA of wl h thei wl� elsi -,Ca 0 t afr* otlt:� iny wishes at i. I A I Ive am �ao mo -n -h on,dedu 114tion d harm- a*tv. kind auni?s breasf ihdi.she h -h i You IV ii I Ofn hac d dt-, --tha It SI at 8 U2 I f iome vdryinte 4CI 1�g: UBOR S'V; Kixaubm,r 'ift Wild to 'spar from r in a. ell. er fle _in wlie, 'bing rarlg$ ilkildhood1, ofiee'i'� 1 '"kve 10 Much NO RTIV b erlself ut) tt; tbb.-ove.r el' -i led.. t.h'" Z3� � W11 1 reiitorflia y mv ?as at iv�jyrqss ion Nyl R� U- NT, T J!' 0 1 a a 1, T; S t a t a n y in -the - - till as ic e, amity. that Iiad. Ve- e- abide­4ith-1 ow - he J. nt, 4,41.9 she .1. leA v! ouslv-:�bL d Be Must "d -a ijig *Ok4, �j 4 T; , -. I I t, , I og OB t4i, L I n seiise.pf ti al W e town for, B of Brhce-�-VStbli:ihod-185 ­ �!. 1. - � U§o Es 0 -NT,. o -a.- If"W40 �tt rown -L3uds a ar for a�,. s.111141ness w4li the C. t fallcu-. 11 90 0 no -lb er �ex B far aw keflL�ctiijrt of tholi�bts U miai i roniptly attendiSd 0. r t 11101 U It of key wo 6ace Uligh, ki that Sydii�y Leh .4, is ieffiteWyle on. tile eX f , �k repeatedly, Vilb hom e i LUOK NUM 1W M . tl alnlie �AAsk­ t, e, tUn, U. v orid -tile 414oni whii6h "Le '�eLa ai Ala -ho ineic. id �Chargeg mod6rat a -loo] IV _ rewpi . j 171 mau ihose-ito b bitt --a .��k 4 ­ - _ j I� b' Y�tb.a6d p Q11Tj speaking, TO. V. �ANTONIEY. L 0 ttu ate )rodjl for I er v - I Tbe� niost, fivorubl%terris,, -on-. at lou �.4 up,jf"iorcilla .1 ba -at 3"'it"ell -1 the- tile May Bath '-dre 0 wear tat I iijiderstood f ty FT i iny ev�" Urit -.w her 6be , ',your ii hit 11111i -bat -was -that.1 may e cerl -kill I hive 1 Ing IV 0 er 0. w could rei -e 11 to' alCe tnoneV. a� sai -with ness,. n inisft e� in o'er doed- And brdu A-Yh, -desk rote. two a4 gilt 011'e Ume -after- 1 lettirs—tbe.:ote w 8� 4adress"ed lrie niiidi o -b -,snilael -;atle Alta j- A, - K -�rreat-cdailte twul leter k . man At"I 11 -rut jjXL- nee A L mus not! ill' K.( A person e.ie I al By t It i Iiif wIsh toj find 1112.V' n hR lrlfi� 14 L W; I rise' ab to- ifirst. wi�4o* lady'b the'tie-6f Dan 0 of -etrified be tuTea lakn4to 4 4 I :an Ala�! merely boWed or� Ad -town to tak�. sub..criptions for : I i , , . I . .- - .: , , f �, - :.el V�w rl' oi Imita 0 -toB` th6 other to-AIr I tired d It iv -0 oo b t alRon be went i-Ao icit:6 ever w man oded, �y. Afe V y Ii fj whose f I u 114 itteirwis itl. W L ItJL, ng at'.13kigh f Othe and, best all uttersbW b- (Al. her sidii : that Alfe '111tistrat d: Umily, pul1cation- -Xi. es IJ6 -1�d Gucknow.- An lit) on cons ot -sucat.si ,ao, flo lier Y one.444.bq6ome a sful. 4, -be ),n aeli t d -Yeell. IJA44��'- IICL affitir inost-evetybody lhily: rig I-thir MES k.wrjacl�l I aud tfiat al Bitthurst, 1a -04 Most aj6f#4Ij �e1oaiibsdri� L of- tit -4 tak worki of art-lveii frL klim e. 6i ii sudh� a 'd 11' :con. U ij V 4ge'diat e- Lila en,�of their conversat' V51 't -r�aua 1knd A-ent. (ft6e ei - I -Live ;b % exe* illy �satAW A moruin 1§68sed" the Utters �p6 t d 4 it"will-be best that Arte*0"Calily ye,,its t1iiKipan had orri ill receive promp lady- ageiit rqoits tdking ove. - 08P18' b a 'er gai port!i 'making7", -, - ilit, Y 'bu -ni ra past. pa�lo -that I 'ad bettr �gq- ever 'tru4to a -e :ha� b 1-k %-Yotr desiris --Wi e!i.-- -Ona agent: re to v 4es tore� -nich 0 edi� . r. ail - yea -in -,ek A a. we -d ia rang,her, 61!1 atid desirid,'-her, bid at oneb- rt* -car deod, -of -gifl, ly tcute intikiv�i over it.' over. 400 ten d4 oaI it iah t6 at All who:Len- to M- ikqieue live ill gage maki Money fast, You: � can devote,- all e pus oR-1 oU yotiF suare bf vour avai a 'time-- Yott iieeqnotbe away- from boin f. a' rb -9 0114d noT, 116- income,,-. to The ywir timd.-to- the, -bu -pr �f t itedions;: he.* h r the :9�lne 4,-ime, :'str y6it beforel oae over t� e giypg er at 0 titunes O_ISLW b_ bitli b - I e- et -Mar" 'lort 6 b6fo Lit no t want pro I'k' "'d -it h e,PU P par tn ew lad all -will'bid u uoillli--6f its existing night. You carr do. itas-well as others. Fiill to lktt�r Mirk -c lmporft�t la!4, ier o 11 tove-- and to 'k I to see t idt: o SetiVeL agent ticulars reotf(ina and fern' -fit:tbrL ! . 11 t Mu t e- u heT your add 9 W 0m, A ten -line as., e ni, -TO4, -well h6 had k-rio ifr to day P`r�p-er d ; , sh ta. intiod too the VM! f It'costs not4hj to. +r.y4tlie, btisiness--No- t f jj but itLaII ted -a -borsti i6t inaft _Sam! (!a ta y p be�', one vvh %ke greatqjay Ad-- -t, a- child ill �ye she - it "d .,ded to spobd tI rernaill e 0 le evep� addeii. -the jifj TPI Ion 6. engag-es fail's to almos b _V rnad,4ine ecomeithe.wite. 6.ye rs nge im s It t U �ali i 'a V!a jegimei �arl e were efL -Re only L b Uti, (.4 'the ur V th -.0 that --yo A 0 -PeoplOs. "Jo rortlftt dr t F Th — I il. - t�oiilds� a o73r- jn., ilp, a J-lg �re since, h f e . rl-adhtld ill that.it, di -W -1 fj Isit is qui 'el ­ , 4 4 1 -4 -et Ya -ed., . _._ j '. it Ile Ii a 1ha YPU 1�, 415, of+ firth yiel"6 -xip� t -d him, th'e Y -was. fca� y. filled ith-a wo t had do A -ail not b Y IC QR- Lit is u ao un iappy g aJs o a Y I horse on e4t ontr of elth re rea g9ing fpjti.y. yburse ��uuvlpca re jj �� er Simi, in an b 41 exe surprise- iii'the ihould.bequite-,g]. were iLejss 1-1 VV Rog: Wr n r 80 lick as. ot- it� Any read ry, s wite lCe, fqr I - wore 211 aBx�lc t an R mt e 'hat -it, is I our 0t, UCAM Aud i t U You liCea not be away from, h, ime oi; C -r witm All �f�%,U am Z*I* - -$66, -1.- 1 -- . . - . : " --- Hb Lng, -t ee' - - -j - - but al e louked it a., rt dfiiWo It t 1; * '-, L feel., 5b," 1 11- W" 1101r,,- - 'rik C - - -i5 A &Van a .80 -0 ftbx4VI%c4d,Iuh1*h& "b 3cast, il = ploinfe T&T4941tabl-0- for lu sp",dy. am. k r''oNvh toii%ri� A th, pre�dri..., Ithouk ;t fS It I A X - 1. =a, X a t AIM, =Y pir .0, Oil, berjI.mstk6ss`s fa t ius about h CATAN R h e -be Olt AMMUOR81ORM9 rain d. -bet' know w. -ureal fqnes-4�Y i e is 09TW. You can w6le-tiwe to. the wori' 4 0; eate. �prido giV nour torturiate t ea him tile i option, of 'release frolli, a Irom 0 asing uArs that the ad et a t. 11 - ;,- - - - -T)10 J .-alia a �s L I - I -vi AffAjanr� Posittv = y your ninfikents. - WV. havp age ft. -, , , I i -,pprannuw, ew, for( Mll Karvous, wv�euf fire ABA 4�tbo hqri l:T 4ft4rh&",MSbdr*nfh1yIftt&d WworAodulcumilv& rf* who arer mmiung of the ioad, 't c6ulltillg�c w �L Melyerl� engag a at one L a c ..a a mone t ly pillor appea -8111114 - - i tbu oil etu will ll� At h It e ft"Rox tor P eparing: Anil, success b. enle a�mysterlous- ou, v ry rapidly -at tierotely Lifidinti, , - Yri �g.-o ff Vu- Weil. Applied, i Iff n -iiiiiiec b k fy fast., ba- gation: t6idrds rn �fion W,4 as her dddd re WAX) Y i Y 0 to 0116TO bUZ44, mulTortW�:bO ()rrsent-ffmo-mo -anti t b in dtf- ail o 'go isal" N.�a-� ke. -n�z inesd� I - . , JUDY, 111Y 4ho* mdear unt, -gobd eponses-,on't] an& le ed I , I. id 85- had e b&nd bet 'hi h -idou meanti, AIV -by geturn stall briddr W11 11 i nothni V the busin, the-gole we�il �chatne i1j:JIL old 194� ir 1140 roSo 'lit bel �t� tfl t 46naef, H. wouldL get -Wet im YOU YOU er od W 6.1? ovir -to e had: -odli the Ckir ie 134-S& Zr-kvUW- & ieav Wnj n 6baiu-- tbis,,,.T b.antlowne y�wlloin,j thin ow 4as seen -to and lovil -once wore4n ret n for Ili :o ad Y ,d f Co. fiin, 'he -ence to-w,�Os (1 -not kilow -some Illontho n in MI t L.re. front Altiv when ille Vr- MQne.V' a go aud A6, 'risejaeg are' ixfide at, t6olidon Medidai ad. -land for- yourself9ryour ion? I �;P XXIL It' nd ll0. Al paUSC(,j 'andL tUr ntd, r'ditfid. U td olifidence, ith huse or 'To wide � rilli I -to c do Mod ter earl �or otherwi4e it f - as nprove. yonr lind- To I)ay tpoun, -per aud -L n P,� iir other dvbts -Or- for- hny other Q I if she ha t ell YdU rinalam, that -eigh left 'a Cers- ara� 00re, b�, now. 44iontific, anet 4 %1 ii tbly b -ad -is sgolid t t br, it 'w -'uld a w�xav every e our#- ihe -daced.terms of the. d, in lay ha� wag labox q4tn i L a vate- root", A alicady 'his i h opue to the ap mi -thi-j arts (;Anada� Fe .rmane G44 _10 nut b nirition to 36: -It lie b a �`,fair face b i h hen: un- ken,, Xalq, sthan 17 ci- es of Farin I IV, hicli hai idade ut I na to' ore 04 ta thuhtt you -hare 1je _OlTe. Ye - .­ . 'ar_ - - _ , I , ­ i - - not' t jL an other, hd; 'ah t ould not i6tura -i44v voted 0 ieni;s A nd� now ecause .3118-14 ft ff#CtLing ad "ke t. -1-Y --.affoiil:i3,xiperiorfiLeilitie,,4-boLthfor�fk, the, CAInU* IN' �, nee P ch-: a tiliviggell b re tv bliar oppos .; . .. - . I- : lea iluring, tie iast- twait th j -sel nhjjh w lye 'in the 0 e Iiis, ev& ro at ol-re TeCeIV p -u U. try _ojLJL_ op 1,00�4'and fo, - its, YL e P. th rt price r repayment. I he higA 't Inontlis P�,eVJDUSI hd- n'6ver seen b 6 her head �tbulsf, aiibl-ishinent'in iatid -�jco C,)Y t,o Iiint was fog": ou Orto large- scale -oi �be tht� doat of 'bofsp somp )r fuith0r, inforuistio, apply -'�tb Tor(;Lt -110g,tv- If I-Joo '14i ftlyp­ She could- n b0iavo- ini6iod a �VIAA, 416 ­ai�jzed by --y r�;A ueA ler, -h, epi nu Its ra s6d -%s MI �Pdu to -4 IB IIA6 QjIl It_ Jill lie' d ea ifs� Ilk f6k lie daik6ned be to'taysjx-i- '146' the bid it. Sample -10a; 3 185 Z I -bo�n -dillicitor There, ksliof iiii-6 of col- itripruv,n,-,. e r Air th A p�r a str6y.ed her- U6. he:delivered bor-Ai to soupA a -p �Lvja _ .1 . L o -too hitil1ilr Z"OU111 �Dr- -, A wee nwsl_ feetly C91m -W Jon [�Pn al to the IthtfUL jjaV�6 IjV to Rinly run k f *th,-Bis-YjoIated-*vo 6,tlid "Vel t MULL uh _tlll;l -horL ibiale to ja� h. t butb� '%r Illoont arities, - Wiffi. desolaxioll: an despair, LIY U w 8 0 4QUEY TO -LEND: Waj tearleas �a nii�d t-fft 41 -gto�te, A A lur# ti, -PP 1ir Y- 4 ; ill' her :Sydi it or fu I The' 64 Ili: r.e- 10 come, jt u n it g y Y, wa all burs Be ot. sit fir re Lid juljed"Jbi� -on I e8k_ a6tio, th If d a, a trsl 6.jt tile n.jo A 8�file 4, li-�r ham's gaze' a a �7 WJILWall.�Hjj, in-, con- ff,w wag 9; 9 oil eg deceived Prough t— I n i r' V 00 'a Or` I it -t4 J)ta i itt 6 knio' ve' a-m-natines- no 1) ).qt I "C f,r- ;lg Ifirtvar W" n OR W1 tAd eiidi iri-, Hustiu,6 It i ill ut- V -w Iviiiahaij- 16 V ed - u., st �u -c in oru wn r-, I'llul'. he - 1 -e' ei tit T lfore Tat B!u Ur loCtio W#1t Me t ThAt r!