The Sentinel, 1877-07-13, Page 7= 0.1. ljiies droop, the red ro s toles i:.
`i ue ,te k r violet's perfume. ails
T;,c I rII°g are dim113: the fear es are still .
4i.,h t:f?ar% sh.ule infolds the hill.
Ei• - f te% SO (11112 With unshed tears`, l
tr-1•1Ar4 whose pain throughlsiniles appears i
:. titter 'cup of sadness fill,. -
+t` iikixt.nad darkness hold thee stillK"
•-te &gas.are ;one, the, ski is_ /tear .
gltesshade has; fiu n , the%dawrn is here
• W«rtz life and Iave the glad' air thrill ;;
s4 iticii,suiilight Iaughs tl e,hill.
1`tlilies raise their droopiiigg heads • -
1 .c h- fragraiitesteals from; kvziilet beds:: -
e rase with criinsoit blusesinow
°1-7,e s ng -birds trill, the tr a -tops bow.
V t rresgecd with fear, no light bath shone
r tangled, paths n,>
��_� �a �xi a
l .{oT`inie} wi:h soft, re reel ead,:
trot 4 'ouch. and joy furlthee s diad."`
ttildlioart,awake_ and grief ; by morn;"
Fresh ire and Tight forthei shall dawn.; -
` tax.ttgh• skies made clear by love's bright -r ay, _ -
shalt- know- the perfect da) ._
;;;:•alt1-.ndssed from hall and- stair
Wtre stayed', -I_ laid ..asiclOrty pen,
Filgt!t. my theme, and listened-then-
A-fazr.ies-_blood from heart gnd 'cheek..
leaves of albains lightly" pressed
wicked 0, Dabs, of the- Yloods
ht, tudd that. reached the. feet that stra,yedi:;:„
it wits 1.401Sett otei
.!‘1..-.4t;lionikiv tornIeaves:and tattered hook:
4. ..
: guilt; in trust that •ben lily aeell; -
acquaintance, and thiring her drives in- the
Streets of Berlin Or in the park. of chariot,
-teiiburg she _always seemed Much More ira-
Pressed with the diatress She met there thin
With. the glitter Of carriazes and toilettes.
:;-.Prince Bernhard, hergetrothed; ,although
nearly -ten years older thair his bride; is- of .
the Same unassuming - but- solid character,.
He spent 'nearly every' Sunday there • a -
eginpanion there to Prince William,' playing
--itith the younger -children, reading and
practising. muaic with Princess Charlotte
nada the 4e -of the.CroVrtePrincess. The
yOnthful friendship -ripened into love, -and
the. proposal of the Prince __met -with the
entire approval- Of the Parents and grand-
parents. Ntr political considerations in±-
terfered with this Union of love, as Prince -
Bernhard hoida only -the rank of captain a -
adite in the Prussian- army, and the dukedom
he is- heir to counts about :190,000 -inhabi-
tants. The tithe of the marriage has . -not
been fixedget, apd .may be probably delayed
for the extreme -.youth of the Prineess.-
Her Majesty the Queen, and the only grand-
daughter.who was- born (luring -the Prinee
Consort's lifetime.— The Queen.. • •
A, Yining TelePhone.'
[From the_ North iila.bamian
Mr. johall...- kowers, -one Of the pioneers
Children with- a telephone that:Can be made
in a few minutes hy* any 'One and. b -means -
Of Which conversation -in an-_- ordinary - tope
may be carried Cal. between partiei.a, hundred
-yarda or more apart. - Knock. both ends. Out
of. two tin- oyster CanS
paste letter. paper. tightly over one end of .
each can,,,through Which insert tw end !f
CoMmon wrapping ;twine, although; a silk -
line would be better a _knot to ,preVent
the string _froth slipping through ; extend'
the string aS far is yell can withOutallowing
it. to touch the:ground or ant intervening -
Object .; pleee your -Mouth at the Open .end of
; the can,. and a,slight whisper. will. be„ heard
the.other end of the line, where a similar.
'arrangement; of the String through the Can
and paper imist be made,:
A, Benediction with, a- Limitation..
All -officer -of the navy, on 'board,. ene
Our Vessels in China, tells ns this neat thing.
_.4' is but a. fevt year since the - Sens -and
daughters ef the; ',Grow, Prinde !Of Prussia'
were -ail children withuir the precincts:of the
The -eldest. Prince, t Frederick William,
titirri the 27th of January, 1859,- after having
ced his- military eareeri ai- lieutenant irk -the
' his grandfatheri: not, le . consider any detail •
of the service as petty for unimportant The -
$6Cond„ Prince, Henry, was sent to the traini,
ing Ship Niohe to lie - qiucat„ed for the naval-
. service- He is the -first- Beim' of the Honse
nland, in days,t4 cim_i_ an: imperial German
CosT—It posts -no more .to wear Treble'S
perfeet.fitting shirts' than shirts that don't
ht,. by leaving: theasure* at irreble!s, -.54- King
street West, Toronto. . •
Beautiful goodsin Searfs Ties Silk Hand-
kerchiefs,- . oyes, etc... Our White .
Drea'Shirts give g test satisfaction. Testi--
menials without n . her.- -Address ypur
orders to 109 Yonge St Toronto. •
The' -Tomb -of AgaMemnon.
had .diseOVeredinthe eon/lie-Of •his -researches
the .foundationa .Aladdin's: pelage. and an
andoubteCpiece' Of- -Cinderella's efass
per, the .drolle - • the impression- would be
•like that PrOduced upon the mind* of Modern
to- the King -Of Greece that he• had -diticovered-
-Agamemn.en. : There is, indeed, tO question
that: Pausanias Mentiened', the.. tradition.
,The Peculiar interest in Dr, schliegoiniffi:r.e.-
in the .:Victoria. liypophosphites,- for COn-.°
• sumptien and -general debility:
O. ISA. Was, three- days. after her eon-
- .tirthation,-en the 28th! -of March, betrothed
tit Bernhard, lereditary , Prince of Sake;
n, Prince WaAdeinars and, three daughters;
1 .Slorwaret - horn between. 1866 and 1872i.
c-eittleatiOrt _,Or Her Majesty's_ _gra
a-,_- They have to rise ear1V- an retire tO
ce*and princesses bieakfast at eight WA
their., parents, and- the tithe between ten -1:ii-
veted to their leeSon'4, with 'one-- hour- for a -
heir---2preals-cconaista. 01 siMple.dishei,, ":0
_- ever; b-thig-Permittoditia ask for a_ snbstitnte
if -what is placed - on the. table, hapPeng ii.6t*
anything, in -order Make' abstemiouineSs.
s ititellands of h-er children; and ever'
or whieli-*remayqu&te,ias ins -
:that the princessss ,thuit.. es
Tfiefearly- eatteatiim of -the- Crown-, Pia-,
Self gate few lessensi-bUt was present it all. .
Ift the scientifietraining. the ladies ',Were
.ranches professors Of the coIlegeain BeKin •
'-.I"ere employed.: g. iss Archer, and later
Present -claims the- special attention-",otOur
f_mslers, not Only *came .a pod lingos,
ts rt ti IS- equally well igrounde_d in-sUbjectS Of
general import; anal skillea.: in musical:4nd
!,--urti tic-aecOniplislinients.-; . To this She dads
pradiCal sense: and a tender heart,.
e notiaes ia. the outer world._ - Front, early
Owed she has lbeen wont ie. distritnite •
in the way of blessing •
whose terra. of -service. had -Plat. expired,
proceeded -to take leake of hii late offieers.
Approaching the•'-- Commander; be invoked
the choicest blessings"_ou his lead, in -a..-
bro,,,oue.that left no _doubt as to • his :native
soct And, so lie went fem.:- one to inether
reward.. ye!" 'Until- he- cOnie opposite- the
been oblige& to- suppreSS Pat's loVe tot the
‘``,ardent " by -stopping -his. leave. With a
reluctant tench of his cap, and -:downcast
.bless yen tea, 414ister. a sartin
usprqi; RECEIPTS..
People -sometimes ask why does Dr. R. V.
Money in advertising his. -medicines;
.whiok:are knovin and surpass all
other rethedies popnlarity end It is--.
- good policy, and -undoubtedly. it paid him,
'to spend many- hundred. theiisand dollars in:.
the- excellence; Of his Merchandise: The
--grand seeret cf snoccas . lies- in' offering Only
goods Which Oesseas Merit -to „snatain them-
selves, andithen• through- liberal and ipersis. _
.tent advertikitig making the people -thorough..
do totsheCeefl. in . amassing great .Thrtunes;-,
graph operating for oftices_opeaing in - the Do
minion: Send 3:cent stamp for1CirCtilar. . Address
BooK A.Noi.-:-- Does aWay*ith letter pr .ss
circulars. AALKIN. 46 Church S.. -Toronto. pm:
NE I "' 1 - ' 1 -8. -ii, -I. '-
.- „..._ r liF I.
Stools,;. Covers, Isle* Music, aibok, and sheet. etc.. -
Town.iLott in the vxpage of Rabb -the
terminus' of the next Section Of -the Victoria R
458411 -• 60 Fron St: East;ToFotito.
establishing thriving and permanen. s nest;
- falo, Which Casts over two- hundred thouSand
dollar!, ithlefis• their buSiness be legitimate,
which they render. the people -genuine, and .
valuable, , Dr.- Pierce - doei - not attempt- to
humbiig; y,ou by telling. you that his ,.Golden--_
. Medical Discovery _will cure all diseases.' He
saYsi," if your lungs arehalf,wasted. by- con-
. iumption, my, Discovery will.not dire yOu,..
yet as a remedy for : severe itoughi, and all
curable bionohial, throatiandlfing affections,
: I _believe it to be unsurpassed as a reMedy.''
The people have:confidence in his mediciaei.
-.because; he,does not -Over,recommend.them,-
MediCal Adviser,- a book of over nine
-:dred pages, illustrated b
and gilt is offered to the
_ haVe already been sold.- ...His Inemorandinti •
-books arebnietery druggist's counter for free
TO- kiEBP LEMONS .i.itsti.---temona. can be -
kept Sweet and, fresh for -•"months- bv putting
.thera in a elean, tight cask or• jar and Cover-
ing them *ith cold water: The water -must
'be changed -as. often: as every. other dayi. and",
the cask kept in a eoofplic-e. -
-dried. apple sauce, made SmOOth by pressing
throUgh:A seive or Colander ; the Whites of
three eggs beaten to. a 'stiff- froth, _ sugar.and -
:IemOn- to suit the :taste ;• beat all, well to.
SCat-i-011E.D. Fistf,-.-:Bone and Skin fish,
- (to 'do !this with. ease, dip. bilk belling, Water,'-..
withdrawing instantly, as• by a. longer. im---
niersion the juices of the fish•would be loit.1
of butter On this- Spread. a _little. ChoPped
oniOn then the -figh iod: smoothly, and
Sprinkle -with... salt and- -.PePper. - Rub to-
gether one teaspoonful of butter and the
sanie,quantity; of -flour ;_ pour into this: the •
juice -of the fish, one teaSpoonful of. good"
cider vinegar and- enOugh-, boiling witer„te.„
Make a:A-mai cup- full. Mix' *ell,
tUrn Upon the fish:: -Cover all over With a
beaten egg,•and *titre* fine-. cracker. erumbs
-and-,serfeinIthe same- dish, in,,Which it -is
two huncl red* and.
f-.1' bound in -cloth
people at so moder-
aid) that it is no
- Treasurer of- _Galveston -
and, partied a 16114 -arid pretty 'girl, with
when* sootLvarrelled.-- He then desired
te-return to the ;firet wife, •but She. would
not permit it, and_his grief:was. so -deep "that
printed inStruCtions- for -shirt _Aneashrement,
-aid we can send yeti shirts -1)y Post.: YOu
can remit us by P.:_0, order. Address
One of' the most attractive fettnres in the
Ceritennial Exhibition *as- the - show of Ans..
trian Bent -Wood Furniture made.bngissrs.
Thonst Bios„ of Vienna, .Adstrra. - The
graceful and elegant' shapes into which the
By hand, and wairanted equal to new. Price list on
application. THOS. GRAHAM„ 35 -Sherhaiirfie St.,
163,622_ there Sip. ers scold 1A75 than b an
other conically. 4
-Warranted to ont ear, two of fief ether ina -
The Singer Manatareturilig Company;
M - NIA separator and sniutter portable Mills,
paint mill s, and shelling - stOnek R. - HI 0 T ES,
Millstone Lanei Toronto.
Ws at PhiladelPhia : •••
otlitheersa.Zane'nf-tivaliactutyre;:°-f. 134
patron home production, andkeep yonr Money
. successor -at° J. FLINT,
St, Catharines. Ont,
from cid Blood poisoning.. - Any preparations -
imply 10 aricTs.i -
rimy ot
*d Digestive- Fluid
havernever failed to Imre
he Diseases known as -Blood poisonings
Enittp in the heer and narrowing Of the toe
completp knitsall sizes ; narrows and 'widens at ,. -
'nflei? uble, or Ribbed, producing all varieties -
stoeking. All Canadian correspondende to be ad- '
dressedil o the 'General Agent, II. BAILET 205 .
tfisin6s-s: Opening.
laSsPaYingiOld.,Eitp,..b1 shed.
Goveim eat -land selected and• the patent P,,,ocnred
witho t. 'trouble Or risk to the huyer. Investinents
undoubted real estate security at, pe
end 3- cent -stamp -VAT -answer. Maps oC.
a, 33 teuts„.• Parnphlets free on reeeipt-of
1ARCHIBALD YOUNG 37' Colbckne St
110Ny..d. Ors
ite, Odorless, aid does not .discOloi.
o Coffee &Spice S4am Mill
Toronto _
12A.w2mDiADI To. vs. -
1. -Machinery.
'Eptmervir:--ai -s
pedal Patent Conclensiv
-Got up---Oitpre-SSly for •A 'liary Water Potwersi
given with all-new Engines: Inatatar diagra 8
taken, IMprovements carried out .and salrink
thou -
sweets and toys -amongst 'poor ehildren,. re.„
:copunendect- by a benevolent. lady- of her
Sall o
was tb:e .tbeme. of universal admiration.
Even Americans Were compelled to admit
that for beauty and- artistic merit they had
Wood Furniture. .Messrs. Thoust Brothers
have taken -the Gold Medal at London -in
1851 and 1862, at Paris in 1867, it Viennain
1875, and- at Philadelphia last year. . The
senior of the firm has been thn'co decorated
by his Sovereign, the • Emperor of Austria,
and Mr. Francis Thoust, wholaad charge of
the Philadelphia exhibit, has -just received
the Grand Cross and been knighted for_ his
distinguished. ability there. While visiting
Furniture House. the Oshawa Cabinet,Uom..
piny, succeeded in making a special arrange.
Inentwith Mr. Thoust for the exclusive sale
of• this elegant furniture °in this part of the
Dominion. - By this- theans-lovers of true
art in furniture will have, an opportunity
very shortly of supplying themselves at 'a
moderate cost—a consignmentis now on the
way from Vienna direct, and.. due nOtiCe of
its- arrivalAvEr be given at the- wareroOnas,
Over one Ihimdred .different modifIcatioas.:o
Send for illUstrated:pn
We beg to eall-the- attention of the .Fariners of
-The -great-advanta,ges. of this. Harness to persons-,
living orchards, uncleared or- quit* groun.d, are -
vlotis,' there being no Whiffle Trees- to - strike.
against stamps-- or 13ark Orchard trees. It allow
the Plon li to turn the sod ciese-to the trees; ial
.ptilizine Iligrenna close to fences, now waste
clueing the draught one-third. *hichlwe ,Cirn
ore than& set Of double -1 whiffle -trees w
-FRONT stittO