The Sentinel, 1876-09-13, Page 2IIt7 J, r PS e,- xn -fLU-V r Nt,I w -or �bie rse --panic! -world bill Iod6d;iBeiis. M-11tiepublic1promeMid �mu At t47. airy r ym f d -�e Tei�onsfi Fu mral Wo I - . 11 Ehamr ion:6f. -the a Ia ad Atchit6ct of give --t�6 cog... iroh om u1sitioli bu imagine 011i O�,p st co -Build hs -thou .vilt -beed not wh VdAch in ii-]� s�yq& ehai-ir-43MOs6d-to three 6. -f eli has- At �e-are -hot g to writoo A�Ai enja;nin IN ra IrJqur OR list reached;th6 aescribin Seem on -the. contrary tl -the! Ii nerals -an. a 0 d- ouli, but in�oc -nt of d ys, -thing bfit­ziieri�v Lai; 00 redmersl- W. n lia-van f Iintenik a�Wfif`c- me, and,inir -hshe OIRS .P.11 f at -if Pijehfo, -self nt.can. stand - 'tli a 1. o Alities all d an w - - epIn hat'his W' -k th T d el -into, -of Lori h 4,thus a Alft rent Ith ig� Mn& how thi e th e al hi -P uc -be J a- 01 -in -for tho -betteri If B 6 rest. a has �ccomp 0 thtrs Pefio ve1why, thou wastest tithe t� court th6 fate '6f ��ai Ing 011� erful. rende and his grill. th Hous on iiy wixikin ix thbirs a7ud.beAvei, ivill. hat - Ith if the inil. ha n -'CO litri coll t1i a 3, - Any - i elf India o --,by.- 6- p g . t or, is Todot tB- d. ibrS in df Would n6t --cl of 6. ail at he, has. -bu arQua, lll'� an 0, e 0 -to -iaiher Iii b 1-ifire moit . -EuroV6; -an increasing -number Ida st bei of t4o..e who.corpe: o. pr�i�ie. di` -o th a r thosb� of t t n a ter.,n a 011ie i ving qn.-, c Pu. ina Obi c ---gaze fr , - � t a- cQmip -bh- afidipublic- oAr. - t an ftfia habi , -h --that in -that -case- ritai 7naii, by Ii rhile lt �iias t - en-I§ent dreaniis,,,let"art -6e.all ' - 1; -h 0 f in'.subliiu6. mant. e d. - hi InessuM of ind S hii , 9 Al hink at Y. Yario .eaves.. Nn As. gni. y -an s. a �-Mi,' &: 'a of 4�1 -which -her of 1 ii nn i- -an an t r e in.somo:. V. -hifiks` -tip at. v *ii that. hken to :-- - I I I T_ Othe offtinit -has b`een t esir -,Of urse evary.- well.;&V-0 appy ever iple t h eThen if at lait.th6i aiiiy Structure IaH4 &- J - - 8, - -0 - on" , Ie I a- - Ing � chil ' - a sE in' s'noth -- a lition Bu111diIs--tlj6u'-wi1f and-Asthegodsi-have nie;-. . - " , - dren .A, th t d h - '& Ante6.for- ­ te x ifil is-thoiiwil-t'ungpoiledbypriiii3�or�ia diters And-- -and that -if. the'Turlids the ia, Ao *nd -kiven; an �iikingeou t d h 1-t ik6 tb if -no Q -b ave �xh Ae .--o e d fo i7- Y saine. joys fa s a omina irAti A g, ­sa ­ I ev at- some u; And roe Th fail-. an d- th 'alo &,'who h gnd� giis -it the* co ej n ave not ktriven. eges d 0. lefigt - extr�oi its storns t b I his ca -WI p easan respac. -por, 0 ith-, rear, an ey wor&- r -L Som d 'tolakefax-6 qQ I - th dreceive -;aunVal rize-i th I ant ic; ffi -4 And ;urd these d sio a 'was a- odca fait it . S -1 IffU wor at. W611 Of a PA o -n a q4i a �rouii r a tert.. 6ity. t is; Report DUR P. RIS LETT-EX toil tt R 'td The boys. Ot onb�,v66-ha8"pl4y.ed- io distingu ec rt o.:on -i -1b.6 atl ffia %e ma er to ia :'affe6ted- by in British po ti -s�- hild --has 6en f .,not a ai r, ng 3 n rising, the at em di I r li it Sur 11 , " 6� h tt -4 OUR EPECIAL Col�RE f iu - ThiO is � book - & ara. p 90 ­ , �- r- matfk(tatesinani� atjoist� b of f inaialt -tl s ld6 ii is th af ;file t 9till:i 6 aym -oi- Iarlo er e n. the', �n o6n hdv' lost eve Y, aten. vd g the�x'e`adings - Rr e trikes th �of -the is I�HpAi6b nul whicl -s es rati as successfulpoli sraeli'.i. career ire vdlocit ind --rainfall �Vun i idie rddest �rahg tempb- I Re- blicans-r�gard-- --fr6m-ten th- ' '- c4u�try.:irl _ mt at er ays�- not t p,F; a� were a- 0 a fd k bbt �n un I urAl,if not ri J ogical -i-a arkable'6116 Vith. d &.14th of chie as t a-s-Aeb ndhe'of. ett d Yn O)&iZ a a 01 Siva and i4sui d.7 Her -0 1 s4 -nis foi� &r& b iAvanitag6s Whioh .1 -most _ f -g� �-Are -; -A , - a r -at fhe ­va f Cab niverisgy, of the, Basiwe* but- -the p Ell 'the nion -0 he'taking--' some -br �]Weii --oJ f d 'n Dom rpe r She' -jars whil al enjoy bil rl in theleait there- th the 1 011411 V�A iigusi;� Iahniversary -of the a edq 0111itable. --dobf6d. the a §.Out in o -r very ititittes 4acts Thbr6 avu abl i -n at. date isfavorsom�-N%� a else an t, -a Tobrth -T ay.grounds, Are onflo i9d fall: of the T V! b I ull k' a. y. his latt a -n P dookinco, th 'tha Bo read -isoliifi6s not e overthrow of : are f! do mentio' ed�. elbwest temper -apt 'b is Of ilisp�oi a iniiihilatioi . i 6f the--priticipld .of r I.- is -still 111 but%, th GVY V.L -8 U FVD.L t4tioio ervatfil in -C an- Wurl -any of f molluru- Y or case -Ahe thought- At of obs othe I 6i nd chief 'a io-44est aris-, as hei �:r 1by thoi a d most natural jand-:P Motor ood iers AD( v6kyb ii ant -ft, 14&e.otli- Ar' Mlocl,,e- a a. a h on h6ught noe OIS-.7 ractise hoc aof poll 4 prod.( 0 as -if P Iq T6 son o i. ndj�ed,bdor6-1-'indepand y-thp If b Ada during 18,75 w at YV,ork Facto her call eserted.. fl �rthewery-sdntiri - 6ad - I` ouill �p At 6f kind h il�atiry er of - 'r'o erfil rat. ,yalty, i . . t a 86661. iili t -h b ac kho adbp�ti- - I r ile is d Z, y ri iAJ�nttar hernio succeeded L t b Was rathef thi� -chief of -.an to attorney - girives, bapils -are' only occupie �-.begaii a -as Q eon" Ae very it f6nsi d -a r inbtri urt a 1 conseience. In Noonib Qre at Onde tin 'h governed Fra4oe-,, whull t v army -t pai a, ILI all "thealmanac -gn.; alid-F ebruary - Lt 0 U in �Lq. 6ter -w the otirses a. adtb nee -o a 'ork exp 5 th W -.the sqrvi (,4 to W 7 a S. 0 M. Pon N V --Anv, M-0 t T6t b not CIO, usprat h -P' -of, Al lawier mo the- t40rdegree- b,1 soodre a Id never. eiiid as to t am the Anunc- on- -as e r[ a6 alapse da -vain- the' p o a� Ralf for: the -h ..dift6r,exit low 16d 7i, cmp, and knew right- weU, that -a, y;, in r essor ul Ani ho or, a r 61 civi za ion- c -pea XVIIL aii& - G hak ry. in do no� to - e depv! )r r v s d -One. 6 liles at -the .line -of 66. -Iouig- - . . . . . . -gave up n thb 4 .!-h%- the, dnid& Df - -1 se� a O ike­ that xegiflarly g -PYO ntic TY0 .8- -of 'his n(i) Jfbor`-aild. -r -a( a - - -the -Points in the-eireumiffiiv thing �ign t -one-. e- ap dy t Chi :monthsut thaf -it- -,was" so on is.� of RbVoluti6a;V an. ileig t hal t&- -flv. to -chievea--no le 6 a lim,ent:v Are -re �,hbo: ce to reco6-niS6 the, 9 y - - I i " J : -us; At ag6 of twefit h -Ch­l- `X . - eafidd s !quj, go, n ci ld- are- at -�qqu lic" r 6, m hil and-- ifianedi4i -that a of! the al diata" e f, ee' ea. repay vi, a ar as during ea6h. 'Th -e- h he Rdlyrood f 'hil erest, 1Vh �hoqt -after aalace,. -an - ilia �jji- d re.. t -I 7 Ign tes The--boyii iilo� for froadoin and n if We ca o �sxy ame ,or o0t of -ability dis? a o Vi a fo fmhibn 1 i�i P s ays.wearing a,.- air herel;c6ul., b -d he �ear the IDe niber 4,�k a a ad OAP- Fhy -Phili -put mber -ana-D h at -.the itce v A h d :t , . .. 1. - ­ n -�R -2 , , - he gAr. %r ose so, o ars are, s ast lit -as ds on� t head:? Why r( A -.emy 6.te U - !4 ast OUReptiblilan `M- - - -AiB� h the 5 Arai b -1 . - I 1-i-gliest -t a'h i- mor &v ppq and' a'b of lie'Chani that n- in JA w er -DeputAg ii: �n� rt. T uaky Louis �14ye�li th h t 6 good tasti v, �Tj_ p6wer un is ziiot s 3C ar 6 i� Pr ei,guise of h' ent. erary .1 - ;ras P MI dulked::in- A'good- ants Wh -nd 22. aa A haiii, 4uestio" Israeli -of o ays :5 �a " -- I P he deavoi' -o -Ofa� ---in -his:: 6.w� _Su Jiebt.� & lid -.-a rts riitrat& witif ­aepartw - ed I I -P mollare. yi, Why I -'IbM as -tic `d6s p Ion- an -,a -cog. a '&PnE tE O1115 n6ft d- At ary, In' hcb .ifbr dying eilv i S ad n deal f n; itid, '1reit the�p t i o be -no 64of .' voted , 0 ­incipi eradit .ad nQ461, "had eft"hi -eep it so.. aa -.x -'Spx'r'edJt6bi s-- a mb u I n' a r's a a a if -is, moren ao mig - --be a a Ygy,"as - -Aegation.of that -kind -of -i rf . -th VIA& 7as t . I- J ht " [ --inonth f JanuarY Ts ws h Mon- f S 'bri �pnez a. ion in -an a t SOM h I th -much the+c Pre he ave -1pa i on -ther ginev it a&ady�exitt bil a le -corpse 6(fimth6pexi rom. gr a nt- 'a V eop e, ­,ex ot Sin below zero. hat' was r* and alien td no* 11 -Why.. -half hihlldli�e� -othe thin� ittk rev� ce i . nents, cAe B6ideaiix1 better k�own-to--day ery�l- t :A t 'I terid to A d- ually ra- wri �Ingj. an is lelt that I so - Lp on, personages r -Of '---Napoleon 'squima varl as h; A ti ocratic 'I . n- ti6nil oi equally th, reverse would a E vin.British --Columbia. the -;Comte de Chanibo'd diligs of th- -4 t -'of ari -Other -.works diffloult to, Say, r- t entst,%tioiis are,so s rM, a as 0 t ch 066 - Steadl )f.-arigt _b C as. o, Live anyrehl Selzing. power,lhi-�. Brummagen st6i, rati Pa why one tthe 6 tioli&at ar asit ielati6hishipwith_ 5 rism- .4p e Young, 0 r s ucted on 011IN i f f. tem. Shot ' s a -in id 0, irecogn is-ooncerr 16. T est. - all, t or& -drq'i Oed.. N c in ornw. y:avouminou an - -p 0.� I 'dfiou d- N -doub was e reason', Vhi h -Fe� efer inion there - I hich,. OIL, ular a'uthor'. The Ilwk Sy . I . il " i ied .'the 'low sovereignty of-.th ­- q � -11- ,.- a -- a tl iioeliit waiB. -speed,' d 1e..1 a" ted" is c6nd be --sc&rcely -ekplic4V bus, -in JJ�Jp jn6nth ple, * -is -to -S - - incar�fflnojtwas 1111 -of amb I I -- -- grea, 9., Je fb -t le*don , nt M 8 - w. le K hi oa ad.:" 0 t 1� ct-bf Won, a r 11 -of the -�;wliichl ou4ht nt. was of inon, - felly ver Was if - I No th6 �oiily­l. 5 in Toionto, 'Olien -su-M ,ient t s 1 v.:; I'The 1 th, Of, August, idian fr6 t. his peculiar Ability. lit' -V -first h6-ipo��ed as�, t h a' t H -ltoin— -1792 �'destk6yed,theu -�P --Ir 4. 0 11) W Sh in-po 1 ics �o e P li. t P� mu 165- gh Y: onors -he s:-6oiltrih -_-candidate! f6 �Ax ainen a - an the piin ciple of ali sufficie sd A le -enou in- . t �en wont ous. ayors I '16qunI for t tadel itwa§—' 1$.,5 -a 'Obnoli o a( ont hance.1 A Nye -hpps Aana, a -qu ur d, it6 Sure 1 hat Iff �6,r —2 wo year., re -Tory 'In Niwfoundlad' 0- 16W -�ctioni Uit th chaiid.ter t4roned the soveir 'f `thia' lei Aiid gn Ook some lai-Anomaloug f 'to'a6 -hair repealofthe" t iiebec Ci -ti po t 4- Ago b id chata ter, per c 7 est a : r6v,61u on- Of - 81�� a y C Oion�e rpated� t b it' lb�ra pptingUniversil-&�ffil piulm to'- c6mpel, the- e t .would ubt-be th,--to - gay- he o ecomi ig 4nd -,nafi -,%,a h Ad hope of.being able. during that te'rribl� p ont --wws rie, -Y Pa rullize-::' :our 4-h; ;6* -the t at t t "this ma -in h r( Y-; as m1ge. fr6m:16: t tom§ are L.. .that -h ins titutibil- goo'dor'bad, it.ii themo, P -41. hat w T li� b ,I prop st-otaple th _ough n6ou t . .. . . a al vy was especially so -of Februar 1D. r adtion'Of he.- force ums ano s.� as led him -to,: weaker and --iilbrd J niarant br ran �e a y Ith 1: a P t a tion'.6f, the �blitic. ufAuf& 'as" Iil-�difica­in lig x ro ass -s' 6M1 -the f so inalt, th as. a, c a -a ce I im; to it kfiL u eiii 'we -of EsqiA canno a st -On.- vieh Are,, An inor 'than, ­une-away- i a Pi I �ts . ea -in angers. is- vq-9 Og; d pr 01 doubt I we.oi4ght z w d t t iblic. pe,rsb1dad,-.V ' noe, and 06 it t he h 1he p a -e btlos z-broat eve y In 1837—just 39 years-au6- -Disraia' it. - 1, ut Vv r Z5 .. '. * * , -; hings I � -s I -, . -- - ofa-syste solid -gratified by it"I's, exceedin 4 y6ii-may-.. --that SAM , -a a enixig.� - 'o �Show.. -that A byihiaafis- . ' ` 1 - . -, �--f tionrai-�,Qo fa hi� eing 41e: gy uch n&md -to -ast ht, And 6-m mbf it ch on aria -ft:any of tha -still'beho n4- sh6il& be d -bed -in' vder, the"Seisi6ri mjy'�'e �b idore�d toldermotlitbu a ucatidit. Som6 - q 6 nain ery-.-:ohe do] P Mtzro *-Harbo' the- the r rill in I plu the� -buriils,or:ma;�a a,, -Y displayed a vir2 6. en -erg y oil m6w� ill-ailiis h- was A miserable hac people N-6�eliit emb n t 8 - , : % - I - rst.speec t a they o- a pr( nth was s-42-1 To so.manage . -, - I a sa ha ways -Sa August, 1101%.- -he'-would ha�ve ure, that bi fA -own .-befora -he a -fin, y about- bb t "It, ot'! ed -4 -as. low late g rs de oiV6 a ere-, - .1 e all to; t] -pse? fr in -U; roop�ug in sJe id-'bbi Soundl� .3 6n:a -Parry bd' . , raddingtoii An to: ave his Swis-�. 0 a--,A1ai6 fo� t A about -36. 81ratford,­ 9`1 . 4'1 d that, fami.d.-the lAughter ani- jeark liberal - -and Pub. IIJ'-- * * J, -- -- �i - g nc ng mas -that.-11-pa.- tlI6 -House' a- said I iihnot suiptised 11114n� tte thi "Quebee dr6d, -and the Tuileries .:�opait' from their s ind�6� Woodstock 25. In the Prow .h no. py n "a- . - . -- — - T Edwaid %lm I -New Br XnSwick 27.S rI ePti Irlave reddiv6d.- have- this JhO fb 1c 6 t, tr a low-est:was�35 in N va 66'".of-Fiench kings,as Thi6rs �de W niec T A . ion? Is i vie the o L-9 the I&Oage- of iZea lli� &e, of- the -dead- §houl serib, - I - Ming, egun.-several cdl be -pe 6s -6 -finleg uia M9§, and Ihave 11 iende rat�er -thaii An inn'. 9 b ad, - re4l(, tea ity to their Aiscours ewfoundMild --21 ver a er., 0 A�ve aved'.royalty- -it* w -a" 91and,7n!r4,7;-N V' u S 1 a -own Nbthing is bi an,, succeedbd t - last.- I shall sit odto th itoba --toixe. of ja�e�ii of -a t could'h, fficult to' 01 come an you will st y ng now, ut -the time wllgome tuld h Raspecitixig.� 01 ]11; LT. '-,j! dry -of ouis b think so b 'd N1 qa ­ . a ��40.5 British Cluinbia,-L4-; -to axpikf taste`fai trat f ln' d' ''d a-- tha. cost! ft vZ h ear me. n hibil," and S oni -Aerv6la;Ahe- Fiefich-A it �hich-would -t -XVir ;- - . 1,1 -e.cu -wett Territory'-- 4l.: XIV -.and he corruption of' Louis. pi& ilefenqe, for I what was i T inermine i. sobek..t U. I. -a pa O;9nA4- t. f d -f should- loome- olit� all. much- lht6isted *in'- he'r, 1A6 an a wajs - dot- one eache -pif giealmomdu "'Wherenow On wAs'the"11 yehi . - i.. 'I . �31 but; -do -not- e The -rez -n t lon beffire-his prophecy w n be, -to6k their pri �oth' r- a X IS XAV, U in deit the er, rey -66 d ined place a tricke( enn S and ans d -ci iiou -of b( w �ments. s ton Was 6 _g is Iffib. that-'RiLssia i§,respofisiblb he jr�ttable m4nifes 'of the Duke, Qf Brans.; ds- anddid not.-Jaugh. re., is -no one gre, se, cordanee-1 -wid w erel d'a out in - -thq h P h - h ind ii i�Jiistened 1h4r, -any Vas at e de- flil dtowilkeA waste the On' thei' -contrary it cheered -th`6 brilli4lit k -ten h ii-hethrea a ief - 'the aj terhero' Sue a . a. bater and a ow a ged -by afid. by t at aS'A' -y i Christi -b is the' -lx , tn ecora ions the members of the"A A In '3 in O`fp" lhiid't pretext -6 a 9 -:with t fi Sept h -are o? -pensiv Inuab0c 6- 'hey w-as.9l.; va -Sao-- a tongue fe, t i a -a - IS h s8em- :,expeijbq t T blv'--b A- hai� of: th fthd Turk T I ' Aiv re ir- - rt -1 i�� " 6 ail Th e n�ml er.o i nce, eup.; 9 ye nQ Ap t eq t( pro, ies on ei a,, ew, runswick -S w artJ ind no supoliom jai.; JV Y. p Id-excee ­urspaceto#]Ihow� �t4d e at amphlateers) that it- was ne--- r P91 'it wou" -their avo-z 'of lii�db foi.t f 'king a headt and val .6f- the'ernelti a' h ab iublie 6w; hid I ut: t��.,keadti6ni i p sa r& a 83; W�awfoundland, 1A-- iob& I 1 y 0 & li� ases liph r an On su he'rr cessary ..o regenerat ually,�,but.. tiqly, iiaAe himt6lf di e b -I . . in, . spen. E I -Men, ing a a w t WA er-ritory, 92., -blbod,'! i6se'd*Patigiang -to the hi a a saibb� td. one.- t p t H :w. te.d for dust & k requires bffit 6 ithiz -i&glo� putlay :T t Bghting�.: withollf-breakl' '' - - :194.3 B itiaN,'Columbia 98 e.Franto in b ' - a . . . be- &`d : ndattck f ghestpitch I t h !.qe1pmS�..A4y. Oro in'T ecency 'Ittlo &:A bu,�' he it it oh r y, e -a r was 40 8 - --di _4 re:so as thiv. an S6 ii Ha il 4 pa,rio, 10. l: 'it m­b6fore theni 'the - S 6 gred ar Ji: i ave. of t 't, Tniks bur� f I nto. th Viemmo d d '40ky -of w Ains 9' �'thht *as w a -111 one, side c�ig- ten" ticipAte 'b era well awake the Court ivai merelY lng� O. gal ne -SO -H6 4.1 'Is the. -w in 16r.'this ast tarlo, arven was h- aans of, .1111 ti I:, lit' -t bi I such -a' n;-;., -A Jun6r a :a roua lords W), -111 cotreap6ndene T d pt both. P )OPI'dilli iiiighfhay� been -a p :above 10 Aegi th -t eeded. -to --Of os6s the otlj6i cuts' S- and- 1- Ag- belig 140 nj -to notice --that t n timb4aaihei ea a ----�Ind- 08 - I ans havei a Aeii- they. athe mean pn-P-.aris.- Since -the -publipatioli.�qf­ he- grievance de i , . , h 0k opea thi ,-.bf can eii such Ia tomel -the owe l* gl�d they wou.. have been rre arded Sion an:4, .9; and at At b.61-iid question now-, ofmaxia -A-utoinat6l and ought:. not to' entrench on tht P -same i ru. ce or -13 n -ddubi th air foes a snare. an, 44-- 'his.reba S� ret' barbarity 6fth -of all C ad- 'la�ions with -tile invaders," 6 h a Loot at -1 iiv a the 8-t a very -OA" ar4 imn ees.1 Ql)�� i ' his m 'In Ontario there -was ame - herself was - ary moit -1 - - I �, I 11 11 ill-tho Que n- Or- -Atrocities- related by-Vltr rein a est rolb of 'crii�e, 4 t* - nprofit a i -t. 9 ahas Stepped runsw All indi, : �i- x4in fall -in Qu6bec -86 --8!- - -are comb, -ts td i heir -.peer - as ho had'long .or r pe o -say. "'Possessing not- avparticla A h. it is I trb t the in�-an a los4 black aloth69 a' an of whi ;on a; cotia, 2 c �rac. er -we pi y as z air mast y.q ongii g p aill qnja- 6h ek, 87. -1 in Nsova, S' 'a war ear, -is, not" -so mu a weed a I land.' 115. aUf her , ­ I 1.11'. - I 'of t Poverty - - 8 I --,, "k ' � N.' rh:do'f e& -- 'in athe-9th.-of: -5 h� t t out Xilkenny,,cits f h' -1 'he b�t cafin it' her &h. � I Ot pal�' b� ni h" b h 'Alf B` t Agee, in . er, figh i Vren h n ito, thei Ear of. BeAconsfidld. p in a eep MOB V rM ar y he ess... ei M ri a- '-a -to as th4t'now.k 91 --0.7 hit�ba, -56,,4-; A 9UA citlz,e`n.,,s--,fl -,r --arms 'and!than.' the Po*er L Lat- t -Oi S in Mai MUM -y or m4ny years- a- re ous. v he re lit �,9 shall, e.say-of t T ey- inhy - declare h To write Di hi bia, ir w -to aought f6i"thei ­own-intetests� ihe- p6bpl6-f6r' 'theseopedta' ant. All -a' '.they 6ug1ht-'- 1.- A fl 'hif:�*brkl tamartine, `bbseii the. middle --dAsses' gi efor "Wou tormpowers p.1 ybf k S f 1-1� V a a again$ he Y�ou ryv over c As -t L i ut; -super i iThi6� Ne*egt -ideas '?.,�And y-ta h imah. bff(irt the O" am., A a 0 a h d -is�a bu�toi rules. -He 6 not., . All Th&e such, -a -w V as regg an in.s.were a, 6k the -m­va Ing A inAllb'40th. ..make Vwn hi r -it, w `,-'---Thay --have s' U cul6tte dr ve bAi d iow way I10 d' YON when it nieft,.ininlobil in unreapoomg - among Of wea Ig ian tho - sq 21, to -their iown - r - A - . hey. Louis is, :PA t, tie:th and h' family' solijj�txdfige in he. that' h a t am si reyo u I f6llow 4,6odld a Iin -P- Lrit. 'T n v6. afi&-are as un. "h - -at -N-6-th -a large -orna xitJ fanta 2L -Y.0 ilixua'. as- made., h acall ilailiei Litoxirid,'A e V a' then repokteis..gobry of the-AsseMy �Ahq - 1. ... .- 1, g.wa rseisVed er Of -Aec of honor �:O - bro the� r -is that, he -foolish yan inw -4 4hoNj thtnfie -them ar le, k" --aome -one- -naW iei'via-e, under el -r .- I 0 sum- -a with: a hrt W isth i�i� kiii' s grenadi is a f .1 ars. ad acres gla i's A d Jasten th -the t7side-.-' Ut III ;Prov-dto d,6f am- on 44- tark:.and N�6 en to b 6 hip a-*- w th 4sbee n a ntin as' whidh he Aid- justice, despite th;.-hiatis of the his Dead �.to ed h.- con rp en -even in "O --ana-�coiispic s Ift brigi qi 4 --bute-to. d.6�arted thavery at 16reis op -E#glind b6 - 41h -d rate., Ja i�eces aries, ad sv t Mo. did t ongmg, to a ay Ila -the ---hood Set- -the f true-blu6 Rep Y 0, It r 'an t Hai n -bil f also- been. 'paid lfo­-tha ier, iob§cu±e.and.uiAide.J4 �bl t; 'ei I A -W 0 -of. the fair -but a supreme, S: . I uOu sinpe"Jun&- 1800t nor' .4, - &dKed. tohig'f4te;-.he-exiteiedig-,.�.i.-Siro- i -our nerals h: Ax p o -#Iaily h t 11; very. And.: left I citizen -ape., O arn y., ey unistaine by Araqu great W gt* an o t the quantity:of 'of "t- or-enthusiism -for anything-highek- �h til - ou oft Augus asieurs ir' v , A os d d ubli -l- it he Ifth Ch ha I t the oans fee em e- I cen cl a-- O. n 1-1 th a in 7go 11 with --'a V.- �,Aaj at 6fial i a Y, At and char & man 41611- u, I - 0 PU a'. aj, wng ter which at 1i a enable verYPai pers -singy, a writinggs - 'ineiA 6f, 11 �­unde -ifi a- 'and- z - "7 '- aa& 4.1 I me t Of Self Lt 7cr m-- -de -wi. h-all.heir,sa6is t] 6 adv ly pr, 4 -b tely:74 'tuiniout howiever, t if 4-ar ri' an ctot,y via- a, -t6gAh' )ri' At A Bekin 1� I banquet , t 'a e,�d t6 be - br. ). - . a,, ha nie batbr-th -no U siali6es �i �utgalnmg'Ws.dail-­b' d' t�in LAebii ialid t day, ha not - th6i iight S 3 bh" in( he- costing a ni y do IM afa -olf t a y ing-Who h d 'to e -ii- Ei ighind's- permanent. worthid.-L omfool ant her's o htr perceives. '-a as, is- -T iode ecessi y 1 h n1lOt.-: k - a e., ing—, r -of --most 46iot . �d 4 thom -beai Oval mislings -broidery, I even With Saint� a no'. gucce9sfull ;20 o'i -Plain sil nddrin to-th6.--trium.p�iofi War w that �thi sr eli's wou o: ive his zostly -01 1-ini fok a - 8 h -d At a st oman -w.o.i la�4 `gmogg- 4001uti*but not At all to, . the Q - ta persph, Aat lie yn-H h tingu. , �Q .... such j;igtortu6s of -the. k is to E6 lioped anLio6m or -the -d g. spa A6 pe I fby Mvigg xarnier re ctoig- - ,i - fe t A: few- 6f - I crimes o hiS1 pre ecessors, - .X tha� -hi s' bittr sarcasms may contmi lao bd quot. a a -that there v0e 4ivas any per. Q br. -SIX ux t my dou I b iveness -p it. - � . i-. �. bted effbicti * for 8 YVA a ney7vE his. -joi uries. bu sbr p � Vn I os (1, 01 -V -he --of a a c ed Ad aid tM Qua. �! .ei and men,maytell of th isA the hiatorio'haroe; 16i . -- C . . - in ieople be ad , I che itnut- fre called the-, "'20 -Mars h Ai we b undbu .conva totlia ec i :v I thp -strong - -Appiopkifted yhb Bo. ous -regiments;. .9 asorrow-d iot need - - ti Tuileries jaid6n And hall ac d� lievd 't lift�;� ks ive aa a- -o-- But -his boo the' -Countess M- rosew.00 -c dil a as ame ei -o w -an 'so h swant 'of i earn ais� en --lady' f --napaAistg—hke.. oit the roll,calli And - n4lued, avary-. 3111 violets It w a- tktt.e P mpensive P 'because ot itg'�om­m diltalo mentioned - t -the usua- bjib --and-that -is "eachbrave is' all af on the. twinti.� y -way arms., - 't- or -the. jart S1 0 ea, �or', dre -a' orthight ifiti Pirt-I�ader than his -gr6at:rival lei �'somd talk. a- an Is ,. 'PIMP.' ad� W -m a -more xnitted. e - di "hall I * g -present. o d y or There -'is p L1166es at ssmgr!roofn.- When -she Z aS.CuTJ')'alM -A , Was er e r. was a 'a act or as cau 'Orie as I h d 6 t L A I "which he ih� - .-fi -A �anlofis. - This pr�coit 6 haps i Mr : I .. - r no city. 14 -the -V f -3 bef ore 'co y is 50 �- I - . thJ. .. I L the MI . - k, -I - n -he" pbgsiisaion o -any. --bath r rhie-n-t- She' Put- Ans I i fib u t a t6-`th6- remahis- of th �t"ifk wrappef a Ad: h 'edn. bakied ht-thia-loot'-d 'the- f h JI§i�ntatibn, if "n'Ve 6xpressedise.=,cliuriotty a jer ravai. ards -hold- uj�on- full of charlat a Swiss 9ti Off - frbm t topt v -to ich his ndises-quacks.,, 91 heart of thei, En -has- It, -it i -si a p n ar rea, the pdfiglty is- - not-- severe for.pivac- v ure- le', dic all gallea hig 'd n& t a, fertiliz it - H Aitt i a roota,. owevor, leii1ble 'at ni eral o a glain- iss b withbut A­-chp 'the gr- iY, ho : � - 4. -than-tim 5 Tw, a were The 6, a. I took not6;10`f a,� d -and' t re an - U- ti;i -a ways r every visit he -ma M --of; -and their. -b -h & been. - -of -re as., just - been- condemned -t.. pay -flh- an Di U 111 worth 'hall- dripsaledi, -ne -th ive in. s 'of th Sw* -gu $__Wier ard e--�� ette-h He-,has.not" r6fesiBed.- ave, Ceri ftn"re h I' th ..Prmq�lp ntrance of �y -to ynica- sneer.-- as not , kfac , lotr courg irwards . a three francs -fo thinkingm: bnal ones, were. aft trafisfer-red. t.. a- -good-nati adornmanf;as wl �.elec y.is. ampooing him' ith I.. ., . 1. i , - " Ipa ient b h ared �r ill-ohatured' an beneath.the Bastillevto�tr -1 -lai as an a occasionsgived he impies-. re -epi: o a- interied dh -ran a ;,.a, 300 s%dise -was in ar SH thit-life wlithh­ ilk -alongwit a victimi. of the. July iqy&iiti6 Alt p� h h"' 1 i i h`;e',-.paid no I" -*igit06 t, me much zn&k t f how� ni th, ecom lehi&. . im w9w a hi t was such in lk, a n a Among fhbi�,�"fi=sferred we ho -of -th-6 d -re piece- roI a y L�s 6nihe f ppale is -7 re I ar ini&--th6 greAerg ,'character frionik that si 363A�18 of- An' E, tian, mu:fiimy.i:.jeput to be 9111 -and 't -as assari t an g er or -a appeafa nsis, a.re hig. -v a hi h T( ol th t' i 1 - "' . � �;wisli t6t it si Or -a- --progep o,: . -t ei fiat h nig me� a any ri i d to ter. i -it. i x- the V AA.1almbsC th6ref46.- e a b .--a w. key f utt n negis ens -raw . ing it lendi nnes lace, cost.- inxie,-,draWers lace cost 4t� at last; he *illxnaak the demand i a, ever - oftly and,%uces a,,.. niderskirt sfuH on-th any onible�'.' ensi @ilyl�ed..: ....... 49 -of -the r qui a 6atheorb'6f.dayatpresai -intc AW, wl give. u her. Santa as at ted �Mlld alfre& hiv,4 repra Lesco d's most- prominent stage, and hi& all out the- ques ion. The- wrongs year� in, ky-ptian -chkonology..­ de Sk -The P 01 ppearance eacej­ Alsputin a -few -t WyA hal-w-ever, it- is. nei worth w a pi iod th 3ra 0 ihe iii jibuced; no'rahef from =ers,'but ---did -'fr6ni & h th 6 6hirlitauL 4ousand rincesse ,of )iib -*w t6d'll isprond ice'd to bib gdJ Ave 125 8,41 suii of, ui Af go6d:accol h' -sk4t f the-famou �usterlitg 12': . I d .1 7,b t twconyetio,4 th -it was nothing- been- lithe eewtoo -25 t ake 're- actiiigw�Lll id d too. Ion t �P Tees min- �10 atj:99 iloo -a!$ li�u Lorid'a an cb'ntinqe, i .- non woul cone men b6twee I I the -ate-white point eg- , , * - p aye my Lace,tollar S00 d, hade., the Fre &,wi daughteis to 'their fith&�-th6, 0 de lin I red two x4c, Possible. L 00 g Y vote eMg spa t'- -so thel wall 9" Yesi Played Part wellLL C011e-.1 t .1 ght Bauffremai latterlai histi te an ufther exp6il6nd6: Iliant y wo -vhth The 'rkshav'16-noi( ubt ter than Tornai 150 a aripd of.,'6' u 1511kboots embroidered,.' Ou -of .1ai r hey iosidb For ein, i da enee., heex broideri --re - -.- - ., - .#, ,. f65 ith, adnlliAle tio' t-' a �da$h any, eotpd'.tl4i -.9eivians, onip woisliippin forhq-, remain bro recovery 9.. kh f i',,befqie then -the y4' 11 ac y natural ss a- nd yet worself than - ev0f- th r., --e I 'hAtIght-, -tholig -no fi ipAted. Aiteits.-gbld:.L!Clasp$....-,-,.,.�... 40. omies oHafideichief.. - keena reeiati t;..,Jiot-thq, cordi "of mediiti, -truce -th6 lirk siinp y- owmg� - to-" tha:- finpo-s% f -w- --that We -lives- -we, a even before- that: -in6del ,ne* P!Lpa*, Ifis home nI& u 'arran u P . ; -0 . I -.;,- jl�lity practica.- to. keep- up, ap -173, ut - yul follo,w6ra still t and Peac6. 9 t in our,.- name: -be'-0 d x1n s . - 41 Y -two. h-- .0 denc 7 18; -on 16011 o -r- 66 The� ]Atti& auqes, to. in 'ki 9. gait ne's' in.the. fas: on, PM n rary 'am. 11 A a arasol,wa d 11W 1'. -4 11, PTU rps � MI.: :- -� d - .1 --- w in ise- y war.nung, k6' --d 4n n ason success. and. .-Ille-'*Orld goes, but -6iriageAmwi. U wl,. it h -'been A --the -petite h coo g " -Pm such - a- bat ug, piace, and th6ii quie ire a ered- a -inAd6 -to A-tibl. unin of- the: journals -that _.you have p4nq hi a obe-'but a t' ce au a Bu W re� ms Iresseii S, r, Vhe4 (F. or �your ,an- g a ei , - Af­ iti�alilif4ii u a are Vuld, meki the ng� t of. free'sepUlture in the i4:66 ..-the' depths bf'Ahe` _a - " h W. pro ce t r A -soon, 'it nice- r, - by"boardhig'anialo, `6 f C )ns-for`your, no-re,Nson -And-A Afy goods and-jewalmlomi inow"i 'lainly- yet as -she -w nth -in as - as *M- 4e` 6 I � . W - - T I she- -s Mo a - Hence e6mm an stood .:she mmws. at reami.of ,.s cd he ttinzhor ver. u garian- out Ages have b§ Almost over,�$2 000 in -her ro in- n ho' w e rho, EAR OU B u Me,- MiLted., -We srer--bedohiili&�br Wni stage W-Vforgb r6cen 1, aranq think *Jret their 'a 'has elf hs eand! to-.- ention -her er -1�th fc,o ling.- a. d Au'llst -does top M t b y k, - and,'- th 1976. pnsfield yei - ug I d bi 'a 'upon th h if th- he rharousnesial' 61 y aaria � air din' it-' ggeis- that. Inake -P -th i a i & qui a al 1i z -O very'Aixtr' has' beet, ---�Ohl- ad a an s,v -oisp iant-4,nd Voksatile-Disraelil a the'P16dge oftheir li lare.] Ay- The iciibs nave. it �6�- -is IY rd 66AAle passed in seft-, a'b -he Wready-een- I a -h as kwung-.-es-oaped ii..Very- an- ecomas -46i e: i ------ to aa aiiiii weU--�-" Aw �uow ng. anteca -,Sk 'i � -i in� V -Abtey! LnRAT a, inas t - z hi sa&bs of Bulgaria �& he -equisitions-. iscrem -6 ri into -pliisterwithoixt att� Ia-be the acme ---of 6ruelty Any, woo&work but when *6 turn liffis -,is:. in --d tm eand is Sapp t th nk H use i -is 11 OGA it - Would' O . f d 'de as to -AW -oujust imademe ". -'k" -aw, of All -that �r� ue` e'to -y I -t:-.-. —don�t 'le A` d our- -45A 1i I L J�up tile, Be and �mxke an d "ub a gotheroont 0 E, -e t k (1ri lit date- -6t �is' Actual- ae ----in UO, tow 0M , a, . -ver!to go's lift --faster thart the.- p s, or- gives -way, an Va M -I oil iaw screw m- es now t rtois6 rate -.he has ay. -be epi th Had suoh,thin gs bka doil ot, even - s rength �and yet.w' 'terf-- �`write tion. v - - - - story b ­ 1, AA � ­ i �� 11 . at may take o y or- a is ans -you.forno givin-�- YX'M --as -old light Pic- very fii�aly I" Ill win -a'' �ti ow the w1hol6i Id:' 166kingfor t", a uibbir�j go toh bakegi, Ab. p. a r to thank you- for -h( r woula cafhe �more. Oil 1)) arl P S� boilingpq'int� eg' re -laid read- -.606ked. ftd ca ave sp ken ut i . W" n '6rror. h fall ft -�o -alp it -�vith- plast Ira -st t! a y n �none .113 -Y,6111 IM li% e t a )lini. The cows ­yiec Enlarge th6hole tdaboa- esire, a -'a than w% .,..()Ut-.i 'd -do I th it milk'appirntly, id !though.*e yet not rous me er � di 11 ' d the -seaS01 -ithe- r t Tarks, T IS11 op a is h -b,Q-arftg-h ii -ch -'as u astening, a "an unkindly. -sp of- _gs ai th ti career,' -It se -Odd way t y h py 11 0, Ouse lodia Access vto IT Alad a bak�r's oven seems jto� b t m t -,q - I , a senm Besid re a th�6- most: has. 1amps, and. bad- the sciew-in the. soft.- �a have.attdni, a( oforeshad thin r* - to d enee- or t*&. *1 -at pos n yw..1 eiventual�y -And- -,ont- placier't-0- plabe aArink t6 co6l. It i "Wh -6 - Screw, I th h nthe- serN n. t �-2rO h -a, iow lbot� ofhi b -9f hisWork us.. the --n.0 any in A ie H IIId -:hav on -d aining t IW IV a 16. 7.