The Sentinel, 1876-09-29, Page 37 I7 E TIP TH ember a ITAS TE OR S6b"tian- 1 -tlils is thii ,�y in w ich SVPPOSE. rally in6reag greatl 7ia­ mother7g T.E _k1 DU -treaty( H - f� . . . _� I uppose� sp rt qu�c y y, 11JOIning at. hial Lt - S are NY -mea en to e- O', enou� 4-4 have.all,,ziy eez cepi n -z try t, guit b JOH� t a gh 'to-' )ur ri� ectcles k being lAtion Z 44tte th fl, ifistead, 4'k- y Vvh�e 'h -have the groat- ko�n Be Ilet it fanA e 0 'a er smd;4er� yoa to�nlght had: staid- away. 5d'ose nsii'oi�the ltiaierdds- Theth6r-th gy pany', as .,w Ls conside edt6 aid 61 I ; I -auv r 1 ' ir I - , i .-- t- ve71141 -Bint --o play at whist— est intefe atji[ tho �r waiv hi,- lba be ta fine. lent ilk to wom again. iiati;k, ndossession. :be* --an advantage,: orl no BALL 'eSS family; never.qui e- bee e a , e erm 1. . it 4 -il-- abi t , "a t lieved"to �bb. p there is iart blip -best qi Cot acy7--genex r th-- e. are -m s. o pu s'-, an 8 much. ib be-said,zon both sid6 i ! 7h6--posi-- �My _Ajaio�e., -lan ore 'the epistle lny,'� Du Think,:yoq. I- -4hould...lidire-cait-d -exhortittim al and- tion in - w -in aaain figh I dI -which te,-, cu Pf h i t read t oud. I 'di& so i we now. weprei, I ua. galeratus,. -table-.' aye -the i e -of, scalding.. me Indeed o ras S fo 0 8- '.7 ee o las7moteiiq_ S ou e m ry tie, o landy of the -grayeAt, of th. wal I 1 - .. THE reac -4. -*ag fupny'�cihough t h hepa 61 t C in N, -emyyose��- - if -not U5161 iling.- try. t _b sPT D s -,the name e. now -Fr 1AD. �Your soil, -who- bears my if t to "e' kk 4 whoin, DkAR _'wa er. name,. Must of -t PO b vil. aug Ulatersi, 3tl ce -7-poil' f'I h §H. -�-rFill aquirt I- irresistibl Mead. y- 111thiti ar ess, io,, _11 el conse4 6 by -this time pioity *611 d! ith --.-'A: Ni6k W arty P t� .'a he, e a thi4y A if n6t quit groWn up, wid- I -a. alternate I- ie4- 4p ei lour -se th this -�pioceed,e �yers f ter. Of 4, 6 - . i. - -an Suga u �O a W _h t:,6f the is like ith YQ� T h to -8 at ir peimis- a ajid ddd*: If gbo�qugli is I ap W. -4] nee, --an --ma er, cov pigs' b ' i ppakeiA Ing ecame to M: e per e d ba, 4-slowl 'thr -t te44 yofir words -as plainet proae�� : - A s th u r '.i it rim to.ufadetstand. adfte­_ sion. 1% shall eefcire. come to -:youi, hbiisci- 'y-!,zziirt% And 6red- wi e*o It moment.: ii A, with --your, ing: a degp6rabb eff6rt totheakin he] h -on Friday k smoine to yo 7� & - - . _. - - beg;0, assure., you fox ca -1 ti). exce§sI at thi -a an --yet, -spe you., 0 Sup�6E�e e m'aih U. e night-,,. afi&'. ou a roun -is that -monograms U, hating, '-Aiijit aregg SU -1 aml, l ted'sh es�, &-b e ini je ok a is: t -m s z "There s no-* aood SU g. me any IYE n cardinal'- ie accompautm . . 4� "fashici C uppose u t- 'a- desAert - of.. blin in: as Y'. trdly.,."� -upted-iny a i. -you were-- Up" g,: in err, t Yol itle, 66mbifid iou� f Color. -tat, tepnei or- rstand� ir 7 . . i Z6.u'reJtee,-: - . .1 1, * -_ - - mabde rice pu in GELLA. GARkEG Mi no 0 '11 de 4­,t)iie In P-ok 'hal& finished the-- petusa-Ij s eiiee:. - mo ent f -at ".. �� ". r, .,. I In I o _. I . . . - i.- -"Then- I- I Bho.illd no - '1� - - - tr - I 'lak b e� tied - nd6r the the'.r __ - Jfo till the As Al, -,.. - t yo ish! And It T-- tc(go-on"assuring- me -Loi� -s fings t' my-,Iif6,-: . ­ . ed bonuc�tsl­l 1 L& nice , - _- I- I -1 .. -at skad ve.- O­lnorrow.we�- but� ew h .n&,*e-sfiA11 ha some' tim'ei;- -every- wazi.- OU -reigned. foi. boa t L-OUI�. shoes favor `6n: -&6 o ocount kiii no When- thc�' -me I' Vfti Mat aun owly mi thin" 'h If nuch aston'! "t -sp i eaki, y,.xe- 4 -6 -Don't dea'r t -D' In itBru tD.— a apot nd- �I e. o an ter, hit i r -h ihe beauty of C 00 e po-i worn. nc �O ne" gilk- haindon, in e Id I -h lao'blest ihit - -my- fAther, �'thi 41A lmdking f bur? And,. w 6und of -1 lga�i w c s ou e n elms $� e;i. well d THE All- turned te.- - - - not Capable of -putting- W I 10 - It i�io -'t6gether % the Isto covered them el.VeS tl� y 00 ud hen �416e p hi h! e?as lan;, �sal y you; rodm� t is a,( in- -a ys 16: rin L - - - - 4 fi ��an6i_f6r-youk mind, yo....'_, ake the best. And then - d. in Sue a po pou4ded- -market co e pose ers n h on .vety-.j� e. in froka e Pii rumor, oe� sition as t is; --do you- su I 0 ouitce: 6f - t at h.&--� "itt 6,:-� I96 :one ouilee: b 2d' Ot: P_ Je . or�,.a t , _ - - .:�t . n-2 d e imed I Ii 'ing1to believe that i n S b 5.ne 6f Y dia�% 3 -;I on pur,- groun gIn thing . UP9 g grat tL -a p -ill'of -i..'wTH nE est yoh, e: fit these well idge h in a�is i Ahe. impi - Ily'lirtIthers a waiv Make on�e_' ilk oose an rm stlr_�, 'a ar- `:Eranc a,, th d e.groun e 14. no 1 eispoonfulof _9 d I now Is_ tly Iny.Aunt trong�-perc+J-_Just4a 1 as irt ju. li�. ol adii C U, and. -01 s,, stockin It ,Was Unn work the vhblb. int:) a is 'foll-6-yv o- 'th 6, tini for w: -tion. of *hat -:'f -br a c ie itlen, h -.b Dnate'of's6 t h-6'1 i i.es h ry'in the e py el ism, ana e an, or , , "I * d6iate -to 'fifteen to twe 'it tic ihe 'th the in a, emby' J' d n dicira, �olo 53 ar .-ed -r debt o�w: have po r akes tand-b :---lad ihd4 wh -Ah� piste' 11 i�t es, ed, rein" lien of d-apoa.your.p easing e ra ven . . d4 n , U ther it ,kill. aft. * e . -� i, --avl Y; ygr .mo e te 'NFY'� Word, are- plain, y embr6id 'MY. t f her �4,. -not- ethek 0- u- CO for -the aceid�ut itself, -an 1. -had to 'bit lip near- minu es. ow� is ciet' ut do -Ijktt- L t 6d in- aricya rimm, -if - , mon6y .--ly throilgh'before, C6cp n - a, p. th S ppe .. re Wort[ Nn th: -all itldpo'r . An& C wl to _'ut -of cc Urge- Se `b t-:' y*Jzc�bolievt— ed quart ri eggs "4 -dit try Io do anythill butter, (;he: ls lanOrill_iil�ase her tr' pouu'd-of t lFadette retoite(I my-] nother -talung-my-part-,a I It ofage to! I iha ne68 of _ga us it�w. ­ h to _§o -h or. lilibly -to French O.: IS -lb .'theoppor,.- -1 b Ie,pgan: In., -Thbn, �n ma, me ,'believe' w.. it- eg. is, rose, awal _T F at roofs are 1, lilt, erp 1ei yo r S rry �4 ::one easl -,ez !I- your inno( if -- 7�- he.'� b ..ated deeN h t t 11a, C om d e t tZ, d 0 1 0 k�_b y 0 lid Y 0a f D os e -on er own accoun ice., )rw t. tunity of o your� e* avii vi- c- 61�: - '14t - - ad joo 'hoods' _e, p an sii ad . e -are-p, rose wi, 661 �braii ine w6v - : . W'I Er1r, yo art ping fi h _ght�: t b 444 e a ries -we give g_ as possi e,;, na, y ni roi e t erbon, ure-� o e used- for -ar li ' e t bastia she oSe 'jou IVdt -till -v �y li'-&ht. -:and, a IG -r -_ ��o I h )Pe�6A;_.-why. 16n!t'­ d %h U, Ailarly n Lei blit, -in4ead of st i er ih tiat i6e to And very at- ft: the cdcoa�ut Nu md as ac Aike tle and �'a:n .- -Y tiff on t I- keally -Cal the vhA6 -of iho eggswith.: Ming wiloo all vot�out if wh b d �l 0 -at onc6� in Stru ti kilf I s f -Sto rections,., Mo. e roke. ake d Tg___ am lit" e 'v6ti pow ere -sug -so con U -not iiig-'� -open _91l Yow F, pping MY h and dd hi' ink -gray, se�l Lowe, ftre*Nvell-1 �'I shall ge Sea J shau!t:1-no-*r. t Enoii-h flied tic, 't, yr, v d.in. You, Go ohi ov itty. ind to e as ioua tr d th f h' ble colois f8 . oAudaaain I Was� hearl "k 6d f. th -T s -e d sif ted.' er e �o yeryprl ostumes. D a1v z hter.-- olonaisoi And I -Nonsen re j6; f pi Bietbn., VdIciis 6w my au left the idon�;.alid ent to tell ba 9 deli,�,htful' es, A_haifght3� bell L - tel* -Aheartless,ffirt! W fort it, wal'U -.I to .S -G U S_- f 1011 o cho- b -e:" Miss I ne c6at d Wh Claiibef wh. �-was­a out ­hapo IS rfibdin to on U issE the -,;white _o __ b r Ines of th6-n(iw� w'o61 Bilk. e I Ef iGAP le, o -your Age. In -.9 0 ty- 0 --a 'tiff r tli Ir Into iiiii, roider, ral -iinp4taht 16 ter had -co e on:a Wed"ncisday, of. ieveti t Url Ypllr y o ii— f sifted arriv, ate ii I ever hooge* -to b- n J*hit gs. egveninc, between its Tfied4 unless i, U f �or,to+ pa r as ft6nds ! --.h in'itothek- iu4thoiough_-- witi, yaun-s- s spen y I chus; tri med relapse. each -size. r ni four O'Bil i t b Aste. - La- it -t when itiff- heipg�, If e.- whit R'� u�' e y b hii, bly: y c �iir Alrezidy throughly: clean- And here'u" papo, -.Tire. 9 al,5uifi, -ri ic ous. w h I lace ot on. t s, o I r n . :ov rooms, an b -nice. -the'she if -aits � f .- .1. ­ - I - I Y fall, _' ' I' ' i. - m -6 to--fbel."ni J - ' -d' U' 99, ses.1111 �piepaki�g- all - g -sifle ce,_ - eaving., acli- api t e: It ill+�* . are stripe,(.' rate�! hrkst6ekinas-thisfAll'' ec e gues life fid. put th-6m iht-d b- anc —Fr t -done in My _y ii I- 6d bver. t nd in-, ,'horii6iita Ile h' -Iittld�, _hwige c�o's�o -by �ere'neit 16 -ft miny m6men!t§ his most un -!nk 7-1v thini�g lor th', d h l4st't- E , time *hei�'thb .-impor an, y tUfn 0, e ow�. kkke thein -:oil -4 lit' an -ife toi ji�ight be lbdked-1or hAtcl. Come -and--.we oc661:fiv�&nAnut .-Y:. Mik� 'two. - - ases, Ln( -hair i yi�ble -situ on before' it Is f of wh right.,colors. - ere In -her its of W, 604 dre ses a t C a ion and 1hy Mb th �s e tly 'flutter- 6-f-ex'pect--ti- all. a W* botto surprise and horror. s e perceql on in e- u�tj; or a la Y -T o ufa e p; ki a ere 'd that -it is impossible. f A- " t Nve Ail: h6l fi,� :the aciok;'-ti 1flifiTlight dh t, e.'pkci We ar __010�okznco ce e 1 ncr-- Sl uh, e -'del.ic,, te: and --good and -1 0-ok', -6 CIL ne: to J. 164 YTAUN t ' - .-.. - I _ _or r% 00-isiii 't e orth - ..1 , , - : I . e_ Aft --t aunt ol 'e er up 0 '-h n ic in -a- ja U eme'd. to 161, Ilad �.en A�r, it. Be 0. FY ire - Cos 111110; �t t d w6ro- lookin, -a�i, at injilij 6.1 ve Lis.. xcellent veg g�, afton -body W. 0 Is so o&�__W -near ant other- etablo a est:importatIons --PAiis A.- - -'An Grea . a. ont be t 1. t h bows Sat eg ar- d S gg.� acingsi iniji re e V,ash or -t.went minu. An popper;. a'11d ur in o a, -80 - - . . -- "" i - -blils _�hei dxaept my .miother, 6sed, My mo, er: in t s ), __I " e,.,w _NVIt R-10' th. scrape- ro nd Iher oi an. e live in t e-,- and -.t up- befoi 0 -_p ther auct brdtliers, w- *e ticoat - f car gi -1 -ista ah i to expre§s� N -. ill aoubtl`ss --it 1hu t omen't; and. thi'6mnitiis w- ic -p- easy v6t --"'aLnd hi Ai hed in the e mbre n rcui nceE Leighboilio6d.&o ,-e1`-oui-- Aen inlo� Mat- itf On urp the ce b6i Igat j irig.lit y.-supIJ ablors-A ranium, iso Ady'- 'that evening,., e an -c buAt 'betterA­ ith butt6k, -when o y Boni- wi -e- li!jIlf�-i' N1 y.aBSuriffe -pligh �he, tiniet, dthl r1re ire, . sapp iAt whon thb-- liAted- She- w'as a small er un- d as a 1p� con- dn- laver s I --.of bu: ore. o- rt e U11; D_� ar.4 w9mai goup- na Ino Be ha ane w Oci ent feutio Ver.-gri Eft6J t6ok V�Iaeio- _L .9t Ver AX. -heke: recorded sp th h .4y ay rorn, xqe:: 9.1 eye,.. y. innocence, 6 ugh th: Uditieable- With pn t -.t 'ho r reMou;of au& Asharp, ..�ier8u b s�iV �d`a'4. iial,. and, eate�i with -',6 er 0 s cooked- With, i -lite, hnd-.Cardi I r B liftan tc yea�r liow-. 'a lal.(�e,_ r,,-- A -b ­ q nvi)lce I to co- he that at. -e Sto'bk 0 racf 4-fi 'h � se6frie -once'to, tal f uite �faitb Thd -C C sa-18if y incre. t at, an rie, ­I� ce.-,!t6 -tile bi. are ih f- hio'nablo: co �lu -th e . 6h - stril et' ile of- h( h -over o my. s14 -ran] Aingjml 6 O thin' ad. th 6 n, a. m dame-._ t d 1B 0 emb Id POB-.' belowd"U.--e When - -a ril W e Wg 6silei a -i iiunierou,' _. I t I -i n 1jing[iii the d f -ted bricks, As -all, roq 4 -all- the 6164 i -1 s effedt of a h"_,,1"Se s n Ma q up int es or-. ih-- a r -'ant, gite7. coo- din ve �11)eop e�, -ket t w s ith6L­i�AW. dl& ja tht�6f I g You- , �a r CAB 0.0 fatme -b 'the ribb - in Wei, axe sih. t -you * e. -1 a with Sessps': - t6 wl 1`1 , I ut n vain o6 a. yj iss Greg as'most. rs i e t at"' I - lit, ana tale. -oiii, meals in a; roonil��din,,,; a Vw tr b Mr li6mdinsbioncealed M g with'a I'one an m, er eyes� o.__ e5 gi H i8hrb cons'is. lWheii. Bu we ave �two -T W_ staten -frO lie . t, if hid(lieii, int.61-iticinally offeied t ii the kench orNv ironthe�b 'iblits: in t e*. e e P" ve NLv- -h Mile­� h' P ackof the head ind a'� f -77- co iadjaid-y-feceured,*.- LJL n- le, are-�. ard,- re,�e,A4 ds very, atns'llt it 1. e C _ieIa#te'_:.,b_iit epanage -I ued .to� e:�press er os a I p d';' g -n,,-' we wit. 'by rettV ' it Wig-* IV er h Id in A catogaft.lop h I, ellf, �and b mr s -s e in, d. braii the 1 L sl Jo6fore lond t6dbeded fo most -'it, int .!terws. whiell e :on-wheir-'w.e. ri, si�_�io_ :�f�k& a show in -th& Ove ti pp su sive morn -.n car e4 sn16 -to till� in'ihe mo§ a an xia. I. -O _6Qp,_1 )w -to' qpa,- ,4 the -4 a . es of 11 nbne. , ; , .6rL rA6� h 4 a the slu,Wi-j.�rion I.-Thieli,4fter t1je _i�r dhildr6 aq vorl in t ei . ter t e out -to- fn .0 -to Mb Iibing manner at, ourco man. who, at- va �o a,- w omnti, my I X Convii ib6 f- i ask S66, ge S6 tia ALJ,, a it e t e kitcl: B wAll d ear a' uare.e- with t an ine- two of -those erys mv def6ice a' --n d' gray sparrows, -eba we 'hef ko�l giv d o� dros�es- ar thos.6 thAt she -might, like to I go - to. woul listda,to a bird�?' Cut. 40f1g: "intery S�,.came_'our way. her room.'and ke' nd gn .-a gquar�:e y -h :dn -d' nan-te. is 8 64 rEiga Folta movehe!!-tr;tv;o11na-drosi, andag he at once �Fhat' had -to, sa' to d LS busily -too thi -the a their heads r S am oii'*f -a family of. five, all: boys�_, I f i4aibd pcir-si y. and -in the in6ii phatio' geStion, rest 4 ug- w" ere t b b should g at111 h" h oil- th� shoulder, an d once all a ir ver an e Aulette Of tern�s'that.L-.-She -vould 6.1ho e fee By -d -6 th _genekallY unehvialJ16 .1a bi - Cupy a _.yoqng -neverE -so oof thi8 regbite'waa ve, Intr our I -1ngink being in the� middl Con ry o _,much' en- k'�'Y�_to_ u n-' DWOV BW Ij )ver thel gygonorallyA -W -n U -s; -viable, eftdt'- such' 4 nd' ave �akt=_ .1t arm., aer-61 er61deuntry; no, v, I because, as n 171116,- the. --eldest; --and wh A would :h aid LL J- -Ra.p an o 'Ion� e raw Ton wo cl:� 16dge-Sparrows­f, -ed- end d all our 'should th e, we ge9t''of, a-fa-piff t1he '66st f �_ -'it- And' u f ihe' Co"urr'Se. us that it uld Vii thc� ii.;p'okoLsei aret v pockets 61 mlow an 't others ±At But. in my D be. pursue -c hopes�---ancl--v�6'�ret�F-ieince kq�re�. An( more Ing t eir k A A hen low. d-Ar.b�ck.*.on jd'th hq�- ao_ thavall. which had biaeW lone hil n I � W.. side & Lt . . 1, -.I i :-t Vge,, .leir o the. caprice 'of he. ea'�o,r, a d �a. rig I so re� When S was. COD of,,- as hap-: AY .6on withl- tll�. titMostamount of ca into d6spair e t6- coftiplAin came o. me. -ink t ' �Ljieif, to they afe�,bf. )tkers, prjMe_'_ u�, A.. a -.-.arrange h fte'' an h been' an, fcifbh�Claribel f 'fine d, bera I"Would-9 all Sort o -fine :.As MY, e est a and'han. forindd, e e 's Tj e -aunt- iight I 1&d- the'; utmost 6rd 19eyeral redsons. conspire 0 -Pro (1-t du66 this. viite, into power of- in e- ere gal d' -begin With, 11ad very d li` Y apparently­bk acce 'd .-ilier'raspbe es h g4r, !auj.. Andi soothing --peop, i.e. -ith me I-ih6uld-be- e. tno r U* un or-. nal. I". Al. ma er', .what ere in .-Ine .e' Ix^ttl 'b wntgw tea 1, jieat-d6ubts lmd heen ent dent,, -in en she: came-.� st7d e; ro Tb aL or- th6_ b6st pjilLotir -Wh odi- froj�i th IN Ami and'Englaud. an is_�, e -thigr J tW eags- of all .a, I' to ladies i -p6ssiblity of �r6ari A -ul&- Ibn Ili, eggs,a, r ed as ta- the- 1 thifniy moth- vVideh#t --,down stair�-ikiah" ��c thought j6f -&iva and a 0 long*eri. U :1 -. r t"' lig tb- paci y - deallrger ske -1 . . e_ot.r6 aL gen r . proved'm'y.. idea, -T' left: -he I ey wer -h a b� - acCi- -61 Q iiar6it that caus& most anxiety. Are dr6itly- di course a h their: dies' ris - L is , ses r. 6f Tilmoce �8. t j ewa . r '01 hd -t, nd. "6rd YL illfit'and pciisua& he h -7. - %, � . I � thou :dconomie'ali, and'th6efore , & d' OC in lid egg§, but" ildp aid h6;i1--TK6Y_1t b ally- liked.best,; ai�& 11iia t _e . my 9 t1f. - ey- were ro ins I to -tweep 4- I - tfl as I oth -cirabdstoi-t.-ectu, 0-ine, y- gone' - V,- - - -,� i - - r-. �JLI th o lngl� AgAiftek -the dies and -L starte( -dff. the, � tcr alii', is. allowed ihe -Are not 1 wo, la 1- -,e as', and Ai a to b6_ L 11j bt�roa 11- to -the app4infe("p4� ----and th- they, -d'n )k,,..hl t -And tl ese -hof take.- 'me, ongL over Oon"L (rro t a d sh62-- sta�Ybt­.- I *'eiit �red f6l li iM;qi1iG:what:fl. ai _,were e I( they C it V. low, idio, seeinecl to Jorgotten-lAat ilt; SS I wh seemed to e veky,iiiiph, groUPA bot-Q� use id i Mr. Xer's, :ih6y: ave red a ume hellect have IL .4 C9 �Spi er-in.a, what had had hap�.e h -,I'- co, e -rd., n lor- -wi et.position-of a w6lookiia-af6i flies -0 ned" t6 -his ak: thd-'kitchei.i t§,', She'natiirally' .6rhteful to Iil'o�_ tways; AN women Tfuse.ib follow. freIi Vd n arr e --with t t that e and -they- g '_bd 4ei. the aigciriient �6f the 'Posil lon was y,no means.a, p easailt. one --tiniii Clin Die iqg cruff to think me a very. meritorious -.The 'b' and in ty. shpit Lb�j na, Im, -were- the- 0 Y air nelined daughter a --- ;f sty. 41id Iietufnid tog6ther -it t-, --'�it J.4i i�a th-t A -ihf tq m&, but_l�consolod self Paris- . at'd E�l 0 false: hau' is -nedeg h ter. An6thei. that dis c arae posed h:er hjg� iDee yJ as'I had-ox'Pectedi-A th P i `66; -chil t '-in niyz favor was that I. been,infinitelk -#on__tha�il. -on agioti- at' e4st�:,Ahe as. now had Ithough dren inj- the e Mp_osixQn-._,..( my aunt w' em a p o. Vere It )f -the presoilt. sj�le f affut, Her tenea Compaq t, no 0 utit r -,*ery angiy -,and- At firs �Woujd` m6r6troiibl6someth�n all -her otherboys: was by no- meanklan unwaryne t eve'_ right. A . g --st "'efore long wi " il put n quite y, of:�jthe look -at -the int6nd6cl- -m6diatorl b Shed. i -he 1 ha�, adnie aisci t butfie toi::r6ther;- as; -%vheiieVer nly health Allowed:% -w- - . --6: the ren6h t*ist �preVa fasbioi A .0 Ah� een frordl)iy ear ies I ancy. in. -Some .-s came- o,n aghin.L' dtothe I �Iie had jl�en iii It hot Lub6n 16� -fo, adi� .1 went to* boaxin qs son or hat t. -e" --s ge 0. t! m9m -ery lly 4dI could, d S61f jiijr� -th h "d &c6uld:161 schicif,or-,other­ tlioiig to do, y e door ofthe.kcibm as acefu w 0 in. Oe b`a r j ga v MI p�gld" en via _ . im U -e I ' t r ge ZGU 'JILY rk twimake 7-)! an jwa ppe it -f 4' in 'hos0y -b teen zililty, bf anything- t ng -tie r6niarked,'with tt bl! e fos ad ile.Vci� bel- B,cit to-wo oo a le Is greai er' d a dr. a a a c ig at-th jane on -k -really didh .LIU d There. is-- one.- othor r6ffip er�' re le. v i or On' ei 'th t food. S EVer im ioan. or und" n air of Inij t hAt' o7 di an ;ev4 .I . ar; -t f! � z. - % I . - r n 4 olo* i I idi e f1m, I 111011, o m 1061 -ed,- I -h a 0, e ingy cit h d- tian. - Will' n' f th ht t .,; [ � ope ound, w C OQ'L,'Ug In ih I k n _Woz btd. by theL -cuse.me openiL.Vi f ts-if t fur- v -momen 'ei 4 'mr thi th qj�.6r An its. It circun! on w pu­ ex. y a er 81 gir -jit only; �y,iny--_Ihi)ther, h. other- side of.. or. f '",cours'" A k a*,e you, to'. oide ay w greater Ulu. Y-. 0- �oep�;up 0 Y, whole, at thatL P d inz-�rdteqdij -t' ki' -11' th, Ari6t� e� th at 'vo h was no- goo Y 'y aun ittle SUSPE an t4 -kitt pu t Ii th' was b d cry e .4 fAini ­Okstdckino -are lit r it:,- spent iii -of U , Iij --i sidered, 'to..hayd! expedtAtions lir this wag h6r� resentf de n as -r W 0 ome U-1 hoseJan , by VM 9, y 't� of-'aL dee &Ryv C P'a Ojej_fa L-; th To aUV a v wit' b- _jt'6j the th� 'S- �yaui bowe(l" Ig ht I IK- hougflit to: have a ith din something in _m �hr ucce g:n bh *hiqh'Ni6u1c1s in V er overs -ot er: shidned 1).o y:intonda, it'� f6 -r ou b6es, titiel 'knots! anc& ale*�.-_.td- Ali. aunt. eiless, by �n( -she had -W 1"91, uner; 6ilr:roof ,e Q c6 o eing I,, 0 an mg, -in orl a .6 w VL Ob Ing that at vziwsomethifig Innity seeme L' o. e.� 9 town. ButJ'* . M talk erl C�l constant gi r Ae Stocking', 'fomi a- very e( f4 L aid in -beit'dur AU` bUone ol on_ '* embroiddry tha--e st,teliness, it wha� h d little- a na:surk6nder�& herielf -to: w time td. -d aded bi J ass over, y, t I fo -the s6lci' d mpres.� -6r -Th -of _* 'J�y . ,, e ai., eare�'. .-Th nedML the p oce. COUI f _LLL 0 its nstt6 %he -knee v -the I i the,. read- of tha� wilold - -the-- siouthat had-bebn. ade A;id I ssi e ayers of e A-6 f6ic er. a e ivith Braps er u :e.� ime 'suppose in -a grek Me , asurb wings, -o a, g� . er u QU huMbu rs * 6 -:.s , u cc h lit ci*l�dge�. ' 9 de 11 �,W_hat desi ing ,e( !,or* t aiiainds- ak6utid 64 -ailkle: wer -aAdVinegi: t &% L e pmg pr S Iro hk in 'S f" hi' S' I-iras-16u. -andr mad I 'e oing-away, d F y co or;' some . g- thet-i gra, in R6 re,,,e t SL all *ere e Ls Segis-' while,ot a per ygrave. a j an TL ­j -­ - ere bh gh iBhed-w-o' _rodnd-', to-, me. B1 in 10. 8 e, 'was -was m od 661446& Jisaidto: e. r -1 ga f nr j- o" h th f'.tL &rt J., a coach -,And. S des tikenty years- 6 d tit. *ith -,a n -.-e' Of th I a `�ooth an A .,or'-oontrigting I �'-t high `broadly -:, ' - ­ - ­ -d six-, ,ee, very diffi- he hp epresg,t e �smije that,'triec -td- iii t e ig land— ta; h searea, wal. mg on gro i�as of -black w t iflt-&Aigh toL r"tbll. mall, fl 4 bi 'tingL thi -h O -my IP an . went o,.: . an -upon- S ai t. �6 modesty reFc§ilg fjoM,Wrl id _ioMoroftb abou the S id f ofwrd 't h and -S ee thi children, -in every jeo,"or. to e rain Iaid, tb- rie6 11 si. d, h in� nati -4 re imit,% pn�pfmy­ Auh -you afte �,z A III osp !Au_-� W 'dispsitio*. 1-.L- -e,pQsge'§B' 'f e; r a I ted -�,.ery-- good400kin& Iii -eit 16Iiall bh of. th6in rth:tOtt y -t a' in iii the. did t, t hi ee 4; 'Anof,, 3il oiierios.. -�h tted Aga If6nd 6f -fun my T �th -fit- ce,., �Dn. each' side ;ebastiAn. bh* Coach 1.at th6i'Yolin el DU an JokmeT 0 10 R ct;he, 14 zid tr --and phi, oW a Lco 4ri ve"iff 644 leaning t rd haying": filled- at th! had, s fil y _-Iored,pw I nt-.1or .up td the r�r an- or _a ty I -. ime. Y, T_ �oi� ti nd;-twea er-46r-the DfL_tIje- y6ar. as �.t Yi - - foria,ken Me-. -h & -b t -one time: p was summer..-. 1ind -the .dou S#Ryy�n mesince7 ow the* Story -:1, ritegy I had 'sto4an aiiE -chhl�, ike ii ye p -du bon &teg-ot-, LIU deiv -correspi fb Ie.. ll-to-tdo r - " i ra th: my ace, N RIM7w .9 BeC&O V k bl ler who- live de, t L with chin and- - A (Ynot'very- af-fi6hn_usq Showas 1eds; .Bea a coverec ci�fit am. as I coul, "iur, e Jeminine.- ie t p acci 111. ­_ .. I .. - � 4Atl .1. Jq an. iny- H ei the M ost -0 - d 0 me%, 'bes' - :IiV little "th' c jjAir As-thei -tile low- e a p6tiy, �ly, b6ing;� *i J�rk� figniflea-lookigg'. b whiclix bill' d CUM6, nan diencii of _C Me'd �v* -0 -he t Le - t b gjagq froni n ds .4r pec I the -J ihotight"the b� P. y d t fi-&ure j 6 6 tist in: all- eyes, a- xogui . sinj ei.an a-swee . o6m thinfather sti aon, many f w,.om were Iem, t6Ahe lady-.-- t a ly -gir into sea., 0 ere. one. 9w6et, co gre�, -�offei: A �he was a 't� would bi to. Ve y V. i rybb4Y pe dt�'eve' e which 11' e�: �IW-_tQ­Proceed. to- M I. was� the -fionorsi Accor ng,y� U we-. -surrounded-, s iw her; %. - - ��t L jjhy -- . _.� Tw the- mbr& who r a- ire by- ifu 1.&�% - V.- . IL - U I ­ I � to lies *ere burned. or U Y, eir a nge -her. ul oq# . he n, ors-swungLope. '-c-' 4 'ch en.,' the of:myt t96. .0nd evening, as -we were I 'led o one -4f -hi-ko -hi N ot lb=CLS'* nes s. re them: urried aw.ay c d es how th t hl'e lr6ii a6 0 I ree-,- s -ap. 0 �t courti�- -6004-maiip;ge, -ver�-'Iong-aftiar-h-&t-�vi�it't rn use my h our bi their. - o est osti,4 a a r— with the In orp, �qs. -tig ht te ho�jp --th -or.: -.0 Bli a 6 me to e: d do d aan, en thicitigh thickL gj died- a;i ttl' a ti, ie. for.. 4 -T)e- door t itself so- Anysu J_ an ellelif that il� eiiiii& in: o a t6, the_- onei -opposite her, .-sa -own� Th -1 , ' ­ ' ' her -lie"' f - - � at't F ly the audignee Tof apeotfi ors d' Jl�a d ta k (141 alk -Wag. enough to cinab found L -ith rs Just he -of -incineration. here nrg rea 6d'a6d T gener in thoco, -6.6f the. rULMMa ty le- OUg' Va' go bid 16. chiie the, . S e Claribe at- eir eggs at �� :a14_dj _h L. AY.'O ames, over, -the -bodies gave _,�tise: __MU in B.- r urs Iliuse, 'but: W. theLk e4 b1not_ I ttle -bnt­:oUt_ first, -an e, ara Tery a -he -eia -of n me 'Wat w wo )nee. t X. h in en-ath. & aihe&-' the- le _'h6L.haA­got,� and -I, be g that re an tc� .1 - u. place in -the room- - o. propa arm; I n e --Bee what iii t ow possoss 0 Mal -qhtd pected _jaes' We near _tW Of t, h ppy,'Laliatl f one and h M a "AnCL 'masses S M3 hjjtOh 3 -re r the 0 -f. 'boh Chairs had cin1aen, biit; And -littlo;- as - 'we- 'd �11 V ur T. t. ee In ur -appi pa ne --But. ev ose,"-the ltra-man -1 ly� s- mile in er o d. N'o, v� wA& acldresied� & my motheri and- b 6- agsbdato- b eteryboc ii- t Bpecteait did : -, - I �. -�Iiai7l d4 b 4 Qs te 4-n-thc�,fkdr, su 'oner 1 Y�. en, at -slus ist ce o A An. p ly; a-- ile Co. -a I -e thihk4ithoutj a e, of -n6ver �s e. whit d -8 ull- S o erous- Amet. lave, often see M.og�, shecee I bym )rO hCoAls :all" Wei 16 an nev -the A t we. can e gi tl iiia of it. It,'tukn-e.&- outto, 1�61,froul h -pon I k. f om ex- u ition 0 'whiho ho LPU 6rely-to . nearlypa, e. _WF�, -his - ir, wh6ln I was suppw&l to haLj_'L6 lily- fo, ch I- hid he Aedi& t at e� th dur of all t gre6ii thl Th. -, I I .1 thenv at -ed d. in. %H-' ur-ho' o6tii --cli e p6c on: IiqC1 es. drieg 1. tell.. platea ers! �& tati -ifto * In't - rec;iVed rop&945ga: _t go, tilt :up an h6 -% the ea Then ta- M p :'OutA - P -the -my -e -tip e y -b- n gg. Here n. ii thr . bugh lehAdre a's ive-iii: jr6und: th� 4 a. -�Secoud:_ anie - of, Gib 1. found. iliy'Wf sitting wek eautiful K e -h doors -an 6.ab U -G. C hey- like jassec roun e an one. T n rved thitt i � --Oq nce was y. no- con or my; aun vial t �pt, *,h he tai iv a s e and tact'. andittpily unable`to­,extribiLte-nlY*-. �rl ,e s IV groli-fdr-.k morti�n:i,t6.inf6rm'�.th"e�r'e*a4-- e-almosti -t -8, V ear- bb- thou 9) eSt '!L "" - d t dience _Uo V .,�D- h th`t,-thoLIjOtiojXaS; _Mycha of how I'nearly VBF': not- be, .,en t +1 Cin - -the ladies xamling it' o9'unf6une not' y -tor .11 -Alitib --fe� i6rd tha- one Sense d It dfc! %rise fioin �aelf., It ha appene L sprc�ac *ith *te . lthj'a: e 'The -who' this-adda- -at I t,6 6]i- oUr:L phrt uc -as on- on SneSBL -1 nk-of covet ectedly-.E�t wai t,06 in i U �'genera - feeli, -exp I to- tb�.J& 6 -If b mar 9. er �h' e er taShe- for tto z mmon -in 11 -ht the jk6ra the idedtha seem" s- c6' f- any. thin or. t aubbii"j 99. Ii. .. I - I ht'b -were I E _h, -e qr t at -one aunt; -An' -at- -breast -but th-0--dime brown, very -'-IS-. b6iIna. to -leave in an inst�aui J remembered "f WASUtURNE Liver-. M19 � I Come he bo he� Yi ago iuU. own. e a rese' �e wes. �ejj ..on. rid li 1 andgk, A.1 Theyj 16wev'r, r- Shortly b e -b F irly- �'03,-'* it 'th i �proporty- born. looked: ae.kciiii at her. - My e.e.. gs efor I was may, e bird,' g. !.e t A iti )n as�'mys tter. oldd a amous- f, -6 and ther gaying: that- --I'M'a'g In .,th:%fathor .Icl t e --alke; bit'and- aik- o ored. I c die eg. w. r o I -my fa -nned. when' dis h -The legs rere 0 iss. G ta to cove're&.that she wajC f dark Y; 14, 1 - I . . ' . a-- Mali &.,bo W. 3- .ghoulil the* e ,pected ichild �rove, - the sex -G6 Afi& - . - _1 . - lhut,the-e� e.. en y', she exactl elf, "s vernar of JI Elihu th :The hea e� tfie li"�k y s�uneposi n y as 0 t Y unablejo elp herself, nd --is-Alinistek- at Paris C -ec - flisuea-_oi t *Oulc e b Much 'compliihent6d. if he Woula naine' 0 t6i to it's. e -a wo 't If t as notice 6 pre -W. e, I. P atci -­but7* ourth -has, for- tiMO, I , I -, L.. L . Ight o er "w --t lid _S' h hp_weg6r� lior elf- s I soinq &hrX, imd_ -,what iiiyApridus -hints. Yiell e `toe' io4iiior -Q wid fthojartai Just.. na h h her'.name N.n ss pos eBsion f s -pro- to,- hinl� c ut- one inter- ed 664ild no ad out, 0 U 03 Itt seciined ouft teAr-bi eein 6 re ry aligr.y-accents, bodn- Minist�k,.IdPra- 6Y! a ther�� F` t: I -hadnot been �gus ell min -o- LL XLU So n - - d ;YL seen- for- a; e - t tiap, Th -wkc rt _b the incon- protxtion.. A it diiecit-ered freiii- iondeke e*haf lnesota, e t jil-Olit'natli- ve. t.pos e in wliich� sho -w' w are e kno -came- I "'YLFY� 4 a She saia� ss on,. at oas; the hohi theIetter, pthe wiveitize'll, ner -47: f t T tly q KE fo a11.8 6 h dt t