The Sentinel, 1876-09-08, Page 7- tm T -H E T X LUO E V r8e em, r, TH 7 CLAI rVHE HE NON-. i undeis - - ---- E' K, 1QHOICE, -SEEW VH Si j edl;;� -sale a an I or -awgon. Fall Wh d ced, iles�glisW ion' _The t varip y yet mtro(lu Towth 10 Lot'17 12 P a L le- Waww Ito'be WinterW-led --th aii 04� other, -y61ding ;q: 'ity E XSex' -0' t 61 Lois ER Mm66ne (or Clawson) wheat 'havi v d. -aLsinge et� an -repeat., - . ate , m h -'d- i d acre, after. -,;�Val hum tj)wsed tht h gh, ee" ` t' b fi:011j.1ifty! -to 0ity bushels per as h �pod e4 y* 8.� straw- and -is &-thrifty- crower j khow'. -OLIS to:t1r. O�O seas W.- . ., , I -on, hly t6mf its-pi'd40i4i I 1v ug 21� t T& follwi 3 4 a list -,1 Reajers -1- -inti6nd7 to Apter, hbrdy 'quality. e, amd 7: T. selul, U'a-White vi ith roid -chaffj � sffiooth�head­ ie�son_m The: cde�� 'WitL -dy; less Iiable to t . �Lkj jr, Or es- earlyi- hat _0 eat 'f -*he�Ltu -expjer-=­ep-ted, C:� ed an' tb6-- b N -OX ARD the. ON A. 'beivinter killd than -any --other ��Variet�­,,----Iias h dia loiibl �d ving wheeils, 38-ine es.in m� straw --a,6 yfelols - liage crop's on. every t 11 r, cast steel g .-Mri McMillan hai' teil emovdd hvL- M f Ar variety f 21bushels per a' -b re v- oriner y occup1q, by,' XrO . hu jr6to'�the-Shdpj -1 'o who�goil, .5 -FRICTON .�Bo. Ing, been -gathened. jt 14 wlithoiit donbt- the; AUaM V ofial as G 71-:. AN TI P -best.*hite wh at now.iultivated,yieldifij. d ro?cery e, -:ivh&re '18, a Is prqpareij,tq shov�,a:ve from per per t'k u4t.from-duglt. Z%Tow.- &to -10 biisheli e m6rd.4hAft -nady. other ry Aiikc!,46e, w. Wheat fg6& IR I NE on -t this All free7hoi� -V P,;j�`T4NTI - and - r"j,. �� � - ­ _. I foul s" : : . , , , - - - - - . '- z Dregs e.. -mes G IN the IRA m*jj* done on 't -price $1.7506c 60. lbsL.over BiVe­ bish 0. prem T WMEEL 61.150'per 60 lb T' ias cash.l� TE S-,,-- N.GAUNT. LE �-­RAI ZWI LIFTER-. 11, W� W 4 sh.' adies.w'11�1)16ase beAr--n'.mind J, AEAS'ONAB a J e make thati okin most P 0ATtir, oiiblq Sr ed. lil g�. it 66 IALEP !"CUT P 'or IMPROVED- FARMS 10W Aft, _ATtER 8 "Nil speci ty. 1A - -mgm. Wso A -Kin- ! . .1, _: 7 . . , I r e in �he- t(� i difleldn' Hur6n', RFECT oss. on t - , a iy terms-- Ll G loss and.. Culr, o tbiid 011 _:!Z�e -fdr.the % do�� t t6liuifilpfirchalers 4C W. -Ma - INE stkte� NIACH Me faring iirelin.a h6ir bf -.cliltivation. ioni ors'al I t IN '�'For1urthe PBA S TERN. - Aug. m. 0 T. A MPBEL - .'STI�­._L U- 1 2 S IV- I L L, - NE /Xr: Pt, FOR [low 4 7 ''HAMBLE ACHE L OR, B FAR A, h Luckn A t -An d the� G FROM PROVA11 H _e a or- fi46cturirs of sale in- le owns I lo A: e acres of; are c 0 n er, 'a. T farm. i§41 "DOOS nt :)w -thlr ic,- ES ty- i enim, '50 - i o, consi q�tiqn. good at a 6f ltifatioji',. _d -kAM tosp gpo Y ES acres of.eitbelle t or 0, ishi Th6 er "h s. -all -the -quali - ,v Cho 'and ..,M TEI)INGS C 6lea zwenT - Red Th4 A Sta wl g ulAt x au d' b ri 9,V con, hd .0 but. -only- ethht will'Rev ctil, g:j d6pressioji.- in, tt. Standard. f s onsequeiv�_6 6f m, f great 01 the -prem la -SPIP fr t uch-gs d gle 40p 444 -light ises., Aioi in Afe.J�e'qifired bi 6ver yuse,.l have s,� om Lu kii Tn' a F4 'large 'Lot BLRT- lihos-in Cotton, IDERS-0 r & HAMBLET -and -W-6016i. 0.0ods. FAOT 3 ORY C F 'HE -QX SHIR11- tACi-I D N iocl L� Im willlfiig- t 0 t6s� reA p !ng 876. Audusi `8',1 TON. D SHEETING -inkwitli any- single spOeder machine, m9f 2 -FAR CANTON FL' SAL jpe fe'. to �ttlS Heado* ark for 81 --c-ontainift 100 es E 0- sell the; _�same_ kind, of zw LUDKOW-AND-KINLOSt P1. W F4 'irafid,Hr4er;as John Elliotj_' NX, otbeiiO acre F T L30 6t a j�'R U1 �Adjoififiig f each The -z . sub4criber -offeri"these. valuable'fa 6fitaft 100L JC Is- _V1 _N -and front Milt of:18 con.: Kinjoss. o' 17i es Cleared; -th R, 17, NE b I ce�is w'ell'AroodedF'Wit ar -d .*ood. valualik cedar. mad -under j RAKtS d FRtX HWER1 D . T 'D IT od stte otcultifation. - iq.'on-thb' pre- itch pleastire R -U 1WE 6t6r -Announcing I I mis6k A good--cMA r he � ft - , . �o �h AL Br6 we P,!knQw :on -0 obbIlent ar7!�t . 1 8 L d with liv w-, �VET. and stables tTLT_U pusir, logZbarn hand 4, 1 EP R Y 7fth 6 Jej, t1h fi 1UL of fruit. -farm h I SK g.w C H- UK- entioxy., RTS* bush,. except �1 here is- a �go od n, w frame h The p��cefg no,-- esitat I "- h"' ol��i . ii F :1 _C od: -hardworod- - sWhi h "] IMPLEMl, NTS R eiotis- to 66 6 d We ha .11-nd -.Ke. A N'�, -T. W]�.t r Can s upp y_1 the op, -me a- :Th6SeLlot8 1-find'it'161'eit d, t vil biiilld 4utage- 6 -ca j. -or also wellwAtbre y6iY, best both froin- the LiiC and I ladk-- 0 yar _,ard, anoi 1, w1.11 I oi, jh6ini r '-Or ho -1 en ..7!1 ing, si ated h Vh t d ve� se-parktely, an a oileession-w ere yqii NTENDIN x 'frohl LUo:-kn-'--)* Siai!pn h tu two Y I t ore -DUN-- we see s' �OHN C 0 -E Band I -to XAX ree Fo IV i . . ; OrM I dors IWANT'IT eii on.. 17 te Premise pr)ljh Kinloss' Augz� f8 6. e D -Sopt U 1�0y�-Ho FO`r To Works -ve. hve:added aillime PS an: - T Taiih O'S h n t ei, ar pr 'j . on ltS Tartin --N-e ek.'Tie MANU TORY. T D- Linati �9-6 0 Tartan, Bilttdus, at Kediiced,pri )ni whiCh Iiie -wilf�eep,a -supply''of fresh I ay. C stafily on hand u t _RBLISHED U con ".,on an att 0 t 8 an a t eani axid - Tyle t Wrks aj Anlul h" beA an& ge cleare8 'Cks ;forl twu I.I. Lu__ 'th ries, -Ii d- Posbs. .-Also Tyles 101. ''Sh6 20 ents a. i�o. -..T , a Croeace leg material 4 t'the, 90, $ 0.; c we, c n- gi g%tij;faQjioh- -0 nd -S d 2 5 PY'Dol; Pe col, IN T Yl: R A-: MLa; IT 1. X'thankiig,�ihe 6ih'fefor tile --yery 0 f s; v e 1),it�rbiiap,-t-fJ,eylbztverecei d diiriqr;r That - _t ie 1; has -b _jo SU t 11 sah h est�w nd :of mqd�yntjj� sto6k 'fid f.-.---1hj" bl AV t begs to 4pIn, 0- 'S of t U in ps they. ir ,per E IFL TE' -orx� 311. all its -de� t T y. the, Blbodi C,wect 1111,d1sor V The Pill, eri r Cass (-rs of"th, 9L idueY� and -AW 0 8toniach, X, b NV k fiTf�i o give. AC of Jo 11orsesk1hoing, d ewe, wrythi th@:, (n iz Wig. ow (t N tat 44ctuAed VY Yrg P i�4tel. 1. th tandiij. _'Fo� Bra�ohit __G t Gout,' Rh . 0 N WiDivids, Genuffie 'TWt e 1116W Th s�th� on "D A 0dT ly I wid ae f6r reme& Le,�g old LLER L, -.Iq. e -notice th PMOVER--a-1. OWSL o -equ and -411 -it nEs thbY --W'ill as: n f umitu h I - . , �. I WO.-deol iu at- �djidgt 0 EL WROU. TIRON ZAKQ;'PL The.. n, g G "L-:' te Lqndozi� T f 4 Poit j? gjWe 40T n:on )avf( -The 1�b a ori Vit ::b6 n�y bityto,ptate thatrm CO MON f _W 'A r -4 orp6j ;" lit d any, v mAt unt h LOW9 'Cu ti - INited'St '01lid 760W d zndilli rQ.upith �R. OtC_ t.-- - ee t 'ih A' U.L at, c wnt NN Ah E ih �d HEINT3 -11 r _fE n �C Oat -L,0446:6- hfid Oinfinefit,'! Ao ured vlk-aifi qpWiop�i imm _d so1c) �Llllidef- th� *W -A A VERY 01 w 9"T AIF v by� 'ur ban %t 2 N!SL4LIV14 trade �thj P4#. _tho p, SL� Vpu�rimk& L AS utti hi�6d OW 0 Q tain t4m fit frb -aryt -T O-OT,13- S pup - G ij and th%j 4-oik n an)- miachine' �B- ras QES any sell oill Ray.] i 0 OF iay:�ba� -6b 1111A e 'a V�ji W --dix 4.ho rZ lailtauto d vt, J40r do)i And Es .0 R OWN tj ry., 4 AQ2A ja— Give US' A chasi T tbT'AUC .I U, tl� 'its- n -9-else -ft ict b he pqr eni Me �-ta 'TItO, _M A, &vat Six=& 04tuts "d UAW :Orf i'll Z' _GIA T"I & 0. z :or 0- al T7 t