The Lucknow Sentinel, 1876-04-14, Page 27, MI 4� NO wat car VUQ 13 k iff IR 29LND Ct q M Ing -AUND ne 7- , ­-, -- �T:- - �,L- ;A" 1o, - NVI f - A !�­ yyl-- SIB Iamelenzk% --t- 7,pl eq- k Ir 9� 4' �`i a" 0� AIEV k'1A Rt� GZ,­ ITCY�� IRS Ila jW I eM 4,11 & 644:110 u ­q g -If iji, j -ad -0 -41h T t 'T H.,? APM LIU ar 14 7 —Ai. GF, .�;� 6 a :n te Ah't Arme i4V ! 'a UY 'th M;W Ve is Be aas -dyed"L�� 4�ig 82 h -0 t t l, A. afth d- A. r Y n t4 VV 3,- W g no, Vt�lq `7 " O�L3 AM - A qq�l awanoan.w h h a tergtc,6 ail I ut �� - - a 1W, Wv:� bd�veh% got, - A - dtti AMC, un -in w6 h t, _ _ A-Mirvil*Y .;,- 'Iliad f, go _0t. UT. R ml�i 1i Su"aT ill* s6n. ve.-4 xv A Wq, --'pUrPQ§8 --D [Wit the -M port4noo, hin thif- -YUGIEE AND - - - - "- ­- --- -t-_ - `0� NMI Ts Co. &,Ara 111 in a 01tiley fl Xa ou t 0 )ort nda r to a nepsing t1jt f #jiaf6:L. Teib, -Utb --n.- 4hioll 60akment .0 g j Aan t L- '� -0 " i doi er N M - �� --'� �" `�: -,- -a onducted b'� Move& a, I us -'d' V 0 ioauge,� �*Nid-h wasic hi M:07jt� -14 11881� er: eir-se dosi -wh6lt a- ed 6 t d7rdLqdjd,.9jd tgr It4f7 0 "ma 7� � ; I nk* lons -Qott, as iff Xft�* E. gistiall b t r-neavl y. ­Ab. At I -'s ad becin drin Verell Ome Partioilals* =C4 at -four -pe t If - lz: - Ing:, i at, an, !at tu lev 411r- Re oug .4 - amw - ed Ill. a - -vifi6s -'br _h, -We; Ahi -b- 'A 01.1 , je help' it, tr�i -alloved., to�.go: jjjtyw*�. i ­ ­­ - `fji� "i - -�- ----'Th k I Pon Qilo� I 1 .17 temai.- 6� Q B -com. Uvern ---w 10 7.0a have .reteiv d 1Y. -ex' t tho int D -ha elliptera.licie:. - al, _-her �,itb� ut�lt, VylieliA I ho h has eome� - a 'east We his Itim -10% SM ll, sacrifice acpar o rom our v t ommended ind at thebeatk� the �Course - X -tu-I p.m b _k. w W. o askdd fw 'me to rXi5v6di bf 44K, -fj; -be AiiiiIii bi ',,the I_& -act a, "all I 3?. - Tl.mw. ill ulil judge so, y oo. antt-t h ce, 10 -brougliouV the - 0, J tifhIly','46corated- wilidows -of: our ;H b el-time--ind us- a m6r. - escape irdin him, Av nol"11001 f3i by L -.Th6s.! arr1q, t diji t 6,first p a h Is an Ab6ir-taleiiis.&V the, elitit ISO -9 A -pro 11Z -amina i. -not -V66 --per a no _mlCr t _sjjV t. udeX -to -1) �yvo 5.- --1 --- I ­ I - I � ert Ot we q _jjpoP4..�fbP U ei *p -nd,.-p :thilig,'blit-th pilfit.- 0 A es a; i0oibm �er& �ch 9 a aa, n tt y":., e . - -: th - -,a sh �:ar*qequ­ t on we'ai.of 4k :peopk' es :w -- e-heaM Clio - rep �B f ,harity.'- wh -W ich hich Mika at .-.or OR Yi dine- _- .. . ^,. , j Ahe�-Udq .1por 'pupik 11 a one q 'Dungan-- '1wa fhe-.'chape0iiqtic pa two 'U�;Ut!r iU� -Ta o is a it�'of Pla ­ -- � .1 -a - mii, BOUTH. Isit ti4 that A h* h b tl evm iiteh'men. uf: T, f -4. ougK a ftoll to timeiaet.-as or of the, of thoseir. *hb fibin.-Iiihia, f t f t8 tbey� 11ave'put f6ri,Ii durin -Ithe �d such as Mr. sillafice. 1lave lit did- �nijt tako" iii -y- -notice -ijar �-to, -tile stat"d 1, e youth's got hisjow pu 0 -jj_ L j_ the 1- Utility, G �--ORTM. - an - -t -00 espon. @hts 'The nialwa-, ast-fifteeh -is i ara- . V - a whil tuined:howe, an Bliq f6,0 Frovincial I �r q -%1, m6nihs , f J�. - ft. I - I � nowspaper d h .3 �a COT d it air servic'es, t&se- `6 tryin to -read' -the I ere d V6 kt ,r �an gb� a- StoVia;-.WIt TreitBurerij us all r ­ . . ­ L- 9- 1 jC ment aY.8 been jg ominously fteal. d I b a-& t r- ad tively �no-%V- Section, eing a in -t a great e li� it thij- �fibxt r, iee Q1,;L 0 ek. up a Xmc iic:p tiY Ast we :.hQx­ ibi' b tion ly abolij, t t�; -during f Al h ove arri 0 E "(71111 -W jU -a U1 & Ing jv inj s am race Very in eras J. r- a ribi.1 'do,-; W44 - 3 .9 nicip -o era, ive� or east id fire&6fF.-- -Tbe,iaihibbor L a Ivere -by Aell. trunk.- go to, -tik -fth" it b hatzh4:irt -sp, -a stbrin -o year and kbilf ;in '#1 ypt. 4ATp-m., Vm A##� that, Vat eto nfr IWIf t a S664, sat- a qehten �nd 8 t jt:%� j-�y Cmrt The P 0�4- n g" f th6nin ent�.eentury;,, ki 7 �You. wan 1 t tb trigger of a 'a' 0 h 77 ec r b, r t a, jk� I dlo�w Inuifibe a :bj�7, iiie IUVOIU-F iwpro-,�iamrintbas-.'baqn.� ade� as: fOj 114bli' a qloi?g; ivj�o'. a-vO i uE got�* -in. first, lid Idiiirr arable 1hifluence: C -c ass -�P.Icrood VOL �Ila Or u n g -u fe' 9' -is not it -hilst- they:,--liave oon, dr9cov ISO act -ili; -�th -to o c 'Leitheifor) -4-gaffist .4Tr tIj.11-- A this - it 0 ati T` edin �-*ImAap" i a PoroliO 114,1 � V,;� ist Tic OAS Ot' th6-- lat� 1 b I . I b 4.4-4 leas bstaniic'ek of-. 0 8�1� 1414- -c as's stock!of tha, -ahc tried Vetifi;*et� '1113a I zl - - 4 ` - - � S - zadvi-nced-,(?),-�go,L W ;itandin-on A Ia th but it �Avas --s heik newQ apers. Ps u To-dfi& ­vf _A-b.' L - so.AXTjoi eagev- q bea­ A:* di d --r.6c.-onde ' - y L mi- ' -: ; e F: . " ' iAte a pleasure i- to,` m �qt­- *ith ilij Isis dis ssed w. ---extiricf and-in's isively cii-calitedi arid te, -as led" odi( is and V. tend, to his. face 1191 and -,tb)k gre.1; W I an t �-Shot- 'L h "UN by AVm�,�'�La a adn keep 'bui ie�d' with, vap� by the om a diAance­�Who al� I a p 1C]d6XVIed.tia, Of tI, .1 its i�d ill millibit of at lid - b6. e, d - rhe, t6:-- -try paid- the -su 6 Illany a the darths.inhabit tJ a g - - a V t I no* a tb" L, 't %J6, �"b peruse. art i 8t rs well-poited in basd,ball this 4eas I reser-t- blood OA -that il - - 4 �yloi tt@J (I �c ars pr tributoris t:be ex* of th:6 prdede b -a us erting. 4. - pq wer� all. it* waSj law.was. a in' tention - . " 1� I din�5i, a Ire g-- They- 411 7-bf- NN61d ean b cr. j gliving �.,hrtituiaf T�i ka jokb'tilf: -clos Ouse 0. . ftl� 0, b which -lie n - � 4. -i fluencE e or�.- il, the- N O=XY linpr a, -not - o ihor solid �1 b -Y Milowed, very 1��esfor the. to di - lyre Oil malehea:of,-any impprtance oil, at. o wash it'Off, full on in mib e4b rf ev. -C Ltis W turne an Aigii. Cj- i d" ur gqp a' a -no that lie. according as at -they- w,rite -.a Adnjae6onded b mi th bac, legj.� i 'of, of their Wil DquiIi- to, be tblerate 1 vi out 1 rlgav ho. at.. ilbroad­ 7 then belaiand. theJab at b t me �oral ealtb- one,, wri -an, in. 6%) t so that.- ell, w, ev lic -Sed tbjQ�7.d 71 purev III ppor um, 'SL and cqrs, �-;U 9. bav�- dL� a' up to be I' ii -a wo is--- of- -a 4n.�ur -wl e -1 7o b ail al Olf'tho Sal�batk and -t, a apir YU U P'l '11 kapp, okill li-a,mo bds-to-ielabi� - 4 T Ise x W have, W�t Ladii� �Ioves .66 -that,`R Atideisba d "d teilly s ace." Ing hipletd he 1�­ .6ba-ii-na n ency, -.and expreme III, they 6 ali dt, X a v with hi. I )b on, t6L Co ­-nildd ell Crati-1,; g'both th laws- of - G I u A V7110: J R jiv't WER 1� ot. as- - ificiii Hill iti6t1e ii6tified I to.' d u 4 -8 Ili - 1�� 4 t it �bich, howlhe e - t be imt;ilfs w b I ad by tho' lst� a juie job.,Pq Wholly.-Aestitute of'overy kalL-- a uass Way f will 4 P UYX � - -' , ;-+1 - - - - - . -p -h -a t� nobler -''t' c d -a mar 8 faij..rl Y- -id 'th D n t axio V- e 4P Ills ed Ug codisid ScIfOOL-EXAM-1 . U "j, --i other ise --,their buw4- I I . 7:-, �- .: � L ­ . I �Qll& '31 'k LC - . - _I 0 -t. -- L- - t that toZdAy A4 -tc SO' w th guage -f - - ­ z , ' I . it if Cold; with Abeir I "d T do. 'ov e br�., t I a a, matt IT, ay LIOR -h - been' tak Bil: of theso'.., hlgaxid- A!lr,, -.Ross is so," a In S piact Ak in bej P up] -1 mtructea -to. 86hd iorrow- h A epa� ase 10 ly, Xo. eia Iud to, --tile reco� - . ­ 4 -N, bility-ainl: h6ndr ��-fned-. ',N'Ve -were pl -,a SO - The ekari­riatibrl�b.f t, Ra cle P-61 C'O- Y(IS Fiiday., Ar, AIL 44i� .an -arrived in�'Towri tist Thig . iuflnenjo is -96 griea e. arna ollia.,e). selye.-, ajjL j* p t t t i A in t c eye of-tI �a public been osl� -many of the;- Spr, In eso Ail -)par nit tai6­-, anife'ated ilia We: iiaw� 4 d -of -;imanding andltiotlon Of �cs licit ai" 6ili Aiiriiii�.'� -Is 1r. n tj Yr-rj reverse.. er S, tin ines 'P ba) -5 un 1.1 �k)je-B`�L - 'at - -601 -617LAITUA - ".., % . .1 1 - &IA .7 lit r �Fr pra, P aEf", tridil --- 6, . I _9 *Ili .1 , :i "j a-. ay- eing. &tjjjtQs1-L , �: t th r -tile, n6r, -�s baqg. oflikre jo edslorl, - - 0 isi Ou -aneh'� A,-,kicu of ided elic cis de vuragm).Q Sill to by, R tl eiie.e rae Is, ndAer, 0 111�1 Whil Irge el arta, -the Pit -niasters f in "i da� 'nu-mbe NQ ow -%I 11�"dWs"LlWa- any" btlier- (Uy- -O,f -� nd �v came. '0 oti tion the f 1.1f.a KI .111 I : fi a tha.ge1jolars �Bi cxrPi� �-e- wish t6 iiil�r 1W- I � ­ ­- . is.T.10 aii4l! rn.GL s s guar d 111011 led s,cime 'e,ne- sp�r ile oth to� tile, ;14441 114 tvpek rf A al 06��ty hold t icir 8 pe ec f uri I Inht.4ow F -Ili uation-ic .:, oubt r �Spii- i-1,;. dr *arid filipi (I each I L UR a. e a -V�ewgfs da -a' P, I k t ilia U.. -Iled':ffieseli to �-its hitraost ge & ac6ordiri.(� Ig' -f .-in e b1i4i I t T I It hi��d kAraet6r whisDers t-, Pte t am j o grea C 3tock rs Thb; Mia -.e ec "Beholars i L L 'YqP I L -y ian theliewspE -Particu a X, -ear of 3 ell g a n d eo: ad f --'M du Teek.� ire 'See park a 1-. - - tb, it t] I id-, T 1keepaig -i� f -a 66te'd D 6part n - & xe exanlined' 'gt6l 111- bf a a Salt -ma uf&�Pt i i AV 6,01, I h 4r Ir ffrom ilia, Nat Office, etit L buS­UbOI L tiait : lk qn a I'' " - P , I fri Oi TCI1' ba( Jhis' viftad: - 0 liex Youll rhic the - , - .: 1per coires I- fuitre. 'kft�r,lbe 611W one Or by - Alegsrs. siisie 1 .4 jA Ild I tb�' Bit.. t, day Illey er, - !3 all it CS p .31vbju�, 1" all - . . - it, �y that- 1 iiasr- een Ilavff-- illowed ly',their teAQII abafi." Queg t ion-Ttion ii as,- A! ex" eau d a =-11a 'v, if.' 414*6 - Aid --'that. d ­ C s to pa unnotide ali(l- lt.,Rb TRA:I-.NS.— 1.10118 0 a,p e it of all, th thint :by, It is SU f isbIa oil! ty, t kwhen pqha,' -the- w I - Tal prostag ps -Y-in ell waisned wit, 1iiient _a� in t ciVer raado-1- -seconded- f�'w, da'�SL 4%�'oihar" trai. -each Why �.; niogly. all, ll. -by: Williali 1. bell, do ove I-, anc,L -the. I in tha iia-'Ieil -Th at James- If o w. a d WbjoIj .1. 99) a ii, hiked- �dli� ily-by a. -Trul the 41mole )01 -1741 1tb4(`jU-' fh OcalAbapas.1 (I - , L - 1 � ­ b r arrisy,th' r bad' hill!' albe -;rs, b - be, Tlit on tile L H 'leav na itst �'3:on. OfTeni-- in utaill I �&elves till, Avink. atth I il the:- inorillif iad broii 'I I i -alloNN ia&� th'O'gUm'- tell �f d6lhITS as be d take' sl n �--rriaces­ Was ear as., qen pyo a. et-Nrening� a are scholars- t Q -And im CT the lio,td, A16V -7clahned- lu P. oJ c -'h ey ti LU -'sue, I a: - 1) retifrrdqg�, bberhW il 'a !a' 'ble they-Aia s rh Y ani tliit a iiiihautly'. r . . , ; j. , co tr0u- oindon 9 1 Y., 011, jv. b �8 tj .jvUg .jvUg .jvUg p 11 call, I itil b.liQiiiieig Vi. blackm Pea�cd-" toL_ _wlidt-th ji1ad-gCake-ove lie_ a L�rldi t1i'6 ivUg d in the: b scailailize. U, Irliat theUsiiiiiss.of.theL --road, jus- o- b -Troctressing under. ad -)t�xi& �n. the' ina VjWX.JaURRL J I 6.dii, f6r havill seem t' _j,jy 1 Clar6-' sed6uded 4 .11ow -to fST. -j* e 110 ourn- -ro�ump on bxu�epur­ A fh-k 6: j), I w surpri�gi is the I, ct—alid �One uition-pf their tci�che Y.AV4 �E A."Colhicifaiij j ;o mek hi-,.prQn )IMehig -thedr­ -WR-- sisleney­ . Of --1h rlatui� F-Alldt lit TV -08 Ilig 0 M 'A d -is So- little -spok-dri o tj �_t t 'j., h e ett th t -.Put,. 'lly. -t a 27tli�--�u�,L proo y a I­ ifl wh ars aiiswer­� iat -A -Xln­� 6-T' 16II-the"Al c h 61 el .' w ich -very 6trongl' --exbibit'the in*coj :bl()- Maull. 4 e's­ Hotiol" uman te��thA'14ha- - L dillat ong� and, -like -Rej.�Orter� anglis n0a bout- -4 oth--l-apeak' rt�o �.Wr I fjc)r t- -0.11 tribilt Lell Re iiiOn'be eldufAwao clock f a h Aa­th�ip -C6, 11 es� in botth f Air EdR6 Ql'v� I L . . . .. ­ . .4 -y- p su --to aill -is Bpmetittles al iterai ui It 8601h fro all -Pie I dillejQaTna t 111 61 0 thay� .'s 6ken a bo nej --and vight --br t i 1r, Ili- ,F �t (A I i Car Lille- d- Y. �4 _p -u, attenti of b iiva�. Rivqr. 101-14y, VY 0 addresse(,, 4. like t1iii I ed. -a Bresboise Bo*w­ -Gh - anan. Be S! -1" thel �rit' lit Tea Il%r ents- not to werd - sipgned. t Se. 01� 5 honaild, e-; on- a liti IE in g n -bj t.'jy"�' -how quicklyt will scarida kvIe a or tonp-P, c rile I to -gain1or IV it, -U) thein. the -46 L to C n u aft the -a -nia--! per8on. to :ail- not0he"t. the � - �p ",-- I L - eld L -t'-- . ­ OM olie �Iau - -- I lled1hiee aud h 9 Af jr. A. BuMdo. 'and Spelling �(f)na eo rail ki Ili- the,,� JM*Ai�-, do a Daltou ht�y 0- call !�.whe 'Aie�.assiimediAl 21th)d iJan ill the erhoun, rofiri -I ie -COOIV-� tolit mr -bag� sold -mas arLS1 0 1 t"he r�j�rt k W-14 Malcolm SteN it Re- at �Inlg .0 er wort( doh a 4k - , - no they 16 1 -by wie E�ljfs. Ok tha 6 an th 0� Of - i(aft kri N ISTENC use. at the, station- io- A X� oth laittaity -to li's - stoi-6-'h orify. 6f Ia, p 1pile _f&JAN 1114 --m-46114 -01161b got' then .44doned -iiii a - V ell 11 �v oy -that -one- i iliell -fo T, in f-10 -41- P ft-ar. -�-djjtj% f"the: su-nil-o $1 000-- The- Which Aiai q, Ne.. awa d 7 -on g IlIOT6 otal absthi V6- 1.60'i -c from paper Iq anot4ie fro' i N t - our. fire'iiiui 'article -tarm P, 1, cut P -it Af eria- p -to a-', gent o-- PrOPL reaa"_ "ilia bl roper jr YL �kyas,d or L. .-,i . "I Al -i -6 aiiothek' -Well inay,�, - twe wlwin emplo - .. - - �­ 1, Aor f virell. -prize arni u 1ras C61itiiiant- t d f 'ill t�arit,' lik neede& t nq� ph t tv therv-start 'b 64 - pbell - V � i :AI�i tor - Z371 *10-- a Ia_ Be il" Ta 6rh -'tb biast 'i�ell b the -his. qpostion xc n Pw SIT,is: it- 110t a :8 iallie carryingiiii o. �ani ­pionioth -at -hi leeh' I iia 06 61: the,.-,ktt 7 (yn( at paisse. 9 frorfa;abo- -%r` 'llave, 01 Hect 'Ing - -ceninry.-liv and in §40)t vitery:uo Dause or 0V-#r-Y.,.:gq f -its ill f .0 Ila ..Oil A 6 'Kay U 1e'�Av-wf1&Lgo:,( the --canip tafg�t of a'R the journalist' s 1i n1d, o,91 o lio,- We-" their lcieatS 'Ale - - � - j iud-6mo e paits-,qf t e xy A of it dho on. hot$ r�j nuill )er. GO .1 at - HNC K. 41oj; 4oiv r A -the ,Wt fq� A t call o Bible- to ---be 1f,'God's -book of-trdth b 8 bav e used lit AuSE! w'h- h tIl`Q"S; a- t -pe i, AN, lien� Wl-�'Oh iL WjJlie2 Y. h ani -I of 1gosp"pi I I men -ondoived Wit! � - - -1) fiot1ing to, db.,wlth them.. ig it. '�eknowledgifig"L the i njj gj I ad - lying - ;Ili a, - . ­ - -a Ill: a IVlllzcct; comiduilityj di the -,JhUd-- Of Tom le started; A -a T a t Patrick. $11 2L 1. "flow V N Y, jL W11 -1 i . mainbdra -Council,41 -,,,,T ad e I o'i t il 'i the- r p ontei b.- l- -%vl)ith gunate s�!hcta -eh aboui 4 -Iniles -diitaAt wh�h tIloy jad Thdala OR bsp�ec �-6 Win - 111CASisteilcy, ­ erhaitib-ou -be iiiah -I K llcardii�a. �i:s-bditi( w ij��r- 4* iW0,111! 0 iniolle As' -keenly c ted t of 'the class.%' ),after. dii6 h LargP Ostri�h'Phimes'821(&od hilicie,iAl ta -3 hy , don't. tor. priies'ii,6t 10 r�P. GLFR Oil d tributed, ahi z6corclill-c a -g.th dt thii tillie c, '-tb t a 'Re tl 'unconscious, s-bdve I` ia what 'a Hayerlock" ggirl' sa I dL. iks i6y bad r cc Y. e ry 1�! I, d� gild. sifaw,* Cr fu n,- ib Ia.niL(jjIj. 'w Oiporfei and Reekt, a s' y toL tbe'humberof &�tdit ih a din a a, we at , pc f Ll�if, P ber-lover tb let - Ell -the on u iide tfii6ugh all doi a r_3 ai Al 7 --Jim OL �Trjter j1h d I ild, 'to- a otl kilt 4s b Arih*` : lit fl obtainod- dilling the _PW -41 114 ZA attefif S esirin ],-lot iiold" a .1 -W -.,0av -b a- iv -re& f tkw- _ . - - : - 6* g-w�j)-assthroucrh at -the a -ature; V or W tbroug-Ir the' itedi to 11 lie. W I tATO. 'I - ­ �­ L - _ L ­ -a 1; ; young man wa - a a - . 11 : , , I - - - - cc - kss.,. ve­,�o a. d '6f 'ht to\no- erso IL -An W. eac4 i IN -, ' L4, I � , Ite' a .11 cr-a -Is St._ j6h�ll , oa -1. '' 11 -a d iras aitien". e.t o bigliestin d.e- e shame, we. conseilm a, ource 4 Y pqr, a it ti� ai- it Ot bo� rti L jt, a WS 'dbigs I)i lialiYA! cLean: so ilu It L'i &­ � I - - a gen-: 1W IS, L W k-er�" gradiiat U14 F6urtly a I �tarnp aiii 1he - � ­ ­ . L " - -1 A V- th �-r lwas� j1pt Vim h( of tlia le- - - 6 �y �1). Ana 'were thii jal Ill' -ilit6� AIL 1. st. C. Aw �id. ThiM clOs thi, vre bould ell Lb-o­ne-� -Rs .�Sobrl -oil 10 1.0 -Oao IdAul Mitb.0 '.-Sill Fillet a lipgrance Tb� i xe�`ul�f�,ii,edfiij "wratif-11grg iii� on but, a R eofle t A I ay t 'th )nt�rio Veter'niary Colle'g�� has U, in. RbDonald-. 2 1 of t -00 -`-tei at ill, P, oil a c or A and the raillall ks iipon 1. -to-, take U -AlurdockAN 6� 1 sf,. A 1� X*aUde`r Re- �%,eithig village, .-to R ia�l to at Ilia -at" decide -his residen6-, in- -C f: e. 'on of . tl] happipiess-Siid iOtnr y, I and' a A e- our con Ia d h -nd. Stil Aiaf ))is'- atli r coifflihenced firing:yff biiguft I b 7the --t1irit ai'tho wh'N,6� hay 1 tt 7,oiIfy, by t a it -ho, of- tba AV. a fe ors --eaNt --a -1�ay* nt Secom p gs; .5, Alexander IN t the poll raCtjDjI JQSS th our -a6j i 2 lucklic Office VV do iE 7, re4idofit 'id h' h Ula 'other-%%dso I -pr inia arik 11 iony w ic w' luillutes.1 giar lie re� all -it IMB66nd Ilace t uilge A I y., �la g d' 4dol d lf�iiig in: a o' nt of- diinl h all -vai -of, ause 1 Old. -6 him -all.; orialdl 2 il 001110 to 11,111- a I" t, Mary vkui: � - I - Z , - I - i 4 - - . Copeland!�, ]Rote] .:.,Giv A C Harris a z , c! 41' -tbiiirl i -1 f pi6 Oda] x6wn; First- -Ciak Ist", iiiii iv,as� r6ad-�n. Utl Them was. .3 i 7 WS Inus j. e or-Ul g arrLy bflity let L search vie �b, -lid Arl A if I- lie, .1 -eui- io-T, -ot - a­-comlnux t lay in 4 ose, t j- -0 bei ibliq to.-firldthe camp. t tt 11 see IbA Prtaiil' h' _j 7 OU!j,&S, Ia C W, SOrrY ALid f its esl, I .- I I .. - : .. I I rd a r- X ar ann4idt" affu tile effect of -the sa-me"' -or S in tate 5 U d- av I . - ..., - * - -1, h.js I 0�-g dl, "but- Ii -Ia ciff Mied coilipared -,,%vit ion an 4 al a, period. Them i l6ts,of field-tt ratepayers -and 6thei -0 to -that his Tath" any 9T M rd' bd'- doWnL Ae till' seiii fadiofiF �jj jj a_ ip -64 ;t a:w uii here'L all 6. with, Sion 0 so N somb & t voc? - 16tain -.tb '.,c�nclu i ied -t:U& P -'Wel �)jalr' h t,,,y Son, Oil Xs ol U, ti wl ef 'a rid-inc; -1 - r, Snow liad 14t,-Ao-ti�i R 'b- n- none bt .4_.. had , - - - - !�,i -Ili - - �;sear-e it r, . ­ . , , % 6 Ill- tr, er,-, -R. Murdoch Vat iiew- fio ize his neig ift -to. at t ft -le(-- Aau- VURDER Ila i�olue out ilia a A ifn aX _to Hilo, 1;fist. Sunday-evonin', cas!:;� A, or ., I Tdvish' IIS, pr L ' ! . . -4 'by tb eager kioldy 1; As i ftactiolt L�S, At J Ja� 18111 Ilance, a --- A xcl� velf Tlethoidist' iisi fibbunce I' ng. rapei See& 4 - hb t j50rU0jIi%V4­ We. rapre!qQ11 tended S-taktifig, r""Kill soly 2 At tfie CI t inina �hoi illei trilitt trciily., li�,s thid boZAy:Ot M- Xonnal L ­ _ . - 'L -'� .. so� 1 .1 -no, y i6firrul eli - III -�, e---6f'4o A iolidt on To ch �tod by I k -vv, Ilia' ]Pelji�- yott diiicr 004T a evef it 6h w.j.1 �p meeting in t), - villa,,e- it' jjo� -ti wt� A loft -ilia. death taut mak _-wbi r&kuce� th6. lit; o b sounl of his a Wstatiainin�Li P14 --�rc�i&orj o work �a iAo -werel-pretent ' i � h resiiti�-.-tbetir - L M t h tii b�o e L AI4 1�j 'a a of the, I_ 0 1 yer. 66- 0 E 5 -ana �Pl�ialjetlo abiiial have ;�nfissuinf,� 11.014;4 different and [a 6V Ibb last in ibe state �,6f jhqm-wag a tjistu6siui _11 terl;ib a mur- 00" Pit] we beat of b nothe I " , Ae, ach I the ij�6grass juinew$4j $5 Mae uro mote 9111T.) la and $10 at re ivas no lathor 'Caledoii. L The: -�,erprt r ntytes, :.Which "the scholars'are IT inartu're4-40w to �siitV a� a L. e, but : th 0 83are list mv more j Z Dro fill ioun( 6 sftpje� C a A i oil t Ia 1: sain er - - - __ i ­ , N "ITO e'7alid O� w ow some of the let in tllat-sucha: rofils J�ect- of; at oned�'Ctio ils then t 6 ad L so 1i - .1is %roth g 8 as a0li - gra eir a it. pliuei .0 .'ttJ L --so re­0wers --.starte -are ted'reflex, .40t ovided-the J1. Ied -gain, a pe , I - 1 .1 nd foun'd -,that, no 1 -mu - a V::: Ome oy- �Iispg U I - *om thogei. -Who b v I IOU tt eveit in joge - but -,to -Ornit it dm'bld to im -his ­ I . 2 Ila Y" ti -wifV - of Or -eath, is, to 's,cep, oil -oil f po'-st ill .. - -1. * L. -of - - - A n . 1. 1 1", " ' ' L' ' "' --haie Vis)j�,ae your --paper i Chrisopbe ep.af -,illy. - -Unie 'prepati io tors 'which 6pi.thet Bat � 1.7�; - 'badk iii. 14 7 1 ij)o�en� a .04 _ -- b -e I 6f 11i a crime -is o r Warti- To iiegle I � ill I N t . I All retired ft) th - lifn, then q, )ut, A, W; Which, no.-,, ia&tll, I 434 the uiif6rt�i a t"i 11:164 b - pr beeirimadd- tq, do,--' not- d abode n4lilw th�iqi-Aq lIaa sppot, a� pro- --theret-W aS-� I - 66thyL li, -the Wilt be lit fi ocs I Y-0 sov eli k! it -ile VIng ny -col - ; al ay. t: wag Sfe6p, Ili ail Atta*. �6ffi6e) c6iiiinand, br.64gh t ttilli.-P ce-oi Up Ir tab �oln a la-If-bjeedS �W- oiled, do. t-11 jage is-- to hnrel`�Lthi­ mojiths Tile fhcfs�i 't Whian h b 'ho- f6hsivo all( jovi f virtli of I li I a it uftkl t 1, .. 0. . - r -t . - -1 -Vt fift, a -a ITO. t a: as- �riiiin' the 1113 h q-1 A 0 —A, w thb 0 -of -�Iii4 0. c rre�s lit T a 'a-remoilclleil,ori X 2� Wi I M"llis ill X as in V 5 - a --� - - . plaiii Por iri Stance vaid Aw- th t - -to colilillandithe re§ d I:ii �..Stein ad t- pbet, an col denee 0' na Urulvatra ii, ang .01 1 1� se 'a takes ai Some 1, e-,. iiheat If, Per, Coal -saine5 -,OP-P �qslijg h r -aind sensati JD -108 1-Y -lie 11 1� in -(I! gluterl t Nc I I'' I Al, , attorng,' of'; rona on.to a lit, ­ i - '14m -jnrontly 4 ---mm ­ �Z 0 1)1 fr t ff t erfectly. ri I TT 4 R ifi& tbatL )b f tile- eiitiiW CAini'llilit when tli6y 'uI quie 'The­�P) -An event- happanedL a ef�jna:to o lei ulninary Y, tie � tst .1.0 Or other* is ta,ve taken it upb le( ii'a oly �L, jn6ly �eAqrday' mor' T-theiii".�PO4; -have- be. li Cal u`1 I-fr t1w arid o --cer Jai4, A— rialLI , t baviaalieair�. s- iV.', -ftorn iiinse -, le( one closl ie Airlio e b Uijitifr On.' Vb Sis % - p - -- iliLuilirr-mrag -o' -P st ri�y Min mai' ripe t W C. C. D-RNGA.N sw!ell -18 11 1 a I Ves--40 or 'gol Dai, Y -,:a I - i . - --�c-anle,riear ll turned ro es any ling tb d asta. I*" I t-' fa his -p ! I -V L - is illiell rnk provonde*r koundla See 14 t- sit ns. -of a- .1 a e _L '- tb I of I'all ia �t ajoll j ;h t cc ips its b�-st Mat6 for bei -iii 'abSorb6d t 21 a t, Bel f 111po io -C.1 ri-T. a n ?urt- own coi respon eui,. respot gil a( NV " `. 4 ­ , t I.: �-,y, -loft con a fro -iii fee int, 'Christc phei Al akes higEprovisions-.- HOU 1 -lity aii.l. -oil --Ilia lc 11 -keQs, but c linao ever se yl aint.,d. lived..' Ifet &ili; Vita 0 'v Isi Uny B , IS ifttf, _IV _j ,Atj bi tanu Bug�rxo�s r iner I b �re. 1. r.S L -a inile-frow- - Ill a be tt-j,,,o6d An'U C,"q - t if s 4 c It J t- A e 1 19 a irc I U Y. 0 -hrea qiiartk can 't o and the:, bran.'aiid sk patsitlb- dieii tfie� litraorialiff a in - r I CO as ly DO a A .13 BIN or -we itj I . I . :;. - -he -for 11.- �-Rob-- jirey- ell 1-A like tile in this 4zi cozy, ve t �rge: cas�i arii.ving is -un- -Sou Ce j on th a t em: ay, illy ojf Ir I in- the fu ut a NNa -length 6f ti d : , - I 1 1; �t� fe ar 'ill h0tka , oi1jo �;q rte�_ a id.%et ell t Ia to,%,6ishi -in to 0 igb 6dilibaidou.-ilib . 1. . - :1 -�6 - '13 SUPRO le AV, Ose very 1V - ` lilt irom bxpq (;Oil- toi� ytaiic( ily boA f to thia 611 'theBa wh -Office iaildeia i $voll Ila vrabl go of! iluianacb­�611­ tfiia ial., )y'h it t u. I matil er 3eein to be affected- I si nor. - rRain Hs s i al) e. cbll�Vi aft 6chib ug:ft"�Ieoru 'd Caled'ou a*1 ft -boiludam Ii' 1 �6 i6fer ourreaaers to7lNrj�e�iy t "we follow e I. d SY A r So- age 11 , 1E -C Sjil!a- ilei�O,adxertisoment knuinication -at 11 0. il il Me sup kd t Iiia, -eelj (161i rd� conce ad in. art,,;- He �Sft�- he never I fl-ow-gbois so ripe and shrunken ;-�a id, parus. Wr,��bnt this A a sK to I t�.afedo ent U 6 0 a of ridic are s her f6r ill- I e. L ill pa: Z d IsO tli.e'_fl ijit' Jala the ll I s 1 11 ra pay - V m1*11004 - : Uo der A� suit tif:clotbas. -'the �spr a to I 0wria refined o a I e man R t Lkf� wj3ftl -of abUnot M vity -16 'The ation ut�f 'a' algo, is co 010 : � i�,.WLrLspeet­ .- - , - r re -,plan ilia up: -Easts, --.h6aji­-The-6ther-nie -so. pianyi o,,%v veyy . -gua- I "Iss: - iiZ a& urs: 'ali -PT ep arilim for in it �ad ia� , h rded' - oucrbtl -t1 e - j��et at all I t ne�,Iq authors je It b6hooves- all - lip, �y. a pol. bor- tably aiiid or - - . . L - - ­ , � T 0 � tl s6ft and I elast-io: io lUqK'-IIu all j s A and J era nL wizn,&: ek- ail tholit Ito exercise gi�ea CAre I T 17raln., -for t- ..0. - � � veS, -all so SP r % o -lid 0 or �o fbod ore ShN�Tn J t -especting -ill' P 3ss -y SUdll I , os s i4l C- i o -LrAny pi Jill ei t od. Rittlp' al&SCUlera, (L A, -oil his own farill.-, eL Ur he' rl r.- R-IlFqpby� ur re ers v _t tb6�. �ect. of -them re 4b -ift: .30 -0 o roq gaV.eL sorne 't'ni. an-obj tire s -z�- cpar� inta ill olli QfTI ty-in ei� fie(t. abolit.'five fainilv" -elit iii-aliot I froi�L A -1t ject'of L. -great - - .., ln--�yhichth '--ar-e-pr-6setitod'td'the,�i)iib-- whom t nded em I - ja ke - e -beefi inar- T R 'on' ",a -:-i it TeSp TheaiNtolintrad 1�0 -ice kjg _r era" , Ck_ _I � $�O`V atja D I hum had ill cbserve in. ad-, -�Lbw' Sh'N KEL al f t T.Paigellh 1�er colu'iiiiL -was ttracti6 � -1 . .11 � I I ­­ - .. ��i I z I lie J ura -ing Ia IC 11 -lie erin V. !10 IY �W 'or hatching" Needs f6i -c6iitendied, Chat -S -Al . - eggs scoffin 'Coll - 'White", -Rug, best L -fit 11Y 118� hi -if a Al -LIT Rzllcolffi� StOA -art about - Houdin' aria ay. 'lie Vera I I'., out, .1, ­ . if; - ( ort 'but. ! alaa: is,, on�is- ted'of hinisel r s �A e A as 'to. t a pr, cui t El * if' P -s` - . - - ss�ng t 'm:iu that Is Uridi -T j] -ail `Zaynia aiida- Ii -ho he�,born hen I ly". wit er.ofthtit� patient , filled tb. of I b6 idffce,shoitly:aitki.� t Ia nild ar�L 80whig., w n 4s- i 77 Wt rath ie [,I( Y.Mro" t A spirl 11 n &ilr - -� L , . -7 , " by:a lu'lbreed 0 jand`�- jb r j&��i)f a- servai It- wduld- be �JV6 OL wo� 1 ay -a iol who 0 11- tho morning purpo sePUP rived. - se�. ir t al- , I - t JA C r ace L I "I Me where1-e I rhich kA. _Also, -but ift.' tthe DU V te1U1jtjipqn a all ior, SE d b' d PIC' OU e-1 ir - ri-ain, or"L 'irit me knoi ` -w -ir last a eiihbor Was' Sur- :'a� i � i ay l.a#.a, 1 g t iilb� tb ese o ree C jj -hursid, gettin6 and e. __W -a td- steea Sanco7 I aa, T ,-Llistui ad �N ear not r, i.y 'but: �ie - . - -i I P 0 f6utid ft, lilt" eld t e prl$ed' a a I I f oitby tile at t L I nd unaccouilt Spo Ca abilut beud a 1 4 an J 'In ­ ng to t reoerl, i df-. le d T. ­ s arid c6n6lu C 1. Us grasse. le --a -0 al Lin Vell' 0.8' i f 1" 'Qojj�..b a fe 'I . - Y N'Vith - Club, n Alto, Z -his, 'et�� tin e, wi Ve e s uppli i vo, the s6. . -V tjet� iiudity savo, the s6. Mi— iiiN a 1e ru- Tr in g n bjb (j iiiiii' g -i" t -if h6 -*as N a Alia 1 'as littl _to of -efdrr _a tioli whareiiiththey ire called., III. be e-seen-A)y tU -- &iu� Ons 0 -it I --- - - 4.11 Of it§ trutb) that th .�7$11field gaidd �f I I 7. Qo I �bl� appe n of Val�d-, in- I)erfee" L a�, . :_ n6ti�g ��j liat� UF: Co oil bav6 -1 its licit A . ..... f �urpri4p Itc ill t isk --wh 4 in- Yot n- :of _a -4 he A leffia. ely, -1 t a Ula U T out wiel iev y" r I 'ei :Charity as barr6l, of wh* ich, --- , id:. �r it hist Mile a - coinpoiiti4 a qcau, o JjeS- in t Aities.�-Xqqlntyrm -1`. 'a 'bild tayerh-.. o* is -gow -t Alb Air& Atand tj.ba ­ I r' to at rt'an -addid it -de-grace, to.- il is -'aVeS -d-' .JL ost, fir: One a itt 14 il_ . . I .. r - i1oll Yes'- wltb� his n rrija joilL '111 fha� r ' - , - - -- . I r - - ls:e ..Nral--vis 1 OK, _t d thou iijt� I it the- place 4ed. p�ainod by -i - ,lit ers.d A patudy, the ----a- 11P the g .. -1 �­ - 11 . _ - Tit It Will bi6 Beet. by� relefeiloe to ill -at fot oe- Cd aci e( iion- sboiild*�- 11 Ltd "b�'Sly abpsiVe*1anv7u4"6r A dr, a ly ell u Fall b Ya - aa'tlie oU a io e e -o a., About Sorn.- - sp6dtaeld: of -ho did no iq4or 'be, fGarid a LiLlf 7. te r h0i�Aising cohim fbavA intereit W d� t' ti tenji)c ed t'h .11 t I Ill re t Ej�j� .11POU.'Ito" hi ak 6 a 8 ji 6 (- c k , n V a hi� Ri e(T �Cs.oh Of t - a �gto never ceise a seal er:as�a s6oun holf4 d] I e d: P-11 a Vice Prasi ell . e passeil. a -way one1uudre(l y t�4iit% We is.prepaied io' T - ­f0r* - �-,T , . -- - alid 11 Ty mrchq ..dis coinlow EN E n; Wax 1 11 Ia, Loan an OIt. e al r s ent saffer di fu lest AtefAif of -'go oen, iving, - I'-'*,- t i -r -to od, -:� d - poke 11 1-- : . - . - . - . . - cape r I -question. -' .1. 'r .. -- I rl,h ne alloy o- ritj S&�je­ to ve il ebe-., ­ -0irest for Ot c t1i 6 --sal n innie, t od f, 1. V lo son 8 Me L - a - -OL a, Vioi �,er q�.\acl, -no- 6 -1 . to� Mr. in eauw- saded JA 'is" OlseNcl -1 1 _Would bavepol I? f&yOjit.j-_ -Aral. incr Ppukk NO Im lk&�Tm� 'I if� j nit- length aill AY ei!` 'the at-th- ev� et6iic s;tVour Aronfily 'f ibbed 1how SIT' --Tive�d Vill-& thp ver II , Il� h,_ Zol '6�oised tb qg � L 'fli Somoivill� i - 1 4 �Utiraet -so Ito _�Of tj (fr'tha,. e� - - ly'ta er qu �pt at best, id n6tLiiall b -tbia sub lie Vrelv& in T hat ki�iwas at on a tbank -Till q ot Widy' m -ty iniorning J e can: C644ition- 6 t- off %v'th that -th-ii is a- very. eiEcellent CiJnipant. ui sni Inpera GWO . f) tha- r- - - P exjoit-�d' a loa th -ep i -_'r_ jij�cj ery th G -d' Si- Ia. 'In a 'the.1'Ondon,and Cauad d'' celsior: 1 uti 11ce - I& I de' � 11 nla -he miatter, thad6liii es fire in." -11at A, f D; -TwI, t 0 4 a- Q.to.runderstand T b i4vt me' uliig the twaci Ila dy gc� I - n7" d , if bire 'lie 'Taill tMat IA I' i f6. A 'a] t Go' nlbii Sensz 3 -The da _n mveu- It ig unirece3sary,for us -to- Say tb`a i& '.8u6cegiffiLp'l Pre..id6nt Also -ar, 0 �� 'it. . h esti( iia She is i ji" d1o' �qf tit Iicic;hbor j and tb y he d h !o1lurly"leip ti�i speak no il �a kindly word in I idt 7 in C I er I lea 8 IS' Some a sting behind ter U. dol17--.-b be bii� b 'a. t xulns-h�d the -borrowers.; 6114- - t A - He'. ment a -er -oil D -ihe� fitq-, can f6r ideijos.:corifirmad. i ju, ason st. as re. al -1 '. . V143 A I - L ... . �1 pill &I -ilit are 46 J1 - th . 6 ed her A%`611 by g ikn.--of t And to le iere,heardl u were zall� t* wIld -bid ind(ed fa . 6n a. victim -13etwe ree- an ain: whi-�h oiaiwIlel'ined the 11 'i Short- r tj 0, fhat been-*ith Ia afi Aeve city the, wOnialr� 11' ell ill d -Mur wee ks h6 te �l rebort eap till h-thejule - _ell 14 a;ift Ill h4, lette we are4:11k ed -Is lak Niteath., a'ndble mind 11118 ouragi - ouail- i - ' -0 Ain th on - 011sp ak. -b.0 al"' ,U,�jl -_a ba- t enebed th&'flanie be -Avalks e -up' a e X'e-Voceivedt -wo rom r P aii Sj 'Choosing thus a liffider.plan; k-:4 , Qla Y whick 6 n' a, - ' �4 Nli- Glea -on of 1ariggide, Llost a ftaT Yldl'Oft. bette is sown, t n to A` 61 he fire. They- q ii Pg d lUks; �eed' I er. t -pies She i , I , r aik of gathering goop: and conl& form no idea'6f what- . 1 6 s nt4t amen. y 0xit 8, A e*� pleas�d` -iud- , 5 19' j U-13 a ill 'ir bame: d bring: - � il Oranimar tU af I �V6­ b�k _lAiiiiiIfiroce.eded to ill( Av. the. Stories -a u flie t F if butjittle jood be knowni*., bo % t isladge doNvil tIA -power Of aw % , I Ill e. reniAi6 a .16ttq j -, '� , 0. v Hu�,ou, -Abjoi 6^1 1�ibat. ria aihed c f thii. bod The funny a atl few la 'ili-' who R, v Re OTM Y14 had. bec- a 6f it ngpd. U , - Becondea- 'be take r fr i sh ()in until 'onpli day JapStr U,te Was, and 01 but, q IgLlet4ipeAthe betrayer YOU Ve AN. -will -!*�Ii stok6r- 14� burntoUtDato Ah67kneea­ pek a "Clitlerhan- fou 'hamni-ars and- skuliksi. lif sho�ia carried th�t tT ia� drdij ilig- -quition he tj . . L 2. ­'na it 'in - a- -w al I ot" .7o a, -v -a* once! ire it to e C as. L )L -, 0 are a in - discussed &6 that -we.. b mu uth -,17 tb b ma k 0 another's -faults efface 'UU e c 'he 1')0-'han& r. #. t 1Y jr __ - ; _,W6j , : nd nearly, �.nt still I' ingi1titr -as lir(,Lllt h6art b Aebli a aiiii 'b , w : . niixt �rliAl'l h Givemet& 10 1 r dignarit at hit ilia, iliastet Nl,h t it wroligs: to eCc tirts' thatfain'woul I no�ed - fbi hedf. than eb�jto lid _fain elp a A. feather -an 4 ead' -of ell! 0 K. rp %reinnant-;bf 'A 'a se -- r an appoin .0qTY of:�,Comn' ii OAh Lila T -.putse--was- ver -altliquA -he �§ld Seat To prov6 hutnanit3rbut base9 -1 & .- - - - L - ­ , a e u is- but la ell"a d corn. total h 1­nasi� briltal --the�arms were fall coursq, Old triners is -Iio�k 'K�e 6 - . H07 canA pleasure huMa -,pfide 4 thaii i�h _be use. a commlon- pbra, Be d him 6hang t rob �ibot" h. the, arch to no f d speetatorS ft . 6011""IL Wh ii� the _the �61& lady AI t 11 1 1 t jig, f - d ttel, -afr�siori , - U pe ation naiiiie of "1 3' 11NIV.Iiat Shia t A i rea6h a higher moo I e as: the k6wre -aft I& ---or erg Were Med not to feed ill r At nobler-'6-iimate- of man,,: - -fvr the -y-AhLe bf -16i The;. Ch for. f6od c U. y t:u K WULI t.- sof 1110 1- _boWe,_ i.;. igay­ -the I! ill a c. - for, virnesi,jVr sear a4rintige.-of Ai teaellerli wh'i k if- -be ouldn't rst a' '_q,a-bStI0,USr Abwcw 4ij-�ixppo -last, r on ill Le j 1 06 ad -yourself.: :ciebt-ret&il 6ri iiijury r atffz .4fter whieV t ke- club adinjoum- can. :Et -ligh .1-filid, -tolthe-Pnif Wee ciattire! arid, a- IV . . I 1 -3 1 . Be--. ..", . e n -vrea *OU Y i mqu -3 Arieva A- Fthis- -a d tL 'I 1�' a we �nd spe h aea w 0011 %ild, begaii ug ht the. ol. -t, 11"a eS it a -gdod� feed, 4�-whieh., -thr- id# - oja --ed an "N -Qver-- ?)a --pi 16're a in ()of - ,:v r htefpl- con- ­ Tell'. ­ I -Z, r j U oft t Jr. oon gS as Your own ters; that gro n B suspicioi uld . ,, fill 4 "j' there!, irp name St- -­ I -- ­ L ' r, t a-LfaUlt_ to se woll] noth a b U ru th, -firs Len our vii r afid 144i -f that-. is -dciath�of ih T i othefs' failiii Th .6to" -to. Ott 'Teas h she c. but I b .611-c inka, c hay ia� lhera- - were ei.on lie� nom' Fi -&16 loQ�j-�we not. eiLZilin�, Theil *.peAk nb ill, ement e if'degi IYO, po it tbcabnlari :96- IAO t at hag the hip: d My' 11 i0d d- tban.1 accident- 11; the �C 03 . - it kn Sink jj - - e not th4� first to Make own daughteri to 0 r -OU o -be-: 7 'N Are inuch fij�viiiguea de izell s� o fial 1 -It Wag _AY Jig 'nectibi2s, derivations alj�- Mary mean-. em. djq0' (*ful scones-l-ensuod., ain 4 -da; hi, al k -this jff IEMALOYEES. r4 ers th ll� t'( so ri .-Forlifedsibut-apasaffig, y girj'�to ra-ter- B­:a 41. i4d -if-lie "t tlie oy 4 a 01"L th� little tim gsi �-Xb lipi ian t6li. how brid its, span' n the wilitike an lyor� are-.ta kiii, -cas the Pleffliants, 7-. Th" t gal 1heMblered that thes ivvi Ward had,, g b tire B1161iiii in I -Arid did ivha chool- sa 6 0 9gln-- t * 1 .1 - 7`1-- n -P 6fall tt'4 -tl�e. bwallqg dgil!E� m-1jjqh, line fthiiir bor-- a -b Ahe iceirse P an all, re talk S- J Thbilt, Oh o,..cer ain. in( , . -. - , - ' F,; 'W'jjj v 116. ail hniln�i.'tl- iscovered sc)me. �6ar ag tall 'a the: me6baliies a e.westay, is .,t, -ca UY -AV.U� roll, % . astthe t6aclier all 4.1 0 1 eS Ur I - a d-' r it is - Ills,li tiniiij '16r -e.such: a Ulanous,nalpi best-wb ieatf&g� of uAsou'lid n tind, and.. it. ivds- e_' and I th �tak says Vast oil tr Di�j� WiLt -WISHER. ff if. .6' 6", u-' nol a ev�- % t till -Orin -wast eiripg;gn MoTe-­ : '0111 ollin& t d aird, cy ifq of' A g, And other- od in -ark pli ai fjWL in' �,lv am b Tein�lia lie I AV to zt.1 b 1. 1, ;_ - that his --conduct to.. if'oh- of, -6stablisbine Ik' - ding g a him a ao d t im. Tbejpek 0 er - a OrerB` d- aedlif hial-ked ftopi 0116 neikhbor- I anoth 'I -b'- xild:,omployees in,-. -mannfi�'illr7' 4! lio� w. derail of. Lak H c w�njd- hispeopq torthe, '!on _f the South I�rn�o Wiis- i All Eion -occupy nOW"r ) - f � -. - ­ -- -.- W LUIR 1$Y­ULl t, th L1 VEI? Y SY than- C, hr lay-, 11 - ,,;ljl - ng. 0 Ctti�th.-,the t A O_ H+ �1*� `Ao d indd -last A d the Nita is- le�one'un4ef coils -er4tioii, at s- ud-nqt�bc�n unifohnI -kiiid cashl to n'' of v i head' �vdry, ta inspee a 1 r., laboring. fb onee of a t a t il - A . Ili- I Oking� iii-otive for such a -adt. ni6n. Slave -hard- from, ioorning -1ill --p aces 0 1 erel id -end ue --'T- s 1,111, -,-"Lennie "' " rW-11 I' .To - appliod r their -11 onor 011) an tb-(:3j-4&X fin c y h lilio E of- -tlicis'% �4BL B. h li Ulrd i6k$L _: n IV" ce ai I . - -, J. - W thouiih we- dil. hic U� nd L* h- . . . -Y�, �.A 1 dop act. � -,We:iIr.. to' aj f t at Iliceils un er a n.. are p in.- s'eakIna J*, Wgi, !he- predispq,�ing ciffise. Many liever.L. A�ceut �oif -ill a rie- -f f , a Ilica -foirific by r L -aiia h -Zliainore Ob§arv�rlt AlirijEi ]IJ 'mon to" inont WO say -that Mr of Jife I no nd- fro tb in �e ill- 11 tor -Ji; -111 4at a tia- a al d'�ffi, -ti- t in ­Davis,"�'Fowlei??. a lay 16aBed to v d b iai� -rii-Ua -and- n any-- n0tice. 'Per for people to 6 (AT a 1,' S. Py g: new Jyjal. 6 fipl,,,, -his aresurroull ad bT, h be iiiallt I or 49y�rh, Ing, IE aV 'r ch 4ekn-� to U.-%-.1hiia, Out -E fig It I She A� Ur e ay a, our . 14 it6nds; a ddi�ii -S®ljaliti�g 'that had'-ra6meif t.)b: jilvial Ts wo.uld -p p Wqg -T5 d 7(!S: b& the I ­h r, Uli �Jjd ents. '10 - r. . - -I - _.ice did 0 Y: I a IF Lamp thin oil bla :cense ail a We 01 Yot I lore nro lea of t h f t t'r lit ks thby-have: ca%is&I from-, at ek.6f Ugii 0 reli� k4d itla t lice ses is, ki�.-. iiith& liveiy staw� U an than n�ei 8- passingL H' idd -not iequiir4 to as ore( 'g", Of - _oaji. _only. te tbii SeaS�11.�-- --'-W-e besitat"- '�Ot , -to 017, ace r-- ny L w. ble iw We are --onioutd. th QV -one a io -11 tiir, -le, ro emenlb6d- -that. proved, 16w this tdwn.- -at mail t th4n 'a other people A 8 q,p acoz Ace 'n 'ef. L_ say is. art ofr th mi ar es. J gave I , ; T h id iall'that -is aome a me: -bietweer -3ban-c be -.Rkbboif 4n 01an cf -b'j - *4 � V' hu ba, rVa#, a t. 8 G f that -',%I.r SpaAing's - tiblei- - is 6ne- ni � . T-osing.arm th ,b hotble �i ED" 6Ur p; an ere -70,40 'Fif 'Vome I whb _.jt6 L -M W. 0 0.� I jAcat on, ­ � L .. . - _ -je .0,.Verkdetailof -tbo'd(ceased:-wffi?9 -the -best In" oil tYI9 (Aijest The-'miain� J On .0 ety jd ul�y Ct.' Jr ft Ast'a I L rs )n, Postmaster in- - :j� - r. - + t' vory h goo �.jjj T Sande _411i thij.W ng: t.w� jo� h an a -er temperanca� so6iet 11 U� Said. ":Ot Uh. ghbors, Arid Itovein; +. a e lite exaiqin� vph. it 98 a I, ` D'�GiMN -avil tbotoj-eell-4 t' -belbe­ e6hata d- Or: A Coigrogitional mieeti the uniluer, int"aj C and I ife.. I lfarke-s`iad uctA 1 A ont �oft h I assistod"b, r' o npig will 'bld-iigs-havia be ri�. af. t6 libe abdUcir asat fe 8 in. held-: in Wiieron'& Church. on Wid" .7 d 6ibibAd tr6at -T ldd nade- the; exhumi Ii6ii X of 'the ria- I )1:-n'ew b Ili -�jo"6 g' nalia� VirfaeL. a Ill ht A `10 -0 1- Ontllfy haa -:6m. itaIrte corno -Ina 1`11011 erin thiam-��4md-- .-M t & 0.4nde le - us er exam. b Cal Y �ou knfrew, Q nominating an electino, three- Gaelic' 'server" -has -been 4­,"�* He i pnsa o I) man", re'6qoti--'8II niaBday the 6th ingt.; fo 6'n ill !g as pinn.4 _and r. Ahe - L Ali EditCW -�js na 4-rcia-1 InalT a_ ffotn-,thd s 'd heapi _purpose- f thwe t1b 6- To it oil ifd g-, A ates � W-6: 4 �Orns o th 6. t an a f1 presen 0 Elders viri as lik-6 a m t big teoed`� - ditions Xr Si. - ifit6iids -to or, Li4- - --% d -no vk" flipga 'Ila X- -at odist F-piaeopal �,r;ljnjtt taipu 4-plon Ar, ich th.e. t -Ucklio V1 !iich , -kr�n j . - .. - ­ I- I- - f thrii Friglish Speakig., -AiOii,6f'-t t dicei�. N�' fnbilliff resh,.materihl. -J Ouspididn. Vil' f " �It r h 'in lit t piibile 01, b6tL 'orl L ues ay as ,a*d* n ee I eal. 0 to T %etV purer, -andl. -9174 land L -a la.-diat -ed a -Messm-, Ti 't 03115 so -'get: a� Uggy keep, -fro 8 th-6 C i's Veryr Q vilst when the folloiring' ilaCt; Ev sure', -to' If& -NN otw T t'' ere - ip eased - Lt ill -be- Teally -a ill: - - h 111�i�sj ai�df - - r . 1 .1 - - i�a-oidni tbial� serpincy &Way- ilwL� da an Elders were, he f I d6ry that v pru d a (a- --a8ka Ai 6Tt. 1-Aglif§h 8 eakin urrat-�� Nd.w-iny'doai.".-Observe Ty a eep nt 'ain', in at A&ie,& h-ohr the i' b not d -b- R. -derilf 46 CtL 'idently h 6� 1 h tbo'toivn. as��.do d ltsA, ' ' w ;, ell b Uble bl- & -an Ordi lite kilifia the P t he(, rwia bk. - I her Ham Y, in GIG d deknod`;---'b -of t os A -houi ---rb nanea t ur sick Archibald- and.- A;— 'cool. Dithe 3ripur-hioa�dzAd il s -.Are h o three --mile ri h Ors' vill 46fithe Nvoild t t :a Ualit 1119,Y Tr a sthbjbet �Thia'--OTaldrid D 0 -was-. - rL r : -- - Lo , - r . L. . I . 4 . iE�same�. t to q 8 . -to af r - I ;,-: ' L - -fdillttl ke�i' on. th ovd'!. inadeo --trip bo Wag V � I - ��q In: p- j�" 'water" Drink .,plentp! ery gojjv see thiJ - �'pianhbr nary Thi -lar IA Moll" - tion, �6&merca arid ft. Jlat�dle­ beiii-burnt IY--- - - - itt Gaelie, A a a-ki n- g- - 1*� C -V j, - nettliy, oj%r -of Ift. d g er jj -_finu� �� 'e'river S­jeft 4 0 always fou IllStZ !a- P.0 Ing --Close- ; :_ _ 'Y V��tba,- PdAil in of the-- trii-tik of the: beis I years, the-* -Kin A MA 1(iiiiob. 110S.- �Xje$t.jo# t116;ra �VaS� L St -to iiqh alone w f:t1iia,b dy� c aticl T then. YOU FiZ Ifid:Abd -recut t' .4 bl y iit ,OTdjthE(d.rmQrq ]Dai 1 $1 ol� e g! �Ingt'ma -Dancan,- Comic U tb -Iliad d'ad- a, nuM i , - iary- vea" son lity %bi t6 ia.-othaf-paim D I eL T 11 fjle.� gol)6 ejx� n:, was'.elliban, V� ;v a. d fn Pool 1 er 0 ee -bf III e' :for. .near WvatLotnia; -villag ,p qpy vras t Btoo L t at ri T t that- 9 1killed vri -7V Oop,�Scla -,L . d,., lit cair no doub, -Y, C no heii .1 h th ti- (c)) U, cirr "'ll, q Or Ak'l ve t% -their �qolp �-acqulsi ion, - -an 'vi age.- ary le hia eijUryr brought in- i a a f-* '4 K�ieiw Uini-thro ng, ihoW� -o L bi, t Upoi -We.. al -stire -1 1 hintha- the� f �ftui!L� this villagii; ke a- - MED1 Ys SO.' son, W -f lical �a -f there. f 11100A.Will -t durii ixId-41i Id -a a. '*hioh. im 'take 906ji be over part �Ofj L -th 4b, the witnesses e­xao an. As�folloW d Yda try. "d -d. L -je eras Man ! - ­ - -eg- of itho"I oes to oi-­ -Vhi Alljn� - -;r �fi. overheated iindoi� -A� Ja _h Man 0' the Cameron Clan, ��ttjng . I A _ iV 1�f !upon, 1 4 1! Nno h e his ddef to the fi*V an. " P � - - - I _ t�l t d geih can' co the videile Aiiii tleiet� many ,, Your) man 0 1 vo�l g'L ioc�B&6611� h 'or, ITS 1:11 eon* IA 0 -&tk I* littla �do Wto 77- T� t;aiti mlutble: M� ilbt . c f, WariFs lbat any at d�tty If Th r(fiet. 6flillij. hind a. goodAit h�rge,---iyith pr tty f bi,thild - rbh� c4n� Azdf -ii the! 6�10�,,d : , y eir inis rati i - .- . e J I - I . t ra n NVard war. Al re�ted ithi now % Ito ore o: em are _and. �'t Jim -,Kass) W, ec ure. iw te n MoL,U Z Rr UNT Iff ]KJ'S L p 0 0 .1`4 -D ... .. hx�mtp att#add M -h IYA q N1. A wo Ow 'A ERTISE X -'C -1 -E T.- ot 4e youl d be L AD, -, -j Av ''A CkI16 - ��is for 'PMWP -gAZ'W Omar ded In �N "T 4 - I 1 h1haz �&zse d t4 eo I imp d ai y� expi -a - IA— A, ait ed'-te Orance­ -orra� Ia hi ; '14h- t , - - - ail f." T. -V k I 'T, Wec in a 4�y 1ard q -C ANIAS - firael It,- FMXG JRE-�- th6f4 at p a th ',j 9 Q Aer and- eir W t Ji� QOU1, 1.1ongerA J of 1=11'"04 staudiroommen ea� . 1� ow �can Y" eg zea. I bo.il b I 1116t a lie t �gL h4d; tha pretty girls and- Mr. -�Soar lin L, `�ieni;47 at the Xq, i14 Ca he' , er, Vra,! - -Allin --ani y h -4 Isl-, -1 ell It b jiff , & Wyar 6mpe w jAck aw We mabi.j- iea��' .- 1 " 1" _; ­ �., . a t and stylish as - v ;p _y ell h th' ",A wwoul h- L V Aq .4 i MW OVOJRIng� A -T L Z - -P t i Jk. Ombiat tt 6A s 7� -7,7, 7, 7 'N -7 7 il 7 L 1=310 %