The Lucknow Sentinel, 1876-04-07, Page 1M- �7: M� Wt 4:� .7e ZEN p 74� W -low MEN T� N & --a W—MT4 z 1-a 7'1 3, .4, % -44 pr TZ, q 'P a ;7-- 77 -T -.44 .;j F 0 M -4 r 2 . J L i, T -J, E, -Avfa q VOL T -10; 41 A ARRISTER -Son AM" IMA Attorney citor cery;, c..-OyRic-E in WeLeafi-&-Nevir r# T RROW9- tu Y -8quare and- 11aufflton corn6f Aiayket StIj God, t Mar 29 V 9- 91P A.GE. -i0T&:X61k' SAM - -dui lit J,-:4� '141it,6- c 6; s. published- at, the SAW;: mse GAU T in. oN s6merville's survey. L6t 27 ne the it 111' T -The 4i6 t VILL t ro -M,31 CON 9':KRN L v4he are 2 -n 7 - 1, L L Z B1 E 5�j4a!4­�6f-the - �* the rear M I- t odist. h h,-also-lot.29 M feat 46 -ting inmor to -Sull, era, r ii: Ahes UIIE.:, icriber of M -Secrd Ore. 'In Eerry's-su -.Lca,� '9 - JL -'eradlyfor their n ell-, Street. --Ldbkn4,-, e N s 'Will be- sold on credit tbX lild WOW Ud iid' t- as on- ee years, -,w(m In 0 m4y, cripple hifir"46 A thoi, Widths'andthickfies.ses �pu'sist* GODBI hand- about 400000* feet cif. pma :Ijf In be inbli g- h OFF, % I - A I e 'i Isis auc or �2 TR -t ises-of s-As6iiber, minu. if blo& sidin 10 on the prem o at;; -th an-ner )y PA an p X -Se - er Ia. a.1ro r 'on.TP, -A-shfield -abo�t- tho'biiddl and 2 Geh roy. �v th LIV Af Lot 4i e- lbulberof�ai qya- drai st,.a- je6rli� hb f d— lTh for csbi ')rthe ffi, ­k'quantit ei oned sleig A.chruinzigi 6�9iii a ru Wirl-9. prcil)e4k d T, z er i6; ;aml or es an rem es. shortesl st 0 L10 mitly er n 0 t-6handal ersi ��AT _ li vi hand or- cut t o the rom- -aiported' "We -D -4 parig 8, 11, e ri��dles on band. S a Jath a �nnire'aii azf-foznain'diii6Pdug 80-- -are, I �W mum, now, 27 n,m -ru i --et( qe one W granize ava1r;4 ta UP i ren. feet.mit to oidez� :IN vair. -zhai ig-auivam. urden,4 d (if O�: r �b -M Ton-- TX IE 59G�A UN GuW-6 U111 na�sulnni ngi a. gTea - i Ofn �941Y o- h son, .04 t ehil lwr in Lae ceI Bill h li;: Lposeible n0ii d... -1 1 , , Jfig!�ome d eternlVi 0 lufq� 0 or e aomi of .11 givetut ticd duties, uttained' � ­Phda G041 Old to.1hid h October4thP.- 875. 6 IL' du -dayt -40 0L h; to-bul� e P Kinl M A ir ditlib oss I � � -,�, - 99 — �; I . - - Mv afor. h' AJ* U d -in the. a u t Alt. -fir, t w Upon ift Not, 71 Whj eiflib�' Zp e Aye I 9rinu ast-�.-comes , - I .. -, . I e V f, e Lueknow;-a vold brea4r en-' bubliriagh-hn: "hafti-- 29- JeM ivalng-. a Uht 013 ellow emb S on' 14ACA ht w al uu,,r erlrm!�. t'ifid' 91 tir thre, �id Odd. r orks - U aid Is' b hftd -child a the pillars. Th &ct theli, ti� e finder w4ke�t p, L & eiitiir� with-� itli - -lip 0 e au#ablyreWai.&dby- h it AV 1hi - U t�. ran. Quje -are ther_ -Anxious in otqrs PLOT, 14g-- tw Nis tim. Gu to*ve Hodri '6dk 7p —e T or& 46n�i pe aV -T OdA6-,� H4 h -t- - . 1 1 V M, :�Ii , st---- �t t�zkr, 1 --1? 'Bha glain ig n1i d ��,p th r Bba bonns' gun In eang. 'A'sliaalte 'iubh- A' qLV ell .0 q oina-ziig� U -ail II 61fidusu In in a so u Y -In V 4 PY-_ to U 'e, mo erate prices. OYM9 tu dAQ9 d tprul' L. '01-chardA fit t4e, ver.y. best th X idi .0 is gr e z 5- . . sin O�09L calm4i #nd w r Ad Men I iir -brow bright� eybOr aqd�� iont a f aaUtso L ia e�, t Mnailtou. f3u tWhng h 11 ad i-aon, e -f 10 Wrhd th th OU Mll s an&inweelltt ur fruit ti q -n -LD n rim Inth aBha a, -%Ife an ra piitcodbail dhalbh., mer:h ft�. d� 90t,s:-- .-Its Vkcqlns-, t'rpa ing: -purit� I -briggh,.,. 4ut--thedy E��T e S ei�'ft i A D you! U ;t t -- -�I- � frdM- t i pow, h4d th b a -9yes Me -gro* v nt ',N pr an Gach Qinar &olnh, 3s a C oza dheth ,qua iWhching, the- lustie:�af -th - 'e,�e and 1 Ing -h id U in& q -a h' t6 e�rfk 01801 "the .. ..... Le 'Chaul a lalfilh, . - o S gan, -to; �a o am 1. 9 , � coml eas,,T gUU,f 3n Ali& raftle: ivith the re be bices 8*i*eIlWg np-'and p afn�7 and putri- hrih, 'i and 4 ar. ad a" fl f it�rprli wathing And r L f caldi4g rning.wi e'woe bafidle 4., tr, a Mous mo nors, W OT t t -a V. om -9 And bli t�' 4P Vo in par -b fb i6i� !60, -Pr 0 Bh-*.i, cuid d, a�-ch j'Atoth, d L lila�g: eir. own'. tions.--po Men 11111Y Utstia itr-Jiliih th: ll- �V,, Ala Dh mh' 's cha 6hluftr W aca;--- a ru 7r vl� i1W m - yar all Niikve theii own aiid�; -1ortMh.1if^ V, air- Y e an Wn- -an -6 Ue va,inata their -at OF -Wrnd hat' d pi, 4 An 0ap Na -11, era 11 0 'bck *6 1 Ii h- -f&thr ch.,ii d" A an T Jife,ofusefulness oil ean t Iair, own N oik. �servic eaven 0 M- t a nual b -hii; iAd influd i ia wo Al. I a C C h last; i the- N-M.Ve of Le,'glagadle` cha . f )f JOY in, Stal art Luca '*bi3th ch ciiihi It ss -0 �dtscords, 'Of t is a ar-alite -of wrong dom o --tho, came.- fropri lery f ell W'ill, b-' hx- Y, 1,111ne Y 111110. yu E 'er Of -0(1,1� �UGGI 8-: cur fallals Ws f a roSE u-, it tims. Bha duine at -WAGO -a-yeb Withnom r ell�-iin -ellig act inea wink; ian -and- --246 DO have o%y everibig -. - -7 - -,,- - 11114,- th- Cl -ifif ­ Fea -4 SLE 11 t �b a �8. blia .am bdc'-e�rb -P t 6f -hard 1, 461to t And -CUTTE b coiphli:ik, h' Z I i 411 1 LF P*i si pr6fi me a Au- d 'd 4 y. erv:: -1 A -h- les's all(! P yt:rip All, wa a CIE & k� q4 W - !Or -g. . u tJJr a�rt -an 0 new e rottbil Mso i� t D D -Aa db IS. 0Lr ur, ad tubffii Me- 'ii M U NaclLfaice At t L&C qiv, 110 (tin es I-1 a':' it ii �i robb. i IS In uAr 6hu: readh, aut Ar to rep -ter- il - 1, Z� -L' �L _ , J-9, "1_ - thL. t tdw en on -,tr kd iutictil, At 4"e oft Al in' nusidis of, _k0i �frdlfr� 'Fival -4.C, ,e Pli -he, t--- ar� . Ii,a - rip.to. a T unehulf(Ir6d ind, 'Le 8 re IT 1h �if L 'by hainic'i Nye 0, :B: . llt� .106 t Q a Ic- of.,T-,them d t give AIz C. 0 Le.ondhe lhei -a W 9rdW ia.�- U 101y'ni Al T Pa, T4 A NIS -OLD--, 'S' 'ALD a ' !di keeil tbai 41 �,ut Of W6 rer 9 018-IRif PV b Gii:)n ichois T ab 1 ii, joeiiag. X L192Z.- Th�qfii4. I sindis�.b OaubaL�.br6d,,4t t6 gh t no 1. --Ok' Atlemeats K' I blitIthus wi b r h d,14 bl' _-ng c b dig Alar t B '-,LL S ff6 th I L f oaeE sagig d as klie, nii I fi 6 d h ird 1& r4 tilI6 .4 ONV: o j4 'd-sifte 9�, f a. L tji�L, V -tita e O 10 _g t ttul h 'o ing ie*Ree a ia: r&d izi s t r ri= P e& e coi�t, a`n�d tio-# -him froln act tile piodetU, scie ink[ ear, TOyear- thc*N, h �to , , A ti I nee. T. Ill S .5 11 when sh -nu WIT)a Vhid M4 al ULI L1 T wid -XI A h olesale- dealer in t6iyear e, 'Ah t e -Y' lite- Dedy ftbt6l blyfluis *-b 0" 1,4 1 am UY , - - --- hq- T- Or G ORR ELLTW; MMI lbo - z , . - f L lielp, say. W r 2 'i 01fro A -it ice! T aft .41ldie do "h ju say.s,.,wiu 1, -c av press 'it Li ble' w 4r h S of tit ?X,�: ch U. ED WA -8112 of.'eillhiacteri -6 r d"I' dd r K AV mar, I -ever a to a JfAr9L'­V IQ fpUng1ady �Mll. Te - V; b -de Pf I -T T O_ _hL a L the ht nozes teu e -a I1 9 4 4a ATTN =cy 33ril S.- - - - --- - L �, t?ATRTICVLBR. -G a -ill 'and! of -the Gtit a )th,;* �. a TO JOB AY tK. -1 o h -just am6d. uit of JA h —The d ar.4t 2f c in-: aii stan s bietoro..rYQW Ilex, 0-wdd a'tat �fbh- 4LIXI MrJQT Ju. dau. 8' pair. adLrbl + -or h 11cd- the.- h I In, Nvith _y -V ther. _F M�Lj -mo -ill- ei� .-a �Jly--be '�e y -it 4 —L AR S 0 PED D� IS ter ook ad it. IV lie mama ahlipt L rp., a�, id! robi h t%­-Juaaa�., ie e wry Ifirrhaltave-AhL* ',&y A* -.uu eyery�tht. ,a that Tutilit, -d- ti L it_h ardent In - hiii atten p Pl­ I _ad t i� e gay.c mdst in' the AN all Act ;A does - il 9 Ord 9 dd o1i advaiWaeou i termg. R eh� be thil s" - e igay. c, 0 1(d r:. - PVIANTLES- h fppped,thei4 ap'nali : �iife g b as:upersou ery . . bl-­ �11 d' U, elDg J;ttfW' ge herself u r4s,in �qt .-(sojn-.,. pe 1praying, 8 r sur inefi, -astonislies -in e nd, e.: 0 d Dr caille to die i'moments, t er- avincrg f6u,Ir 'Mu ba.. s "PiQSt.' 111 eff �VORT%08� - t lml�u y wnO, a iq I., n Id ou our" el' scOv' 01 .0 - t: -- 9 . 1 "L. ' -'- h woui L : . W911 rs. 0 this.. sdid 6thei WIS YOU', -0 have een ca -w6rk of eff dren" -,f6r� this rimpr t at-driss1hat-cos Jive. un rA r Xk? 46r rii - V I -W �. L 'n rq� 1 - su ject of iiat'e I a e�ea7i�.' morti c� 6, h There' go f 'Y t ke -add t oti,�*�'qdvv-:41jp A�A*Jntahi; I plain, lldi-� ai6 n`1D f -of the' d d ;,an. M I w price paid dred OS8-_In 111OL rate. ther thibug -it was -im -w om- 9- Pul hi 1i - posidU S.- ust- I -A iat )'Oil !and I Jilight nex : - _ 'S ­ -by; It e e des; wnto worh Imid th t. This chil 90 9? d§ -be rouse u I puh"dd, Ell jitl bus. vvait n es ini ut i 6�--ictiV' to a4ri h it6ry is� o is th' R"PIA, t -sW3 ikoudht - t- -to ipofted. to order. e: 'id, an I itin rh- WVk XTE d and :b 'i aT tI;A Alias de hb. Th -AIJ, -T fo war lid- 'd -ddt�ahter- -;fniothgr�- Ian It h ona -Al I TT T 0 -k,, A eL Y This ch was� at -Ofsa �a �a �a an- fol—thle celebral t fj­ d e t -find- th dia�s Was, no srar i% 'tho- --heaveifs- 0 thin nes-si -Re­,wab I for ishmelit, 4a heZ f66t 'bqd-- t lier. 4-. Aar --T ic L ur"; y Ia fro W ­ "gal le. been- o- pra, n0 a i1w AlAvk L , 'b r out er �so , meti j6d & ad or r Y TO- er d Ge06 ('-,.v'il:l I'll- in- e 'of -the '..M up--Qn� QnS _�61_ L . own' at ZA -ot 6: -1. E �RL, the aligels.o A Ideled'd 0 i- -%.I 1�&r'. -I VJP_J ion , t -ade -1 n H -s C 'ON BF -01 Th c( --s AM o w and iokoll at -,,h -inother- - )Ihin(r of t a �ioplief. is: t -OW-- OF JR TE ir observe IQ- uel.h allsw hot V Lit L � : 0 diu-Sq, ftsuke is. iii6ie 1P ea I is a -ug; a �pping, aPL. eh tOL -w at d hionidnWO Lu,, is -ensa 7 W. d' c osev. th easP Me 'Y ot . 'NY : .1 - -.0 L 'f, - : , � It . . . ciiade ar-- no 1pill ere.- aye ee: gro ldbiavt dr6,u U i4yi Avit-up-an ueat n t h�d th6i 0 �00, ed. 1, eare 0 In prac- ici LL VMg- th is d 0 ihil -&r- Ui§bip' rM orse re Alig a I neer qyL"1,.,q1l4P, �v r over Orl-1410! elite eap, as he- proprie or is--gi -e�qttad US rpHAI h is'o9e d-lor.s'ale bfillocks' an ep- fuf­ him TeIL r -Samueh- �reiac- erous -an = a I dli-d#i bi: sacrifices of thanks --For ill the -coat"i-ii he lorr it] ever- ln r: befte y6itUddy, 17W i dd piaa-e' r'-: -h d the -boy was did took d gone o iosi&rtlie do �.-a - [F - - i allud, t; V Aqu --e Ott 40 "Ii 11 1 in he brtioug intide :1 sing essily -no UX ad, rifice'of tba k' 16 h Tilt m AWREJ here the'chH gleptwids 4 y for -Rannali rN IMORSK FOIL eart ..'Wt d -Hannah. stavidi ar! I �eno,,A -she 1, - - . . 41 DS 'CrE0 Y 'to Shiloh- to off how and 1q tNG and to6�,, ihi,� cessary."an the of Pit Zered [gay 1­-i�i Aadr A- ine, lid , -� 4nd I!Y pek- will �q ta(n 'in:' at she Y- u the business. St o&ringi 6ri ..unto thp, jr�� jo him. 6he-got h �j)ay. ZPA M , ,:: p " llyafi o sit fice no_ Aubui u, F LLI ainnients, t lufu L she -pop, art y of oe-gai -vow -6fliiing-irig-up -a dhil i onee imiNLest7Wswino a bfil& �n 4 and ihcE 4ec C" 19 -eing, icraorant Ofter tlii4 je6t; abtind sati�lu i�n. at as a wonagA-9 gqp A we QnL NVI%f re ordinci to previous, %9k easy, t e BE Lord ; ­ -1 the aibtj ihe �s m6 f6r there 16 s- Mig Una Y all the di 'trud, in' All tit ts, 1* -!Ill ad Ylike fpm a- 3O.manV VSpep I(r 0' �b OLTHYDAILY-und- �'WEBKLY aY to'sti6li- an" -paws 6 t h VAT'llator f T b ------- Ofh'.- IJ If r In 11 I0 Ist , -Will- -ee, stantly ete -in the'i6m -is., ifei And 'editions:of ioi aill thb' of er any Jmo -B. Tan every- ea na. inactive mill, ArONMEAL ST,4 in-belia- to, mie iild Or of fast PA, V Z.11 -�Xcugei in their 11ae, d all it inadew h P Y- in k iierve,,� their avtlnoW- (1tLmestiffiated) an.- -Aud nee one WHIPS-- TRVITKa, kt- hundred 'and- nirot:k �Ive'- thousind veadirg: The liverg* a 0 h HAR-N"ESS-,. SADDL -for Ck7kx7YL6,rT. li6d h arnucit pirents; u bi-Ioummerl Old an not ce, U than. Zinpe d A wotild t u -t - I Whi'bli.mikes theffi t8e most. widely (irulat'a. d prpr linen lu--71p pheap h . - ok -it ove'r lad kne 0 1; ere., WO U &her termi to, w Indrap y.SLOI t or on u6ith4f fool .I.i t�' - -­ J114t , -;- :�- I � _ ­ � 7_ J1VW w n �W� a ay, w. a ave gro :Ita� ke4� P b twn6rs. �L ia-n s , aperspu ise i avada es: -and rud x bl' di"C 14 d -Pbel bive �got a oil -iiithbut., gUL in 1 , . , I I . ch' it lul th -6f'- Aho' tem a,;: bit `ff d'. `1 W ent,:for . . . . . . . �po. Q- is- was �welk- lAd- e -b .�p ap�e hroiais lidh pl -lie -dt: a lit" ad FIRS7� CLASS- -Hanildh ��."belconten as a., ted, unks ristiari'ali role. �An. --tafn eist. U re - - 4 voollaw 'NOTA'nV PUBT-TC, UOKATISSE R, in h - :b d �r&61410 4heIiALLFAMAW LLC ill I a- a d - .W s I . I M One TO par, a n6� al to, Ili : t - o y , , WEA ty 6 " oil --I ava,-e ine-liz --.zo ii lid- c pared t(, -lit it xun Bu�i broui oninussion Agqd. -whell she cahf6 u. i With 6i Iusbind t of V07 C- -b po- it 'Oil AIT, _D� _FF k TO a ye, Y 06402, �K , offer es a -p O 0-� gon-t et -e V q c w -a t Hall: -ifl irb phetiged t or ire ot.� - Ordem 1.3 o ce,$)r ht)u i'vill recoive So. Apgy itt, inklibu-'--fly place, as 4q qb-Ariou lyz � I , 0 r 'TU. t tate: g-oncy, M' the was '00 0 a i oor w r, e xxterkrst.: A,)pl:rtci.-- IA�GnjL " r 1 18'6. a -flidinp. arents"like-Ja- -U-Bfa6e��,,tqblish d-18& nvery The. 0�lde%t Re�l Esl -A vet- L - - - i1i'di*16:--il 'f - - h )rompt attention.. arties rs road, ant �,­horse4 NZY TO -LB k WI C er -1 h 0 an ome -d" wnuvon- the. b" 11 H ni6the -ni�d- that' sh p id fiom can be acoralubdated at �'reasona e vigoro ie -i'mil-f-Wit It more, poorb e r in6uch t ril,o -triumph. Th an.. bl jed to di -BukiniS with the Crbwn ']Unds Deppxt� Ong a -heafl. K iK nmit profay. h IJL aglet linA e� rie', ave'u( Jni.'g�?Oa JleWS V or the -P 15-te It- t 4t o' 9`1 r irt of t C­ ty Dyer:'�,t eagW u, er- Lol -ea rp Q 3; a- th6 and years- i agd ie ouu­ he, -son i'- fz -BAR L tly Atteh ed tm ,,, :-' T ibl gui�had`fam I ­ 0 d UR.AN Wed in-ank,� the wn 6-W -We iii- up epqq f 'd -MOW-BY--T0-- LOAN, pertor way. 0 SURD SO ru, Chair wderate� Jl__ 0 UL WiL7- r & DARR A tg'- ie. ;aou- UN- XG ML The nlost4ayorablef terins Ehh is nEsaeFo:'� ij'eL -d to' r -th&Capad Ve if-, I _Y. a L mockettil is ilee mb H ffi N -d guis e pei 'mat Xluffiaa - I --fil d' 5 4er TrAS ff. . �JV R, A IL4 WM. Y Jbill - - ihft f V -sit Scottish Cominercial, Glasgg Zuph. V th' 6t ti6f OW, ronto lsolat�d: Usk and the' e Co.. Torepto Qbro' T I d uranc �;�and`Wptekloo Mutual,.* bar er --lix t a ntg for- tild 'not' v sh ion6d.,e - an rmianen oa Illor inorew, I Own in; TIlk h Lit? & ;J03J& S&ving- Coiiap4ny� and the Canadat, Land na mij4i _S 0 . r d n0 ted -in eti6n -�A ehby n 0 an a IS ___�@e84 , It" t '0 ND ]jg art- - �� I --- r 1-91, � T . Vo r. --o her maldi nd tor -had7b6eii-, b at-, eat. a n "o are-, W16 4 otherwise will be atteu&fto Credit Co,:- b -and-with-T 46 -1 W JLM d gs; Guelph. P,L -A N a nov 3 1 of Comra G UQV) romyear.3b teed. Ahei&- Zhteurt xrah -hrl,& 'G -IDh. Jiifie,-23rd'.� 18751 ta CAMPBAL---i P ton ye -JL- HR E s-rin, W. hi, ­ r W Jalin t -' - 1 _4 ous; r �Tr basure 4- jWaa ISol"Ji tb il ON - I T H LEW cow ave. -lid ut RMIANT: TAILOR g "be would:6 emit V -E Itd 'POO FK, ann., --ne- '10im, -1,11 17- Inen at,, CE 0-T- HZE DOOR8 11 th h W �A, R A, - A heqf IRS Ac ar 4 SIMI lit" k 6 �ng, . t UffieeL tu L is. atu 'm e uulq_& fl f oftinent of, oh g-le-4--constntl 'h-' -d Gontti t he - ; , Gl[o C> 2D :81- aO-Vos MAR`ET�. SQ;j ARE '310- - 'D Trp� stairs opposite -t . I I . -- - - UL TNG b L Flo6jifig, 106 LM L 31n t rep -4w, T bil n r eatsi Co P, ithf fiii z a AD' ttU lid L Iry CLOTHI 4-C t p ::atb1-tiin4 andatreag-04a.bl iit- of Cloth NT D 7ri t L TO It -Z -tab ffiiffier Sho 4diEr G, 914 t6 iouse amculars qoiL