The Lucknow Sentinel, 1875-02-12, Page 1% x: x T 4 v T ­q A. T -40- �1— A r -Ail % It & 4 3 I - _; .1, * , - j .. -­ � . . . 1%. ­ .. �.­ � � ?;� ­­ -0, - . - - :, .. �; * v k IT t& P� iT. i�j 0 -T J� JIM - 7 A, as -7 7 7--7- Or P 0 AL OP L WE UCK ENT 0 NEL O.A 'E�S -�t- :;y A h- iscovery, tha 4116 1 IT 0: 70, Y iii a n kom, er t Y A BIG hib v b0ce -1 full- site 77 L jip co -Ad AT W r eith6i�*�p All ilistur ;.Ij -dlmw 140tP, -Eerpahicu 3 0 ?u _ 9 on St f le -eallae had eas tim a fe'r *this I)] ree IUW.. , t rol 060 Ed -ail A?dM 24 R, .1 diffet,-iitly' XX6NI, M sni-ed 1 WWII- f 1QW-t4 j�uofi 2t e -WIS 6w 41, eming, i; sift; wh'wh 'i was d bli tea veAe 3 ------ n, I y the d1rebtion of' id t di�q *o Pt'4SvT0j -4.0 be- d 13, od, ft g hould 13urelyk in, t);I4 1409 Y. seli WIP e-411, T Y 111 -tice r V t ba d t I 'ghoul u on tfil"esO d imd h dird _neW e Ifig sY111 le ougish trial -9, 'gone now, and aB&a4t ttho �ag�aijjtljt e n tlawa, d all '10 EM' - Ina rimony -"'rong Batar esh't, n do The Pt the. li poll X 8, �Oiig alid- -b tie anr �OT MAT L ofwest W�o t fr E those :thin --,f . Cel &'ivith miles.,froin. lie an, gun y,, -p yv,. ell the- Oavel ad Ike an 11-1-1 a. anip- c 11 h aP-AhW al -died Id illi Aiwayst & h to tb.� th gua ni d It If.e itirmed erich.. AidA. j�f� :, .1 a littl WorkitAnd� eldatfXde�, 'Flavemstwx unit -was -abduLlbit i ed-'� the -1 1-1PRY, orlet r MAtion cfaM&L., at eyeIT P011.1t.. --hich I or, paym 111ili! fi id 'an&F 'a ii --t -nr Axd -15ut an -end to- jtjjj&T w Yh&2c. each tile .0 UU111 er. ofth� crew, :r6dhef: h txy- fi at �1, rQna, -of fr I, e ge, Bid- every ­i so On towam Tb 41re Iy taken sol sdleiic6�: - I- his hnA -- G a R ..UY ispapg Ahd so, -fe-elfligs did I t- sat ith h ew Two �boats f A T f -t g A d h T 1A b JIM, the� 601-si-Aliat- ela Vill setoild mate sey iAl- d-th1erat,mi d 7 re You way .. t Al -tb ose b-te :T t - L . - . - " , -, e Uh r lfldji`� a Ila t lt1 iwM be Cr a, owing , , i" P ) j d he B Q A E. t -q ILlig-.1n T, e- all M e, e ead� n r h e L. h bodyTeiwit.1 call. a resPhs to Ada Warn. nted q life 1i 111 taWng tti a- no Ud On th .9 A ok- d 1� 9 A A d-siplend the'-stim, TEA& that must, 'bil 13 �(ll iakep I er Y1j Colunin th1l is W h a Were, tht 44Q mot J13 f ".00, La all '91lip Eux lie-saffet 12.'00 �0,p z rter >a oo C- Is "Jift a nI'dthyixie S re,114. t _I'S of h f 41A t ail it --tarr llake,and L I 7 "AV lill dn&.by L r w i - d -,e-x -e es fis 1 , .) d ulig, av 'Xur �ft-wfng, -7 J�t: OrMAZIOW'a We % Ivent WeR till ` �9 0- 'lid Id I .90 b ot: fdi-z-�A. on xceeding Tell 1* jie Stl ne:& Craig k. hielt dam a.p An&ghow W. eak-1 YOU, i� 1 3 1 - *2 . .k . Of' ihe jot In. li,ox,vtd- er Ot Ot to st, .0 at ra I EA�.i f �x to a-, flolver I - o e( nif T ynd yi) firSt I 1.00,af think. it Fd fish er. - ildwesip the tel t6i n P6 ­"A dia' tell IOU- 4t W1, jZ6$8C bu I . WiP. recuty I Ing: ibbdt ab tly a frame *hot,, Aleo goi)d stalA e ed t gain t ars- Mo t S. l -.0 i. ri aging. M ll WTI! - 111 at j; j M-ag 414 el fittit, " tf IRY, WaA dt & Adaill U e.-.qiiant 'for- it s erri purpqpe. 7 _j tj -MANTLES Aot- lat'o& a* A0QIj ()f e"h -AR-BLE -aifi eac I time - xqj6&t-- id lof the oill, c -azige'dvcrti-,;e- IritA, fid 2n h byet. A to riglit -he Iseni-ents, . - j, . VIO OlItly' oAh m hed WLS t . 2 a-hed Ove ��f !6?, 4pst kty i a asilte. ii6r ; utken t this bitted e, b o. bj Cef IiIii-d ail. t, T6V id .,.ove 4, -jjjV T -all U'll"k . T� -1 :,�: I _ ­� % I , 7Q7 eppi, I -Tero no" f lif. ls%rt W 9 eyoll jny,� P 'ga ve ;18 �-Jnyst -All to vien u oppllil-lg-ivti� gl 16 4izh, . , . I �-;;— ­ ob Y, Or"gyLl; 61 bry the flmnes -iba --of V it as inuc sa t Woulidi me ci ell gt allultv koll, And ,av yagance, k. ilob bilt ax 66 g1l sr t -.Jedt'to� 11"lAte and- PO-$, lie, th of 'till tlie. `16� �y likiiel N ly ., as:P6 0. y in e e, quiah'm6l.- in 77 'E 1,11 Iiiiiiielf -W !%jabitlia' Ulu e to .30A y filg DOMMI t r Lhvdy.fhat inouth- -th e 'd 10 a 3146 t pr S, to gat coldly `aban(f, pictim -1 ilP V M te til lift �bk 460 Y---- owP * 9663, V I )WIl! ex 11911111�; I ex V,-,, !nce 10r U of f "end 4 a word or Viv. . - - - of hi 8 wift, -U L, I- m1f - bbi it left :surf Mnir lei g -it it the iipadi�st n to t s core tl KA ,ed j - e ff 0 'hold ns Ship, ivh8sdt go %re le et av B- %,mellt alejol; ese g - t -ort In 1� W AWOUI (i c. ii filate. and t16 ti i, %vs qq h Ir -Ilt-terig, H th s 11.1 11 d plil ely -all DeCK- %rejljj.look-, ete i 4y, -lar (i -c S bda,V ttt orew arnl�. 00 1 di e ring, ( I i e I P- a very ,,o Y, "if oes t A foia n ed;. . make. fortho Island. b- 4 e 4irst .1 'GOLD11:* -ed t IT -IS BR ­ JO dWant jjIld 7 -on 6va I A t6 t-c�, Irds kil thil it, Y(;l b MILLILL Preiek --CARDS. lll:ft ie I SP tit terilli, it it 1he ;ofztb� lat t It' 8 otheA in'the rill IfAMS calfiesftoiii i% Rqtt seabild: V� 7 on ti'd 66ce -Y --uple of lil, A 8t f i clodd car t Ca 7 11 0 HNSO h Qr 0 LANVII, L 0 Njt� )O-U� Ill '11- iflk-e� iWif itaiftrber f t nigh-k!,hi3: buit:` c6ft th e TV t� � L y End e at ur 1) r is typ dsee 2111 oi a one upd I IvLae -0 t W to do olley .0i waste 'of -i OFF f ( 9 - W1 g alt, oU. S 080 4 V rw, 3- fj�, 19bje6t r e llittlo-' Ur u -'b t . AV: jif 'ittcr -yo tho ed ta hit -axiit IVarjv now- d 11' e. :4 ... OR prinoi fjj 1(-r .;her 8 e .11jou arnin t. a. ul 3 vitli Jbi df 1':"� 18 Qtod g p "It -e l4i"Cre L 'j, , _ - - , - t: aif h ye . iTr SU tad fyn air ti' ijellied lier- lisl carri V diri WhOf 1 '1 4 d- Y-6 ! I ed a sat -4-saiis alk tj t qill tr im )e ii n lily The - p i rill it -do 1 i 30 tq yl, and d d Ause ou'li -t6,( ni Irr . lit sU1, ir:a t tly t IS dolle.-k -lil- va it. -tb' i� fi p alla oil I Ill, )0se. -tt f0rd to-- 0 wom,4ts besides, :,.A i. '. -1 fonab T1 -ke enn it rpinar tiot s6t.jiv-all Ifp6 �'-baih a ch6e I 7. ant, .4ju medt and tW. o s ain wnri IY1 -o -`a§k9 of dlime - lid ler f-yol f xvit,,3 q u, s ion of. tI t illA said 'A Kill le 0 31,11 1 'aiii ndt ma t win the -all AGO# A 21ACE K ilid- I - - �m � lill - f li�n I to be it - a.1% be 'A C teip, 6 Q Y- ell Ali(' every- wl(. yril f r oiic6l �O _an) 'Poor. 1,_ :111 t ilis inatter' t old, -11 t obitt -a -vi. WL wurqj 8 the i ina - ii nIf t the thing -ke ich �q-b re' Qf i"aril lily landne* bv, ri� 'dinit was- vi U T -T;E affilost ngry A tf o� 1.R b4i d ull da en TF Iv 1611-0, Pr -.01 ato nope Co. 4. t e C` IPe t a SS 0 giia ater C:dl - - I h fl In 10 U sNO I T oney ii f ri, an waste ruid fli -of A: 000 -7- A �P witle no -91-gaillf df -ft- A ou fideffn 1WW tbe§ n quat 0 T tilt, .00, mr-and Fl*tiH -gM NEIL m h id b as ell' atioll a t6 A -T A, j1,1vil At and t4c fr -coin T i e t"Sffd' 7 e- of Pk A Ht TEL, lCA)nl 6aid -f f r qrbr Z U) '30 F -0 ie 0 ok).j titl* -o file--g"mrr I)e R FO collet WS �g 0 "P intol rT be z. 1;,� SVIk .0t. darkjj� IALE. _to t 0 7: utii 'INIf ell U havit Wer tb it will, 11 gh -the 'er 6f the� 1 l6ifles, Wx jeir a I4c foil al lie r t.11: fi-wr coin - lt-01. ave .411perior ey ote w- Ott iaVe- s - TIE. -pei I U on anti sumit Ar 0 K 'I? welrer, 134y et baiie&w44 ia H Y,.as Ae fit It caine- -eyvs anc EX0 "Utive :112 !y at r, b -6m t fe - -i*; --s, ubss. Ifie r '&finiui�. d0z, Y -Jil, fliall als py 0 g, .14 h Ll, of ertm v vvi he ter '31 �bit 1!�,Ip all h ifig, Iffill, As: 0 0 b 0 find "bi was I or te I all 11 U' ; t 'P OS -e til be; if 16. td _k b "this k" d A3'&'T h6i e,�dA eR IiOiee Y. nd", to 141n 6. fo ittid -oj It h ih pain ad� dK .130il c6ld as lrolp sea to 604ined tilat V Irl.b.&I ��ut t f6ittinate - e -1 Kiswag in arlijiLt w- U 4.31 see 48Ye: e -;-4et - w, '%[PS tbd -AdAni I d1janeil jQ 01 btr Pr ftPU Ilde* hid flie, t r 6 te(tL r( a not, 4 thl �.e. p ep-Ant ..Qj4T. ienilt, df' oinvard,' N ETLi one I, 'k _fij JVjjr' -OIL It. ian lope. 110 A- 'V U ea I'S t- j vs. Lyd hr� w6fit -bali to 1-11 6� t f long-cr L ttill 1 - �­ . Il -fboj -0 '0'- voidd loUL-.1 I . 01 is icit ti bii tit - TERMS :t h f w 'h ART: vvvKr4AL I6 t------- are 10 Revent d inurin t-bt-r all :w bestj a x o- - .- - . . , . .. ii. . a� 0 -t , i I lei- - )OS -A igrifficent.- Conceptilo'n- wAon( e e r -astr lif U, s.�e 44niost"o kahtl )NEER . ­ , , .. - - a UPERKIP ljhfit ­' 7 1 - 'd -- ;W Tit 1 .1. e ly, ei7e. t . �11 llf�j. i ... I IS, OI)t l'riSed t1l coil 111 0 ti GrC t Its ate at rd- JU o]j$L_ o'01jr gre_X e eavi �jrd r tA; Iffi-0 W. acable face- �i hifat Eli i-fe, ydia U* Adaiii- L - iv to s0add nth spare no Ca ed. 04it h-. ig h I Iffest Wawan�*h and Afield in t jad. Kifilom 1gil: H T1W i ji� f 4 p-, tor it was 469dyi'at a-6 p . L 0 tried, all i I S %�to *Drjr to P 'jv er t ug word -tion.4 the las iilwvs, eg.4- rec aft h UUi but 60111111ORced �pe should' "be -'s JL. "t., 't J3 readed t' q yeill i§ poc And he SUCCOSSIve all in ng, "t-ook a li,ewAo M I:hi t] M3 nor, 1; -lite Afitl 'r te e UM ter. fo 5w6d:q�i6li�itemp�.-i*thik,�oii�try tn estah- to mmut the W. -tit. -inp n If It U atk pillaye been ade f Ilaidlis disti at Alain th ligh Uh Provd t&�indi&f­Z TH13 OT ­ � T at. cted'pffiu At ings 7 'D 35 former keia tf e' tiq h px�operappreciatloxi b our-, 1 "b' -iC- t q ntit �;_& ­ lsnown thbir. ter rr H I gem .11 pp Ove the w4tfid-vizbilit -meet it ef alf q el palsing.. 1r6ul e 2 Iren 1 -io -out eil 6-atLfice' m 1i t , Tot f"Ov f, 4bli -y od -his -k-ill ien�.. lie n entr,@dted thetA. -h, jb T 'its. an e -z; f iei fjjL' 6dj'd.6-f 1.1 the r tilt, a IC (lid f -,,- 0 4! 0, r' -triLhl).4--the Aldijie. �,crushed out.2 4 0- PORSU. livi-, PAfter d h Conlin 0Y lie had iat- ies �A-S ia le.Wlti--tie illtr4ratio IL d, Qf �OL he; itffid tiavit, #e nr D r6d &Y C fj t fe. 81i - 4-- J;af theY tb&11 can, lots 11 4, 0 t y ally in fir *10 t4pm -la: dAl ar youi:angvver -111: I 'I, �[ - , ;i _ L� affiffled'll t'.h -1 k 7 rure, an. its magni �,Ot fP S vs, P q� - M, lates ol a siie' r CON 1i Ae more apjii-lf)-;44Te to -fttory treatmehi­ tjj b d Ue M li.1l Illy do 4 qh6rt8&'notic filetaili4ban t b a' e- '111 i or eyq :Tii 1: L Pag. list to 111 PUY Ing not t a �dh !ffitf 119 no- Ot - hefme4n Luckifow;, . , - I ' th,'t kn "n - e Sep' I % ely Pe of at ifst h th tire 0 1��aljd fill ier its - r t tS wrp kom a v o& L dU rz Ot A em..v-s my 1d 'whifT*U� C P41UM t pqpti- Ail feau d ! V LIC ife n: "r iTA. - - Piade, t ti F. -N -SES s do -not. inte _ekd. for. tbt t8 fps , - I 6asi d6Wn f;N1i75u7fd r4c CCPm L wal .11iN pty Aebide( Aldifiel; 1. . P CST greau c Tt& _0 --4-- 0, JAMES ves o is v aye, vii6 -excJ1611i iiiii a L�.: ad' b st6g4il", UTti. - - - - 5()-ly theworkuonfineA to �l e nIBF y Or -a,iae-nr:ollp -alk bLttt t L�,ff 1�� ff fito thdr H h 0 a e was �,R' R-: -Y -1-4 a lg 4 '1 jj*bjjj� V Sjlehtt�dh�.ic. t of Ak Seth b a d th NA t , -6f� FOR t875., tto, mve a� we rs* M ler ame feelrig -e - Ul . .-. �7 - _ q, , ah �n - I .0. F1 ft in .1, �znlots the'sainle no -1.4. frul a ,] k.ij2fI,-,1iote Via Y- ro t -t lines or e� -yogi! liva t - 3 - �w or 0 'k in Up lolls. ills eL-.t ition - - - b -' tiful 1)(;r" oi rbfif. hi 0�iln -f I vivisikpidtur I list, I fOrmer i tiv p Ag on it 0. 4 V-1 FAqFD TH E'- P:- XT Shop AL INIG OFF' s4 `jj hai �V "'M "g'U- I- )e nq that _F 4111ii thq- tjo: "Ab 01 it tl jai id N�e;�Come� a T.eVtWy -in e re �bea 01HU.- V(!U execll�e all- will . tl wo il, thig nipt r� to: t thel vo, sizen-,,i dog;,and-tho-portfait ia execiited' t w -tmte- Utthe: lif4; I.,that it e'ifiiems the' ve'rimbltl thein nd fasteft t li W'ere- to n -te4dy he.* St -stit; hose -appea -al -L; and ok on` t r UU� th sh-dild lott iel*�, so silbilbe bet*ee the f k S71ii6v-`.W6 resev�e-'O th,- &ir-.--T Dd Bqr�-es 9 flepeettil -9 -to-th ji�; that, big � le 11 t1i a h- though sees this pr 4 ioo _T IfTi at, it -Al 1puntry,*144t hig-LARGB d�afid '�Vitt Tahhag6 tAs fidi I-1 §d 3 i, . Y., C �-s requirvini: e( do,,, (the fineA in, B P n) bat t y g1l o Y ik NvUll U . " - : . s tears* If P 3-: Yj hudi; i -W - .. J, t Aljj�' 0 �" 'I bably fe,*. nr-e -h t ae, i ce i I,j 0 of ll A&, In any--, UP en. itt t self, i thov. -AV t th e OIL. -d dh 11 ELLi' ble jj. Ing �nl t Nud 40ill W we srfy wlii6ji her e of romo, wing sitated.. 't Timit ill risit Sillitirlillotel, in C!op-_ b6r-to- thtijAldille i6r,1875, is -cozibtituted jineV4 I fioi draAr upon pr'opo ifficludhig thqlllplhe� . t-jff-huniali A� "Sea A110 OUS, da fie4 �iibii ad, fe 'IV 'full :Tt DIN 10UN 0 K a Mi E Aft T. 01W - UN G TD. do 'it hila. ---This' h6 -did but the q TW n at or ay -tdhd6d,- t_O lan owns tU if -411 as vell U, s4tleil lirs, shbr(i�st-ftick Tlya Ut% the �U, tat.. 1i t. J4 -din tureig -4 erPaM 14�8, b ba _dffi, Roks Av;, a#O :to..,�e;dlat 5 ore It with'gret alponjL he� - A. -iii'the proirra iie 4)f li A'. oil s amp:c M ZMSZ4 nd'sliowe�t theL th-it t b� Who m -P Y. 11 Coil D qry Man 811 h rg. -Y se -ODO 139- �H.Ofl� U1 Y )r ursi 11"11ile nd t 0,7ilit,131, e% ac�y., _it j 4nd".'111'Weak-off h -04 as 100 0Ketant pie&s-, - v:ilued rc �Scow 1� -I cl -o -.a -lift -alonet. UP ig is ulland,th Werit, - ii _P effit-d aortnd .11te hOTIVA, to Lsee whe Ilotber Thj3L fqAturfL only: Sppljj�5, ers *h6. ice r".. 0 FU h udt.rio 0 O-ihthe-f A 1�6k6d awa�-&-of eaofi, sbities m, made, 11 -be 01" athexC:-eagei hti limbeil text succiaedffig isst thb -h Y, co 1d. -va tt FULZ] r) e iv.ed' -0 ONT x -Ito Wine.; We,,stoo upon t4 is,. egtnni. A -Pplicatiqn� C 0 'i'M7, 0 14'1 b re W, 6th:er it -shed, �":f 01164 ids pre pi at Ill 0, 11 -D is: fitte b s- iy' fid hi, eet h in- AvizuLar: sent ok it O'� he&abovp h inPl fweeii CL 31 r;ption,.6A1tl1pg to. Aldine -0).*, 3o, Bit * * f- - leiis 4 now, - Ur - S .-7 yeFl- S �orfoks,M tho !X&lh �f � ., g Ing � to- be sarl 45 th -it' a Y oil 4t I f WNW - , Ablk bb R- -au A y- --aE( n-, th e 7 Ll-* P* . 'bc I Olifarlo -wi'�h iho JUPLI , 4TJ U P- a, coux" -6f I Y sentoii J� Bd jLoa b6dilfton t br pis ijup th r andi pe jrt would in; itj, d 1 : i th not t:bk Y pra a -.on - Ing, 5easf in!g ed �,ii ia wrid-1 ,n cerW :1 ita r,Wt" 01, L 1110 ta and,, V etiri"ry "OF -Vane,: e bod &W of r6 Wiwi, iii 66 :h (N DhArgia f0f w � b4iii -pru en't 11id v, &M -a. Piu(161lt lql- - 64 4 re urmlig - to ea h IV 1�, C ji�p 1,;, " - il­. - 0 'and inso ID Tw. ii : . hi ij _ I _,*. L -- hig 011th , f fi& j g4ja' � L henaftoi,� bt ob ; tainAble �17 -:. - . �j( UL V. Fje,401g The Aldint J_ #db There mill -be no- reduc, !ed�ot 'JUb iatdS,; fee. L: SU iv biol�oow 4nuit -OmAii e;ek,� '696U6 T, AOL -be sent to th61tablighri. d1fact: h _,11 . - - - , - "MY doubt t i 'if is (red t6 T Eri vaa a k" EL --that- canvask bell" -thl, local,"- I -, -q or, hu! td Twted-&8kmith--z'.A )1d 0 n.- wi�', n �a` fat,41mil hrs 6. 1 ays,c oUir dL d.0d, 4'' I'�: . C- itht Ste �,h' ;.or.- -.a$" on- the A iK.riis put. io� ided-tq ti v i n .e fAn pefi%oix Ito and IU.Sid a dn a 6dm -arid ERS WAN ad M14 v i&z epghttidii Or _ j -h �ii itipt vheelf�f fIyd i avi 6F. Tf r P. 4:4 rs­, -a A 7