The Huron Expositor, 1963-10-10, Page 8N SIN MIACK? 'QS Qt i $4004111,, ()MI* 1QQ 1.90: Discuss Ontario Wheat Problem Delegates to the annual meeting of the Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board were last week told to go home and study four resolutions de- signed to ensure the board has enough collateral to obtain suf- fficient bank credit. R. T. Bol ton, Seaforth, is vice-president of the board, Sufficient bank credit is nec- essary when the board is forced to purchase and export surplus wheat when the market be comes glutted at harvest time. One proposal calls for an in- crease next year of the deduc- tion on each bushel sold by pro- ducers to 20 cents. At present, the deduction is 10 cents, nine cents of which goes into the board's stabilization fund—used Huron Farm News While plowmen are in com- petition at the Plowing Match in Peel County this week, Hu- ron County soils need rain to make plowing easier. Dry, sunny weather has been helpful in lowering moisture levels in picking corn. Cob corn tested at the agricultural office recently was about •40 per cent moisture. Corn will keep in most crib storages if picked at 26 or 28 per cent moisture, Driers will be used by some operators to lower the moisture down to 12 or 13 per cent. Silo filling is general. As a result of frosts, corn is quite dry and not too mature in some areas. Fall wheat is showing up in fields throughout Huron. by the board to purchase and sell surplus wheat and 'stabilize the domestic market. Under a 19 -cent stabilization deduction system, amounts not used for export purchase would still be returned to individual producers. The other resolutions sug- gested that the board seek au- thority to increase the stabili- zation levy to 14 cents from nine; that the l0 -cent total de- duction be changed to a per- centage basis of the negotiated price up to a limit of 10 per cent, and that the board initi- ate a study of the method of marketing with a view to elim- inating any need for increased deduct ions. No one at the meeting was sure whether the board can automatically increase the levy to 19 cents without a province - wide producer vote. Elsewhere on the agenda, Secretary Manager K. A. Stand- ing told about 125 delegates a federal government freight sub- sidy would be unlikely to create new markets in Quebec and the Maritimes for Ontario soft win• ter wheat to be used as feed. The minimum price at which Ontario wheat. could be sold in the Maritimes now is too high to compete successfully with other grains since the minimum price for Ontario wheat was raised to 25 cents to $1.65 a bushel, Mr. Standing said. For several years the board has contended that it could sell wheat for feed in the Maritimes if it had a,freight subsidy simi- lar to one applied to western grains. FLASHBACK HOST—Versatile Bill Walker adds a new facet to a manysided career when he becomes moderator this season of CBC -TV's panel show, Flashback. In the past year, Walker has taken a turn at MC'ing the CNE Grand- stand Show, hosting CBC -TV's variety show, Parade, perform- ing in a Toronto hit revue and writing material for variety shows. LARONE'S Slacks - Slims - Lined Jeans Mitts and Gloves Caps and Winter Head Wear YOUNG -SET STYLES for WINTER DAYS! SNOW SUITS 12 foonths to 24 months 9.98 to 12.98 4 to 6X 7.98 to 14.98 fi Jacket Coats 7to14 BOYS' 4.98 to 12.98 GIRLS' 8.98 to 12.98 Cold days lie ahead — prepare for them now with Winter wear from LARONE'S Seaforrtles. 5c to $1.00 Store • STATIONERY and GIFTS r•`xx•.1rr, 1Y`1SrtTMC5f�?5fi��h'+e""`y+' ON SEPTEMBER 19, 1963, ,an historical plaque commemorating .the founding of Gode- rich was ynveiled in that community. This plaque is one of a series being erected through- out the province by the Department of Travel and Publicity, acting on the advice of the Archaeological and Historic Sites Board of Ontario. Participants in the ceremony included: left to right: E. L. Cardiff, MP (Huron); Councillor Joseph Moody of Goderich; the Rev. Canon K. E. Taylor of Goderich.; Mrs. Yvonne Galt Goodwin, great -great grandaughter of John Galt of the Canada Company; Mrs. F. M. Mooney, Deputy Reeve of Goderich; His Wor- ship E. C. Fisher, Mayor of Goderich; Miss Marietta Stanley; Dr. G. F. G. Stanley of the Royal Military College, Kingston, a member of the province's Historic Sites Board; and Walter Forbes, Warden of Huron County. FOOD and FIXIN'S Recipes For the Busy Homemaker base. This recipe uses large pieces of meat, rather than chopped meat, to save the home- maker time. AN UNCOOKED RELISH FOR AUTUMN MEATS Fall days and big appetites produce a demand for .hot meals. A flavor -enhancing ac- companiment for roasts and chops is no problem if you have fruit relishes on hand. Combin- ations of tart and sweet fruit are popular. Try a cranberry - pear combination or cranberry - apple. Uncooked relishes are simple to prepare and have a crisp, crunchy texture. These relish- es must he stored in the refrig- erator and are usually served within a few days of making, say Food Experts at Macdonald Institute, Guelph. Here is 'a recipe for an easy uncooked relish which uses cooking ap- ples and cranberries, both of which are now available. Quick Rub#4Relish 4 cups fresh cranberries (1 pound) 2 cups unpeeled cooking apples, cored 2 unpeeled oranges 1 lemon ' 21/2 cups of granulated sugar Put apples, oranges and lem- on through food chopper. Mix chopped fruit with cranberries. Add sugar and toss gently to blend all ingredients. Refriger- ate. For best flavor, allow sev- eral hours in refrigerator be- fore serving. Makes three pints. CARE OF COOKED POULTRY REQUIRES PROPER STORAGE Short and proper storage of cooked poultry will mean that you get "the most for your money," say Home Economists at Macdonald Institute, Guelph. 'Here are a few guides. Al- ways put the cooked poultry in- to the refrigerator within two hours of taking it from the ov- en. Plan to use the meat with- in four clays. Remove the stuff- ing from the body and neck cav- ities. Wrap well and store sep- arately from the meat. This re- duces the chances of spoilage. If most of the bird has been carved, remove the rest of the meat from the carcass and wrap tightly to store. (Be sure to make broth, using the bones, right away while the carcass has maximum flavor.) Refriger- ate the gravy in a'separate con- tainer as well. There are many recipes for using cooked poultry which have a condensed soup or creamed sauce base. The re- cipe below uses soy sauce, corn starch and consomme for the FUNERALS REV. J. W. BUTTON Rev. J. W. Button, .73, Blen- heim, died Saturday at: Public General Hospital in Chatham. Mr. Button was a well known retired United Church minister who entered the ministry in 1917 and served in Florence, Putnam, Fordwich, C hu r i n g Cross, Brigden, Atwood and Tavistock. He was inducted as minister of Knox United Church and Harmony United Church, Tavistock, in 1958, retiring in 1958. A native of Huron County, he was born near Seaforth and was a graduate of Seafprth Col- legiate Institute. He is surviv- ed by his wife, the former Bertha Pike; sons, Dr. J. R. But- ton, Ridgetown; Harvey, Ross, both of Charing Cross; daugh- ters, Mrs. Thelma Waddell Riv- erside; Mrs. Helen Davidson, Toronto; Mrs. Ida May Simpson, Glencoe; Mrs. Doris Campbell, Chatham; a brother, James, Saskatchewan, and sisters, Mrs, Adella Tretheway, Mrs, Elsie Bagles, both of Toronto. A funeral service was held Tuesday at 2 p.m, at Blenheim United Chureh. flurial was in Fordwieh cemetery. Turkey Casserole (6 servings) 2 large onions, sliced and separated into rings 3 tablespoons cooking oil 6 large pieces of turkey or 12 smaller ones ki cup brown sugar, packed 2 tablespoons cornstarch / teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon soy sauce cup orange or pineapple ,juice 1 cup canned consomme a 1/3 cup vinegar 1 can green beans 2 cups canned tomatoes Cook onion rings in cooking oil on very low heat until on- ions are soft. (About 5 min- utes). In a large greased cas- serole, layer onions and turkey. In a saucepan, combine sugar, cornstarch, salt and soy sauce. Gradually stir in combined fruit juice, consomme and vinegar, Stir and cook until slightly thickened. Pour over turkey and onions. Add tomatoes and drained green beans. Cover and cook until thoroughly heated— about 10 minutes. Suggest Sod For New Lawn Although there is still time to seed, to establish a new' lawn quickly it may be better to use sod. Horticulturists with the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture also suggest laying sod on terraced areas or slopes which are subject to erosion. It is also better to use sod on areas where hard and frequent usage makes successful seeding diffi- cult. To establish a luxury type lawn No. 1 Merion Sod or No. 1 Mixed BIuegrass Sod may be purchased. This is the most expensive sod and should on- ly be used where special atten- tion is given to mowing, feed- ing and irrigating. No. 1 nursery sod is cheaper and may be used where the area to be sodded will receive a mini- mum amount of. maintenance and no irrigation but is mowed regularly to a height of 11/2 to 21/2 inches. Pasture sod is relatively cheap but it may contain unde- sirable grasses and weeds, and thus is not suitable for fine lawns. The preparation of the soil for sodding is the same as for seeding. The area should be graded, rotovated and finally raked. Before sodding an ap- plication of a complete fertil- izer should be given to the soil bed to encourage root growth. Use .a fertilizer of a 1:4;4 ratio such as 5:20:20 on light sandy soils, or a 1:4:2 ratio such as 5:20:10 on heavier loams or clay soils. Spread the fertilizer evenly over the soil prior to the final raking. Apply 25 to 40 pounds per 1,000 square feet. The soil bed should be moist before the sod is laid as it is difficult to penetrate dry sods with sufficient water. Root ac- tion will also start more quickly on a moist soil bed. Lay, the sods so that they fit together perfectly and are not crowded or stretched. On sloping or terraced areas, lay the sods horizontally and stagger the joints; this will minimize washing out. Always start at the bottom of the slope and work upwards. After it has been laid the sod should be thoroughly wa- tered and then rolled with a medium weight roller. If dry weather prevails make sure the sods do not dry out by soaking thoroughly at ,regular intervals. KIPPEI* Some of the district teachers of South Huron Inspectorate at- tended their convention held in Detroit on Friday, Oct. 4. They visited television studios used for educatiorlal purposes, also the Detroit Zoo. After a smor- gasbord dinner at Roma Hall, the three bus loads left for Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider of Stratford visited during the week with Mr. Robert Thom- son and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokes of London were his guests. Mrs. William Gibson of Wrox- eter is visiting this week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis. Mr. and Mrs. N. Long visited recently with Miss Pearl Keyes in Exeter. Mr. Elzar Mousseau returned home Saturday from a hunting trip in Northern Ontario. Kippenettes - ,The fifth meeting of the club, "The Milk Way," was held on Saturday and opened with the 4-H pledge. The roll call was answered by the members which was, "The custard I ,node." All the girls showed the custards. Donna Stoll, the new secretary, was then omin- ated. Donna Stoll and Marian Rob- erts made corn chowder. Kar- en Sararas made a medium sauce using method one, and Ruth Ann Coleman made a med- ium sauce, using Method Two. Mrs. Gemmell made a la king with the sauce. The Home Economist, Miss Damude, attended the meeting. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Gemmell on Saturday. ' FAMILY GATHERING' MARKS MOTHER'S• 80th BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott entertained members of the Colquhoun families at their home on Sunday in honor of Mrs. Scott's mother, Mrs. Eva Colquhoun's 80th birthday. Sev- eral four generation groups were among those present and many pictures were taken, Those In attendance includ- ed: Mrs. Eva Colquhoun and daughter, Jean; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colquhoun, Mr. and Mrs, Gary Finlayson and Karen; Mrs. Sadie Scott, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Scott, Jerry and, Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Scott, Jim- mie and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Meikle, Barbara and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Fin- layson and Michael and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Anna, Agnes, Dorothy and Frances. WMS Meets The October -meeting of the Women's Missionary Society, with Marion Ritchie members as guests, was held in the church with Mrs. M. Larnond presiding. The Thanksgiving service from the Glad Tidings was followed and Mrs. Calder McKaig and Mrs. William Har- per assisted with scripture read- ings. The roll call was an- swered with a thought on "Peace." The study book topic was a Bible woman, Abigail, and was presented by Mrs. E. Moore. , Mrs. Jeffry Ballantyne of Avonton was the guest speak- er, her subject being "Thanks- giving." The meeting closed with prayer. A dainty lunch was served, with Miss Olive Speare and Mrs. J. M. Scott convening, and a social time enjoyed. Messrs. Hugh Scott, student at OAC, Guelph, and • David, who is attending University in Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Miss Margaret Ann Wallace of London spent a few days at her home here. Mrs. Percy Adams of Blyth was a guest at the sixtieth anni- versary of Roy's United Church UCW on Saturday and also vis- ited with her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. George Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey and Billy visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Ram- sey and family of Listowel. Mrs. John Wallace is visiting this week with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Elliott, and family of Essex. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rhode, and sons of Mitchell spent the weekend with Mrs. Rhode's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Ghee, and Connie. Miss Florence Russell of Scarborough visited on Satur- day at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Russell, and Margaret Jean. Mr. and Mrs. San McCurdy, Mr. William McCurdy and Miss Nettie McCurdy were guests at the Webber -Wilson wedding at Grand Bend United Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee and family of London spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy 1VIcGhee. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee and family of Atwood were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley Russell. WEDDINGS MALONEY: HEENAN On Saturday, Sept. 28, Rev, J. L. O'Rourke officiated at the wedding and Nuptial Mass at St. Joseph's R.C. Chureh, Strat- ford, whey Marjorie Heenan of Stratford and Harold Maloney of Seaforth exchanged marriage vows, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney of Dublin attended the couple. After a wedding trip to Nia- gara .Falls, Toronto and the Eastern United States, the cou- ple will reside in Seaforth. FOUNTAIN OVERFLOW Lough Neagh, 100 feet deep, is the largest lake in Northern Ireland. According to Irish leg- end, the lake wasformed when a fountain in an ancient city overflowed, and the city still lies on the bottom. It is also believed by the Irish in that part that the waters of Lough Neagh will petrify anypne bath- ing in them. THANKSGIVING TREATS Cinderella Pumpkin Pies .. 400 Mincemeat Pies -- Each ... 4,00 Pumpkin Layer Cakes, ea. 400 HOT ROASTED CHICKENS 1.50 'TRAPNELL'S PASTRY SHOP Phone 37 Seaforth SDHS Subscription Drive BEGINS THIS WEEKEND Under the Curtis Educational Plan the Students of Seaforth District High School will be able to make available to you, at the lowest cost, the best in current reading material and, at the same time, to retain a generous por- tion of the money that is ordinarily sent out of the community. If you are accustomed to subscribing through a local agent, please continue to do so. If you subscribe direct or through an outside agency WE KNOW THAT WE CAN COUNT ON YOU to help make our campaign a success! The profits will be used to finance worthy student activities, including scholar- ships for deserving students. Over 100 Top Canadian and U.S. Publications Plus The Huron Expositor including Saturday Evening Post, Ladies' Home Jourial, Maclean's, Chate- laine, Holiday, Jack and Jill, Canadian Home Journal, Liberty, Life, Look, Time, Better Homes and Gardens, McCall's Redbook and MANY OTHERS. Special offers made direct to you will be accepted by our student salesmen. Order Christmas. Gift Subscriptions Now! To Ensure Delivery For December 25th - THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Amazing ... But True! 11 Yes — These Little Postal Cards Are Still a Cheap Means of Advertising . 40 But it mr‘uld cost over $100.00 to send just ONE of these Postal Card Ads to each of the 2,600 families that read The Huron Expositor each week. This figure does not incline the cost of addressing or printing your message. This $100.00 would buy a lot bigger ad, too—in this newspaper. Or, looking at it an- other way, your $100.00 could get you 20 different ads (same size as a postal card) on 20 different days—instead of only a one-time shot through the mails. Repetition breeds success. For thorough, economical, effective coverage, nothing can match the newspaper. Al- ways consult your newspaper before advertising . . . you get s -o -o -o much more for your money. CALL THE RESULT NUMBER 141 THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth — Phone 141 • • • • • • r s r r w • w r • • • • • •